New Beginnings Ch 12

Story by Redarian_Foxhood on SoFurry

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#12 of New Beginnings

The plot thickens

New Beginnings Ch 12 (Future Sight)

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(Welcome to Ch 12. This chapter has a lot of plot explanation to further the story, but Alyssa will finally be able to select her Pokémon rare to the Kazan region. There is going to be some M/F beast fun in this chapter. Hope you enjoy.)

By the time Vael finished describing the sexual relations both he and Alyssa have had with their Pokémon, he was not only blushing, but also quite excited as describing such lewd acts had an effect on him. Eevee was excited too, since he could smell her, but she continued to rest at his side in case the others got offended. He sighed. "And perhaps that is why there might be the feel of the progeny. After all, I've had my fill of Eevee plenty of times and Alyssa has likewise tasted Mightyena on more than one occasion."

Rather than the anger and hatred Vael had expected, especially from another Pokémon, Victini seemed intrigued, and even interested, while both Kelly and Arcanine had been looking back and forth between each other during the lengthy explanation, which Alyssa took to mean that perhaps they weren't about to face any wrath from the others, since she was fully aware of Arcanine's protruding shaft under his belly that likely meant he had enjoyed the tale as well. "It's all true. But it's not just Mightyena and Eevee. We have shared our love with all of our Pokémon, not just them. Which is why both of us have decided that when we do get a full team of six, those will be our ONLY Pokémon so we can share our love equally with all of them."

Victini looked to the other Pokémon that weren't in their pokeballs, including Mothim and Purrloin, as if seeking the truth from them, and when both of them nodded, he smiled and though he wasn't turned on, likely due to the interest in human and Pokémon interaction over the results of said interaction, he did seem to warm up a bit. "It is possible that these relations you have shared have also increased your bond to a higher extent than a normal trainer."

Kelly cleared her throat. "Well. I believe that they speak the truth and since they have shared such a personal tale, I can also vouch that they are not alone in their interactions with their Pokémon. Arcanine and I have also lain with each other in more ways than one." She blushed, but she did smile, looking almost relieved that she wasn't alone in her love of Pokémon.

Victini seemed taken aback by the news, and even his telepathic voice sounded surprised. "Well that is also something I didn't expect from you." He smiled. "But fear not, I do agree there can be love between human and Pokémon, and I am happy to see it. After all, this world is in grave danger save for the progeny. And since the bond is strong between you and your Pokémon, I will entrust you with the importance of this mission to collect Pokémon."

The champion gasped as a psychic wall surrounded both her and the others. "What's going on?"

The cream colored Pokémon nodded. "I can't afford to have anybody else listen to what I am about to tell you all. Arceus foresaw a disaster that would soon befall both the human and Pokémon world. Although not even he knows what will happen, there is a darkness brewing that will begin with Pokémon and affect the humans."

Vael frowned. "What could a Pokémon do that could possibly ruin the human world?" He glanced down at Eevee, bending to pick her up and hold her close as Victini spoke in all seriousness. He wanted nothing more than to think it was some big joke, but the tone Victini used said otherwise. "Humans need Pokémon, both as companions and friends and even teammates."

Victini nodded. "That is correct. The balance and harmony of this world is maintained BECAUSE human and Pokémon alike live among each other. If one side were to sway against balance, the other would surely compensate to once again bring forth balance."

Alyssa spoke up. "So what's going to happen? We can put a stop to it right now."

Kelly stepped in. "It's not that easy. While I haven't been privy to the details either, Victini came to me the champion and asked for my help. Like you, I asked what was going to happen, but the details were vague."

The legendary nodded. "That is also correct. But the darkness that is going to consume the Pokémon world is not natural and therefore Arceus doesn't know what will happen. However, he knew how to combat it. He fertilized a clutch of eggs, using his own essence to imbue those affected with the ability to change what was upon us. But how the clutch is going to save the land is unknown."

