Naughty Paws - The Camping Trip

Story by carlos_penguin on SoFurry

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#7 of Fetish

Naughty Paws

A Series of Romantic Encounters

©2014 CarLOS Penguin

Edited byVictoria Fox

The Camping Trip


Elise and Ethan were two typical urban teenage foxes who were celebrating their completion of high school like most other middle class graduates when the party was over - by loafing around their parent's house.

Ethan preferred to spend his time on the computer, talking to his friends or playing one of his games. Elise was glued to her smart phone, texting, social media, chatting, making coffee and cake arrangements, the works.

They were different people, but always were close friends. They helped each other with school work and chores around the house. There was some rivalry, but they were a quiet pair, keeping to themselves when at home.

Their parents however, wished the two had a desire to experience more of life..

"You two are in a rut." Their mom said. "But your father has a solution."

The siblings turned to their dad, who smiled. "I've called my brother and he's going to take you camping for the long weekend."

"Camping?" Elise said with a frown.

"Camping!" Ethan leapt up happily.

"Yep! He finally got his motor home running. You two are gonna go on a trip with your aunt and uncle to the lake. Then enjoy your last summer off, because I'm putting you both to work in the store until you two get real jobs."

"Work?" They said simultaneously. Ethan frowned while Elise put her head on her lap and groaned.

The kids got up and went upstairs to pack. Ethan with a bounce in his step and Elise looking like she may as well be heading to prison.

An hour later, a growling noise came up the street with the occasional backfire. A motor home pulled in the driveway that looked as it had been past its best-before date fifty years ago.

When the cloud of bad-oil-seal-carbureted-exhaust-smoke cleared, a loud squeak preceded the opening of a rattly door that uncle Rick and his wife, aunt Eugena stepped out of.

"Hey everyone!" Rick shouted with a beaming smile and open arms, his usual manner for receiving his nice and nephew.

Eugena hugged and kissed everyone, whether they wanted it or not. A plump skunkette woman that was the motherly type to everyone. Whenever they entertained friends or family, she'd feed you until you were ready to toss, yet she'd still insist you had one more piece of pie.

After the greeting, Ethan and Elise stood together and looked at the old motor home. "I can't believe we're going to sleep in... that!" Elise complained.

"Oh no, no, no! You ain't gonna sleep in this old rust bucket. I couldn't do that to mah favourite nice and nephew!" Rick said, overhearing them.

"We're your only niece and nephew." Ethan reminded him.

Rick shook his head, his jowls jiggling and he waved his hand, "Whatever." He smiled, "You two are gonna sleep inna tent!"

The siblings looked at each other, Ethan with a smile and Elise facepalmed with a groan.

Rick opened an outside luggage compartment door, which came off in his hand. He looked at it with a shrug and tossed it aside. He pulled out a box with a brand new tent. "Y'all are gonna sleep in this. Spent a pretty penny on it, so I hope ya like it!" He held up the box, displaying it all proud.

"Do we each get one?" Elise asked.

"Huh?" Rick looked dumbfounded. "What for? Y'all are family." He handed the box to Ethan and went in the house and visited with the rest of his family before leaving.

They arrived to the lake after dark and setup camp in the light of the one working headlight of Rick's motor home. It had been a long drive and the group just snacked on some fast food they obtained along the way and retired for the evening.


Elise woke up before Ethan. The sun was just rising and she didn't know if it was the uncomfortable foam mattress, the loud chirping of the early birds or his incessant snoring, but she had basically given up on getting a decent sleep.

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and focused. The image of a hot cup of coffee filled her mind and put a smile on her face. Other than the sound of her brother's snoring and the birds, all was quiet. "Guess I have to figure out this camp cookware and make it myself." She mumbled grimly to herself and sat up.

Her whispers agitated her brother's sleep and he rolled over on his back, his 'morning wood' clearly visible through the sleeping bag. She giggled. She had heard of boys having such a thing, but had never seen it.

Despite being 18 like her twin brother, Elise was still a virgin. She was incredibly shy, always mingling in the centre of her girlfriends, avoiding attention. Her friends spoke of their romantic interludes and she always listened, but was thankful she was never asked of hers.

Ethan grumbled and scowled. Unconsciously, he threw the covers partially off himself, one leg exposed on top and one on underneath. At home he slept like that when he was hot.

"Oh my gawd!" She said aloud, then covered her mouth realizing that fact.

