The Ancient World

Story by AlphaColt on SoFurry

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PrologueThere was once a world; a utopia filled with lush green forests,

vast bodies of water, and mountainous ranges. The inhabitants coexisted with

every being and creature on the planet as they thrived from their world's

infinite resources. These inhabitants were one with nature, for they were

anthropomorphic. This world was created for a single purpose; so that one could

live in peace, away from the retches of Earth. It was through the last breaths

of a dying world maker that this was possible. Thousands of years ago, the

old kings of Earth sought out these individuals for their own greedy purposes. A

whole world for themselves is what every king desires. This was a time of war. A war between the provinces of Earth, and

the world makers were caught in between it. Some were captured and tortured to

death, for they would not create a world filled with violence. Others

disappeared, never to be found again. The last world maker was very old and

weak. And as he lay on his death bed, he asked his followers to take him to a

place in the woods near the mountains where he visited often.  They laid him down next to some tall,

manipulated rocks that were etched in cryptic code. As the world maker took his

last dying breaths, he spoke to the imbued rocks and sealed the gate as

he etched more code into them. But before he died, he spoke to his

followers and told them the secret to opening it, but it was in riddle:"To pass this gate and to

escape this danger, You must surrender yourself and be one with

nature.Look to the forest and turn

to the wild,For that is where you'll

find the key my child.A key to a place of warmth,

a place of prosperity,A place to settle down and

escape this barbarity."Those were the last words spoken to his followers as his last

breath was taken from him. And so ended the life of the last known world maker.It did not take the followers long to figure out what needed to be

done, for the stones reacted to the presence of the wildlife around it. The

animals were not easy to catch. It would have been much easier to kill the

animals and bring them to the stones, but that was against their teachings.

They proceeded aptly; some caught wolves, mountain lions, and cougars. A few

managed to catch some birds. Others went to the nearest village and lead the

tame horses, cats, and dogs to the stones. A strange thing had happened though.

Of the wild animals they caught, when they reached the stones they became tame

as if they knew what was happening.One by one the old man's twenty followers took their companions

and led them to the stones. The cryptic language etched in them illuminated the

darkness around them, shining bright blue. As they held their companion in one

hand and touched the stone in the other, they were pulled into it, disappearing

from this world and reemerging into another. As each follower went through the

portal, they merged with the animal of their choosing and morphed into their

anthropomorphic state as they entered this strange world the old man had

created for them.Several hundred years passed and their civilization began to

thrive. There was leadership, and their king was just and humble. A town was

built, creating a comfortable environment for all to live in. Life was without

dismay...or so it seemed. Trouble was brewing on the other side of the portal. An

evil king, who sought destruction of any civilization lesser than his, happened

across the stones while traveling. He thought nothing of them as he got closer,

but the horse he rode on accidentally set off the aura in them. This intrigued

the king. As he rode closer to them and touched the rock, he was instantly

pulled into it. The king reappeared in the strange world, not as an anthropomorphic,

but as a man and his horse. This was a safeguard that the old man imbued to the

rocks. Only the innocent shall reap the rewards of this world. The king,

fearing for his life, grabbed hold of the rock again and is ported back out to

earth. As he reappeared on the other side, he had an evil grin on his face. He

told a messenger to bring forth his armies, and that there is new

territory to claim.All of the evil king's men wore wolf masks, enabling them to enter

the portal. Thousands of the king's men entered the portal and reappeared as

human to the strange world. Marching along through the jungle they came across

strange beasts that attacked them instantly. Many of his men died, for the

beasts were strong. This didn't stop the king from reaching the town.

The inhabitants were caught off guard. No one had anticipated for this to

happen. As the king walked into the town, he saw the strange inhabitants as an

abomination that needed to be exterminated. The males, females, even the

children, were all struck down. It was genocide.The king's newly found world was his for the taking. The king and

his men laughed as they plundered through the town, burning it to the ground.

After several hours, his men grew restless. There was a chill in the air.

