Brother's Aside One - Entertainment

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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#8 of Brothers

Hello readers of 'Brothers'! I have a special treat for you, a side story! Now these asides take place within the Brother's universe but, they are just small stories that happen between some chapters. This first one is told from Jurek's point of view and deals with his problems about guests...Mostly.

Special guest birthday bull is FA: Tal who didn't take much convincing to get in the story.

Jurek and Lenka belong to myself and FA: noodlebeast

This was the sort of thing I expected Lenka to do. Invite someone over without any warning, I mean. He knows how I feel about guests, and even more so when I don't know when they are coming over. I wanted to wipe that smug grin off my little brother's snout when he asked me to answer the door, good lord does he get under my skin, and it's too hot for his nonsense.

I trudged to the door with him snickering behind me while he sat half naked on the living room floor, a controller held tightly in his hands as a hooded figure on screen leaped from roof to roof. I did my best to hide my annoyance with Lenka as I unlocked the door, It wasn't our surprise guest's fault that my brother can be-

My train of thought derailed when I saw who was behind the door. I didn't know the bull at my door step but, I'm embarrassed to say I wanted to, badly. He was good looking to say the least, his features were angular and gave the impression of confident masculinity. Built like a brick house, hell, he looked strong enough to knock one down at that. The bull wasn't much taller than me, however his horns gave the impression he was.

"Hey, you must be Jurek, yeah?" The bull ask, a slight smile crossing his muzzle.

I noticed I hadn't said anything when I opened the door, I had to work quickly to try and cover the little mistake. "Oh! Yeah, yeah." Smooth one, dog...

"Oh man, I'm glad I got it right, It thought Lenka might have gotten pretty jacked in the last few days." Chuckled the bull, his smile turning into a bright grin. I laughed myself, if only to make sure he didn't see how such a little comment could make me blush.

"My name's Tal since I already know yours." The bull continued, offering a thick hand which I took and shook firmly, mumbling a polite 'nice to meet you.'

By then, Lenka had already hopped from his place on the floor and nudged me aside so Tal could come in. I eyed the bull as he walked by, his backside no less disappointing than the front. I thought I was being smooth, but Lenka caught me sizing up his friend, looking at me with the same knowing smirk I would look at him with when I found him doing the same. I frowned sharply at my brother before taking my place back on the couch, which was conveniently close to Tal.

It was late into the evening before I felt relaxed enough to make any sort of move, but I was beaten to the punch. Tal has slumped his horned head against my shoulder without any sort of warning, a totally innocent gesture in all honesty, but the subtle change in his scent was enough to make it seem like more than that. I could smell that he was nervous, terribly nervous, I could also pick out the light undertones of arousal that made my heart flutter and my tailstub wag against the couch.

I wasn't totally sure what I should have done, I just wanted to make him feel comfortable, like how he was feeling wasn't something to be embarrassed over. I also wanted him to know that had I wanted to be in his pants from the moment he walked into the apartment but, that might have been a little tasteless so early on.

I glanced down at him and his eyes were trained solely on the screen, trying his best not to look on edge while he watched Lenka play a much more cinematic game with a story neither the bull nor I understood. At least the character's outfits were pretty.

It was a little cute watching him try to be relaxed with his head on my shoulder, but it felt cruel to make him endure it any longer than he had to. I reached out and grasped his hand gingerly, cupping his fingers in my palm. The bull sighed then settled down all at once, like a massive weight had been lifted off his shoul-

"God, will you too just kiss already! I can smell you both from here!" My ever tactful brother cut in as he played his game. Despite him being turned away I could feel him smiling that big stupid grin of his.

He was right though, if I could scent the bovine's raw arousal, I know his nose could pick out mine as well and there was absolutely no sense in trying to hide it either, so...

I pressed my lips hard into Tal's, a low growl rolling out of my chest as I earned a muffled moo from him. I could feel a hand press against my chest, pushing softly but, never hard enough to make me stop. I held the kiss for what felt like a long while, long enough for the bull's few resistances to melt away and for his hand to stop pushing, the force shifting in the other direction. Tal began to fall backwards onto the couch and I followed him, planting my thick arms on either side of him to keep myself steady and an effort to make him feel safe. His lips parted for me in response.

