Second Wind

Story by Thunder Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Love is Black and White


This contains M/M, with anal. If your under 18, (or 21 depending on where you are), good job on hiding what your doing but still, get out


"Thunder, I really don't think this is necessary" Frost complained as the wolf met him after each period.

"No Frost, this is very necessary. They will take any chance they get to get you" Thunder argued. Thunder had been meeting Frost after each class to escort him to the next class. This was earning Thunder looks from everyone they passed. Anyone caught staring too long got a long, menacing growl from Thunder. Each time this happened, the student caught would suddenly look away like he had something else to look at. Frost was embarrassed at the new kind of attention, but also grateful that his new wolf friend would go the length to protect him.

It was the end of fifth period and the bell was about to ring. Only one more class and then Frost could go home. The second hand seemed to move extra slowly just to taunt Frost. The fox's leg was bouncing up and down. He was nervous. Each time he ventured from between classes was another chance to get beaten. As soon as the bell rang, Frost has his bag slumped over his shoulder and zipped out the door in an almost running like way. And the relieving sight meet him as soon as he stepped outside. His wolf friend was standing patently with a smile for Frost. Frost waved and Thunder waved back. "Hey" he called.

"Hi, you ready?" the wolf asked. Frost nodded and walked beside Thunder. During a clumped part of the crowd, Thunder started to fall behind. "Hey Frost! Wait up" he called but the fox couldn't hear him. Thunder started to panic. If he was away, Frost could be in danger. This couldn't be anymore correct. While Frost unknowingly walked ahead, leaving his protection in the crowd, he failed to notice four large bodies walking towards him. Some other people surrounding Frost did and stepped away, to avoid being caught up in the fight that was sure to pursue. Frost had barely even noticed the other people walk away from him. The front most of the four gave a toothy smirk as he saw the white fox alone, without any help and menacingly cracked his knuckles. Frost heard this and turned to see the source. Mark had started to walk even faster leaving the fox with no way out. Frost had only seconds to register the danger when he saw a large figure block his view. Once again Thunder had come to his rescue. Mark saw Thunder and took several steps back, only to turn around and walk away as fast as he could. The wolf smirked as he turned to Frost, his smirk fading as he faced the fox. "Frost you need to be more careful. Now you've witnessed how eager they are to have another go at you. I might need to do this longer than I thought"

"They really want to kill me don't they?" Frost asked, fear in his voice.

Thunder shook his head. " I don't think they want to kill you, just beat you again. I'm sorry"

"What are you apologizing for?"

"If I hadn't hit him, I don't think this would be happening. I just got so angry, and then I saw you and-" he interrupted himself with a growl to himself. "Oh well. What's done is done. I guess I'll see you next period".

"Ok see ya"


It was about half way through sixth period when Frost started to space out. He was thinking about what Thunder had said. "If I hadn't hit him, I don't think this would be happening". He was wondering what would have happened if Thunder hadn't got in between him and Mark. He would probably be a miserable beaten pulp in the nurses office. But still it haunted him. Would they have beaten him some more and left him alone for a long time? They would have already shown they have power over him, so why bothering him again? He felt a mix of thoughts. True he would like to be able to live without any bother from Mark, so he felt a tang of anger towards Thunder. But then he thought what they would have done to him if they continued. They very easily could have killed him. This thought sent a wave of fear through Frost. He might have been closer to death during that one fight than any other moment in his life. Just the thought of being so close made Frost shiver in-

"Frostprower, pay attention!" the teacher yelled. Frost jerked his head up to find Mr. Finan yelling at him. "Sorry Mr. Finan" Frost said. The teacher nodded and continued on his lecture, which Frost didn't pay attention to. He glanced at the clock. 'Only five more minutes' he thought. Frost was extremely nervous about walking home, even with Thunder. Danger wasn't new to him, but the shadow of death was. He was used to death threats but never true threats like the one Mark and his posse posed.

As the bell rang, Frost was late on the get go so he was caught in the leaving crowd, getting the "See ya queer" and "Good luck with Mark gay". The mention of Mark's name brought the sickening thought of death back into his mind. The same flood of relief washed over Frost as he spotted Thunder waiting for him just outside the door. Thunder had a look of concern on his face. Frost noticed his look and asked him about it. "It's nothing. Just family business" he replied and Frost let it drop as they started for his house.

