The Adventures of Ricky Ratt - 02 - Trashed and Scattered

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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#2 of Ricky Ratt

So here it is, the long awaited (by all 3 of you) chapter 2! Now, you may be wondering why I started up a tour and then finished it so quickly with this chapter. Surely there's a lot of other fun stuff that could happen on a rock tour. And there is for sure! Maybe one day I'll get back and write a few more fun tour stops. But, for right now, I'll have you know I actually have a good bit of story planned out for this series. It might deviate just a touch from the faptastical things I normally write. Don't worry though, I'll throw in a good bit of smut when I can. It's just that I've got so much to get into that, well, enjoy the ending of THIS tour for now, going out with a bang... literally.

My digits slowly wrap around the trio of shots expertly poured by the bartender before sliding them a bit closer towards me on the bar. I take the lead shot glass in the trifecta of Jack Daniels firmly in my paw before lifting it up to the sky. I watch as a feline paw and a dragon paw take the others out of the corner of my eye, raising them up into the air as well to match my own. I smirk at both of them, one on each side of me, before I yell out rather loudly in the small, cramped bar, "To how fuckin' awesome we are!" My other band mates cheer as we all bring our glasses up to our lips, each shooting down the shot with relative ease and slamming the glass back down onto the table when we were done.

"Well, we did it boys," I say after a few breaths of air and a heavy gulp, my dazed and drunk expression looking around to my left to see the familiar feline and to my right to see the even more familiar dragon. "Another fuckin' tour in the history books," I add in a fairly drunk slur. "Another tour where we rocked their asses off."

"Hell yeah we did," Dennis agrees with a decent bit of confidence, shaking off the strong shot a little as he slides his spent glass down towards the end of the bar.

The feline was a bit more reserved... as always... only having a few light drinks before he was forcefully coerced into this shot. Nevertheless, he just smiles and says, "I'm just glad it's finally over. Such a long-ass tour..." he adds with a small swirl around on the edge of his shot glass, pushing it towards the edge of the bar as well before too long. His paw then going and casually wrapping back around the rather weak beer he was already drinking.

"Yeah, it gets tougher each time, doesn't it?" I say with a small smirk, before calling out into the air for another shot to be delivered, not doubting the bartender could hear my loud lead vocalist voice over the chatter. "But our bank accounts thank us...."

That got a rousing laugh from both of them as they just nodded - the dragon grabbing his own glass of beer now and giving it a Jack chasing gulp. It really had been a long tour this time. 6 months abroad, and 9 more months in the States... a year and a quarter we'd been touring pretty much non-stop. And, by this point, we were all ready for a break. Hell, the whole crew was ready for a break... A few good months off at the very least, not moving a finger or doing anything creative or taxing, before maybe starting to put together some new music and maybe hitting a Summer tour or something. That would be the plan for now at least anyway. Something light next year and then maybe the following one another big album and tour... who knows with how this business goes sometimes?

But, for right now we were all more than ready to celebrate the end of this tour as a random cheer ran through the bar. We all joined in with the spontaneous yelling, not sure exactly what had happened but certainly eager to cheer it on. That was just kind of the mood everyone was in right now. Probably sloshing drunk at this point, and ready to hurt like hell tomorrow for the drive or fly back to wherever we were all going. We were busy partying like the rock stars we were, and nothing was gonna stop us until we were good and ready to stop.

After our final show of the current tour, Madison Square Garden in New York City, we all hopped on our busses and headed upstate an hour or so to a small, out of the way bar to escape the rush and crowds of the city. It was just the crew and the guys celebrating the end of a monster tour in the small and homely place... with a few unlucky locals that just managed to show up at the wrong time. But, for the most part we had the run of the place, and had certainly been raising quite a bit of hell for the staff here. The drinks were flowing, the volume level was growing constantly, and a few hours in everyone was having one hell of a time.

We had pregamed all the way up of course as well too - even Tommy had downed a beer or two. And after being at the bar for a few hours already, EVERYONE was freaking hammered drunk... except for Tommy who had more or less a decent buzz going it seemed. I'd lost count of just how many drinks the feline had in him, but it couldn't have been THAT many from the calm and collective way he was acting. I'd seen him quite drunk before and it usually didn't take too much... unless he'd been practicing while doing his raids or something to get his tolerance up. I couldn't help but eye him up a bit more as I thought about all that, slowly rocking my own empty shot glass back and forth as I said slowly, "See, aren't you glad we got you out of your little cave finally?"

The feline gave a soft chuckle and swirled his beer around in his paw before slowly saying back, "I dunno, I'm missing a big raid tonight... they're gonna plunder a lot of loot without me..." I was just drunk enough to where it was hard to tell whether the cat was lying, telling the truth, or some mix of the two. But, it made both me and the dragon burst out laughing as those words hit our ears for some reason. That seemed to be just what the feline was aiming for as he took another small sip of his beer, a wide smirk on his face.

"You're SUCH a pussy Tommy..." Dennis says for the first time tonight - usually it's my job giving the bassist a hard time, which I'd already done plenty of tonight so far.

"It runs in the family..." is all he says back, calmly and collectively taking another almost reluctant sip of his beer along side me. That gets another chuckle from us for sure. But, just before the I could take off with another plastered series of comments, the sexy little lynx that had been helping take care of us all night finally decides to walk on by again. I shift my attention from one big cat to the other, sticking out my long whip-like tail to give her butt a small smack as she slides in besides Tommy. To her credit she didn't even falter as the small waitress tray she carried didn't so much as shake at the slap, but the rest of her body certainly did.