Kelly nodded. "You remember Victini was able to tell Eevee and Mightyena were part of the progeny, right?" When both Alyssa and Vael nodded, she continued. "Well that's only because you were in a close enough radius to his aura that he could tell. We're in the process of collecting one of each Pokémon in the world. He can't just wander the land taking forever to be close to each and every Pokémon in the world to see which ones are progeny, so Serendipity Labs on the isles was able to create a device that could enhance Victini's sense across the realms to search for the progeny. However, he needs one Pokémon of the chosen type required to scan all others of that type."

Vael frowned, thoroughly confused. "I don't follow."

Victini cleared his throat before clarifying. "Take Eevee for example. In order to find out if an eevee was one of the progeny, I would need an eevee to hook up to a device with me in order to scan all eevee on the face of the planet to find which one was the progeny. That isn't necessary now because I know an Eevee and Mightyena are progeny, but you get what I mean right?"

Vael nodded in understanding now. "Oh I get it now! So this collecting rare Pokémon is only a front to search for the progeny?"

Kelly nodded. "That's right, and before you ask, we offer a rare Pokémon to the top five as part of the tournament to further the front. When the victors of the tournament choose their Pokémon, we just note to catch another of that Pokémon on our next trip out."

Victini nodded this time. "This way, the coming of the rare Pokémon is celebrated and no one is the wiser about our true intentions. If we can collect all of the progeny in one region, we can hopefully stop the impending doom the moment we hear of something unusual happening, regardless of the region. Each region's top scientists specially chosen are in on it, so we have full contact with each region when whatever is going to happen breaks out."

Alyssa trembled a bit. "Hearing this explanation makes me more fearful than anything. To think that our world is in danger...and nobody even knows about it. It's like some sort of nightmare." She shivers, but Mightyena presses up against her reassuringly.

Victini also hovers over to her and pats her shoulders. "I understand how you must feel, but seeing your bond with each other and knowing that the progeny are in the care of such loving and dedicated trainers made me feel you had the right to know the truth. We may need to call on you if something happens, but I couldn't separate you from your lovers."

Kelly pulled out two cards from her pocket, holding one in each hand towards Vael and Alyssa. "This is a personal number that you can contact me with in case of an emergency. And I'd also like to scan your pokedex so I can get ahold of you via communicator if necessary."

Vael blinked. "You have a dex scanner on this ship?"

"Mhm...this is how we register the Pokémon you choose. In essence, it saves you from going to a Pokémon center and going through a transfer since each of these Pokémon is already considered caught."

Vael and Alyssa handed over their dexes and nodded to Victini, waiting until he lowered the psychic barrier before leading them further into the ship personally. "I am so happy to hear that we found two progeny in one day. This has been an immense stroke of luck." Kelly and Victini brought them to a room where there weren't any Pokémon being held and it looked like a mobile Pokémon center, complete with carts and emergency rooms and the like. She then went behind the counter and began to scan the pokedexes.

Vael smiled. "Well. I knew Eevee was different after I scanned her for the first time to check out her moves." He laughed. "And let me tell you, knowing she is the progeny of Arceus fertilization makes me all the more honored that she chose to have me as her partner." She nuzzled into him at the compliment and licked his face, cooing out her name.

Kelly nodded and then blushed a bit as she looked to Alyssa. "If you truly plan on making lovers out of all your Pokémon, I have a recommendation for your electric type that you drew."

Alyssa tilted her head curiously, smiling. "Oh?"

Kelly giggled, an unusual reaction coming from the regional champion. "Yeah. He's quite friendly and I'm sure he would need much less encouragement to enjoy your company."

Alyssa blushed. "You'd do that for me?"

The champion smiled and returned their pokedexes now that the scan was complete. "Of course. Now come on. Vael you can come too, especially since I feel way more comfortable around you guys now. To think that I would run into others who enjoy the company of Pokémon like you do. Honestly, that's the only thing that relieves the stress of a busy day for me. Some fun with Arcanine and the others."

Vael chuckled and paused before allowing Kelly to guide them into the ship. "Alright you guys...time to get to your pokeballs. We can't have you running around or getting threatened by other strange Pokémon." Purrloin gave an affectionate lick to Mightyena before nodding to Vael. Mothim patted Eevee on the head and then nodded as well. He called them back into their balls and then grinned to signal he was ready.