He turned his head toward her and opened his eyes in a squint. "What?" He said annoyed.

"You're naked!" She said in a shocked whisper.

"Uh-huh. So?" He replied, closing his eyes and nestling his head back into his pillow.

"I can see your... penis!" She said but above a whisper and gave a giggle.

"Then don't look." He replied annoyed and smacked his lips.

She admired its reddish colour and smooth texture, tapering sharply to a point at the tip. The base ringed by his fuzzy sheath. "It's.... beautiful." She said, realizing too late that she spoke her thoughts aloud.

He turned his head again towards her and opened his eyes. Instead of the reproving insult she expected, he smiled, "Thanks!"

She was sitting up, her long auburn hair in disarray and her fur very scruffy. But her eyes shone brightly, as did her delicate features. She wore no top, as was common for her at night, but the last time he saw his sister topless, she barely had bumps for breasts. Here she was fully developed and perky. Her nipples were at full attention from the morning crispness.

She noticed him staring at her chest and felt shame at first, lifting a hand to cover herself. But stopped. She realized he saw her for the first time not as a bratty, sister, but a woman. She lowered her hand and gave a smile, feeling appreciated, feminine, sexy.

"I'm not the only one naked." He said with a grin. "They're beautiful, too." He said appreciatively.

She smiled back at him coyly. "Thank you." She mouthed wordlessly.

A few silent moments passed. He raised his hand as if to touch her, forgetting for a moment this was his sister. She, to his surprise, closed her eyes and turned herself towards him. Leaning over, she pressed her breast against his raised hand.

He rubbed the back of his fingers over her, feeling her hard nipple tighten with each movement. He felt her gentle fingers glance over his balls that dangled on his thigh, tightening at her touch when....

"Kids! You awake in there yet? Let's get breakfast on!" Their uncle bellowed in a manner that would have frightened the local wildlife for sure.

Uncle Rick had made the group a bacon and eggs breakfast on the camp fire. Ethan and Elise had never tasted a simple breakfast so good as made on an open fire and rubbed their bellies, stuffed.

"Another plate?" Aunt Eugena offered as the kids shook their head. Rick ate all that was left over.

"So, how come you didn't just use the stove in the camper?" Elise asked.

Their aunt and uncle laughed. "If'n we turned on the gas, it'd likely blow up and set the whole place on fire!" Rick mused. "Safer on the pit and tastes better."

"Why don't you two take a nice light walk around the nature trail while your uncle and I clean up?" Eugena said, gathering the plates.

"Yeah, no hikin' the advanced trails. Anyway, too soon after ya ate."

Rick further offered, "Ya wanna take my camera? Might see some deer."

"Thanks uncle Rick." Ethan said as he got up from sitting on a log. "I have my phone. Takes great pictures."

Rick smiled, "You kids and your toys. Have fun!"

Ethan picked up a fallen branch for a walking stick and the two headed out.

An hour later, Ethan was huffing and puffing. He sat down on a large rock beside the lake trail. Elise was still skipping along quite happily, noticing every flower, butterfly and interesting plant and basically hadn't stopped talking since they started out.

She stopped and looked back, seeing her brother in the distance sitting down. She backtracked to him, "Hey 'Mr Tough Guy', tired already?"

"Hush it. Too much breakfast."

"Uh-huh, sure." She said mockingly.

"How long is this trail?" He ran his hand through his hair, wishing he'd brought some water.

"Two hours, the trail head sign said."

"Sign?" Ethan asked.

She rolled her eyes and sat beside him. "All that gaming is going to make you an old man."

"And all that mall ratting with your girlfriends keeps you in shape, right?" He said with a smirk. "Do you chatter this much when you're with them? No wonder you're quiet at home, your mouth is worn out!"

She smiled and slapped his shoulder playfully. Then hopped up and taunted, "I can go farther than you can!"

"We'll see." He ran after her as she giggled.

A few tens of metres up the trail, they came to a beautiful view of a somewhat secluded, emerald pool that branched off the lake, about ten metres below the trail. They both stopped and admired it.

Ethan looked around and saw a grass covered path that led down to it. "Hey, there's a trail. I'm dying of thirst. I could shove my face in there." He carefully began down the trail.

"Ethan!" Elise shouted. "Be careful, it looks steep." She followed after her brother.

What looked like a steep trail from the top, turned out to be a somewhat easy zig-zag of a path down to the pool. The illusion of a treacherous climb down is probably what kept most people out and the trail almost unused.