She let out a soft 'Mrrrowl' before she stops in her tracks and leans on in, slowly placing the fresh set of full shot glasses down and taking our empty glasses away and onto her serving tray. "Well hey there to you too boys, need anything else?" she says in a rather sexy, alluring, and knowing she was gonna get one HELL of a tip if she kept it up voice.

She was a rocker chick, through and through, that just happened to be working the bar the night the whole crew slowly stumbled on in to overwhelm the place. The bartender, as cute of a buck as he was, needed all the help he could get tending to all the orders as we swamped him in 5 minutes. So, the lynx was called in to help do her best to take care of the... VIP clients. Mainly the band and the management. And she'd certainly taken care of us so far for sure.

She had tattoos running all the way up from her elbows to her shoulders, a full set of fur ink on those slender but strong arms. The fur markings continued a good bit along her breasts and sides too from the looks of things, but those were unfortunately covered just barely with her black tank top and tight black jeans. A studded rocker belt and a pair of black spiked bracelets were a nice touch in her outfit as well. We had a debate whether she'd thrown them on cause she knew we were at the bar, or she just normally wore them, with me coming out as the winner that they were probably a staple of her wardrobe. Add to that a few streaks of pink head fur, a sassy almost lesbian-like attitude, and you had this rather short feline down to a T. It also didn't hurt that she just so happened to be a big fan of the band as her tank top had our logo printed boldly on it. The faded tank top certainly looked like it'd been worn plenty before, so it was no new edition the lynx ran out to buy before her trip into work.

"Well," I finally add in as I grip the female's hips and pull the lynx down into my lap. To her credit, the female somehow managing to slide her tray down onto the counter while only knocking over a few empty glasses along the way while my sudden tug seemed to just barely catch her off guard. Her body spins around quickly, her rump landing on my thighs with a firm groan from both me and her as she lands. "You've kept us well lubricated with drinks all night honey, and I KNOW you've seen me staring at that ass of yours all night too, swatting at it with my tail each time you walk by. So I think I might need another little bit of... lubrication.." I said suddenly, slurring most of my words as my hot, alcohol smelling breath falls down onto the feline's cheek.

It wasn't my fault though, I swear. I'd been telling with the other guys about how I was gonna get with that lynx from the moment I first saw her. And when I found out that she was going to be our "waitress" for the night, well, the deal was sealed. Of course, expressing my interest in the chick got the other two guys next to me fairly interested as well, leading to quite a bit of... dirty talk as the alcohol started to flow. And slowly, with each and every drink each of us got into our systems, we all started to get a little grabby and touchy with her as she sauntered on by. The lynx took it fine, obviously not new to this if she worked at a bar. In fact she seemed to enjoy the extra attention. Maybe it was just her working hard for the extra tip, or maybe she was just as... eager as she looked. But soon the I couldn't take it anymore... I was damn drunk, and NOW I was quite horny too...

To her credit once again the lynx stayed calm, slowly giving a little wiggle on my groin as she tried to stand back up. "Mmmmph, well I'm sorry boys, the kitchen is closed... afraid you'll have to go to the McDonalds down the road for some food." The smooth and casual tone on her voice made it seeming like she'd been in situations like this before. But not with the world famous Ricky Ratt holding her down against him...

I was having none of it at this point of course. I was drunk and especially horny tonight after yesterday's romp for me ended up being a flop. So I wasn't going to take no for an answer... especially with how well gone I really was. "Mmmm, that's not what I meant babe and you know it..." I add with a soft bite to her shoulder, making her squirm a good bit more before I pulled my teeth away gently. "Mmmmm, and if you keep struggling, I just might have to let the boys here get in on the fun too..." I couldn't help but let out a wide, drunk grin as my grip got firmer on the sexy feline - my point starting to make itself clear to her.

She gave a few more squirms along with a heavy hiss, trying to be civil about everything herself of course, but there was no getting away from me now. I dug my fingertips into her wrists and hips almost painfully as I felt the feline try to push off yet again. I added in another drunk growl at her as I took my paw from her wrist, reaching down to start and unbutton her belt and her pants with a single skillful paw.

She let out a heavy gasp and did her best to squirm her hips out of the way, but my other arm was soon firmly locked right under her breasts and around her ribs, making sure to keep her nice and locked in. All the while my paw was busy working over her jeans, amazingly adept at taking a pair of pants off even when most others would be passed out drunk long ago. I almost made it look easy as I slowly slid down that zipper, and popped open that button once the belt was set free. Then, all that was left to do was to grip the female's waistband and start to tug her pants down around her still squirming ass.

I didn't have much of a plan to be honest - whether to tease her here and take her back to a private room for the main event, or... Not that I ever really had a plan being this drunk and horny of course. Things just kind of happened as I pressed on, watching the female from behind with all her naughty struggling, growling, and hissing. Slowly I strip her down right there at the bar while all the crew and band members slowly watch, her squirms and grunts starting to get louder the more her pants slide down her thighs.

Although, to be perfectly honest, the fight seemed a bit fake to the me from the start. Maybe it was just my perception at the time, but.... The lynx, even as small as she was, could've done plenty more if she REALLY wanted to get away. Not a single actual word of 'Stop' or 'No' came out of her lips, at least not that I heard anywhere during the process. It's almost like she wanted this. Perhaps not here and now, but... to get bedded by the world famous Ricky Ratt? I mean, I couldn't really blame her.

