
Story by stego_s_aurus on SoFurry

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A Yiffy fantasy short story about one fursuit's jealousy over another, and what happens to the Wearer. Written by Stego S Aurus, 6-2002


Distribution permitted as long as headers and credits are left intact.

I was at home one weekend, feeling fairly horny, wishing that I could have someone to play with who was also into some of my kinks. I had already done everything that needed to be done in the house: The inside was clean, the ground outside was clear of trash, The Dungeon was nice and tidy, and I was in need of some loving.

I opened up the downstairs closet and scanned over the heads, deciding on which one to have fun with even though my mind was already made up. I looked at B*tch's head briefly, smoothing out her fur a bit wih my hands. She looked happy and bright-eyed, almost as if she wanted to go with me. I picked up the Marehead, snd straightened out the laces. I looked the mare in the eyes, shiny orbs which stared back at me. "Gonna have fun with you again, my little pony hussy!" As I closed the closet door, I caught a glimpse of B*tch's head, her bright-eyed expression replaced with one of shock...

I went upstairs into my room, opened the closet, and took out the large box that held Tapemare's body. Unfolding it, I lay the body upon my bed, and the marehead on the other bed. I made certain that I had enough black ducttape to seal the seams up with, and proceeded to climb into the mare's shiny black body.

I started at my feet and worked my way up, taping the edges of the suit together, sealing my body within her black ducttape skin. I worked up to her crotch, where I made certain that my plumbing was comfortably sitting behind her vagina within its sheath. I tape up both sides of the crotch, making certain not to catch any of my own bodyhair in the tape. After putting my arms through the armholes, I now had to lay down, as I needed the ducttape skin to lay flat while I taped up her chest. Up the stomach and between her rigidly-taped boobs I worked, already beginning to feel the heat of my body fill hers. I reached the neck, and I taped several strips over the neck to help hold everything in place. Working over the stiff boobs was fairly difficult, after several attempts I finally managed to tape the seams of both arms in place. I was now 80% within the suit, and just about ready to put on the ski-mask that I use to catch my sweat, when I realized I was missing something...

"Her Hooves!" I had just made a pair of nice hooves for her the month before, that would completely trap my hands and turn them strictly into Hooves. I already planned on how I was supposed to get out of the hooves so that I can take them off when I was ready, and my heart thumped at the Idea of being turned Completely into the Tapemare. I went downstairs carefully, feeling the wooshing of warm air coming out of my neck as I moved. I opened the closet downstairs, and proceeded to look for the hooves. I puzzled as to where I put them, as I thought I had them right underneath the marehead. I noticed one of them poking out from under B*tch's head, and so I picked her head up, and noticed the other one completely inside of B*tch's head. "Howd that get in there" I wondered. As I put B*tch's head back down. My eyes met hers, and thats when I noticed an expression that appeared to be anger on her face... "Oh comeon, I'll do her today and Ill do you tomorrow, ok?" I set her down and patted her hair, and bid her goodnight. "Huh... Youd think she never got any" I thought to myself as I closed the closet door. With hooves in hand, I proceeded back upstairs.

I got back to the room, and placed the Hooves on the desk, making certain that they were ready for me to plunge into them once I put the mare's head on. I put on the Ski mask, and then turned over to the Mare, her eyes shining, My member pounding, and I widened the laces on the back of her head and slipped it on. A Shiver of delight flooded my body as I tightened her laces behind my head. I tucked the ends of the laces into the back of the bodysuit, and grabbed the Tape so that I could tape the head and body together. Taking a foots worth of tape, I attached one end to the base of the head, and proceeded to wrap it around my neck, turning the head and body into one piece. More strips of tape, and I covered the laces in the back of her head... My body and head were now hers... One detail left was to give the mare Hooves.

Carefully, I navigated over to the table, and very carefully and slowly put my hand into the hoof form until I was gripping the bar that was inside. I picked up the hoof, and using my other hand I carefullly made the flaps of tape that were hanging from the hoof attach to the arms of Tapemare. One on, one to go. With extreme caution I slowly reached down into the second hoof, looking for the bar, the realization that if I screwed up and touched the tape flaps prematurely that I would have to take her head off and fix it. I felt the bar at my fingers, and slowly grabbed it. With my other hoofed hand, I carefuly tapped the flaps of the tape down onto the arm... finally, I was completely in!!

A shiver shot through my body like a bolt of lightning, and I let out a loud whinney, pleasuring at the sound she made. Using my hoofed hands, I pressed lightly where my throbbing member was at, which helped to move my member in position so that I can hump air from within her, while pleasuring her with the vibrating Dildo. Between both hooves I held the Dildo and managed to turn it on, And for the next few hours I proceeded to flood my senses with sexual pleasure.

