With No Working Title - Ch.2

Story by SLDawn on SoFurry

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#3 of With No Working Title

A year and more has gone by since I started this story. And I know I said "Hey, lots more to come! And fast!" I totally believed that. And after the initial surge wore itself out, I really never picked it up again, except for one instance that netted me 500 words. However, some inspiration while reading Stephen King's "On Writing" got my willpower and drive back up to continue. I recommend it to ANYONE who wants to write, at all.

With that being said, there is quite a bit more sexy times happening in this chapter, less story, but still story driven. Maybe next chapter will find a nice balance but hey, we're all up for some sexy times now and then. Am I right? Course I am. Enjoy.

Oh, also, a headsup to those who had already read chapter one: Edits were made, might be a little changed from what you remember. Should still be 99% the same story.

Dawn and all characters are a product of me and are mine etc etc please don't use etc etc ask permission etc etc.

Leave me a comment or two, it's worth far more than a fave or a dozen views to me!

Dawn opened her eyes and purred quietly. How many hours had she been asleep? She smiled and looked over at James sprawled face up under the sheets. She spied the alarm clock sitting on his bedside table read 5:37. She couldn't have slept that long, as she remembered everything that happened after she had taken the last step and kissed James. He had basically carried her to his room and... She grinned and purred a little louder as she reached over and touched James' arm lightly. As expected he didn't wake up and she ran her hand over the short fur on his arm. She leaned over and kissed his forehead gently. Thanks for indulging me James... She thought to herself and slipped out of the bed. It took a few minutes to search around the dark room for her clothing and dress herself before she shuffled downstairs. The layout of the home was familiar to her after all the times she'd stayed the night. She only knocked her toes twice. Once she was outside, with the sun still nowhere to be seen, she headed down the block to her own apartment. Dawn let the events of last night play through her mind again as she walked. What exactly was going on with her body? Spontaneous horniness, basically an induced heat, and growing boobs, on top of various parts of her body turning blue and glowing. And it felt like she could make others aroused just through touch. As much fun as she had last night, it was a problem. She didn't like the thought of losing control of herself midway through class, or hanging out with friends. A blush spread across her cheeks as she imagined for a split second what a party at James's would look like in that scenario. She tried to push it out of her imagination but the idea itched at the back of her mind, teasing her with what ifs.

The snow leopardess made it back to her apartment and despite how little sleep she had gotten didn't feel the least bit tired. She was, however, very hungry. After pouring herself a bowl of cereal she plopped onto her bed and flipped open her laptop, turning on Netflix and sat herself down to watch Firefly for the fifth time, hopefully encouraging the sandman to visit. After two episodes and not a single dropping of her eyelids Dawn closed her laptop again. She glanced at her alarm clock. 7:40. She frowned, this wasn't good. She hadn't gotten more than 2 hours of sleep at James's and here she was, wide awake and energized, like she'd slept a full night. She made her way out onto the balcony of her apartment and sat in her cushy little lounge chair, tail swishing and brushing the concrete. As much as this could be a benefit to her she couldn't help but think it was related to her glowing and growing condition (aha) and that worried her. What if it was a false wakefulness? What if she wasn't tired for the next three or four days and then just collapsed from exhaustion? The thought scared her so much she decided to attempt to sleep, no matter how long it took. The warm morning air was perfect for her as she dropped the lounge chair to a laying position and if she could have, she would have been surprised, as she fell asleep almost instantly.

