Odd night in a camper van

Story by koukytails on SoFurry

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#1 of vore

Two friends go for a break in a camper van, but it doesn't all go as planned for one

my first vore story thought id give it a go

this story contains Vore Shrinking CockVore Cock play amongst other things

night in a camper van

Ben and Jordan where good friends and after doing what they had always wanted, purchasing a classic camper van to travel, they went on many short trips to different places. Jordan was a young husky with white and blonde/ginger fur and was about 5.2 foot in height and at 18 he was two years younger than ben a shorter than unusual horse with black fur who stood at 5.9 foot. Both knew each other from camping trips they used to take together when they where younger with their families and had stayed good friends ever since however Ben's thoughts towards Jordan began to change as he got older and started to slightly fancy Jordan. they spent most days together when not stuck at work Jordan working towards being a builder and Ben being a photographer and short film maker. they both spent most of their time together at the gym not trying to be buff or body builders but trying to stay health whilst gaining a bit of muscle along the way. So these short trips away where great times to relax and get some peace from their busy lives. This was their first camping trip for a while and their first in the new van they had saved for, however Ben had more planned to this weekend that Jordan could imagine. Ever since they where young teenagers they used to spend thursday evenings at the local swimming pool and aways enjoyed getting out before everybody else and sharing a shower and changing room, though at that age neither knew why they did this. But this carried on as they went to the gym they would share a large shower fitted changing room this was just the norm for them, but as they got older Ben's urges changed and he couldn't help checking Jordan out whilst he was drying himself. Occasionally ben would catch a glimpse of Jordan's sheath and squishy rump, and Ben being a horse couldn't exactly hide it well when he started to get aroused but all the times he thought he'd gotten away with it. When back at home after gym sessions Ben would imagine what it would be like to feel those parts of Jordan taste them, he had strange fantasies about how he could do this his favourite being to shrink down to about 4 inches and hide in Jordan's boxer shorts all night having fun with Jordan being none the wiser. But this could never happen write, WRONG see Ben is also a member of a secret small group of people who fantasise about this stuff and for ages had been studying what could help them live out there desires. One was this growth liquid which was supposed to be for plants however the formulae was for living organisms which didn't limit the use on furs. However it was banned because it was created to cheat at gardening shows and other competition events, though the group had some which they had stolen a while ago before it was fully cracked down on. They had been working on ways to make the solution reverse and make people smaller micros if you will as turning into what they called macro furs would expose them for sure and destroy there group. After months of trying they had done it and a select amount was given to each member to use as they please. Ben had saved his for this very situation a time when he and Jordan where alone, and as they set up for the night Ben couldn't help but feel a little exited whilst Jordan was none the wiser. "A little pent up there" Jordan asked as he could see Ben's short looking a little tight around the groin. "yh i guess so...h..he..he" Ben replied nervously "Well its been a while since I've seen you with a girl you mustn't have gotten off in a while...just a quick favour keep the jerking to in the showers, don't wanna wake up to a tent pole in the covers again" Ben started to calm down a little to his relief and continued helping Jordan set up the caravan for sleeping in as they had gotten there a little late and darkness was drawing in and after driving for 5 hours they where looking forward to an early night to have a full day exploring tomorrow. "good night" ben whispered "yh night" Jordan said as he set his phone alarm to 5:30am Ben turned over and tried to pretend as if he was asleep for about a hour or two playing on his phone with the brightness down as not to disturb Jordan. After a while he gathered that Jordan had nodded off sleep and Ben reached for his small bag behind his pillow and reached for the small bottle that contained the shrinking solution. Before downing it he read the label which read 'the only way to return to normal size is for another person to tell you to grow' "hmmm...that seems odd, dam!" Ben said rather loudly quickly covering his mouth with his hands. "this was supposed to be a secret how can it stay that way if he has to know" he thought for a second "ah i'll just act as if i don't know whats happened then in the morning when Jordan wakes up ill get him to say for me to grow.....somehow" Ben took the liquid and drink it quickly gulp down the whole lot. He lay there for a bit and nothing happened "typical it doesn't work, what a l....a le.....wait", Ben felt his