Learning His Place

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#7 of Commissions

This story is a commission from GuyThreepwood

What happens when you're attracted to a little human, but can't find a way to make him behave? Catch him doing something embarrassing of course! :P

This was a really fun story to write, and I hope that you, reader, enjoy it as much as I did. :) If you like it, please leave a fave or a watch, and I absolutely love comments! Let me know your thoughts!

Disclaimer: This story features a tall, athletic anthro skunk dominating a human with sex and paw worship. So by all means, read on. ;)

And of course, this story would've been full of errors if it wasn't for the amazing help of FeralWings once again. Thank you so much! <333

If you're interested in ordering a story from me, commission information is here: Commission Information.


The night was perfectly cool when Reggie struck out on his nightly jog around campus. Most of the students at Hathbrow University would be indoors studying for exams at this time if they were smart, allowing him some peace and quiet to relax his mind from studying while he embarked on his comforting ritual.

The anthro skunk set out from his apartment complex at a moderate pace and kept his thick, bushy tail as straight as possible, though a small bobbing motion from the run couldn't be helped. He was twenty years old, with a toned, athletic body that was impressive even for his youth. He wore his usual pair of navy blue shorts, paired with a white tank top decorated by horizontal grey stripes that stretched across his lean midsection. He didn't consider himself muscular by any means, but he took pride in keeping his large body rather lean for its size. His shoes impacted the concrete silently as he passed through the empty streets, lithely navigating a pathway that would take him around the borders of his school and come back around in a single loop.

Reggie was about halfway into his run however, when he heard some shouts and raucous noises coming from up ahead. Slowing down and coming to a stop on the street corner, he panted lightly and looked down the street, the fur on his forehead beading with sweat as he studied the scene in front of him. He grimaced in distaste as a large group of drinking humans and assorted furs made their way slowly down the road towards him. They were walking dizzily along the middle of the road, most of them holding half-empty bottles of one kind or another. Even as he watched, he saw one of the wolves on the far end finish his drink and toss it carelessly aside, the bottle shattering along the sidewalk as they continued onwards without a care in the world.

Shaking his head, Reggie turned and moved back a street, cutting instead towards the center of campus where he might avoid such horrible behavior. He could understand the need to relax and let loose from time to time, but certainly not while making a big mess, or on the weekend before a big test.

With a small jump, he began jogging steadily across the park in the middle of campus, streaking easily across the soft grass. Surprisingly, the park was empty, with little more than a few discarded beer bottles to make him shake his head with disapproval before continuing onwards towards its center. The pale glow of moonlight and the odd, bright lamp shone the way through a small grove of woods as he wound his way through. He'd cut through the place many times before on the way to class, if only to just give himself a few moments of peace before he would need to go back to studying. Although this was his first time heading through at night, he found that the beauty of the park wasn't diminished in the slightest. Smiling and continuing on, he completely forgot about the noisy partiers behind him and focused on his run once again.

As the pathway opened up into a wide expanse, Reggie paused to take a look around, studying the wide, open landscape with the same sense of awe he always did. The center of the park was covered in a big, lavish expanse of green grass, with the same bright lamps that lit his pathway decorating the center in a broad circle. In the middle of this circle, there was a rather large statue of their university's founder: Sir Wilfred Hathbrow. It was an impressive monument to say the least. Their founder stood towering over the center of the park at a good ten feet, waving amiably to anyone passing by.

Reggie smiled at the familiar sight before looking down to check his watch. He was about halfway done with his run - the comfort of his apartment and studies being only a short, few minutes jog ahead after he made it to the edge of the park. He was just about to continue, when a small cough announced the presence of another person somewhere up ahead. Although he chided himself immediately for being unnecessarily cautious, he backed away into the darkness of the trees and waited, the black fur of his body blending in silently as he waited for whoever it was to pass. After witnessing the stumbling partiers on the street, he had no intention of running into their sort again. He found it was hard to justify such cowardice when he was so much larger than many of the other attendees around; however, he'd never been so glad to be hidden when his eyes narrowed on the source of the cough.

It was a human wandering through the park, one by the name of Will - Reggie knew him very well. Will was rather tall and slim for a human, yet still underneath the skunk's height by at least a foot. Tonight, he was wearing a plain white shirt with black jeans and clutching an empty beer bottle in his hands. He wore glasses on his face, and had a rather vibrant patch of blue hair on the top of his head that made him immediately identifiable, even from this distance.

Reggie had asked him why he dyed his hair like that once, back when they first met. He'd taken a liking to the human, at least from a distance, but their frustrating interactions had been more than enough to harm such feelings. Although he'd inquired to make polite conversation, Will had only smiled and shook his head before walking away. It was a harmless gesture, but the rudeness of such an act was something he found intolerable. The human was cute, he had to admit, but it was Will's inexcusable detachment from schoolwork and his odd behaviour that turned him off.

Will had everything he needed to succeed in school: a solid work ethic whenever he applied it, money put forth by his parents to put him through school without any student loans, and an undeserved intelligence, (at least in Reggie's opinion), that allowed him to succeed without much effort.

In fact, Will almost always had the top grades in the class whenever Reggie himself couldn't manage to beat him. It was a fact that bothered the skunk immensely. For all the hard work he put in and the long hours he spent studying, Will was always able to keep up.

What bothered Reggie the most about Will however, was the fact that the human had no direction.

Everyone went to university to shape their future: to get an education that would get them a job relevant to their teachings, and a career they would hopefully enjoy. Reggie already has his mind set on law school when he graduated with his Bachelor of Arts. He'd planned his electives in criminology and law accordingly, ensuring that he would have the background needed to get into the best post-grad institution in the state. At such a young age, and with only a couple years left to go, Reggie would be well on his way to making a successful career for himself by the time he was 24, or at least, that was the plan. Will however, had no such aims.

Despite the gifts he possessed, Will had absolutely no plan for his future. Reggie had discovered this fact during an elective both he and Will were taking during their first semester about a year ago: British Literature of the 14th to 18thCentury. Each of them were taking it for different reasons. Reading and writing with a certain level of competency would most certainly be valued in the business world, which is why Reggie took an interest in the course in the first place. Why Will would've taken it, he still didn't know. During a particularly interesting discussion of John Donne's subversion of Renaissance poetry conventions, he looked over to find Will sleeping on his desk, with his head cradled in his arms.

This was the first time the two of them met.

Reggie stared at Will for a few minutes before doing anything. Although his classmate's face was turned away, he felt attracted to the young man right from the start. Will's blue hair was enough to attract some attention but unlike that of his other classmates, his gaze lingered for longer, allowing him enough time to develop an attraction to his odd schoolmate.

Will looked quite nice for a human, Reggie had to admit. He had a pretty face, with a smooth, narrow jawline and blue, twinkling eyes that were magnified even more by his glasses that the skunk noticed whenever the lazy man decided to lift his head. Also, through his black shirt it was evident that he was quite lean and in good shape, which indicated he might be active outside of school.

How the human could've achieved such a body while evidently being so lazy in class, Reggie had no idea, but he wasn't about to let this first impression ruin his opinion of the cute little human before he had a chance to strike up a conversation.

Frowning, Reggie had nudged the human with his paw to wake him, only to receive an annoyed stare for his efforts.

"What are doing?" Will inquired with a tired, annoyed breath.

Reggie looked at the man with a dubious expression. "Waking you up of course," he said. "You were sleeping."

"Well duh, this course is super boring," Will replied, stifling a yawn as if to lean credit to his ridiculous statement. Reggie didn't know how to respond to this at first. He failed to see the merit in coming to class merely to sleep. It was a waste of time to do as much, and he thought he would've received at least a nod of gratitude for his efforts rather than contempt.

"It may be boring, but you need to pay attention," Reggie said perhaps a little more heatedly than he intended. "This class is just as important as the rest of them."

Will gave the skunk a small smile, saying, "Oh, is it now? I seriously doubt that um... what's your name again?"


