Slave Camp - Getting Sleepy

Story by Setta Flamowitz on SoFurry

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#8 of Slave Camp!

Emerson murred happily on the floor. His head spun and his bottom ached and his belly was sticky and his vixen was up on stage on her knees licking at Master Spots' cock, and Emerson was pretty sure just a minute ago he was watching the nice friendly Dalmatian ride her to screaming climaxes, and that was just super. Big strong hands were rubbing his sides and a scaly belly was pinning his tail against his back, and that was just super too. Dazedly he realized there was some connection between his sore rear and the scales pressing on his back, but that was a minor detail.

Kerra's dose of medication had been quite a bit milder; where Emmy had been inhaling passivity-inducing tranquilizers in the hall for several minutes, she had been whisked along and only given a measured dose of a relaxant in her ice cream dinner treat. The difference in dosage had proven accurate; Emerson was a cute little rebel, but Kerra liked being a slave and was having the time of her life doing whatever she was told - currently, cleaning Master Spots' cock up with her tongue. And then he ejaculated, spurting across her muzzle, and giggled. Her eartips grew hot, and he grinned down at her, knowing just what she was thinking. "Yes, Kerra-honey. No cleaning that up either. You keep your face all messy like a good cocksucker." His hand patted her cleaner cheek. "Washing up is your big reward, you vain little thing, and you know that'll work. Now you go down there and ask the nice big dragon if he would please take Emmy off to rest with the other slaves."

Kerra nodded, ear-tips still feeling hot, and replied properly, "Yes, Master." She got to her feet, feeling the fresh semen soaking into her fur, and walked down off the stage. The dragon grunted, pumping his hefty, ridge-bearing shaft through Emerson's tight ring; his hands pressed to the fox's muscled sides, holding him in place so he wouldn't be driven forward by the powerful thrusts. Kerra knelt down in the proper knees-spread posture and bit her lip, watching Emerson's slack, blissful face, then lifted her head to look at the grinning dragon.

"Please, Master, may I take Emmy off to rest with the other slaves?" she meekly inquired. The dragon's smile widened. "Sure, honey," he growled playfully at her. "He's got too loose by now anyhow. Bend forward. I'm going to finish in you while he watches. He likes to watch his mate get fucked, you know." Her eartips blazed hot - but "Yes, Master," was her reply, acknowledging the order... and her awareness of her mate's predilection for seeing his mate stuffed and wailing. She bent her head down, leaving her rump and hips up in the air.

The dragon snorted in pleasure as he yanked out, hard, leaving the murring tod with his loosened rear up in the air; Emerson's tail flopped to the side. The guards, a pair of lions, picked him up bodily and hung him by the wrists from the overhead cuffs - and one of them gripped Emerson's shaft and began stroking its stiff length. Meanwhile, the dragon gripped Kerra's arms, pulling them behind her and getting her long hair wrapped in his fist along with her right arm, pulling her head back - and she let out a yelp and a series of yips as he hauled her forcefully back onto his bumpy member in a single pull!

"Yaaah! Eee! Eee! Eee! Eee! Eee!" rose from her throat, and the dragon tossed his head back and laughed. "Big, isn't it? Enough to be uncomfortable? And yet you want more, don't you?" Her muzzle let out whimpers, her vaginal tunnel strained abruptly around his girth, but she swallowed and in a ragged voice she managed to reply, in order, "Yes, Master. Yes, Master. Yes, Master." His laugh rang again in her ears, followed by, "Then ride it!" Her knees and thighs felt like they were shaking, and his fierce grip on her arms and hair kept her awkwardly positioned, but she tried anyhow. Her rubbery legs pushed at the ground, pulling herself a little away, then back with a whine to strain herself on him once more.

Emerson panted, head drooping until one of the lions put a hand under his muzzle to keep his face aimed the right way. He murred warmly, watching his hot little honey getting pumped good and hard, and he slurred, "G'grl..." to her, tail flicking slightly. A moan rose from his lips as the other lion brushed a thumb over his tip, and pre spilled down his cock. The dragon chuckled into Kerra's ear, "Hear that? Good girl he said. Good girls get fucked hard and put away wet and loose, you know." Her eyes had just a moment to widen before the dragon's hips began pounding, ramming her hard, making his balls swing up to slap between her legs!

