A Drouse’s Tale

Story by ShadowScreen on SoFurry

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A Drouse's Tale

The warm summer day was slowly setting and the small country village of Discove was beginning to whine down after another long day. Townsfolk finishing the last of their labor and closing up shop, a few furs walked the dirt streets of the quiet town. Among them a tall russet furred rabbit named Henry. Having just finished in the fields on a count it was too dark for any of the farmers to get anything done. His muscles were sore and fur covered in dust, but having done this work all his life he was used to the tough work in the day's hot sun. Looking at the now darkened horizon Henry knew he didn't have much time to get home before it was pitch black.

Not too far away in a small set of trees outside the town, a creature was stirring. Just starting to get up and looking for excitement. The villagers of Discove knew this creature as Theodous a very unique being. The night sky was clear and air brisk; the moon just starting the rise as the being fully stretched and groaned getting the kinks out of his sleepy body. Theodous was a drouse, a hybrid with a mouse for a mother and a dragon for a father, many of the townsfolk didn't ask... But everyone in town knew of the little guy, though no one ever close enough to do anymore then see the tiny ball of brown fur and emerald scale. Theodous was very friendly to other creatures, but especially shy and cautious. From his ears to his little padded paws the little hybrid was only five inches tall. Little wings on his back stretched out a couple of times before the little drouse took flight and soared into the night. Taking a home within a tree close to town Theodous found that many of the people in Discove were very welcoming to the small creature. A couple furs in particular he had become good friends with. A pair of rabbits, Henry and his mate Sarah.

The drouse had decided to fly over and maybe grab something to munch on while saying hello to the friendly rabbits. The flight was quick and soon Theodous was swooping down to perch on a small, stone window ledge, looking into a lightly candle lit home. Peeking in behind the glass, the hybrid just giggled seeing a large female rabbit resting on her bed. His wings snapping open again as he turns to step off the ledge, the powerful membranes baring him with ease as he glides around the side of the wooden house. Eyes scanning the ground for a moment before he finds what he's looking for. A cheeky grin tugging at his lips as he drops down to the ground and scampers over to a familiar bush. Grunting a bit as he pulls aside a few branches to reveal a crack in the wall. Much too small to attract the notice of either of the home's owners, but more than large enough for a critter like him to squeeze through, which is exactly what he does. The drouse having long since taken to using this little secret to sneak into the house unnoticed on nights like tonight.

The small home was nice and warm as the little creature entered, a toasty fireplace heating the three room house. Theodous wanted to make sure he let Sarah know he was here, after a very close call he had the other week, when he was nearly crushed underfoot by one of the gentle rabbits, who hadn't even known he was there. Henry saying something about him being a peeping tom, and spying on people. But Theodous had simply shook his head, insisting in that cute, drousey way that he doesn't peep, but merely observes the world around him. The irony of the whole thing lost on the little hybrid now as he starts the trek across the room. Head tilted back to gaze up to the massive rabbit lying peacefully above as he approaches the bed. A squeak of surprise flitting from his muzzle when suddenly one of Sarah's foot paws slide off the bed to hurtle right towards him. But just as soon as it started to fall it stops, the massive, padded sole simply hanging in the air a few feet overhead. The initial fright of the drouse quickly giving way to wonder as he gazes up to vast paw like the gift from above that it was. Scaled tail swishing back and forth with a nervous kind of excitement as a rather naughty idea pops into mind. A voice in the back of his mind warning him even before his feet leave the ground that grabbing a sleeping giant's foot probably isn't the safest thing to do. But with her soft paw just sitting there like that he couldn't resist. And before he can really think better of it he finds himself leaping into the air to pounce the dangling foot.

