A Bigger Fish: Jake

Story by quoting_mungo on SoFurry

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#2 of A Bigger Fish

It had been a long, hard day.

An extra shipment of goods had arrived late, and offered the chance to earn some overtime, Jake had seized the opportunity. His life didn't, outwardly, cost much - he lived in a cramped, badly-maintained apartment, he rarely wore new clothes even if he tried to keep what he had looking fairly neat, and while he piled away quite a bit of food he did so in cheap, greasy diners rather than anything more upscale. That extra money could have gone into savings, but he knew it wouldn't be so.

He'd spend it on drugs and alcohol, like he always did. He might even pick a few fights to get more once it was gone. Jake lived paycheck to paycheck, and he was quite content that way. If one month there wasn't quite enough to cover rent when time came to pay, he'd find a way to pay it, or he'd lose his place to live - it wouldn't be the first time he packed up for the streets for a while.

The overtime had delayed his dinner for several hours, which had been just about the only downside of it. Jake had slumped down on the vinyl-covered seat in one of the more out-of-the-way booths in his customary diner, ordered a steak that could probably feed a small family, and leaned back, eyes closed, to wait for it to be served.

The sound of paws on the checkerboard linoleum floor made him look up, spotting the server only a few feet short of placing the food on the table in front of him. He'd seen the raev before, and been served by him a number of times; the deep red fur tipped in black, giving the appearance of being shrouded in a smoky veil, was difficult to forget. The fox only had two tails, too, and was outright tiny as his race went at what Jake estimated to be five foot tall, if that.

The waiter leaned in close to him as he put the plate down, and didn't straighten up completely afterward, pausing to whisper in Jake's ear, close enough that he could feel the fox's short whiskers brush his skin. "You really seem to like meat. Why don't you let me know if you want some more when you're done with that?"

The thinly-veiled proposition took Jake by surprise. He was still on some level used to having a bad enough reputation to scare off just about anyone who would otherwise have approached him - it was all the fault of that raev bitch he'd dated for two years. With a grin, he reached over, placed one large hand on the back of the fox's thigh, and slid it upward to give him a squeeze.

That pair of coal-dusted red tails swayed, and the raev's ears were perked, his petite muzzle splitting into a more-than-polite smile as he met Jake's gaze. "If some of that is what you wanted... My shift isn't too much longer."

That couldn't have been much clearer if the fox had reached into Jake's pants and asked him to fuck him in so many words. He could still decline, of course; he wasn't entirely sure how he liked being the one getting picked up, even if the one taking the initiative was quite prepared to hike his tails up. It indicated a level of self-confidence that usually wasn't present in the prospects Jake himself picked out - he preferred them insecure and moldable.

On the other hand... It had been entirely too long since he'd had sex that he hadn't needed to pay for. This free ride, all but literally dropped in his lap, was worth a shot. "Let me know when you leave. These aren't good parts for a cute guy like you to be walking around late at night."

With a smile and a wink, the fox was gone, leaving Jake to his dinner. The smell of it made him realize just how ravenous he really was, and he dug into the still-bloody meat with the enthusiasm of a starved animal. He was finished within fifteen minutes, and the man who'd taken his order - he thought it might be the owner of the diner, but regular or no he didn't really keep track - came to collect his plate.

For a moment he toyed with the idea of ordering something else to keep him occupied as he waited for the raev who seemed to be his designated companion for the evening, but he decided against it. He was comfortably full, and it would do him no harm to sit around for a while digesting his food as he waited for the waiter to come off his shift. The way the fox's tails had been wagging as he'd returned to the kitchen, Jake was reasonably sure it hadn't been idle teasing.

Half an hour or maybe slightly more passed since he'd made his offer, long enough that when the fox came walking towards him, a small paper sack in his hand, he felt justified to tease the boy a little. "I almost thought you were going to bail on me."

The thought of being buried to the hilt in that tiny fox sent Jake's blood rushing south, and he pulled his temporary conquest onto his lap, the feel of the raev's rear against the bulge in his jeans at once exquisite and frustrating beyond belief. He held the smaller male close, whispered in one of his so-expressive ears. "You were so nice to me and brought me my dinner, so how about I give you a nice tip?" For emphasis, he shifted, rubbing his crotch against that small, firm ass.

Apparently the waiter was no stranger to giving as good as he got, though, reaching back and quite obviously feeling Jake up as he replied. "I don't know... I like to think I gave you good enough service to deserve the whole thing."

And he was an enterprising little thing, too. Bigger men than he had balked at Jake's size, and here he was, a slender five feet, asking to take it all. "If you think you have room for it all, little guy. I wouldn't want to hurt you, after all." He rubbed the raev's crotch and closed his eyes as that made the fox squirm against him.

"Try me." The waiter stood, pulling Jake along by the waist of his jeans. "Your place or mine?"

He ran his hand under the fox's twin tails and pressed in between his buttocks, making the raev's jaw slack for a moment and sending a shiver through his light frame. "I told you earlier, cute guy like you shouldn't be out alone after dark. I'll walk you home."

He respected that they were in the fox's workplace, and kept his hands to himself as they exited and started out down the street. Once out of sight, Jake didn't really care who else might notice, openly fondling the smaller man's rear.