Our tongue's met one another and I didn't waste any time exploring his muzzle, taking in his subtle taste while his curious hands roamed over my short fur and the thick muscle underneath. I flexed for him, hard, savoring another little 'moo' that jumped from his throat as his fingers tightened around my biceps. His scent shifted ever so slightly but, just enough for me to know this big, tough looking, brick house of a bull wanted to get bent over and plowed. Being the gentleman I am, I wanted to oblige.

I peeled off my shirt, breaking the kiss reluctantly so I could give him access to my bare chest, which by the way he looked down at me, he greatly appreciated. I smiled and pushed myself up, straddling his thighs as I lifted my arms and flexed for him, my brawn straining impressively under my short coat. Not to sound vain but, if I was in Tal's place, I would have been pretty turned on.

"Oh." Rolled quietly out of his muzzle, his ears flicking softly as those warm, brown eyes drank me in.

I could feel my face grow hot and my tail wag as I let my arms slowly drop down again, my hand delicately brushing along his thigh on the way down, at least what I thought was his thigh anyway. I glanced down and saw the denim outline of what was easily the second biggest shaft I've ever seen in person, funny enough; the first belonged to another bovine I know. My eyes shot back up to Tal's face, the now suddenly quiet bovine looking back at with reddened cheeks and ears. A lazy grin spread over my muzzle before my hands went to his fly.

Another pair of hands, looking a lot like mine only a bit smaller reached for the hem of the bull's shirt. Fuck, I totally forgot Lenka was still in the room. I yanked my fingers away from the bull's zipper and shot my brother a more than distressed look. He only grinned back and flicked his tongue out at me. I snorted then resumed liberating Tal from his jeans, the bull studying us curiously during the short exchange.

"It's a twin thing." Lenka explained as he tossed Tal's shirt with mine, leaning down to share his own kiss with the prone bull. I watched them for a short while, the hair on the back of my neck raising as he kissed my bull-the bull. I meant to say 'the' bull. I couldn't stop the growl rising in my throat, which was loud enough to make my brother's ears perk and break the kiss.

"Share." He said with a knowing smirk, removing the little clothes he wore. I watched Tal's sights drift around my brother's built torso while that tiny needle of envy dug itself deeper into my chest. The bull's gaze eventually wandered down to Lenka's member, the darkly colored length throbbing to life before the Tal's eyes. The bull liked what he saw, I could tell by the wet spot that was starting to form at the peak of the bull's tented boxers.

My little brother always had me beat when it came to length, at least by an inch but, I had a few significant endowments of my own. Not to be bested, I wriggled my pants and underwear down and off, snorting loudly to get Tal's attention.

That little spike of jealousy melted away when I saw how the bull looked at me, his eyes wide, cheeks reddened while he uttered something so simple and terribly sexy.

"W-wow." He muttered. He just reached out with a tentative hand, curling his digits around my uncut cock slowly, trying to make his middle finger and thumb touch. They didn't. They were about an inch apart.

In the heat of my arousal,I tore his boxers off him hastily, making a mental note to apologize later. His throbbing shaft landed on his belly with a wet thump. I could hear Lenka and chuckle and move off the couch, however I didn't care, the bull laying before me demanded my full attention.

My muzzle when to his neck, licking slowly at first, then a bit harder, before nipping along the spots I had already licked. My fingers traveled between his short, warm fur, kneading the sensitive skin underneath before I found his cock again, cradling his shaft much like he had done mine. I could feel him fidget and squirm under me before I even started stroking him but, once I did, he let out an anxious moo, his back arching and pushing as much of himself against me as he could. He must be really pent up.

I leaned in for another kiss, but something had been placed between my shoulders. I growled, reaching behind me and snatching at offending object before it could roll away. I was clutching a bottle of lube, the expensive stuff that Lenka liked.

