
Story by Tsunami Wolf on SoFurry

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This is my first story and sorry if it is a little hard to follow

"I'm all alone" I thought to myself as I walked down the dark street with my hood pulled tightly to hide my face I couldn't help bet get upset as I thought about myself i have no idea who I am all i know is that I am male, good at fighting and was subjected to horrible military experiments " the perfect soldier" i heard over and over as i was strapped to that table, they altered my body into a hybrid man/wolf after escaping all i can think of was in an all human world what am I? I was broken out of my thoughts by a group of three men obviously looking for a  excuse to fight "how are you mate" said the man who was obviously their leader " leave me alone"  " now now we're just having a friendly chat" said the smallest of the group while twirling a 12 inch stiletto blade "leave me alone" i said with a growl "well look thinks he's a badass" said a heavily muscled man as they snicker to themselves i grab the throat of the heavily muscled man and lift him of the ground with a heavily gloved paw " i said leave me alone" while gasping for breath the man reached for my face and pulled my hood off revealing my canine face " what the fuck are you" said the leader as the man in my paw fainted i smiled at the smell of fear, they reeked of it the one with the blade stabbed me very suddenly in chest and backed off smiling as he did probably expecting me to groan but i just smiled before he knew it i punched him immediately knocking him out "now for you" i started walking towards him scene jump as i dragged the three limp bodies to the nearest hospital i recognised i had left the blade in my chest but before I could dwell on it the bright lights of the hospital came into view as I walked into the lobby everyone's eyes were on me as I walked up to the receptionist i said these guys need some treatment for concussions and broken bones she gasped as she saw the blade stuck in my chest "your hurt" she said all i replied with was "no I'm not" as I started walking toward the door i felt dizzy and then i kissed the floor.