They walked in silence for a little while before Thunder broke it with a question. "So, what are you going to tell your parents?" he asked.

"Nothing" was Frost's reply.

"Nothing!? You should have this brought to court and your going to say nothing? How will you explain the bruises?"

Frost turned and gave his wolf friend a happy smile. "My parents are gone for the week. These will heal by the time they come home"

Thunder just shook his head. "I still think you should take this to court. That'll keep them away"

"That won't work"

"Why not?"

Frost let a long sigh out. "One of two reasons. First, our local judge hates gays almost as much as Mark himself. Second our judge is Mark's dad"

Thunder was staring at Frost with his maw gapping open. "Is there nowhere safe for you?" he asked, shocked.

Frost shrugged as he saw the ally he had to take to get home. They walked in silence until they reached the ally. Thunder was about to walk past it when Frost stopped him. "I usually take this way home".

The same look of concern he had earlier flooded his face. He didn't move and when Frost turned around to start walking, Thunder Reach forward and grabbed his arm pulling him close. "Do not leave my side" he whispered into Frost ear. Thunder slowly started to walk forward. "Why? What's wrong?" Frost asked, worry starting to show in his tone.

"I got a tip from a reliable source. Mark and his bitches might be waiting for us in here. I disregarded it because I thought you don't take these kinds of roads. We can't stop now. If we do they will know we're onto them". Thunder kept walking with Frost close to his side. Frost now was visibly scared. Each time they heard a noise, Thunder squeezed Frost closer, telling him not to notice it.

They were halfway through the ally when Frost finally looked at Thunder. There were visible beads of sweat on his brow. He had a mix looked. It looked like he was a mix of scared, angry, concerned and in pain. The concern in his face showed even more when he heard an evil laugh behind him. Both he and Frost slowly turned to see Mark and the other three behind him blocking their exit. Thunder quickly got in front of Frost to protect him. Soon several more people appeared behind the first four. "Well, well, well" Mark retorted. "Looks like our gay little fox has found someone to burn in hell with". The others join in with laughter at Mark's joke.

"What the hell do you want?" Thunder snarled at them.

Mark's smile faded. "You know what we want. To finish what we started. We will make sure the only safe haven for him" he said motioning to Frost, "is six feet under".

Frost's eyes went wide with fear. His thoughts were right, they did want to kill him. Thunder pushed Frost even further behind him. "Over my dead body" Thunder growled.

Mark laughed. "Well looks like you figured out the part of the plan". This made Thunder snap. He let out a carnal yell, that made everyone, even Mark, take a step back in fear. Thunder rushed as fast as he could to the closest person, who happened to be a another wolf. The grey wolf was not expecting his black brethren to act so soon, so he was caught off guard. Thunder had his hands positioned so his claws could rake through as much flesh as possible. He then brought his deadly hands across the other wolf's face. The grey wolf screamed in pain and fell to the ground holding his face. The others flinched away in fear and Thunder was quick to act on this. He rushed the next closest guy, a brown fox. He got the claws across his chest, tearing his shirt. This time the others reacted faster. They then ran to stop the rampaging wolf. As one of the seniors got close enough, Thunder jumped in the air and delivered a spinning kick to the side of the trespassers head. He was flung to the side while another tried to sneak around and grab Thunder in a bear hung, but the black wolf noticed him long before he moved. Thunder turned around and stabbed his claws into his attacked as he tried to grab him. The brown cougar fell to the ground holding his stomach. As Thunder continued his rampage, he failed to notice the three seniors get past him and head towards Frost. Frost, however, noticed and tried to run away but was blocked by a large lion. He gave Frost a toothy, evil grin. Frost was too scared to move as the lion reached for him. He suddenly heard Thunder yell, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!". Thunder showed up behind the lion and grabbed his mane, forcing his head back only to shove it forward into a wall, knocking the lion out cold. Frost saw Thunder for the first time since the beginning of his blind anger attack. He had a look of pure hatred. Frost could have sworn he once saw Thunder's eyes glow yellow, but quickly diminished it when he saw they turned back to their green after he looked away.