Dawn groaned and rolled to her side only to find she couldn't. She felt around with her arm for a moment and remembered where she had fallen asleep, the arm of the chair preventing her from rolling right off onto the balcony. She sat up and patted the wooden arm "Good chair..." She mumbled and stretched, pulling at her t-shirt that had stretched overnight, never meant for being slept in and y'know, letting your boobs balloon up inside of. The sun was just beginning to go down as she went back to her room. She slept a looooooong time as she stripped out of her clothes entirely, and headed for the shower pausing only momentarily to check that yes indeed everything had stayed the same since 'The Change', as she was now thinking of it. She took an especially long time drying herself off, having the luxury to do so was not typical but the weekend was something she tried not to take for granted. She had only just finished and was partially dressed in something loose and comfortable when her cellphone went off beside her. She glanced at the call display and flipped it open. "Hey Merik." "Hey Dawn." He was on the verge of saying something she could tell but he paused a moment. "Ummmm, I talked to James." He let it hang there a moment and she couldn't help but feel like he knew everything. "Why didn't you want to tell me last night?" Dawn's heart skipped a beat, did he actually know? Maybe he thinks it's something else. "Tell you what?" She hoped that playing innocent wouldn't make him think she was brushing him off; she wanted to know what he thought without tipping him off to anything. He sighed on the other side and she almost swore she heard him face palm. "Dawn, really? You fucked James last night! Why didn't you tell me you were crushing on him? Again." She could feel the smile as he said again. They both had a crush on James back in high school, about the same time too, she could see why he'd be amused. But this was exactly what she hoped and dreaded at the same time. She was really hoping James wouldn't tell anybody, but that was unrealistic, and she had hoped Merik wouldn't come to any conclusion other than the one he did. "I don't know. I just, I wasn't even sure I really was..." She trailed off, acting like she had been caught red handed and didn't know what to do, which was the truth in a way. Merik hmmm'd quietly on the other side of the phone. "You were being a debbie-downer at the bar because he was dancing with that other girl right?" Dawn's eyes widened, she hadn't even thought of that! How perfect! Wondrous! Fortuitous! Every word her English teacher would have spewed at her sprang to mind. It was all she could do to stifle a laugh of joy and bring her emotions back under control. "Yeah, I guess." Still acting the part for Merik she had a sudden realisation. Here was her best friend since they were 15 and she was lying to him directly, purposely misleading him just to hide something she had shared with Katie and, sort of, James. It made her feel like shit and she sighed, not hearing what he'd been saying and cutting him off. "Hey Mer?" He hesitated a moment, "Yeah?" "Can I meet you at the Starbucks near the school? The one we met at all the time in first year?" She had no plan to reveal everything to him there, but it would do to start, and it was within walking distance of her apartment. She could tell he was curious but also a little wary at the sudden change in her tone, "Whyyyyy? I mean, sure, but... Why?" She shrugged out of reflex even though she knew he couldn't see it. "I can't talk about this over the phone, I'll see you in a bit." "Okay, cya soon." And he hung up. She let out a long breath and sat a moment, mulling over what she was going to tell him. Would he believe her? Would she have to show him? She involuntarily shivered and mmmm'd at the thought before she realised what was going through her mind. Oh my... That wouldn't happen, she told herself. Not okay, not okay, not okay.

