A Mixed Up World

Story by Permanently Disabled on SoFurry

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My name is Tristyn Kieas (Its pronounced keys) and I'm just going to be blunt. I hate scientists and government. Really? you would think. It's an odd thing to say, I know. But yeah, I do, I REALLY do, and if you're going to understand, you'll have to know about the world as it was through my eyes.

But first I guess I should try to describe myself so people understand who I am. I am a white 16 year-old male, with dirty blonde hair and eyes that my mother called 'the purest of emerald' green. I guess my eyes are my most noticeable feature on me; in all other areas I would be considered average. If I had to define the most defining quality of my personality, it would have to be my temper. I blow up easily but rarely, though it is a source of amusement for my friends when I do. Can't blame them for laughing, it is kinda funny. But enough about me...

For 16 years to 5 months ago, I was a happy, fun loving individual. I had a good family, a hardworking dad, a heart-warming mother (who cooked like those chefs you see on TV), and a sister who could always make me laugh and we were all lumped together in a nice house and in a quiet town on the eastern prairie. I had wonderful friends, good grades at school and a hobby I enjoyed, cardfighting. Sounds like a good life right? Well it didn't last, hence why I have everything in the past tense, but you probably already guessed that. Moving on...

Anyway about 6 months ago, a scientific branch of the US military came up with a new chemical compound, what the name was I can't recall, but it was soon hailed as the smoking gun needed to destroy terrorism and violent crimes around the world. From what information I could gather, it was designed to be a toxin that could pacify and incapacitate hostile forces, and it was cheap and easy to make, so the government naturally jumped for it. And it worked! Crime rates went down almost immediately, and international terrorist organizations were rounded up. The world had never been so close to peace. So what went wrong? I'll tell you. The scientists had been rushed in making their new "Miracle Solution" and had missed a few holes in their calculations. It was actually very unstable, flammable and explosive when left in its original form for too long a time. So what happens when you have several warehouses stocked full of tons of the stuff spread around the entire globe? International catastrophe!

1 month after the creation of the "Miracle Solution" all things blew sky high, literally. The chemical warehouses blew up, releasing the toxin into the air. Combine the fact of having these warehouses around the world blowing up at the same time with it being launched into the atmospheric winds, and it wasn't long before everywhere on Earth was infected. Some places got hit hard, like China, Japan, Europe, the States and Mexico, while others got it less badly. Could it get any worse? Why yes, yes it could.

When the toxin went into the sky, being so concentrated and mixed with low oxygen levels and the higher nitrogen concentration, it changed. And no one could have seen what this new toxin did, when it came back down to earth. It affected people and when I say affected, I'm not talking about something like that poisonous toxin that nearly wiped out humanity in that new "Planet of the Apes" movie. No, what it was, was much different. It changed peoples bodies, turning them into animal-human morphs. Sounds like something that could only happen in a Sci-Fi movie right? Wrong! It all happened, every word of it. From the reports that I heard of, people changed into whatever animal they had last seen, whether it had been in real life, from TV or a book. They changed into it. They were still humans in every way, they just looked like animals. I'm talking like, bears, dogs, cats, horses, lizards and all those other animals (I heard that the President of the US was turned into a Beagle). Some surprised me by turning into aquatic creatures like sharks, whales, dolphins, and orcas. But what was really amazing is that some took on the beasts of legends like dragons and gryphons. (Strangely none turned into insect or bird morphs which is alright by me. I hate bugs). "Well that's not so bad," some would say, but then again I haven't finished.

From the humanity on the Earth, 76% was transformed. Of the 24% percent left, only 6% of them survived. The rest; their bodies couldn't handle it and they perished. No one is sure why the remaining 6% didn't change. It was said that they had some sort of natural immunity and that's why they survived. But what has this all gotta do with me? Well, you may have figured it out by now. You see, I'm one of those 6%. But I didn't find out about all this until long after that horrible day.