"Eeeek!" Sarah screamed out into the night startling the little drouse, not exactly planning for her to react like that. The rabbit's vision was blurred by sleep, but all she saw through her drowsy eyes was what looked like a large green hairy spider, she hated spiders! And with that pots and pans could be heard crashing to the ground. The small drouse began to run for his life, dodging the objects and debris as it was hurled towards him. Running across the floor in a frightened panic, Theodous blindly looked for an exit the one he entered blocked by a shatter vase. Looking up for a moment the drouse saw his salvation for some reason the front door to the home was opened just a crack, he could escape.

Without any hesitation the small creature dashed for his exit, a still panicked bunny on his heels with a broom. Just as he thought he was home free the huge door shifted and pushed open. A large male rabbit stood in the door way, rushing to aid the call of his wife who still had a wild look in her eyes. Catching the female bunny's gaze he looked to his feet to see a familiar drouse.

"Theodous!" the rabbit half scolded half sighed in relief. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop this peeping tom business?" He continued, reaching down to pluck the drouse up by his tiny wings. After realizing who and what the creature was the female rabbit lowered her broom, no longer freaking out.

Theodous gave a guilty smile, but began to protest anyway, "I'm not a peeping tom! I was just passing by, honest Henry." the drouse wiggled as he said this, trying to get out of the large rabbit's paws. The hold got tighter as he was moved over to face the Henry's wife, her look was one of annoyance and apology.

"Go on Theodous, tell Sarah you're sorry for scaring her" the male rabbit holding the drouse closer so his wife could hear.

The drouse gave a nod and faced Sarah, giving an almost sad look. "I'm really sorry Sarah, I didn't mean any harm." The apology was sincere and both rabbits seemed to be satisfied with it. Henry then handed Theodous over to his wife, trying to be gentle with the small creature.

"I'm going to have a talk to the mayor over our little drouse, can't have him peeping all over town every night" Henry laughed and started to head out of the small house shutting the door behind him. Leaving Theodous in the hands of Sarah, the bunny looking over the drouse to make sure he wasn't hurt from their...misunderstanding. Theodous was an interesting creature she had to admit, his body was probably no more then five and a half inches tall. From head to clawed toes he was covered in brown fur with a green scaled belly. Two small, but appealing wings folded behind his back and a cute scaled tail ending in a spade.

Watching her mate go, she carefully walked back over to her bed stepping around all the broken pottery and mess. Trying to stay gentle with her little friend she placed him on the soft covers of the small cot, before grabbing a broom and getting down to cleaning.

Theodous let himself be carried across the room, knowing that he was no longer in any danger, despite still being in trouble. His ears folded back as he looked at the floor over the side of her paw, he had made quite a big mess for the couple. As he was set on the soft bed, the drouse was determined to make it up to Sarah. His tail shook from side to side as he tried to think of an idea, his ears perked up as if a shockwave had hit him. A small smile played over Theodous's lips as he got a plan in mind, one both could enjoy.

Sarah had finally gotten most of the mess off the floor, when she gave a sigh setting down the broom and taking a seat near Theodous. Giggling softly the pressure making the small drouse fall against her leg,

"Sorry little guy, I'm just a little tired." The large rabbit was only five feet tall, but to Theodous she must have seemed like a giant. Before long she took hold of the drouse and leaned back on the bed getting comfortable, laying on her back she placed Theodous on her belly and gave another sigh, content to wait for Henry to get back.

"Sarah?" The small voice reaching the rabbit's ears easily, getting a curious look from her. "I really am sorry about earlier; can I make it up to you?" he continued looking up at her face with a cute smile. The rabbit just tilled her head slightly, not expecting the drouse to offer any type of retribution for his actions.

Finding it cute but honorable that the creature would want to do anything, but at this point she was more curious about what he had planned, then if he actually did it. Eyes fixed on the drouse; she finally asked "What did you have in mind?"

Theodous didn't answer, but kept his tiny smile on his face. Jumping lightly in the air and used his wings to glide down her body till he reached her feet. Still getting a questioning look from Sarah he walked up to her soft padded paws and stepped behind her left foot. Waving for her to come closer she sat up, leaning in to hear the small drouse. "You've been working hard all day, let me take some stress away...it's the least I can do." Theodous murred looking at her paws and before she could protest he began to massage her feet, starting with the left one.