"Right, Reggie, and I'm Will, nice to meet you," Will said hurriedly, continuing without a pause. He'd said it so fast that Reggie doubted that the human thought it was nice meet him at all, truthfully. "I seriously doubt this class is as significant as the others," Will continued, "but don't worry it - I'll pass." He closed his eyes and laid his head down once again.

Reggie almost shook his head in disbelief. The professor was droning on the background, yet even he couldn't pay attention in the face of such disregard for one's success. "You might be able to pass, but you would get higher grades if you tried harder."

"My grades are fine."

"I don't think they are," Reggie replied incredulously. "You should try harder in class, then maybe you'll start getting the grades you want."

Will let out a soft chuckle before turning to face the skunk with his head still resting on the desk. "Trust me, I do well enough," he said, giving a wink before closing his eyes again.

Reggie didn't know how to respond to that. He continued to stare at Will for a moment longer before reluctantly turning back to face the lesson. Although he'd wanted to be helpful and hopefully become friends with his attractive neighbour, it seemed that giving sound advice was the wrong way to go. He searched his mind for something else to say, struggling to rekindle some kind of connection, but he could only focus on Will's carelessness with regards to his schoolwork and future. He felt somewhat annoyed at such an attitude, as he had to work so hard himself to keep up.

Desperate, Reggie tried to talk to Will again, this time using a different tact. "I'm studying to go to law school when I graduate," he said uneasily. "What do you hope to do when you finish?"

"Haven't really thought about it to be honest," Will said, keeping his eyes closed. "Nothing seems that interesting."

Reggie raised his eyebrow at that. "You really haven't thought about it all?" He asked disbelievingly.

"Nope," Will replied, simply.

Reggie was stunned for a few moments. The curt way in which Will replied suggested a level of uncaring that he found quite disturbing. "Why not?"

"I figure I'll just fall into something when I'm done, I'm not too picky," Will said, letting out a soft sigh that suggested he was becoming bored with the conversation.

Reggie felt a small smile come across his face at the adorable sigh before he suddenly shook his head and snorted, drawing the attention of some nearby classmates. "But you can't just rely on chance when your future is at stake," he said. "University is important."

Will sighed again with some finality, opening his eyes to offer Reggie another smile. "It certainly is, though I can't see how this relates to me sleeping for a single, boring, easy class that I know for certain will not have any impact on me when it's done," he said, sitting back in his chair and shrugging. "Perhaps you should be a little less worried about it and enjoy life while you can."

Reggie let out a soft chuckle before returning his attention to the lesson. "I do enjoy life, but I'm not going to sacrifice my education for a little self-pleasure," he said. At that, Will simply smiled, shook his head, and closed his eyes on the desk until the class ended. The skunk thought it would end then and there, but he never lost his inexplicable attraction to the human, nor did they quit talking to each other either. Their interactions were never hostile, but their difference in attitude towards school, their similarity in grades, and their subtle attraction to one another was more than enough for the odd argument to take place when they were close to each other.

Now, as he watched Will walking through the park at night, Reggie found that mixture of emotions welling up inside him once again. The human was wasting time and effort once again, partying long into the night before walking home by himself, most likely too drunk to think, let alone begin studying for any exam. Although he was annoyed by Will on sight now, the small amount of attraction he still felt towards the human made feel sad to see his crush in such a predicament. Reggie would've almost preferred to see him with the earlier group of hooligans, rather than looking so alone and miserable.

Will was stumbling along the path, wandering aimlessly towards the statue. Completely unaware of Reggie's presence, he leaned up against the statue and finished his drink, tilting his head high to gulp down the lingering remnants of beer at the bottom of the bottle. His face twisted in distaste and for a moment, he remained still.

Reggie watched curiously from pathway and tried to not make any sort of noise. He didn't know what sort of rotten luck would've allowed him to run into Will at this hour, but he had no desire to speak to the human in his current state. Showing himself would almost certainly make for an awkward conversation, and also due to their contrasting activities, bring up that year-old argument about Will's attitude towards school. He had no desire to get into that again, so instead he just watched, waiting for Will to continue on.

The skunk had to stifle a surprised gasp however, when Will took a step forwards before suddenly turning with a violent arch of his arm to smash the bottle over the side of the statue's hand.

It was a terribly violent blow, sending shards of glass ricocheting out from the source of impact to tinkle along the concrete. The force of the shattered bottle snapped off a few of the statue's fingers, sending them tumbling down to the ground as well. The noise was horribly loud; it cut through the stillness of the park like a plate being smashed onto the floor of a quite household.

Reggie jumped from the sudden outburst. Under usual circumstances he would've turned and ran like he had from those people walking up the street, but such vandalism made him grow hot with anger. With a disgusted huff that made a little bit more noise than he intended, he pulled out his phone to record the whole event. He didn't know what else Will would do to the statue, but this time the human had gone too far.

Will dropped the rest of the broken bottle from his hand and prowled to the front of the statue, kicking away the fallen fingers and lightly chuckling as they went bouncing along the ground. "Some fucking school this is," he uttered, slurring his words loud enough for Reggie to hear. His eyes lifted to stare briefly into the founder's smiling face, before he dropped his head down and shook his head in the same, disappointed way he always did when he found something ridiculous. "What an ugly guy, damn," he continued with a chuckle. "Somebody ought to have made you more pretty before pasting your face on a monument for the whole world to see."

Will leaned up against the statue for a few moments, sighing with his head up against the polished stone before he pushed himself off and unzipped his pants. Reggie watched with a growing smile as the human took out his cock and began to urinate steadily against the statue's leg. The clear stream of piss splattered messily across the once flawless stone. He aimed the stream higher, drowsily swaying as he directed his piss all over the statue's chest before moving on to lightly dose the broken fingers. When he was done, he zipped up and gave the broken glass a kick before stumbling away, muttering into the night towards his apartment on the other side of campus.

With a confident smirk, Reggie tapped his screen to finish recording and placed his phone back into his pocket. The footage was too good to be true. If anyone back at the university saw the clip he just made, Will's reputation within the school would be tarnished forever. Even if the human didn't get expelled, such vandalism to their university's founder would more than likely cause an uproar that would see to his dismissal anyway. The broken fingers and acrid sent of piss would be evident when the morning came around, and the more passionate members of Hathbrow would be out for blood and looking to find whoever damaged it.

For now however, he had no intention of revealing the clip to anyone. With this footage of Will, Reggie would be able to make him do anything he wanted. He didn't plan on being overly mean to the human, but it was long past time that Will had started behaving a little nicer around him and began treating his school work a little more seriously.

With that same grin remaining plastered across his muzzle, Reggie waited until Will had stumbled out of the park before he jogged back home with a small bounce in his step, his tail bobbing merrily all the way.

It was almost 11am when Will finally woke up.

He blinked his eyes casually, yawning once as he rolled over to snatch his watch from the desk and check the time.

It wasn't there however, it was still on his wrist.

Sighing, he looked at his watch and rubbed his face before shifting over to sit on the edge of his bed. After a long night of drinking, it normally would've taken him at least another hour to manage such a feat, but for some reason his hangover had never come, and he was surprised to find that he actually felt quite fine and well-rested. He didn't know what he'd done to deserve such a blessing, but he wasn't one to question good-fortune when it came his way. At this rate, he would surely be in the mood for Sam's party later that night was well.

With a smile, he hopped out of bed and walked over to his computer with a pleased bounce in his step. Although a few people might consider 11am to be a late start, after a night of drinking getting up at that time was a miracle for him. He took in a deep breath and sighed before he opened up his email and began his daily routine. Today was going to be a good day.

His good feelings vanished however, when his eyes fixed on his most recent email, highlighted in bold lettering at the top of the page. He paused at the words and studied them with despair. A sinking feeling suddenly welled up in his chest as he scanned the subject line over and over again, reading the words: "I saw what you did last night Will."

The message was sent from an address Will didn't recognize, which made it all the more suspicious. If it wasn't directly addressed to him he almost certainly would've deleted it immediately, but the timing of it couldn't be dismissed as chance. He didn't remember much of what had happened the night before, but knew that drinking made him a completely different person. He prayed it was just a spam message and nothing more, but he had to be sure.