I glanced up and was greeted with the sight of my nude brother lowering himself back onto the couch, his cock in prime position to rub over the bovine's lips as he got comfortable. Now, I love my brother, he great when he's not being a jerk but, right now I wanted to carry Tal off just so I wouldn't have to share. Out of frustration and a bit of natural instinct, I flipped Tal over, coaxing the bull onto his hands and knees and forcing my brother to change positions. He just laughed and stuck his tongue out at me before looking down at the bull between us.

"Don't mind Jurek, he can get a little rough when he feeling territorial, it's okay though, that just mean he likes you. A lot." Lenka's explanation made my ears start burning, the sheer embarrassment causing my tail stub tuck in close.

"Really?" Said Tal lowly, looking back at me with his own face red under his fur. Lenka gently turned the bull's head back by his horns and guided his cock between the herbivore's soft lips, drawing a shallow growl and a muffled moo from each of them respectively. I couldn't tell from where I was, but from the way Lenka's eyes fluttered shut and how his abs flexed and jerked, Tal must have been pretty talented.

I said nothing as I turned my head down and opened the bottle of lube, pouring the clear, viscous fluid directly onto my throbbing dick, grumbling as the cool sensation calmed me for the second it took for my flesh to heat up again. My plan was to be gentle, rut this bull deeply, tenderly, maybe even massage his prostate with my thick shaft to work more than one load out of him, but then he flicked his tail out of the way and put himself on display for me. I couldn't suppress that sudden swell of raw, feral need in the pit of my stomach.

I gripped the base of his tail firmly in one hand, the other aiming my cock into that tight looking pucker. I wasn't gentle, but he moaned like I was. I shoved half of my cock into his tunnel, only half because his ass clenched around me so tightly that I was forced to stop. His ring quivered as it was forced to spread around my girth. I was surprised he didn't bite Lenka due to the sudden intrusion; instead he let my brother's cock fall from his lips and bellowed into the dog's thigh, his hands holding the couch under him with a white-knuckled grip. Tal shook in place, whimpering loudly as he struggled to accept me. I would say struggle to adjust but, I think I'll have to fuck him a few more times for that.

"Hey, pull out a bit." Lenka requested while his shaft drooled slick pre over Tal's muzzle.

"No-o!" The bull shouted, his voice unsteady however strong enough to make a demand. "Please don't... It feels good."

I knew that was only partly true, it had to hurt a little, I guess the bull could take some punishment. Good.

I plunged the rest of the way into Tal, my cock jerking and shooting jets of slick pre cum along his stretched tunnel the moment it hilted him. He reeled beneath me, shuddering and whimpering as I tested his resilience. I could feel my foreskin roll back and expose my sensitive head to his soft insides from his sheer tightness, a quality he was sure to temporarily lose tonight.

Those heavenly whimpers stopped and were replaced with vigorous slurps, I nearly forgot that Lenka was still there. My head jerked up in time to catch my brother's muzzle against my own, meeting him in a sudden and harsh kiss. It wasn't like the one Tal and I shared, no, it was much more aggressive and challenging, teeth clicking lightly against one another while our tongues wrestled for dominance. It was also short, Lenka giving me a wild smirk as he took a steady hold around the bull's horns. We really didn't have to talk to communicate, I grunted and stroked Tal's tail in my paw, agreeing that we should fuck this little bull for all he was worth.

Tal's back arched and a muffled whimper rose from his throat as Lenka and I thrusted into the bovine at the same time, filling the thick-set male with more cock than I like to think he was used to. My heavy balls nudged into his taint while Lenka drew his hips back, dragging his cock out from between those soft lips until the blunt head remained inside Tal's maw, just allowing the bull to lick and play with his foreskin. I bucked backwards myself, my shaft making slippery sounds as the thick inches were pulled from the bull's ass, only to return them with a hard and wet slap, putting enough force behind my thrust to shove Lenka's cock back down the bull's willing throat.