Kerra whimpered; the dragon's girth was less than some of the toys she had played with and enjoyed, but she never rode them like *this!* Every pump felt like it was going to split her open... but after the first few, she realized that her pounding heart was coming from excitement, too, and that it was starting to feel good. Very good, even. And then, just as she was getting into it, starting to groan and really work herself on him... he came! She felt a hot surge rise up inside her, draconic seed pouring into her belly, and the dragon let out a hiss of pleasure, pulling her back against him hard. Four bursts of his cum flowed inside her - and then he pushed her forward, drawing out in one pull just as vigorous as the push to enter her in the first place. "Get in the cuffs," he ordered, smirking at the vixen, left excited and unsated. With a whimper, she stood, legs wobbling, and lifted her hands. "Yes, Master." The cuffs closed on her wrists, and she felt herself being forced to walk along, following the murring Emerson, cock still dripping pre, left likewise ready and unfinished.

The hallways were bright as always; both Kerra and Emerson had to clamp their eyes tightly closed against it. Emerson was still much too out of it to notice - but Kerra was surprised to see the light making a swirl on the insides of her eyelids. A bright, pretty swirl, colors changing as it turned... and turned... and turned... and turned...

The vixen came to in a large room, laid on a large soft bed against one wall. The other slaves in their group were there; most were already awake. Emerson was still out, but starting to move; the others clearly hadn't been awake for long either. Bookshelves and magazine racks showed on one wall, cabinets of sex toys on another, and a touch-sensitive TV screen was next to the door. The TV gave a loud whistle, jerking awake the last dozing slaves, and turned on. The inverse-patterned cheetah smiled out from the screen at them.

"Welcome to the end of your first real day at Slave Camp. You might be surprised to find out that even slaves get some unstructured time. Don't be. We've long known that to get the best out of a slave, they need some down time. To make sure you use the time productively, however, you've each been conditioned with a hypnotic control for the evening. You have no orders from now until bedtime, when a trainer will come to return you to your cages. You will find, however, that you all have some urges you're not used to. I recommend yielding to them. You'll be up all night fantasizing about them if you don't. Have fun!"

Emerson shook his head, reaching up to rub his muzzle. His head still felt a bit light, and his butt was absolutely killing him. And... urges? Gyeh. Hell if he was going to give in to some fake fetishes! He tried to think what they might have done to him, but nothing immediately came to mind. Everything he'd always liked to do still seemed fun, even if he was kinda tired... he became aware of someone fidgeting next to him.

The tod turned his head, finding Elle, the lizard-girl, laid out next to him. She was twitching, looking away from him and then her head slowly turning back towards him. "What's the matter?" Emerson had to ask.

"Nothing!" the lizard-girl snapped, her cheeks coloring as she turned her head away again. Emerson oofed as her long, thick tail thumped against his side! "The hell that's nothing!" he exclaimed, and her head turned back - and her eyes dropped to his groin. Her tongue flicked out to run along her lips... and then she jerked her head back, face reddened again. "I said it's nothing!"

Emerson looked at her for a moment, and then a slow grin spread on his muzzle. "Strange new urges, huh?" Elle's blush brightened, and she turned her head away. A moment later her neck began to turn again, and she had to fight to not glance down at him again. Emerson grinned and leaned over. "Just can't stop thinking about that nice big fat todcock, can you? Just dreaming how nice it'd feel in your mouth... swirling your tongue all over it..." he teased to the sound-receptive areas on the side of her head, and was rewarded with a hot whimper.

"Dammit, no, stop," she whispered, back to him, shuddering hard... and wiping her lips with the back of her hand. "I'm not going to... ungh, dammit, no!" Her hands lifted to her head, clutching as she squirmed. "Those bastards! Yes, all right? I want it! Hypnosis gets me off, okay? It always sinks in hard!" Emerson chuckled and slid his hand up to brush her naked bottom. "Sounds good to me, too," he commented. "Why don't you go ahead?" His hands tingled, and his breath caught, feeling her scales under his fingertips; his cock suddenly *hurt* it went so hard at the sensation. Elle turned her head, hearing his gasp and feeling his suddenly tight grip on her backside.

Her eyes opened a bit. "Oh, you did *not* just get hit with an ass fetish," she groaned back... and her eyes dropped to his groin again, her body shivering as she tried to keep from simply lunging at him. "I think so," murred Emerson, massaging that perfect, firm little rear... "Your ass. Oh, god, your scales are *so* hot... I *have* to feel them, spank them, kiss them..."