Will opened the email with a timid click and quickly began reading, his eyes widening in slow comprehension as he realized that the message was no mistake. It was certainly addressed to him:


I saw you walking through the park last night Will... such a naughty human you've been. Come and meet me outside on the corner of 12thAve and Hathbrow Boulevard, just outside the Administration offices, at noon today. I believe you know that spot very well...

If you don't show, this clip will be all over the university in a matter of hours.


Your secret admirer.


Will reread the message a number of times as panic began to rise in his chest. There were a number of image attachments to the email that he hastily clicked on, his eyes growing wide as he was images of himself, his blue hair clearly illuminated in the bright light of the park lamps, as he attacked the University founder's statue and urinated on it. There was also a video, but he didn't need to download and watch it to know exactly what this person wanted. He could only assume that his mysterious stalker was an anthro, as the message addressed him as a 'naughty human,' yet other than that he nothing to go on. He would have to go to the meeting place if he had any chance of confronting this person - perhaps he could beat it out of them.

Not bothering to change out of his clothes from the night before, he grabbed a jacket and ran out the door, slamming it behind him in his urgency with a confident snarl on his face.

Reggie was leaning casually against the side of a large, red-brick building on the corner of 12thand Hathbrow Boulevard when he saw Will walk into view. The administration offices at Hathbrow were located in a huge, elaborately decorated building that looked like something out of the eighteen hundreds. It was a sprawling four stories in height, with three, red towers standing tall on each corner, giving it the feeling of some sort of palace, especially when placed in the middle of a field of dozens of smaller, square, grey buildings as it was. This was more than likely the exact impression that the University's founders wished to make: giving any who approached a divine sense of royalty before entering to speak with the kings and queens inside.

It may've been overkill in some people's eyes, but to Reggie it was the perfect place to start his little game with Will, especially in the aftermath of what the human had done to the statue. Already the skunk had overheard a few people talking in disgusted tones about the damage done the previous night. It had been a particularly troublesome night for the town: with broken glass littering the street everywhere and several counts of vandalism reported around campus. Although there was no single incident they were focusing on, it would especially devastating for Will if the footage of him was released, giving all these angry people a focus for their rage.

Will seemed to recognize this fact as he approached.

Reggie regarded Will casually from his spot against the wall, a small smirk forming on his muzzle as he noticed the worried expression on the human's face. His grin quickly turned to a look of distaste when he noticed that Will was wearing the same clothes as the night before, but he simply shrugged and waited for his visitor to get close. His email must've made the confident man a little more nervous than he thought. The thought made him smile once again.

Reggie held his grin as Will walked up to the street corner and looked around. The human didn't see him at first, but after a few moments they both locked eyes and stared at each other across the few meters that separated them. He raised his paw and felt his smile broaden before he waved, causing Will to narrow his eyes in anger before striding forwards.

"What are you doing here Reggie?" Will asked interrogatively, walking up to stand in front of the skunk with an accusing glare.

"Oh nothing, just enjoying a nice walk after studying for our upcoming exam," Reggie replied casually. "How are you?"

"I'm great, just great," Will replied, pacing uneasily while looking back and forth.

Reggie nodded his head. "Looking for someone?"

"Ya... hey, listen, do you think you could keeping walking and leave me alone? Now's not a good time."

"You approached me Will, I was here first," Reggie answered with amusement. "What's the matter? Are you alright?"

"Ya, fine," Will replied curtly before moving away from the skunk and back to the street corner. He was restless: continuously moving with an anxious expression that he tried uselessly to hide from his anthro classmate. In his mind, it was the worst possible to luck to have Reggie here watching him in such a fashion, and during one of his worst moments. He wanted nothing more than to walk away, but he knew that wasn't an option. He would just have to wait for whoever was meeting him with the tape, and hope that it wouldn't draw the attention of his class rival and embarrass him further.

It was at that moment that Reggie grinned and pushed himself off the corner, walking to stand behind Will before uttering, "You know it was me that messaged you right?" His grin broadened immensely as Will turned around as if struck, his face twisting in a mixture of confusion and anger.

"What?" Will said, looking at the skunk with a scared expression.

"You heard me," Reggie said, failing to hide the smugness in his tone. "I saw what you did last night, so I decided to shoot a little video of it." He gave the human a wink as Will's face turned red from embarrassment. "You were quite the hooligan you know, when you should've been inside studying to keep up all those grades of yours..."

Will walked close to Reggie. "Give it back, right now," he pleaded, continuing to look back and forth suspiciously to make sure nobody was looking.

Reggie sighed and looked back at the administration building behind them, gazing up at the vibrant red architecture. "I figured this would be a good spot to meet you," he said, ignoring the human's demand. "Right in front of the center of all the school's authority and history seems to be a fitting place don't you think? There's quite a few people around, but you could always try pissing on the side of this building if you want. I'll do my best to block everyone's view - you might even get away with it."

"Shut up, and give me the damn tape!" Will whispered with some vehemence, his face growing beet-red with frustration.

"What decade do you think this is? Of course I don't have the tape on me, human," Reggie said, rolling his eyes. "I've made several copies of it and stored them everywhere... "He bared his teeth in happiness. "You'd do well to listen to me if you don't want one of them to get into the hands of someone behind me."

Will looked up at Reggie with anger. He thought for a moment that he might try fighting the skunk and beating what he wanted out of him, but it would be a foolish move: his classmate had a good foot in height on him, not to mention the toned body of an athlete. The people around were almost certainly going to be drawn to a conflict, and even if he could, by some miracle, best the skunk and get him on the ground, Will would almost certainly be hauled off before he could do anything, and the video would be released afterwards. And also, Reggie was flexing the claws of his right paw in warning and grinning as if he expected him to try just that. It would be a bad move indeed.

"What do you fucking want?" Will said quietly.

Reggie smirked. "You always were quite smart," he replied. "Follow me. We're going to go back to my apartment and discuss this like gentlemen. You'll know what I want then."

Turning and walking away, Reggie didn't bother looking back to know that Will was following obediently in his footsteps. He had the human under his control now, he realized with a sudden gleam in his eyes: he could make his crush do whatever he wanted. The hold he had on him right now was stronger than any rope or leash he could hope to fashion.

Although, that wouldn't be such a bad idea... Reggie thought, flicking his tail at the Will's face before making his way down the street with a small bounce in his step, the human trailing glumly behind.

"After you," Reggie said with a warm smile, directing Will into his apartment before moving in himself and shutting the door behind him. The human gave him an uneasy look before timidly moving inside, stepping inside to gaze around the spacious interior with a nervous expression.

Reggie's accommodation was a one-bedroom apartment, but wide and roomy enough to allow both Will and the skunk to make their way into the living room with ease. The apartment opened up into a main sitting area, complete with a large, brown, leather chair and matching couch right next to it, both facing a large, LCD television mounted on the wall. The carpet was light beige, and although it looked like some of its original color had faded, it looked completely spotless. A small, black and white checkered kitchen was located in the corner adjacent from the furniture, right next to a hallway leading down to a bedroom on the right and a bathroom on the left. The white walls were completely spotless safe for the odd, cheap painting that most likely came with the place when the skunk had moved in.

Reggie set Will in the middle of the room and moved past him, sitting on the leather chair to regard the man with a grand look of contentment. He hunched forward and rested his broad chin on his paws, contemplating Will with satisfaction. The human stood awkwardly in front of him with a look of confusion, perhaps wondering what he was going to do. Reggie wasn't that sure himself as of yet, but he could certainly think of something.

"Ok, I'm here, now what?" Will said, hiding his anxiety behind an angry tone. "Where's the clip?"

The skunk smiled and settled back. "Why, on my phone of course, where else would I record it?" He answered smugly. He'd expected the man to cut right to the chase; it would be a simple matter to corner Will to do what he pleased now.

Reggie took the phone from his pocket and held it up for the human to see, dangling it tauntingly from the tips of his claws. "You can take it and delete it if you want. As I've said, I've made a few copies of it already."