Something wasn't right. As the men rested from their acts of evil, there was a

commotion coming from the forest. The trees moved and the ground shook. The

beasts of the forest were on a rampage. The balance of nature was out of

alignment and the beasts laid waste to the evil king's army in sheer

minutes...none escaped.For thousands of years the world was left forgotten. But now

a new threat is emerging; a threat that will endanger the lives of humanity. The Ancient World"I'm home!" my father says as he does everyday coming home

from work. He walks to the kitchen table where I'm doing my math homework. "How

was school?" Unaware that the question was directed towards me, I look up

at him, "Oh...It was, alright...I guess." I say, but it really wasn't. I am sixteen

years old and a freshman in high school. It wouldn't be so bad, but I'm kind of

a loner, and I don't like sports. So I don't fit in with many of the 'groups'

in school except for the nerdy group. So I get picked on...a lot."Oh it couldn't have been that bad eh sport?""Ugh...don't call me that! I don't even do sports." I retort.My father laughs and smiles at me, "Fine...what are you

working on there?""Math! Wanna help?" I say, teasingly, knowing he isn't very

good at it." should probably wait until your mother gets home,"

he pats me on the head and walks to the den.I roll my eyes as he walks away and I turn my attention back

to my homework. My attention doesn't stay on task for very long though. The

small TV sitting on the kitchen counter is on, and a reporter from a helicopter

is on the news saying that some archeologists found some ancient carved stones

that date back thousands of years ago. It doesn't really interest me, but my

A.D.D. prevents me from looking away. Just then, my twelve year old brother

comes in and asks me if I want to play some video games. I turn from the TV and

glare at him. He really knows how to get me. I would so much rather be doing

that than my math homework. I look down at my book and back at him."Sure! I need a break from this anyways. Besides, we need to

do something to pass the time. The midnight release for that new game is

tonight." I say as I get up from my seat.My brother smiles and jumps up and down yelling, "Yay! I

forgot about that."We walk to the living room and sit down on the couch. He

already has it on and both controllers are by the couch. I enjoy spending time

with my brother. He is really good at video games and presents a tough

challenge for me. I do mostly win though, but not always.We play for a few hours and its eight o'clock before my

mother gets home and walks to the living room. She smiles at us and asks us

about our day then leaves to her room and we continue playing. I glance at the

clock on the wall and its thirty minutes past eight.I turn to Johnny, "You know what time it is?""We're going to leave now? It's only eight thirty..." he says,

a bit confused."Yeah, but if we want a chance of actually getting the game,

we'll need to leave early.""Oh...Ok then!" Johnny jumps up and turns the console off.We both walk to the den where our parents are watching some

TV and tell them where we're going."Ok honey," my mother says, "Johnny...stay close to your

brother.""Ugh...I know!" Johnny says in disgust.I just got my driver's license and my parents got me a

little truck to drive back and forth from school. We hop in and take off

towards the city. It's only a few miles out, so it doesn't take very long. I

drive up to the mall parking garage and find an empty parking space and we start

walking towards the game shop in the mall. We can already see the line backed

up throughout the mall."Oh man...I hope we're not too late." I say.We get in line behind a cute girl I've seen from school.

She's about my height, five foot and six inches. She turns around and catches

me looking at her. I quickly turn away, but it's my brother who speaks first."Hi!" he says with enthusiasm. I swear, he will talk to

anyone he sees.The girl laughs and returns a simple "Hello," then she looks

at me. "Hey, I know you from school. What was your name?""Oh, it's...""Jason! His name is Jason," my brother interrupts me before

I have a chance to complete my sentence.She giggles, "My name is Lily, but my gamer's name is

Lilura.""Oh, I like it. Mine is Link.""That's cool!" she says enthusiastically. " about

this line? I sure hope we got here in time."I nod, "Me too."For the next few hours we all talk about the new game. It's

the first of its kind. A VRMMORPG they call it, or Virtual Reality Massively

Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. That's a mouthful, but the game itself is

called The Ancient World. The game requires a headset to play. From what I've

read, you start off in this new unexplored world. You have to craft your own

weapons. You start off with whatever you can find in the world. Eventually it

says you can mine for better materials to make better weapons and such. You

have to have better weapons to kill more dangerous creatures. There wasn't

really anything about a goal for the game, other than surviving. Sounds like a

fun game to me.Not paying attention to the time, the crowd ahead of us

starts to move. They are letting five people in at a time. It's our turn; Lily,

my brother and I, and two others walk in the store. When we walk in, there are

hundreds of boxes scattered around the store, each with a different insignia.

