Adventures of Gastronomical Proportions

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#8 of Old Standalone Stories

Ahhh, here we have a story I wrote as part of a trade with Angelissa. She wanted to have her character face off against a harpy, but after a dangerous journey through a land infested with monsters and creatures that eat people. From there, we spitballed a few things and I offered a few suggestions which she seemed to enjoy. As a result, I added a couple members of my cast to the mix. The result seemed to please her, which in turn pleased me.

I hope you enjoy it too.

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The road ahead was a treacherous one. The hills of Bethelus lay between the angel and her destination. Rumors of this cursed land were more than enough to ward off the wiser of most adventurers, but the very brave, or the very foolish would always think they could survive. Such a foolhardy quest usually resulted in the poor soul finding him or herself in the belly of one of the countless beasts. Rarely, someone would manage to escape, bringing with them tales of unimaginable horror, watching their companions devoured right before their eyes or having been swallowed personally and somehow managed to survive. Such accounts were sparse and exaggerated at best. Angelissa was not swayed by the stories surrounding this fear-inducing realm. In fact, if anything, they attracted her.

For some odd reason, the celestial woman found the idea of curling up in a monster's stomach quite appealing. She wasn't afraid of death, being melted away as nourishment. She simply awoke some time later among the clouds only to drift back down to the location where she had been taken from the mortal realm.

With the intrepidity of only the bravest of warriors and a broad smile spread across her ruby lips, Angel stepped across the boundaries into the hilly land of carnivorous beasts. It was said even some of the plants partook of flesh from time to time. It would be a lengthy journey, even should she decide to take to the air, though flight was not an idea she relished in such a place as this. The giant birds that roamed the sky would no doubt take a liking to her and attempt to pluck her right out of the breeze. On the ground they would not hesitate to simply swallow her down, taking their time with the lovely winged lady, but in the air, things tended to be less gentle. So it was the ground the whole way unless circumstances demanded she take to the sky.

There was a more noble purpose to this excursion than a simple fetish for being food. A village she visited recently had succumbed to regular cullings by a great, horrible beastly creature, a harpy of ghastly proportions and an insatiable appetite. The angel took it upon herself to at least try and quell the woman, perhaps convince her to seek hunting grounds elsewhere, or, if need be, slay her. The villagers, while thankful she was willing to try, were doubtful of her ability to emerge victorious from such a battle. Once the harpy, calling herself Phera, had proven to be too much for the celestial to handle, she decided to seek whatever help she might need in order to defeat such an arrogant and powerful foe.

That was why she was here. Deep in the heart of the hills of Bethelus stood a mountain of immense power, having formed atop an intersection of mystical lay lines. Because of this, anyone seeking a greater understanding of magic and its use would make a pilgrimage to that very stone spire. Unfortunately, after centuries of the knowledge gained being misused, a powerful sorcerer enchanted the land that surrounded it, giving all the creatures there great strength and size as well as a voracious appetite, remaining on the site to act as its guardian. Over the years, the myth of the guardian grew more and more ridiculous, detailing monstrous size, hideous features, breath so powerful it could kill a man, and even rumors of treasure, fueling the foolish desires to seek it out and throw one's life away on such an impossible quest.

As Angelissa walked, the sun began to dip lower and lower in the sky, a collection of brooding, angry looking clouds building in the south and moving her direction with great speed. The sound of thunder filled the air and the celestial was forced to take shelter. Very little presented much in the way of a dry place out of the rain and wind, only trees and small bushes. Eventually, she sighted a cave that looked deep enough to shield her from the coming onslaught of nature. Just as a few drops landed on her head, she managed to slip inside, moving somewhat deep into the tunnel before sitting down to rest.

She had been walking for quite some time now and had yet to encounter even a single beast. Outside, the storm began to bare down as the sun slipped from sight, forcing all manner of activity from the denizens of the land. Countless animals loped past in search of their own nest or burrow, getting themselves out of the rain as quickly as possible. Seeing the world come alive made the angel wonder if the rumors surrounding these hills were simply exaggerated.

"I'll find out soon enough," she thought to herself, "One of these animals has got to use this cave for something." Those were the last words she thought while conscious. Gradually, the sound of the rain and the relative comfort of the cave lulled her to sleep. Sleeping in a place like this usually resulted in waking up in a dark, moist place but this particular adventurer was lucky. When she did finally wake, she found herself in the grasp of a rather large, rather hungry snake, hissing softly as it coiled about the angel. She stirred and yawned, surprised by the sudden confined space. The snake tensed its coils about the woman, tightening its grasp in case she was to struggle.

"Ahh, sssso you're awake. Good, then you can ssssquirm the whole way down." Much to the serpent's surprise, Angel giggled and grinned, offering the nearest length of scale-covered flesh a little kiss.

"Sounds like fun. Oh! Before you gobble me up, I was wondering... could you tell me how to find the guardian's lookout?"

