The intern

Story by Robert Baird on SoFurry

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#3 of It's been a quiet week in Cannon Shoals...

"All our representatives are currently busy..." Two technicians at a small-town ISP employ some creative troubleshooting techniques and find a new use for ethernet patch cable...

"All our representatives are currently busy..." Two technicians at a small-town ISP employ some creative troubleshooting techniques and find a new use for ethernet patch cable...

Okay! Back to form with us! Here is a short little story about a Border collie and an elkhound who are bored at work and what do you think happens? What do you think? I bet you can guess :P

Released under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. Share, modify, and redistribute -- as long as it's attributed and noncommercial, anything goes.

"The intern" ** by ** Rob Baird


"Think the whole thing's not responding, to be honest. Probably looking at a system failure."

Sean flicked his ears back, acutely aware of the implication. The plush Millennium Falcon resting on the elkhound's desk meant that he was next up in rotation to fix such things, and it had been there for less than a day. "But..."

Not to be denied, his boss shook her head. "Go pull Dancer." After a moment, the malamute paused. "And take the intern."

Sean Gerhardsen, twenty-three years old and not long past internship himself, grinned and hopped to his feet. "Sure, Tam."

He found the intern -- her name was Alexis Cowan, but everyone thought of her as "the intern," a title she'd inherited from Sean -- on her knees in front of the office refrigerator.

This, like everything at the ISP, had seen better days: it was not new enough to work right, and not old enough for nostalgia to have lent its antiquity some secondary purpose. But it kept their precious supplies of Red Stripe and Coke cold, so. What was the use of complaining? "Hey, Lex."

The Border collie tilted her head, and her feathered tail thumped the breakroom floor. "Hi?"

"Got a minute?"

Behind thin glasses, her eyes sparkled. "Yeah?" She was in a perpetually good mood, or at least a perpetually energetic one. It was a youthful appearance enhanced by her style of dress -- torn blue jeans; hair tied back. A shirt with a routing diagram illustrating members of the Fellowship in eight-bit art, captioned TOLKIEN RING NETWORK. "What's up?"

"Problems with the E-mail server, apparently. Tam wants us to have a look."

Lex shoved the last of the bottles into place and hopped to her feet. "You know what the problem is?"

"Not a clue."

She slipped past him, out into the hallway. "Somebody hacked our YouTubes again, I bet. Check the firewall."

He laughed. Cannon Shoals, a small fishing town on the Oregon coast, did not see much excitement. Lex had seen this firsthand early on in her internship, when a riot had broken out in Oak Valley -- an even smaller hamlet upriver. A few enterprising reporters, keen on Internet 'journalism,' found their uploads failing.

"Are the police hacking your YouTubes?" one had asked, suggesting nefarious intent, and then continued: "I even tried my editor's special HTTP but it won't upstream."

"Special?" Lex had asked.

"HTTPS, that's what it stands for. My editor has one that the police can't hack."

"And you... don't?" The Border collie, to her credit, had kept a remarkably straight face.

"No. But it can't be me. My firewall still has 4Gs." And they held up their phone for inspection.

Of course, it hadn't been their fault. But neither Sean nor Tamara had been able to explain that the problem was that the town's telecommunications network was simply old and slow and broken. For all he knew, they'd gone back to their newspaper having filed police interference as a news story.

The ISP, Whitewater Communications, was relatively new and tried to make the best of it. Sean was from Eugene, and knew that there were places where DSL exceeded 128 kilobits per second, but again -- what was the use in complaining? The town was beautiful, and quiet, and cheap -- perfect for an aspiring artist like himself. Besides, if he connected from the office, things were fast enough.

Sometimes the town showed its age. Whitewater was located in an old butcher's shop, and the server room had once been a meat locker. Food safety posters on the wall dated back to the 1970s; he'd convinced Tamara to keep them around. BE 'COOL' AROUND ANHYDROUS AMMONIA, said one, posted over the first-aid section of an MSDS.

It was quirky.

As it turned out, someone had really done a number on Whitewater's YouTubes this time, because Dancer -- one of the oldest of the computers on the rack -- wouldn't even finish loading when they tried to restart it. "Comet's fine?" Sean asked, closing the door behind them and checking to make sure it had locked.