And soon, as if we'd both planned it, the female's pants finally started to give way. They slid slowly down her thighs and exposed her rather bare groin to anyone in viewing distance. "Oh my.... Naughty girl, aren't we? No panties tonight? Is that how you usually come into work?" I say sloppily into one of her cute tuffed ears, perhaps a bit louder than a whisper as I watched the dragon's eyes shoot a little wide before quickly looking down. I was a bit surprised to be honest as I smirked widely - my free paw now sliding down and starting to feel over her groin. Further down through the fur it slid until I finally dove between her legs to give her pussy lips a soft stroke.

She gives out a few more squirms of course at that, huffing heavily as her chest heaved those decent sized tits up and down over my arm. But once again the true struggle seemed... not there. She didn't exactly spread her legs wide and beg me to dive inside, but I knew... and the lynx knew... the reason she wasn't wearing any panties. At least, I like to think I was that high on her list. I did have a slight reputation of being a hornball to put it lightly. And, if she really was a big fan of the band, she would've known that. Yet, she remained reserved enough to let me have my way as she just slowly kept the show up - my band members looking on quietly as more and more people started to notice the half-naked squirming chick in the room.

"Clear the bar," I ordered over to Dennis rather definitively, watching him slide the feline's tray down a bit and making a good 6 feet of space at least. With a heavy heave I sprung up onto my legs with the small female still in check, and spun her around once more. I didn't even let her get her own legs back onto the ground before lifting her up and placing her back firmly down onto the bar with a rather forceful smack. She let out a heavy grunt at the less than gentle placement on the firm wood, but I'm sure it wasn't the first time she was pushed down onto something like this. Well, maybe not EXACTLY like this, but... she did look rather comfortable on her back after the initial shock surged through her. I was quick to join in the fun, hopping on up myself and sliding my hips right between her legs. It was a little surprise as they made space and opened up for me relatively easily. I made quick work of her pants at this point, yanking them up and off her upturned legs before the now naked appendages slowly fell to my sides. It was almost as if they'd just been defeated as they dangled off the edges of the bar softly, leaving nothing really protecting her groin from me anymore.

At this point nearly everyone in the bar was staring at me and her. The volume level had died down to a very light murmur as most of the eyes were locked on the scene, waiting to see just what happened. But I didn't care at that moment. I was focused on one thing and one thing alone as I just grinned down a sloppy grin at the female, slowly starting to lift her shirt up and exposing that black bra underneath. I leaned my head down a bit and soon got my teeth into the action by gripping that bra hard and pulling up on it. I didn't bother to take it off, just succeeding in freeing her large breasts with a hard enough tug as they now laid unsupported on her chest.

"Mmmmm, you're fucking too gorgeous to let go ya know..." I say down at her, slowly grinding my somehow growing cock against her own groin with a few soft grinds of my hips. My cock was struggling to stay hard with all the alcohol in my system for sure, but still somehow it found a way to keep the blood locked up in there and keep that spongy material saturated as I could feel myself poking out of my sheath.

She was quick to feel it against her groin too as she let out a few soft mrowls back up against me. I breathed heavily and grinded down against her groin in the mean time, watching her breasts jiggling a good bit with every hard grind. After a moment or two I let out a firm, drunk grin and sent down a paw between her legs to slowly started to undo my own pants. I was far from feeling the need to be proper about this, simply fishing my cock through my zipper and quickly slapping it down again the female's pussy lips a few times. The wet smacks make me perk up a bit as I figured that she was starting to get wet from all this attention, another wide grin shooting across my muzzle at the thought. "Dirty girl..." I whispered down into her ear as I gave her a few soft grinds along the outside of her pussy lips with my arrow like cock tip.

Soon enough though the grinds aren't enough. I wordlessly aim my cock tip down and into her wet folds, giving a firm push inside as my cock tip finally finds the mark. That push inside makes her let out a heavy gasp and clench tightly around my cock, while I slide in with a soft sigh myself, diving in balls deep on that first firm thrust. I keep my groin pressed right up to the female's wet crotch for a few moments, moaning softly and sighing happily as I just enjoy feeling her squeeze tightly around the invader with a slightly pained set of gasps. The jig was up now though as she finally gave in, letting her legs fall free from my sides and hang limply out over the edges of the bar once again. She gave a few hurried and heavy breaths as she slowly got used to the feeling of something inside of her, but I wasn't gonna give her long to relax. I was needy and my hard fought erection was already trying it's best to go limp on me. I let my hips go with a few powerful and drunk thrusts, watching her body shake as my sheath slammed into her crotch over and over again. Her own gasps and hot grunts let the room know that it wasn't exactly orgasmic bliss yet, but the girl certainly didn't seem to mind the sudden rutting.