Will stepped forward and grabbed the phone timidly before he began tapping away, navigating through the menus to find the incriminating footage and get rid of it. Reggie purred with happiness and considered what he might do with human further. He could perhaps use the clip to make the human treat school more seriously, but that wasn't really what he wanted. He wanted to be closer to Will: to force the charming human to be with him more and treat not only him, but the rest of society and the school with a little more respect. The human had all the tools to succeed; he just needed a little more discipline to use them effectively. With this clip used as an edge Reggie was sure he could assert some level of dominance over him.

Reggie's eyes lit up with an idea at this last thought and his broad mouth curved upwards in a grin. He knew what he wanted now.

Will paused for a moment and looked down at the phone, his eyes narrowing with concern as his worst fears were confirmed: Reggie had definitely been the one to film him. He watched the small video play out as he'd done on his computer a mere hour ago, watching as he disfigured the statue before proceeding to humiliate himself by pissing all over the remains. There was even a small shot of his cock as he unzipped his fly, right before he turned around as it was lost from sight. Although the footage was somewhat blurry over such a great distance, there was no mistaking the vibrant blue hair that set him apart from everyone else in the school. It was just about the worst kind of evidence someone could have on him. If this was shown around, he would be ruined, especially with the current anti-vandalism outcry festering in the minds of everyone around campus after last night's display.

He knew that the skunk didn't like him that well, but he never considered the anthro would blackmail him. It seemed an act well beyond his skittish, nerd-like character, yet here they were.

It only took Will a few moments to delete the footage after that. He handed the phone back and crossed his arms, looking the skunk up and down and giving him and angry look. "So, where's the rest?"

Reggie chuckled. "Oh, I don't think you're ever going to know, Will," he answered with a smile. "Not until you humor me for a little while."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Will said, shaking his head. "I came up here like you asked and watched your stupid little clip; I don't want to play this stupid fucking game Reggie. Delete the rest of it now."

"Mm, how about no?" Reggie answered, putting his arms on the rests and flicking his bushy tail in amusement. "I think you need to do a few things for me first before I even consider deleting the film completely."

Will snorted at this and began pacing across the room. "I'm not gonna do shit for you Reggie," he said with a snarl. "Either you delete it, tell me how to delete the footage myself, or I swear I'm going to start breaking things."

Reggie bared his teeth. "If you do that, the footage is going live in an hour human," he growled in response. "If I were you, I would be a little less demanding and start doing a lot more grovelling if you expect to still be in school by the end of this week."

Will stopped pacing and stared at Reggie with narrow eyes after that remark. He considered rushing the skunk for a moment, but he quickly tossed that idea from his mind when he saw Reggie's claws extend and gently knead the smooth leather of his chair. The anthro had nearly a foot on him, not to mention a more muscular frame. He was running out of options.

Reggie noticed the human's consideration and grinned, baring his teeth even more. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said, low and dangerously. "That won't do you much good." After he uttered those words, Will took a step back from him, clearly afraid of his sudden, intimidating nature. He stopped grinning immediately and put on a more charming smile, hoping that he hadn't scared the man too much. His next words were kinder, and spoken with a deep, resonant bass that he hoped would bring the human back. "Why don't you just listen to what I have to say? I'm sure you may find my offer quite a bit more pleasant than you might imagine."

Will took a step forwards and seemed to visibly relax, though when he spoke he was still unsure of himself. "What do you want, money?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing of the sort," Reggie replied, widening his legs and relaxing visibly in his chair. "What you did was quite horrible Will. I know you're a nice person, so it confuses me as to why you would do such a thing, even if you were intoxicated."

Will remained silent, not arguing with the skunk's observation. It had been quite despicable of him, and very unlike his usual character. If he saw anyone else doing it, he would've balked at such an immature display as well.

"As such, I believe that a little control would do you some good," Reggie continued. "If you expect the footage to remain a secret between us, I want you to grovel, and do exactly as I say. Do you understand?"

Will gave the skunk a curt nod, swallowing once as he realized with a small relief that Reggie really wasn't going to release the footage, as long as he listened. He did think that his actions of the previous night were completely uncalled for. He misunderstood his own intentions behind them admittedly: although he'd always been somewhat rebellious when drunk, this was the worst think he'd ever done by far. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to obey such wishes, as long as they prevented himself from being exposed. He politely inclined his head, saying, "Ok, what do you want me to do?"

Reggie nodded in return and grinned widely. "Get on all fours and come up my chair," he said. "I want you to apologize for what you did, and then I'll explain what we're going to do."

Will nodded once again before falling down onto the carpet, his palms sinking into the well-kept polyester before he crawled forwards. He stopped when he reached the foot of the chair, his head hovering just in front of the skunk's legs. He only displayed mild embarrassment at being in such a humiliating position. If anything, he was almost deserving of such treatment. "I'm sorry for vandalizing the statue," he said. "I don't know why I did that."

Reggie nodded with acceptance. "I suppose that will have to do," he said. "Obviously you have some issues Will, but I think we can coax them out of you with the proper treatment." He finished with a small chuckle, amusing himself with the thought of what was coming next. Perhaps he shouldn't have laughed, but he couldn't help but feel a certain amount of happiness at the success his plan was having so far. Will was more submissive than he thought.

Lifting his head, Will stared up at the skunk. As he regarded Reggie's smug expression, he couldn't help but feel like a loyal subject kneeling before a throne. His head was almost touching the ground a mere inches from the skunk's sneakers, almost as if he was paying homage to the large anthro or kneeling with respect for sparing his life. The thought made him angry at first, but then, oddly enough, strangely complacent. He bit back the words he was going to say and instead nodded his head lightly in Reggie's direction. "So, what now?" He asked, simply.

Reggie smiled widely leaned forward, holding his foot out in front of Will's face. "I'll tell you what I have in mind, but first, I want you to take off my shoes and start massaging my paws," he said. "I'm growing a bit tired of wearing them; you can imagine how sore and rough they get when you run every day like me."

Raising his brow a moment, Will pushed himself into a kneeling position and began to untie the skunk's shoes. He concentrated as best he could, but he was rather focused on Reggie's words as his companion began to speak, filling the room with his deep voice.

"From now on, you're going to be my little slave," Reggie began, watching with delighted eyes as the human's expression changed. "You're going to move in with me until we both graduate, and become my own, personal little lackey. You're going to massage my feet, make sure myself and the apartment are clean, and commit to any other duties I feel are acceptable for a human in your position. In return, I'll keep your more radical behaviors in check, and I won't release the footage to anyone." He laid back and wriggled his foot, allowing the sneaker to come popping off. "And, perhaps if you're a well behaved little slave, I'll delete the footage completely at the end of the term, deal?"

Will brightened at the prospect of having the footage deleted, but not before he grew solemn with the weight of what Reggie was asking. He'd never thought of being subservient to anyone, much less a large, somewhat nerdy try-hard of a classmate. Both of them had been at odds for a long time, but he'd never truly considered the skunk his equal, much less his superior. Although that was the case, he also began to think about how truly vile it was for him to have violated the statue in such a manner. It was an act he found despicable himself, yet the footage didn't lie. He couldn't remember much of what he did, but perhaps he did need a small amount of guidance in mending his ways. Besides, there was something about the way Reggie was looking and talking to him that made him feel almost... calm. He felt a warm, fuzzy sensation in his chest as he began to untie the skunk's other shoe, and his answer came unbidden to his lips immediately after he was finished. "Yes," he said.

Reggie's breath quickened. "Yes, what?" The skunk asked.

"Yes, I will be your slave," Will answered, putting Reggie's last shoe on the carpet and looking up expectantly.

Reggie had never been more happy and excited in his life. He did his best to contain it however, and instead laid back in the chair and put out his bare footpaw, placing it in the human's lap. "Wonderful, now massage my feet please."

Will shifted himself to get more comfortable before gripping the sides of the skunk's foot. He hugged it tightly against his chest before he began to gently massage the sides, his small fingers pressing into the smooth fur and kneading the rough, hard muscle underneath. The fur was mildly sweaty, and the heat was more intense than he expected. He couldn't imagine how uncomfortable Reggie must've been in those sneakers. It was an odd sort of order to be getting straight away, but at least it wasn't difficult.