Ten minutes later she was walking into the Starbucks and ordering an iced coffee. She sat in the corner of the store in one of the old leather chairs made for reading and quiet conversations and waited. She didn't have to wait long for Merik and he did pretty much the same as she had when he walked in, a tea instead of coffee though. He made his way over and sat opposite her sipping at his scalding hot tea. She still didn't understand how he could do that without searing off every taste bud in his mouth. He put his tea down, "So." She pulled both legs up onto the chair and tucked them underneath her. "So." She let it hang there a moment. "I don't have a crush on James." Merick sipped at his tea again. The silence became something palpable and he let it drag on for far too long for her comfort. "So why'd you tell me you did?" He finally asked. She averted her eyes and chewed at the edge of her cup nervously. He leaned against the arm of the chair and put his tea down, staring at her. "You at least implied that you did, if you didn't outright tell me." Despite being bigger than he was, she couldn't help but feel small in front of him right now. Semantics be damned, she knew she had lied to him. "I didn't want to tell you the truth. I've been trying to keep it from everybody until I figured it out myself." Silence fell again and she looked up at the little chinchilla. His eyes had gone wide and it took him a moment to get his words out properly. "Dawn, are you sick?" She immediately thought of The Change, could it be a sickness? It took another moment for it to hit her, he thought she was sick, of the terminal persuasion. She smiled a little at that, "No Mer... Not really, I mean, maybe? But not how you think." She let him process that a moment before continuing. "I haven't been myself recently. I've been very..." She bit her lip, wondering just how far she could let this conversation go. He seemed anxious to hear what she had to say, despite how reluctant she was and she couldn't drag him out here for vagueness and niceties. "I've been really out of my mind horny." She could see him lean back and exhale. Clearly he was expecting worse. "That's it? Your heat is all you had me worried about? Jeeze..." He shook his head and smiled. Clearly she'd done the right thing talking to him, but he didn't understand, not yet. "It's not my heat!" She almost hissed at him. He narrowed his eyes, "No need to get testy, I wasn't making fun." She ducked her head a bit, ears going flat, embarrassed at her outburst. "Sorry. This is just way worse. Cause I can't predict it. Right now I'm fine. But in five minutes, maybe thirty, maybe in four hours, I don't know... It gets so bad I can barely think straight, it's like an accelerated heat, it hits in minutes." She looked up at him and felt the tension lift from her shoulders, having said what she needed to. He finished his tea and hugged one knee, just watching her for a moment, thinking. "So you get this heat. What does this have to do with James? And why couldn't you say this over the phone?" She blushed a little thinking about the night with James. "I wasn't comfortable talking about it over the phone and it hit me as me and James were walking home after the club, that's why James called you and said what he said. What did he say by the way?" She smirked a little and sipped at her coffee, hoping the cup covered for her. Merik smiled back and leaned forward conspiratorially, whispering despite the closest fur being in line and nowhere near them. "He said that you hit him like an avalanche and that he'd never seen you act that way." Merick leaned back and grinned. "Made me jealous to tell you the truth." Dawn shivered and felt something tickle the back of her mind. "Yeah well, I hope it doesn't happen again, I don't want him to get the idea I'm taking advantage of him." She tilted her head a little, "He didn't say anything else?" Merik shook his head, "No, just mentioned a couple details I won't repeat in public air." He chuckled. It was like someone had lit off fireworks in her head as she remembered that night in vivid detail and felt that tickle spread immediately after it. She felt The Change attempt to come surging in but this time her mental walls were up and she was ready. "Hey... Uuuhh... Mer?" "Yeh?" "I haven't told you everything, there are a couple other details. James may know them without knowing he knows them. " Merik looked at her in confusion. "I mean, I didn't tell him almost anything, we were busy... " She blushed. "You have to believe me, because I can't show you. Not without jumping your bones." She felt her face heat up even more and took a keen interest in the plant in the corner. She could feel his eyes on her. "You're serious?" She nodded and glanced at him. "Okay, well, I'll try to believe you?" He sounded hopeful but worried. She took a deep breath, "Okay, ever since yesterday I've been having episodes, these heats, that cause my rings to glow blue and my eyes to glow like christmas lights. Also, a couple other things, but they're relatively minor." She smiled sheepishly as he stared at her. He shook his head, "You're serious." He stood up and walked a couple slow circles around his chair, hands interlaced behind his back. She'd seen him do this when he was working on a particularly hard problem. "You glow?" She nodded. She let him pace a moment longer before she realised she had at least a little proof. "Yo! Remember my eyes? They're normally a grey-ish blue right?" He nodded slowly before his own widened as she just looked at him. "Hooooo shit, what haaaaappened to you?" He sat back down and leaned forward staring at her irises. "Damn Dawn, you got eyes that'd make Hollywood jealous." She snorted, "What? Neon? Great, I can look like someone coloured mine with a highlighter!" She chuckled and smiled at him, "Soooo, I'm not really freaking you out?" He laughed and sat back "I guess not? I mean, I'm trying to believe you, but if that's the worst of it I don't think you have a lot to worry about." He attempted to sip his empty tea again and looked at the cup sourly. She cringed a little and flicked her tail. He noticed and his smile faded. "That's not all eh?" She grimaced and pulled her legs up to her chest, hugging them. "Nooo... Not really. Also when th..." She trailed off and mumbled into her knees. "Can't hear you spots." She stuck her tongue out at him and sighed. "Also, every time the heat kicks I gain like three cup sizes. And I can make anyone I touch instantly aroused." She repeated it more clearly for him and not into her fur this time. He stared at her in disbelief. "What?" "I told you! You have to believe me! If I show you, I can guarantee that we're going to end up in a situation neither of us wants." She curled her tail around herself defensively. Merik hmmmm'd and leaned back in the chair. "Alright. I'll take your word for it right now." He stood and grabbed his cup to toss in the trash. "I've got ten minutes before I have to be back home for my roommate to get in from work, I told him I'd be home all day so he didn't take his keys. " Dawn nodded. "Alright, anything else you want to know?" He shrugged, "Not that much more to tell is there?" She blushed in return and smiled. "Maybe..." She was remembering Katie in the bathroom and she felt The Change wake up again restlessly in the back of her mind. The chinchilla lifted an eyebrow at her and shook his head. "Tell me later, for now you need to give me some help on a proposal I'm working on. Walk with me?" Dawn nodded and followed behind him out of the Starbucks into the early fall air, the temperature still way too hot for late September. "Sure, I've got nowhere to be."

She made it back home about half an hour later and the second she got in the door The Change rushed over her crumbling willpower like a tsunami setting her nerve endings to eleven. An hour of holding it back had worn her out and she didn't have the strength to keep it at bay anymore. Her spots had started to shine with their neon blue light the moment she got in the door and assumedly her eyes had too. She let the warmth wash over her as she stumbled over to the couch, pulling her shirt and shorts off as she did and falling back onto it. Her bra started to get a little tight as she reached back to take it off, letting the clips loose it released her boobs and they surged forward as she sighed with relief. Her one paw found her nipple almost immediately as the other slid down under the fabric of her panties to gently brush the top of her slit. She moaned and pressed herself back against the leather couch as her nerves lit up like power cables. The Change egged her on, her eyes shut tight as her fingers started slow circles over her clit speeding up quickly and driving her straight to climax in a few short minutes. "Nnnnnn... aaaaahhhhhhh...!" Dawn gasped for air as her orgasm waned but the heat didn't abate, just like the first time. She groaned as she switched nipples and pushed a pair of fingers into her pussy and paused a moment, her paw gently circling her nipple. She caught her breath and started in earnest, thrusting her fingers in and out of herself. Her fingers were drenched and she was starting to drip down the insides of her thighs as she kept pushing herself down the road to another peak and adding her thumb onto her clit was the final step. She tilted her head back, mouth open and letting out a half groan, half scream as her whole body went rigid. She rode each wave of her orgasm out and lay back against the couch. Her heavier and much larger breasts spread out across her rib cage, rising and falling with every breath. The heat wasn't gone. Despite two mind numbing orgasms it wasn't in the least bit diminished. Dawn started idling groping at herself as she thought, her arousal not letting her to rest yet, even as her brain came to conclusions that both excited and frightened her. The heat wouldn't stop, just like her first one, she could orgasm until she couldn't move anymore and it wouldn't do a thing. She remembered the episode with Katie, she was fine without getting off at all. And she thought back to last night with James, shuddering and feeling the heat inside her surge again. She had been 'fine' after their first go round but had continued the next two just because it felt so good. Her body clenched up in a gentle, smaller orgasm at that moment, the combination of just thinking back to the night before and her fingers back on her clit giving her body all the reason it needed to release again. She panted a little and inched herself to the edge of the couch, clumsily reaching for her pants and the cellphone within the pocket. She grinned in anticipation as she tapped away a text. She rolled back onto the couch, her fingers going to work again, but more to tease and go slow in preparation. The heat inside her driving her actions but she wasn't an unwilling passenger.