Kelly looked at Eevee and Mightyena. "I take it they don't go into their homes do they?" Both Vael and Alyssa nodded and she smiled, leading them towards the electric type side of the ship.

Victini stroked both Eevee and Mightyena. "I will return to hiding. Either I or some other friends of mine will always watch over you two now that I know who you are. And I don't mean that negatively. I truly want to see your love blossom into something more powerful and maybe, just maybe, that will give this world the edge it needs to survive the onslaught."

When Victini disappeared, the champion pressed on and deeper into the electric types, staying silent as the other two admired all the types of Pokémon they had never seen before, making her smile at Arcanine as she guided them to the goal. When she finally stopped, Vael and Alyssa both nearly ran into her as they had just passed by a particularly cute Mareep and were still waving at the cute critter while they passed. The wool of a mareep is something that has to be delivered by ship since they aren't present in Kazan. "Here we are!"

Alyssa hurriedly stepped next to the champion to see what Pokémon she was looking at and gasped as she saw it. About two feet in height was a horse-like Pokémon covered in black and white stripes. It was a male Blitzle and she was elated to see such a handsome Pokémon. "He's so small and cute, just a little shorter than Mightyena."

Blitzle looked at the people gazing at him and pranced a bit excitedly in his cage, happy to have the company. When Alyssa reached over the stable, he eagerly went forward and licked her hand.

As soon as Blitzle licked her hand she giggled and stroked the beast's jagged mane. A small tingle of electricity flowed through her as she did so. "Aww...I totally want him."

Kelly smiled. "Good...cause he's the one I'm suggesting. He was hatched at a ranch and the owner never came and got him. Since the ranch was downsizing, it was perfect. He's used to human interaction and very friendly, which is why I thought of him. He would be less hesitant to jump into the things you described."

Alyssa blushed again, and then looked to Kelly in surprise. "But wait...doesn't he evolve into a much larger creature. I don't know if I could handle it." She blushed once more, knowing full well what she was talking about.

Kelly winked at her. "Practice. Just take it slow and one step at a time. For now, everything should be no problem, but I have a Rapidash and he started out just a bit taller than this Blitzle as a Ponyta. When he evolved, I was afraid we wouldn't be able to enjoy each other's company as much anymore, but with slow patience and practice, it worked out just fine. Just take care of the smaller Pokémon needs before the larger Pokémon needs and all should enjoy the results."

Alyssa grinned and nodded. "Right! Then I'll do it! Hey Blitzle...wanna come with me and Vael to travel the region together?" Blitzle whinnied and sent small jolt of excitement through her fingers and she giggled, having no idea what he was getting himself into. "That tickles."

Kelly laughed and went to a glass case that had a layout of the electric ward, revealing a slew of positioned pokeballs to grab the one that matched the equine's stable location, then called Blitzle to his pokeball and handed it to her. "Let's just go back to the makeshift pokecenter and register Blitzle as your Pokémon."

Vael and Alyssa both paced by her side as she led them back and once the registration was complete Alyssa called Blitzle out of his ball and moved in to hug the small zebra. "Welcome to the family! This is Mightyena." She gestured to Mightyena who barked a hello in that language Pokémon used. "And that's Vael and his Eevee."

Vael grinned and gave a bow and Eevee copied his motions. "A pleasure to have an electric type among our happy crew. Hope you enjoy your time with us." He chuckled as Eevee hopped from his arms and onto Blitzle to playfully nuzzle the small electric type.

Blitzle took it all in stride, used to other Pokémon from the ranch he had been at and playfully pranced around, acting like he was giving Eevee a ride, much to the normal type's glee.

Alyssa laughed and clapped. "He's perfect! I can see why you recommended him." She nuzzled him again when he stopped and Eevee jumped back into her usual position in Vael's hoodie.

Kelly smiled. "Good. I'm glad you approve." Her face and tone took on a serious light. "The other trainers have already chosen their Pokémon and left. Unfortunately, now we must go and continue our mission to search for the rest of the progeny. We have to get this batch to the Isles as soon as possible. Please keep what has been said to yourselves, no matter who you trust. It is vitally important that A) we don't create a panic and B) no one catches on to what our goal is."

