Not Without You: Part 2/4-Three's Company

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#2 of Not Without You

Sequel to "Runner's High." Further exploits of Lance and Ty, with a few new chara...

Sequel to "Runner's High." Further exploits of Lance and Ty, with a few new characters added in for a good mix =)

DISCLAIMER: This story contains explicit scenes of sexual acts between two GAY furs. If you don't like MxM, or are under 18 (or 21 in some places), feel free to go about your merry way by pressing back. Those of who want to go ahead anyway, don't blame me if I warp your fragile little mind =3


The bell cut loose with its shrill scream as it did every morning at 8:30, signaling the start of the school day. Students made their way to their seats, waiting for the lessons to begin for the day; or going back to sleep, whichever.

Lance sat in corner with his two best friends, a collie named Race, and a jackal named Clark. They'd been friends ever since second grade, and Lance was happy to be friends with them. Of the two, he was closer to Race, though. They'd always played together as kids, and Race knew some of Lance's most intimate secrets; not ALL of them, anyway...not yet.

Lance had always liked Race because he was quiet, sensitive, and open-minded; something that was rare to find in high school. Clark was almost the polar opposite; loud, sarcastic, and about as receptive to new ideas as a rock. He was also on the football team, but wasn't quite in the 'jock' category.

"Another fun day, kicking off with math," grumbled Clark. Lance and Race said nothing; they were used to these early-morning rants. Math wasn't exactly Clark's strong point. "I mean, it's not like I'm gonna USE this stuff any day."

"Yeah, you don't use much math at McDonald's," said Lance, quietly. Race giggled a little.

"Shut up," said Clark. His job wasn't exactly a desirable one; flipping burgers wasn't very glamorous. Not that any of them had amazing jobs; Lance was between jobs, and Race was a video store clerk. But it brought in money, at least a little.

Lance's mind kept wandering, though (not that Clark's rant was very attention-keeping). It had been four weeks since he'd seen Ty now. The snow leopard still was with him, still came to him in his dreams, waking and sleeping. All he could still think of was--

"Ty Richards," came their teacher's voice. Lance felt like a lead weight had been dumped into his stomach. There was Ty, at the head of the class, with the teacher. "I'm afraid some of the teachers have caught that nasty flu bug, and we're short on substitutes, so he'll be joining us for awhile. Have a seat, Ty."

Ty walked down the first aisle, sitting in the opposite corner of Lance. Lance watched him walk down the aisle, as Ty stole a furtive glance at Lance, waving. Lance averted his eyes, pretending not to notice. Ty sat down in the back, trying not to look over at Lance. Lance just buried his face in his arms, hoping no one would see his face going red.

Lance was barely able to concentrate on the lecture with Ty in the same room now. He felt so awkward, but didn't want to look over at him. He was happy Race and Clark couldn't see his face.

When the bell rang, and class was over, Lance didn't want to move. He would have to walk near Ty to get the door. His fear only intensified when Ty started walking towards him. He walked past Lance and to a bookcase nearby, pretending to look in a math reference book, then started walking to the front of the class. On his way past Lance, he dropped a note on his binder. Lance looked at it for a second, then scooped it up and pocketed it.

"You know him?" asked Race, looking over Lance's shoulder. Lance jumped a bit when he spoke. He turned around, nose-to-nose with the collie. He was happy Clark was off talking with his sports buddies.

"Uhh...n-no," stammered Lance, getting up.

"Then how come he's dropping notes on your binder?" asked the collie, following behind Lance.

Lance turned, looking into the collie's deep, brown eyes. He wanted to tell him, about everything, SO badly.

But couldn't. "Maybe he wants a study-buddy or something, I...I don't know."

Race didn't pursue the subject any further. "Okay. But he's picking the wrong guy; you stink at math!"

Lance laughed a little.

"Look, I'll see ya later, after school, right?" asked Race.

"Yeah," said Lance. "We'll run a few laps."

"OK," said Race, clapping Lance on the shoulder. "See ya."