"Mm, yes, that's it," Reggie growled, wriggling his toes. "Don't be afraid to get in there more Will. You better be able to get more creative than that if you expect to live up to my standards."

Getting the hint, Will placed the palm of his hand on the underside of Reggie's foot and slowly moved it upwards, massaging the thick, rough pads as best he could before snaking his fingers in-between the anthro's toes. He immediately felt the difference in temperature compared to before, as a palpable layer of moisture began to tickle the side of his inquisitive digits. As he rubbed the skunk's toes even more, a spicy smell began to permeate the air. It wafted into his nostrils and made him lean back a little bit, his nose scrunching in distaste at the unfamiliarity of the smell.

Reggie sighed and pushed his foot closer to Will's face. "You'll get used to my scent soon enough human," he said. "I'll forgive you such an act this one time, but I'll expect you not to balk from any smells in the future unless you expect to undergo some punishment. Remember, if you're not a good little slave, the world will know just how despicable you can be."

Will looked back at the skunk's foot, inhaling a little deeper and allowing the smell to hit his nose once again. He couldn't imagine ever getting used to it. The odor was strong and animalistic, with a hint of smoky musk that made his eyes water. As he continued to rub the skunk's foot, more and more of the scent seemed to permeate through the air as it was worked free by his questing grip. Doing his best to remain confident, he relaxed and leaned forwards to settle into a more comfortable position once again, looking up at his new Master expectantly.

Leaning forwards, Reggie patted Will's blue hair, scratching it with his claws before nimbly taking his slave's glasses off and setting them down on the arm of the chair. "That'll have to do for now my sweet," he said. "I can only assume that you'll get better with time, but for now, let's move on to some more pressing duties."

Will looked up from his job with a questioning look. "Oh yes?"

The skunk stood up and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him upwards with hardly any effort and lifting his chin with a claw. "Yup, let's go have a shower," he said. "Time for you to clean me."

Will moved into Reggie's apartment the next day.

It wasn't difficult to move everything: all he really needed was his clothes and few bathroom essentials while Reggie provided the rest. Besides, it wasn't very difficult for Will to go back and visit his old apartment to make sure it was still clean, although in the weeks that followed, the skunk barely even gave him that opportunity.

Reggie was having the time of his life. The following weeks moved in a blur, each of them holding a new sort of entertainment for the anthro to immerse himself. Although he was unsure at first how far he could push his new toy, Will was proving to be a far more reliable slave than he could've ever possibly imagined. He suspected to some extent that Will's obedience went beyond the mere possibility of exposure, but also that he may in some way enjoy the treatment he was getting.

Every morning, Will would accompany Reggie to his classes, following in his footsteps obediently so that the tuft of the skunk's tail was almost touching his nose. He would carry Reggie's books and sit next to his Master in class, paying close attention to every lesson and taking detailed notes on everything the professors would say. Reggie watched him closely, making sure that his head remained upright and his eyes focused. Even if the class seemed boring or pointless, the skunk was there to make sure he paid attention, unless he wanted to be flicked hard on the back the head or pinched painfully with those sharp claws. When they weren't in class he was expected to be at the skunk's side, ready to serve or help with anything the big anthro needed.

Even if Will didn't want to be near Reggie, he wasn't given any choice in the matter.

The first gift that Reggie had given his new slave, was a big, shiny orange collar about Will's neck. The collar itself had a large, metal buckle at the front and a long, black leash trailing from it that the skunk gripped with a fierce pride. The words, "Property of Reggie," were printed neatly on the side for all of the university to see. Wherever he walked, the human was forced to follow, trailing along in his wake while being urged forth by the occasional, light tug. He paraded his slave from class to class with a gigantic smile etched across his furry face. Some of the other anthros looked at him with amusement, but most of the looks he drew were merely curious, causing Will to try and shrink back behind the bulk of his Master to hide.

Reggie allowed the human some leniency however, when it came to their classmates. Although he wanted it to be plain that Will was now obedient to him, sometimes he allowed his slave to wander: to go and mingle awkwardly with his friends to talk. He could always see the awkward expressions the human made whenever he did as his friends inquired about his new relationship. It couldn't help but get noticed that Will was spending an unhealthy amount of time with him, and more than one of them had seen the human consistently travelling in his wake - even going back to his apartment to spend the night. Not to mention the presence of Will's collar, which remained blatantly fastened about the man's neck. Reggie always smiled and watched with delight when this happened. He gave Will no instruction on what to tell his friends, as there was no need. He simply watched and grinned as the man timidly answered his friends' questions, while looking over towards the skunk with an almost desperate expression of uneasiness. After a short while however, Reggie would beckon and Will would come walking back to his rightful spot, his friends casting him odd glances as the skunk paraded him around like a piece of property once again.

The best part of this new arrangement however, was the evenings.

Once Reggie got Will back inside his apartment, all the limitations between them were thrown off, allowing him to make his new slave obey every wish absent of the attention it would draw in public. Although there were a number of chores involved in Will's nightly tasks, the most common order was for the human to massage his feet. After a long day of walking around in his shoes, he would immediately plant himself in the heavy leather chair at the center of his apartment while Will crawled low to obediently remove the skunk's shoes the instant he sat down. Although the human's treatment had been average at first, over time Reggie found that Will's fingers grew to know each of the most pleasant areas of his foot. Those delightful hands would rub his soles for minutes at a time, kneading and pressing into the warm, sweaty fur to get at the rough skin beneath before sliding silently upwards to slip their digits in-between his toes. A deep growl of pleasure would sound low in his throat as his slave worked, a sound that invigorated Will and let him know that he was doing a good job. It was good that such noises excited the man: it didn't take long for his happiness to become a primary concern, and Will fit into his new role with an ease and talent that suggested he was born for job.

After a good twenty minutes or so, Reggie would take Will back to his bedroom where they would both study and review the day's material. The skunk would prop himself up on some pillows at the head of the mattress while his slave remained obediently at the foot to act as a footrest, and offer him the occasional massage or lick on the bottom of his foot to ensure he was comfortable. He found that the act help him study a great deal, even if it was mildly distracting for his slave. Will would wear no shirt for this task, as he found that the soft skin of the human's chest made a wonderfully smooth and pleasant area for his massive paws to rest. As he read, he would move his feet in slow, seductive circles as the human hugged them tightly against his chest, sometimes giving a low purr himself that made Reggie look up from his studies and chuckle with delight.

Then, after a good hour or two on the bed, Reggie would stand up and go for a run, leaving Will alone in his apartment for a good twenty-five to thirty minutes. Although he was certain his new slave was trustworthy as per their agreement, he would always fasten his collar to the human's neck and tie him to the bed before he left. Although the leash was quite ordinary, the collar was something special: it was a bright orange band, with a giant metal buckle on the very front. The leash snapped into place at the bottom of this buckle, and could only be released if one were to hooked their claw up into the metal lift the latch that held it in place. It was effective in holding his slave when he wasn't around, and whenever he got home all hot and sweaty from his run, his toy would still be sitting there obediently for him to arrive.

It was at this moment that Reggie would unhook Will and take him by the hand to the bathroom where the human's duties got quite a bit more... intimate.

Reggie was always the first to remove all of his clothes. After a run, his shirt always felt hot and sticky against his chest while his shorts bunched up uncomfortably around the thick fur of his groin. He would get naked quickly with the knowledge that Will was watching him the entire time, regarding his large, powerful form with more than just curiosity. When he looked over however, his slave would look away and pretend to be looking at something else. At this, a slow smirk would spread across his face.

The first time Will turned his gaze, Reggie ordered will down to the floor, making him crawl across the bathroom floor to apologize for not regarding his Master with pride. The skunk would stand there as Will gave his length apology, which often involved a lot of feet kissing and rubbing before Reggie would allow him to stand up. After a couple of nights, he never averted his eyes from the skunk's private parts again; however, even then he was sometimes made to crawl to him and lick his damp, sweaty feet as a gesture of respect.