It was far from a porn quality fucking, that's for sure. I was too drunk to really even keep my balance most of the time. I had to slow down and re-adjust my positioning with a few paws randomly slamming down on the feline's tits and stomach on occasion as I struggled to remain upright. But, other than the surprised lung-draining grunts each time the my palm found its way into the cat's belly, she couldn't help but start to get into the sex a bit herself. She let out a few soft moans as my rather large balls started to slap firmly against her wet folds over and over again, clearly no virgin to this sort of thing. She arched her back and finally even pulled me in a little closer with her paws, slowly digging her sharp claws down into my sides and back. They slid down to my skin, making sure to send a nice shiver down my back from the sensation, and maybe even pierced a bit... who knew? I was far too drunk to feel it if they did. But the pressure was certainly there, and that made me slowly lean down to give her neck and chin a small, sensual nibble. At least that's what I figured it was at the time, not exactly sure just how hard I was digging in really. I whispered in a few more naughty things when I was close to her ears as well, not remembering most of what I whispered of course as it was all in the heat of the moment. But, I do vividly remember saying, "You little slut... had this planned all along, didn't you?"

I got no response from her other than some heavy gasps and moans, much like the ones she'd been spitting out the entire time. But I could tell she was enjoying the experience just by her heated squirms, and her large paws clenching themselves tightly from the fierce pounding she was receiving. Her eyes met up with mine for a few minutes somewhere in our sloppy drunk fucking, and in there I found all I needed. Even as my glazed over eyes stared back down at her I knew just what she was thinking. Admiration, lust, and a little bit star struck for sure - she wasn't going to fight me no matter what I told her to do. I had her in that patented 'Ricky Ratt' embrace, and I wasn't going to let go until I was thoroughly finished with her.

I did my best to keep up the pace, as sloppy as it was. I knew that it didn't really matter how well I performed on the female though. She was a fan, she WANTED this, and no matter what happened she was going to go away with the story of being fucked by a rather famous lead singer. And, on the same vein, it took all the stimulation from the fast fucking I could muster to keep my alcohol fueled cock standing straight up and at attention. Otherwise there'd be no story, and no sweet release from me if I didn't have something firm to pound into the female over and over again.

That extra stimulation from going hard and rough on her was really coming in handy too. My paws were braced down against the bar along the female's sides, my body weight and constant slapping against her keeping her pinned down and more or less in place. Thwack thwack thwack went my balls against her wet pussy lips as my firm breaths almost echoed those slaps in timing. Over and over again they struck as my breathing began to quicken up even more. I was still far from cumming of course, but my straining breath was becoming shallow and heavy all the while. The drunken strain of being in such a position and having to thrust down into that female over and over again really taxing my already overloaded body. Not to mention trying to focus on something for so long made me sweat hard and my head spin before too long. So, before I ended up puking all over the gorgeous female, I quickly grabbed onto her hips and did as quick of a roll as I could on the bar. It seemed nice and fluid in my mind, but most likely it came out like a tangle of body parts and quite the painful clusterfuck to watch. But, once I was settled firmly on my back, the lynx was left sitting on top of me, looking a little confused as her own exposed chest was busy heaving up and down from her breaths. My cock was still deep inside her pussy as I gave her a wide grin back at the sudden change.

"Wouldn't wanna leave the other band members out of this, now would I?" I say suddenly with a smirk, slowly looking up into the lynx's wide eyes now before reaching back to give her rump a firm smack. My eyes then quickly dart towards the dragon, and then back towards the panther, giving them a few small nods as I held their "prey" steady. My hips gave a few more soft thrusts up and down into the female's pussy to further try and convince them, all the while the lynx looks a bit shocked and nervous at the prospect.

It was the dragon who moved first, finally starting to undo his belt with a few heavy jingles of the metal. But once his belt was loosened up his pants were off in a flash, underwear and all left in a pile right beside the bar. His mostly hard draconic cock stood firm and pulsing red against his green and yellow scales. "Mmmm, don't mind if I do," he says, almost as horny as I was it seemed from all the lead-up and the short show I had put on.

With a horrified gasp from the lynx, she could feel the dragon jump up onto the top of the bar too, feeling it creak under all our combined weight as the dragon's cock quickly finds itself up against the lynx's rump from behind. He gives a few soft pushes and grinds against it, trying to steal some of the lubrication from that pussy before he slowly adds, "Slip out for a sec Rick, let me get something over my cock..."

I was all too happy to oblige before yanking the lynx's ass higher up with my paws, slipping my soaking wet cock out of that hole and giving it a few slaps against her wet lips. "All yours, I warmed her up for ya," I say with a soft wink, making sure to stroke my wet cock a few times with a paw to keep it nice and hard all the while. The dragon just slowly pushes the female's back down onto my chest, making her heavy breasts lay firmly on my slightly damp fur as her chin lays right below mine. She gives me a slightly nervous look at the prospect, but my confident grin slowly begins to make her settle down a bit. She adjust her position a bit over me, and at the same time the dragon's similar sized cock starts to slip in. Both participants moan in delight while the dragon's shaft pushes... pushes more... then his groin finally hits firmly against the feline's eager lips. I turn my head nearly upside down and look back over at the panther before saying with a wide smile, "Come on Tommy, join in. You can have her mouth..."

The black cat just gives a softly drunk, 'Psh', at that before he takes another sip of his beer and says, "Raping someone's rump is different than raping someone's muzzle you know... all those sharp teeth..." He says it back with a small smirk, as if this is casual business for him.

"Come on," I say over the moans of the female above me, the dragon certainly not going easy on her either at this point as a new wave of hard slaps start to fill the bar. "The bitch loves it... I saw her staring at you anyway the most... call it a feline attraction. Plus, I see your bulge. Stop being a pussy and be a Panther!"