Lance went down to his locker, opening the door and leaning in like he was looking for something. He then opened the note from Ty; "It's OK. Call me," and there was a phone number. He had to stop himself from tearing up a bit. He put the note in the very back of his locker, grabbed the books for his next class, and took off.

It was several periods before he was back at his locker, and when he opened it to grab his lunch, another piece of paper fluttered to the ground. He opened it up and blushed again. It was in the same hand-writing as the first note; "You still owe me a topping" with a little smiley-face doodled next to it. He folded that back up and put it in the back of his locker, too. Ty must've seen him go to his locker at some point, and was apparently willing to forgive Lance. Lance felt so happy inside.

He looked up and down the hallway, hoping maybe Ty was nearby. But there was no sign of the leopard. Lance sighed, grabbing his lunch and going down to the cafeteria.

It was always more noisy in a high school cafeteria than anywhere on earth. Lance's ears actually hurt as he made his way back to his usual table. His friends were already there; Gary, a dalmatian, Rick, a golden lab, Josh, a kangaroo, and Chris, a Bengal tiger. Clark was also in the lunch period with him, but Race had a different one.

"Hey, guys!" said Lance, sitting down.

Replies of 'hello' came back.

"I think I failed that Bio test, what do you think?" said Chris; Chris and Lance were in the same class for Biology.

Lance shrugged. "It wasn't THAT hard."

"Well, you're also a little smarty," said Chris. Chris just barely scraped by in his grades. Not that he was dumb, he just didn't study until the last minute, which didn't really work.

"What was with that new guy in math!?" asked Clark. "Did you SEE the bracelet he was wearing?"

Lance sorta looked away, fidgeting. "No..."

"It was this rainbow-thingy that said 'pride' on it," said Clark. He waved his outstretched hand up and down. "I think he's a 'nith boy,' " he said, putting on a lisp at the end.

The others laughed. Lance didn't say anything.

"Oh, c'mon," said Clark, "don't tell me you're a fruit-lover, Lance!?"

"No, not really," said Lance. "That just isn't nice."

Clark rolled his eyes. "Whatever, man."

Lance let his mind wander a little, wondering what would happen if he DID call Ty. He was also looking over at Josh, who hadn't said a word since Clark's gay-bash. Usually the kangaroo was the most jovial of any of them, laughing at anything, no matter how much in bad taste it was.

By the time Lance was done day-dreaming, there was only five minutes left. He wolfed down his sandwich just before the bell rang. It was the second-last period of the day now, and then he could go running with Race.

When his last class ended, he was practically charged with energy. He ran down to the gym locker room, changed quickly, and got out to the track. Race was already sitting on the bleachers near the track.

"Hey, there," said the dog, standing up. "How far you think you can go?"

"Wanna go with our usual bet?" asked Lance.

"First one to drop buys dinner?" asked Race.

"You're on," said Lance.

The two of them took off around the track, jogging at an even, brisk pace. Both of them were on the track team, so neither was going to be quitting any time soon. After a mile and half, they were still going full-bore, albeit drenched in sweat. After hitting the second-mile mark, Race was starting to wear down; he didn't run near as often as Lance did. His tongue started lolling out of mouth, and he was panting hard.

Lance was still going hard, looking over at his friend. He never realized how attractive the collie was; long, fluffy hair, a healthy build, brown eyes, and a wonderful mix of white, black, and brown fur. In a word; hot.

But Lance knew his friend was straight. He'd never done anything, but Race did have a girlfriend for awhile last year.

Lance shook his head, trying to clear out those thoughts, and kept running. By now, Race was at least five paces behind Lance, and getting slower.

"Okay!" yelled Race, "I give!"

Lance stopped, looking back at his friend. "What, already?"

Race doubled over, putting his hands on his knees. "Shut...up..." he panted. Unlike Lance, he was not an endurance runner, he more did the short-distance sprints.

"So, where're you taking me?" asked Lance, in a sing-song 'haha' voice.

"How does Kelly's sound?" asked Race; Kelly's was a local burger and hots joint.

"Sounds good," said Lance. "Around six?"

"Six-thirty," said Race. "Lots of homework."