Katie rapped quickly on the door and shifted from foot to foot nervously. Dawn had sounded really urgent in the text and she was kinda worried as the snow leopard hadn't responded to any of her own back. Her thoughts snapped back to the other night and she got even more worried. What if something bad happened? She didn't know what was happening with Dawn. She rapped again on the door, harder this time. She heard something through the door that left her confused but a muffled "Come in!" followed a moment later. She pushed open the door, turning and locking it behind her out of habit. The lights were off, the only illumination coming from the balcony and the snow leopard wasn't in sight of the doorway. "Dawn?" Katie called into the apartment. Another sound she couldn't quite make out came from the bedroom and she turned towards that hallway leading there. "You there Dawn?" "Yeah! Sorry... I mmmmf... I am. Come on in." Something sounded off to the timber wolf but she ignored it out of curiosity. She pushed open the door to Dawn's room, the lights were off and the curtains drawn. She would have been barely able to see if not for the bright glowing snow leopard in the middle of the bed stark naked and displaying herself for the wolf. "Hi there Katie." She sat up and smirked, her heavy teardrop breasts looking even bigger than Katie remembered. Katie could only stand and stare. "I was sure I was too drunk to believe it." She stepped forward and dropped her bag. "Holy shit." She stepped closer to Dawn before hesitating, unsure of what was going on exactly. Dawn patted the bed beside her, "C'mere wolfy..." Katie took another step forward but hesitated again. The snow leopard had had enough of that and stood, closing the last few steps to the smaller wolf, Dawn stood only a breath away her. She lifted an eyebrow at Katie and looked down at herself, her rings still glowing intensely and bathing the room in a bright blue glow. "Seems unfair doesn't it?" Katie gulped and nodded peeling off her t-shirt and tossing it away. Dawn ran a paw up over Katie's arm slowly, the wolf shivering at her touch. As her fingers flowed into the wolf's blue and red hair she let her spots flare, heat flashing through Katie's body. The wolf tensed up next to the feline and gasped, her eyes squeezing shut. "What did you dooooo?" The last bit drawn out in a throaty moan. Dawn smiled, "Not a lot... Imagine it's like drinking to make a lover more appealing." She rubbed her thumb over the base of Katie's ear lightly Katie mmmm'd in her throat quietly and finally took that last tiny step forward, nuzzling her face into Dawn's neck, arms wrapping around the larger fur's back. "Didn't need to do that... You're beautiful." She kissed her way up to Dawn's ear, whispering to her "And I couldn't get you off my mind after yesterday." Dawn chuckled, "Oh? Show me then." She ran a paw down Katie's back and grabbed one cheek of her ass, pulling her even tighter. The timber wolf growled and started kissing at Dawn's neck, one paw groping at a boob nearly the size of her head, the other frantically trying to push down her shorts. "I will when I'm out of these and on you!" She nearly ripped her panties off after her shorts and pushed the leopard back onto the bed. Dawn grinned and slid up the bed on her back, motioning for Katie to follow before grabbing her thighs and pulling the wolf all the way up to where her muzzle could dive between up between those grey canine legs. "I'm first though." She pushed her broad tongue up over dripping lips and ran it up across the wolf's clit, Katie yipped out in approval and undid her bra, letting it drop to the bed. "Ah! Fine with meeee." She moaned out, one of her paws moved into Dawn's hair and urged her forward while the other squeezed her own breast. They stayed that way a few minutes as Katie kept riding the rough feline tongue higher and higher. "Daw- Ah! Dawn, don't st-aaaahp... Mmmm-ah! I'm close! Nnnng! Yes! I- I'm!" Katie gasped for air and tensed up "Cummnngggg!" The word dragged out of her as she let out a gasping scream, both hands had made it into Dawn's hair and were pulling her muzzle up against her own pussy. The snow leopard only too happy to oblige as she pushed her tongue into and out of Katie's lips and over her clit, the roughness of her tongue stimulating the wolf as she rode out her orgasm.