I don't know why it was only me to survive, but all I know is that when I woke up that morning, I had lost my entire family. It got worse. As I stumbled around in daze, sick to my stomach, I came to the bitter realization that I was alone. Out of a town of 800 people, I was the only one. I must have thrown up at least a dozen times. I needed to get out of there so I ran home and grabbing one of those backpack suitcase bag things, began to fill it up with clothes, my card deck (though I have no idea why), a picture of my family, my wallet, some non-perishable food items and several water bottles. It was fall, so I took one of my thicker jackets and just as I was about to leave, I paused to think. This place had been my home for a good chunk of my life... but that life was over. I left then, went out of town and headed west. By day I walked, at night I curled up under any shelter I could find and went to sleep. I don't remember ever crying. I must have done that for about 2 weeks, and each day got colder. I knew I would have to find somewhere permanent to stay for winter, but thankfully they found me first.

If there was one good thing about the disaster, is that relief committees designed to try and find those affected and those in need of help were set up, and it was one of these committees that found me, wandering aimlessly alongside the road. I can remember clearly that it was a otter person in a ill-fitting army uniform that came up to me first. He (at least i think it was a he) helped me into the back of a big army truck and helped me settle in there. By then I was so used to hearing nothing but the wind and my own voice that when he spoke, I didn't hear anything. Just saw his mouth moving, nothing more. Just as he was about to leave though, my hearing came back and I heard him say, "You're safe now." Those two words cracked my heart. In that moment all my bottled up emotions came bubbling up, and I started to cry hard, heavy sobs. The otter-man gave me a look of sympathy and climbed into the back of the truck, sitting down next to me. I grabbed onto him like a drowning man does to driftwood, and cried harder. He reached around me in hug, and just held me, gently rubbing my back. I remember the truck started to move, and me crying until it degraded into little whimpers of sadness, before falling asleep in the otter's arms.


When I woke up, I found myself laying on a cot in a small tent, my bag underneath, the otter-man nowhere to be seen. I had no idea how I had gotten there, though I assumed that it was the otter's doing and contemplated just laying there to cry. The rational side of my brain however wouldn't allow that. "No more crying. What would your family, your friends think if they saw you like you are? Tears are for the weak, pathetic people."

I don't no why, but I agreed with my brain, though my emotional side was shouting at me to just let it all out. Having this argument in my head tired me out and I fell back to sleep. During the time asleep I came to a realization. Keeping my feelings inside would just hurt me even more, but then nobody really likes a blubbering sobbing fool around all the time. So I did this. I would put on a brave face and push my feelings deep down while I was out in public, but in private I could let it out. That seemed to satisfy both sides of my brain, and I was finally able to get up. Spying a wash basin outside I went out of my tent, and what I saw both amazed and frightened me. I was in a park in some city, along with at least a hundred other tents. But that wasn't what scared me. It was the hundreds of different animal morphs I saw walking around. I didn't see one human. And when I went outside my tent all the eyes of the nearest morphs focused right at me. Like a coward I fled back into my tent, trying to convince myself it was a really messed dream. But I knew it wasn't. This was real and I had to deal with it.

My face felt burning red from shame. 'I probably looked like a fool to them,' I thought. I heard the flap of my tent come up, and turning I saw a dog-morph that looked like a golden retriever wearing sweats walk in holding a white towel. It looked at me with it's blue eyes before saying in a manly voice, "Oh good! I heard that you were up. I brought you your towel for when you need to shower. Everyone here gets there own" It-HE took a step forward and stretched out his arm that held the towel. I will admit that in that moment I really didn't trust him, but then I looked at him. The way the dog smiled, the fact that he didn't sound or look threatening turned all the worries into nothing, well that and his tail was wagging happily as well. I gave him a smile at took the towel with a thank you. The dog-morph seemed pleased that I had excepted it, as his tail began to wag even more. I hate to say but I just kinda stared at the tail wagging for a few minutes. The dog-morph coughed and I instantly I blushed red and moved my eyes to face him, who I noticed also had an equally red face. "Yeah... I know that it can get hypnotizing to watch. I'm still not used to it even though its my own tail." He then face-palmed er..face-pawed himself, "Oh I'm so rude. I forgot to introduce myself. Names Jim Elias." He stuck out a paw

I shook it. "Nice to meet you Jim. I'm-"

"Tristyn Kieas." Jim said fast, too fast.

I was puzzled. "Wait, how did you know my name?"

Jim's face turned red again and he had a guilty look on his face, like he had just said too much. "I-er well.. you see" he stuttered, "Oh wow look at the time. I gotta get going. Make sure you use the shower before noon. The boss wants to see you" And like that he was out the tent and I was by myself again.