They trudged back into the locker room. "You showering?" asked Lance.

"Naw, I'm gonna go home and start my English homework; three-page essay due tomorrow," said Race. "I'm just going to change and go."

"OK," said Lance, stepping into the showers, "I'll see ya at six-thirty."

Lance walked into the showers, hanging up his shorts, boxers, and shirt on the pegs at the front of the shower room, grabbing a towel from the racks. Just before turning on the water, he heard the locker room door open and close; Race leaving.

Lance let the water run for a second or two, until it was nice and hot. He stepped under, letting the water sluice down his fur; over his head, down his chest, rivulets running over his crotch, and down his legs.

He was ready to rub in soap when he heard the door out in the locker room open again. He was curious who else was coming in at this time of day. Maybe the coach, checking to see if anything was left sitting out. Despite being a little mean sometimes, the lion didn't care if Lance used the track and facilities after-school.

Lance closed his eyes when he brushed some soap into his eyes. He turned to the faucet, putting his back to the middle of the shower room. He was still rubbing out the shampoo when he heard paws slapping on the wet floor.

"Coach?" he asked, still blind, "is that you?" He didn't know what the coach would be doing in here; maybe someone else had come in from a work-out.

But no one answered him.


Still no answer. He didn't get a reply until he felt two arms snake around his waist. He jumped a little.

"Hey, there," came a voice.

Lance wiped his eyes clear of soap and looked behind him, right into two golden eyes. "Ty!"

Ty just grinned at him.

"How'd you know I was here?" asked Lance.

"I've been keeping tabs on you since math," said Ty, "and that wasn't easy, running to your classes after mine to see where you went next."

"I'm sorry I never came back, I just--"

Ty put a finger to Lance's lips. "It's alright. I know; it's not always easy coming to realize some things about yourself."

"So, what do you wanna do?" asked Lance, when he suddenly realized Ty was standing behind him nude.

"I don't know," said Ty coyly, "who's turn was it?"

"Well, you got two and I had one," said Lance. "so I guess it's you." Lance turned around. Both of them were already hard, and they brushed against one another. Lance reached down and fondled Ty's balls, rolling the furry orbs around in his fingers. Ty grunted a little as his testicles were massaged around.

Lance kept a grip on Ty as he sank lower and lower, both of them still under the faucet. He reached back to turn it off, but Ty stopped him. "Leave it on." Lance grinned and relented.

Removing his paws from Ty's nuts, Lance rubbed his muzzle against Ty's cock.

"Mrrr...for a second-timer, you certainly know how to please a boy," said Ty.

Lance said nothing, just licked at Ty's cock-head, playing his tongue over the glans. He teased the rest of Ty's shaft from its sheath, not that it needed much encouragement. Ty reached over and braced himself against the wall, panting. He'd had a few guys go down on him before, and they'd been 'seasoned,' but this was better than any of them had ever been. Lance's tongue was magic on his flesh.

Lance let a little more of Ty's member sink in. Ty bucked his hip a little, more from reaction than intent. He didn't think Lance was ready for a face-fuck yet.

Lance kept pushing more of Ty into his mouth, slurping up precum that was leaking from Ty's dick.

"Going for a throating?" asked Ty, through ragged breaths.

Lance had no idea what a 'throating' was, but he was trying to get all of Ty's cock into his mouth. But when he felt the cockhead press against the back of his mouth, he understood the meaning of the term. He tried to keep Ty's cock down there, fully engulfed, swirling his tongue along his shaft. He also brought his hand back up to Ty's balls.

Ty was trying to keep his orgasm from reaching its pinnacle; he didn't want this moment to end. But he already felt his testicles churning, and the base of his sheath felt fuzzy. He knew semen was flooding up through his cock. He curled his fists as he spasmed into Lance's mouth. Lance was barely prepared for the rush of salty fluid. He swallowed the first few spurts, the rest dribbling down his muzzle and Ty's cock.

Ty gasped in breath, still braced against the wall, water washing away the cum on both of them. "Wow..."

Lance looked up, licking cum off his muzzle. "Yeah. My turn again?" asked Lance hopefully.

