How To Hold Infinity -With Proficiency

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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How to Hold Infinity

-With Proficiency

I had let my older bro Jakke out of my sight for about fifteen seconds. He hadn't made it to the front door, and I felt a sense of longing grow. My heart ached for my brother, hoping our father would show some sympathy. He had to.

-I heard the front door open, so I bolted off to catch him. I had to be near him, I had to make sure he was okay. I wanted to be there, so I could deliver some words of reason to our father, because if I hadn't..

I made it to the front door and opened it, and Jakke was a hand's reach from me. But I was going too fast so I crashed into him like a bug on a windshield. He didn't budge, but he turned to look at me with surprise.

"What's up? Did I forget anything?"

"I couldn't let you go it alone bro.."

"You know how O-sensei is.."

"He's still our dad though! And don't let him hear you call him that!" I said, muffling a storm of laughter.

'O-sensei' is one term for Master, but our dad doesn't like it. He's fifty-six years old now, and looking for a sucessor. He has hopes of Jakke taking over, and maybe even me but he's a very austere and...grim individual. But powerful too! Jakke and I joke about which one of us got "the tiger's share" of strength through our father. I can be sure though, now, that he's gotten more than his share of everything!

After our laugh we took a moderate walk down a stone path from our house to where our dad held his training. It was about an acre away, down a big green hill. The building sat at the edge of the forest, seemingly to be the gatehouse to the darker forest behind it. The building itself was decently sized, eightteen-hundred square feet.

"Jakke, look!"

Our dad had a great class, counting out to thirty-seven other furs. No tigers, mostly canines. Saurians made the difference, and Jakke stood still before he broke into a light jog, and I followed him down the hill. As we approached, they took notice of us and shouted their welcome. Big bro helped teach them all, over a year ago.

"Big Jak! You're back dude! What happened? We were all rootin for you!" said a big-bodied alligator.

"It turned out that we weren't compatible as friends. And he was a gigantic cock.." bro said, and we had a short laugh. Jakke then put his big paw on the doorknob, and the students stepped back. I guess they knew what the deal was..

"Jagari's seeing someone in there." a doberman whispered. I looked to bro, then he threw the door open.

"-can't keep holding the past old Jaga. She left. Soon after that she wasn't yours to worry about afterwards. Be at peace...friend."

Bro and I stood still as our dad shot us a quick, dark look, but waved for us to take our seats. His guest was a black dragon, who at one point was a friend to our parents. But according to dad, our mother ran off with this guy. It seemed a little too convienient for us though, since our dad refused to go into business with the dragon, as well as how dad was stalwart in refusing to accept any money from him.

Dad sat silently, and aside from speaking, showed no expression.

"Taores, my sons are here. My firstborn has a proficiency exam today, and no outsiders may be present."

"Am I truly an outsider, Jagari? We're family." the dragon said smugly. Bro and I braced ourselves as we waited for dad to attack, but he barely flinched. The dragon brought his mouth close to our dad's ears, and canted his head as he added fuel to the fire. Dad did his best to hide his fury, and the dragon stood up shortly, simple satisfaction on his face. He made his way to the door, away from our father that released a small sigh of defeat. The dragon walked past us to the door, and gave dad a final jab.

"Hello boys. I hope my stepsons are both well, and eager to take on the mantle of Master here. If you need anything, let me know." he said, and Jakke looked at him sidelong.

"Our dad's got us." he said, and the dragon simply walked out.

I looked at bro, and he got to his feet, a little nervously. Dad hadn't even turned to face us. Bro sat where he was supposed to, and waited for dad to face him.


Dad sat still for a moment longer.

"Go home. Come back in a month. But you can stay with us."

"What? That's it?"

"Does that for you?"


"I will not say it again." dad said sternly. But his voice didn't rise. I had mixed feelings about the situation, since we walked in on something so painful for our dad.

"Dad, I'm here! Please let me do this!"

