Farmer Hank Milks Himself A Good Time ch. 1

Story by Bortobobby on SoFurry

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#1 of Farmer Hank Milks Himself A Good Time

As the sun rose over the mountain ridge outlining a peaceful valley, birds began their trumpeting. A light breeze rustled through the trees, shaking a few leaves loose. The leaves floated down to land in front of a grand farmhouse, surrounded by acres of land.

The house was magnificent in craftsmanship. Intricate details could be seen everywhere; no area left untouched by the skilled hands of a master carpenter. Unfortunately, many elements of the décor were rotting or decayed. An overall feeling of age surrounded the structure, seeming to give everything around it a sensation of sedation. The spacious yard surrounding the abode was dotted with trees here and there, and various shrubs. Beyond the yard, acres upon acres of land sprawled forth, punctuated by enormous trees. One object in particular was an old fashioned red barn.

The sun peeked over the mountain ridge a bit more, casting rays of light across the valley, giving everything a golden glow. The first to notice was an old rooster who resided in the barn rafters. As light broke through various cracks in the barn siding, the rooster was bathed in a soft glow. He lazily stirred from his slumber, trumpeting his announcement of morning.

The sound echoed and rolled across the sprawling valley, eventually reaching the old farmhouse in the center. Inside, old farmer Hank opened his eyes to the intrusive noise. For over forty years he'd been waking to that sound. It never got easier...

Hank glanced across his saggy queen sized bed to an old fashioned alarm clock perched on his bedside table.

Four in the morning. Right on time.

He grunted a bit, closing his eyes again, rubbing them sleepily. With one hand on his left eye, he stretched out his legs and an arm, sitting up a bit in the process. He emitted a strange gurgling grunt as he stretched away his drowsiness.

Only a moment later, he fell back onto his pillow, immediately asleep again.

It was hours later before Hank was interrupted again. Something shook his shoulder. He heard a distant noise. A soft sound he couldn't distinguish.

"No... not yet... I'll be up in a little while..." He mumbled, rolling away from the rude shaking.

He heard a shuffling sound. Before he knew what was happening, something large and shaggy fell onto his side, knocking the wind out of him.

"Oof! What in the..." He grumbled. He moved the sheets out of the way to see Barlow, his sheepdog, leaning on him. Hank sighed, bringing an arm out to pet the old dog. However, before he could even reach Barlow, a hand shot out and snatched up his arm.

"Mmmm...?" He blubbed, looking to see his teenage son, Thomas, grasping his arm. Thomas was your average teenager. His long, uncut blonde hair contrasted his father's balding gray hair. He was young and strong, muscles defined and shapely. His soft green eyes gazed upon his father.

"C'mon pop!" Thomas exclaimed. "It's already nine thirty in the morning! The chickens need feeding, the cows need milking, Barlow here has been in need of a good run, the horses need their grooming..." Thomas trailed off as Hank wrinkled his nose, putting an old grizzled hand on Thomas' face, gently shoving him away.

"Can't you go do it?" Hank pleaded, flopping his arm to the floor.

"No pop! I've got school in less than an hour. Besides, I don't know enough about the feed mixtures, or how to milk the cows..." Again, Hank covered Thomas' face, causing him to mumble unintelligibly.

"Look boy, I had a late night last night... That old bag, Ms. Fredrickson, really knows how to... Wait a minute, what time did you say it was?" Hank squeezed Thomas' cheeks as he asked.

"Mmmm, nine firty?" Thomas said with his eyebrows raised.

Hank suddenly seemed more awake. "Nine thirty?" He repeated. Thomas nodded his head in Hank's hand, drooling a little from his forced open lips. "Dag nabbit!" He exclaimed. He let go of Thomas' face, and threw the sheets off of his pajama clad self, startling Barlow in the process.

Thomas rubbed his cheeks. "What? What's goin' on pop?"

Hank stumbled to his feet, rummaging around looking for his work clothes. "Huh...? Oh, nothing. It's Daisy. I haven't milked her yet. She can get mighty fussy if I don't take of her." Hank clumsily gathered up a pair of pants and a long sleeved, white shirt. "I've gotta get out there and take care of her. Lets see... I need my boots... where are my boots... I've gotta get out there and milk Daisy. She'll be mighty upset. Yes she will..." Hank began mumbling and stammering nonsense as he stumbled out the bedroom, rubbing his eyes and yawning, leaving Thomas and Barlow alone in bewilderment.