"Yeah," said Ty, helping him up. Then Ty went around behind him, kneeling down.

"W-What're you doing?" asked Lance.

"Just wait," said Ty. "Forgot my lube." He grabbed both sides of Lance's rear end.

"What does that have to do wi--WHOA!" exclaimed Lance. He shuddered a bit as Ty pushed his tongue into Lance's tailhole. "What is THAT!?"

Ty pulled his face out. "Rimming. I figured you were clean enough for it. Don't you like it?"

"Yeah...I do," said Lance.

Ty buried his face back under Lance's tail. He was trying to loosen and slick up Lance's hole for another butt-fuck when the door opened. Ty jumped back to his feet. "Who's that?"

"Anyone in here?" came a voice.

"The coach!" hissed Lance. "Quick, under that shower, and get the water on!"

Ty jumped under the next shower head, turning it on, jumping at the cold water. He was so sooner 'washing' than the coach appeared.

"Oh, just you, Lance," he said, looking over at Ty. "Who's your friend?"

"Just another runner, wanted to use the track with me," said Lance, turning away to hide his throbbing erection. "That okay?"

The coach nodded. "Sure. I'll leave the keys in the door, just lock up when you leave."

"OK," said Lance.

With that, the coach left.

"That was close," said Lance, turning off the water.

"I liked it when WE were close better," said Ty, throwing his arms around Lance's neck and nuzzling him. "How 'bout we get dressed and take this somewhere more...private?"

Lance smiled. "I'd like to, but I promised a friend I'd meet them for dinner. He owes me."

"Oh...," said Ty, looking dejected.

"But I WILL call you tonight, okay?" he said. "I promise."

Now Ty grinned. "Okay." He slapped Lance on the butt. "Let's get dressed."

Lance rubbed his butt, grinning. "But why would we wanna do that?"

As the two of them dressed and left, they had missed one very important thing, which had been there since Race and Lance had come in from their run; a kangaroo, pressed up against one of the lockers, listening to and watching everything.


Race and Lance walked into Kelly's. It was one of those retro-style, 60's-diner theme kind of restaurants; but the food was cheap and good. It was a popular hang-out for students.

"Nothing like paying up on a bet!" said Lance, sitting down, ordering a chocolate milkshake.

"Yeah, yeah...," said Race, good-naturedly, ordering the same thing. Then they both got a chili-cheese burger with onion-rings; same thing they always got.

"Ready for next week's meet?" asked Lance.

"Yeah," said Race. "The thirty-meter is gonna be cake!"

"I'm ready for the marathon," said Lance. "Practicing like crazy!"

Race took a slug from his shake. "I still wanted to ask you...who was that leopard from earlier?"

Lance almost choked on his own shake. "I told ya, no one."

"No one? Just giving you notes? Then just happens to walk into the locker room after hours?" asked Race.

"I'm sure it was just a coincidence; I didn't even see him in there," said Lance, suddenly staring at the table.

"So what did the note say?" asked Race.

"The wha?" asked Lance, lamely.

"The note."

"Umm...I don't really...remember," he said, not even believing it himself; and he was saying it,

Race just leaned back. "Okay."

"Look, I just--"

"No," said Race, "really, if you don't wanna tell me, it's okay."

"I'll...I'll tell you later," said Lance. "Just not here, okay?"

Race nodded. "Okay."

Their food arrived then, and the two of them slipped into silence, just concentrating on eating.

When they left, they got into Race's car, which they'd driven to the restaurant. They were silent until they got to Lance's house.

"Okay," said Lance. "I think I can tell you now."

Race reached down and turned off the ignition. "What's up?"

"'re my best friend, right?" asked Lance, quietly.

"Absolutely," said Race, putting a hand on Lance's shoulder. "Anything you have to tell me, I'm here."

"Okay...but it doesn't leave this car, alright?"

"I promise," said Race.

Lance took a deep breath. "The leopard that gave me the note...I do know him. A month ago, we...we..."

Race just waited, quietly and patiently.