Such speeches usually didn't work on the black cat, but perhaps it was the addition of a good bit of alcohol in his system at this point which made the feline finally stand on up and start to unbutton his pants with a gentle sigh. I just grinned widely at my victory as I reached down into one of my pockets, squirming heavily as I felt the dragon's groin constantly slapping against my slowly softening dick now. With one paw I started to wrap my digits around my cock again, pumping away firmly once more to get and keep myself hard. The other one was still busy searching, and finally finding what it wanted in my pocket: a nice travel sized bottle of lube.

"Here, use some of this, and give me my pussy back..." I say as I wiggle the small bottle at the dragon. "I'm super drunk and having trouble staying hard down here..." Soon enough the dragon catches sight of the bottle out of the corner of his eye and stops his thrusting, pulling out his own rather veiny and bumpy cock from the female's pussy. He takes the bottle from my paw and pops it open, starting to dribble a good bit of the lube down into the lynx's ass crack. He proceeds to rub it into the soft fur with his cock before pressing his cock tip slowly up against her pucker.

This makes the lynx's eyes go wide as she finally realizes just what is going to happen. ", stop..." she says finally, the first time I've heard anything of the sort so far. "I've never done anal before...." She says it quickly with a few heavy racing breaths, but it's already too late as the dragon is eagerly pushing away, oblivious to her cries to stop. And, unfortunately for her, Dennis isn't exactly the gentle type - especially when it comes to anal it seems. He grinds his slick cock tip firmly against her ring of flesh before even I could feel his head finally pop inside with a heavy gasp from the dragon.

"Ahhh, fuck!" she screams out with a few heavy hisses in between. But I just held her hips high and firm in my surprisingly strong arms, making sure she doesn't move an inch as that interesting draconic cock, sprinkled with its bumps and ridges, starts to push in more and more. The female's puckered and stretched entrance meets up with the dragon's slit soon enough, both exchanging a few moments of contact as the dragon stays firmly locked inside the squirming bitch.

"Mmmmph, she's right ya know... probably doesn't do anal much..." Dennis says with a smirk as he's at least merciful enough to keep himself buried inside of her for a moment. The lynx is still gasping and squirming, letting out another soft plea of 'pull it out' under her heavy breaths. But the dragon obviously doesn't hear it, although he's not thrusting in and out quite yet as the burn continues to flood all over the female's rump from the intrusion.

"Hey, careful with her..." Tommy says somewhat caringly, his soft paw coming up and giving the lynx's chin a soft caress to help quell the heavy hissing and groaning. "Don't wanna hurt such a cute little thing..." he adds before finally heaving up his own MONSTER of a cock into her view... 8 or 9 inches of mostly human member, although a few tiny bumps and bristles over that slightly more pointed head show off his feline background just a bit. "Mmmm, here honey..." he adds in as he moves it closer to the lynx's lips, giving me a rather wonderful view of the underside of that monster feline cock in the process. I look up and down that shaft, jealous as all fuck like usual when the cat whips it out. And it's not just that shaft I'm staring at either, but that nice set of balls dangling just an inch or two above my muzzle and nose as well. "If you need something to help re-focus your mind, take the pain off that big, mean dragon back there..." he says softly, giving his cock a soft wiggle in front of her face, but making no move to really force her into anything.

The lynx looks a bit at his cock, letting out a surprised gasp at the size of course, before considering her options. Dennis was still seated quite steady in her rump, and I couldn't hold back anymore either as I shoved my re-hardened cock back up into that pussy as well. The sudden slurp inside sends a new wave of squirms and hisses through the feline as her body was invaded yet again. Cock was pushing against cock now through the thin bridge between both of her holes, sending tingles up both passages and along the cocks they had in them.

The panther however was patient, probably the most patient of the bunch by far as he just held his hard cock there near the female's lips. He had no problem keeping it up and ready at attention as both Dennis and I started to thrust in and out of that squirming girl. The dragon was already starting with a few tentative pumps as I slid back in to familiar territory, adding in to the tightness and feel around both of our cocks as they stretched out the poor little feline. This made her let out a rather hard grunt and hiss as her tender rump was stretched out a bit more and more all the while, but as Dennis and I pushed back inside yet again our cocks already went in a bit easier then the first few times. And, since I was no slouch on getting the good lube, the high-class stuff I'd given the dragon made the friction in the female's under-trained rump minimal. It certainly wasn't all the female needed to relax, but it certainly made her a little more receptive to that interesting cock as the ripples and bumps pulled and pushed against her newly working pucker. And with my cock slurping inside her pussy back and forth with a few grunting thrusts it was almost too much for her... but now quite as she just dug her head down into my chest and gripped her large paws firmly full of my fur to cope.

Nevertheless, all the while, the panther just held his cock in front of the lynx's face, well within reach of her tongue. He gave himself a few strokes on occasion just to make sure he stayed hard, but for the most part he just held that big, wonderful cock there for the young female to admire when she did look up. His patience was rewarded soon enough as the lynx, slowly settling in from the double teaming from behind finally, slowly lifted her head up and carefully extended her tongue out to give that lightly bristled tip a soft lick.

"Mmm, that's a good girl...." Tommy says with a gentle scratch behind her ears. "What's your name honey? I'm TJ, also known as Tommy..." he adds, just giving a soft push of his tip against her lips as the panther lets out a slightly drunk sigh at the sensation.