Katie collapsed beside Dawn on the bed a minute later still gasping for breath. Dawn turned and nuzzled her cheek gently and purred. "We're not done yet wolfy..." Katie moaned oh so quietly as the snow leopard started nibbling at the base of her ears and whispered. "You still have to show me." Katie yelped and grinned. "Ha! You're right..." She flipped over and pinned Dawn down by her wrists, forcefully kissing the snow leopard. She eventually broke the kiss and started nibbling her way down Dawn's neck and into the canyon of her cleavage. She kissed her way over one breast, avoiding the nipple atop it though even as Dawn gasped and squirmed. "These look bigger than last time." Dawn looked down and nodded, still squirming a little. Katie kissed her way up to Dawn's nipple and gave it a slow rough lick with her tongue. Dawn gasped and tensed underneath her so hard she thought she might have cum right then and there. Katie grinned "And still just as sensitive." Dawn could only wiggle under her. "Please! Katie!" She pushed her chest up at the timberwolf. Katie smiled again "Oh alright." She leaned down, taking a bright blue nipple into her mouth, gently nibbling and sucking at it. The reaction from Dawn was immediate and intense, clenching underneath her and after less than a minute of alternating nipples, Dawn arched up so hard it lifted her and Katie off the bed. Gasping as she experienced her first orgasm straight from her boobs. Dawn relaxed after a few moments and was catching her breath, smiling at the wolf. "Mmmm... That was amazing." Katie rolled to the side of her and cuddled the snow leopard, nuzzling her shoulder and neck. Dawn purred quietly and hugged Katie close.

Katie nearly dozed off but Dawn wasn't having any of that and shuffled to face the wolf. She moved her hand just below Katie's belly button and let her spots brighten up, sending another pulse of arousal into the wolf. Katie's eyes blinked open as Dawn moved and she noticed the sudden flare up of light from Dawn's spots. Moaning and shuddering she turned and grabbed hold of the leopard's huge boobs, thumbs rubbing over her hypersensitive nipples. "Mmmm... Can you keep doing that? Making me horny?" Dawn nodded and gasped at the attention to her boobs. "Can you stack it over and over?" Dawn's eyes snapped open and widened, looking down at Katie who had a mischievous grin on her face. "Well?" Katie immediately felt her arousal snap to the highest it had ever been in her life, the feeling coming straight through the paws holding Dawn's breasts. "Oh goooo- aaaaAAAAAH!!!" She screamed out as her arousal ramped up yet again. Her whole body was ablaze, she felt like she was melting. "Aaaaahhh... Daaaaaaaaaaaawwwwnnn...." She whined desperately at the snow leopardess. "Not ... Ah... Again!" Dawn grinned and almost considered flaring her spots one more time but she could feel the heat inside Katie and assumed wisely that she'd probably hurt her if she did. As she considered this Katie had taken the initiative that the leopardess hadn't and was vigorously masturbating beside her. "Nuh uuuuuh..." Dawn pinned Katie's arms back against the bed and loomed over her. "We let friends take care of friends right?" Katie squirmed and whined but nodded, Dawn turning around and presenting her own slit to the wolfess. She leaned down, her nose hovering over Katie's clit, grinning. Gods, as much as she fought The Change and didn't want it controlling her... When it finally let loose, as with James, it knew how to have a good time. She arched her back as Katie went to work at her frantically and she repeated the motions to the wolfess in turn earning instant barks of pleasure. Friends take care of friends after all.

Cashiering sucked. Siv had made up his mind about that but couldn't help but think it over and over throughout his shift. He hated doing it, even more so since he'd tasted what any other job at the grocery was like. 'Someone who's six and a half feet tall is wasted as a cashier' his manager had said to him after his first two weeks. Still, when you agree to switch shifts with someone you don't really get to complain about it. He sighed and bagged out the rest of the ladies food and stood idly, not really having much else to do. It was a mostly student grocery and students were too busy on Friday nights to do their shopping. He discreetly checked his phone when he felt a little dizzy. His stomach turned a little and he fought down the urge to throw up right there. Ugh, that was quick. He leaned over and hung his head, light brown hair falling into his eyes. He let out long breaths to try and keep his dinner down. "Excuse me? Are you okay?" Siv glanced up at a plump lab woman who was looking at him with concern. He shook his head "Can you get my manager?" He dropped to his knees and tipped over onto the blessedly cool floor, his head was spinning and his stomach twisted into knots. He could feel sweat starting to bead on his skin under his grey-striped fur, his mouth hanging open, panting. He was on fire, what the hell was happening? His manager arrived less than a minute later, he'd attracted a couple other co-workers and customers as his vision continued to darken around the edges. He heard his manager's voice as though from far off "Siv? Siv stay awake if you can. We're gonna take you to the doctor, stay awake! Siv!" He felt a hand pat at the side of his face as his consciousness slipped away.