All the other games had been moved out to make room for them and the store was

decorated with these blood red banners hanging from the ceiling; each of them

had the different insignias. They depicted different animals: a horse, a wolf,

a fox, and several others. I wondered about this as we walked up to the men

behind the counter. There were two middle aged men dressed in black suits and

shaded glasses. They didn't say anything until all five of us reached the

counter."Hello, and welcome to The Ancient World. Each of you must

choose from the insignias before you, but be warned; you will not be able to

change it once you've entered the game...You sir," he looked at me, "Which will you

choose?""Umm..." I hadn't really given it much thought. I figured you

could change it when you set up the game. "I'll go with the fox please.""Very well," he said in a sophisticated tone. The other man

standing with him retrieves a box with the fox insignia on it and hands it to

me. He says nothing. It was a simple black box with the red insignia printed on

it." much do I owe you?" I say. I'm rather confused."It's on the house, and that goes for the rest of you." He

says with a half grin on his face.'Ok..this is really weird,' I say to myself. I am both

astonished and weirded out by the whole situation, but I do manage to say thank

you as I step back and wait for the rest to pick their insignias. My brother

picks the same as I do, and so does Lily. The other two guys both pick wolves

and we all walk towards the exit. I'm the last one to the door and as I turn

around to look at the store for one last time, the man behind the counter says

one last thing."Enjoy..." he says with an expressionless face.My eyes go wide as I close the door behind me. I was

officially freaked out. I know they tend to do these things on midnight

releases, but they really did a good job this time. I shake my head. Oh well,

we got the game and it's time to go home. Lily, myself, and my brother all walk

towards the parking garage and go our separate ways to our vehicles. As Lily

walks off, she turns around."Make sure to add me!" she yells."Lilura, right?" She nods and turns around to walk to her car. I stand there

for a moment, looking at her as she walks off. My brother looks up at me and

pokes me in the ribs."You like her don't you?"I just roll my eyes and tell him to get in the truck. We get

to the house and my mother is still up, of course. But now that we're there, she

kisses us goodnight and tells us not to stay up too late. It's Friday night so

we don't have to go to school tomorrow. I look at my brother and we instantly

drop our things and open the boxes at the same time to get our new headsets

out. They were really cool looking, also quite heavy. They were metal and made

quite well; aluminum I think, and they were painted black. Another thing that I

thought was cool was that on top of the device laid a small polished stone with

the fox insignia etched into it. They really put a lot of thought and time into

just making the headset, which made me wonder about the gameplay. The game also

came with a controller. You use the controller to move around and the headset

to look around at the environment. "Ok, the instructions say to sit down somewhere before

putting the headset on. I think we should play from our separate rooms since we

can talk to each other through the built in microphone." I say to my brother."Ok, I'll see you in the game then," he says as he walks towards

the door, but stops just before exiting.  " will I find you?""I'm sure they have some kind of friend request system. Just

look up my name and you should be able to join my party."He smiles, "Ok! I'll see you in the game."When my brother leaves, I plug the headset to on open outlet

and place the headgear over my head. As I press the power button on the side, the

display lights up in front of my eyes. A black eerie background appears in

front of me, a dark forest with leafless branches that seem to be right in

front of my face. Then, words appear on the screen and mysterious voice follows:Welcome to the Ancient World young traveler.This is a world that has yet to be explored.The mysteries have yet to be uncovered.And you have been chosen to do just that.But be warned...There is a danger here that should not be taken lightly.Everything that lives and breathes here wants to kill you.Should you enter, there will be no turning back.Are you ready? ...Press "A" to continue...Ok,

first of all how does this thing know I'm a "young

traveler?" And second, what the hell does it mean there's no turning back. Do I

only have one life or something? Damn this game is really freaking me out. They

made it seem like a regular survival game on the trailer. But now it seems like

more of a horror game. Oh well, I better hurry up and get into the game. I'm

sure my brother is already in; he loves these kinda games.A press the "A" button on my controller and the screen goes

blank. The headset starts to make a winding sound and I can feel air start to

circulate around the device. My eyes grew wide, but thought nothing of it as I

realized they were probably cooling fans. 'Well that's a cool feature' I

thought to myself. Then the screen turned bright white, causing my eyes to

squint.You were warned..."Ugh here we go with the creepy dialogue again," I say

aloud.Just then the fans start to wind louder and I can hear

something on the headset powering up. A flash of light blinds me, so I close my

eyes for a few seconds. But when I open headset is gone, the

temperature has changed, and I can see my hands in front of me, but they weren't

hands. They were paws! I looked over the rest of my body. I had been morphed instantly

into the being of my choosing; a fox. I have a tail, and fur has covered my

entire body, but I am sitting on a fallen tree in a dark forest like a human

would."What the hell just happened? I thought this was a visual

virtual reality console. Did this thing really just tap into my brain?" I say

aloud as I stand up. "No...that can't be it." As I stood up I could feel my

muscles being strained. I started jumping. My heart was racing and my legs grew

tired. "What the hell is going on?" I yell. I can feel everything.Something from behind me startled me. I jump and turn