Thunder was fighting a large bear when Mark and his closest posse sneaked up behind him. Frost was expecting Thunder to turn around and attack them, but he started to get worried when Thunder continued his attention to the bear in front of him. He also failed to notice the bat in Mark's hand. The bear finally fell from another punch and Thunder stood over the unconscious bear. He was panting heavily. He looked up to see the rest of the seniors laugh. He gave a puzzled looked, but was quickly answered when he felt the horrible pain in the back of his head. He fell and quickly reached around to hold his head, when he pulled his hand back he saw blood cover his fur. He felt another blow to his chest and curled up into a ball to protect him self. Frost stared in wonder, this must have been what he looked like when they had attacked him this morning. Thunder tried to forget the pain and stand back up but another blow to his back sent him face-down on the ground. He was still awake but too tired and to hurt to move. He moved his head so he could see what was happening. He saw the seniors leave him but turn their attention towards Frost. With no one to stand between him and the seniors, Frost was an easy target to grab. While two large otters grabbed each of his arm, he was kicking and screaming trying to get away, but he couldn't get any leverage. Mark was now standing in front of the captive fox, reaching into his pocket. "Now, lets finish this shall we?" he asked pulling out a knife. He reared back his arm, preparing to stab Frost, who closed his eyes and tensed up, waiting for the pain and agony of the cold metal peeling apart his flesh. It seemed slow to Frost. He winced when he heard a grunt of pain come from in front of him. He thought it was himself letting it out sub-consciously, but realized that it wasn't him. He felt no pain, no blood trickling down his body. His eyes shot open to see why he wasn't dead. What he saw was almost worse. Thunder had gotten up and jumped between him and Mark, taking the knife himself in the stomach. His mouth was gaping open. His breath came in gasps as he clasped Mark's hand around the knife. Mark let go and took a step back. Frost could see the surprise on his face. Thunder fell to his knees and looked up with one eye. "So" he said, Mark jumping at his voice. "After you had killed Frost, what did you plan to do next?" Thunder stood up. The otters let go off Frost and started to back away. Thunder pulled the knife out in a quick motion. Blood dripped off the tip and fell to the floor. Mark's face was full of fear. "What the hell are you?" Mark asked his voice shaking with fear. Thunder let the knife drop from his hand, but he held his arm up.

"I am your worst nightmare" he said quietly. Suddenly arcs formed between his fingers. The arcs grew bigger and stronger until the arcs were leaping off his arm and surging through the ground. One of the seniors pulled out a knife and tried to stab at Thunder again but Thunder was quick on the draw. He pointed his arm towards his attacker and lightning streamed forward, striking the senior. When the lightning struck the senior, he was thrown to the ground with burn all across his body. Seeing how their friend was easily brought down, they all started to run. The ones who were knocked out earlier got up to the sight of a black wolf with electricity arcing from his limbs. Two of the bravest seniors got close enough to pull out of the way the first guy to be exposed to Thunder's ability. Once all the seniors left, Frost rushed over to Thunder, who collapsed on the ground. He no long had blood coming out of his wound but it was still painful. Frost quickly helped Thunder up. "Are you ok?" he asked Frost. Frost nodded slightly. "Lets get to your house".

Frost said nothing while they walked until his question bugged him to a new level of annoyance. "How the hell did you do that?" he finally asked. Thunder took a deep breath. "When I was still in my mothers womb, she suddenly got really horny, but my parents agreed not to do anything while she was pregnant. So she had to resort to a vibrator, but she likes putting them in backwards. The one time she did it, a D-battery slipped out and into, what was, the developing me. So my cells developed with a constant charge going through them. Because of this, my cells need electricity for mitosis, the splitting of cells. A benefit is that because it's needed, electricity can reside in my body and that give me control over it".

They reached Frost's house after about three minutes. It was an average sized house, about 4000 square feet. It was white on the exterior with some darker white for the front porch. (Just imagine your own house if this doesn't fit it at all). Frost looked at Thunders healing wound. "Will you need anything for that?" he asked.

