With No Working Title - Ch.1

\*Breet\* \*Breet\* \*Breet\* \*Bre-Smack\* A white furred hand slid off the alarm clock as the snow leopard sat up on her bed. Groggy and with eyes half closed she almost fell asleep sitting on the edge of the mattress when her alarm went off...

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With No Working Title - Prologue

\*Breet\* \*Breet\* \*Breet\* \*Bre-Smack\* A white furred hand slid off the alarm clock as the snow leopard sat up on her bed. Groggy and with eyes half closed she almost fell asleep sitting on the edge of the mattress when her alarm went off...

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With No Working Title - Ch.2

Dawn opened her eyes and purred quietly. How many hours had she been asleep? She smiled and looked over at James sprawled face up under the sheets. She spied the alarm clock sitting on his bedside table read 5:37. She couldn't have slept that long, as...

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With No Working Title - Ch3 Preview

Katie rolled over and nearly toppled right off the bed, her natural bodily reflex to panic and recover woke her up completely. As her heart slowed and her hyper awareness wore off she was informed by her senses that this was indeed NOT her room....

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