Elle swallowed hard, eyes fixated on that bobbing vulpine cock, once more leaking pre as his fingers rubbed at the intriguing texture of her rear end. Slick and rough alternating under his fingertips, and all coating that... that glorious, wonderful, perfect ass! The pair of them let out a synchronized moan, and Elle turned toward him, facing him as he shifted to his knees. Warm pink highlighted the fetish-imbued lizardess, trying to fight the feelings, knowing they were being artificially imposed... and then her head lowered.

Emerson let out a gasp as Elle slid her mouth down on him and began hungrily suckling; her tongue slapping out to lap at his furry, dangling balls; as much as she might have fought it, she clearly was entirely committed to sucking on him once she gave in! He watched almost mesmerized again at her bobbing hips thrusting her rear in the air, so helplessly and lewdly aroused by her own knowing defeat was she - and then his own implanted fetish reminded him forcefully of its presence. He bent forward over her, as though trying to take her doggystyle in the mouth rather than the more usual location, and laid himself over her back. His hands came up to grip her lifted buttocks, and he let out a hot moan of satisfaction, feeling those smooth curves in his grip.

Kerra's eyes were wide, watching. Not because she hadn't seen Emmy with other women before - they weren't exactly monogamous normally, let alone here at Slave Camp - but because somehow, the act of watching had itself grown... intensely titillating. Anywhere around the room she looked, couples (or triads) were briskly and breathlessly engaging in all sorts of fetish-fuelled sex acts, and that poor tigress Master Gowns had chosen was kneeling between Kerra's legs suckling on her breasts and pawing at the quietly-mewling vixen's crotch; when Kerra came to, the tigress was already awake and licking at her nipples, graced with a profound lust for breasts. The paw to Kerra's cleft followed shortly thereafter, as the tigress never said a word but clearly determined to start providing recompense for the use of Kerra's busom.

She was good, too. Kerra had climaxed so many times under the influence of the chemicals in her system today, but she was still kept randy and wet... and the tigress was evidently no novice to pleasuring another female. Kerra's eyes were distracted from their flicking about the room when the feline's teeth caught gently on her nipple, just grazing the edge, catching and pinching just for an instant, just hard enough to make Kerra gasp and following so swiftly with that scratchy tongue that it made her groan an instant later. Two strong fingers curled inside Kerra and she trembled, hips rocking; her own paws went to hug the tigress' head to her chest, eyes returning to their unaccountably naughty-feeling traversal of the room.

Then Kerra's eyes dropped and fixed in place; the tigress was only playing with her with one hand, reserving the other for herself, and watching those fingers slide in luxurious pleasure against the tigress' own wet, trembling labia... it took Kerra's breath away. She pushed at the tigress for a moment, their position blocking most of her view, and the feline resisted. Kerra moaned out softly, "Please... please, Mistress, let me watch you play with yourself." The tigress paused... and then purred, hard, to hear herself dubbed 'Mistress.'

Kerra let out a surprised eep as Master Gowns' chosen pet reached for her shoulders with both hands, then pinned her down onto the ground beneath the tigress' more massive body. She turned and straddled Kerra's head, close enough down that her wet and musky-smelling crotch was rubbing Kerra's nose. "Say that again," the tigress purred, "and lick it, tell me how good it tastes, and say it again." Kerra struggled just for a moment, then relaxed, feeling those strong fingers pinning her down, a hot throb running through her loins at being bound.

"Please, Mistress, let me watch you play with yourself," the vixen murred, lifting her head to nuzzle at that closely-presented slit. Her dainty pink tongue curled out and began taking long, slow licks at the wet folds, to the purring delight of the tigress, and then she repeated, "Please, Mistress, let me watch you play with yourself."

The tigress' fingers let go of Kerra's arms, and her body shifted, moving her head down and sliding back up so that her mouth could return to the vixen's chest. "Granted," she purred, lowering her head, "but you have to play with yourself." Kerra's eyes lifted back up to watch those strong fingers slide between the tigress' thighs, and a slow, deep moan rose from her throat. "Not a problem," she breathed, moving promptly to obey. "I'm Kerra..."