Lex was busy with the keyboard, but presently she nodded. "Yep. Want me to boot Dancer with the diagnostic OS?"

"Might as well," he shrugged, and handed over a USB key hanging on the wall. The colliegirl was quick, and knew what she was doing -- probably, if he was honest, better than he did. It was only a temporary job for her, while she took a year off from Oregon State, but he thought Lex was a natural.

This was partly why he had let her handle it. Partly, it was also because he liked looking at her bent over the terminal, with her tail wagging slowly and her cute little ears perked up. He observed this thoughtfully for a moment or two, and then stepped forward.

"Gonna take a while," she said, feeling him come up behind her. "But it's started, at least."

Sean hooked one arm around the collie's belly, and rested his muzzle on her shoulder. "How long is 'a while,' in this case?"

Lex tilted her head, and turned towards him. He caught the scent of honeysuckle from her shampoo, and the warmth of her breath when she snickered. "Depends? We're supposed to be working, Sean."

"I know." He nuzzled up through her soft, silky mane and nosed into her ear. "I'm on orders."

Lex's quizzical grunt suggested unwarranted skepticism, so he nosed her again, and this time he slid his paw under her t-shirt to toy with her belly-fur. Her fingers came to a halt on the keyboard. "Orders?"

"'Pull Dancer,' Tam said. Already did that. Then she said: 'Take the intern.'"

"I don't think that's what she meant."

He slowly worked her shirt upwards, baring more of her trim belly. Lex looked pretty good in a t-shirt, Sean thought; unfortunately for professionalism, she looked far better without it. "Well, if you disagree, don't let me keep you from working..."

Lex grunted again, and nudged his hips with hers. He pushed back, letting her wagging tail beat against his thighs. "You are such a single-minded dog," she told him severely -- but she did abandon the keyboard for a moment to lift her arms over her head, letting him pull her t-shirt all the way off. He paused in his ministrations to step back and look at her properly.

The deep, stark black saddle hid the curve of her spine, but it called sharp attention to the bleached white of her front and sides. He loved her for her snowy fur, even if she did get it all over his furniture and then deny her culpability. He let her; she always got what she wanted.

Like now. She'd accused him of being a bit lewd, which was true, but now she turned and looked over her shoulder. "I didn't tell you to stop..."

Chuckling, he slipped up behind her again, and his paws tugged through her fur lovingly. Fingers splayed, he worked through her fuzzy pelt to the lean flesh below, up to her ribs -- she sucked her breath in, and her back arched, and he nuzzled her ear playfully. "How's it coming?"

"Finds all the peripherals o -- kay!" she squeaked, because he'd found the nipple of her right breast and given it a soft pinch between thumb and forefinger. Actually, finding it had not been difficult; the chill of the server room called her nipples out in pert relief.

"Memory test?"


Sean squeezed lightly. She was not especially well endowed -- a small pawful, though, and so that was what his paw did. One of them, anyway; the other felt around nearby until he found what he was looking for... "Gonna take a bit to finish that..."


"Turn around."

She did, and he used the opportunity presented to give the colliegirl the kiss she'd been busy earning. Her eyes brightened, and those adorable folded ears came up as high as they'd go. "Hi?"

Smoothly, so that she couldn't figure out what he was doing until he was already doing it, he took her paws and lifted them up above her head. She cocked it, watching him. And then he pinned her wrists against the server rack, while his free hand grabbed the ethernet cable he'd found.

Lex clicked her teeth together, and didn't move until he'd looped the cable once and drawn it tight enough to hold her in place. "Is that an approved use for Cat 6?"

"Approved by?"

The colliegirl wriggled her wrists, testing the ersatz restraint. "I 'unno. The IEEE?"

He had enough left for another coil, and then tied the cable off. It was tight enough to keep her in place; loose enough not to chafe the soft fur of her wrists. "Pretty sure not. You want to write up the RFC?"

"Maybe for my thesis," Lex grinned.

Sean gave her nose a kiss, and then glanced over at the terminal -- the memory test was still running, continuing apace. Plenty of time left for a good distraction or two. He bent down, and lapped gently at her nipple, leaving the pink flesh glistening and stiff in the chilly room. Lex let out a gentle woof when his tongue left her, so the elkhound did it again, and this time he tilted his head, leaning into her and suckling with a teasing pressure.