Sarah was speechless; he wanted to help her relax, by massaging her paws? No, she couldn't let him do that, he was a friend, not some slave or pet. But as she felt those tiny fingers make contact with her pads she couldn't help but moan lightly. And after a moments hesitation began lie back amidst the pillows. ‘Maybe just a few minutes.' She thought, giving a sigh of defeat.

Theodous grinned wide as he felt her fall back onto the bed; scarcely able to believe she was actually letting him do it. From where he stood, looking up at the paw, he could see that it was easily taller then his body, the tips of those dainty toes looming several feet over his ears. To work on something so large was going to be tough. The plush, pinkish pads of the rabbit connected by plumes of tan fur to form the most sensual wall his little eyes had ever beheld as he stepped forward to begin rubbing over a small area. The drouse quickly discovering that the heavenly paw was quite dirty. The hard work that the rabbit had endured throughout the day leaving her sole covered in a thin layer of dust, and smelling quite strongly. But these things didn't bother the drouse one bit, and in truth were some of the reasons why he had been so eager to offer the massage. Not one squeak of complaint coming from him as he works at wiping the grime away and kneading over her he found it rather difficult without any liquid to help with the process.

Sarah was in bliss at that moment, fully enjoying the drouse's affections. Even at his small size those tiny claws felt amazing, he was doing a wonderful job so far. "Oh Theodous, that feels so good...just be careful okay?" She was slightly nervous for the small creature and was trying her best to stay still as he worked, knowing that even her paws were bigger then the drouse. But with how diligent he was being it didn't take long for the massage to relax her into a calmed state of mind.

After working on the paw for a few minutes the musky odor was getting more pleasurable for Theodous, leaning in closer to the pads he gave them a sniff and shivered with hidden delight. Earlier when he was caught peeping, he was just trying to get a little closer feel for her paws, which didn't work out so well. But now here he was, doing the exact thing he was dreaming about that night.

As he thought of this the drouse got a little bolder, if he got this far why not take it a step further. Climbing up on the vast paw he gently reached the rabbit's clawed toes, and took a sturdy grip. Bending his head down, he took a slight lick of the big toe. The reaction was one he didn't except from Sarah, her foot twitched slightly from the feeling but she just gave a little moan and settled. Theodous thought he had over-stepped his boundaries for sure, but it had seemed that she was actually enjoying the attention. Excited by this notion he dared another lick then another, before long he was giving the foot a much needed tongue bath. Again to the drouse's satisfaction Sarah just laid there happy and content with his work.

Many would think someone would be bothered by the smell or in this case, taste of a paw, but this just drove the drouse to further heights of an aroused state. Silent, but enjoying the treatment, Sarah was also becoming stimulated by the little drouse's actions. Theodous after deeming the left paw finished he gave a light leap and jumped to other foot to begin the process over again.

The bunny for the most part was lost in her blissful state of mind, enjoying it far too much to tell the small drouse to stop now, not that she wanted him too. But as more of those sensations ran through her body the more she began to lose control over her lust. Her musk was building up quickly and the smell easily traveled to meet the drouse's nose.

Hearing another groan from his big friend he knew it was doing a good job, but just as he thought he would try something else a strong scent filled the air. Making the little mouse-hybrid nervous, his tiny heart started to race as he figured out what it was. Sarah, this fur many times his size was getting turned on by him. He never considered she might really, really love his work. Half hoping she would just relax and go to sleep for the night, but his more mischievous side thought of what might come of it if she acted on her desires.

