Every Tuesday Night

Story by Gilias Azzeroc on SoFurry

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This was a gift for a friend of mine earlier this year. I've had it laying around for a few months just because I was too lazy to go through and work through the typos and blah, blah, blah...

I don't really have anything else worth saying about it at this point, so if you're still reading this little intro then you're wasting your time, soooooo... yeah.

Anyways, Happy Birthday buddy!

Sophie hummed to herself softly with her eyes closed. She was trying to get some sleep after the long day it had been. Sure it was Friday but she wasn't really in the mood to do anything. The voluptuous, grey-and-white husky laid motionless on the cushions of her couch. It was rare that she ever slept on her bed; that was for more special occasions. Her humming finally stopped and she could feel her sleep slowly over taking her tired body.

Someone knocking on the door startled the snoozing husky girl while she laid on the couch, opening her pretty green eyes. Jostling her from her semi-conscious state another series of knocks was enough to get her up and answer the door. "I'm coming." She mumbled, getting to the door after a third knock was made. "Have some patience." She called a bit louder just as the door swung open.

A gryphon stepped through the door before he even greeted the surprised girl. He padded across the room and sat in next the couch. "Hey there Soph. I like your outfit tonight. So where were you planning on taking me tonight?" His comment came out sarcastically and she wasn't sure what to make of it until she looked down at herself.

"Ah! Gilias!" The husky cried accusingly. She'd taken off her clothes when she came home and was now only in her panties. The girl made an attempt to cover up what modesty she had; her arms pressing against her chest and legs crossing over each other awkwardly. "Why are you here?" She demanded, her fluffy tail curving around to cover what her legs failed to hide.

The obsidian gryphon's ears perked in humor as he watched the embarrassed girl try to hide herself. His beak gaping open and the corner tilting up like a smile as his feathered tail flicked to his side. Streaks of crimson crossed his body and curled around his limbs, the color also tipped his taloned paws and the feathers of his tail. He would have looked daunting if it weren't for his eyes, which despite being an almost blood red, held a certain gentleness to them. "I don't see why you act so surprised. It's not as though this should be a new concept. This is always what happens."

Sophie continued to stare at the gryphon. "What do you mean?"

"You break up with someone, I come over here to cheer you up." The gryphon stood up and moved behind the girl. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and placed his beak on her shoulder. "Then, you know, a couple weeks later after we spend a few more nights together you find someone else and the whole process..." He glided his paws down to the fringes of her panties and snapped them against her thighs. "Repeats." He finished quietly into her ear.

Her paws shot down over his to clasp them against her sides. "How could you have even known that I had a break up? I didn't tell you."

"So you did forget then? Every Tuesday is our date night Sophie. We've been doing this quite long enough for you to realize that it was your turn to make plans. Although I'm glad to see that you've already prepared for tonight" The gryphon smirked and gestured to her apparent lack of clothing. "I didn't hear anything from you last night so I figured that you must want me to invite myself over. And perhaps it might be time for me to give you a bit more... intimate company again." The avian explained as he continued to explore her body.

She cooed back to him in response, but quickly corrected herself. "I'm not that disappointed about the break up. And what do you think you're doing inviting yourself over here. I called you all those other times." She turned on him and gave a playful push away. "If I wanted you here then I would have told you so."

"So you would prefer me to leave then? Even when I brought a surprise for you." The gryphon bowed his head in dishevelment.

The girl laughed softly as she nuzzled back into the avian. "Well why didn't you tell me that in the first place? Where is it" She looked up with an alluring gaze at the now smirking gryphon and suddenly felt a second pair of paws grasping her body. The startled husky rounded on her second assailant of the night.

"Hey there girly." A black wolf stood before her, his neck kinked down so that he was at eye level with her. Sophie was startled when she saw the other canine's face. The iris of his left eye was red just the same as the avian's, but the right had a scar going through it and lacked an iris of its own. The scar over his eye trailed up his head to his ear which was missing a chunk out of the top. His snout was almost touching hers, so close that she could feel his chilled breath against her own snout. It made her shiver; feeling as though she was receiving electrical pulses when the wolf exhaled. Sophie backed up the few inches she could until she was pressed against the gryphon behind her. Feeling his soft neck feathers against the back of her head.

