Elyria and the lions

Story by NVALucard on SoFurry

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Elyria the elephant was beautiful as far as elephants go. She has just reached the age she was expected to mate, and decided to go for a walk to contemplate this. She thought what it would be like to have a calf, she thought she looked forward to it. She wondered how it would feel to have a male inside her, shed seen others in her family mate, and give birth, that part did look like it hurt... but shed have a child of her own...

Then she caught a sent in the wind. It made her skin prickle, then she realized what it was and stood up, it was, lions. It must be the pride that has been following my herd she thought, she had to get away, you never knew what a lion was going to do, but before she could, the pride came out of the trees. There was 5 females and 2 males, she could see the hunger for her in there eyes as she turned in a circle, trying to see a way out, but there was none.

"Hello there beautiful" a large male lion said with a wide grin. He was only a little smaller then her. "shell do nicely" the other male said, licking his lips. Elyria shivered "wha.. What do you want?" she asked, backing away slowly. She felt panic rising in her stomach, there were to many to fight off if they wanted to pull her down, and her herd was to far off to get to her in time.

She kept backing away from the two males, until she felt a hand grip her ass, one of the lioness was behind her. "Why, to have some fun with you my dear" the lioness said as she put her arms up from under elryais arms holding her back, pulling her arms back so she couldn't move. The lioness took a deep sniff as she nuzzled elyrias neck, running her tongue over her. "god you elephants smell good" the lioness moaned as she nuzzled her neck. "I want to take you right now!" "hey! Stop let me go!" Elyria she said as the lioness nuzzled her, struggling but she had to tight a hold, One of the males moved up to her and cupped her chin in his hand. "no, no we cant yet beautiful" he said "not till we have our way with you." Elyrias eyes widened, they wanted to FUCK her?!? Elyria tried to hit him away with her trunk in her panic, but another lioness grabbed it and held it tight. "No cutie, best cooperate, we'll have you either way." she said with a wide grin. As the lioness spoke, the male pushed her to the ground, with the lioness pulling her.

As she fell to the ground she tried to put her legs together, but he was already on her, with a lioness on each of her legs, and one on each of her arms, and the 5th holding her trunk. "No! stop!" Elyria screamed as she tried to wriggle free, but the lion just laughed. "You'll enjoy this" he said, as he put a hand to one of her breasts and squeezed, trailing one of her nipples with a claw. "I promise". Elyria tried to scream but the 2cnd male was on her, kissing her mouth passionately, gripping her other nipple in between 2 claws. "quite now cutie, your ours now" he said.

All of a sudden she was covered with hands, the lioness's where straddling her limbs, rubbing there privates against her, the feel of there moist vaginas rubbing on her smooth skin, the lioness's started to move there hands over her body, they descended on her body like moths to a flame, kissing the soft spots under her breasts, bighting and scratching her as the rate they rubbed them selves upon her increased., the female holding her truck took it and pushed it into her vagina with a grin, Elyria winced at the smell and tried to pull out, but the lioness just kept moving it back in, moaning louder as she bite into elyrias neck. "Oh yes! You taste so good, sooo good" the lioness said in a moan. The, the male forcing her legs open started to lick her vagina, separating her lips. He took a deep sniff and shuddered. "You smell so great, I cant hold back any more" he said as he nuzzled her privates. She open her mouth to scream out for help, but the second male was already on her, and shoved his penis into her mouth laughing. "Suck it cutie, or ill punish you" he said with a grin, as he dug a claw into her shoulder, she closed her eyes with tears streaming down her eyes and began to lick his penis, her vagina began to get wet as the first male continued to nuzzle and lick her vagina.

The male moved up her body, moving the second one away from her face. "you smell so great bitch, I am going to fuck you raw!" he laughed, as he forced two fingers inside her vagina while biting into her neck. She could feel his member rubbing her. No! she thought, a lion cant be my first!. I wanted to have a calf! To be a mother, for it to be special! But she couldn't get it out, she opened her mouth to object, but to her surprise all the came out was a deep moan. To her horror, she realized, she was actually starting to enjoy it.

The lioness's started purr and moan deeply, rubbing harder and harder on her limbs trying to cum. The lioness with her trunk let out a deep purr and then a scream of pleasure as she cum'd with her trunk inside her. The lioness's cum went down her trunk and into her mouth, it tasted good... Before she had a chance to contemplate this, the male started to push his penis inside her, "Oh your so tight, I never knew you elephants were so hot". he said. His penis was over twice the size of her vagina. He cant fit it in she thought! I wont lose my virginity to a lion, she though hopefully, but she was wrong.

The lion worked in the tip, then suddenly pushed it in as far as he could. Elyria screamed out in pain, god it hurt! The lion started to fuck her fast and hard, shoving his penis in its full length every time, growling as he bit her neck, running his hands around her body, digging his claws into her shoulders deeply, drawing blood. He started to shove her down on him in tune with every thrust. Oh god! She thought, im actually liking it! The lioness's holding her limps down gripping her body tightly, drawing blood where there claws raked over her body as they cum'd on her limbs. The male kept fucking her harder and harder, rubbing her raw till a small trickle of blood started to flow out of her.

The male picked her up on top of him, digging into her shoulders harder with his claws. Elyria screamed out in pleasure this time, and moaned deeply. The second male moved up behind her and gripped her ass tightly while he bit her neck. "Your so beautiful, we are going to ride you all night!" he said as he moved his penis in the rim of her ass, wow she thought, how can THAT fit? He shoved his penis inside her ass, thrusting into her in rhythm with the other male. Elyria screamed and cried out, trying to get free but two of the lioness's grabbed hold of her arms again while the males raped her roughly. The other two lioness's started to kiss her body, moving up to her breasts, running there tongues over her nipples before starting to suckle on her. Elyria moaned deeply, light she WAS enjoying it! Her mouth was free but she didn't scream, for a hour they had there way with her, lion's fingering her while the males groped and fucked her till they were done, Elyria cum'd in tune with the males in her. They busted inside her like a torrent, there seed dripping from both ends. She collapsed to the ground when they released her, covered in scratches as the lions got up, tired from the ecstasy they felt, Elyria was actually happy, she had never felt anything like it. As the lions walked off, leaving Elyria panting in a growing puddle of cum, she fell asleep, wondering if a male elephant could compete with the lions.