Vael sighed and dipped his head down sadly, a mirror to Alyssa's exact same reaction as he spoke. "Yes...of course. We understand. Thank you so much for your time. I will continue my journey to challenge the gyms, but I will keep my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary."

Alyssa nodded, having forgotten for a precious few moments the severity of the situation and spoke sadly. "I will be travelling with him, so if you wish to get ahold of either of us, I'm sure the other won't be far off. And we'll get in touch with you if we notice anything at all."

Kelly lifted both of their chins up. "Hey...there may be a darkness approaching, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourselves. Please pretend like nothing has happened and show these Pokémon of yours just how much you care for them. I am still the champion after all, and I take all my battles seriously, but life is too short to take it serious all the time." She gave them a friendly wink and a smile, which they copied. "Good! See...spread some happiness and stay of good cheer."

"Alright Blitzle, Mightyena, let's go. I want to show you to Lizana anyway." She giggled a bit, once more her cheerful self.

Vael smiled as Alyssa left and then turned to Kelly, his own tone quite serious. "You bear a heavy burden and busy task of doing this in addition to being a champion. I suggest you have a good, long night of relaxation and fun with Arcanine." He smiled to Arcanine, who strode forward and licked his hand. "If what you are doing is discovered, others might wish to find these progeny themselves. And if that were to happen, I would never let them take Eevee from me without a fight."

She nodded and stroked her Arcanine affectionately. "Don't worry. Hearing your tales of time spent with Eevee genuinely excited me. I intend to show Arcanine just how much I, too, love him later." She reached up to caress the tuft around Eevee's neck. "You take care of Vael and make sure he knows just how thrilling being with you is."

Eevee cooed her name out at Kelly's caress, flicking her tail and closing her eyes before opening them once she no longer felt the champion's touch.

Vael turned around and dashed out of the ship's doors, racing across the dock to catch up with Alyssa.

Kelly watched after them. "You know something Arcanine, I think those kids are going to be just fine."

Arcanine nodded and Victini appeared, floating by her shoulder as he too watched Vael and Alyssa. "I think whatever they have blossoming between their Pokémon is going to be a much needed light against the impending darkness. I have already asked two friends to keep an eye on them as they travel. They will be under the secret protection of my comrades."

She glanced at Victini. "I think you really like those kids despite your short time with them."

His laughter in her mind set her to smiling as well. "Of course. They truly care about their Pokémon and I just know that the rest of their team is going to be lucky when they find them, wherever they may be. Now let's get going." He closed the ship's doors with his Psychic power and disappeared once more from sight.

Lizana had been playing Frisbee with Zorua and Houndoom, but smiled and waved at Vael and Alyssa when they made their way back to her. "Here they come." Zorua and Houndoom sat down on either side of her and waited. "Who's that Pokémon with them?"

Alyssa and Mightyena stopped in front of Lizana and gave her a hug. "This is Blitzle. He's an electric type. Isn't he awesome looking?"

The gym leader giggled and smiled at Blitzle. "Well aren't you just a handsome guy. Nice going Alyssa. He looks great!"

She smiled. "Thanks. But I actually took him because of the champion's suggestion."

Lizana tilted her head. "Really? How was she? You were in there for quite some time."

Alyssa paused, but Vael spoke up. "Yeah...sorry about that. I just had so many questions for her and wouldn't shut up. I'm going for the cores after all. And once I have them it's just the elite four and then her. She wouldn't battle me though. Eevee seemed pumped for it too didn't you girl?"

Eevee eagerly nodded; having been privy to the same information Vael was privy too.

Lizana laughed. "You would wouldn't you. I must admit, I would have liked to see what that Arcanine would look like dazzled by Eevee's charms."

Vael chuckled. "I'm sure it would have been great."

The gym leader's laugh faded. "However, I must be off. I just didn't want to leave without saying goodbye first. And also give Alyssa this." She held up a small vial which contained some sort of grassy looking powder. It was tightly stoppered to prevent anything from escaping or getting in.

Vael blinked as he leaned forward to peer at the contents. "What is that?"