"You are ALSO here LATE. Your brother hasn't been educated on our family's secrets. You break two rules to do what? Look good for your friends? Maybe appeal to me, in my long dead sense of sympathy for your self esteem?"

Jakke grimaced, then took his feet, wide-legged with one clenched paw drawn back, the other level with his shoulder. Dad suddenly adopted a terrifying visage, of a tiger with no time left.

"Hmph. You would ALSO make your brother carry your large frame back home. Inconsiderate. Unappealing of anyone that would carry this school on his shoulders." dad said, and stood with no form.

***** ***** *****

Dad and bro squared off, and the air was still with tension. Our father showed his age in his face. Everywhere else was honed, polished and bronzed. He stood a total of eightteen inches under Jakke, but he stared right through him.

"Paper tiger.." he cursed, and rushed bro with two incredibly quick steps, putting himself well within striking distance. He was there for a bare second before he made his attack, the whole sequence catching bro off-guard. Dad attacked with a punch to bro's broad torso. Jakke took a harried step back and attacked with a punch of his own. Both fists collided, and dad stood motionless as he applied subtle force against the broad fist battering against his own. He inched forward with his toes, and bro tried to adjust too late. Dad quickly sidestepped after collapsing his taut arm, and repositioned to capture Jakke's arm as he wrenched him into a hard flip. Jakke stuck his left arm out and vaulted with it, recovering his position as dad advanced with simple steps. Right before bro actually stood up straight, dad rushed him and caught him in the side with a knee. Bro stood up straight and dad's knee pressed in deeper as the tension in his side eased, worsening the wound. I shudered; I knew the application of impact dad used there. Brother staggered back, his eyes alight with determination...then pain.

"The thinnest of paper." dad said as he followed up with a single punch to the stomach that almost folded my poor brother.

"URH.." bro gasped, and I felt waves of sorrow as I watched my brother, now helpless, take the precursor to a terrible beating. But he struggled to keep his feet, and dad delivered an elbow to my brother's jaw that sent him reeling. I flinched and tensed up, and as bro stumbled back two steps, dad struck him with both palms, claws extended. Jakke flew from his feet to crash into the floor and slid to a stop. He didn't move after that.

"Dad, that's enough! Please stop!" I said as I rushed to bro's side, hugging our father's leg in the purest request of mercy I could muster. I didn't look at him; my eyes were shut. But I heard him sigh.

"I had to manage a great deal of strength, as well as make sure that anything you saw was something you had already seen. His timing in coming was inopportune. But... When my fist landed I could tell that he was placing himself at my mercy. In his own way, he wanted to let me vent my..emotions."

I opened my eyes to look, and I could see his clenched left hand. He opened it, and a clatter on the hall floor told me what he had: one of Jakke's big fangs.

"Take him to the showers, and clean him up. I will conduct class. Use the back exit when you leave."

Dad started to walk to the door, and I nodded as I troubled myself with getting him off the floor. His side was bruised deeply, his stomach had eight brutal clawmarks carved into it, and his mouth was a mess of blood. I managed to get him to his feet, and braced him with a clinch.

"Bring your fists toward his sternum. He will help you move that way." dad said, and I looked at him as I moved away. He had his fists modeled for me, and I adopted the posture as I walked backward with shuffled steps.

***** *****

"Owwww... Aww man!" big bro said as he let water from the school's shower run into his mouth, and he spat a gout of red into the drain. He had one hand against the wall as the heat did its job to soothe his pain. His free paw rubbed his body, and when it found his side he jumped, and slipped a little.

But I was there to catch him. I held him steady, then I hugged him, careful to avoid his injured side.

"THAT was dumb of me.."

"He could've done worse.." I said, and his free hand hugged me back.

"Thanks little bro. We don't need to give the shower its first victory against me."

"I hated to watch all that.."

"I'm glad you were there. Because you're here now, where I need you." he said, looking down at me.

"Where I want you." he said with a smile, and aside from his tooth being noticably absent, it was no different.