After what seemed like a very quick session (Time flies while having fun sadly), I was extremely happy and satisfied, and very tired... It was a Sunday, and on Monday I had to go to work. "Why not try sleeping in the Mare?" I thought to myself... It was rather chilly out, which would be great as the weather would help keep me cool while I slept inside her. What better place than to sleep in the dungeon!! More fantasies makes for a Happy mare! The only thing was that the basement entrance was outside the house... My heart raced at the thought of having to go outside while wearing the Mare...

It was dark out, and by my guess it was about 11pm. I looked out the door, the neighbors light was out. Good! Using my arms, I had a bit of trouble turning the doorknob... A brief thought occurred, that I would have a Heck of a time getting back In the house with hoofed hands, but that failed to stop me as I was horny enough to yiff plywood. Outside, my pups all came up to me and sniffed at me curiously, but it was apparent that they could catch the scent of my sweat as they did not bark. I ambled my way around the house and down into the basement, where I used a hoof to switch on the light. The light seemed dimmer as I peered through Tapemares smoke-grey eyes, and I headed to the wooden dungeon door, which opened easily inward as the handle was a lever that I pushed down on with my hoofed appendage.

Inside the dungeon room, I flicked on the lights. The soft electric glow of the simulated electric candles filled the room, but it was barely bright enough for me to see. In the middle of the room was the "Torture Table" that I sat upon, then turned and lay down upon it. Behind me the Light switch was just barely within reach, which I reached out with a hoof and struggled to turn it off, which I finally did. Now in complete darkness, I felt my way around my tape encased crotch to where I felt the pressure of the hoof against my member, and I started shoving in and sideways in hopes of turning on the vibrator which I had installed before the last session.

After a few tries I managed to turn on the vibrator, and immediately felt pleasure coarsing through my body like electricity. There was no easy way to turn the vibrator off once It was turned on, and so I arched my back, and whinnied, and forced my member against the vibrator in the darkness of the dungeon for what seemed to be forever. My body was tensing up as the feeling of ejaculation came near... I was already tired from the playing I did earlier, I was hoping for Just one more!! Whinning, arching my back, feeling the maresuit completely encasing me, all combined was an overload of pleasure senses for me..Finally I could feel my penis clenching, and Ejaculation was upon me... Right when I climaxed, I Whinnied in the head so loudly that I was partially deafened by the resonnance inside the head, and It almost sounded like a clap of thunder echoed outside. My consiousness was fading extremely quickly, and just before I slipped into sleep, I felt myself sneeze.

* * *

In my dreams that night, I heard someone yelling at me.. a female voice, all I could make out of it was something along the lines of "Her, huh? You want her, you got her!!" I felt cold... Really cold... After fighting the cold and trying to stay warm, I felt the urge that I needed to get upstairs and get ready for work... "What time was it anyway..." A glance at the crack of the door revealed daylight, which meant that it was time for me to be on my way... "Headache... Huh..." I somehow managed to slide off the table onto my feet, grabbed the knob, opened the door and walked out... I rubbed my hands together and was shivering... Most of the morning was extremely fuzzy: I got in the house, took a shower, got dressed, and started driving down the hill, still waking up.

I was about halfway down the hill trying to think of what went on the night before... Everything was a bit of a blur still, and I had just reached the last turn at the bottom of the hill before I remembered... "I was in Tapemare last night, wasnt I? When did I get out??" I racked my brains out from the bottom of the hill to the Burger King where I normally pick up my double hamburger for breakfast, trying to remember how and When I got out of Tapemares glossy body. Apparently the hooves didn't prove to be problematic, I just wish I would have been more consious when I got out.

I figgured that her tape-skin would be laying in the corner of the dungeon, and so I made it a point to make sure that I pack Tapemare back up neatly when I returned home from work that evening. I continued on my way to work, driving the typical path, down the street, onto the freeway for 30 minutes, and then back onto the streets again for the remainder of the trip.

I arrived a work just like any other Monday: about 3 minutes late, the dust from the unpaved parking lot being kicked up by my tires, and yet again I was stuck looking for a parking spot as no-one has any reserved spots except for the bosses. I parked near the back door for the Printing department, picked up the trash that was on the floor of the car, went by the trash can, and then proceeded to my office, fairly ready to face another week of stuff to do.

My co-worker was already in the office as usual, as I powered on my computer I asked about his weekend, His went well, he roleplayed on Saturday as he normally does with his friends, I mentioned to him that I stood home all weekend, in money saving mode. Asking how the systems were doing, he mentioned of a backup tape that was sticking out of the drive, which meant the backup didnt happen... One of the gals from the office steps in, needing some help with a sales order that had gone awry, which I proceed to check on the system. After taking care of that, I proceeded to log onto my email, and start reading my newsletters and scanning my mail, killing the occasional spambit that makes it through the spam filter, and reading up on the various happenings of my favorite E-mail lists. All in all, this seemed to be a fairly average start to my morning.