Delighted that he wasn't going to have to struggle with the woman, the snake chuckled and leaned in close, giving her cheek a sampling with his forked tongue, the thin organ darting in and out rapidly.

"Now why would ssssuch a sssssweet morssssel like you want to find the guardian'ssss lookout?"

The ruby-lipped angel smiled brightly and leaned forward, giving the snake a lick in return, right along the end of its nose.

"Let's just say I hope the guardian can teach me something. I'm on a bit of a quest."

"It isss a fool'ssss errand. No one who hassss gone in ssssearch of the guardian hassss come back alive. Of courssssse... not many actually make it to the keep."

"I think I've got an edge in that department. Can you just point me in the right direction? Consider the meal payment for the information."

If he could have shrugged, the python would have and relented to her request.

"Two dayssss hike easssst of here will see you passsst a lake. When you reach it, turn north and continue for half a day'ssss walk and you will sssssee the mountain. But be warned, I hear a nasssssty dragon livessss there, protecting the guardian."

Angelissa grinned broadly, wriggling softly to get comfortable in the snake's grasp.

"Oh I love dragons! Nice big bellies to curl up in, warm too!" She giggled, perplexing the poor snake, but he wasn't about to pass up a free meal.

"Very well, it wassss a pleassssure knowing you." And with that, his mouth opened wide, moving down over the golden locks atop the woman's head, working down over the giggling, squirming celestial slowly. The meal was quite lovely, pleasing the python's unusual pallet as he passed down over her shoulders and chest, probing her form as more and more of the lady vanished into his widely-stretched maw. Within minutes, Angel was nothing more than a great swell in the snake's body, pushing out softly as she giggled, wrapped up in smooth, soft, slippery flesh, heating him from within with her own body. Once again, she passed into sleep, enjoying the bed she had been given a great deal more than the rock floor and wall of the cave. The snake himself coiled up softly around the bulge and hissed himself to sleep.

When morning finally came, Angelissa found herself back in the cave, leaning against the still sleeping serpent, giggling ever so quietly to herself as she stood. Before she turned to leave, the woman planted a tender kiss on the snake's nose, then turned to run just as he woke to see her disappear around the mouth of the cavern. He didn't feel hungry at all, in fact he felt as if he had eaten quite well and recently. But how could it have been that she was making her escape if he was not feeling the absence of nourishment? He remembered her mentioning an 'edge' in a place like this and chuckled to himself, wondering if he would get the chance to bump into her again some day.

Following the rather gentlemanly python's directions, Angel struck out east of the cave. The journey was long and, for the most part, uneventful. She spied a number of rather large creatures from some distance away, beasts that should not be as big as they were, at least under normal circumstances. Some appeared quite frightening. Even rodents were far larger than the norm, adding to the bizarre air that filled these lands. With time running short, the angel made no side trips to pay these creatures a visit, making as quick a journey as possible. Just as the snake had mentioned, a lake was come upon by the third day. From there Angelissa struck north, hoping she would be able to return to the village in time to save what remained of the people. The rate at which the harpy was hunting, it would take some time to deplete the entire town, but even so, just a day longer than required would be a day too long.

Finally, after so much hard traveling, the mountain the celestial sought loomed up before her. She stood at the top of a small cliff overlooking what appeared to be some sort of crater, impossibly wide yet shallow for its amazing breadth. In the center towered the grand spire of rock, the summit emanating a strange sort of pale green light. For several moments, Angel simply drank in the incredible sight, appearing like something out of a fairy tale. A shake of the head cleared her thoughts and sent her back on her quest. The half dozen or so miles that lay between her and the grand mountain was quickly traversed, oddly devoid of any creatures save small insects living among the non-aggressive plants. It was as though this 'crater' or 'bowl' or whatever it was, was protected from the enchantments that had served to turn all other forms of life in these hills into ravenous man-eating monsters. But still, there were no animals. It was eerily quiet, disturbingly so, but that did not dissuade the woman from her goal. Once she reached the mountain, she began to climb, using her wings to help hasten her ascension. Even the great birds she had seen on her way to the center of this land kept their distance from this hallowed... or perhaps cursed... land, ensuring she would not be picked off the wall of granite by some monstrous sparrow.

The climb was not terribly difficult and soon she found herself on a sort of landing, smooth and level, as if it had been hand-carved and polished until it shone like marble. Angelissa slumped against one of the walls of the mouth of a nearby cave, the only cave, and what a grand entrance it was. She sat there for a short while, regaining her lost breath as a gentle thumping sound echoed from deep within the cavern, growing louder but not overwhelmingly so. The beat carried with it the sense of weight being mashed onto the rock of the floor. Whatever it was that happened to be making the noise was of decent size and stature and it gave the angel pause as she attempted to deduce what it might be. As the steps grew closer, a second set joined in, smaller, quieter, more man-sized. Before long, two forms emerged from what appeared to be darkness earlier, turning out to be nothing more than a veil hanging from the roof of the cavern. The smaller of the two was decidedly female and covered in emerald scales. A hood framing the woman's face denoted that not only was she serpentine but a cobra to be precise. The owner of the heavier footsteps was a tall dragon, standing well over the green snake that obviously was his master. The blue beast eyed the angel closely, green slits scanning up and down her form as the cobra, rather scantily clad, stepped closer.