The bunny couldn't take it anymore; the feeling inside of her was driving her crazy. She didn't want to tell anyone she was in season, only her mate was aware of that fact. She couldn't believe that only a little massage and warm tongue bath made her so horny. Squirming lightly on the bed, she felt the soft footsteps of her friend make there way up her legs and belly. Theodous had a look of concern; she knew she had a pained expression a cross her face, needing something to fill the burning desire that continued to rise. She didn't have time to wait for her mate to come back, who knew how long the mayor would keep him. Eyeing the small drouse, his body being small enough too...no! She shot that thought out of her mind thinking her friend would never look at her the same again if she asked such a thing. But now that she had considered it the notion came back as quickly as her heat persuaded her.

Theodous was now torn between two thoughts, being good, honest, and resisting the urge to go further with the rabbit. Or giving her what she apparently needed at the moment. He began thinking of the consequences if he did ‘what would her mate think?' His mind numbed at that thought. Suddenly another wave of musk hit him as he sat on her belly. She looked ready to ask him something, but his resolve snapped and he almost bluntly said "I can help..." his sentence cut off as his ears flatted and face blushed hard turning from brown to red at that instant. Eyes hitting the floor, he couldn't look up to her, fearing what she might do.

The surprise in her eyes was missed by the drouse who looked like he might cry from what he said. She didn't doubt anymore that he had the same thing on his mind, making her smile with glee at some nasty thoughts. Her brain was not thinking logically after that, all she wanted...no, needed, was that little body in her. Everything else but Theodous and herself was forgotten; she gently patted the head of the little drouse, before wrapping her paw around him and lightly picking him up. Using her other hand for support she sat up and slowly lowered the drouse between her legs just along her thighs. "I think another place needs a good massage." Blushing heavily from that comment she just waited to see what her friend would do next.

Feeling himself being lifted Theodous thought he was in trouble again for crossing the line. He didn't dare look up, but as he followed where he was being lowered to he let out a gasp. He was between her brown furred thighs, staring right at her rather large slit. The pink opening was already wet and pulsing, ready for said drouse to please it. He looked up after hearing her words, she was really asking him to do something he never imagined he be given the chance to do.

Theodous began to get nervous again, but not from fear, but of how he was going to pleasure someone ten times his size. Almost giving a shrug, having never tried before. He stepped closer to her vent; the smell was overwhelmingly, intoxicating. The drouse's body going on auto-pilot and he began to lick and rub at her vagina, feeling the heat pouring out of it.

Shockwaves burned through Sarah's body as she felt her friend begin; she gave a loud moan knowing this was just what she needed. His small tongue felt amazing and his paws sent pulses through her body. Her hips lifted and bucked unable to resist from his teasing, causing the lips of her sex to cover his face for a few seconds. Her body needed more though, his actions felt good, but they were nothing more then foreplay to the large rabbit.

Giving small laps at Sarah's tunnel Theodous wanted nothing more but to give his friend the best feelings he could. Her reactions made him feel like he was doing something right, as she gasped and moaned. The more she cried out the more the drouse was starting to get covered in her fluid and scent as he pleasured her. But as he felt the rabbit's muscles pull at his hands, he got an idea. Taking a step back he knew she needed more to really be satisfied, so Theodous lifted his leg and pressed his clawed foot into her contracting opening. Right away he felt the pressure grab hold of his leg, drawing him closer. Without thinking the drouse brought his other leg in and it too was drawn into her hungry body. Theodous was getting a little doubtful he had made the right choice when he felt his waist slide into her. In his passion, he never thought how dangerous this could be. This train of thought lasted for about five seconds as he member started to get worked on by her inner muscles, causing him to gasp and pull his wings closer to continue the slide into the large rabbit.

Sarah's body loved this attention; her mate had been working a lot as of late and didn't have a lot of time for her special needs. The rabbit squeaked and whimpered feeling the drouse play with her sex. But suddenly it stopped, her bliss cut short. She was about to ask her friend why, when she felt him start to enter her. Sarah's furry body froze as the pleasure doubled, then tripled in power. Her cries getting louder and broken, she was getting closer to her peak. The bunny couldn't take it; she wanted more...she needed it now! A paw reached down to the drouse and a furry finger lay on his head, with a forced, but gentle push Theodous complete vanished into her body.