I hugged him more deeply, and I could feel him purr, a gentle rumbling that put me at ease. I rubbed around and down his collossal form, tracing a paw down the sides of his plump, almong-shaped balls that hung like drops.

His eyelids fell.

"Ya like those?" he asked me with a sigh.

I tugged them a bit, handling them carefully.

"I love every part of you."

"Hehe, you sweet bastard" he said, blushing deeply.

I held him there, under the warm shower head for a sweet piece of infinity.

***** ***** *****

After we made it back home, I got to really work on Jakke's tooth. I swabbed it out and loaded the damaged socket with oral ointment and antiseptic. I wrapped his side with three guaze rolls and rubbed his stomach with more antiseptic, lotion and light oil. I made sure he was in heaven. He had his damaged grin all day long as I scratched what he asked me to, fed him and (tongue) cleaned him, rubbed him and layed with him.

Aside from all of that, there were no boundaries between us now. We ditched underwear. No briefs for me, no billowy boxer shorts for him. And now I discover that my brother liked to be the center of attention sometimes. I would see him squat and flex, swing his big butt and his arms like he could dance. But he looked hot as hell anyway. He finished doing what he called "The titan's jig" and posted up, squatting against the wall next to our chest of drawers. His knees were spread wide and I could actually see how low those balls of his could get. His shadow was punctuated with a big, low pouch that I had to get ahold of and caress for my bro.

I got off the bed and knealt before him, and his eyes fell on me.

"What should we do, now that the evening's winding down?" I asked him. He brought a paw to his chin and rubbed it, as if he was deep in thought.

"Hmm... I wanna snooze, then when wake up we can do some fun stuff."

He scooped me up, and carried me to our bed and tossed me gently onto the mattress. He got in bed next to me and ruffled my headfur, then layed still.

4:02 a.m

I slowly woke up to...something weighty repeatedly dabbing my face. It was damp, and it smelled like... my bro. I opened my eyes to see him squatting above me, his heavy sac marking me with his scent. I smiled and opened my mouth to let him have some tongue.

"You took a beating for about thirty seconds" he said.

"Maybe I like giving your boys some support."

"Oh, I know ya do! Hehe!"

Bro thrust his hips once and dragged his balls against my face, making hefty thumps and totally piling over my eyes.

"So, what do you wanna do bro?" I asked.

He game me another few thumps with his hefty, plump set and rubbed his chin.

"Hmm... Some head sounds nice.."

I was overjoyed.

"Whatever my bro wants!"

He grinned and went still, letting his nutsac swing to a stop above my nose and I did my best to get both of them in my mouth, totally engaged with making my brother happy.

"Awwwr... You're the best Jaga.."

I sucked and licked the flesh around, tickling around the back and bottom of his sac.

"Hehehey! Oohoohoo, wow!" he giggled, gently trembling. But he rose to a crouch and pulled his big balls free. I took a look through the dim light and saw his cock at full mast, and a big drop of pre fell between my eyes and ran a bit. I grabbed that dense can of tiger-brew and licked it. Jakke gasped sharply.

"Go ahead and get comfy.. Gonna wreck your mouth."

I did as instructed and shifted back a bit, placing my back against the wall. Bro got to his knees, and I then stared my brother's formidable endowment dead on. He was rock hard; my eyes didn't lie to me.

"Open up for me, you cute little bastard."

I relaxed and followed my brother's orders, letting my mouth hang open as he reunited his awesome dick with my tonsils. I got right to work.

"Ahhh.. Where has this BEEN my whole life?" he asked as he gently rocked his hips, diligently churning my drool into foam that I swallowed every chance I had. His balls swung evenly, tagging my chin with every soft push he gave me.

After a bit he pulled free and I went to work on licking his cock, paying attention to his texture and contours. I could hear him swear and pant, truly in love with the service he deserved from everyone, from anyone, from me. I scooped his pulsing sac in my paw and brought it to my tongue, happily enjoying the priveledge with each devoted lick I gave them.