"What business have you here in my tower, woman?" The celestial stood quickly, bowing out of the deepest respect for what she was certain this serpent was responsible for here.

"Oh great guardian, I have come seeking your aid. I have journeyed far in search of you. I wish to learn anything you would be willing to teach me. It would be the greatest honor anyone could bestow upon me to learn your secrets." The cobra offered a single, quiet, haughty laugh in response.

"Every year someone new comes before me, desperate to learn my magics. To learn the secrets of the lay lines that flow just beneath the soil down below. And every year, I tell them the same thing yet they do not listen and end up as food for my beastly friend here. I have lost count of the fools that have come in search of power. What makes you think I will consider your request any differently?"

Angel stood upright again.

"I do not seek these gifts for myself. I seek them for others."

This intrigued the cobra. Never before had anyone even mentioned anyone but themselves when endeavoring to become her student.

"And why do you seek it for others? What good will my powers do the masses?"

"There is a great harpy attacking a village not four days from this mountain. She has claimed the lives of at least a score of men, women, and farm animals by now. She has no remorse for her crimes. I was begged to stop her but I failed. I came in search of you so that I might slay the monster and restore peace to those who so desperately seek it. I beg of you, please, grant me the power I need to take down this monster. I will do whatever is required to learn what talents I will need."

The snake narrowed her eyes, grinning a bit at the woman before her.

"Anything you say?"

Angelissa nodded, looking to the cobra's eyes, her own sapphire pools piercing through the shadow cast in the mouth of the cave.


The green woman chuckled and grinned, turning to walk back towards the veil, snapping her fingers softly, commanding the dragon to remain behind.

"If you can best my handsome companion, you will be permitted entry. Not before."

The blue beast bowed his head politely in greeting, not pleased with the idea that he might actually have to slay the ravishing woman before him.

"I do not relish this job but it is my duty to see that only the worthy may set foot in Elizabeth Amunet's chambers. I ask your forgiveness for any harm I may cause you."

Angel nodded with a giggle and a smile, moving forward to give the dragon, standing a good three and a half feet above her, as best a hug as she could muster.

"You've nothing to apologize for. Trust me. Now, shall we?" The battle ensued and the two sparred, dancing around and towards one another in a deadly test of skill, claw against naked flesh. It seemed heavily unbalanced in favor of the dragon, and shortly after it began, it was over, a few rogue feathers protruding from the beast's lips as he held a sizable bulge swelling out his midriff. The celestial grumbled quietly at being beaten so quickly and easily, but took solace in the fact that the beast had been trained for just such a job and that she found his belly quite comfortable, more so than the snake's. He was warmer than the usual reptile, but then dragons did have the capacity to regulate their body heat. The ability to breathe fire did tend to aid in that respect.

"I am truly sorry it had to end this way m'lady. When you reach the afterlife, please hold no ill will towards a humble dragon only doing his part to see that the powers his mistress has honed are not used improperly."

The woman smiled and pressed out softly from within, giving his stomach lining a gentle kiss.

"Oh this isn't over Mr. Dragon. Not by a long shot. You are most definitely going to be seeing me again. Do you have a name?"

The beast curiously tilted his head as he stared at the bulbous belly he now sported filled to the brim with angel flesh.

"I am called Smokescale Aquatos, though Mistress Elizabeth does refer to me as Smokey more often than not. And you are?"

"Angelissa. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Aquatos. I look forward to trying to beat you next time... which will be oh in a few hours depending on how long you take to finish me off."

He nodded and caressed the bulge softly before walking back to the veil and sitting down in front of it, staring out at the mouth of the cave.

"Very well. I look forward to seeing you again." A quiet yawn rose from the rounded dome of the blue beast's middle as Angelissa drifted off to sleep, allowing the dragon's body to lead their current situation to its most logical conclusion. The day faded into night, and the darkness was in turn cast away by the rising sun and the return of the very angel the dragon had devoured in their previous meeting. The blue reptilian guard rose to his feet and resumed his position between Angelissa and the veil behind which lay what she sought.

"I'm afraid I can't afford to do that too many more times. The very people who begged me to help will not last long unless I hurry."

Smokey nodded but did not move out of her path.

"Then I suggest you find a way to get past me quickly."

The celestial sighed and nodded, sizing the dragon up more closely than the evening before, carefully considering what might be his strengths and weaknesses. When she was certain she had learned all she could of him by simply studying his form, the battle began again. Like their earlier scuffle, their conflict danced all through the mouth of the cave, neither one causing serious harm to the other but it was still clear the dragon held the advantage, and just as before, it ended with the angel curled up in his stomach. She had learned more of his style from this round but time was running out. She could not spend months, weeks, or even days trying to overpower this beast. She need to gain access to whatever the cobra he served had to offer.