"This is an herb mixture that serves as an extremely powerful aphrodisiac to Pokémon, both male and female alike. I told Alyssa she could have it if she won one of the top five slots. I think this is why she fought so hard."

He chuckled. "I knew you had something up your sleeve to motivate her into fighting harder." Alyssa giggled and took the vial.

"Now just put a little sprinkle of that on their Pokémon food and they'll be fighting to take you to bed. It oughta work wonders to bring that new Pokémon into the sexy fold that is you and Vael's family. It takes a little bit of time to start affecting them, but you'll start noticing the difference within 30 minutes. And it's completely harmless. It wears off after a few hours, but you'll get some intense fucking up until that time. I usually save it for special occasions with Houndoom and Zorua."

"How did you acquire something like this?" Vael looked to Eevee who shrugged, unaware that there was something out there that could affect her that way Lizana described and then he stared at the vial in Alyssa's hands.

"Well it's not really a rare mixture, but it's not something you go and pick up at the market either. Only breeders really know its purpose. Some ekans/arbok venom blended in with this particular plant's pollen and you have your mixture. And if you know who to talk's easy to get." Lizana winked at Vael and Eevee. "For the record...there are about six doses in there. I wouldn't recommend all of them in one sitting, especially on one Pokémon. An overdose isn't dangerous, but you'll just knock them out and give them some pretty erotic dreams if you do, so be careful how much you sprinkle on their food or all that fun you could have will be wasted."

She looked to Eevee and Mightyena. "Now I know you guys normally don't take much to get excited, but imagine being turned on enough to have orgasm after orgasm, able to take or receive your trainer in numerous ways in one night of fun." Both Pokémon smiled at each other before nodding to Lizana. Her next statement was directed back at Vael and Alyssa. "Of course you can use it six times or on six different Pokémon and start one hell of an orgy. That should be more than enough to get the party started if you give at least one to Eevee and the other to Mightyena. Their crazy scent you speak of should be more than enough to excite the other Pokémon into playing. And when you two are tired out, the other Pokémon can take up the slack. Just remember, this is awesome in theory and kind of a mess in practice so be ready for more than you expect." She laughed at the two humans.

Alyssa giggled as well before she stored the vial away in her pack moved forward to embrace Lizana. "It's been so amazing being with you these past two days. Thank you for everything and opening my eyes to even more types of fun I can have with my Pokémon." She also knelt down and gave both Zorua and Houndoom an affectionate embrace. "You take good care of her and fight hard for any other gym battles she might have to face."

Houndoom and Zorua both gave her face a friendly lick before Lizana called them back to their pokeballs. "I'll drive back in the hovercraft so I hope you guys stop by and say hello again sometime, but you should definitely head for Linden next. I ran into the gym leader Brahm while waiting for you and had some friendly discussion. He saw the tournament too and is looking forward to facing a good challenge at his gym."

Alyssa looked to Vael. "Well...what do you think?"

He shrugged. "It's getting to be dinner time. I say we eat some nice home cooking and head out along the coast. I'd say we could stay here, but I'd like to see what that mixture is capable of and I don't want to disturb anybody. So we can sleep with the ocean by our side tonight if you want."

Alyssa blushed a bit. "Sounds both romantic and exciting." She giggles. "You're on. I'm sure Mom already has dinner ready."

Vael and Eevee both gave Lizana some warm hugs and said their farewells before they followed Alyssa into her home when Lizana was out of their sight. What he smelled made him very hungry since he'd only had some cookies to nibble on earlier. Alyssa's mother had made a wonderful spread of food for both Pokémon and trainer alike.

"Thanks mom! You're the best! I can't wait to munch into this." All the Pokémon were called out to enjoy some dinner and refreshments, but not before Alyssa added one dose of the mixture to Mightyena's, Eevee's, and Blitzle's food, using half of what had been given to them and leaving enough for three more doses.

"Of course! My little beautician is actually quite the battler. Maybe you should challenge the gyms."

Alyssa shook her head. "No no that's alright. Someone has to cheer Vael on and there's so much involved with battling that I'll only do it when necessary. And besides, Mightyena did all the work." She smiled at the dark hound, who returned it in kind, then looked back to her mother. "Besides...Linden has a Pokémon boutique and a nice beautician there. I'd like to get some advice after Vael challenges the gym."