I was very confused now, but one thing did make sense. The two weeks had not been kind to my clothes and I could tell that I smelled pretty bad, probably even worse to that dog's nose. Sighing to myself, I reached for my bag and took out some fresher clothes and grabbing my towel, went off in search of the showers. After about a half hour of searching, and asking about a half-dozen times for directions, I finally found them in one of the buildings outside the park. Surprisingly yet pleasing to me, they were empty and I quickly changed out of my dirty clothes and got in under one of the shower spouts. Ooooh, how good it felt to be under the nice warm water! I could feel all the grit and grim wash off me. I felt wonderful. Sadly though, it had to end. I didn't know how many people were going to be in there and I didn't want to have someone have a cold shower just because someone wanted to enjoy his a little longer. So I shut the shower off and used the towel Jim gave me to dry, before putting on the clean clothes I had brought. Grabbing my old ones, I opened the door to the shower room only to run into what felt like a brick wall. I fell backwards on my butt and a loud laugh filled my ears.

"I'm sorry about that little friend," said a deep voice. I felt two rough beefy hands grab my arms and pull me onto my feet like I was nothing.

I looked up and saw a tall bull smiling at me. "Holy crap," I thought, "He's huge" He was! He must have been at near 7 feet tall and the way the guy was built he looked like a huge boulder. I swear if he even flexed one of those muscles he could have snapped me in half. He was wearing one of those loose track suits and he must have been running hard because he looked and smelled sweaty. He must have seen how I had awe and terror in my eyes because he simply smirked and let out another, though quieter laugh, which kinda sounded like a cross between a moo and a human laugh. The sound make me smile though shyly and with redded cheeks. I didn't mean to stare. I was still in that phase of adjusting to the whole animal-human thing and having something like this happen to me so suddenly, just threw me through a loop.

"Hey kid don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you" he said, backing away slowly as if he was trying to add credit to his words. I simply sputtered for a few moments before managing to say something coherent.

"Name Tyris- I mean Keyrin- I mean-oh god...." I stumbled, my face pure red. I sounded like an idiot.

Seeing my struggles the bull offered, "Do you mean to say Tristyn Kieas?"

"Yes, yes that my name," I said relieved before it came to me, "Hey... how do you know my name?"

The bull just smiled and completely ignoring my question said, "Nice to meet you in person Tristyn. I'm Reggie but everyone calls me Reg."

"'Meet you in person' what?..." My mind was racing, trying to catch up.

"Well Tristyn, as much as I would like to chat, I gotta shower and you have a Noon appointment to keep." Reg kept smiling.

"Oh right," I face-palmed, "I knew I forgot something." And I rushed out of the shower room while another boom of laughter came from the bull.

It wasn't until I was outside the building and halfway through camp that I realized something. How did Reggie know about my meeting and my name? Could Jim have told him? It was a possibility. I dropped my things off at my tent, and then I remembered I had no idea where the place I was to go was. As if to answer my unsaid question, an announcement came from some speaker hidden somewhere.

"Would Tristyn Kieas please report to the Administration tent. Would Tristyn Kieas please report to the Administration tent. Its the large white tent at the end of the park."

Instantly I felt every eye in the vicinity on me. Turning red again, I almost retreated into my tent, but I managed to piece together my shattered courage and began walking. Despite the looks and whispers that I knew were directed at me I managed to keep going and finally made it to the Administration tent. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do next but I didn't have to worry because a minute after I got there a mouse-morph who's appearance almost fit the stereotypical role of a Secretary, came out and motioned for me to follow him inside. I followed and entered the tent, the mouse-morph went through another flap in the tent which I followed through as well.

The back of a chair greeted me and the mouse spoke up, "Sir, the human boy is here."

A female voice, full of authority and confidence spoke, "Thank you Russell, you may leave now."

The rodent gave a salute before leaving me and the unknown person in the chair alone. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, the figure stood and walked around the chair and desk straight towards me. I couldn't have been more surprised. It was a Human female! I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't imagining it. I thought there were only animal morphs at this camp. But the small smile on my face quickly vanished when she spoke.