"We had sex," said Lance. "And I LIKED it. Race, I'm gay. I think he wants to be my boyfriend."

Race said nothing, just stared at the steering wheel.

"Race?" asked Lance, a pit forming in his stomach.

"It's cool," said Race. "If that's your choice, it's cool. Not like I'm gonna stop being your friend, or anything." He smiled.

Lance smiled, too. "Okay. I feel better, now." Race reached across the center console and hugged Lance. Lance was a little shocked, but liked it, and threw an arm around Race. When Race let go, Lance opened the door. "I'd...better go."

"I'll see ya in class tomorrow," said Race through the doorway. "And Lance?"

"Yeah?" he asked, looking back.

"I'm glad you told me," said Race.

Lance smiled again. "Yeah. G'night."

When the door closed, Race drove away. When he got home, he walked into the living room, sitting down next to his sister, who was three years older than him. in the living room, sighing loudly.

"What's wrong?" asked his sister.

"Nothing," said Race.

"I know that look," she said. "And that is the look Race gets when something in bothering him more than usual. Spill it."

He looked around. "Are mom and dad home?"

She shook her head. "PTA meeting."

"OK...I just found out my best friend is gay," he said, feeling like a jerk for blabbing.

"Lance? So? Is there something wrong with that?" asked his sister, a little shocked at him.

"No, no, I mean, he's still my's bothering me," he said. "He's already with a guy."

"Hehe, you're funny when you're jealous," she said.

"When I'm WHAT!?" he asked.

"Jealous. Of whoever this other fur is," she said.

"I am NOT!" he said. "Nothing wrong with being gay, but I am not."

She shrugged, standing up. "Say it all you like, but I know my brother; and I know when he's jealous of something. And you might as well be painted green."

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Maybe because you wanted the chance to be with Lance," she said.

"That's just stupid," said Race. "He's my friend, not my BOYfriend."

She giggled. "Whatever, little bro. All I'm saying is, maybe you think about that." She left and went upstairs.

He leaned forward, frowning. He'd never seen Lance like that before. Not until he'd heard he was maybe taken. But he didn't think he was gay either. But when he thought of being with Lance the way this other guy had been, it did make him swoon a little.

"Oh, man," he said.


Lance walked into the kitchen, the smell of pizza catching his nostrils. There was a box with a note of top if it; "Pizza here for you. Went out to emergency meeting. Be home at 10. Do your homework, be in bed by 11. Mom and Dad."

He sighed. His parents owned their own law firm, and were out of the house ALL the time. Whereas he usually enjoyed the freedom, he really didn't want to be alone right now.

He opened the lid on the pizza, but his stomach reminded him of his burger from dinner, and he closed the box.

Roaming around the house, he couldn't land on one single thing to do; couldn't get in to TV shows, no CD's appealed to him, he played XBox for about thirty seconds before turning it off, tried to lay down on the couch and read but couldn't sit still. He wanted to do something. He looked over at the clock; 9:20.

He got up and was going for a drink when the doorbell rang. Who would be here this late?

He opened the door and was a little surprised when he saw who was there. "Josh?"

The small-stature kangaroo stood on the front porch, twirling the end of his shirt sleeve around and thumping his large tail. "Uh...h-hi, Lance."

"What are you doing here?" asked Lance. "I can't come out; it's a school night."

"I...I was hoping to come in," said Josh, not meeting Lance's eyes.

Lance stepped aside, letting the kangaroo in. "Are your parents home?" he asked, looking around as he took of his jacket.

"No," said Lance, "job emergency."

"So just you?" asked Josh.

"Just me," said Lance. "Wanna a drink, or some pizza? Plenty left over."

"S-sure," said Josh. "Just water."

Lance reached up and got a glass down, started filling it with water. "So, what can I do for you?"

"Plenty," said Josh. "I...I saw what you and the leopard did in the locker room showers today."

The glass Lance was filling shattered when it hit the bottom of the sink. "You what!?"

"I was in the locker room when you and Race came in," said Josh. "I was putting some things away for the football team. I was just finishing when the leopard--"

"His name is TY," said Lance, sourly.