whole body tingle and he started to feel the bottom of the sleeping bag brushing under his back. As this was happening he got a erection and stared to leak pre in a trail as his body shrunk and slid into the covers. Then without warning the tingling stopped and Ben know he had shrunken down to the smallest he was ever gonna be and as he rose to his feet he started to get a little disorientated and lost in the covers. Luckily the thin sleeping they had brought let through quite a bit of the light from the outside laps that lit the rode next to where they had stopped so he could make out things in the amount of light he had. As he turned to the side and moved forward he came up on what he wanted the edge of Jordan's boxer shorts, he got a little short of breath as he was so exited at this opportunity that before a week ago had been just a fantasy a wet dream that couldn't happen. As he moved closer he could feel the heat radiating from Jordan's body it was nice if not a little too hot adding to the slight amount of sweat that Ben was already producing due to his excitement. He reached his side and began to climb to atop Jordan's stomach i was odd doing this to his long friend but his lust took over his logic as this is what he wanted so much. Once atop he moved to the elasticated strap and lifted it high, he was hit with a small musky wave which only made his hard cock twitch and begin leaking again. Luckily they had both had quick showers from the built in shower the caravan had so he was clean and not smelly. When moving forward his breaths became deeper and more lustfull as he reached what he'd wanted to play with for so long. He climbed abroad and positioned himself with his arms around Jordan's sheath and his feet massaging his balls, his face was at the opening to the sheath in which the tip of Jordan's cock was jutting out so Ben started to lap at the tip. Jordan not having to much experience in the sexual department got arroused rather quickly with his full length now free from the sheath. Unknown to Ben Jordan was also a little built up from not pawing of for a while so his climax was a lot easier to reach in a shorter time that Ben could have thought. Jordan's cock twitched and started to pulse as he got closer and pre started to leak from the tip of his cock sticking Ben to the shaft. "Wow he may go a little quicker than i thought, and by the feel of his balls and the jolts of his cock its gonna be big" Ben said to himself "wa....shit!" Ben tried to move as he felt Jordan's body shift then his hand coming down to remove his boxers below his balls, then with his other hand grabbing his cock along with Ben to finish himself off. In doing so he awoke from his sleep not to sure what was happening but determined to blow his load. Jordan checked over to see if Ben was asleep but was a little surprised to not see him there, but he thought he may have just gone to use the toilet. His attention turned back to getting himself off and his grip on his cock tightened slightly, the squeezing from his hand slightly crushing the tiny horse on his cock but not too much to hurt or harm Ben. "OOO FUCK!" That was it Jordan blew his wad all over the inside of the sleeping bag, his stomach an chest with most going over his hand. He was in bliss an afterglow after such a large release. Ben had also released his load in his excitement of the situation but his cum didn't seem much to what was released by the much larger husky. "Phew...tha...that was amazing" but as Jordan gathered his thought and calmed down he felt an odd sensation in his hand, at first he thought it was just cum then his curiosity brought him to look at his hand. "What the hell, whats a bug doing in my hand" but as his eyes focused better in the light he got a better look at what was really on his palm. "BEN!? the hell, how did...why are you tiny and in my hand?" Ben looked a little ashamed from the fact he'd been found out by his friend. "Well...erm..well" the silence in the van helped Ben's voice to be heard better and clear but Jordan interrupted as he realised where his hand had been. "You where on my cock why where you on my cock, what is this you'd better start explaining." Jordan's voice was very stern and serious so Ben decided it would be best to just explain plainly what happened. "Well you see and please don't be mad, i've had this crush on you for ages an" Jordan started to blush slightly as he listened "and i didn't think you felt the same towards me so I used a shrinking solution so that I could explore your body whilst you sleep and you wouldn't notice" "So you shrank yourself to take advantage of me whilst i slept" "Now you say it" "you know you could have talked to me about your feelings towards me, instead of going through all this crazy stuff just to use me for your pleasure whilst i sleep" "i can only apologise and hope you can forgive me" "FORGIVE YOU! you basically raped me in my sleep your my friend and have been for a long time and in all that time you've never thought to ask about my feelings towards you" "what do you mean?" "Ben i love you your not just a friend i know more about you than you realise, i noticed those lusting looks at my body at the gym and the bonners you always get when I'm with you. I also know about those little fetishes you have over being a micro and