"Well if you say so honey, but I know you'll do well no matter where your path takes you. You're my daughter after all." Her mother gave a small laugh.

Alyssa laughed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say mom. We're going to be heading out as soon as we're done eating. There's still a lot of adventure out there waiting for us."

Her mother sighed. "I expected as much but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with after having you back home." She moved forward to embrace her daughter, but then pulls out some bags. "There are some leftover cookies in there for you to grab as a dessert later."

She took the bags from her mother and smiled, hugging her again before finishing her food. "Thanks're the best."

In short order, both Vael and Alyssa were finished eating and ensured everything they needed for the road was packed, with enough food. "I think Linden is a long day's walk from we'll be heading out now, that way we can arrive tomorrow afternoon at Linden."

Alyssa's mother tried to encourage them to stay a little longer, but they insisted on leaving, so she shook her head and gave up. "Alright then, you two have a fun trip. I know with each other and your Pokémon you'll both be plenty safe. Now get going before I change my mind and force you to stay the night." She giggled at the two teens and watched as they hurriedly dashed away, leaving only Eevee, Blitzle, and Mightyena out of their pokeballs.

The coastline looked amazing with the sun starting to dip its head down on the horizon and the gentle crashing of waves upon the shore was quite relaxing. Vael breathed in the fresh salty air and smiled as he walked by Alyssa's side. "This is very relaxing. I'm envious of your close proximity to such a pretty and relaxing view."

"Yeah...I used to play on the shores when I was young. During the summer, it was real warm, even with the breeze this region is known for. So I would play along the coast until sunset, running back and forth and chasing the water as it flowed away from shore, only to run away from that same water as the waves flushed it back in." She smiled as the memory washed over her.

Vael looked back towards Sunnyside, the roofs of the furthest edge of the town no longer in sight and giving the coast a lonely appearance. He breathed again to catch another whiff of the salty air, but he also caught the whiff of Eevee, who had been quiet these past few minutes. "Is everything alright Eevee?"

Eevee gave a soft little moan and squirmed in his hood. It was at that time, he felt her wetness coating his hood and starting to trail down his back.

Alyssa looked to Blitzle and Mightyena who had also been quiet. Just glancing at them, she could clearly see their shafts exposed to the ocean air, dripping with wetness from the tips. "What's the matter you two? You seem lost in thought."

They both looked from each other to her and nodded. Then Blitzle whinnied a bit, closing the gap of distance between them as he started to dance around her. This close, she noticed his equine shaft was quite large for a creature of his size and it seemed ready to go. Mightyena closed the distance and pounced her playfully, but she could tell there was more to it than that as she took a deep breath. "Wow. His scent is so strong."

Vael nodded and reached up over his head to grab Eevee in his hands and bring her muzzle face to face with his mouth. She appeared in a daze, but when she locked eyes with his, she let out another little moan and leaned forward to lick him, her juices clearly dripping from her soaked snatch. "Wow...from nothing at all to this. They must have been quiet because their minds were racing with sexy thoughts."

Alyssa nodded from her position on the ground and when she tried to move, Mightyena just positioned his heavier body on top of her. She could feel his shaft pressing tightly against her dress and though Blitzle seemed nervous, his shaft was still rock hard and he wanted to do something with it. "I guess so. Nothing more we can do but oblige them wouldn't you say?"

He chuckled. "I suppose you're right." Eevee struggled a bit in his grip, anxious to have something inside of her. "We might as well get a bit further from the water and then we'll camp here." He set Eevee down who immediately started to lick herself like she was going to give herself a bath, only all of her attention was on her pussy and hindquarters as she lapped ravenously at her sex, scratching that itch between her legs.

Alyssa was moaning as she took in more of Mightyena's scent. She decided right there and then on her back to hike up her dress and spread her legs for Mightyena, "Go ahead boy. I know you're eager because I can already feel you trying to thrust."

Now with her full permission, Mightyena growled in lustful thanks and whimpered in pleasure as Alyssa's hand gripped his cock, guiding it to her folds that were already wet from both the anticipation and his scent. Once seated inside of her, she let go of his shaft and he immediately pounded into her.