"--sorry, Ty, walked in," said Josh. "I saw him go in the shower and you two...well, ya know."

"So?" asked Lance, turning around. "Come to blackmail me? I thought we were friends!?"

"We ARE," said Josh, walking over to Lance. "That's why I was hoping you'd accept what I came to you for." He took a deep breath. "I want to be with you like that, too."

Lance looked up. "You...what?"

"I want what Ty had with you," said Josh. "Lance, I've known I'm gay for, like, two years now. But I'm still a...y'know..."

"Virgin?" added Lance.

"Yeah," said Josh. "I've never known anyone else I knew for sure was...that way," said Josh. "Until you. I've always thought you were cute."

"That's very nice, but Ty and I are involved," said Lance, pushing past him.

"Is it for sure?" asked Josh.

", not yet anyway--"

"Then what's the harm?" asked Josh, grabbing Lance's arm. "Just one time?"

Lance shook free of Josh. "I think you should go."

"You don't want me tell, do you?" asked Josh, quietly.

Lance turned to him again, shocked. "You would--"

"I would," said Josh. "I REALLY want you, Lance."

"So you'll tell everyone you came onto me? You'll out yourself, too," said Lance.

"Nuh-uh," said Josh. "Just you and Ty; you're the ones that fucked around in the shower."

Lance looked away. "You--"

"Come on!" pleaded Josh. He took Lance's face in his paws. "Would it be THAT bad?"

Lance looked down at the kangaroo, at his broad shoulders, chiseled chest, and the point in his pants.

"I...guess not," mumbled Lance.

Josh giggled. "It'll be good; I promise." He looked around. "But I don't want to do it HERE. Where can we get privacy?

"My room?" suggested Lance.

"Perfect," said Josh. He let Lance lead him upstairs. Lance locked the door behind them.

"OK, foxy-boy," said Josh, pulling of his own shirt, letting his muscles come into view. "Now you're mine." He grabbed Lance, pressing him against the door, kissing him deeply. Lance threw his arms around Josh's head, pulling him closer, exchanging his tongue with Josh's.

They broke their embrace only to get Lance's shirt and pants off. Josh grabbed Lance's cock through the thin fabric of the boxers. "Ooh, big foxy, too."

Lance blushed a little. He reached into Josh's pants, over the boxers. "Well, guess it's all true what they say about guys with big feet."

Josh laughed hard, jiggling Lance's balls as he did, and Lance murred deep in his throat.

"C'mon," said Josh, leading Lance to his bed by the cock. Just before pushing Lance down on the bed, he stripped off Lance's boxers. His own pants flew to the ground next.

Lance was face-down on the bed, Josh on top of him, his cock pressing into the small of Lance's back. "Ever been butt-fucked?"

"Yeah," said Lance, "just once."

"Wanna make it twice?" asked Josh.

"Don't you wanna lead up to that?" asked Lance.

Josh paused. "We can." He put his head under Lance's tail, sucking on his balls from behind. Unlike when Ty had licked them, Josh had Lance's ENTIRE sac in his mouth, playing Lance over with his mouth. Lance just moaned as his testicles danced in Josh's mouth.

Josh stopped sucking on Lance's balls and moved up between his legs, legs first. Lance's cock was right in his face. "Okay, stretch down to the other side."

"What?" asked Lance, confused.

"Put your muzzle down between my legs, but leave your cock down here," said Josh. "Come on, I've always wanted to try this!"

"What's 'this' exactly?" asked Lance.

"Sixty-nining," said Josh.

Lance was somewhat familiar with the concept. He did as instructed.

"OK," said Josh.

"OK, whaaaaAAAAAA--" yelped Lance as Josh set to work.

"Come on, you, too!" said Josh, resuming.

Lance brought his mouth down on Josh's dick, leading with tongue, slicking the way. He tried to ignore the pleasure between his legs, which kept making his feet and hips kick. But he managed to keep getting Josh's cock in his mouth, up and down, licking down the underside of Josh's shaft, pausing at a particularly sensitive bit of skin; he got the clue when Josh's tail wagged uncontrollably and he stopped sucking to give a muffled 'guh.'