For now, their interactions in the shower were merely habitual. It would only take a few seconds for Reggie to order Will's clothes off before he tugged the human inside the stall. His slave would stand obediently to the side while Reggie soaked himself initially, standing underneath streaming water until his fur was weighted and heavy with moisture. Then, armed with his hands and bar of soap, his slave would move obediently around him, washing his chest, back, legs, and even underneath his arms when he lifted them. The whole while Reggie would offer his pet soothing growls of comfort urging Will to continue, mixed in with the odd appraisal when he felt it was needed.

Although Will stayed away from his private parts unless asked as first, Reggie found that he didn't need to provide much urging to get the human to wash his sheath or underneath his tail. The human was nervous at first, as he assumed any slave would be when given permission to touch his most private areas, but after the first time their experiences in the shower became more fluid and less awkward. All he had to do now was spread his legs slightly to signal that he wanted his loins washed before his toy would obey. The human's fingers would gently slip between his thighs, pushing upwards with the soap to wash the hot, sweaty patches of fur at the crook of his legs before rubbing downwards in soft, circular motions to his soaked, drooping balls. Whenever this happened he would purr loudly and open his legs more, urging Will to continue with the cleaning. The human's fingers were able to reach the deepest parts of his musky flesh. They explored him with a timid inquisitiveness that Reggie found extremely comforting. As his slave's hand moved up to his sheath, more often than not he would let out a soft whine and brace himself against the walls. He wanted nothing more than to take his little human and pound him hard against the wall, but he wasn't prepared to go that far just yet, not until the situation demanded it.

When the shower was done, Will would be tasked with drying his Master and filing his claws. A big towel would do most of the job, but for a hairy beast such as Reggie, he often found himself kneeling front of the skunk with a blow dryer, airing out his Master's furry package with one hand while continuing to bend down and file the claws of his feet with the other.

Reggie would be brushing his teeth when this happened, but he was more than ready to bring a claw down to flick his human in the face should the quality of his treatment become less than he expected. Once he was fully dry, the human would take a brush and painstakingly comb every inch of his massive body, making sure that his fur was nice and smooth, and the white stripes along his back and tail were straight and fluffy.

When they were back in bed, Reggie would lay propped up against the bed board with pillows while his pet lay obediently at the foot of the mattress, acting as a warm, breathing footrest to comfort him into the long hours of the night. Although he expected there to be some sort of discomfort as Will adjusted to the role, he was surprised to find that the human was sleeping almost within minutes of him turning out the light and bidding goodnight. More than once, Reggie was left awake while his slave slept peacefully under his footpaws, the human's little chest rising and falling while is toes kneaded the soft skin. He assumed that his pet slept easily due to the tiresome tasks he'd assigned, but it seemed strange that the human could slumber so quickly under his new circumstances.

Perhaps Will was a little more comfortable in his new role than Reggie thought.

It was a Friday night, about two weeks after Will had moved into Reggie's apartment.

Reggie was relaxing with his human in his bedroom, his footpaws resting gently on Will's bare chest as part of their nightly routine. There was silence between them for the moment, save for the odd growl of approval as his slave rubbed and massaged every ache and sore spot from the thick pads of his feet.

Looking up from his book, Reggie watched as his slave went about his work. The human was so involved in his duties that he didn't even notice the skunk watching him. Although he only wanted to check for a moment as he knew that he should be studying, Reggie couldn't help but remain transfixed as he watched his little toy lovingly hug his feet.

Will was rubbing the skunk's feet and kneading between the thick toes with affection that he hadn't displayed up until this point. He closed his eyes as he softly moved his fingers through the thick fur, making a little moaning noise as he did. He laid his palms flat against the skunk's pads, moving his arms in strong circular motions to massage the musky coat and press his hands in as skillfully as the past couple weeks had taught him. No longer deterred by the powerful smell wafting forth as he did, Will inhaled the scent deeply before sliding his hands the top of the skunk's feet and pressing them against his chest. The skunk flexed his toes in that moment, causing Will to sigh and warmly snuggle into the bedding as the blunt tips of the anthro's claws lightly pressed into his skin.

Will remained like that for a long while, simply cuddling moving his little body underneath the heavy pads of Reggie's feet. His toned chest did wonders for his Master, as every inch of fur was massaged by the smooth skin of his front. Lifting his head and opening his eyes for a moment, Will slipped his hand up to Reggie's toes to squeeze them lightly with his fingers, inhaling and shuddering once more as he did. Then, much to his Master's surprise, he wrapped his hands around the other side of those big, heavy paws and brought them closer to his face, right before leaning in close to give the bottom of his feet a long, loving kiss.

Reggie watched with wide eyes as his human kissed the bottom of his foot. The entirety of his paw was large enough to encompass all of Will's face, and although he couldn't see the man's expression, the excited breathing and warm, lapping of a tongue on his black fur told him everything he needed to know. Also, much to his delight, he noticed that the front of Will's jeans had a noticeable bulge that shifted lightly with each press of his musky feet. Closing his eyes and leaning back, he let out a low growl in the depths of his throat and concentrated on the pleasant sensations tickling the bottom of his foot, sending warm, tingling sensations up his leg. The human's enthusiasm had come seemingly out of nowhere, yet he welcomed every second of it. He wriggled his toes and scratched the top of Will's head with his claws in an appreciative gesture as any thoughts of reading or studying flew from his mind. He tossed the book aside and rubbed his other paw along the human's chest, rubbing his slave lovingly in return before sinking low into the mattress and humming.

Will couldn't explain the change of heart that suddenly came over him. The potent musk of the skunk's body that he'd once found mildly unpleasant now filled his nostrils with a power that both excited and aroused him beyond reason. The aroma sent mild shivers down his spine and filled his sinuses with the spicy sensation of bestial heat and thick, animalistic smells. He exhaled lovingly into the black fur as he felt the skunk's paw slide along his middle, rubbing against him and leaving a small layer of moisture that warmed him down to his very core. He returned the affection with equal delight, pressing the heavy paw into his face and running his tongue along the rough pads. He could think of no better treatment for his exhausted Master, who needed to go walking around in the tight, cumbersome shoes all day long. He could feel the anthro's claws scratching his head, and he returned them by digging his nails into the tops of Reggie's foot and scratching as well, as best as his rounded nails would allow. Although he found it hard to breathe, every second of inhaling his strong owner's scent invigorated him in a way he hadn't thought possible. It was several long minutes before the skunk moved his paws away and left him alone on the mattress.

"It seems I was right about you warming up to my scent, slave," Reggie said with smile, curling up and looking at his human with an amused expression.

Will swallowed once and pushed himself into a sitting position, the taste of the skunk's feet lingering in his mouth. "Uh, ya... it's not so bad anymore," he replied distractedly, continuing to stare at the skunk's toes as they curled on the mattress.

"Not so bad?" Reggie chuckled, pushing himself into a crawling position and hovering his muzzle directly in front of Will's face. "It was never 'bad,' my slave; I don't want to hear you describing my smell like that again."

"Sorry Master," Will said apologetically, now staring into the skunk's eyes with rapt attention.

Reggie nodded and smiled. "That's much better. From now on, I'll expect that exact same enthusiasm in all of your daily duties pet, and I want to hear you compliment my smells every time. Are we clear?"

"Yes Master," Will answered with a simple nod of his head.

Reggie couldn't help but chuckle again as he pushed himself into a seated position. "I do like how complacent you've become my slave, but there's no need to be so curt," he said. "I think the excitement you displayed earlier deserves a little bit more of an explanation, wouldn't you agree?"

Will broke his gaze with the skunk for a moment, looking down at the bedding with a slight blush and saying nothing.

Reggie smiled and moved closer. "Don't be nervous with me slave, I want to hear your thoughts," he said, carrying the weight of authority in his tone. "You were aroused were you not?"

Trying his best to look back into the skunk's eyes, Will said, "I-I guess so. I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry if it was too much." Will paused for a moment, the rest of what he was hoping to say catching on his tongue as Reggie narrowed his eyes. "Did you want me to talk more M-"

"Take off your pants," Reggie said.