Giving a surprised squeak the small drouse felt his body get encased by her muscles the strong tunnel milking his body. The large rabbit had pushed him in like he was a sex toy, if he wasn't enjoying this as much as her, he might have found that a little frightening. Even though he was being used at this point that didn't stop him from doing what he set out to do. Theodous continued to grab, grope, claw, lick, and rub her walls to cause as much pleasure as possible. Till the drouse felt her walls close-in, tensing up and feeling like solid rock. Even through he was under tons of flesh he heard her yell out, the pressure around the small hybrid building to a point that he began to think he might not survive this little ordeal. Almost as fast as it started the muscles around Theodous went back to gently squeezing him. His body seemed to be okay, nothing broken. As he checked himself over he noticed that Sarah wasn't moving much, causing him to chuckle. ‘At least he got her to climax' he thought shivering as he dragged his still hard member across the soft muscle, he was so busy with trying to get her off he didn't even notice he himself had cum.

The rabbit was in a heavenly afterglow she just laid there and enjoyed the feeling of her little friend moving around slightly within her. She would help him after a bit, but was just happy to have some release, body coming down from a much needed high, and gently panting from everything that had happened.

Reaching the opening of her vent, Theodous was going to start to make his way out, when he looked through her slit the drouse saw a very terrible sight. The front door to the small house was opening and Henry quickly stepping inside. The drouse couldn't leave now; the male rabbit would surely see him. The walls around him sudden drew-in and held the drouse in place, apparently Sarah was equally nervous. Theodous heard some muffled chatter between the two, still looking through the little sliver of light from the outside world. Suddenly his view was filled with a tower of crimson flesh and as it got closer it looked like it was pulsing lightly readying to do what it was designed for. Dread filled the drouse's heart, as he put the pieces together. Female in season, lying spread out on their bed, smelling of musk, he was in for quite a ride.

Sarah jumped as she heard the sound of the bedroom door clicking closed, her expression quickly shifting from fright to nervousness as she looks up to see her husband leaning against the wall. She had no idea how long he had been standing there, but from the look of surprise on his face it probably hadn't been long. Still, the fact that she hadn't heard him approach worried her, what if he had seen her playing with Theodous. What would he think? Her entire body tensing in anticipation as she lay in wait for Henry to approach, still panting lightly from the intense orgasm. Meanwhile, Henry was finding it increasingly difficult to control himself as he padded over with a grin to join his lover. Setting the little cage he had been carrying on the bedside table and then climbing into the bed. The sight of his lovely wife in such a vulnerable and submissive state, and the scent of her arousal setting his passions ablaze. "Playing without me? We can't have that now." He murred, his member already slipping from its sheath to swell mightily as he pounces his wife, straddling her chest. A thought nagged at him. "Where is the drouse?" Henry asked, giving her a kiss and shivering a bit as the tip of his shaft grazes along the moist petals of her sex.

"Oh, he got away after you left, sorry dear" she lied fearing what he might think if he found him within her.

Kissing her again on the lips he just smiled "It's ok, he will come around again, with this lovely lady here" he murred biting her neck softly, his playful talking getting her ready for another round. Both rabbits began their lovemaking kissing and snuggling. Henry's cock started to press into her, slowly spreading her open and sliding along the already wet walls.

The small drouse was more then a little scared at this point, seeing the large member of his friend getting closer to him was an arousing sight, but not when he was the target. He tried to call out to Henry, but the walls around him pressed the words into nothing more then a whimper. Theodous had to just sit and watch as the member pressed into him, pushing him back into the depths of the female bunny. Henry's member was just a little bigger then the drouse, pushing deep within Sarah and sliding Theodous into one of her vaginal walls. This caused the drouse to slide along side the large cock, trapped between a dripping hot dick, and wet pulsing walls of flesh.