"Mr. Aquatos?" Her voice came muffled through his scales as he sat in front of the entrance, awaiting her return. Smokey looked down at his once more swollen tummy, giving it a soft pat.

"Yes my lady?"

"Look, I love spending the night in a nice warm belly like yours but I'm afraid I don't have the luxury of the time to keep doing it. If there's any way you could possibly speed things up..."

He nodded, squeezing the swell softly.

"As you wish." And so it began. Within half an hour, his middle was once again as trim as the day they had met and Angelissa returned just as before, pleased with the results. Again and again they continued to fight, neither one holding the other any true malice. They were simply doing the job they each had been asked to do. And again and again the winged beauty found herself tucked away in the dragon's mighty gut. It seemed nearly impossible to overpower him but at least he was not beastly about it, nor arrogant. It was his job, and he did it well.

With every successive battle, the angel learned more about her adversary, discovering his abilities, his style of combat, his strengths and even his weaknesses, but it was taking its toll on her. By the time the sun had begun to set, she was exhausted. Once more, she returned to the mouth of the cave where the dragon awaited her, no doubt having worked off all the energy he had gained from the dozen or so times he had devoured her. This time, the dragon could see just how tired she was and remained seated, offering her the chance to rest for the moment.

"I'm sorry for the difficulty but as Mistress Elizabeth has said, I am not to let you pass unless you can defeat me."

Without even considering what might happen, at least seeming to be indifferent towards the consequences, Angelissa stumbled forward and plopped down in the blue beast's lap, leaning back against his chest, looking absolutely spent.

"It's your job, and you're really damn good at it. I've got no right to complain about that... it just means I gotta find a way to outsmart or out maneuver you."

Smokey chuckled softly and sat the angel up more comfortably against him, draping his wings about her.

"Is there anything I can do for you, perhaps find you something to eat or drink?"

She pulled her ruby lips into a warm smile, looking up at the formidable combatant through her lovely blue eyes.

"I'd love something to drink, water would be fine unless you've got something a little more satisfying." Her gracious host nodded and extended a hand, a shining light flashing in his palm before a crystal goblet of odd design full of cool, sparkling water appeared in his palm. The glass itself had an unrefined look to it, as if it had been cut by hand from a larger shard. True he was not a master of magic, but he was still quite skilled and Elizabeth had been tutoring him.

"I hope this will do."

"Oh you're a life saver" She quickly took the goblet of precious stone, sipping deeply of the refreshing liquid within before leaning back against the beast, smiling happily, "Thank you very much. That was just what I needed."

"Then we shall continue?"

"Nah, not right now. Maybe tomorrow. For now, we can just sit and talk."

The dragon nodded and allowed her to remain seated in his lap.

"Very well."

"How long have you been here, working for Elizabeth as her guardian?"

Smokey chuckled and smiled, looking off into space as he recounted the years.

"Oh quite some time. Sometimes it feels interminable."

A quiet giggle rose from the angel in his lap. The blue continued onward as his opponent lounged against him.

"No, no, I joke. It's actually been quite pleasant. Miss Elizabeth teaches me about magic, keeps me company, provides me with a comfortable place to call home, and in return I help her weed through those she does not see fit to learn her skills or utilize the powers that seep from the rock below."

Angelissa nodded softly, finishing her glass of water quickly as she listened.

"What did you do before you came here?"

"Oh, I wandered mostly. I had few friends since not many are unafraid of a dragon despite how inoffensive it might be. When I met Elizabeth, we very quickly became friends and she explained her need for a strong, intimidating beast and how it would be worth my while. Ever since then, I've not regretted my choice."

One question lingered on the angel's mind as she sat there drinking in Smokey's tale. It was something she wasn't sure she should ask out of courtesy, but curiosity was far stronger.

"Are you and she... lovers?"

Smokey's blue hide suddenly became tinged with hints of purple in his cheeks, a blush forming quickly.

"Well, she and I have engaged in such activities before but... I believe I'm more of a servant than a mate. I do care for her and I know she does for me as well but, I don't think it is quite deep enough to provide anything more than the pleasure of another's company. Perhaps in the coming years we might grow closer, but I leave that to her. I would be more than happy to call her 'love' and have it mean more than a simple night of carnal pleasure."

"I hope that whatever happens, the two of you find happiness, be it with one another or someone else."

Smokey smiled and wrapped his arms about the angel, hugging her warmly.

"That's very kind of you. Thank you."

Her ruby lips pulled into a wry grin as her thoughts lingered over mention of carnal delights, squirming a little to turn around to face the beast wrapped about her.

"Well, since we've gotten to know one another quite intimately through our fighting, why not enjoy at least one night of pleasure as opposed to conflict?"