"Just a shower. Hope you don't mind". Frost smiled. "No worries" he said as he opened the door


Thunder was in Frost's shower, washing away the blood from the knife wound. Despite Thunders words, Frost was still worried., so he waited outside the bathroom door to make sure that he was going to be alright. テ「竄ャヒ廨od I need to stop worrying', Frost thought to himself. テ「竄ャヒ廩e can take care of himself. Fuck! He can even control electricity'.

Since frost experienced Thunders power, all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. His name, his eyes glowing, his violent behavior around things he doesn't like. As he was thinking, he didn't notice the door opening and the sight he was greeted by was Thunder standing right in front him, fully nude. Frost got a good look at his friends body. He had average torso build but his arms and legs muscles were massive. Thunder quickly closed the door enough to cover himself. His ears burned red to match his face, "Uh... sorry. No towels" he said quietly.

"Oh! That's ok. I'll get you one". Frost quickly trotted to his laundry room. As he grabbed the towel, he started thinking about Thunder. He felt himself get slightly hard when he thought about how Thunder's sheath looked. By the size, Frost determined he was about average size for canines. Frost took the towel and ran back upstairs. He knocked on the bathroom door, and Thunder stuck his hand out and grabbed the door. A few second later and Thunder stepped out, now covered by the towel. He ran into Frost's room, where his now clean clothes lay. As he was running a breeze kicked up the towel, giving Frost a clear view of his tail-hole. At this sight, Frost became fully hard. He imagined himself sliding into his tight pucker. He suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge to mount Thunder. Frost didn't know about the wolf's sexuality, but, then again, he didn't care. He only cared about claiming the wolf-hole.

Frost choose his path. He quietly snuck to his door and slowly turned the knob. He licked his lips in anticipation. As the door opened, Frost stuck his head in and saw Thunder putting on the same pants he wore earlier. Frost let the door close and latch behind him. Thunder jumped up in surprise and quickly turned around to see Frost standing in front of him. He relaxed and took a deep breath in and out. He was about to ask Frost what he was doing, when he notice a smile creep across Frost's face. He was giving Thunder a look a hunter might give its prey.

"Frost are you ok?" Thunder asked.

"Oh, I'm fine". Thunder noticed Frost's voice sounded deeper and more commanding.

"Frost are you alright? You sound different."

"Heh, heh. You think you're the only one with a secret? Oh no. I have a secret of my own." Frost kept walking closer to Thunder as he spoke.

Thunder tried to back up to keep room between him and the fox but was soon stopped by a wall. Frost quickly took advantage of this by placing both his arms on either side of Thunder making escape difficult. "Frost what are you doin-". Thunder was interrupted as Frost leaned forwards and pressed his lips to Thunder's.

Thunder let out a surprised "mmph" but did nothing to stop the kiss. He was torn. On one hand he liked it but on the other hand he knew it was weird to kiss another guy. His thoughts were brought back to the present when he felt something press against his lips. Frost's tongue! Thunder questioned whether or not he should let Frost in but apparently he waited too long as he felt Frost worm his tongue into Thunder's mouth and start to explore.

Thunder gave in to his own desires and started to wrestle Frost's tongue with his own. Thunder felt himself get pushed against the wall as Frost tried to get as close as possible to his wolf friend. Thunder was getting very aroused at the long, wet kiss. He let out a whine when Frost finally broke it. "My, my. You are an eager wolf aren't you?" Frost asked.

Thunder tired to lean forward and continue the kiss, but Frost took a step back and Thunder fell to the ground. Sometime in their kiss, Frost had lifted Thunder off the ground. The fall had snapped Thunder out of his lustful haze and noticed Frost sitting on the bed with his leg propped up so his member could be seen through the thin fabric of his pants. Frost was slowly stoking it as he said, "Like what you see?"

Thunder nodded as he scrambled up. Frost got up only to push Thunder down on the bed and start unbuttoning his pants. "So were you gay or bi before this?" he asked.