Moreover, the pool undercut the rock at the bottom, making it much larger than it appeared from the trail. There was a small waterfall, making the appearance of a temperate forest paradise.

"It's beautiful!" Elise said, looking around amazed.

Ethan had shoved his face under the water and came up, shaking his head like any other canid, spraying water all over, making his sister shriek. "It's warm, but wet!" He said.

Elise squatted down and waved her hand about the water. "If I only brought my bikini. This would be great for a swim!"

"Bah, who needs bikini's." Ethan said, having removed his shirt and shorts, wading into the pool.

Elise covered her face and squealed.

Her brother did a backstroke into the water, "What? Nothing you haven't seen. C'mon in!"

She stood on the shore, bouncing and pondering as if making a difficult decision. She pulled off her shirt and placed her hands on the waistband of her shorts. She stopped and blushed. "Don't look." She said with a shy smile.

Ethan smiled, "Hey brat, you've seen mine!".

She muttered something unheard, turned around and slipped out of her shorts. She walked backwards into the water until it was deep enough she could bend her legs and submerse all but her head and neck.

"Cute bum!" He chuckled.

She turned with a shocked expression and splashed him, "And you call ME a brat!"

They swam, played and laughed for some time. "We should get back. Auntie and uncle might get worried. They couldn't see us from up there if they came up the trail." Elise said, looking around and making a mental note to return.

He went first onto the shore and shook himself off. He slipped on his clothes and pulled out his phone to take some pictures of the area. "My friends won't believe this is in their back yard!"

"You put that thing away before I come out, mister!" His sister demanded.

Ethan grinned, "My friends will love you!"

Elise shot him a look that gave the sound of harpies inside his head.

"Okay, okay." He turned off his phone, showed her he did that and put it in his shorts pocket.

His sister walked up towards the shore until she was waist deep. She paused, blushed and continued until she stood on the beach.

Damp, naked and looking incredibly shy, she casually wrung out her hair, then held her breasts and shook herself off.

His eyes glanced her from head to foot. "W... wow." He said above his breath.

"We're even?" She giggled and gathered her clothes.

When the two returned to camp, they told their aunt and uncle of the lovely pool they found and Ethan showed them the images on his phone.

"Well!" Their aunt and uncle said impressed. "I guess the little gadget does take some pretty good images."

They retired early that night, having an afternoon and evening filled with stories and camp food like the siblings had never had since they were very young. They didn't realize how much of life they had missed after one day of being 'un-plugged' from their connected world and just being in the company of each other and their relatives.

Around midnight, Ethan awoke to the loud sound of crickets and frogs. The cool night air filling his senses. A world he had never noticed before. It was refreshing.

He felt his sister's foot pads rubbing gently on the side of his leg as he lay on his back. She was nestled close to him on her side, facing away. 'She must be cold.' He thought to himself and rolled over towards her and placed his arm around her waist.

To his surprise, she placed her arm over his and her hand on his.

"Are you cold?" He whispered.

"Yeah." She said.

She rolled over, facing him. "Are you?"

"I'm fine." He said, feeling her snuggle closely against him. "I'll keep you warm."

She pressed her head to his chest under the sleeping bag. He could see the outline of her ears in the moonlight and one twitched as his breath glanced it. 'That's so cute!' He thought and rested his chin between them, placing his hand on her waist again.

Moments later, she gave a little gasp after brushing her hand accidentally against his erect member that he didn't realize he had until then.

"I'm sorry..." He began in earnest.

She giggled, "It's OK. It's natural, I guess."

He could see the glistening of her eyes in the dim light. She ran her hand down from his face, over his arm to his hand and gently intertwined fingers.

He could feel her breath against his whiskers. Their noses touched and they kissed.

It was an explosion of fireworks for both of them. Their grip tightened. "Holy, wow!" They both said at the same time.

They let go of each other's hands. She placed hers on his chest, feeling his fur between her fingers. He ran his through her hair, both were emotionally smitten by what just happened.

She nuzzled him and whispered, "This feels so good."

He slowly stroked her fur across her shoulder and down to her bosom. He gave a gentle squeeze. "Mmmh..." She voiced with a sigh and kissed her brother again, this time her tongue touching his. Their mouths then cupped over each other's widely, kissing like they had only seen in the movies.

His hand crossed her waist and down to her hip. He no longer recognized the concept of this being his sister, she was only a woman. A woman who gave him his first kisses. A woman who was beside him, naked, under the stars.