She gasped and moaned out loud. "Blitzle. I know you must be eager too. Why don't you stand over me and I'll welcome you to the family properly."

Blitzle didn't know what to do. Never having been with a human in that way, but desperate for some sort of action, he merely followed her command and stood over her, his shaft rigid and angling straight at her. When she gripped his thick cock and guided it into her mouth it felt like heaven and he whinnied in pleasure stamping a hoof excitedly.

Vael had needed to undress more than Alyssa had so Eevee was left alone lapping at her folds that wouldn't stop dripping, but when he was finished undressing, he pressed her onto her back and took over the licking, guiding his tongue gently across her heated mons and drinking in both her scent and her juices. "Mmm...more than normal Eevee. That mixture must really be as great as Lizana said it was. Don't worry. I'll make sure you're fully dry before I'm done with you." He blew seductively against her wet folds, causing her to buck towards the source that was teasing her.

Alyssa was unable to speak with a mouth full of cock. She merely moaned as Mightyena seemed to be jackhammering into her, already appearing close to orgasm. And by the amount of pre she was drinking in, Blitzle didn't seem far behind either.

Mightyena growled and bent his head down to lick and tease the fabric around Alyssa's breasts, the dampness of his tongue forcing the fabric to cling to her and reveal her perked nipples.

Vael was once again licking Eevee, but his tongue was now piercing her depths in addition to her small little clit. Eevee was moaning out her name over and over again in different pitch and volumes, similar to a girl crying out for more and it was driving Vael further into excited depravity. To think Eevee was lusting for more of him made his heart sing. He used his fingers to spread her pussy lips and allow his tongue to dive deeper into her soaked snatch.

Mightyena howled and continued pounding into her as an orgasm hit him and flooded her depths with increased volumes of his seed. Alyssa cried out and bucked against his shaft as jet after jet of his cum filled her depths and she only sucked harder on Blitzle's thick shaft. The zebra could also contain himself no more and let out an excited cry of pleasure as the fire hose that was his cock exploded into her mouth, in much more volume than even Mightyena.

Alyssa couldn't swallow it all and his cum spilled out of her mouth, covering her face in jizz an leaving her moaning like a whore only to once more take his still ejaculating shaft into her mouth to swallow her next dose of his seed. Even after the first orgasm neither of them seemed finished and she moaned out. "Oh my. Still ready for more. You were so quick I didn't have time to get off either. Let's switch."

Mightyena pulled his shaft out of her, covered in a mixture of both his and her juices, fully soaked with the amount of semen he had released and Blitzle pranced around, still ready for more.

Alyssa repositioned herself, lifting Mightyena off of her and rolling over onto all fours, her pussy lifted and facing Blitzle. "Go ahead, it's lubricated enough that I should be able to take you Blitzle. And let me taste that hunk of delicious meat Mightyena."

Eevee had cried out and climaxed hard, filling Vael's own mouth with more honey than usual. But, like the others, she wasn't done yet either and when he rolled over onto his back to get a better position, her over sensitized pussy yearned for more attention. She climbed onto him and down to his shaft, taking Vael's member into her mouth and fully coating it in her spit. She made sure he was nice and wet and then removed her mouth from his shaft, turning her pussy around to impale herself on his cock.

This made Vael nervous and excited at the same time. She was so small, but she seemed to be able to take more of him than normal. Such a tight little fit and she didn't appear to be in pain at all. He decided to let her take control since he didn't want to hurt her and though she couldn't take his whole shaft it was more than enough to make him gasp as her pussy clenched on his tip like a vice.

Eevee bounced up and down on his cock, using the power of her hind legs to propel herself up and down on his shaft. The feeling of his rod inside of her drove her to greater heights and she cooed lustily at him, calling out her name as sexually as she could at Vael, which made him moan all the more excitedly. He loved the sounds she made during sex, especially with his cock inside of her, which up until this point, had never been attempted.

