Beware the grasslands

Story by HeruSolares on SoFurry

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This is an origin story based on an RP I had back at SoFurry.

A large, ten-foot-tall plant blows steadily in the wind.

Its petals rock sending out small bits of pollen. Bees and other insects swarm the plant getting as much nectar as possible. It seems the plant is also releasing a smell that would attract any targeted prey.

Roots burry deep in the ground, at the same time, some are above ground, hidden by the grass. They sprawl outwards as far as 15 feet away from the tall flower. On this day, It is particularly in search for food.

A vixen swiftly runs through the grass, in high pursuit of a feral rabbit. Her snow-white fur flashes through the tall grass, before striking with a forceful pounce.

She missed.

Her prey escaped...

Tired from all the running, she sat down in the grass, breathing heavily from her recent effort. Suddenly her nose twitched as she caught the smell of something... sweet...

The vixen had yet to see the plant, which only slightly leaned in her direction to let wind carry the scent ever more. The plant had sensed its prey and wondered how long this would take The scent deepened as the flower let out puff after puff of the sweet smell.

The vixen couldn't restrain herself and slowly walked over to the hugr flower...

That plant smelled sweet. It had to be food... Her rumbling stomach liked the sound of that.

The flower's roots moved and positioned. Suddenly they flung up, at least 10 of them each grabbing different areas of his body. She was lifted up dramatically.

The vixen yelped as the roots apeared out of nowhere, grabbing her limbs and lifting her into the air.*whine* No! Let me go!!!

More roots came to join, only instead of grabbing her, they traced her body up and down, going inside her cloths.

After a few moments they pulled outwards hard. Ripps and tears was heard as he cloths was in pieces in every direction.


"...not good... not-good-not-good-not-good-not-good!!!"

All the insects around the planet suddenly flew away, perhaps from freight. The plant started to lean down, the petals parting more, revealing a hole at the stem. The roots lifted the vixen up towards the bud. Out of the stem, three vines.

The first pinned her arms to her sides. The next grabbed her waist and the final one went around her ankles.

Holding her tight and then started to pull her in as the roots let go of her.

The poor vixen struggles in her bonds, but the roots hold her tight. She is lowered over the flower, grasped by the new set of tentacles.

She whines again, hoping this encounter wouldn't lead to her death. Then she smelled the scent again... that sweet scent...

It tickled her noze and made her head go fuzzy...

The vines pulled her in and pulled her far beyong the bud. The thick, narrow stem bulged outwards, without tearing.

Then she was suddenly let go, and fell into a dark deep green chamber, which was barely litten up.

She instantly tried to crawl out, but she had no grip on the slippery walls. In a despearte measure, she flicked her claws out and cut into the green wall of the chamber.

She whinced in pain as her claws broke on the suprisingly hard leaves...

Green liquid, like that of sap started to fill the chamber she was in, only slowly at first. Other vines started to come from the walls, five or six of them Two vines decided to shoot for her wrists.

The vixen started to panic, her breath coming out in short pants. Her eyes shot down as sap filled the chamber.

...Was she going to drown?

To make matters worse, more vines grew out of the walls, restraining her wrists.

The vines pulled her wrists up while to grabbed her ankles and lifted them up. Two more went for her thighs, and pulled them apart in opposite directions, leaving her exposed. One more lifted from the sap in an arch facing between her legs.

The vixen tried to break free from the two tentacles around her wrists, but eventually gave up as even more wrapped themselves around her body.

The sap had already reached her knees, reaching even higher by the second...

She looked down at the vine between her legs, and gulped at what it might do...

Once the sap nearly covered her privates. The vine shot forward and wormed its way into her body. The vine itself was rough and bumpy. It wiggled back and forth.

Then began thrusting hard against her walls.

The vixen groaned as the tentacle plunged into her tight puss, already coated in the sap. It caused a slight discomfort at first, but as the sap rubbed against her sensitive walls... She began to feel... horny...

The sap stopped waist high, and then vines pulled her hard against the wall. The vine between her legs began to pump and thrust regularly now.


The vixen began to relax as the vine continued to hammer her pussy. She couldn't help but wonder... what was the sap for?

The vine was not only thrusting into her, but it was pushing sap into her womb. It was a simple preparation as it coated her insides with the green liquid.

As the tendril pumped, the bumps began to become more noticeable.

A slight tingling sensation was felt as the vine moved around in the vixen's cunt. The snow-white vixen moaned at the pleasure she recieved from the bumpy vine...