The azure creature chuckled and smiled, giving the angelic woman's forehead a soft kiss before running his claws gently down her back.

"I suppose it would be a nice change of pace, but I can't have you escape from me in the middle of the night and sneak in. What sort of guardian would I be then?"

Angelissa laughed heartily and leaned against his muscular chest, pressing a cheek against the fine, smooth scales, feeling almost soft to the touch.

"I promise, I won't sneak off from you in the night. I'd be too comfortable curled up with you. For a warrior, you're surprisingly accommodating."

He bowed his head softly, pressing his nose into her hair to savor the aroma found within those lovely golden locks.

"I do try to be so as much as possible."

Her eyes slowly closed as her arms found their way about the dragon's chest, hugging herself to him tightly as he began to relieve her of her attire. The fabric pulled away from flesh with ease, revealing a tender, supple form befitting of an angel. She cooed softly as her companion's fingers traced over the junction between back and wing, almost massaging them. Her own digits danced across his scaled form, feeling over the definition in his sinuous body. He was quite strong, at least compared to the human level. Among dragons, physically, he was roughly average but he took pride in the fact that he was able to resolve most conflicts without needing to cause harm to the majority he would be forced to fight. He was indeed a peaceful creature, one of love rather than war, and he was more than delighted to show Angelissa how much he preferred the former of those two.

Desire took them and coupling came of their intimate, sensual contact; stroking, caressing, massaging one another tenderly. The angel gasped softly as her delicate, silky passage was suddenly filled by a firm, smooth intruder of impressive proportion, leaving her weak against the beast's advances. Friction was brought forth as their thighs ground away against one another, palms exploring curve and muscle alike. Moisture beaded along tender flesh as their union brought with it untold waves of satisfaction for both angel and dragon. A kiss here, a nibble there, a soft thrust to the right, and gentle nudge to the left; it was a glorious, slow writhe in a sea of bliss. When coitus finally arrived, instead of a booming roar or an ear splitting shriek, all that came of it was a squeak of surprise from the angel, not having expected her climax just yet, and a long, low purr from the great beast holding her. Together they remained in their embrace for what seemed like hours as the sun finally dipped below the horizon. Angelissa smiled, appearing somewhat tired as the warmth of afterglow flowed around and through her.

"Mmm, I can see why she enjoys your company. I don't suppose I could spend the evening in that wonderfully comfortable belly of yours?"

Smokey stroked down her back affectionately, leaning down to offer her a tender kiss before ever so gently pulling himself from her warm passage.

"As you wish." Just as he began parting his mouth to welcome her back to bed, she stopped him, having something else on her mind for the moment.

"Before you do, I don't suppose I could enjoy a bit more attention from that wonderful tongue of yours do you? All the times before you've not allowed me the pleasure of a good tasting. I'm not going to fight you now so why not take advantage of that?"

Once more, the beast chuckled and nodded, gently laying Angelissa down on her back, her legs parting to grant him access. Within moments, his muzzle had found its way to her flower, nuzzling and licking ever so delicately. She shuddered ever so softly as his warm breath flowed over her nethers, caressing his cheeks as he began, bringing a smile back to her lips. The dragon's probing tongue delved deeper and deeper with each plunge into her well lubricated tunnel, the angel's need to reach climax growing, making her more frantic, more fervent in her pushing against his muzzle, her hands gripping his horns and pushing him deeper, urging him to dig harder. He obeyed and continued mining further from her cave of celestial delights until with a bit of a shock, the end of his muzzle disappeared into her wet lips, bringing with it a loud gasp.

"Yes! That's it! Deeper! Go!" Her desperate cries spurred him onward and he nuzzled about, twisting his snout all around within those sensitive folds, finding more of his muzzle vanishing into her canal. She pushed harder and harder against his head, pulling with his horns to sink him even further. She was doing it! She could win! With a noisy, wet slurp, the whole of the beast's head became lodged in the warm, soft entrance to the angel's body. She cried out loudly, her voice carrying for a distance as moisture soaked his neck, the powerful musculature within gripping and dragging Smokey deeper still. Contraction after contraction passed her swollen lips down over the great beast's form until all that finally remained was the last foot or so of his tail, Angelissa's middle now swollen to comical proportions. She lay on her back, wings splayed across the smooth stone floor as she held her gravid belly, the dragon within moving about visibly under her skin as she slurped up the last of his tail.

"Well, I do believe I've been bested." He chuckled, his voice muffled by the flesh holding him trapped in the ravishing angel's womb. She giggled weakly and caressed where she felt his head, smiling.

"It could be worse, right?"

He nodded, nuzzling gently against her hand.

"Yes, it could indeed. Tell me m'lady, what is to become of me now?"

She grinned and closed her eyes, letting her body work its own brand of magic on the creature within, the dragon seeming to grow younger, her belly shrinking until she appeared only eight or so months into her term. Smokey was reduced to nothing more than an infant, feeling quite sleepy as something seemed to latch onto his tummy, sending a warmth spreading through his form.