Siv groaned and tried to roll, feelings his arms and legs get tangled up in something before passing out. He kicked at something covering him and felt a sheet fly off his body, cool air washing over him and he sighed with relief. He heard a voice from somewhere quietly "Is he awake?" Siv's eyes fluttered open for a second, the bright lights stung as he shut them tight "No I don't thi-" and sleep claimed him again. Wakefulness came to him slowly, he could tell the lights were off now even through his eyelids. He shuffled a little, his body stiff and opened his eyes. It took him a few moments to orient himself in the darkness before realising he was in the hospital. Guh... He rubbed at his eyes and heard footsteps approaching before a young male horse appeared in the lit doorway, his short black fur contrasted with his green nurse's scrubs. "Oh, you're awake? How do you feel?" Siv blinked and thought about it. "I'm uuuh... I'm fine?" What? Wasn't he on fire just a little while ago? It felt like he'd been passed out for days and only minutes at the same time. The nurse nodded, "Good, I'll get the doctor, just hang tight okay?" Siv nodded and shrugged as though there were anything else he could do. A few minutes passed and the nurse returned with the doctor, an older fox woman, her hair entirely gray and her fur starting to fade in some places. "Okay, let's have a look at you. I'm Doctor Renner by the way, I was here when you were admitted "She popped her clipboard onto the side of his bed and brandished a thermometer at him. "Open up." While he sucked on the end of the thermometer she pressed an ice cold stethoscope into his chest fur that nearly made him jump out of his skin. "Woops, probably should have warned you." The smile on her face said otherwise. "You were brought in about four hours ago with a fever that looked life threatening." She checked his ear canals "We did what we could to bring it down and it seems to have worked, miraculously so." After removing the thermometer she did the usual say ah and asked him the general barrage of questions, has it ever happened before? No. Has anyone in your family ever had this happen before? Not to his knowledge. Etc. etc. "Well, I don't see a reason to keep you here, other than precaution. We did call your family last night though, they're on the other side of the country right? They should still be up. You should probably let them know you're okay before they board a plane." Siv nodded and thanked her. The nurse, Michael, stuck around to help him get his things together and fill out the paperwork.

Less than half an hour later Siv was walking out the front of the hospital and calling his mom. She was crying after he told her he was fine, she was so worried and his step dad was looking at booking a flight for that morning. He assured them both he was fine and gave them a couple details they hadn't gotten from the hospital, though he couldn't give them a why just like everyone else. He managed to reassure her he was fine and kept her from booking a plane flight anyways. "Love you too Mom..." He hung up his phone and thought about how he was going to get home. Taxi was expensive this far from residence, and the busses didn't run at three in the morning. Oh! Cherri! She lived nearby and had a car, maybe she was still awake and willing to drive?