She squirmed, and he heard her breathing becoming shallow and strained. Alexis was fun to play with: it was not why he'd worked to get her the internship, but it definitely helped pass the slow times in the office. And when he felt her shudder and grunt in pleasure, he let her nipple go and went for the other one, lavishing attention on it. And his finger came up, and tugged at the thin blue ribbon that nestled between her breasts. "What's this?"


He brought the plastic trinket at the end up so that she could see it, and lifted an eyebrow.

"Oh. My grep whistle?"

"Your gr..." He got halfway through the first word and then shook his head. "That's not even how it's pronounced. What are we going to do with you, Lex?"

"Gosh, Sean, I don't know." She dipped her head and grinned a goofy, good-natured grin at him. "You seem to have had the right idea..."

He nosed sharply into her fur, dragging a broad line down her belly and leaving a furrow disturbed by his whuffing breath. Lex shivered -- as if, despite her thick coat, the collie was still cold -- and sucked her stomach in away from his nose.

The button of her jeans proved to be an issue.

It was not an issue because he did not know how to remove them, only because he felt he had been accomplishing a lot with just his teeth and wanted to keep up the good work. He tried for a few seconds, nosing and nibbling at the catch, until giving up -- but it kept his muzzle obligingly close when he pulled her pants down, and let him snag her panties easily with his sharp incisors.

A quick glance upward found that Lex had abandoned her observation of the terminal entirely to watch him. He grinned, gave a mock growl, and when he drew his breath in found that his nose filled with the colliegirl's heady scent, the sweet smell of her shampoo mixing with her unmistakable arousal.

The growl that followed was genuine.

He worked her panties down to her knees, and then pushed her legs apart with his muzzle for easier access. She went along easily, lifting one leg from her jeans so that she could widen her stance. The fur of her inner thighs was warm white velvet around his cold nosepad, and he nudged deliberately upward, reveling in her soft coat. She took such good care of herself. He also tried to take good care of her, but -- well --

Single-minded dog.

Lex sighed happily when the elkhound's tongue lapped gently at her lips, flicking soft and inquisitive on the smooth, slick flesh. He worked his way from the bottom upwards, stopping just short of her clit -- then he did it again. And again, until her sighing had started to shift into shallow, strained gasps and when he looked up he saw that her eyes had closed.

The wet, smooth flat heat of his tongue caressed her slowly, centimeter by centimeter, as he felt every jolt of pleasure twitching his girlfriend's lanky black and white frame. And when he slipped his tongue inside her, and his growling pushed a happy vibration up and inside her core, her knees buckled and he heard a breathy, whispered oath as the bindings at her wrist caught, and kept her upright.

He devoured her, the sound of his hungry, eager slurping louder than the cooling system in the server room and her whimpering cries louder still. Sean lifted his muzzle a few degrees, drawing his wet tongue over her clit and the collie bucked hard, with the cutest of little barks. For a second or two he suckled ever so gently on that sensitive little bud, then let her go to plant a deep kiss at the cleft of her increasingly wet folds, his tongue worming between them as her juices soaked into the short fur of his blunt muzzle.

Lex's face was strained and set into a mask of ecstasy that looked almost painful -- her adorable folded ears pinned back, her whiskers quivering as her muzzle tensed. Her back was beginning to flex and arch and he growled louder into her cunny, spreading her with his tongue and drinking in her scent as she quivered on his nose.

One more deliberate drag of his tongue, feeling her thighs trembling more and more forcefully to either side of his head. He guided himself back to her clit, closing his lips about it, lapping with his tongue and willing her to --

He heard a strange little high whining moan and then he went deaf, because her legs had clamped around his head and forced his ears flat. Instead he contented his lewd inquisitiveness with the way her slim hips jerked erratically and the feeling of her muscles spasming close to his lips, her musky feminine odor overpowering and close and the wetness spilling onto him ensuring that he would smell her for days.

Sean did not want to pull away, except that he also wanted to breathe again -- some day -- and when she finally relaxed he tumbled back from her and caught himself with one paw, looking up to see the tension relaxing on her face, ebbing into something soft and sated. Her eyes looked... unfocused. "Sean..." she murmured.


"Un --" She gasped and sucked in her breath as an aftershock tensed her. "Untie me?"