"I'm gonna be your mommy for a little while. At least until I'm ready to leave." She sat up and caressed her still rounded middle, doting upon the little monster in her belly as he squirmed to get comfortable, quickly becoming a victim of a deep, dream-filled sleep. Just as the Angel managed to get to her feet, the sound of applause echoed through the mouth of the cave, one person clapping.

"Impressive. Until now, I was the only one I had ever known to be able to do that to him. Come inside, use my bed for the night. We'll begin your studies tomorrow." The serpent approached Angelissa, wrapping a single arm about the small of her back to guide her into what would be for the next few days, her home.

Morning found the angel cooing softly in her sleep as the cobra, whose arms she had drifted off in the night before, hissed gently in her ear, nuzzling the woman affectionately as both slumbered. Elizabeth was the first to awaken, smiling and caressing her guest's tummy, feeling the dragon within kick softly in response. Angelissa woke slowly under the tender attentions to her sensitive middle.

"Such a high-spirited child... I'll enjoy raising him all over again. Did you sleep well?"

The winged woman nodded and found herself pressing more firmly against the serpent.

"Better than I usually do. No doubt because of my little passenger." She chuckled softly, running a hand over her still swollen tummy. Elizabeth chuckled and leaned down, giving the shifting bulge a tender kiss.

"If you don't mind, I'd like for you to carry him while you're here. Believe it or not, having him inside you brings with it certain benefits that will speed along your learning of whatever magics you're in search of."

Angelissa tilted her head softly to the side.

"Really? What sort of benefits?"

"Right now, he's acting as a sort of reserve for you, storing up any mana you might need. Should you overexert yourself, he can supply you with enough energy to keep from wearing yourself out completely." The serpent continued to caress the smooth, round dome, nuzzling it ever so gently, "On top of that, he'll give you a healthy appetite." A wry grin spread across the cobra's lips before she stood, pulling the angel gently along with her.

"Speaking of which, I am kinda hungry."

"Then that will be your first task, to find yourself breakfast. I've a number of possible meals lounging about the lower levels of my keep, if you can catch one and manage to fit it down your throat, you pass. We will not continue until you are able."

The gravid woman blinked a little, not having expected such a requirement but her new hunger drove her to comply. After a good hour of hunting, chasing, and wrestling, surprisingly easily with the added bulk in her middle, Angelissa caught one of the moderate sized beasts roaming the stone halls below, seeming like a maze. By the time she managed to find her way back up to the level above, Elizabeth had already partaken of her own meal, a light swell in her own midsection squirming about under her lovely scales.

"Very good," the serpent applauded, "Now that you're properly fed, we shall begin discussing exactly what it is you need to learn magic for."

A quiet burp escaped the angel as she was brought by the cobra to settle on a comfortable cushioned seat.

"Well, as I mentioned, there is a harpy terrorizing a village not too far from the borders of your land. They've asked me to do what I can to rid them of her. She's been swooping down and devouring people regularly. Not every day mind you but more often than they can replenish their numbers. I tried my best to fight her off, but..." the winged woman sighed softly, looking down at her swollen tummy, feeling her 'baby' kick softly every now and again, "She got the best of me. I failed... and ended up in her belly."

Elizabeth nodded softly, stroking her companion's bloated middle, offering her cheek a tender kiss.

"So you need a way to overpower this beast, yes?" The cobra received a nod from the angelic lady as her answer, "Well I think I know exactly what we need to work on. Come, we'll begin immediately." The serpent stood and gently tugged her student along for the ride, moving higher in the keep to an area where they could study in a more focused environment.

Several days passed before Elizabeth was satisfied with the angel's mastery of the new ability she had taught the woman. The dragon she carried had been birthed back into the world, remaining as an infant, adorable, and surprisingly different in form than when he had first entered. Instead of a striking, deep blue, the beast's scales were now a lighter hue, a sky blue one might say. A quick examination revealed another change, one of gender. Smokey was no longer male, but not purely female either. Somehow, Angelissa had turned him into a dragon of both, a hermaphrodite. Elizabeth giggled and tickled the baby dragon under hir chin, making the infant giggle back.

"I don't know what you did exactly, but I like this change, and I think shi'll love it hirself when shi's all grown up again."

The angel nodded as she slipped back into her robes, preparing to depart.

"I certainly hope so. I enjoyed carrying hir. I'll definitely miss the both of you."

The cobra looked up from her new child and tilted her head ever so softly.

"You're not coming back?"

The angelic woman blinked softly, not having expected such a response.

"I learned what I came to learn, and you've got your guardian back... why would I need to stay?"

"Well for one thing my 'guardian' is only a few hours old. I'd need a new one until shi grows up again and I think you would be perfect for the job, especially after what you've learned while you're here. And besides, don't you want to learn more?"

The angel's heart fluttered a little hearing those words, having longed to study everything she could in the arts of magic.