Twenty minutes later Siv was sitting in the passenger seat on his way back to his place. "Thanks a lot for the ride, taxi would have cost me a day at work to get home." Cherri smiled "Noooo problem, I wasn't doing anything but watching TV reruns and letting the alcohol out of my system. What were you doing at the hospital anyways?" "I'm pissed I had to miss that party, but I was there cause I lost consciousness at work and developed a scary fever." Cherri looked over in alarm, "Woah, and you're okay now?" Siv nodded and leaned on the passenger door. "Seems so." They chit chatted, mostly about Jade's party as she drove. Cherri had been the one to dance with Jade most of the night except for a few guys that popped in here or there. Siv was barely listening, letting his mind go over what happened at work just hours ago. A short while later they were pulling onto his street, Siv pointing out his residence building, Cherri had only been there once before and couldn't remember it. "Thanks again for the ride Cherri, I really appreciate." "Hey no problem, I'll give you a ride anytime..." Siv looked at her and smirked, Cherri's eyes widened and she covered her mouth with one paw. "Gah! No! I meant, you know! That came out wrong!" Siv laughed and opened the door. "Would you like to come inside for a bit?" Cherri hesitated and cringed, "After that? I don't think I have much say in the matter do I?" The white tigrox chuckled again and stepped out of the car into the driveway. "No, not really, and besides, you've got nothing to do at home besides reruns right?" She shrugged and nodded "I guess, where can I park?" Siv pointed to the nearby visitor spaces. Once she had parked her car and grabbed her purse Cherri walked over and they entered the building together. "What floor do you live on?" "Fifth." Siv pressed the button for the elevator and felt a weird warmth emanate from his chest, like a warm bath but without the water. He ignored it as best he could but it spread over his whole body as the elevator made it to his floor. He'd just gotten to his door when the warmth spiked between his legs, becoming hot all of a sudden and he leaned his head against the wood frame, fumbling for his keys. Cherri couldn't help but notice and immediately thought his fever was coming back. "Siv are you okay? Is it the fever again?" He shook his head and managed to get the keys in the door, pushing it open and nearly falling inside. He stood, or attempted to and motioned towards the nearby couch in front of the T.V. Cherri pulled his arm over her shoulder and helped him stand on wobbly legs. He collapsed back into the cushions, nearly taking the much smaller fox with him. "Sorry, I just" He panted a bit. "I... This is weird." Cherri looked at him concerned. "It's not the fever I promise, this is different." He let out a long sigh as the heat abated a moment. Cherri looked around helplessly, "Is there anything I can get for you?" He shook his head "What's it feel like?" With nothing else to do she sat down on the ottoman in front of him. Siv was about to answer when the heat spiked again, focused on his loins and he doubled over, elbows on his knees. "Mmmmm, it's warm." He was trying not to let on but he was going out of his mind with lust right then and he could feel his pants getting tighter. Cherri, out of concern leaned forward, touching his shoulder and as her fingers contacted his fur Siv's grey stripes flashed green, glowing that way for a few seconds as heat spread up her arm into her body. She gasped out and dropped off the cushion onto the floor on her knees. She looked up into Siv's face and their eyes met, his eyes were glowing a faint green, her own widened in alarm as he pushed her down onto the floor, their lips met and all thoughts of Siv's eyes fled from her mind. His arms slid up under her shirt and he ran his claws through her fur. His nerves were being overwhelmed just by touching her and his mind was urging him to do more. He broke away from the kiss and leaned back into the couch, gently tugging her arm to bring her up with him. She climbed on top of him as he peeled his shirt off. Cherri ran her hands up his stomach and over his chest, claws gently dragging through his fur as he arched up towards them, gasping. Siv pulled Cherri down into another kiss and she ground her hips down against his, feeling his pants strain up against her. She glanced down in disbelief, that couldn't be as big as she was feeling. Siv groaned as his pants tightened in all the unpleasant ways over his crotch. He went to reach down and undo the button on his jeans but Cherri had beat him to it, sitting back against his thighs she unzipped him and pulled the jeans down. His dick strained up against the band of his boxers, the tip pushing well out of the top of the band and Siv let out a relieved sigh. Cherri stared in amazement for a moment. "Is that normal?" Siv shook his head and as the red fox tentatively ran her paw over it through the fabric of his boxers Siv had a sharp intake of breath. "Mmmm... Well, you might have grown too big for me." Cherri mumbled but leaned forward lapped lightly at his tip, pulling the band of his boxers down as she did so. As she continued licking her way down his pole Siv was doing his best not to buck her right off him. The feelings coming through his dick were incredible, better than any other time he or anyone had touched it. Cherri stripped off her shirt, leaving her in a plain black bra and jean shorts and wrapped a paw around the base of his heavy sheath, massaging him, while her other hand reached underneath and cupped his balls. "Woah." They were nearly the size of baseballs and hot to the touch. Siv was going insane with lust, he needed release so badly and Cherri, while appreciative was going too slowly. Something flooded his body for a moment and Cherri gasped out, her head tilting back, eyes squeezed shut as her hands squeezed down on his cock and balls, though not hurting him. This time Siv saw the glowing green coming off his stripes but was a little busy to say anything. She immediately stripped out of the rest of her clothes and he kicked off his jeans and boxers, leaving both of their naked bodies to wrap around each other. He kissed at her neck passionately while she nibbled at the base of his ear, licking and biting at his neck when she could. One paw reached down and squeezed her ass, grinding her wet mound over his massive cock. He moved his other paw to tease at the top of her slit, rubbing over her clitoris and drawing long moans from the smaller fox. He brought her close but didn't let her orgasm, she grasped at his back and whined pitifully at him until he continued. A minute later she had her legs wrapped around him and clutched at his back tightly as she had a crashing orgasm on his fingers. Siv felt the driving heat inside him dissipate almost immediately, he was still immensely aroused and ready but didn't feel the overriding