around. There's something in the bushes, moving around. I can't see very well,

my eyes haven't adjusted to the darkness. To my left I could hear something

else, but it was further off. A deep howl from some creature ringed in my ears,

making my hair on the back of my neck stand on end. The bushes stopped moving

and the howling continued. I heard a scream. That was from a person! I start to

run, opposite the direction of the howls. I'm running through the forest,

dodging trees and vines; the lush leaves of the forest brushed against my face

as I ran past them. My heart was pounding, my adrenaline was pumping, I could

run faster though. With this body I felt less fatigue and could hear better. I

got distracted. I crashed into something, or someone. When I rose up off the

ground and looked around, I saw a wolfess on the ground, holding her shoulder;

she was scared."Hey! It's OK, I'm not going to hurt you. Let me help you

up." I say to her.Reluctantly she holds out her paw and I pull her up to her

feet."What the hell is going on?" she asks in a frantic voice.I shake my head, "I don't know. I was in my room with my

brother and I," I stop mid sentence. "Oh god! My brother!" I say, looking

around frantically. Then the howling continues. It was closer, and closing in.We both take off running, but it's too late. She was right

on my heel when the creature jumps through the brush and tackles her to the

ground. I stop and turn around. It's a feral wolf. But this beast is twice my

height and has her neck in his jaws. The beast has his eyes fixated on the

wolfess. She is still alive. I take a step towards them and the beast looks

right at me. He growls and clenches harder around her throat. She starts to

scream, but is cut short as he crushes her throat in his massive jaws. She

gurgles in her own blood as she desperately tries to breathe. Her eyes go wide

and she stops moving.Is this really happening? I can't move, but as I'm frozen in

fear I manage to take a few steps back. Tears are falling from my eyes. The

beast has caught his prey and hasn't shown any signs of pursuing me. The wolf

keeps a careful eye on me as I turn around to run. I look back as I'm almost

out of sight and he has already started tearing apart his fresh kill. My heart

is pounding out of my chest. I've never been this terrified. I've never seen

anyone die before. She was innocent! All she wanted was to play a harmless game...and

she died because of it! I start to get angry. Who could have done such a thing?

I was seeing red. All I can think about was getting revenge

and killing anything that stood in my way, but I couldn't do that without a

weapon. I stopped running and looked around for something, anything to defend

myself. Rocks and sticks were all I saw, besides the vegetation of the forest.

I had an idea. While cautiously looking around, I grabbed a rock and split it

in half over another. I then took a sturdy stick off of a branch that had

fallen from a tree and started sharpening the end of it with the jagged rock,

looking up and around every other second or so. I could hear small creatures

scampering around out there. They were watching me, I could feel it. My spear

is ready; it's sharp. It would maybe last for a few strikes, but it was all I

needed for now.I continued to trek through floor of the forest. There was

no moon. Nothing to light the sky except for the stars which shown brighter

than any I've ever seen. Even through the tall trees of the forest, they shown bright

enough for me to navigate through the dark overgrown forest. As I jumped over

fallen trees and dodged the branches and brush around me I could hear the squeal

of something above me. It sounded like the high pitched scream of a bat. I continued

to run. I didn't stop, but just then I sensed something behind me; it grabbed

me by the arm and bit into it. I let out a scream from the pain as clamped its

jaw into me. I tripped and fell to the ground as I beat the thing off of me. I

quickly rose to my feet and saw the creature flapping its wings on the ground.

It gained its composure and stood to its feet. It was only about 2 feet tall

and resembled a moth.  But this thing had

sharp teeth protruding from its closed mouth and talons like a hawk. My arm was

hurting badly and as I looked at it, there was blood seeping into my fur around

the wound. I looked back at the creature and it let out its high pitched scream

as it launched itself in my direction. I took the spear in my hand and swung it

as hard as I could, landing the blow against its face. The creature squealed as

it fell to the ground. Something hit me from behind and grabbed at my neck, but

I rolled forward before it bit me, causing the creature to fall to the ground.

I rose to my feet and took the sharp end of the spear and ran it through its

abdomen. I held it there until it stopped screeching and moving. The other creature

watched the whole thing as it recovered from the blow to its face. I ran

towards it, spear in hand, and it took off into the air, screeching loudly.I yelled at the creature as it took off. It didn't come

back. As I caught my breath from the fight, this overwhelming fear built up

inside me and I came to a realization. I dropped my spear and fell to my knees.

I was still breathing hard. I felt like I was about to pass out, but I shook myself

out of it. This is to be my reality now. A world filled with dangerous

creatures; a world of survival and only the strong survive. I don't know why we

were summoned here, but I plan to find out. I AM going to survive this and FIND

my brother. I will FIND HIM! ...whatever it takes.