"You think we're done?" he teased.

Lex was beginning to get her wits back about her; she pursed her lips. "No. What if I wanted to... you know... to repay the favor?"

He shrugged, and although he was not an actor he thought the way he pretended not to care was extremely convincing. "Maybe," he said. "Or maybe later."

"What now, then?"

He sat up carefully, and unfastened his pants and belt. Shoved them down over the bulge in his briefs. They were rather nice jeans, and rather eye-catching briefs, but it seemed to be the bulge that held Lex's interest. She licked her muzzle. Whined. And he grinned up at her: "What was that?"

"Whatwaswhat?" she mumbled, still staring.

"You whined. Need something, Lex?"

The Border collie supported herself on one leg, and the dubious assistance of the ethernet cable tying her paws. With the other, she stretched out until she could get the fabric of the briefs between her toes. Dextrous toes. She had a lot of practice with things like that.

He didn't stop her. Another tug, and the stiff, pink flesh of his shaft jutted proudly up and towards her, bobbing lightly when he shifted to get comfortable. "Happy now?"

She shook her head.

So he got up, then, slow like it was an imposition, and came up in front of her until they were eye to eye. Carefully, mindful of her position, the colliegirl slid one leg behind him to pull the elkhound close, and he helped her lift that leg up with his paw to find the right angle. His cock glided into her belly-fur -- he groaned, and twitched, and felt a spurt of his precum spill through that silken pelt. "Lex, Lex, Lex..."

"Sean," she whimpered back, and squirmed to try and get herself closer. "C'mon."

The elkhound took a half step back and looked downwards. Guided himself to her with his other paw, taking his length between his fingers to slide the pointed, eager tip over her wet lips until he was nice and slick with her own juices. "C'mon what?"

"Fuck me, Sean," she begged. Puppy-dog eyes fixed him.

He lifted up slightly to push just inside her, letting out a quiet grunt. Her slick pussy opened up around him, engulfing the tip of his cock in moist, welcoming heat. "You don't get to give me orders," he pointed out. "You're tied up."

She'd been momentarily distracted by the feeling of him starting to enter her, but this claim brought her back. She cocked her head, lifting an eyebrow thoughtfully. Wriggled her hips to work him a half-inch deeper. "sudo fuck me?"

It was so unexpected he couldn't help his barking laugh. And he leaned in to kiss her deeply, arching his hips to push into her wet, snug womanhood smoothly, until their hips were flush and he could feel her gripping every inch of his cock. He stayed there, buried in her for a second, and pulled away from her muzzle. "You dork..."

"You love me," she giggled, and nosed forward until their lips touched again.

"Well. Yeah..."

He wrapped an arm around the collie, hugging her, and started to move. Slow, deep thrusts, enjoying, savoring every moment of it. She was so wet, so worked up that there was no resistance as he slipped into her, just the slick, textured caress of her pussy enveloping him snugly. Hot, pulsing around him, shuddering when she arched her hips in time to his inward strokes.

For a minute or two or so -- he wanted to think it was longer, at least -- he kept this up. Smooth, fluid pumps to fill his girlfriend up with the throbbing, familiar heat of his member. Withdrawing just as easily, as she squeezed down around him and her folds tugged wetly at the contours of his cock like she was trying to keep him inside her. Of course. She was. And between that, and the feeling of cold air on his wet shaft, it was more than easy enough to take her again...

The problem with savoring was that it made it harder to endure. He could already feel his knot starting to swell -- small at first, but noticeable enough that Lex groaned the first time he slipped it inside her. Helpless, giving in to his urges, Sean began to thrust faster, and faster. He heard her groan again, and her lithe back arched -- her arms tugging hard at the restraints as she cried out in delight.

Grunting, he leaned heavily into her, bucking urgently into her hips. His muzzle fell from hers and he pushed into the crook of her neck instead, trying to keep his growling quiet as he plowed the slender colliegirl and she pushed back just as needy and wanting into his thrusts. His knees shook and he redoubled his efforts, plunging hard into her -- pulling out with greater and greater difficulty every time.

Lex was mewling, squirming between the twin points that held her fast, the swollen knot forced between her legs and the cable wrapped around her wrists. The final time he thrust into her and held there she gave a choked growl and forced herself back and into him, shoving her hips greedily into his and following him back when he tried to withdraw so that he couldn't, had no choice but to stay buried deep as his knot swelled to tie the two canine lovers.