Thomas sighed, "You know Barlow... even after all these years, I still don't understand that old coot. He can be quite a basket case..." He said as he dropped onto Hank's mattress, causing it to squeak. Barlow shuffled over to Thomas, laying down, drooping his head onto Thomas' lap.

Thomas scratched behind Barlow's ears, gazing out the window. He knew it wouldn't be long before he would have to take over the family farm. His father was getting old and tired. Thomas didn't know how much longer Hank could keep it up before he got injured, or worse...

Through the window he watched Hank jog across the spacious yard, one boot in his hand, and one on the wrong foot. Thomas couldn't help but smile.


The sun was directly overhead as old man Hank arrived at the barn. He gently pushed open the large, wooden double doors. Inside, the gentle prattle of goats, horses and various farm animals met his ears. He took a few steps inside, quickly plunged into shadow.

He carefully stepped over a stray chicken that sprinted across the hay-covered floor. He approached a tool bench near the door he'd just entered, plucking a small metal pail hanging from a nail in the wall. As he arrived at the bench, he produced a small wooden stool from underneath. Pail in one hand, stool in the other, Hank traversed the barn floor, greeting each animal by name as he passed.

"Betsy. Lou. Clyde, and Dale. Doing alright this morning?" He asked a row of horses nonchalantly. He didn't expect an answer, and he never got one. Not once in all the years of his routine. The most he ever got was a snuffle or a whinny.

Having passed the horses, he came upon a single goat.

"C'mon Bill, run along." Hank ordered, gently nudging the goat away. Bill nipped at Hank's jeans tentatively, but moved away as he was told. "Go on then." Hank muttered.

Bill the goat scurried away, leaving the way clear for Hank to approach Daisy. When he saw her, she looked normal. As if it were any other day. He arrived at her wooden stall, opened the latch and let himself inside. There wasn't a lot of room for the two of them in there, but it was enough to get the job done.

Hank set down the wooden stool, letting out a long sigh as he leaned over. He set his metal pail atop the pedestal, reverberating a loud clank around the relatively quite barn. Daisy started at the sharp sound, attracting Hank's attention. He stood to comfort daisy.

"There there, Daisy. There's nothing to be scared of. It's just me, see?" Hank cooed to her. He gently pat her side, making quite shushing noises. He swirled his hand through her short, coarse hair. That was when he felt that her breathing was quick and shallow.

Hank furrowed his brow, and felt more tenderly along Daisy's body. She was breathing in rapid bursts. Her pulse was too fast for Hank to follow, and he fur was unusually warm to the touch.

Hank had a sneaking suspicious as to why she was acting strange. She must have been pregnant. She certainly wasn't sick. Her eyes and nose didn't show any signs of illness. As far as he knew, that was the only explanation. He couldn't think of what else it could be.

There was only one way to quickly tell if she was pregnant. And that was to feel her womb for anything inside. The only accessible route to accomplish this was through her anal passage which passes directly over the womb.

Hank simply rolled up his sleeves in preparation. Were it anyone else, they would probably want some sort of glove. In fact some may refuse to even do it at all. But not Hank. He knew what he was doing, and he'd been doing it for years. He had absolutely no issue.

Hank shuffled his way around Daisy, getting behind her. "Sorry sweetie, this will only take a moment..." He reassured her.

Hank gingerly began to probe Daisy's behind with his bare hand, gently pushing against her anus. Daisy squirmed a little, shuffling her hooves. Hank shushed her, trying to calm her down.

A little more pushing.

Daisy emitted a small grunt of a noise. Hank gently pat her again with his free hand.

Finally, Hank slid his entire hand into her rump. Immediately, Daisy's body went completely stiff for one moment. Hank was a little frightened by this, but in no time at all, Daisy was completely relaxed. Her breathing returned to normal, and Hank could feel her pulse and temperature lowering. He wasn't sure what he'd done, but he figured he must have fixed the problem. Whatever he did...

Content with his patch job, Hank began to retrieve his hand. Or at least, he tried. He became a little confused to find that removing his hand was quite difficult. It felt as though Daisy was gripping him. He couldn't explain the sensation; it was extremely peculiar. He gently pulled a little harder, but to no avail.

Hank was concerned for Daisy's well being, and didn't want to hurt her, but he was becoming more and more concerned about himself. He started pulling harder and harder. His hand caused a strange bulge in Daisy's rump as he tugged. Nothing he did seemed to work. He even started pulling with his other arm, but of course that did nothing.