The tigress took another momentary nip at Kerra's breast, making her shiver at the feel of those sharp teeth, and then purred, "Agatha." Kerra's vision felt like it narrowed down to just watching, admiring, lewdly desiring those flexing fingers, the tigress' clever and subtle caresses, and felt she needed say nothing more, pawing away at herself at the same time.

Emerson murred, laying atop Elle's back, craning his neck to rub his cheek against the very upper curve of her rear, his paws possessively holding and stroking and squeezing her behind. Her hips rocked as she worked on his cock, small groans of delight beneath him promising she was every bit as eager to be there as he was. One of her hands was down supporting her weight; the other was between her legs, working ring and middle fingers inside herself with needy, hasty flicks. They both could feel his balls tighten against her chin, and he let out a long wail of pleasure as he came down her throat... and she swallowed, and swallowed, and swallowed, until he could produce not one more drop. He sagged, moaning, atop her, and she suckled lightly a moment longer, then pulled back out from under him.

He grinned happily at her. She half-glared, half-blushed back at him - and despite the recent satiety that had left him able to withdraw his paws from her ass, her eyes kept flicking back to his groin. "Really does hit you hard, doesn't it?" he asked, pinning down the laughter that tried to get into his voice. Her blush deepened.

"Yes. My Master likes hypnotizing me. He's trained me to like it too - and to go under easily," she admitted. "And to be aware of hypnotic triggers, instinctively fight them... and lose. He thinks the emotional confusion makes me more feral."

"And does it?"

"... God yes. I hate it so much... but after I get started, I just can't... can't feel anything but the lust and the pleasure..."

Emerson blinked. Something in that didn't sound quite... right. He leaned forward and gave her a hug, impulsively, and was surprised to feel her shaking against him. "Hey... Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, softly whispering to her.

"N... nothing," the lizard-girl said, but her arms gripped Emerson tightly. "Just nothing." He felt her breathing hard and shuddering against his chest, and murmured, "Tell me." She gave a brief, barely perceptible wince at the tone of command in his voice... but it was enough.

"I can't... do numbers, okay? Even as a kid, just adding more than little stuff was hard. I... always thought I was just stupid, everyone else got it so easily, and everyone else thought I was, too. They just sorta swim on the page or the screen or whatever. I flunked math every year. *Every* year. They had to move me up anyway, no room to keep me down lower, and it just got worse and worse. Finally I started seeing the school shrink. Disnumeria or something, he called it. Not stupid, just something... wrong with my head. I did great in other stuff, history and english and stuff, but math just... didn't work.

"I wasn't gonna graduate anyway, but I figured it didn't matter since I wanted to be somebody's wife. I'd... been in a relationship with this guy for a couple of years, we were both pretty serious, and we'd started having sex. We weren't dumb, we used a condom and stuff... but... it broke one time, I guess, or had a tear, or whatever, and we didn't know. And then... and then I told him, and he dumped me like *that*. He started saying it wasn't his, I must be a slut who sleeps around, stuff like that. I... I couldn't take it, I dropped out.

"I tried to hold down a job, but there just wasn't anything I could do. Nobody would hire a pregnant teenager for just about anything, said it was an insurance risk, or just didn't say why. But it was okay, I was living with Mom and she could support me for a bit. And I had my eggs and they hatched and I had... had the most perfect two little babies..."

Emerson held Elle against his chest for a minute as she cried into his fur. He ran his hand down her back, felt a hot tingle lance through his groin as his fingertips brushed at the curve of her rear - and he forced himself to pull his paw away and rub her back again. After a minute, she went on, needing to tell *someone* her story.

"Then... Mom got sick. It was real sudden. She was doing fine and then one day she woke up and couldn't get enough water, and I called 911 and they sent an ambulance, but the traffic was bad and... and she was dead before they got there, and I was screaming and begging her not to die but she already was... and then things just... fell apart. I couldn't pay the rent, couldn't pay for food, couldn't... couldn't do anything. I spent all the rest of the money buying food for my babies, and then it ran out and they evicted us and... and I was... I don't know what I was going to do.

"Then... somebody found me. He made me an offer. He'd find a nice happy family for my babies, make sure they grew up healthy and safe and got a college education and everything... and all I had to do was be his the next ten years. So I said yes... and... and now they're gonna be safe, oh, god, my babies are gonna be safe, and their stupid damned slave-slut mother is just going to do the only thing she's ever been good at, fucking anybody and doing anything she's told and...."