As the male rabbit entered his mate, Sarah almost completely forgot about the small drouse. The hunger for passion in her mind over ran everything in her body at that moment. The only thing that kept him in her mind at all was that his squirms seemed to pleasure both lovers to a new level. Henry thought the pressure around his member felt odd, but in a good way... Like his wife's muscles were working over time, assuming she just needed a good fuck he just went along with the pleasure.

It wasn't long before Henry started to thrust into his mate, slowly at first, drawing out the pleasure for as long as possible. The female bunny leaned in kissing her lover passionately as he did, her bliss rising within her with each new forceful hilt. Their gasps and moans were quiet since it was getting later in the night, not wanting to disturb neighbors with such a thing.

Mixed emotions flooded Theodous's mind as he was once again used for pleasure. He thought Henry would feel him and suspect something amiss, but with his new wave of bucks and thrusts it seemed the drouse only heightened their experience. The hard cock he rested on throbbed with a quick pulse, pulling in and out of Sarah's tunnel in a rapid pace. This causing the little hybrid to grab hold of the member tightly, wrapping his arms and legs so he wouldn't be crushed while the two had their fun. If he wasn't so wet and covered from fluids earlier he might not have been so lucky. After getting somewhat comfortable, if that were possible that this stage. Theodous started to enjoy this little adventure, it wasn't often he got a ride like this. The drouse began to lick over the large cock, his mind once again lost in ecstasy. Only focusing on the basic rule of sex, too pleasure and to be pleasured.

Henry knew something was up after he felt a very faint movement along his shaft, but too far lost in the pleasure to stop now. If his hunch was right Sarah never lost the little drouse, her naughty little desires caught up with her and she needed some kind of release. One might think he would be angry over this, using the hybrid for her fun, but his mind just gave a sigh of relief. Maybe this little drouse could bring a whole new game to their sex life, he did feel amazing. Henry grinned at the wicked thoughts that came to mind as he thrust into his mate, damn how he loved her. Sarah was just as wild when it came to having fun in bed, and he cherished that about her.

Henry's thoughts were interrupted as he felt the walls of his mate close-in and strongly suck on his length. Sarah had reached climax and her juiced flooded the small area around his cock. The pressure, fluids, and heat all pushed the male rabbit to his breaking point. He hilted once more and buried his head within his wife's chest, screaming out his pleasure. His own cum mixed with his mates, building up within them. It was over shortly, but the feeling around his cock seemed to get stronger.

Humping and licking the drouse had lost count how many times he had reached his peak that night. The muscles around him squeaked and kneaded his sore body, pushing him to higher points of bliss without stopping. His cries and moans were left unheard as the two giant rabbits continued their lovemaking. The cock dragged him back and fourth along the tunnel of muscles, before the member stopped and grew extremely hard. The little drouse had been readying himself for their climaxes, and felt everything around him tense. He could feel the rush of cum and juices hit him, but he never lost his grab on Henry's member. The area around him filled up quickly and Theodous feared he might not be able to breathe much longer. His struggles grew more desperate with each passing second as he began to seek the attention of either of the rabbits. Knowing that Henry wouldn't kill him no matter what he had done, angry yes, but the drouse expected that much.

Just as everything seemed to turn chaotic, fearing he would drown inside his friends. He felt a sudden cold air all around him; scared that he really did die he kept his eyes closed tight. But feeling about he noticed the wet, soft flesh under him. His eyes slowly opened to the light of the small home. His body was clinging firmly around Henry's member, scaled tail coiling several times around the width of it. Looking up he saw the male rabbit's face looking down with a loving smile, he thought Henry would be mad after everything but that didn't seem to be the case. The worries driving the drouse were pushed aside and the whole event caught up with him, his body's hold slipped away from the cock as Theodous began to lose consciousness. A hand lowered quickly causing the drouse to land safety in the soft paw of the rabbit, falling into an exhausted sleep.