"Dianna," she replies with a few heavy breaths over his cock, her tongue starting to get into the groove a little bit as she even opens up her jaws and lips. She slides forwards another inch, still grunting as Dennis hammers away at her rear, and slowly starts to suck down over the tip of that massive member.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Tommy says as politely as if he was meeting the female for the first time on a blind date and trying to impress her. Although his actions aren't quite as soft as his words, finally giving just a little hint of a push into her as I watch more of his cock sink down slowly into that gargling muzzle. "Mmmm, just tell me if it's too much for you darling," he says softly again, taking a step closer to the bar as he slowly feeds more and more of that cock into her muzzle, inch by careful inch. Soon enough the feline even slides his way up onto the bar as well, his knees placed on either side of my own head as I watch that cock push deeper into the moaning female feline. The girl seeming rather unfazed by it though as she gently starts to take, four, then five, then six inches... gently working away slowly and carefully as she eyes up that sheath as her target.

Meanwhile Dennis and I were busy pounding away, both going at our own sloppy paces as we were far too drunk at this point to coordinate anything. Not that we really wanted to anyway. I could feel the dragon's cock on occasion against my own as it pushed against the female's insides - that thin bridge of flesh separating her holes barely standing a chance against our thrusting. And his balls couldn't resist slapping against the base of my cock, and even sometimes my sheath as I thrusted up nice and high into the squirming, but now vocally muffled feline's pussy. All our grunts and huffs and gargles were heavy as the whole pile of fur and scales started to sweat a good bit from our efforts - our hips pumping like mad as the dragon and I did our best to rut those hot holes. And the panther was, well, enjoying his blowjob it seemed as I craned my head back to sneak a peak every once in a while. I was rewarded with a good few drops of drool landing on my forehead usually, only adding to the panting mess that the pile was becoming. We were all starting to get lost in the lustful cloud around us before too long, the moans and rhythmic pulsing of hips and cocks starting to make me at least feel a little dizzy from all the effort.

Dennis looked focused as I glanced over the female's bobbing shoulder though, staring down the female's back and hammering away from his knees. But, as I turned my head the other direction and looked back again, I had a rather... interesting view of the goings-on around the female's muzzle. I couldn't help but watch that monster of a cock slowly and carefully push down farther into the female's muzzle more often than not as the talented girl routinely gagged around the 7 inch mark with a few firm coughs. But, given a nice little chance to recover with a little pull back, the girl soon takes in again just as far. Slowly but surely that gagging starts to die down a bit, replaced with a few sloppy throat slurps as I watch that throat bulge a good bit when the cock dives into it. And all the while those heavy, sweaty, and musk covered balls swung eagerly back and forth dead center in my gaze, almost daring my eyes to stare at them all the while.

I certainly don't like to admit it, but Tommy had a HELL of a package. And even though I was normally a top, and asses were totally my thing, I couldn't help but drool over the manly bouquet coming from that aroused feline right now - his scent and pheromones sinking deep into my brain as I had little option but to take them in full blast with each heavy breath. At least I could always try and blame it on that if Tommy really didn't like what was on my mind at this point. But, secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, I kind of sometimes did have a craving for that feline cock. Although, it really wasn't THAT much of a secret... About once or twice every tour, for some peculiar reason, the feline would end up with his cock inside of me. This tour was no different as I had already slobbered over that cock on one particularly uneventful night. But, even with my own cock balls deep inside of a female, I couldn't help feel that building tingle of need in my other, more submissive, and more homosexual areas of my brain.

So, without putting too much thought into it, (As if I could really put too much though into anything at this point) my tongue slowly slid out between my lips and reached up, finally reaching those softly swaying balls and making first contact. This made Tommy let out a little growl and purr before he looks down past the lynx's muzzle towards my own. "How did I guess I'd feel your tongue soon enough?" he says with a cocky grin and tone, slowly pulling his cock out from the female's lips and saying to her, "I'm sorry love, I need to borrow this for a moment..." He takes that cock in his paw and suddenly gave it a quick whip, slapping it down on my face and cheek a few times. The lynx's spit and the panther's pre all mix into my cheek fur and leave a nice lasting impression on it, matting it down and letting the scent concentrate there for me to enjoy for a bit.

A few firm hits to either cheek with that thick, wet cock made me let out a few heavy squeaks and squirms at the heavy stinging slaps - that thick cock feeling extra heavy as it hit my beautiful muzzle over and over again. But, even though my squeaks were loud and sudden, I couldn't deny the fact that, especially in my drunk state, with my brain already filled with horny feline musk, I kind of liked the rough, dommy treatment from the panther....

"Bad sewer rat!" he says teasingly, slapping me a few more times before angling his cock back against the feline's lips. "I'm sorry about that, it won't happen again..." he says with a smirk and a gentle stroke back against the lynx's tuffed ears with his own paw.

But I would make the panther eat his words soon enough as those slaps didn't stop me at all - in fact they just made me dive in more eagerly next time. But, the panther should've know that provoking me like that wouldn't exactly make me a happy rat, even in the state I was in... Maybe he WANTED to make a scene out of me. Maybe he WANTED to stick his cock in my muzzle. Maybe he wanted to show off for the lynx just how in control he really was of the band. To be honest I didn't two shits at this point. My mind was set on what it was going to do, and with a few soft growls I wanted for my chance. Tommy slipped his cock back into the hungry lynx's mouth and got back into the act of thrusting quickly enough. And that's when I sent my tongue back to the attack. I held back nothing now as I slurped over those swaying balls, and even aimed up a tiny bit to hit the male's sheath and base of his cock with my rather long tongue. Tommy didn't stop his own thrusts this time as he felt the warm wetness of my tongue go back around his flesh though. He just let out a few nice and heavy moans at the added excitement as we both knew the other one enjoyed the added treatment.