Will looked at his Master curiously. "W-Why? Are we going to have a shower now?"

"Just take them off," Reggie repeated, letting out a low growl. "I won't ask again."

Reggie could feel the excitement growing in his chest as Will gave him a nervous expression and stepped off the bed. Slowly, the human reached down and unfastened the belt-buckle at his waist. He fumbled with it momentarily before the leather drooped to the side, giving him the ability to nimbly grab his zipper and pull it down. Then, with one final motion of his hands to unclip the button holding his waistband, Will gripped his pants and slid them down his legs, leaving only a thin pair of boxers covering his intimate areas.

Lifting himself off the bed as well, Reggie bared his teeth in a smile and gripped his shirt, pulling it off in one swift motion before starting to work on his pants himself. "I think it's about time we added another task to your list of duties slave," he said as the two of them undressed. "Now that you're finally at the stage I want you to be, I think you're more than ready to take a heavier load..."

Reggie almost cursed himself for making such a corny remark, but it seemed to have the desired effect. Will yanked his boxers down in a split second, displaying his tiny, human cock that he usually only had the pleasure of seeing when they showered together. This time however, Will's cock was half-erect, still throbbing lightly in the aftermath of playing with his feet.

"Mm.. . such a sexy little slave you are," Reggie continued, hoping to salvage some of the awkwardness he displayed in his previous remark. With a small kick of his heel, he flung his own pants away from his feet and stood proudly in front of his human, allowing Will to look over his powerful form with a certain sense of smugness. Although the human's eyes darted everywhere, he noticed that his slave's eye couldn't help but linger down near his waist.

Reggie turned and walked to the dresser next to the bed, grabbing Will's collar and leash. "I think it's about time you and I had some fun," he said, walking back to his human and clipping the collar around his neck. "You've been a very obedient pet," he continued, fastening the leash on the metal buckle, "and I've seen how you've been looking at me: not only here, but in the shower as well." He yanked on the leash, pulling Will into a close hug that pressed their bodies together. "I always reward good behaviour."

Taking him lightly by the leash, Reggie stepped up onto the bed and kneeled down, his pet following suit obediently without much tugging required. He could see that Will was nervous, yet he could also see that his slave was growing slowly more erect with each passing moment, betraying his true feelings of the situation. With a grin, he reached forwards and delicately took Will's glasses off, turning to set them on the table before fixing his slave with a lustful expression.

"So... slave," Reggie said, turning around and bending over in front of his human while keeping a firm grip on the leash. "How would you like to really get to know the scent of your Master?" He finished those last words with a low purr, hiking his tail up to give Will a good view of his sagging testicles and ebony tailhole winking just above.

"W-what are you doing?" Will asked with a small amount of fear, tugging back on the leash.

Realising the misunderstanding, Reggie let out a small chuckle. "Yes... I could do that to you right now couldn't I?" He suggested with a slow roll of his hips and a flick of his tail. "But don't worry my slave; I have no intention of punishing you in such a manner, especially not in my own apartment: the smell would be atrocious!" He chuckled again, wriggling his hips and dragging the tuft of his tail across his human's chin. "I'm simply ordering you to service me in way that every slave should. Judging from the way you just worshipped my footpaws, I know how good you are with that tongue of yours..."

Letting out a small sigh of relief before swallowing in nervousness, Will dropped down onto his hands and slowly began to crawl forwards. He kept his eyes fixed on the skunk's rump, taking in every detail of his Master's exposed anus and the thick, heavy sac hanging low between the anthro's muscular thighs. As he got closer, he began to smell that familiar, spicy odor that he'd grown to know and love, only stronger now. His member throbbed gently as his arousal grew at the memory of those soft paws caressing his chest as the skunk's rich musk flooded his nostrils and mouth. With a small bound, he placed his hands on each of his Master's cheeks and dipped his head underneath Reggie's tail. He inhaled deeply in his moment, closing his eyes and shuddering as a deep, comforting scent trickled into his nose. Reggie let out a growl in front of him and shifted back and forth, moving his hips in a teasing fashion that only excited him more. Then, moving his head forward slowly, Will extended his tongue and gave his Master a long, exploratory lick directly across his tailhole.

Then, without warning, Will was yanked forwards by his new Master, his face slamming into the skunk's rear with an almost painful force.

With a snarl, Reggie pulled the leash hard and almost yelped as Will fell forwards into his rear. His pet adjusted to the new situation without pause or complaint, and immediately began to service him as any good, obedient pet should. He kept pulling on the end of the cord mercilessly, pushing himself backwards into his slave's inquisitive face with an almost unbearable pressure. His breathing came in quick, excited gasps as he squeezed his cheeks together, punctuated by the odd bark as he felt the human's tongue lap at him again. The feeling was more pleasurable than he ever could've imagined, and it wasn't long before his growls turned to a soft series of whines as his member began to swell heavily in the confines of his sheath.

Reggie made Will service him for a couple minutes more before he couldn't take it anymore. With a rumbling shudder, he released his pressure on the leash while still maintaining a firm grip as he shifted his hindquarters away. Turning to face the human once again, he allow a soft smile to come across his lips as he noted the extremely satisfied look on the human's face.

"How's that for a reward, bitch?" Reggie growled playfully, tugging on the human's leash as his arousal and excitement got the better of him.

"That was amazing Master," Will said, lifting his hand to the leash and giving a light swallow. "I-I'm a very lucky pet."

Reggie felt his heart leap in his chest at this comment. It was the first time Will had referred to himself as the skunk's property. Although the human had been unquestioningly obedient the entire time he'd moved in, it wasn't until this moment that Reggie truly felt his slave's acceptance of his role.

With another strong pull, Reggie yanked Will down onto the bed and straddled him, placing his muscular thighs to each side of the human before allowing his weight to drop. He let out a low growl of delight as his sheath mashed into his slave's now fully-erect cock, the full weight of his body pushing them together with immense pressure. "How does that feel slave?" Reggie asked, rolling his hips into the little human and pushing him into the bed.

"T-that feels... good," Will replied with a shiver, putting his hands on each of the skunk's flexing thighs.

"Mm, yes, I'll bet," Reggie said, laying his massive body across his pet before giving him a few humps and smirking. "I'll admit, I thought you were a little small when I first laid on eyes on that cock of yours, but you certainly feel a lot larger now..." He grinned and ground his hips harder, causing his pet to blush. "I think you can already tell that I am much... much bigger," Reggie growled with a smirk. "As it should be."

The truth of Reggie's statement wasn't lost on Will, who could feel the skunk's massive cock swelling against him more and more with each passing second. A combination of slick moisture and incredible heat accompanied the throbbing member as it grew in between them, pressing against Will's own cock before pushing upwards to pulse wetly on his belly.

Bring his head in close, Reggie licked Will on the nose and humped him again. "I think you know what's coming next slave," he said with a small grin. Gripping the human's leash, he reached backwards and lashed the other end of the leash to the bed, tying it tightly with both his paws while the full weight of his waist rested on his toy. Making sure it was nice and tight, Reggie pushed himself into a sitting position and backed away, making a motion with his paw. "Turn around Will, and raise that little rump of yours."

Shaking with nervousness yet obeying without question, Will flipped himself over and placed his hands on the wooden bedboard, raising his ass in a submissive position. He didn't answer his Master, but he did know exactly what was coming. He could barely move in his excitement, but he moved his hips as enticingly as he could regardless, smiling back at the skunk weakly.

Breathing excitedly now, Reggie shuffled forwards and got into position behind Will, pressing his hips into the back of the human's rump before bringing his right paw forwards. "Open wide my little slave," he cooed, slipping his furred digits into the human's mouth. Will's lips parted obediently and suckled gently on the intruding fingers. He could feel the human's tongue slipping over his claws, lathering them in saliva with an eagerness that made the skunk think he was being cleaned again. The thought made him chuckle, right before he pulled his paw away with a wet slurp.