"Bi" Thunder panted. Once both Thunder's pant and boxers were off, Thunder started to lick his sheath, earning a moan from the wolf. Frost murred when he saw the red tip of Thunder's cock poke up from his sheath. To quicken the process, Frost started to swirl his tongue on the tip of Thunder's member. Thunder gasped at the new attention to his cock. He felt himself get fully hard. "Shit Frost, that feels good."

Frost murred lightly and gave the wolf-hood one last lick before placing it entire length to the forming knot in his maw. Thunder let out a "gaah!" of pleasure. "Oh fuck Frost. This feels amazing". Thunder let out a yip of surprise when he felt a sucking motion on his cock. He started to squirm under Frost as he got closer to his climax. "Frost... ahh... I'm close". Frost only bobbed his head faster. Thunder gasped a few time before he shot his load down Frost's throat. Frost greedily gulped it all down. "How was that?" he asked licking his lips .

"That was amazing. Where did the timid fox I know go?"

Frost smiled a sweet yet wicked smile. "When I was born, a demon integrated with me but lost power as soon as it did. I can only notice it in intimate situations".

Thunder looked at Frost skeptically. "well you have a demon and I can control electricity". He looked to Frost with an embarrassed look. "Uh, Frost... do you... have any... experience with... anal?"

Frost smiled sweetly. "Course hun". Frost got closer and pecked Thunder on the lips. "Can I ask you something?"


"Can you... be my... pet?" Frost turned away thinking he would anger his friend, but Thunder only laid his head in Frost lap. "Please fuck me master."

Frost's eyes lit up. He got up and walked to his closet. Thunder couldn't see what he was doing but he saw Frost pull out something. Still hiding it he walked over to his night stand and grabbed a sharpie. The cap came off and Frost started to write on his newly acquired item. He finally turned around and showed a pink collar with matching leash. "before we start, can you put this on?" Thunder took the leash and saw the tag that had the name "wolfie" on it. He laughed. After opening the latch he slid the collar around his neck and re-latched it. Grabbing the leash in his mouth, he held up his paws like a dog would to beg and gave Frost the best puppy-eyes he could.

Frost nearly tackled Thunder onto the bed. Frost already had his clothes off so both of them were lying on the bed naked. "Missionary or doggy-style?" Frost asked.

"doggy, defiantly". Thunder got on his hand and knees, wiggling his ass in Frost's direction. Frost crawled over and started to lick around Thunder's tail-hole. Thunder started to gasp with each stroke. When frost determined that the outside was lubed enough, he pierced Thunder hole and started to explore his insides.

Thunder murred at the wet flesh protruding his ring. He whined lightly as the pleasure faded when Frost pulled his tongue out. He felt the tongue get replaced by a long hard fox-cock. Frost tightened the slack on the leach making Thunder's head come back. "Are you ready my pet". Thunder smiled at being called pet. "yes master". Thunder started to wag his tail when he felt the fox-cock poke into his ring. When Frost was all the way in, Thunder let out a cry of pain and pleasure. "Oh god". Thunder felt Frost stop moving so he could get used to the new length in him.

Soon Thunder felt no pain. He nodded and felt the cock slide out and back in. he let out a cute "ahh" as his tongue lolled out to the side.

Frost let out moans of pure ecstasy. "God your so tight. Not everyday you get to fuck a virgin"

"Not everyday you get to be de-virginized". Frost let the leash fall and wrapped his arms around Thunder's waist. Now with more leverage, Frost thrusted in and out of Thunder more vigorously. "Frost" Thunder panted. "you might need to catch me".

For an answer, Frost tightened his grip. "I'm close, can I tie you?"

"Yes please". Thunder relaxed as he felt Frost's know ram him multiple times before it popped in. Frost moaned and let loose his load in Thunder, who howled and cummed on Frost's bed. After a few more gasps, Thunder collapsed in his own pool of cum. In between pants, he said, テ「竄ャヒ廡rost...That was... amazing. Can we... do it again sometime?"

Frost pulled the bed-covers over them, still mounted in Thunder's tail-hole. "Anytime you want hun". Thunder smiled and feel to sleep instantly. Frost nuzzled on top of Thunder and followed him to the realm of dreams.