Unexpected Love Part 4

Story by danybw on SoFurry

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Back from school. Forget my homework , it's easy! I wanna finish both of the stories x3! Here comes part 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brian's point of view

I woke up on my still-wet pillow after a whole night of crying. I looked at my clock 4:35 ?! Damn i woke up 2 hours before I should've. I stood up and streched. Yawn . I went to the bathroom and got the clothes i slept with off. I turned the hot water on and stepped under the shower. I couldn't feel the water running down my fur. I couldn't feel myself breathing. All I could think of was what Den told me. Dammit! I punched the wall , again without feeling the pain in my fist. After i turned off the water i brushed my teeth like usual though this time i was pausing. It was like my soul was trying to leave me body. After i was done with my teeth i took a long stare at my reflection in the mirror infront of me. In a split second i imagined the ways i could get out of this. I got on some random jeans and a shirt. I went down stairs and there was no one down there. I wasn't suprised. My parents both go to work really early. I wonder what is that work. They never told me. I went out and started walking to the bus stop. As i walked i examined the nature around me , trying to get my mind of Denis. I couldn't. I have to do something! I thought. Finally I arrived at the bus stop. Near it there was a bench and i obviously sat down. I was waiting til it gets _6:30 _, ignoring every bus , so i can talk to Den. He usually catches the bus around that time. I waited and thought of what should i say to him until i saw him walking along the road. He was wearing his usual black jacket , jeans and shirt. I didn't really expect him to wear something else and i liked him like that. Pain started growing in my chest, but i ignored it. I stood up.

Denis' point of view

As i walked to the bus stop I saw Brian. I wanted to ask him about why he left the chat so suddenly last night. I stopped right infront of him and smiled.

"Hey!" I looked at him... there was something wrong. "What's the problem buddy?"

He looked at me right in the eyes. "Denis i..... a-are you ... free tonight?" He took long pauses. His voice was shaking.

"Am... Yeah ... I mean I AM grounded after all but i'll find a way to sneak out." I saw a huge grin on his face. I never saw him that happy. "So what are you planning?"

He stared at the ground for a bit. "I thought we could .... hang out i guess...." He did those pauses again. My bus arrived.

"Wait me at the usual spot. " I said as i got on the bus. I sat down and then i realised. Did he meant on a date? This thought was stuck in my mind until i entered the class room. I didn't even need to glance at my desk to see that tons of furs were around it , well around Evan. I made my way through the crowd so i can sit down.

"Hey D" Evan said to me. I barely heard him with all of my classmates around him. "H-Hi" Just when i stumbled to say it the English teacher entered the classroom. The whole day went faster because some of the teachers were sick or out of town. I skipped the last subject because the teacher didn't feel like coming or under that i mean that she had a fever.

After i got off the bus i ran to my house. Today my mother was working. She is a lawyer. Anyway , I ran upstairs and took a long shower . My teeth were already sparkling so i didn't need to brush them for now... i think? I jumped on my bed with a strong thud. I waited until i got a message on my phone saying : r u coming?

I jumped out of my bed and ran right through the main door. My mother was just driving home. I saw her car and ran as fast as I could to the old kindergarden playground. Me and Brian used to learn in that kindergarden before it was burned down because it was old. I saw Brian. Damn he looked..... wow......... he was wearing tight red jeans and a red t-shirt wich looked like it was torn around the neck. Those clothes and including his red fur made him look like a vampire from a horror movie....

To be continued