But I was a vengeful kind of guy, leading to plenty of my song lyrics in the past, and I wasn't exactly super happy about being called a sewer rat... at least not in public. So, I adjust my position and slowly arched my neck up to lean my muzzle up higher, reaching not just my tongue to those swaying balls now, but also my lips. With a heavy push up and slurp, I pull down against one of those heavy nuts, sliding it back into my mouth and locking it fully behind my lips in a slightly painful tug.

I couldn't even hold back an almost innocent moan as I watched and felt the panther jump at the sudden suck, before looking down at me with a rather firm glare in his eyes. I knew I'd be paying for this in a second no doubt, but right now I still had him caught up and squirming in my grasp. And that would make it almost worth it... so I hoped at least with a nervous little gulp at the piercing glare.

"Grrr, I warned you ya filthy vermin..." he said in both a teasing, and now a little sincerely agitated tone before looking back up at the girl. "Band mates... try as I might I can't control them... I'll be back soon though, so enjoy the breather..." With a pull back of his hips, and a forceful little pull back and pop from between my lips, he finally slides his impressive cock from the lynx's lips and his ball out of my mouth. He arches his hips back even further, dragging his wet cock tip over my chin before it finally met up with my own lips. He was quick to use his paws to pull back on my head as I gave a little squirming squeak at that, tugging back on my cheeks and chin to make sure my throat was nice and straight for him. This left me looking back and upside down at the feline now, seeing his bent legs as well as that beauty of a cock... with me staring straight down the barrel of it now.

Of course I let out a few whimpers and squeaks at what was going on, a few of them even rather serious as I knew full well that I was going to be the one to be sorry here in a second. But, there was little I could really do as the female pinned me down from above. And Dennis was now pushing extra hard against her shoulders to aid the panther in holding me down it seemed. Tommy had my head in an almost headlock with both paws as well, aiming that thick cock down against my lips as he gave it a few teasing rubs.

"If you're a good rat and open I promise to pull back when you gag. If you're a bad rat, well..." He said, getting the upper hand in the situation for sure as a wide and almost evil grin crossed his face. I hated to admit it, but the subby parts of my brain suddenly flicked on with a rush of need at that order. I could feel my jaw slowly opening as my lips parted a bit, that thick feline cock starting to push on in as he got what he wanted - me submitting to him.

"See? Even an old dog can learn some new tricks...." He says to the lynx with a smile as she watched the scene rather wide-eyed and shocked. The quickly closing in dragon in her rump, and a weak bucking rat in her pussy were certainly easy enough for the well trained girl to handle, leaving her free to stare down at my slowly stretching muzzle. We all let out soft gasps as I started to take more and more cock between my lips... 3, 4 inches... then... *GAG*

Tommy, kind to his word, pulled back a little and let me comfortably nurse on that cock for a second, giving it a few shallow thrusts in the meantime as the my hips went into auto-pilot into the female. My cock had no problem staying hard now as the taste of the feline over my tongue sent surge after surge of naughty and drunk need into my brain, making me shiver and shake as he began to dive in a bit deeper once again.

I was no expert cock sucker, that was for sure. And especially being this drunk at the same time put my coordination to the intense test. Trying to breath, relax, and not gag at the same time was hard sober, but drunk? Well, I'm sure the lynx was smirking at my payback at this point, watching me struggle with that monster member. But, slowly, Tommy could start to turn his hips on and pump into my lips at a decently good pace - only sliding a few inches of his cock in and out all the while of course. Otherwise, when it hit the back of my throat, I let out a firm body shaking gag, throwing off everything as well as my continued thrusting up into the lynx's wet hole. But, even that slight bit of thrusting was plenty for me to get the feeling and sensation of it as my cock stayed rock hard the whole while. And so we did our best to put on a good little show for the aroused female. I couldn't see her face obviously as I was a little preoccupied, but according to Tommy after the fact she was watching quite intently. It was almost as if it was a long wanted fantasy of hers to see that feline's cock humping softly into my cute rodent's face.

I continued to stay rock hard all the while though, even with all the struggles I was having with that monster meat. But my hips began to quiver a bit and lose their only barely held together rhythm into the lynx's pussy lips before too long, slapping randomly and suddenly as my body twitched underneath her. It was quite the effort to keep going strong with my drooling muzzle taking the lead when the panther started to push in yet a bit deeper - my body being pushed and pulled at from both sides as the lynx almost slowly started to help me after a bit. I could feel her pushing back down, trying to secure my cock inside of her as she gave a few moans and squeezes now around it. But that cock in my muzzle set the clock for the fucking, steady and pumping all the while as I had proudly graduated to a good 5 inches of constant cock travel at this point. It wasn't pretty all the time of course, and all the gagging and straining was making my eyes water a bit and my nose start to run, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it regardless - almost wishing I was a little more sober to focus in on it more.