"I would be a very mean Master to not give my pet at least some lubrication," Reggie stated with a tilt of his head. Bringing his paw down, he backed his hips up a bit to allow his digits to slip between Will's cheeks, rubbing his clawed fingers in smooth, circular motions on the human's taint to lather as much of the saliva on as he could. He purred delicately as he felt his slave squirm and moan under his touch, his anus winking and twitching under the steady push of his claws.

"Oh my, it seems like you're a lot needier than I imagined," Reggie stated, taking away his saliva-slicked paw and grabbing Will's side in a firm grip. Pulling back and hunching lower over his human, the skunk aimed the tip of his cock for Will's pucker, his meaty length throbbing and aching almost painfully with need. Dropping his paw down to the base of his cock, the skunk expertly pulled his sheath-skin down, peeling it back to display his pulsing, bulbous knot before setting his grip on the human's side again. He could feel the heavy warmth of his toy caressing his tip as he pressed it nimbly to the man's winking entrance, a small amount of precum leaking out to join the warm saliva surrounding it. "I want to hear you beg for it slave," he growled, holding himself at bay while Will shivered with desire. The leash was drawn tightly around Will's neck, forcing the human to remain in position while the skunk teased him.

"Please Master, fuck me," Will begged, trying to move his hips back and push himself on Reggie's length but finding him himself unable as the collar tightened around his throat. "You're the most amazing Master in the world and I've been such a good, obedient little slave. Please, let me pleasure you," he whined his last words, very nearly sobbing as he mewled with need.

Reggie held his breath as those words were uttered, his heart skipping a beat as he let out a passionate snarl and flexed his muscles in preparation. "That's more fucking like it," he growled, right before he hunched low and slowly began to push himself inside. His eyes went wide and he grit his teeth as he felt Will's tight anus expand over the tip of his intruding cock. The human's fleshy ring opened almost immediately as he eased himself forwards, spreading widely around his length before squeezing eagerly as he continued to push himself deeper with every passing second. He continued to gasp and moan along with his pet as he dug his claws involuntarily into Will's sides. It was better than he could've ever imagined, and his expression changed immediately to one of total, sexual bliss as his cock penetrated the hot, rolling depths of his slave's bowels.

"Oh God..." Reggie exclaimed, huffing violently as he slammed the rest of the way forwards and paused for a brief respite. With his length now fully buried he could feel every inch of his cock being caressed and squeezed by the human's tight anus, the hot, tunnel of flesh rolling and twitching around his weighty shaft. The sensation of penetrating the human he'd longed for all this time was matched only by the pure elation and joy that blossomed within his chest at hearing his lover moan underneath him.

Will squirmed and gasped underneath his Master, his eyes squinting shut as a mixture of pain and pure pleasure arched up the length of his spine. The warm, heavy weight of Reggie's body felt like a thick blanket against his lower back, and he couldn't help but push back into the hot musk of the skunk's groin as it pressed lovingly into his rump. The bed board creaked and groaned underneath his grip as he squeezed the wood hard with his hands. It was a lot of pressure to put on the old frame as the weight of their joined bodies assailed it, not to mention the strain he was putting on it by pulling backwards on his collar.

"Keep begging slave," Reggie growled, "I want to hear you moan and compliment your fine Master as he breeds you." With an affirming grunt, the skunk pulled his hips back, sliding his member out of Will's ass to the tip before thrusting forwards again. He didn't pause for even a moment this time, before pulling back and humping once more, working himself into a steady rhythm as he slammed his thick cock in and out of the human's rear. The mattress moved back and forth with his motions as Will tensed underneath him. He could tell that the little human was using all of his strength to keep from being brought down by his immense weight, but he didn't care. His new toy could take it.

Will moaned long and loud, arching his back as a small drop of precum leaked out from his rigid member. "Gah...! You're so strong Master, so strong..." he uttered, trailing off for a moment as a deep, rolling shudder came across his shivering form. He could feel the skunk's cock throbbing inside him as it moved, rubbing and massaging his sensitive anal walls while spitting out a seemingly endless stream of semen to further wet his clenching tunnel. "Fuck me harder Master; give me everything you have a cum deep inside me... please..."

Will could barely speak through his passionate gasps as the skunk continued to ram him, slamming into him with a force that could only be accomplished by a powerful, primal beast. He could hear and feel his Master's ragged panting as it caressed the back of neck, accompanied by the odd drop of drool as the anthro continued to take him in a pure, animalistic frenzy. It wasn't long before Reggie's continuous growling and gasp dropped down into a low, almost soothing whine, announcing the onset of his oncoming orgasm.

"Cum inside me Master, I'm ready for you," Will purred, rolling his hips against Reggie to demonstrate his need.

Reggie let out a sharp bark at those words, finding himself growing dangerously close to the edge as his slave uttered those deep, soothing words. It was everything he needed to hear in that moment. He never could've imagined since that night in the park that his plan would ever have resulted in something so perfect.

Hugging his toy close against his chest, Reggie mewled and humped Will with a few more short bursts of his hips before grinding his knot painfully hard into the human's anus. There was some resistance as the skunk tried, which made both parties gasp out in both pleasure and discomfort before finally, with a wet pop, his knot forced itself inside.

Reggie let out another bark and collapsed on the human, letting out a ragged moan as his weight pushed Will down into the mattress. He squirmed lightly on top of his toy for a few long second before a long, drawn out whine escaped his muzzle. The muscles in his legs tensed first, followed by a tremendous arching of his back as pushed himself forwards as hard as he possibly could, right before he came long and hard into Will's clenching rear.

The first shot of seed blasted from Reggie's cock with incredible force, squirting into the human's rear like a cannon before continuously streaming with rope after rope of thick, bestial seed. Will gasped and squirmed underneath his Master, struggling underneath the heavy weight of his dominant partner as a heavy, liquid warmth flooded his bowels with a strength and consistency that surprised him. After the first few pulses he felt as if he could take no more, yet still Reggie continued to cum inside him, pumping him full and coating every inch of his rectum with viscous spunk. It didn't take very long after that for Will to shudder and let out a passionate gasp of his own as his own ejaculation struck, his dick throbbing into the mattress as his own semen began to spit continuously from his pulsing cock to wet the bedsheets at his belly.

Reggie lost count of how long his ejaculation lasted. He kept humping his little slave as best as he could, growling and pushing against the human in a quick series of humps as more and more of his steaming cum leaked from the tip of his cock. A happy grin came across his muzzle as he finally felt Will let out a cry of his own and clench hard around his cock, making loud squelching noises in his rear as the copious amount of cum frothed inside his anus form the powerful squeezing of muscle. Comforted by his pet's ejaculation, Reggie purred and huddled low over his prize, coaxing the last little bits of pleasure from himself and his loving slave as they both rode out the duration of their pleasure.

For the longest time, Reggie simply lay on top of Will, listening to their rapid breathing as they basked in the afterglow of their sex. The wet texture of sexual fluids covered the entirety of his member, coating his cock in a pleasant layer of cum that made him purr and snuggle warmly into Will's back.

"Did you enjoy your reward slave?" Reggie asked, giving Will a small nibble on the back of his neck.

Will let out a soft moan and turned his head, fixing the skunk with a single eye before smiling warmly. "I did Master," he said. "I'm glad you found me pleasing yourself."

Reggie stared long and hard into Will's eye in that moment. It didn't take much insight to see that the human was happier than ever in that moment. Bending low, he smiled and gave his pet a small lick on the ear, saying, "I think it's time for our shower now slave," he said. "And for once, I don't think we're going to be doing much cleaning."

Will shivered and shrugged his shoulder as he felt the skunk's rough tongue slid across the side of his head. "I'm yours Master," he purred, the finality of his words lending even more power that he intended. "I'm yours for as long as you need me."

With a wide smile Reggie gave his pet one more kiss on the cheek before moaning as he pulled his knot free, letting the bulbous mound of flesh slip free with a small rush of fluids that dripped down the human's thighs to join the gathering pool of semen below. No words were needed as he leapt off the bed and took his slave's hand in his paw and led him from the bedroom, both of their bodies stained and wet with the aftermath of their passionate mating to spend the rest of the night together.

For once, Reggie wasn't going to get any studying done at all.