Fox and T'leia

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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There probably could have been a better title for this, but that's okay.

A quick request from a friend looking for something vorey. Even though the vore was short, he enjoyed the read. Hope you will too ^_^

The grip of Fox's blade slipped from his hand as he staggered backward, his back scraping hard against a tree before he fell to his back. T'leia called out to him from the skies above, her bellowing voice rippling through the forest and bending every blade of grass below her. The flames came only a moment later, a spiraling pillar of white gold, then the gruesome screams of the Ver. Fox's narrowed, blurred vision only became even more blurry with T'leia's flames, but it didn't take very long for his vision to return to focus. The shapeless blurred figures quickly took the form of the black-skinned Ver as they died, twisting and writhing in horrible ways before they exploded into a puff of nothingness.

T'leia's golden flames slowly disappeared just in time for Fox to get to his feet, sword in hand, but panting hard. They had been fighting for hours, and the battle wasn't getting any easier, but he'd ultimately prevail. He always did. Fox retook his fighting stance and forced a smirk, looking into the emptiness of the forest. Just as he prepared his senses for the battle to come, a hand gripped his shoulder.

Suddenly, the spark of life had returned. Fox reached up to the figures wrist and brandished his sword. He whirled around the figure in the blink of an eye, but the figure reversed Fox's grip, grabbing Fox's wrist as well before stepping backward. After a second, the tip of Fox's blade met his first partner's neck as he swallowed against the blade of an axe. Garkone was an exceptional fighter, among the strongest of the order with the stealth of the fastest. Fox had never seen an assassination carried out with an axe until he met Garkone.

"You're getting slower..." Garkone pulled back his axe and lowered it to the ground. He stepped backward, allowing Fox to do the same with his blade. Just as Fox opened his mouth with a retort, a second voice called out, but only from the other side of Garkone.

"Aye." Directly to Fox's left, a group of bushes began to rumble before a man cloaked in dark greens and blacks made himself known, standing up from behind the bushes and stepping into plain sight. He lowered his hands from his mouth to prevent himself from throwing his voice unintentionally. "Luckily, that's the only thing fadin' away."

Fox stepped backward as Jord created a tight-fitting triangle of their bodies, injecting himself into the conversation. Jord stood rather tall for a typical archer, but Fox took to more note of it than he did his own subpar height for wielding swords and spears.

"We'll hold this area down. Go with T'leia to replenish your stamina. We can't reveal our secret weapon just yet."

Fox huffed. "I'll be fine. I don't need a break any more than you two."

"You're not wrong." The limbs of Jords bow were carefully crafted of metal and sharpened regularly. Whenever he stood it up on the ground it cut through the dirt like a hot knife to a cube of butter. He crossed his arms as his bow slipped into what he called a "resting position" beside him. "but we've got our breaks. The Ver have been attacking only you for a while now. They're trying to down us one-by-one."

Garkone nodded in agreement. "Go with T'leia and replenish yourself. Holding this place without having to worry about your safety is a plus."

Fox took a deep breath before looking over to Garkone and Jord. Normally, he'd simply argue with them and attempt to stay on the battlefield, but this time was different. The Ver weren't like other creatures. If he slipped up during a battle, they wouldn't just hurt him, they'd kill him then and there. Unfortunately for his pride, dying wasn't on the list of "things to do" during a fight of any kind.

"T'leia...!" He looked up toward the sun. Only a moment later his being was engulfed in shadow. "I need your help!"

* * *

Fox fell back against a cave-side behind the Altair Forest. He gripped his chest with a pant and let his bloodied blade slip out of his hand, but only for a moment before he caught it. His eyes started to constrict and his teeth, desperately clenched together, started to become sharper and more defined. T'leia sighed, stepping back to look to Fox, lowering her monstrous head. Unlike most dragons of her world, her scales were a light tone of gold and shiny enough to reflect Fox's image to him on each of her long legs. She let her tail lay low behind her as she always did when trouble was near and staying hidden was among the best ideas, even though she knew it wouldn't help. Even laying on her side, staying hidden behind the tallest of trees was impossible, and that was just fine with her.

"Leah, I-"

"Want to go back to the battlefield." She cut Fox off with a snappy tone, her eyes narrowed as though she was trying to be tricked, but knew the villain's plan the whole time. Fox only responded with a pant, taking a breath before--

"Listen, th--"

"--ey can't do it without you. You should be there...!"

Fox huffed, looking away a little pitifully before pushing himself off of the caveside and stumbling into the open. T'leia's gaze, still narrowed, followed him.

"Come on." Fox said, a puff of mist leaving his air as he spoke. "I'm going back to the battlefield, are you with me, or not?"

T'leia closed her eyes tight for a moment, then she took a deep breath. "Fox, wait." Her voice was deeper, less mocking and more sincere. Fox turned to face her and she turned her body to face him, looking him directly in the eyes despite the difference in their sizes.