It was about 11:30, and after walking through the front office and making my rounds, I went back to the office to finish working on the labelling program that I was just about finished with. I worked on that for awhile, my Co-worker needed to head up to the other facility to help out with a computer problem there, and so he left. Around 1:15pm I figgured that my Co-worker would be back soon, and so I grabbed the latest Wired magazine and went to the restroom. I picked my usual stall in the middle, sat down, opened the magazine, and read for a bit.

I had just finished cleaning myself, and had pulled up my pants when I felt like I had to sneeze. Augh! I Hate sneezing!! I attempted to fight off the sneeze for a few seconds, but of course as allways I lost... My eyes closed, I sneezed...


I went to wipe my nose and my arm hit something in front of my face... I opened my eyes, and everything was dim! "What the Fu..!!" I thought as I caught the sight of my arm... Shiny and Black. I stood there for a second, my heart started racing as I scanned down to where my hand should have been... And there, in all its shiny glory, was not a hand, but a black hoof!!! It was then that I became aware of the encasing sensation of the thick skin that was encasing my entire body: I could see the white circle of the eye reflecting back towards me as I looked out of her eyes. I could hear my breathing inside the head... I could feel the bar of the hoofs within my hands... The sinking realization that I was inside the Tapemare again hit me like a train... I was halfway between shocked pleasure and shocked fear, and then it hit me even harder.... "I'm in Tapemare.... AND I'M AT WORK!!!"

At this point both my mind and heart were racing... "HOW THE FU... WHAT THE FU... OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" I heard someone else entering the Bathroom Stalls, and quickly sat down and put my feet up on the door. I slowed my breathing down greatly to prevent the sound of the rushing air from being heard... Though muffled, I could hear the stall next to me was opened... Whoever it was had walked in, taken a tinkle, zipped up and left. While they were there only for a few minutes, It felt like the person was there for a full hour!! With each passing second, I could hear each and every heartbeat thump clearly in my ears.

After the other person left, I sat there and pondered the situation as calmly as I could... "Its about 2:00. My co-worker is probably back wondering where I'm at. Im IN TAPEMARE AT WORK IN A BATHROOM STALL." The first thing that I thought of was to use a hoof to scrape back an edge of the tape, and hopefully Ill be able to free myself quickly. I looked at both of my hooves: Shiny, sexy looking, and within those solid black hooves were my hands, fingers curled around a bar that I could feel. As I looked up my arms, I noticed something seemed to be missing: The white edges of the tape were gone... I ran one hoof accross the other arm: It didnt catch onto anything. It was as if the tape strips had merged and formed one solid peice! I stared at my entrapped arms, and looked down my legs. It appeared to be the same all over the body, where the strips of tape now formed one solid, perfect skin of black tape. My heart sank deeper, as I tried to think of other ways to get out... I pulled at the paper dispenser and tried to rub the tapeskin against the teeth of the dispenser, with no luck: The tape skin looked as shiny as ever. I was breathing heavily, I was panicked now...

Sitting there, a few other people had walked in and out of the stalls on either side of me, each time I held my breath untill they were gone. People were coming in with more frequency now, and there was a bunch of talking and water running loudly where the sink was. And thats when I heard the Bell. People began leaving the restroom, the workday for the morning shift was over. I was still fretting on what to do: I couldnt just leave like this, nor could I stay here... The stall next to me opened again, and I heard he tinkle of a belt-buckle... They were going to be here for awhile... I held my breath as best as I can, but this time my nose was tickling... From inside the head I struggled, trying to supress the sneeze... "Must... Not.. Let Them Hear!!" The fear of the person next to me hearing a muffled sneeze scared me the most... but alas I couldnt hold it anymore...


I opened my eyes and jumped slightly, looking at my hands! 'My Hands!! Im.. Im Out!!!' I thought to myself... Or at least I thought I thought it to myself, as I heard my Co-workers voice from the stall next to me call out: "Is that you?"

"Yeah! Its me!!"

"Where the hell you been! Weve been looking for you for the past couple of hours!!"

As composed as possible with a beating heart, I made up some cocameny excuse of me being out getting some printer supplies, and that I got back and had to go. "Figgures" he said, "Allways takes you forever to go!"

It was at this point that I decided that I needed to get out of the office and find out what was going on...

I got back to the office, and told my Co-worker that I needed to leave early. I told him to go ahead and change out the backup tapes, and that I'd check on everything from Home. I left the office, mind still racing over the events of the day. It was getting dark rather quickly as it was Wintertime, and I started driving my way back up the hill.