Now he let his feral instincts grab hold, pulling him towards his inexorable peak. Fucking the collie in sharp, short thrusts into the servers that supported her. She gritted her teeth -- cried out in mounting pitch and volume until suddenly she let out a strangled howl and clamped down around him.


Clenching wetly over his cock, milking his knot until he felt a throbbing surge of pleasure work through him and with a snarl muffled by the fur of her shoulder he lunged forward to pin her writhing hips for the ropes of hot cum that followed in quick, urgent spurts. Lex yelped and yipped and bucked as he flooded her, begging him, urging him on in a wavering moan of his name as he filled her with thick, warm canine seed.

Then he fell forward, and onto her, and he heard a new groan that was the server rack giving voice to its displeasure as they leaned into it. Had he any strength left he would've stood up again; as it was he just groaned himself, and left it to Alexis to keep them from all falling down at once.

"You okay there, babe?" she cooed, and used her foot to stroke his leg gently.

He grunted.

"That a 'yes'?"

He grunted again.

"Will you untie me?"

Another grunt, but finally he pushed himself back so that he could see her again. Her eyes were bright, and she grinned when he asked: "Which tie?"

"My wrists?"

"Yeah. Sure... mmf, hold on." He rolled his shoulders to work some feeling back into them, and was reaching up when he heard a knock, and then the door opening a few inches. And he froze.

"Guys? You okay in there?"

"Indisposed," Lex said.

"Indisposed?" Tamara asked, and before Lex or Sean could say anything to clarify this situation she had opened the door that he had forgotten to lock. Had he? He remembered checking.

Or perhaps she had a key in the first place. No, that was it. He cursed himself, and remained silent.


"Yes, Tam?"

"The server?"

With some effort, the elkhound leaned back until he could see the screen, and a flashing message. "Think it's the memory, Tam. Hard drive should be fine."

The malamute ventured one step further into the server room. "I can't help but notice, uh... something..."

"The superlative diagnostic work performed by your two young assistants?"

"Yes," Tamara said. "It might've been that."

"The posters?" Lex raised her voice, and pointed with one finger. Her paws were still trapped, though, and Sean thought Tam probably missed the gesture.

"Maybe that too. It might also be -- I don't know -- it might also be the way you've, ah, affixed my intern to our servers with a meter of Cat 6 patch. Or if it wasn't that, maybe the way you've affixed yourself to my intern?"

"No," Lex said. She shifted around so that she could see Tamara more clearly, and the movement put a sharp pressure on Sean's knot that the elkhound felt certain was deliberate. "You probably can't tell, but he's definitely not fixed. Ma'am."

"_Aff_ixed," Tamara corrected. "_Aff_ixed, intern. Although I suppose that raises a... you're not... in heat, are you? Do I need to have that talk with you?"

"No, ma'am. Due respect, you think I'd run a box in this environment without DOS protection? Have I learned nothing from you?" She appeared to be very plaintive.

But it was the metaphor that had proven to be a stumbling block. "DOS prot -- what? DO -- is that what you -- god, what am I going to do with you kids?"

"It's not really... denial of service..." Sean muttered.

"It is if I wanted to do something else with my womb," Lex told him primly.

"Like what? Cloud storage?"

"Hush." She leaned forward, and he felt sharp teeth on his ear. "No talk needed, ma'am."

"Good job biting him, too." Sean heard footsteps come closer, and then the malamute was leaning into his field of vision. "This was not what I wanted, Sean."

For the second time, he protested the ambiguity of orders. "You said 'take the intern.'"

"I meant make use of her assistance, you pedantic mutt -- not rack mount her."

"It was... unclear..."

"I bet," Tam grunted. "Was he any good, at least?"

The question was not directed at him, but he felt the colliegirl's nod as a rubbing of her muzzle against his ear.

"Well, that's something. You certainly sounded like you had fun. Pretty sure they heard you all the way up in Tillamook." Tamara sighed heavily. "Swap in one of the spares and order some memory when you're back at your desk. And..."

She trailed off, and he twisted himself around to cock his head at his boss. "Yes, Tam?"

"Clear your schedules, you two. I think we're going to be working late."

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