A new life's love and secret - chapter 6

Story by vewri on SoFurry

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David, Wolfram and Steven walked back to class."How did you like the club Steven" asked David."I thought they where quite interesting" said Steven."Oh, is it because of Marianne taking an interest to you" said Wolfram teasingly."Wh-what do you mean" said Steven."I saw that she kissed you when lunch ended" said Wolfram."You saw" said Steven surprised."You should ask her out" said David."Really, do you think I have a chance" asked Steven enthusiastically."Well, she kissed you so I'd say you have a good chance" said Wolfram."Yay" said Steven exited.They got to the class room."We should talk about this later" said Steven."All right" said David.They went through the class like normal, Steven smiling all the way through.-At the end of school-"Hey David, thanks for the encouragement, I will ask Marianne out tomorrow " said Steven excitedly."Your welcome and Steven you should talk to Marianne about anime because I know she likes it" said David."Thanks, see you later" said Steven.Steven walks away"Hey, David want to come to stay over at my house tonight" asked Wolfram."Ye sure, sounds like fun" said David.David and Wolfram walk to David's house and David go's in"Mum can I stay at a friends house tonight" asked David"Is it a girls house" said Mary interested."No" said David."There should be no problems then" said Mary happy her son found a friend."Thanks mum" said David."See you tomorrow dear" said Mary cheerfully.David leaves the house and go's to Wolfram."She said I can stay over" said David."Let me show you the way to my house then" said Wolfram.*They walked along a few streets and eventually got to wolframs house"Hear is my house" said Wolfram."It looks almost exactly like my house" David said confused."Haven't you noticed most of the houses look the same" said Wolfram."Why" said David."This town suffered a huge fire some time ago, and it destroyed hundreds of building, so all the houses where built to the specifications  of the time" said Wolfram."Oh that is interesting" said David."So shall we go in" said Wolfram."Oh, yes lets go in" said David.David and Wolfram walk into Wolframs house"Mum, Dad I'm home and I've brought a friend" shouted Wolfram.A woman, presumably Wolframs mum runs out into the hall and go's right up to David"Are you my son's friend" the woman said."Yes I am Wolframs friend, my name is David" said David."Hello I am Wolframs mother, my name is Cecilie but you can call me Celi" said Celi."Mum, David's my boyfriend" said Wolfram."Yay, Charles come quick our son has found a boyfriend" said Celi overjoyed."What, really" said a voice from the next room

obviously Charles.Charles walked into the hall"So, your the boy my son chose, Wolf do's he know about your add-on's" said Charles."Yes dad and he did not mind them" said Wolfram."That's good" said Charles."Youse two are so cute together, let me get the camera" said Celi.Celi runs to find the camera"Where is the camera" Celi shouted from the other room."Drawer on your left as you go in the kitchen" said Charles.Celi returned with the camera"Ok boys stand beside each other" said Celi.Wolfram put his arm around David and Celi took the picture"You two are so cute" said Celi."Ok mum me and David are going up stairs to study" said Wolfram."Ok fluffy" said Celi."Mum I told you not to call me that" said Wolfram."But your tail and ears are so fluffy though and anyway take your hat off in the house" said Celi.Celi stole Wolframs hat"Fine, David lets go upstairs before they get even crazier" said Wolfram."Alright" said David seeing Wolfram was embarrassed.David and Wolfram went upstairs to wolframs bedroom"So what are we going to study first" said David."How about biology" said Wolfram."Sounds like a great idea" said David.-A couple of hours later-"That Is all of the work we can do, what do you want to do now" said David."I have a PS3 we could play one of my games, how about GTA 5" said Wolfram."That's a good idea but can we play at the same time" asked David."No I only have one controller so we can just switch" said Wolfram.Wolfram turned the television & PS3 on then put GTA 5 on.-1 Hour later-There is a knock at the door."You can come In" said Wolfram. Celi opens the door and walks in the room and she is carrying a tray with a cloth over it, she then put the tray on the Wolframs bed"These are for when you get board" said Celi.Celi removes the cloth revealing rows of different sizes and flavours of condom"Mu-mum what are you doing bringing those in hear" said Wolfram extremely embarrassed."I just want you to have fun dear" said Celi smile on her face."Mothers are not supposed to do this to sons" said Wolfram blushing."Oh wait I forgot something's" said Celi.Celi walked out the room and came back with a box that had 'DO NOT OPEN' written on the side"Wh-what is in there mum" said Wolfram."Oh nothing much just different things to make your night better" said Celi."Such as" said Wolfram dredging the answer."Basically A-Z of things you think of as adult" said Celi.David walked over, massive blush on his face, and looked in the box and as soon as looked in the box he fell backwards almost fainting"David are you ok" said Wolfram going over to David."Y-yes I am ok" said David weakly."Mother get

that box out of my bedroom" said Wolfram franticly."Fine, more for me and your dad" said Celi trying to embarrass her son."Mother" Wolfram shouted.Celi left with the box"remember to put one on if your going to do it fluffy" Celi shouted from the hall."Mum that's embarrassing" said Wolfram."Well shall we do it" said David looking down, massively embarrassed."What" said Wolfram."I-I said shall we do it Wolf" said David getting even more embarrassed."W-well I-I suppose we could" said Wolfram."Ok" said David blushing."Ok" said Wolfram blushing.They embraced each other and kissed