"Y-you'd let me learn more?"

Liz smiled warmly, leaning forward to give the angel's nose a soft kiss.

"Of course I would... and besides, you're fun to have around. After Smokey grows up again you'd be welcome to go explore the world as you like but please, don't be a stranger."

The woman threw her arms about the snake, kissing her firmly. The gesture surprised Elizabeth but she was not one to complain about such affection, returning the kiss lovingly.

"I'll be back, I promise."

"Good, now go and do your job. I've commanded the birds to offer you safe passage so you can fly through my lands without worrying about getting caught. The people need you. Hurry!"

Angelissa nodded and turned, launching herself into the air, powering through the breezes back towards the village that had sent her on this quest to begin with.

Villagers ran and screamed in terror, darting this way and that, each one desperate to reach some form of cover as a creature soared above, screeching like a bird of prey. Boldly, she turned and dove towards the village, wings pulled back for speed, talons outstretched as her selected target ran with all his might.

"You are mine, worthless human!" She cried, her human-like face pulled into a horrific, wicked contortion. Her almost demonic smile sent fear through the onlookers as her prey was felled, landing atop him with enough force to knock him to the ground, perhaps even break a rib or two. The harpy shrieked in triumph before leaning down and picking the man up, wrapping him up in her wings. The smaller man trembled in horror as the monster wrapped about him leaned down, looking him in the eyes, her own crimson spheres chilling his blood, "Why is it you run little man? Am I so ugly I frighten you?" Her voice was gentle, tender, almost melodious one might say.

"I run b-because I d-don't w-want to die!"

Her eyes softened into a gentle frown.

"Oh come now, you honestly believe just being so close to me means you are going to die?"

He looked back up at the taller female, still shaking horribly.

"Y-you're not g-going to k-kill me?" A smile was his response, showing a pair of short fangs which renewed his trepidation. The harpy offered what seemed to be a change in subject, one that seemed to have some sort of tie to her reasons behind her claim against ending his life.

"Tell me human, do you think I am pretty?" She turned her face to the side slightly, averting her gaze as if she were embarrassed, gently pressing the man against her impressive bust. In all honesty, she was quite lovely in appearance, and the wings wrapped about him were covered in feathers he found to be a great deal softer than he would have expected. Tentatively, he offered his answer in a shaky voice.

"Y-yes... you're beautiful... just please, don't kill me!"

She giggled and grinned, looking back at him, hunger now evident in her eyes.

"Then take solace in the fact that your body will be made part of my own, you will become part of the beauty you so desire and no, you will not die, just like the dozens of others I have taken. Your soul will be taken from your body and used when I breed. You will wake up not remembering anything of your old life as a human, ready to move forward as one of my kind. Until then, you will fill my belly!" She hissed, sending a new, deeper wave of fear through the man before parting her jaws and stuffing his head in, muffling a scream. Steadily, she gulped down over his form, wasting no time in devouring her morsel. A writhing bulge formed under her chin as he slipped into her moist throat, swelling out her form as he glided down to his ultimate destination. His legs kicked as she jerked her head forward with every swallow, much like a bird would handle a large meal. Within moments, his feet disappeared past her jaws. The bulge his form made in her throat pushed her ample bust outwards as it glided down to her waiting stomach. There he was held quite tight, fighting with all his strength as she shrieked in triumph again, holding her now sizable middle, enjoying the added weight and movement.

"Release him this instant!" The voice was familiar, grabbing the stuffed avian's attention quickly. The harpy turned sharply towards the new voice, narrowing her eyes as she spotted the angel from days ago.

"You! How is this possible!?"

Angelissa walked slowly towards the fat beast, eyeing her up and down.

"That is none of your concern! Now release that man or I will carve him out myself!"

The bird-woman smirked and began walking towards the angel.

"You're right, it really isn't any of my concern, but this pitiful human's fate is something for you to ponder over since you'll be sharing it again!" She launched herself forward, hindered somewhat by the bulk under her hefty chest. Angelissa dodged with a graceful back-flip, remaining just out of the monster's reach. The harpy cried out in frustration and rage, barreling forward to knock the woman over. The angel simply turned and ran, aiming for the treeline. Her foe took to the sky to give chase more readily, powering into another dive, striking the ground just as the winged woman she hated disappeared into the woods. She hissed angrily and crept into the forest, looking about as she essentially crawled through the trees, her wings used much like arms to hold her up. Angelissa's voice echoed through the wooded region softly, making it difficult to pinpoint her exact location.

"I lost to you before, but I will not this time. I will beat you. I offer you this once chance, release him and leave this place, never to return, and I may let you live!"

The harpy growled and shouted, using all the hate in her being.

"I will leave this place when it can no longer feed me! And I will tear you to shreds for defying me a second time! Show yourself you coward!"

"I'm right here."