Hank was quickly becoming desperate. "Unf! Daisy! Rrrgghh! What in tarnation is going on with you?" He asked, his voice breaking just a bit.

He continued to struggle. Continued to tug and pull. But no matter what he did, he just couldn't get loose. And he was tiring himself out. He panted lightly, his pulls becoming weaker and weaker. He wasn't a young man anymore...

He had just about given up when he felt another strange sensation around his trapped arm. The walls of Daisy's canal felt like they rippled. Just for an instant. Hank stood stock still... feeling the inside of Daisy's ass. Then it happened again. It felt like a contraction all around Hank's imbedded arm. Then it happened again. And again.

The contractions started coming in rapid succession now. Hank was completely speechless. The feeling was indescribable.

The contractions eventually melded into one continuous undulation of muscle. And before Hank knew what was going on, the undulation started to gain strength. It felt as though his arm was being pulled, lightly at first. However the pulling gained in pressure and force rather rapidly.

Faster than you could shake a stick, Hank started being pulled into Daisy. He was completely flabbergasted, and frankly, simply didn't believe it was happening.

Within moments Hank was in up to his elbow, and Daisy wasn't slowing down any time soon. Hank felt the warmth that was the inside of Daisy's ass crawling up his arm. It ascended up his bicep, pulling him further and further in.

In no time at all, Daisy's anal passage had swallowed Hank up to his shoulder, where it stopped for a moment. But there was no way Daisy was giving up there. Like a snake devouring its prey, Her anal ring began to stretch. It slurped at Hank, sucking him further and further in. Her ass spread across his shoulder, up to his neck, like an amoeba. Her ass muscles began to pull on Hank's chin, and the side of his head, causing him to cock his head sideways as if he were a confused dog. Once his head was cocked as far a sit could go, Daisy's ass muscles began to stretch and slide across his head, sucking him further in.

Inside the silent barn, soft slurping and smacking noise were audible. Daisy simply stood there, her eyes half lidded, as her ass swallowed up its meal.

Finally, Hank's head was completely inside her rump. The slurping continued, until her ass reached Hank's other shoulder, which it quickly and masterfully slid around.

Hank's head and both of his arms were now inside Daisy's bottom. It was smooth sailing for Daisy from here on. The sucking and gulping continued, and gained in strength. Daisy's anal muscles contracted over and over, powerfully pulling on Hank, sucking him in, up to his midsection. Daisy's breathing started to quicken, her pulse started to rise. She was quickly becoming aroused by the entire situation.

Hank descended further and further into Daisy, already in up to his waist. Daisy flopped her mouth open, panting lightly. A dollop of drool rolled off her tongue, dripping to the floor. The pleasure Daisy felt started to intensify. Something deep

inside of her began to awaken.

Hank wetly sank more and more, deeper and deeper. The walls of Daisy's ass began to grow hotter and hotter, wetter and wetter. Daisy squeezed her ass muscles, contracting the walls around Hank, pulling him deeper.

Hank was quickly slurped past his waist, as Daisy started on his legs. It was about this time that Hank finally, and ungracefully, came to his senses. This was indeed happening. He wasn't dreaming. But it was far too late.

Hank panicked.

He began thrashing what little leg he still had outside of Daisy. Unfortunately for Hank, all this accomplished was arouse Daisy more. His kicking legs stretched her ass out in the most wonderful way. The sensation washed over Daisy, eliciting a low groan out of her. Her orgasm was creeping up on her.

Hank continued to flail as much as he could. The feeling he provided for Daisy was incredible. He stretched her like nothing she could have ever imagined, from the inside.

Daisy stumbled from her legs, falling to her side, her tongue lolling out of her gaping and panting mouth.

When she landed, Hank was only encouraged to kick and thrash as wildly as he physically could. Daisy was awash with sensations as he did. Her orgasm began to rush in on her, getting ever closer. Hank was all the way past his knees, the rest of his exposed pants were soaked in sex juices.

Daisy simply couldn't take it any more. The feeling of having her owner fill her so completely, his intense movements, his heat... it was all too much.

Finally, as the bottom of Hank's boots were slurped up into Daisy's soft rump, she finally came. She bellowed a loud, deep, monstrous roar that shook the rafters and startled the other animals. Female juices gushed from her undulating sex, as her ass muscles closed around Hank, sealing him in to his fate.

Daisy's eyes drooped shut... she fell into a deep slumber. Exhausted.