"My name is Jordan Okami and I run this camp, Mr. Kieas. I expect you to follow my every order, and obey every rule and regulation this camp has. Any violation of my rules will result in immediate and severe punishment. Do I make myself clear?" she barked in a authoritative manner that made my spine crawl in fear.

I was scared bad, and vigorously nodded my head while thinking, "In what kind of hell did I wind up in?"


I walked out of Commander Okami's tent, dazed and confused, but also happy that I had gotten out alive and had some information I found useful. Apparently, the camp was located in a park in the city of Saskatoon, in the area of the University. According to the records I had been picked up about halfway between the city and my old home. I was amazed to find out that I had traveled so far on my own, I mean it's like an 6 hour trip by car! How much more would it take by walking! And then I learned the kicker, I had been asleep for a week since I arrived! At least that explained why I was so hungry.

I also found out some unsettling news as well. As I had thought before, I was the only one to survive the change from my town. That saddened me but I had suspected that from the beginning. What I was told next had made me angry. Because I had no living relatives that could be found, I had been declared an orphan and was now under the protection of the Government. As such, I had been entered into an adoption program. My hopes were not very high on that. When people adopt, they want little kids, not some 16 year-old teenager.

But that wasn't what made me mad. What made me mad was that I had been assigned a temporary guardian how would look after me until a family could be found. I didn't want to be lumped with some stranger for god knows how long. I was upset because I didn't get any input in the decision but as I stood outside, the feeling passed. I realized I couldn't really blame the choices made. I was out cold for a week, so any suggestions from me were out of the picture and, I thought, that most of the people I had met around here were actually pretty decent.

Feeling the sun shining hard on me, I moved to the shade of a nearby tree and sat down. I was supposed to meet my guardian outside of the commander's tent, but the only people I saw around were a pair of wolf-morphs smoking on a corner. I thought that it was slightly strange that I was referring to the animal-morphs as people. I nearly slapped myself for thinking like that, but I didn't, because that would look stupid, so instead I settled for mentally slapping myself. They were still humans in every aspect except appearance. Thinking that were not people just because they didn't look human was like being racist! I sighed at my stupidity.

Since my mind was on the subject, I started to wonder what kind of guardian I would get. Would I have a human or animal-morph one? And if an animal-morph, what kind? From what Commander Okami said, there were all kinds. Dogs, Cats, Bears, Reptiles... the list was very long. While I pondered this, I was unaware of a shadow that joined me underneath the tree. It wasn't until it coughed that my attention was brought to the pair of very brown eyes very close to my face looking at me. Startled, I fell backwards and hit my head on a exposed tree root causing me to see stars. Instantly the figure was hovering over me and I heard a kind, concerned voice say, "Are you okay? I'm sorry I startled you, but you looked so cute deep in thought, I didn't want to interrupt."

The stars cleared from my vision, and blinking I took in the form standing over me. It was a beautiful looking female fox (I know it was female. Don't ask me how, I just know) with white fur and a big bushy tail swishing behind her. She appeared to be wearing a cook's uniform, complete with apron and a cute little chef's cap. But what caught my eye the most was the two deep brown pools that were her eyes. I nearly lost myself in those eyes. I realized that I was staring and turned red. Trying to cover up my social blunder, I sat up quickly but winced as my head protested the sudden movement. The vixen put her paw on the back of my head and said, "Don't move so quickly. It looked like you hit pretty hard."

I nodded, slowly getting to my feet with her help, pausing every time my head ached. The whole time she just kept saying things like, "Don't push yourself" "Go slower" "Where does it hurt?" all in that sweet voice of hers.

Finally I stood fully on my two feet. Turning to her I said, "Thank you for your help."

She smiled and gently rubbed the back of my head. I winced at the touch blurting out, "Damn that hurts!" Blushing at my words, I covered my mouth, stammering, but the fox just kept smiling and gave off a giggle.

"Your welcome. But don't think I'm done with you yet." and she grabbed my hand and began pulling me through the camp.

"W-where are are you taking me?" I asked, though my head pounded at every word.

"I'm taking you to my place where I can see to that wound of yours better." she said matter-of-factly.

"I can't go! I have to wait for my guardian to pick me up!" but I paused, "Wait... are you my guardian?"

The vixen let out a small laugh, "Sorry hon, but I'm not you guardian, though I wouldn't mind being one to a cutie like you."