I loved the way the little bull squirmed and writhed under me, the way he snorted around Lenka's shaft and how his tunnel would squeeze down on mine, and the way he seemed to plead for more without saying a word. Maybe he had a twin too. I pounded Tal's ass with wild abandon, hunching slightly over his ass and digging my fingers into his hips while taking in the musk and arousal soaked air between low snarls. A combination of lube and precum leaked down his balls and splattered against my groin with each hard buck, good thing I have plenty of the natural stuff to replace it. Tal''s cock and balls swayed and shook every time my hips collided with his tight rump, flinging thick ropes of his own pre along the couch cushions. I'll clean them up... Much later. My fur was a sweaty mess by now, perspiration rolling over my shoulders and chest, dripping along the back of the bull, making him smell vaguely like me. I liked that.

I kept going, unaware that my rapid sawing motion was forcing Tal to muzzle-fuck himself on Lenka's dick and only taking notice when my brother's let out a long howl. I glanced up to see Lenka with his head thrown back, one hand gripping his nipple and tweaking it delicately while the other hand gripped the bull's horn, keeping Tal's lips around the root of his cock as his hit his peak. I didn't have to witness the cumshot, but knew from experience that is was a mouthful, a little thin, but copious and pleasantly tangy. If I wasn't at such a feverish pace, I would have stopped and allowed them both to fully enjoy the younger rottie's climax but, I had my own seed to spill inside this handsome bull.

I locked my paws around his horns and yanked Tal back, pulling him off my brother's dick and making him catch the last few ropes of Lenka's cum against his chest. I didn't move him to be mean, I was just done sharing. Lenka laughed at me as he caught his breath, slumping against the armrest and getting the perfect seat to watch me rut this bull. I made Tal sit in my lap, the bull, letting out a deep whimper as all his weight forced him down onto my cock.

He muttered something with the words 'Hot' and 'Thick' between licking up the stray cum that landed on his chin, but I was more focused on making this bull mine and trying to suppress the growing heat that stirred behind my balls. I rolled my hips up hard, embedding my cock deep within the lust addled bull, my body craving more of him. I did I again and again, bouncing the muscled bull in my lap while I held his horns like handlebars.

I was close, so wonderfully, horribly close to filling this bull with as much cum as I could muster. I wanted to mark him even if it was only for a short while. I wanted this bull to be mine. I rode that edge of climax longer than I ever have, barks and ruffs rolling from my maw as I drilled into the bull-my bull- without a concern for who might have heard or seen.

I suppose I should have had a little concern.

A sudden hot sensation made my rump clench, trying and failing to catch something thick but, smooth and wet push into my backside. I snapped my jaw and tried to wiggle away after my arousal hazed mind figured out that is was Lenka's finger, however Tal had picked that moment to push himself flush against me. The digit prodded deeper despite my struggle then curled, just barely brushing my prostate.

"FUCK!" I remember barking out, as the flood gates broke down effortlessly and I gave in. My cock throbbed as I unloaded my thick, musky, sticky cum inside Tal's suckling tail hole, instinctively forcing myself as deep into his pleading ass as I could. It was a huge rush, my whole body jerking with each new pulse of cum which, in turn, made Tal bounce lightly in my lap and milk even more seed from me, creating a cycle of raw and shameless arousal. The last thing I fully recall was the sounds of Tal's deep bellows and needy moans and the sensation of him loosing the hold on whatever was keeping him up and settling back onto my chest. I was a little embarrassed I blacked out after my orgasm but, I'll be damned if Tal wasn't that good.

When I came to, Lenka was gone and the shower was running, but the bull was curled up in my arms with his eyes closed. I shifted myself slightly to feel that my cock was still hard and still wedged into his ass, Tal grunted and opened his eyes, looking up at me with a faint but, warm smile. I smiled back at him before speaking.

"You didn't cum?" I asked, distinctly smelling only Rottweiler cum.

He shook his head. "I didn't want to ruin your couch."

"Well...I have a bed you can ruin." I rumbled, reaching down, trailing my fingertips down the underside of his sweaty and pre-coated cock then giving his balls a tender squeeze. "Sound okay?"

Tal nodded and groaned as I helped him off my turgid shaft

...I'll just say, he wasn't joking about ruining...