Alyssa was moaning and crying out loudly between licks of Mightyena's shaft that she had taken into her mouth. Blitzle was pounding into her and just because he was shorter than the dark hound, his shaft was not any smaller, only serving to heighten her feelings of arousal. Now it was her turn to be close to orgasm and she rocked unashamedly back and forth against the beast's shaft as she hungrily continued to blow Mightyena, jizz dripping from her cum-soaked face as she did so.

However close she was, Vael was still the first to orgasm. With Eevee's tight little pussy clamped on his pulsing cock, he quickly went over the edge grunting in pleasure as he filled her eager snatch with his load of cream. Her pussy worked to take it all in sucking it into her womb as she continued to ride him throughout his orgasm.

Not far behind him, Alyssa released Mightyena's shaft from her mouth and cried out as she bucked powerfully against Blitzle, cumming hard as her own pussy holds his member in a vice-like grip, juicing up his cock with her nectar. When Blitzle's thrusting only continued she gasped and cried out in pleasure, taking Mightyena's cock in her mouth once more, determined to get him off a second time before she had a second climax.

Eevee's thoroughly juiced up insides allowed her to bury his cock a little deeper into her still and he trembled, sensitive after his orgasm, but wanting to feel her second orgasm coat his cock drove him onward to stay within her, his softening shaft already starting to harden again.

Alyssa felt Mightyena's cock pulse as he got closer to orgasm and she could feel Blitzle's pace driving him closer to a second orgasm so she redoubled her efforts, seductively sucking on the cock in her mouth like an oversized lollipop. The juices from his first orgasm long since sucked off, she wanted more of his sweet essence and her wish was granted as the dark hound howled and thrust his cock into her mouth as his second orgasm filled her mouth with doggy cream at the same time that Blitzle finally pounded into her one last time before launching ropes of his fertile seed into her sex, quickly overflowing and spilling out down her legs.

Vael moaned out loudly as he too felt Eevee's pussy clamp down and splash against his cock with her honey. He reached down and stroked her, holding her against his cock while he felt the wet pressure of her release that nearly set him into another orgasm.

Again...none of the Pokémon were finished and neither of them could do much more with so much sensitivity. "Oh wow! I'm so tired right now. Time to call out your friends." He had to take a break and pulled Eevee off of his prick, much to her dismay, but even Alyssa was worn and sore from the sheer power of taking two Pokémon not once, but twice. When he called out Purrloin and Mothim, both of them were immediately engulfed in Mightyena's and Eevee's pheromones, quickly causing Purrloin's own sex to juice up as she recalled how wonderful Mightyena's scent was and Mothim was drawn to Eevee literally like a moth to a flame.

When Purrloin surrounded herself with the two oversexed males, they immediately set to work on her and in no time at all she was yowling in just as much pleasure as they had been, and Mothim was eagerly filling the void that Vael had left in her pussy

Alyssa moved up to Vael and collapsed by his side, having been covered once more in jizz by the voluminous release of Mightyena. "Wow...I will be sure to make sure I'm more ready for this next time. That is some powerful stuff."

Vael looked at her and laughed. "It's so hard to take you seriously while covered in as much cum as you are. But that's okay; we still have a couple hours left of this, so let's take turns with the Pokémon and make sure everybody is satisfied."

They both shared a laugh before diving once more into the fray, as Alyssa started to tease both Eevee and Mothim while Vael made sure both male Pokémon were getting their share of Purrloin.

New Beginnings Ch 13

**_New Beginnings Ch 13(Side Effects)_** **_ _** ((Reuben is ready to give his slaves their orders, but is caught off guard by something else. Another short chapter Arc with him, but it pushed some plot and story along. Hope you enjoy.)) Reuben...

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New Beginnings Ch 11

**_New Beginnings Ch 11 (Sunnyside Tournament)_** (The Sunnyside Tournament where the top 5 trainers get to choose a Pokémon rare to the Kazan region is about to begin. Will Alyssa make it to the top 5? Read on to find out. This chapter has some...

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New Beginnnings Ch 10

**_New Beginnings Ch 10 (The Right Time)_** **_ _** (What does Mad Scientist Reuben have in store for Rattata and Lucario? And will it be enough? It's the right time to find out. This chapter is shorter than my others, but it contains cum baths,...

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