need like before. Siv nuzzled at her neck as she came down and caught her breath, his cock throbbing painfully against her lower stomach. She reached down and gently wrapped a paw around it, not quite able to get her fingers to touch around his girth. "I don't know if I can handle this." He nodded and hugged her tight. "It's okay, I'm feeling more myself suddenly, I can go without." She smiled and kissed at his cheek. "I didn't mean that I wouldn't try silly." She sat up and straddled his crotch, aiming his enlarged dick towards her entrance, seeing it now she would've guessed it was a foot long, but Siv, knowing himself, would've said it was closer to nine inches. And nine was still far larger than anything she had ever experienced before. She let herself drop down, he reached forward and gently held her hip, one hand with hers holding his dick up towards her open pussy. As she felt it press against her sopping entrance she groaned, she wanted it so bad at this point and she was willing to go through some pain to get it. The tip pressed past her outer lips and pushed into her, Cherri letting out little gasps of both pleasure and pain. She paused halfway down to catch her breath. Siv grunted, her inner walls were pulling at him and squeezing him like nothing had ever done before. He wasn't even sure she had to go any further, she could just sit there and he'd probably finish eventually, but that wasn't to be as she started to slide down further on his shaft. Siv gasped as he felt himself hit her bottom, Almost two inches still outside her pussy but he didn't want to hurt her so he grasped her lower back and pulled her down onto his chest, just letting himself rest inside her as he kissed her. They held that position for a minute while he let her adjust. Though she didn't move her body, she just squeezed around him rhythmically and he couldn't help but start thrusting into her gently. "Cherri?" Siv gasped out a few minutes later. "Nnnn... Y-yeah?" She couldn't help but moan, this felt too good, the pain long being overwritten by pleasure. "I can, unh- I can feel the heat mmf, coming back." He gasped between thrusts into her. He felt her walls tighten up around him at hearing that "Let it!" She moaned long and hard as she felt heat flood her body as well, Siv's eyes and stripes lighting up a bright green again and staying that way. Both of them unable to say much else after that except exclamations of pleasure and moans, even his glowing went unnoticed or unremarked upon as he thrust in and out of her rapidly. Cherri's gasping breaths telling him she was getting close, his thick cock sliding in and out of her driving her higher and higher when finally she came so hard it was like a vice around his shaft. Siv gasped as her rippling walls were almost painful with how hard she was clamping down on him. His body started bucking almost involuntarily and as she came down from her orgasm his bucking pushed her right back into it, her mouth open in a long breathless moan. A few more thrusts and the rest of his cock pushed into her, his knot just sitting outside of her stretched pussy. Cherri was finally coming down from her double-orgasm and groaned, the feeling of his entire dick inside her was incredible, she felt so stretched. She looked down and could see a visible swell in her belly. How she even fit all that inside her she had no idea. He let her rest a moment but the heat would not be denied and both of them started moving against each other shortly after, his knot kept bumping against her pussy and she gasped at every thrust, her hands holding tightly behind his neck as she pressed her face into his neck. "Push it in! Aah! Pl-Ah! Please! I nee-ah!-eeeeed it!" He grinned and started thrusting a little bit harder, his knot pushing harder and harder at her entrance. While he had been focused on what she wanted Cherri had another orgasm and slammed herself down onto his knot, the bulge popping into her as their crotches met for the first time. He got another few thrusts into her when his own orgasm gripped him and he clutched at her back, holding her there while his heavy balls emptied their contents into her and he half howled half groaned. Cherri screamed into his fur as he came, his knot pushing inside her renewed her orgasm and her whole body was spasming. Her walls gripped and squeezed around his shaft as he unloaded his seed inside her. When he was finally finished nearly thirty second later she was only just catching her breath, looking down she could see a visible swell in her stomach. Her eyes widened, realising nothing had leaked out of her. Holy shit... Siv sat up and hugged her close, nibbling at her neck. "I don't think this is going down for a while, and I'm not even a little tired." She bit her lip and grinned, again? Hell yes. He turned her over and started thrusting down into her, causing pulses of pleasure to radiate into her. She finally noticed that his eyes were glowing and all of his stripes were illuminating the room bright green. She glanced down and saw the base of his cock was a bright green as well. "Hey Siv? Nnnnf... You're- ah! You're glowing." He never stopped his pumping into her "Oh? Ah... Well, that's inter-unf-ting" She almost wanted to stop him to be sure he was okay, but he certainly felt okay to her. She giggled at the thought before another wave of heat washed out of him and straight into her pussy. "Oooooooh Siv, fuuuck meeeeeeee!" She screamed out and dug her nails into the fur on his back. "Can do!"

By the time they were finished Cherri lay exhausted on the couch while Siv sat beside her thinking. He wasn't at all tired. Not a bad thing really, but very weird. He glanced over at the little red fox nearly a foot shorter than him and slowly leaking his copious fluids. She was cute, even all tired out and looking like she'd been part of an orgy. He hadn't meant for this to happen, he hadn't even been that interested in Cherri, well a little but not enough to do anything about. He wondered what would happen now between them. He continued to sit and ponder when he remembered the glowing green coming off his stripes before. Obviously it had stopped because they were back to their usual grey. He got up quietly and went into his bathroom, he stopped dead in his tracks seeing his face. His eyes had gone neon green. No glowing but holy crap that was noticeable. His nipples had likewise turned the same colour, looking like something out of a biohazard barrel. Sucking in his breath and cringing a little he lifted his sheath, which, along with his balls, had shrunk back down to their normal size. Nothing. No changes there and as his cock poked out a little bit... Shit! Bright green, like a highlighter. He let out his held breath while he looked at the rest of his body, checking for spontaneously changed green parts. He stared into the mirror again at his green eyes and sighed. He had always wanted something other than brown...