Emerson held her awkwardly against his chest as she cried, deep and shaking and quiet sobs; a lot was wrong there, there were a lot of opportunities for help she'd missed... but she'd sold herself. And he was in training with her. Even if he told the trainers, they probably wouldn't do anything... Hell, they probably knew. It was probably in her bio from her master so they could train her without breaking her, probably even get her over her trauma as part of the training... for all he knew, they might have even deliberately placed him to hear the story *as* part of her training. He didn't know what to do.

Elle did, though. She opened her eyes. "So... things that make me not think for a while... are good. Master had me on morphine for a while there, just to stop me thinking about it until he could... calm me down. Withdrawal hurt like... like a lot. And by then he'd put in some hypnotic triggers to repress it some." She lowered her head a bit, and Emerson felt her muscles tense up some.

"So... what do you want..." he hesitantly asked, then gasped as she reached up to grip in a tight squeeze on his sheath and cock, her hips twitching as the implanted fetish of the evening came roaring back out, the chemical stimulus making it hard for either of them to sustain negative emotions for very long, despite the intensity of Elle's despair.

"Just let me suck your cock," she almost snapped, well aware that her feelings were being submerged by deliberate programming... but her mouth was watering and that indignant desire was roaring through her again, wanting his taste again, wanting to not want to go down on him, crowding out that black tide. Emerson's head rocked back with a hot groan as she shoved her face down onto his groin again, sucking hard on him.

He pushed forward, pushing her down onto her belly, making her tip her head up and hold him in her mouth, his heavy balls rubbing against her chin; his hands returned to her rear, and he moaned in bliss, finding his worries swept away under the sheer delight of holding that firm, supple, smooth backside, feeling it play under his fingertips, his toes curling in simple delight.

Time seemed to spill into a blur; Emerson was hugging Elle about the waist, Elle was moaning and licking at his cock, too spent to get up even one more time without at least a few minutes' rest, Kerra was whimpering aloud and fingering herself, Agatha was purring and doing the same, everyone in the room was happily cuddling and playing with each others' bodies without anything beyond potent implanted fetishes guiding bestial urges... and then things snapped back into focus when a whistle blew. Justice, the inverse-cheetah, had entered, wearing boxer shorts and an oversized T-shirt.

"Time for bed, kiddies," she cheerfully declared. "Morning comes in five hours. Enjoy it; it's the most sleep you're getting this week. Anyone not in cuffs in thirty seconds gets a wake-up call in *three* hours and spends the rest of the time with Master Gowns learning proper obedience."

There was a hasty scramble to get lined up; no one was late. The cuffs clicked shut thirty seconds later on the dot, binding them all upright, paws stretched high overhead.

"Good job," she purred, grinning. "You remembered that slaves treat everything a Master or Mistress says as true. And it was, too. You'll have a brief rest stop in the halls; when the track lowers down to about three feet off the ground, you will kneel down wide-legged, do your business, and then wait for the track to lift again. Anyone with a shy bladder will learn to overcome it - if not tonight, then by the end of the week. Promise. You'll work very hard at it. Then it'll be into your kennels."

Most of the slaves would have been happier to not have had an audience at the stop, let alone the camera, but there was a market for that, too. And then at least Kerra and Emerson were squeezed into their kennel together, cuddled up tight, her murring and resting her head against his shoulder, him nuzzling her back and trying to not think about the weeks and weeks remaining... made easier by the feel of her sofr bellyfur brushing his once-more-erect cock...

... and then, at last, they fell asleep.

Slave Camp - Second Servings

Slave Camp - Second Servings The bright lights of the hallways forced Emerson to keep his eyes tightly shut. He had to walk quickly to keep up with the cuffs overhead, pulling him along as they moved down the track. The pace was faster than...

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Slave Camp - Evening Wears On

Slave Camp - Evening Wears On It was a measure of how the day had gone that Emerson was relieved to be guided to a chair with straps on the armrests, legs, and back. He and Kerra had been reunited and brought back to their group, walked through...

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Slave Camp - Carrots and Sticks

Slave Camp - Carrots and Sticks Kerra stood still, her arms fastened to the overhead track. A thick leather hood covered her head, blocking out all sight, sound, and smell, save for the scent of the musky semen left to dry in her fur by Trigger...

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