But I did have other things on my mind at this point, slowly growing with more and more need. I gave out a few gargles and groans around that thrusting cock as I put a renewed vigor into my thrusts now - that feeling bubbling up inside of me that I knew all so well, and didn't really think I'd actually get to feel with my body so wasted tonight. But, between the lynx's sexy body, and that huge cock in my muzzle, I couldn't help but squirm out a good bit more with every shaking thrust either me or the panther made. My moans, shakes, and shivers were felt by all three parties as I got myself closer and closer. And then finally, with a few heavy muffled gasps and moans around that cock, I could feel my own cock twitch hard, sending its load up into the female's pussy with a few powerful pumps. I arched my back and gripped at the lynx's fur on her sides and hips almost painfully tightly as my balls clenched and sent their stored up seed surging forwards out of my tip in a few heavy pumps.

Luckily I was just sober enough to keep my teeth from biting into that lovely cock, although a small scrape here and there was sort of to be expected with everything going on. The panther's cock didn't linger around much longer though after watching me spasm and cum however. It slipped out with a small chuckle from the panther before he gave a few final taps on my panting and drooling face to show that he'd won this round. He takes a second to compose himself before slowly saying, "Awwww, did I help make the little mousie cum? You cock slut..."

I only barely heard that part over my heavy breaths, letting it slide this time, as my drunk afterglow swept through me with a few heavy shivers on that bar. I was still moaning and twitching as my spent cock slowly popped out of the female's pussy, giving me a soft tingle of final attention on the tip of it. But soon I can gather just why I'd suddenly slipped out of that female so fast, without really moving myself to do so. I look up to see the panther helping the lynx up and off the table, up and off of me at the same time, before settling her back down onto her shaky and quivering feet.

"Now then, since playtime's over, how about you and I go have some REAL fun," he says to the female, as sly as ever, with his thick and dripping feline cock still standing all the way up at the ready. It's a wordless exchange after that, and after a few nods later, the pair of felines is slowly strolling off to the panther's bus parked outside the bar to the sound of a slight roar of applause from the rest of the bar.

I was now left on my back with plenty of eyes switching over to me as I let out a few more heavy breaths. I was still dazed a bit from everything that just happened, and with my limp and spent cock just gently sitting on my sweat and pussy juice matted stomach fur. I let out a few more pants as some of the gazes around the bar start to go back to their drinks, or whatever other fun might have broken out while we were fucking. My head finally rolls over to meet the dragon, eyes shoot over to look up at his grinning face. He'd taken his place back at the bar now as his pants were already on as well - having finished with the lynx's rump at some point during my cock sucking no doubt. The dragon sends me a little wink, and even offers me a paw off the bar.

I take a few seconds to gather myself before sliding up and onto my ass, and then jumping off that bar onto the ground. I barely make the shaky landing as Dennis has to half-catch me with one arm. But slowly I reach down and stuff my spent cock back into my pants when I do get settled. I zip them back up carefully, and then take a seat next to the dragon as if nothing had happened.

The bartender comes over with a rather surprising neutral expression, despite all that just went on inside the bar, and wipes down the immediate area with a separate wet cloth. He tosses it straight into the garbage once he was done with it. "Another round of Jack Gentleman?" he says almost TOO casually to us as I just reflexively give off a little nod. Dennis just slowly shakes his head and says back, "Nah, just a water for me... think I'm about done..."

Before anything awkward could be said between us about just what happened, we both spot the familiar wolf rushing over towards us. All his body appendages were twitching a good bit as he spots us, quickly jumping from foot paw to foot paw with a rush of energy as he makes his way over. "Hey guys, I heard the applause, what's up? Did someone win something?!?" he says as both Dennis and I just slowly shake our heads. God KNOWS what the wolf had been up to while we were busy fucking, but I could probably harbor a guess or two.

"Eh, just Tommy and his bitch for tonight," Dennis says softly, accepting his water from the buck. "Wooing her like always with his feline swagger... after Rick and I both had a round on her..."

This makes the wolf smile and drool a little out of the corner of his mouth as his tongue comes out to pant a bit, his tail starting to wag at nearly breakneck speed as the stocky drummer quickly says, "Wow, no way... and you didn't invite me?!?" with a bewildered look on his face.

That gets a chuckle from me as I quickly add in, "They're in your and Tommy's bus... you could probably still have a go..." I couldn't hold back a still drunk heavy laugh as those words left my lips, as I KNEW that wasn't going to end well for the wolf.

And I could tell right away it wasn't going to for sure as his eyes shoot up wide, his tongue drooling heavily and hungrily as his chest heaves up and down quickly. He almost looked like a rather playful puppy at this point instead of the normally glum timberwolf he was. "Aw really? Cool! Thanks!" he said, making a beeline through the bar and out the doors.

Both the dragon and I just softly chuck to ourselves, waiting for the commotion to hit our ears outside. We just took a few more sips of our beverages as the buck finally got me mine, letting out a few soft sighs as we catch our breath and relax. There was a decent bit of recovering from that rather intense and spontaneous orgy we just had to be done... in front of all these people no less. Hopefully no one was recording anything is all I can think as I down another short of Jack and let out a satisfied sigh. I'd hate to have THAT kind of blackmail to try and defend against. But, then again, it's all cast and crew here tonight... for the most part anyway. And, it's always good for publicity when a rockstar gets a sex tape released... for better or worse. I just hope they cut out the part of me sucking the cat's cock. I can only imagine what my mom would think if she saw that...