I was at the long straightaway of the hill when I suddenly had a suprise sneeze attack... I sneezed the first time, I felt encased again, I could just barely see the road, and the steering wheel wasnt in my hands anymore, rather it was under my hooves! I Sneezed again, and my hands returned and I grabbed ahold of the steering wheel... Now I was Really panicking. Fortunately no one was around me at the time, and I let my foot off the accelerator a bit and slowed my ascent. I Sneezed for a third time, and again I lost the steering wheel beneath the hooves... "This is REALLY bad" I thought, as I couldnt see the road well through the smoked eyes of the marehead, but I knew the northward turn on the road was nearby... I fumbled with the steering wheel beneath the hooves, I felt the car swerve... In my panic I sneezed again, My hands were once again free, I grabbed the steering wheel just in time to yank my way around the turn, closely avoiding what could have been a 500-foot-drop accident. Thats when I put one and one together...

* * *

Wide awake, Adrenaline fully pumping through my system, I made it to the top of the hill without sneezing: Anytime I felt the urge to sneeze, I would scream at the top of my lungs, which helped kill the urge. I made it home without incident, my Pups were extremely happy to see me as I had forgotten to feed them that morning. I went to the basement and filled the pups food bowls, and while they crunched away, I turned on the light in the Dungeon. Sure enough, Tapemares body Was Not There. There was no sign of her whatsoever... I began to wonder if B*tch had anything to do with this, and so I went into the house.

As I entered the house, I was greeted by a wolven female voice: "I Was Wondering when you'd get home, Bastard!!" There, standing in all her wolfish glory by the sofabed, was B*tch... with a snarl on her face that would have made most people run...

I felt an anger fill my being, and I snapped back "What the FUCK did you do to me, BITCH!!"

"Oh, hy how nice of you to Notice me for once, Asshole!" she said sarcastically... "Ever since you built that Mare broad you've never paid me any nevermind, So I fixed you up with her Real good!!" she roared, and at the same moment through a bunch of white powder at my face...

I couldnt help but to Sneeze, and just like clockwork I was back inside the Mare's body again, helpless to do anything with my hands... I felt B*tch grab me by the arm and throw me onto the Sofabed... "And Now Im going to have what you OWE ME!!" Her jaws were so close to my head that her warm breath completely fogged Tapemares eyes, and I was unable to see clearly...

Before I had a chance to react, B*tch had secured my hooves and legs, spreadeagled to the corner posts of the sofabed with leather cuffs. She apparently knew about the Vibrator within Tapemare's body, as she pressed deftly at my encased crotch and turned the vibrator on high... "You forget that Im a part of you, youknow... I know all your thoughts... I need you just as much as you need me... You cant just leave me lying in there, cold and forgotten, while you go on having fun with that Whore of a Filly..." She pulled out a huge double-headed Dildo that I had never seen before. She tuned it on, Held open her Clit, and shoved one end of it deep within her, letting out a gasp of pleasure as she did so... "I need you to keep me Alive... That Filly is just a Skin.... You Belong to Me, Horse-Bitch!!" With that, she shoved the tip of the dildo into the vagina of TapeMare, and shoved it in HARD... My whole body stiffened as this new sensation raced through my entire body: It felt as if I no longer had Male genetalia within the shell of the Tapemare, rather it felt as if the Dildo had penetrated Me!!!

B*tch's heavy body atop mine, she started to hump wildly, while fondling both hers And those of Tapemares. As she fondled Tapemares breasts, the feeling of my Own breasts were coursing through my body... She humped the double-ended dildo vigorously, making all sorts of loud canine-ish noises while doing so... I was whinning uncontrollably with every thrust she made. unable to move as the cuffs held me fast to the bed. As I approached climax, B*tch Roared, having reached hers. I whillied loudly within the head, my ears going deaf once again, and I became unconsious.

In my dreams I felt that I was conversing with B*tch, apologizing profusely about the way that Ive been treating her recently, and promising that Id sleep with her more often again. She mentioned that If it happened again, shed make the Tapemare stay on me in that fashion permanantly as punishment. The last thing I remember asking her was who was wearing her, and she mentioned that ahe was using my Duct Tape Dummy to ive her life, as it still was essentially Me.

I woke up the next morning, feeling stranely tired but rather refreshed... There was no mistake about it, I had experienced Fursuit Jealousy. Tapemare's body was lying neatly folded next to the bed, the hooves underneath the head that was there. I took these upstairs to the storage box and stored them there, and then I came down and looke din the Closet. B*tch's head was on the shelf as it normally was, except it seemed as though she was happy this time. I smiled, placed Tapemare's head down on the shelf next to her, and I took B*tch's head and put it on... A Happiness rushed through my body, and I made my way over to the sink where I pleasured myself in my normal fashion... B*tch's head was pleasantly warm, I cleaned myself off, and made my way to work, with the promise of being with my wuffgal once again.