The wolf straightened up and asked. "What's wrong Sophie? You aren't afraid of the big bad wolf are you?" He let his tongue slip out of his mouth as he finished his sentence. Sophie saw his forked tongue and realized who the wolf was.

"Vaarnex, it's you! I haven't seen you in years." She wrapped her arms around the wolf and nuzzled along his neck. Sophie paused for a moment before she drew away from Vaarnex and smacked him across the face.

"Ow! What was that for?" The wolf recoiled.

"Why has it been so long since I've seen you? You haven't called me or anything! And what happened to you face? Where'd you get that scar?"

Vaarnex shrugged the questions off. "Long story. Can't we just be happy that I'm here now?"

"No. Of course not." The girl pressed her forefinger against the wolf's nose. She pushed him back a few steps until he was pressed back against the door. "I'm not about to--"

Gilias swept her up from behind and carried her backwards over the arm of the couch. He dropped back into a laying position and let her collapse on top of him. "Come now. I can't have you two argue. Your present was supposed to make you happy." He gave her a frown as she made an attempt to wriggle free of his grasp.

"Unhand me you feathered fiend!" She shouted playfully. The smaller girl managed to turn herself over in his arms, coming nose to beak with him.

Vaarnex cleared his throat standing beside the two of them. "Well I'm sure that you can guess why I came along tonight. I can assure you that it wasn't just to talk about how long it's been since we've seen each other." He helped her up onto her feet.

"Just as impatient as ever wolfy. You're lucky that I'm getting restless as well." Sophie tugged on his arm as well as the gryphon's. She pulled them through the hallway of her apartment and into her bedroom. Sophie turned away from them eagerly showing off her rear to the two increasingly horny males, slowly working her paws down her shapely body to her singular barrier of clothing. Neither of them were able to tear their eyes away from her slowly moving form. "I see that the two of you are enjoying yourselves." Sophie teased the pair as she stepped out of her lingerie. "Now which one of you am I going to get to enjoy first?"

Gilias was the first to start undoing his clothing and the husky was quick to move in to help him. Before very long the gryphon was also free of his attire. Meanwhile, the wolf was had only finished taking his studded gloves off. "Come on now Vaarnex. You haven't gotten shy now have you?" The gryphon taunted as Sophie pushed him to the top of the bed so that he was sitting against the pillows.

"If you don't hurry up then you'll miss out on all the fun wolfy." The husky laughed before she began to tease the gryphon to arousal. She licked and kissed at his sheath until the tip of his softly glowing, red penis peeked out. The husky then moved down to lap at his furry sack as his erection continued to grow. Gilias flinched away as her cold nose nuzzled against his groin, he could see her grin at his reaction and continued her teasing by letting her warm breath spill out over his increasingly exposed dick. Once the gryphon was fully erect she started to move her muzzle up along his shaft painfully slowly, parting her lips and allowing the warmth of her breath to tease him further before she finally engulfed his tip.

All the while Sophie had her short, fluffy tail flagged as she waited for Vaarnex to join them. She was pleased when she finally felt the wolf crawl onto the bed behind her. The girl felt his paws grasp her rear. Vaarnex pressed his snout against her lips and licking gently across them a few times. She moaned and shivered slightly each time his tongue lapped over her clit, however it didn't lessen her oral attention to the gryphon.

Eventually, almost regretfully, Vaarnex drew away from the girl's rear, but his tongue was soon replaced by his already throbbing ebony member. He rubbed it against the wetness of her mound to slicken himself up before he brought his tip back to lodge it against her waiting entrance. Sophie continued to fellate Gilias as gradually as she could while the wolf finally eased into her welcoming confines with little resistance due to all the wetness he'd created. Within a few thrusts he was nearly hilted deep inside the smaller girl and rested for a moment. After that he reversed his direction, slowly pulling out of her depths until just his tip remained inside of her before once again reentering her fully. It wasn't much until he worked up to steady rhythm in and out of her.