Josh had pushed Lance's cock straight down his throat, deep-breathing through his nose. He got so far down, he could actually lick Lance's balls with his cock still in his mouth. But he eventually concentrated on Lance's cockhead, playing his tongue over the sensitive glans. He knew he was getting a reaction when Lance bucked his hips a little.

Lance was trying not to flex his muscles, because it hastened his orgasm. He was trying to make it last; it felt so GOOD. Cum kept pushing up through his shaft; it felt like gallons had collected in there. He was trying to push it down again, but felt one little pulse come through his maleness, and then it came in a flood. He felt his orgasm hit hard, spreading warmth and pleasure throughout his entire body. Josh seemed to have a good gag reflex, because none of Lance's load came out his mouth; Josh swallowed the whole thing.

And while fighting to not scream in elation, he managed to finish Josh. He pulled his tongue over Josh's 'spot' once more, and felt his cock start to twitch in his mouth. Lance, however, was also better prepared. However, Josh streamed more cum into his mouth than Ty had, and some of it dribbled down onto Josh's testes. Lance bent down and licked if off, taking the opportunity to suck at Josh's balls.

"Oh, MAN," said Josh, sitting up. "Who knew it was THAT good!?" He leaned over, licking some of his own semen off of Lance's muzzle. "What should we try next?"

"You ready to go again already!?" asked Lance, licking the side of Josh's face affectionately.

"Gonna take all I can get!" said Josh. He crawled over behind Lance, keeping him in his side. "Ever rimmed?"

"Ty started earlier, but never finISHED!" said Lance as Josh picked up where Ty left off. He buried his tongue far down in Lance's hole, loosening him up. Lance's tailhole flexed and tightened a little, but Josh applied a couple fingers to help, then a little more tongue, trying to get Lance nice and wet.

Lance just went with it, precum dripping off his head. When Josh saw that, he stopped his tongue-intensive preparation and went straight for the fun part. He crawled up closer to Lance and pressed his erect cock against his tailhole. Plunging himself inside, Lance loosened up further rather than tightening again. Lance sighed as Josh hilted himself, his dick rubbing Lance's prostate. That was something Ty had missed, and Lance LIKED it.

Josh was busy humping Lance, kissing the fox up and down his neck, nuzzling him. Then, he reached around under Lance's arm and started to paw-off the obviously re-excited fox. Lance murred, getting pleasure from both ends.

"Like that?" asked Josh, his paw moving up and down Lance's shaft in time with his own thrusts.

"Yeah," said Lance. "Harder, and deeper."

Josh did as instructed, pressing himself in until his pelvic bone pressed into Lance's rear. Lance yelped a little, in happiness, not pain. He felt his balls tightening up again, preparing to unload. He closed his eyes in enjoyment when he came all over Josh's paw. His cock flexed several times, spilling another sizeable load over Josh.

Josh was still pulling himself in and out of Lance, feeling his heat mixing with the fox's, feeling warmth rising in his kangaroo cock. He had a vague sense of Lance's penis pulsing in his hand, but ignored it in his throes. He was grunting hard, sweat pouring down his brow. He licked a little of Lance's cum off his hand, smelling the intense scent of it.

When Josh was ready to cum, he flexed his cock muscles, trying to hold it in. He managed for a few seconds, which made his orgasm much more intense. His semen spurted up into Lance's behind, warmth spreading across Lance's tailhole, dribbling onto the bed. Josh kept pulling his cock in and out, even as his orgasm was occurring, trying to prolong the moment and the feeling. But, eventually, he was spent. He collapsed onto the bed, putting his arm around Lance.

"How was it?" asked Josh, devilishly.

"Amazing," said Lance, still finding Josh's jiz around his mouth. He felt none of the uncertainty from his first encounter; except of how he could face Ty after this.

But now, he didn't care; he just looked over his shoulder at Josh. "I am sorta tired, though."

"Then we can sleep," said Josh, brushing away Lance's hair from his face. "Right here."