having fun with normal size furs especially me" "WAIT you knew?" "Yes i knew and to be honest this situation has made a little fantasy of mine come true" Ben looked on with a questioning look on his face "you see like you i've had macro micro fantasies but didn't think they could ever exist but you...you have helped me realise my dream to be a dominating macro have kinda come true. I may not be bigger than everybody but i'm defiantly bigger than you. Now let me get you cleaned up a little because i don't think tonights fun is over" Ben squirmed in Jordan's hand as he lifted his tiny body to his open awaiting maw. "Stop what are you doing" "getting you clean of corse nothing better than a macro tongue bath to clean of some leftover fluids, don't worry its just a little thing i've always wanted to do" He placed Ben into his maw and onto his tongue and immediately he was hit with a sensation he didn't think would happen Ben tasted good. "Mmmmmm wow what a flavour mmmmm" the vibrations mixed with the sloshing and movement of Jordan's tongue got Ben to full arousal again. The dominance Jordan felt helped to get him fully erect too and as he cock stiffened an idea arose from his mind as his lust for his dream took over his mind. When Jordan released Ben from his mouth pinching him with two fingers he gave him one last slurp with his tongue "What a tasty little thing you are" "TASTY! what do you mean tasty" "you..you taste good look good god i love you even more. Now i thinks its time for me to try another fantasy of mine" As Jordan said this he grabbed Ben around the waist and with his other hand straitened Ben's wailing legs. "what are you doing with me?" "well you see the other thing I've wanted to try was this thing called cock vore I'm sure you familiar with it" "yes I'm familiar, Jordan? if i go along and we do your fetishes as a macro do you think we can put earlier behind us?" "hmmm...well we shall see" As Jordan said this he'd already had ben up to his waist in his cock slit and as he finished he placed a finger on Ben's equine head and gave a push. The saliva and pre that surrounded Ben helped him slide in rather easy and as he got half way down Jordan's shaft he felt jerking all around him as Jordan began pawing off again. As the pre leaked around Ben's body his large cock started to get close the blowing again with had been helped by been sloshed around in Jordan's maw. As this happened he felt a build up underneath his feet and he then knew Jordan was close to blowing another load this time as well as cum it would also contain a little horse. Jordan began to jolt up at the hips as the build of the tension and the thought of what he was doing made his orgasm the best he'd had to date. "Get ready little pony because your gonna be free soon." Suddenly the jolts increased in intensity and then it happened he came a second time, Ben shot out and laded on Jordan's white fur chest followed by strings of stinky white cum. Stream after stream came out of Jordan's cock and landed everywhere luckily not a drop hit Ben as it spurted in many different directions. Jordan recovered from his orgasm a lot faster this time thanks to being fully awake and in knowledge of what he was doing. He looked down at Ben on his chest and a thought struck his mind 'that taste... that amazing taste of Ben in his maw', but he couldn't he was his friend a living fur 'a tasty wriggling fur'. He shook the thought but then his stomach rumbled and Ben heard, Jordan knew they didn't have anything eat till they went to a store in the morning but it was midnight nowhere is open and wont be open for a good 7 hours. Then he looked back at be and ben was looking at him, and as Jordan reached with his paw he didn't fully understand what Jordan's thought and intensions where. As he was lifted up to Jordan's face he noticed a sinister look in Jordan's face and a chill ran through his body. "Ben I must say tonight has been fun and our experience tonight has left me rather hungry and craving something to full that empty space in me" "NO WAIT NO YOU CAN'T?!" Ben yelped "Oh but you see there is one more thing on my list as a macro that i haven't yet indulged in, see if i where a real macro and larger than everybody else i would simply seek out others to snack on to please my final fantasy however that isn't a situation we're currently in. But earlier you....your taste it was amazing so flavourful i don't know i can help myself i have to have you." "but i thought you loved me?" "oh don't worry i do i love....I love your taste, flavour and most of all your current size, your a perfect and mightily tasty midnight snack to state my hunger." "wait this isn't you talking its your lust." "didn't seem to bother you when you where taking advantage of me in my sleep earlier...now less taking time to feed the giant husky with some tasty horse meat" and with that Jordan threw Ben into his waiting maw and straight away that great taste hit him again and took over any pity he had for his tiny friend fighting in his mouth. His hunger was too much he had to swallow and with one large GULP he swallowed his friend. He used his paw to follow Ben down his throat feeling his squirms as he slid down to his stomach. After a small while Jordan yawned, hunger satisfied he turned and lay back down and went to sleep.