Despite the sudden burst of activity behind her, she was careful not to bring the gryphon too close to his edge; she'd had quite a bit of practice playing with Gilias in the past, so it was easy for her to tell when he was nearing his limit even though she was more than a little distracted. Sophie's tongue dragged all over the ridges of the gryphon's cock moaning out her own enjoyment all the while, the pleasurable act causing Gilias's ruby colored knot to slowly inflate. She noticed the growing bulge with some delight and she descended further down along his length to engulf that into her warm muzzle as well. The husky girl gently nibbled on his knot to encourage its growth. She pulled off of him just before her jaw was locked into place by it. After a few more licks over the gryphon's cock she moved away from both him and the wolf behind her to with some disappointment.

Sophie moved the avian off of the bed and flipped Vaarnex onto his back in his place. She motioned for Gilias to move behind them as she kneeled over the other canine. The girl resisted the urge to kiss the wolf as she doubted that he wanted to share the taste of the gryphon's precum with her. Instead she took his paws into her own and placed them on her breasts trying to encourage him into groping them while she angled his shadowy member back into place at her empty entrance. She dropped herself down onto him and worked back up to the pace that he had been thrusting into her earlier; she gave a soft chuff as she was filled once again by Vaarnex's stiff length.

Gilias crawled in behind her, placing a paw on her thigh to pause her thrusting so that he could move his own cock against her lips before pressing it in alongside the wolf's. The sudden stretching made Sophie cry out as her pussy was strained by the pair of cocks that she was now impaled on. With Sophie in a slightly dazed condition Gilias and Vaarnex took the opportunity to set a new pace. They plowed into her in sync with each other; not even sparing the girl a moment to regain her bearings as they shared the tightness of her tunnel. Gilias and Vaarnex alternated their thrusts into her, while one of them pushed in the other was pulling himself out.

The wolf rubbed and pinched her pink nipples while Gilias stroked along her clit and overstuffed lips, both of them adding to the intensity of her pleasure greatly. After a few moments of this synchronous fucking Vaarnex began to change it up slightly. Instead of alternating with Gilias, he began to press into her at the same time with him. Both of their swollen knots forcing against the opening of her already strained pussy at once was too much for the girl to take and with her climax already near she was pushed over the edge quickly. Sophie's orgasm sent her girl cum splashing out over the two rigid poles that were being repeatedly stuffed inside of her.

Gilias extracted himself from the husky's still convulsing cunny, leaving it to clamp back down onto Vaarnex's lone shaft. Sophie's attention was drawn away from her orgasm to her rear by the absence of the avian, she only had to look at him for a moment before she guessed his next move as he grinned at her and rubbed his cock against her currently unoccupied hole. There was little the she could do to react to this development before she felt him roughly slide his thoroughly soaked shaft into her tailhole. She could only be thankful for the extra lubrication from her recent, yet now so far away orgasm, but the penetration was still brutal on her otherwise unprepared hole.

Gilias paused once he pressed his blazing shaft in up to the knot. He held himself in place to try to ease her obvious discomfort. He gently rubbed his beak against her neck while Vaarnex slowed his own thrusting while Sophie became accustomed to the harsh intrusion of her rear tunnel. The pain in her tail hole quickly faded and she looked at Gilias. "Some warning might be nice next time." The girl chuffed at him light-heartedly.

"I know how you like surprises Soph. And just how do you suppose I could resist this sweet ass of yours any longer?"

The smaller canine rolled her eyes and returned her attention to her front. "Well it makes it makes it all the more pleasurable to have you around wolfy." She pushed herself back onto both of their intrusions to emphasize her statement as she nuzzled against Vaarnex.