"If you're going back to the battlefield, I can't stop you." T'leia turned away as Fox turned to face her. After a short while, she took a deep breath and looked back to him. "I only wish to see you safe and sound. So if you're going back out there, I'm going to ensure your safety. Get over here, Fox."

Fox slightly smiled as T'leia showed him a somewhat worried, hopeful smile of her own. He could feel her strength welling up deep within her, the feeling made him smile a little wider and his clothes and hair move about as though caught in a gust of wind. He stepped toward her, stopping just in front of her face and then closing his eyes, bowing his head in a reverent manner.

"Thank, you, T'leia, for everyth--"

As Fox spoke softly T'leia's eyes narrowed with expectance. Before he could finish speaking, she jabbed her tongue out of her mouth and directly into his face, pushing him backward. Immediately, Fox's eyes widened and he staggered to a quick stop.

"Ack! What are-- Oof...!"

T'leia lowered her head and jabbed Fox's entire midsection with her snout. He doubled over and dropped to his knees, his face glistened with a touch of her tongue and his belly ached. T'leia raised up her head with a bit of a huff, looking down on Fox shortly afterward with her half-open gaze, lowering her head to meet him.

"You're_not_ going back out there in your condition. They've managed without you before, and they can do it again."

Fox coughed a few times, looking up to T'leia with a winking eye before rubbing his face clean with a mild groan. "Uggh...oww..."

"Now, get up to your feet and remove your armor or I'll take it off myself. I absolutely refuse to spend the next week having to...alleviate myself of your armor."

"Alright..." Fox coughed before picking himself up with a slight chuckle, eventually getting his breath back. "Alright, you win, heh-heheh."

Deep down, he wanted to go out and fight, but whenever he was about to do something that put his life at risk, he found himself finding an opponent stronger than anyone he'd ever faced. Anyone else simply would have let him go with enough of an argument, but T'leia was the only one on the Force who would crush his spirit to protect his body and ultimately his life.

"Good, now hurry up. I'm utterly famished and I have a battle to fight." T'leia caught Fox's gaze with a bit of a smirk. He returned her gaze with a bothered-expectant expression of her own before standing up and unstrapping his light-weight armor, letting it fall to the ground in shiny chunks. Only a moment later, Fox stepped forward and placed his hands on the sides of T'leia's snout, pressing his chest to her mouth and lowering his head to her snout.

"Fox..." T'leia's tongue slipped from her mouth as Fox overtook the air. Their minds began to meld together and their heartbeats started to slow down. Eventually, their heartbeats synced up entirely.

He could feel his body starting to heat up in ecstacy. His mind became an outlet for T'leia's purest of emotions. No, he didn't want to die. He didn't want to fight at all. He wanted her. All he wanted was her.

Fox showed his bared teeth and slowly breathed out. His scalding host misty breath fogged up her shimmering scales. T'leia slowly returned his breath, wafting her lust through Fox's mind and over his body. If only she were smaller...

T'leia's tongue slipped further from her maw and forced its way into her rider's pants. Fox could only raise his head in a show of his own lust as she explored his erected member as best as she could. He grunted and squirmed in her grip, then she suddenly pulled back.

Fox's knees went week and T'leia's entire being went wild with a mere taste. His flavor wasn't something of the ordinary. She could only imagine it was what the gods longed for, what they envied her for. Despite them, the gods, Fox was all hers and she planned to savor every bit of him.

T'leia swept her tongue around Fox's body, slowly enveloping him in her slippery, spongey tongue. Very slowly she opened her maw, picking herself up and over Fox, drizzling her saliva and revealing the back of her throat to him. He slowly opened his eyes, looking dazed as he gazed toward his fate, sinking his fingers into the sides of T'leia's massive tongue.

Fox lustfully echoed a gasp throughout T'leia's cavernous maw as he slowly shut his eyes. T'leia's split tongue embraced his leg and then his torso, as close to his neck as she could. Slowly and suddenly, she lifted Fox up into her maw, first his head and shoulders, then his body and finally his feet.

She loosed a soft moan all the while until Fox was fully inside. Her sex was soft and more than ready and her throat grew dry, desperate for its own taste of Fox. Suddenly, she raised her head and opened her mouth in an attempt to calm herself, but to no avail. The way her tongue seemed to grope and fondle Fox's figure of its own free will didn't help matters.

Only a moment later, T'leia knocked Fox backward, slipping toward the back of her throat as she echoed a moan into the skies. As Fox finally slid backward and into her gullet her sex clenched up at the feel. Just as suddenly as her lust came on, she released it with a powerful roar. One orgasm as a time she flooded the grounds and emerald grass between her feet with her liquid lust until she could feel Fox within her belly. She groaned in affirmation and flapped her wings a few times with a lustful pant, an uncontrollable smile taking over her face. It was nothing less than unfortunate that she had a battle to return to...but that only meant that Fox would be well rested when time came for her to release him...

She couldn't wait.