"Aww, twenty-five hours was too LONG bro, I gotta have you on call. Think ya can do that for me?" he asked with a big sigh.

I paused. Seriously?

"If there would ever be a reason why I wouldn't do this for my brother.."

"Hehe, sweet! Now... Before the grand finale, let's have a little fun with our brawn. NAKED SCUFFLING!!"

He eased back so I could sit before him, and I looked at him through the patches of dim light as they revealed his body. He was kneeling on the bed with a fist down. His orange stripes served to highlight him a little bit, and as I traced my eyes down his trail I could see he was still rock hard. His tail flicked as he eagerly awaited me to take my position. When my fist touched the bed under he smiled at me, and we curled our tails evenly.

He started off with a spirited swipe for my arm but I pounced onto his back, like a tiger claiming its mountain.

"WHOOPS.." he shouted as he simply rolled over, and trapped me underneath him like a warm, heavy blanket. I writhed under him, torn between attempting to escape and laying there as he warmed me so gently. He kicked around like he was clawing a ball, then layed out, still. He turned to look under his shoulder at me, smiling like I always knew him to.

"Pinned ya!" he said triumphantly. He flexed his body slowly and the sea of rippling power stirred my affection for him.

"Yeah bro, you win. Like I wasn't even a challenge.."

"Only 'cause I'm so big.. But yeah, I won."

He rolled off of me and clenched a paw around my neck. It choked me a little, but not enough to alarm me as he pressed down into the bed. My body stiffened up and he took position behind me...and I could feel his cock press against my vulnerable passage. It wasn't just contact, but I could tell he had...intentions. That blunt contact sent shivers up my stripes and I gulped. No one ever touched me there. I wasn't interested in that spot, but bro.. Bro was definitely after something.

He lowered his head so we were nose to nose and gave it a gentle lick.

"Do you trust me?"

I tried to say yes, but nodded instead. My head was swimming and I was at Jakke's mercy.

"Heh, me too." he said, as he began to press with a bit more strength...

-The moment was shattered with a ring from his phone. The screen lit up, brazen in its interruptions of my brother's efforts. He picked it up and looked at the screen, then answered it with a swipe of his thumb.

"Hello..?" he answered, and I could tell whoever was on the other end had novels to say. Bro's eyes shifted around as he listened...and listened...and listened... While all of this went on, he didn't loosen his grip, nor did his cock reverse. It kept up the pressure and I thought it would make me burst. Jakke had a heavy precum flow, and as it ran free from the base of my tail I could hear it hit the bed with heavy splats.

"Yeah, Friday is okay.. My little bro and I had plans, but.. Yeah, yeah, that's fine.. Okay, I'll see ya then. Buhbye.." he said as the call ended.

His head dropped.

"Well shit." he muttered.

He loosened the grip on my neck and rolled beside me. I sucked in a deep breath as the feeling quickly faded.

"What...was that?"

Jakke crossed his arms and frowned.

"It was my girl... She wanted to apologize for the other day. She normally drinks a bit before we get our dirty stuff on. She said she had too much to drink, doesn't remember hanging up on me at all.. She wants to make it up to me, and take me out Friday night."

I could've given a fuck less about all that.

"No, when you pinned me. What..?"

He chuckled a little.

"You mean my cock? Did you get worked up from big bro pluggin you?"

"What were you gonna...?"

"Haha, you'll find out." he said as he threw his arms around me, and brought me close. He looked into my eyes, and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. I melted in his arms, dreamily trying to kiss him back as he chewed one of my ears softly.

"You're awesome with your tongue. I don't wanna live without it! Therefore, I declare you Master of suckin me off." he said, and I blushed madly.

"Good night little bro."

5:18 a.m.

I layed there, thinking about my dear brother as his chest rose and fell silently. He was my hero, awesomely strong and handsome. But his girlfriend seemed unsure about whether or not she wanted to be with him. I was though. Damn sure; no doubt.