It was obvious that his new aquaintance was no stranger to taking initiative; a hand much smaller than his own slid into the front of his jeans and wrapped around his eager flesh. They were probably quite a sight walking down the street, between that stroking hand and the fox's flagged tails.

He had enough experience that it was a work of moments to undo the snap over the raev's tails, and he was rewarded with a whimper as he slid his hand inside. It was amusing as well as arousing to hear the fox whine and feel him squirm as he walked, grinding his ass into Jake's hand.

Fair enough; he couldn't wait to shove into the boy anyway, and the more preparation time he had, the more the need to take things slowly would shrink. He curled one finger inwards, pressing gently but firmly against the hole he was planning to later bury his cock in. It made the stroking hand falter, but Jake wasn't very bothered, all it was was proof that he was having an effect on the raev. When the smaller man's steps grew erratic, he decided it was time, and to the hells with waiting until they returned to the fox's place, wherever that was.

A shady but not too dirty side alley looked promising, and he pulled his temporary lover into it, sliding his free hand behind the fox's neck and pressing their lips together. It was just short of intoxicating, especially feeling the urgency with which the fox worked on undoing his belt buckle and the response the slightest movement of his finger in the smaller man's rear caused.

The raev tensed up when he pressed in with a second finger and he paused, letting the small male get used to it. It couldn't have hurt badly, though, as it was mere moments later that his partner's burden was dropped to the ground with a crinkle of paper and both of the fox's small hands started stroking Jake's erection, the tiny man's back arched to let him lean against Jake's chest while still keeping their lips locked.

A moaning, whimpering, squirming mess as the fox was, Jake decided it would have to be enough. Pulling back enough to break their kiss made the raev flatten his ears, pulling his fingers free put an adorable pout on his muzzle.

With a crooked sort of smile, Jake ruffled the fur on the fox's head and spat in his other hand. It wasn't ideal, but he wasn't stupid enough to take someone that tiny completely dry. He pushed the smaller man's slacks down just below his ass and felt a thrill run down his spine at the way the raev gasped as the cool air caressed his hard, red shaft. Pushing his fingers back in, slicking the little thing up as much as he could given their limited options for lubrication, made the fox moan and cling to him for balance.

At least he caught on quickly - Jake didn't need to say a thing before his partner spit in his own hands and continued stroking him. With a groan he gripped the scruff of the fox's neck with his free hand, moving his fingers a bit faster inside him.

Even with his tongue lolling out of his mouth, the little fox was attractive, and the way he squeezed his eyes shut just a moment as Jake pushed a third finger into him brought the human man just a little bit closer. He kept them there just long enough to make sure the fox was relaxed around them, then pulled back, tugging the shorter male lower.

If he'd not already been so set on how he wanted to end the night, the way the raev's eager tongue caressed his flesh, leaving it slick and gleaming in the dim lighting, would have been enough to convince him that shoving into the fox's muzzle would be at least as good. He groaned, feeling the slight tremble of anticipation in the fox through the handful of skin in his fist, and tugged him upright, spinning him around and pressing the head of his cock against the raev's tight opening in one smooth motion.

He pushed in slowly, but steadily, keeping one hand on the scruff of his partner's neck and the other on the dark rust brick wall in front of them until he'd made it a few inches in. That was enough.

Then he wrapped one arm around the boy's chest and the other hand around his cock, caressing what felt much like a smaller version of his own member in wolf shape. But he kept pushing, and the fox's almost maddeningly tight ass yielded to his hard, saliva-slick cock, until he was hilted inside that tiny ass.

He gave the boy a bit of time to adjust as he moved his arm from around the fox's chest to instead brace against the wall. He'd need that to be able to thrust properly. Over a handful more strokes, Jake picked up his pace, always either pushing in or pulling out, and the fox squirmed, ass squeezing his length, yipping in pleasure when he was filled and whining softly when Jake withdrew again.

The boy was responding beautifully, naturally, pushing back against him and bucking into his hand. He squeezed the knot forming at the base of the fox's shaft, massaging it to bring his partner to orgasm faster.

White shot out of the fox's member, spattering the wall, and along with it the raev's insides tugged on Jake's shaft. He shoved faster into the small man, losing rhythm, feeling his orgasm come over him like a tidal wave. With a growl, he shoved in, shooting his load deep in the boy.

They remained like that for a few moments, panting.

Then Jake pulled out, and they brought their clothes back in order in silence. That had definitely been an offer worth taking his waiter up on. Given some time to recover, he could gladly do that again before turning in for the night, though he wasn't going to take that for granted.

"Should I follow you the rest of the way?"

"That's alright, it's just another two blocks from here."

Fair enough. Jake couldn't resist giving the fox's rear a last squeeze as they parted ways, though. "I'll be by for dinner again. Why don't you let me know if you find yourself wanting for a ride?"

"I'll do that." The fox grinned and wagged his tails, then shrugged Jake's hand off and started down the street.

The werewolf's apartment unfortunately lay in another direction entirely. But between the hard physical labor of his extended workday, his heavy meal and the pleasant end note of his evening, Jake slept very well that night.