The monster whipped around to see the angel behind her, sword drawn. A powerful slash tore a light slice in one of the harpy's wings, lifted to shield herself from the assault. She cried in pain and rage before making her own assault, missing once again. She couldn't hunt the wretched thing with the human squirming about in her gut, his bulk was slowing her down too much. With an unpleasant series of noises, the man found himself slipping from the woman's jaws onto the ground, coated in slimy moisture as he gasped for air, coughing heavily.

"I'll be back for you..." She growled before turning to run, now unhampered, through the trees, chasing the angelic creature she had devoured before.

A short distance deeper into the woods found the harpy looking about for her prey once again, having lost the angel once more. She would not try to goad the woman into another confrontation like before, she would truly hunt her, slowing down to a silent creep through the trees. Every now and again, she would freeze and whip her head this way and that, hearing a twig snap or a branch rustle. She was growing anxious, not sure what the woman had up her sleeve this time. Before, it was an aerial battle and easily won, but on the ground, she felt vulnerable. As she searched, she spotted a single white feather in the dirt some distance away. Slowly, she approached it, lifting the single, ivory feather from the ground and examining it closely, running it under her nose to gain the angel's scent. Something wasn't right. The harpy felt a distinct sense of danger but shrugged it off, not believing Angelissa was capable of harming her in any real way.

In a flash of green and yellow, the monster found herself trapped in the grip of a powerful serpent, large and smooth, holding her tightly. She shrieked and struggled, trying her best to sink her fangs into the coils holding her in place. The angel's scent was everywhere, filling her nostrils, fueling the ever-present sensation of danger in her mind.

"Doesn't feel so good does it? Being overpowered and trapped."

The harpy froze, turning to look towards the source of the voice, finding the scaled coils leading up to the hips of the very angel she had been hunting, her blood-red eyes widening in terror. "How is this possible!? You were not able to do this before!"

Angelissa brought herself closer, looking the harpy in the eyes.

"I learned from a very powerful sorceress." Her mind wandered from the matter at hand, filing back through the memories of the past few days, the training, the studying of shape-shifting, Elizabeth's unrelenting sessions of naga-on-naga combat to teach her how to use her new form with great skill. Without Smokey pushing her tummy outward, she felt she could do more without fear of injury. Her prey, the tables now turned, renewed her struggles, fighting with all her might, kicking, biting, swearing.

"Release me this instant or I'll see to it you don't come back from my belly ever again!"

Angelissa tightened her coils further, making it impossible for the monster to squirm more than mere millimeters.

"Do you promise to leave the village alone?" She attempted one last time to offer the chance for mercy. Unfortunately, the foolish bird-woman refused.

"I promise nothing!"

The angel sighed quietly and nodded.

"I thought as much. Very well. You brought this upon yourself." The naga-angel stretched her jaw back and forth before parting her ruby lips and slowly easing the harpy's head in, muffling her cries of terror, her begging to be released (how quickly she changed her tune). Slowly, inexorably, the avian beast glided down Angelissa's throat, swelling her snake portion out further and further until with a hearty, victorious belch, she sealed the monster away completely, patting the rather large, rather active lump in her tail, "Serves you right!" With that, she turned and slithered off through the trees, finding the still stunned and drool-covered man trying to regain his composure. The angel-snake coiled about him softly and worked to clean him off even as he screamed in terror, having had enough to do with monsters for the rest of his life.

"Keep away from me! Please! Don't eat me!"

Angelissa chuckled softly as she worked to dry him off, kissing his cheek.

"I'm not going to eat you. I'm the angel you hired to take care of the birdy you were trapped in for a while there. You're a very lucky guy. Her kind doesn't usually let people go once they've eaten them." Her reassurances helped calm the man and once he was dry, she lifted him onto the back of her serpentine portion to ride her the whole way back. The village celebrated her victory, holding a great feast in her honor as she slowly digested the rude harpy trapped in her belly. As the celebration continued, the village elder approached their savior, bowing out of respect before her.

"I cannot express our gratitude for your deeds. I would however like to offer you a place of residence among us... as our protector."

Though touched by their offer, Angelissa politely refused.

"I'm sorry but I already have a place to call home and I'm expected back there sometime tomorrow. Don't worry though, I'll come by now and again to check on you... and I would recommend you don't try to come look for me, you might find yourself in a different monster's gullet."

The elder nodded, respecting her decision.

"You will always be welcome here. Thank you again for all you have done."

The naga nodded in return and enjoyed the rest of the evening among the villagers. When dawn came, she took her leave, returning, albeit a good deal more slowly than flying, but faster than the initial trip, to the keep whose owner's company she had come to miss. Angelissa reveled in her new form, loving its abilities and its capacity. She would most definitely enjoy anything else Elizabeth might teach her in the future. The coming years she would spend with her, raising the baby dragon she had met only a little over a week ago, would no doubt find her quite content with her new lifestyle. Perhaps there were other towns out there in the world being tormented by monsters needing to be devoured. She certainly hoped so... that harpy was quite tasty.