I blushed, she continued, "I DO know your assigned guardian though, so don't worry. I'll make sure he gets the memo."

She led me into one of the university buildings, which turned out to be a dormitory, and took me up a set of stairs, down a hall before stopping in front of a door which she opened, revealing a large dorm room. She put me down gently on one of the couches in the main room, before hurrying off somewhere. I took this chance to take a look around from my spot on the couch. The room was obviously well maintained, as no signs of garbage or debris could be seen. The way the room was set up, it gave the opinion that she didn't live alone, and had at least one if not two roommates. I noticed two pictures hanging off the wall, and made an attempt to see them better. The way the sun shone through the nearby windows made it difficult to see, but I could see a young woman posing for the camera, probably in early to mid twenties with blond hair and brown eyes that I recognized. Those were fox's eyes. I looked at the other picture and saw the fox standing in the same pose as the human woman. "I think there are the same person." I saw that there were other people in the photo, but before I could take a better look I heard the vixen's voice coming from the hallway, so I fell back into the position I was originally in.

She came out talking on a phone in one hand and a ice pack in the other. Hanging up, she came over and sat down on the couch next to me and gently put the ice pack behind my head. "Now this may sting a little" she warned as the pack touched my head

"Shit that's cold!!"

"I know, but just lean back slowly and keep it on your sore spot." she said soothingly.

I did as she asked, and soon the throbbing in my head passed, replaced by a cool sensation. Relaxing into the cushions of my seat, I gave of a contented sigh, before the moment was ruined by my stomach growling fiercely . Suddenly I was painfully aware of just how hungry I was. The vixen laughed quietly at this, before she rose and made her way into the kitchen area. "You just stay there Tristyn. I'll get you something. Just relax." she said as she went around the corner.

I was about to question how she knew my name, when I heard the distinct sound of paws and hooves moving rapidly on hardwood. I jumped as the door swung open suddenly, making the ice pack fall and my head give off another wave of pain as a voice called out anxiously, "Elsa!! Where is he? Where is Tristyn?"

I heard the vixen, Elsa, snapped in an annoyed voice, "He's in the living room on the couch resting so shut up and be quiet!"

I again heard the paws and hooves moving, though slower and more quietly. I looked up to see to very concerned but familiar faces. Jim the Golden-Retriever and Reggie the Bull. Jim looked on the verge of tears and moved quickly to my side apologizing for letting me get hurt like that. I looked at him incredulously, before telling him that he couldn't have done anything anyway, and that it was my own fault for getting hurt, the way I reacted and all.

Jim just looked at me, "I know but I feel so guilty. This is the first time I've been assigned a war before... and I just didn't want anything bad to happen."

Hearing the word "ward" I paused, my brain piecing things together. "You mean... you're the assigned guardian I got?" I asked.

Seeing him nod was all the encouragement I needed. I threw my arms around him in a big hug, though my brain screamed in pain. "Aw screw it" I thought. I was just happy that I hadn't got stuck with some complete stranger. At least I had some familiarity with him and couldn't help smile when I heard Jim's tail beating against the couch. Jim squirm in my grasp and realizing what I was doing, I let him go, my face red. Reg just smirked at us, before producing from behind him my bag that I had left in my tent. "Thought you would need this." he said as he handed it to me.

Taking it from him, I thanked him for taking it. Elsa came out from the kitchen, and the smell that came out into the room made me drool slightly. "So Tristyn," she asked, "What do you think of your new place? Think you can handle your roommates?"

I stared at the three of them in disbelief, before nodding with a huge smile breaking on my face. "Oh I don't know, I think I can live these guys."

"Good, cause I've been in need of help with these guys since I've known them." Reg made to protest but a glare from the vixen stopped him in his tracks. I looked at him. He seemed almost scared of Elsa even though he was more than two heads taller and obviously stronger. I shivered. What could this fox do to make such a huge bull scared.

Her tail swished behind her. "Now, who's hungry?" to which we all said a yes.

Jim helped me to my feet and slowly we made our way to the dining room. The dinner that followed was one of the most interesting I ever had, and as I was shown my room and lay down to sleep, I felt something that I thought I would never feel. The holes in my torn heart were healing. These people... full of wonders. On that thought I slowly drifted away in the land of dreams. So that's the beginning of how I met the people that I began to call my second family.