"Believe me when I say that I'm more than happy to be of service." The wolf responded breathily. His forked tongue hanging out of his mouth again. The constant contractions of her slick, snug passage sent him ever closer to his ever building climax.

Sophie was in a similar state with the two fat pricks straining inside of her with only the thin wall between her tail hole and cunny dividing them. Gilias finally felt the husky's resistance dwindle until he could finally work up to a rapid motion in and out of her wonderful tunnel. Vaarnex meanwhile began battering his knot against her quivering entrance as he strived to satisfy himself within the petite girl's accommodating pussy. His eager thrusts into her managed to finally cause his knot to slip inside her and tie the two canines with each other.

Vaarnex was now restricted to much shorter thrusts as his climax swept over him. The wolf couldn't hold back any longer inside of her gripping confines. His orgasm exploded into the girl in a series of warm blasts of his cum. The large canine's heavy balls releasing a constant jet after jet of his semen. The unexpected burst of warmth inside of Sophie was too much for her to take and she was thrown into a second orgasm to match Vaarnex's.

She cried out as she released another splash of her girl cum around Vaarnex's still pulsing shaft. None of their combined fluids were able to escape from the tight seal of the wolf's knot. Every blast of the wolf's voluminous load was forced deeper into her tunnel and against the barrier to her womb. The female could only collapse on top of the other canine as her both her holes continued to milk the two thick, meaty shafts filling her.

Gilias finally couldn't hold on any longer and finally released his own load into the girl beneath him. He'd made sure not to tie with her as well because he was unsure that the girl would be able to take his knot into her tail hole, as well as the wolf's already enormous bulge at the same time without pain to herself. The gryphon shot his load into her in an almost constant stream of his seed into the girl's rear. His seed painted the inside of her bowels as he continued to shoot it into her. He gritted his beak in pleasure as his cum began to leak back out of the girl and across the two canine's thighs.

He pulled out of the girl's tail hole with a very satisfied sigh as he shot the last few streaks across her butt and tail. The avian cooed at the sight as her tail finally drooped back down over her hole which closed itself back up, keeping the remainder of his cum inside of her. Gilias stepped off of the bed and walked around to see how the pair of canines were doing. They had both passed out after their mutual orgasms. Gilias just shook his head with a chuckle and put his clothes back on. He grabbed a blanket and placed it over the two of them, accidentally waking up Vaarnex up in the process. The wolf shifted slightly and felt the thick plug of his knot still wedged firmly into Sophie's wet confines.

"Oh good. You're awake. And just look at the time." Gilias said as he finished dressing and withdrew his pocket watch from his pants. "Happy Birthday buddy. I bet I was the first to tell you. I hope you like your gift." He showed that it was past midnight and gestured to Sophie, still lying on top of the wolf.

"So she_is _your gift to me?"

The gryphon nodded. "Oops. I almost forgot to wrap it for you." The gryphon pulled a line of ribbon from his other pocket and began to tie it around the sleeping girl's muzzle. "I know that I've never been very good at wrapping gifts, but this one seemed a bit more special."

"You are absolutely ridiculous." The canine said in disbelief.

"Shh. You'll wake her up." Gilias wrapped his paw around Vaarnex's muzzle after he finished tying the bow. "You know as well as I do that you're excited to have a, most likely, willing little husky here to satisfy all of you needs. I forgot to get you a cake, but I at least remembered the icing." He said as he began to walk away. "And tell Sophie goodbye for me."

"I'll give her your regards." The wolf said. He was slightly perplexed as to what the avian meant when he said "icing" until he became conscious of liquid slowly dripping across his thighs. Vaarnex began to growl at the gryphon and was about to say something until Sophie shifted on top of his muscular chest; wrapping her arms around him to snuggle closer in. The wolf seemed to ignore his sudden discomfort as the cute girl cuddled with him and he wrapped his arms around her, still keeping an eye on his gryphon friend.

The gryphon smiled. "Don't forget. I expect her back every Tuesday night."