After pulling out of his mate, Henry looked down to his member to see a very tired drouse, holding onto his cock for safety. It wasn't long after he withdrew that little guy was out cold and gently sleeping in his paws. Walking over to a small bathroom, Henry grabbed a washcloth and gently started to clean the drouse up. Satisfied with his work, the male rabbit walked back over to his mate, who by now was sleeping soundly as well. Looking over the pair he thought he would explain what the mayor had said tomorrow, no rush on that now he guessed. Placing Theodous on his pillow he carefully laid his head next to him, after a busy day and an even crazier night he was in for a good nights sleep himself.

Waking up with a cute yawn the small drouse stretched his wings and sat up, realizing quickly he wasn't in his little home outside the village. He was resting on a large pillow. After a quick look around the house his face fell on Henry who seemed to be waiting for him to wake up. Fear gripped Theodous as he remembered what occurred the previous night, causing him to curl into a ball visibly shaking. The male rabbit just smiled at the reaction, knowing he would probably do the same if he had done what the drouse did.

"Now relax Theodous, I'm not going to hurt you..." Henry reassured him "Actually I'm not even mad anymore, last night was interesting to say the least" An eye peaked out from the ball of brown and green, hearing his friend wasn't mad. Slowly coming out to just sit looking up at the large rabbit.

"I'm sorry, it all happened so fast...I just wanted to pay her back for scaring her." the drouse explained hoping his friend wouldn't think he was just a pervert. A quick wave of a paw got the little hybrid to stop. Just giving a nod to show he understood, he reached down and picked the drouse up from the bed. Bringing him over to a small circle table he set him down gently. The drouse felt odd when he saw what was next to him on the table. A little steel cage was there filled with things a pet might use.

"When I talked to the mayor about you Theodous, he seemed to already know all about the people that had been complaining about your nightly peeping sessions" Henry started to explain, "And that because you seemed to get along with Sarah and I so well, it would be our duty to watch over you. And for us to decide what kind of punishment you should be given." he finished watching the drouse look over the cage.

Theodous listened to the rabbit, and flinching at the word "punishment" getting nervous, he looked rather stunned by this turn of events. "Watch over me, like a pet?!" The drouse yelped, sounding scared. Before he said anymore a paw grabbed him again and placed him into the cage, locking it behind him. The drouse immediately spinning on his heels and darting over to clutch at the bars as he gazes around the cage wildly, looking for some kind of an escape route. But it soon becomes apparent that there aren't any and he finally just slips to the clothed floor of his cell with a whimper.

The state of shock in the eyes of the drouse made Henry feel bad, "Don't worry Theodous, this isn't permanent...think of it as a little jail time." the rabbit trying to make his friend feel better about his new home. "If a normal fur did what you did they would have received much worse punishments than this." The drouse just nodding at the rabbit, "Speaking of which I haven't explained what yours will be exactly." The grin on Henry's face made him second guess what might happen. "Sarah is off to the market in a neighboring town, and won't be back till later. But before she left we talked about last night and how wonderful you made us both feel..." The rabbit's smile turning into a larger grin as he saw the drouse get his meaning. "If you promise not to run I'll leave your cage open, but you are to remain here...is that clear?" The rabbit's voice was nice, but stern he smiled as he got a nod from the drouse. Who secretly thought this was a dream come true. Thinking back to the other night and the pleasure that nearly overwhelmed him, to do that every night with these two larger furs, Theodous just got tired thinking about it.

"Now, I have to get started with my days work, be a good drouse and stay put. There is fruit and other food in a box next to you, we'll see you later tonight." Henry said making his way to the door.

After seeing the door close and he was left alone, the drouse sat in the small cage thinking about everything that had happened. Theodous was scared, but then started to think of the good things about this. He was safe, had plenty of food, and had a nice pair of bunnies to cuddle with at night. Thinking this over he just stretched out, lying on his back and gave a sigh. Yeah, he could get used to this...