Lance kissed Josh. "I'd like that. But you know, there's still...Ty..."

"I know," said Josh. "But this is what I REALLY wanted; to be here with you."

Lance smiled. "OK."

The two of them fell asleep, Josh's arm around him, his cock still in Lance's tailhole, they keeping each other warm.


Ty sat by the phone, waiting for Lance's call. It was after eleven now, and still no call. He was worried; worried Lance had lied again, that he wasn't going to call, that he'd made another mistake. He didn't want to believe Lance was standing him up again; maybe he was busy, doing homework or something.

He took the phone upstairs with him, falling asleep with it on his chest.


Race woke up, yelping a bit, sweat pouring off his body. He'd gone to bed early, trying to get his mind off everything. But his subconscious made him deal with it, regardless of whether he wanted to or not. Images of Lance, nude and beckoning. Race told himself he wasn't turned on, it meant nothing; but the erection and spot of pre in his boxers begged a different case.

He got up and went into the bathroom, splashing water across his face. He looked into his own eyes in the mirror. At his shirtless chest. At his crotch, that still had his pink shaft sticking straight out. Lance kept invading his mind. Was it a sure thing with this other guy? Did he even WANT to try?

Sighing, he went back to bed, getting in and staring the ceiling. He knew he wouldn't be sleeping at all today.

He rolled over and grabbed the phone from his bedstand.


Lance woke up slowly, his eyes blurry. He felt Josh's arm still over him, and remember what he'd been doing, and smiled. He still felt the roo's cock corking his hole, as hard as it was two hours ago. He could hear the TV downstairs; his parents were home.

He reached over and shook Josh. "Hey," he said, quietly. "Wake up."

Josh's eyes opened slowly. He grinned. "Good morning."

"Not quite," said Lance. "It's after twelve, and my parents are home." He pulled himself off of Josh's impalement. He stood and got dressed again.

"Aww, what a shame," said Josh, propping himself up on his elbow, his cock still stiff as a board. "Wanna go for round three?" he asked, in a low, seductive voice.

"I've think you've gotten enough for one night," said Lance, throwing Josh's boxers over his face. Josh plucked them off, grinning.

"Okay, I GUESS," he said standing and re-pantsing. He hugged Lance, and kissed him again. "Thanks."

"I didn't do much," said Lance, blushing.

"You did enough," said Josh. "Ty's lucky."

"Not THAT lucky," said Lance.

"Hey, this doesn't count," said Josh. "Think of it as experimenting. You're not locked down yet."

"Yeah...," said Lance, scuffing at the carpet.

Josh kissed him again. "Out the window?"

Lance looked blank for a second, then realization dawned. "Oh, yeah. There's an overhang under it. You can get down pretty easy from there."

Josh opened the window, slipping onto the overhang. "See ya later."

"Yeah, later," said Lance.

With that, Josh crept to edge, dropped to the driveway, and was gone.

Lance sighed. He sat on the bed, feeling like a bastard for sleeping with Josh. But Josh was sort of right; it didn't count.

As he was thinking of that, he remembered he never called Ty. He fumbled for his phone, ready to dial, when the phone rang in his hand. He paused for a second. "Hello? Oh, hey Race! Is something wrong?, that's not a problem, we can meet tomorrow after everything okay? Alright, tomorrow. Yeah, at three. Bye."

He hung up the phone, finding it odd that Race would call in the middle of the night to ask him to meet him on the football field tomorrow; Race didn't even LIKE football.

Looking over at the clock, he realized it was near twelve-thirty. Ty was probably in bed; he'd talk with him in math class tomorrow.

He crawled into bed, smelling of sweat and sex. But this time, he didn't care.


Author's note: Yeah, this saw the advent of the over-used 'locker room shower' scene; but those are always hot!!!! *ahem* Also a couple new 'interests,' which will be pursued further. Race in particular I have plenty of 'ideas' for (cuz collies are friggin' sexy!) ;P There will be a part three, maybe a four if I can get plenty of storyline to back it.

Oh, and, as always, I wanna hear from you guys. Don't be afraid to speak up!