The vine's bump let out small thinner vines.

The heavy thrusts turned to short quick thrusts as the vines protruding from the bumps attached themselves to her inner walls,

each one attaching to a very sensitive spot.

Now the vine was prepared, the plant began to prepare.

The tingling sensation spread as the vine sped up it's movements. The vixen ditn't knew what was going on... and frankly, she ditn't care. She just wanted more of that sweet sap inside her body...

The vine pushed forwards, its tip pressing hard against her cervix. Small vines came from the tip and pushed their way into her cervix. They pushed against the walls of her factory, helping keep the tip of the vine pressed.

Almost done. The small vines starting to root inside her walls, sending small bits of sap into her bloodstream.

The vixen groaned as she felt the tendrils bursting through her cervix.

They were roaming around where no lover has come before... A shiver went down her spine as the tendrils attached themselves to her uterus, preparing her for it's evil intentions?

The tendril also let two thin vines out, which parted ways climbing her fallopian tubes to her ovaries. They curved and stopped after fully breeching the egg factories.

The vine quivered inside her and pressed harder. It wiggled as a sudden burst of sap shot into her womb, filling her. And while it filled her womb, her ovaries was being filled by the thinner vines.

The vixen squirmed as she felt two sharp stings in her womb, followed by a strange sliding sensation.

The tingling became stronger... untill suddenly a burst f sap splashed into her womb. She screamed out, her pussy contracting around the vine embedded within...

The sap continued to fill her in now at a steady stream. The plant took this time to settle more roots in her womb. Each root attached itself to her walls.

The poor vixen moaned as her chamber was filled by the never-ending stream of sweet sap... She ditn't even feel the vines burrowing into her skin...

The plant's chemicals have begun to alter her ovaries, preparing them to release a dozen eggs...

Her belly started to bulge out a bit, while her puss streched around the pulsing invader.

The vine filled her until she couldn't take anymore. The two vines in her ovaries retreated while the main vine remained in place.

The vixen whined as the two vines pulled away from her ovaries, leaving them bloated and changing... Her belly had swollen quite a bit by the sap, making her look almost 4 months pregnant!

The vines above her clit were slowly turning a bit more blue...

In a way the transformation had already succeed, all the waiting it will need now, before it was complete.

Almost all motion stopped as the plant just let her change.

he vixen relaxed as the tendrils burrowed into her spine, replacing her blood with the plant's own sap...

The veins under her skin turned a more purple hue, hidden away underneath the snow-white fur.

"Aghh... *huff* Whhhat... what is happening?"

She felt a little disappointed that the vine has stopped thrusting, leaving her pussy stretched and aching...

Inside her corrupted body, her ovaries had completed their transformation and released a batch of about a dozen eggs. They floated down into the sap-filled womb and merged with the central vine pierced through her cervix...

The vixen groaned as her heart was pumping more and more sap into her bloodstream... She shook her body as she reached yet another earth-shattering climax.

A network of vines burrowed into her spine, connecting itself to the tentacle stuffing her puss.

Her eyes shot open, vivid green from the chlorophyll intake...

"Mmmm... this feels so... good~"

The vines restraining her arms retracted into the wall.

The plant's newest flower stood up inside the green chamber.

Her transformation was complete...

Vines tugged and pulled her away from the wall and begin lifting her out of the flower. The stem was just as tight. It seemed like a good five minutes before she dropped from the bud and back onto ground.

The flower had released her back into the world.

The long vine stuffing her pussy broke off, making her tight pussy snap shut over the tube inside...

She rubbed a paw over her belly, feeling the eggs embedded within the vine...

They were waiting to be fertilized...

The "flower" walked away from her plant, swaying her hips in a seductive manner. She was on the prowl for a new mate...


Krystal's initiation

"Fox, do you read me?" "..." "Fox?!" "Keep it down, Krystal... They might hear us." "Oh, right..." The blue vixen jumped down from a treebranch and hid behind a tombstone. She closed her eyes and focused on the dark aura...

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Sentenced to death

This is it... The end of the line... Death row. A lone prisoner awakes as a guard passed the cell. Emerald green eyes flicker in the darkness, Hopefully looking at the wolf standing behind the iron bars. He just laughed and bared...

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Chapter 4: the banquet

Daniël walked through the long corridors of the castle, On his way to see prince John. But the mission was the last thing on his mind... All he could think about was the vixen he saw earlier. "I wonder what her name could be... maybe just as...

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