Elise gave another moan and raised her leg. Ethan stroked the outside of her raised thigh to her knee, as far as he could reach. He moved his hand to her inner knee, slowly running it against the grain of her fur on the inside of her thigh. "Yes!" She whispered to him with a gasp.

His fingers glanced across her soft lips. She nuzzled his neck with a murr and pulled him closer.

His finger slipped between her furry lips, into the warm, moist sweetness between them. He felt his fingertip slip into her opening, then out, feeling the quiver as he rubbed gently.

Her arm wrapped around him firmly, digging her claws into his back. She uttered a high pitched squeak as she buried her face into his chest and panted in orgasmic pleasure.

Her breaths became more controlled and she closed her legs on his hand. They held each other close as she laid her head restfully on his shoulder and gave a sigh of satisfaction.

He kissed and licked her neck, a proud young man knowing he pleasured a female for his first time.

Elise could feel his hard penis throbbing against her belly. She gripped her brother's warm, smoothness. He gasped and began gently kissing and licking her face.

She began rubbing quite fast before his hand cover hers to 'correct' her motions to slower, more rhythmic strokes.

Already very excited, giving his first pleasure to another as well as the scent of his vixen sister in orgasm having filled his nostrils, it was but a short measure time that he was gripping her body, whispering, "Don't stop... almost... there...." His body stiffened as he let out a grunt. She could feel the throbbing of his penis in her hand and her belly being covered in jets of her brother's warm sperm.


"Morning sleepy heads!" Uncle Rick bellowed, bringing the two to awake at nearly noon.

Opening their eyes and rubbing their faces, they looked over at each other. She had a dreamy look in her eyes and a beaming smile. He had an expression of adoration. They gave each other a gentle kiss. "Good morning!" They said in unison and giggled.

Pulling their sleeping bags back and the remnants of the night before faced them. Elise was covered, her belly fur matted and Ethan's sheath all sticky. Not to mention the wet bags.

"Had I known boys were so messy..." Elise complained.

"You mean you never..."

"Never." She said shyly and sighed,

He stroked her fur lovingly, "You're a gem then, huh?"

Her eyes glistened and she blushed. She kissed his hand. "You're special, too."

They gathered fresh clothes and putting on yesterday's and getting some towels, perused the lake facilities pay showers.

The day had been filled with activities the four of the family members did together. Their aunt and uncle looked confused at the frequent glances they gave each other and giggles and chuckling. Neither of them even thought about their computer, social networking or games that day.

Rick and Eugena had gone to bed. It was late and the fire had died down to embers.

Ethan and Elise sat beside each other and stared silently at the crackling charcoal before them, wordlessly for the longest time. She pressed herself against him as the embers died down.

"So, you and Marie at prom?" Elise inquired, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" Ethan replied, caught off guard for a second. "Oh. Nothing happened. Just a goodnight kiss." He paused. "Nothing.... nothing like the one we shared."

He poked at the coals, making pretty sparks like little fireworks. "You and Roger at prom?"

"HA!" She squeaked loudly. "That jerk? I would have been far better of with one of my girlfriends."

"Oooh, hot!" Ethan said with a smile as Elise gave a shocked look and lightly smacked his leg.

They retired to their tent and knelt in the restricted height of the textile dome. Each removed their own shirt, but each removed the other's shorts.

The admired each other through the filtered moonlight, gently stroking each other, exploring each other's body.

They embraced, tongues entwined. She felt his rod poking against her and his hands cup her buttocks. He lifted her a little with his powerful squeeze on her ass, his penis slipping downward against her pussy and between her lips, but not inside her.

"Oh my gawd..." She gasped. He stopped and looked at her, thinking maybe he had gone too far? But it was the opposite. She held him close and put her muzzle to his ear, whispering, "I want you inside me."

She laid back against her still damp sleeping bag spreading her legs and holding her arms out for him. He lay on top, noses rubbing, whiskers tickling against each others.

She felt his hips adjust until he poked against her opening. She gave a small gasp.

"Are you OK?" He asked concerned.

"Don't stop." She pleaded.

He also gave a gasp of excitement as the pointed tip of his fox penis slipped inside her. He stopped as he hit resistance, not wanting to hurt her.

She wrapped her legs behind his, pulling him towards herself. He pressed harder and on the third push he slipped in making her yip as her hymen succumbed to the inevitable in a young ladies life.

"Holy...." He uttered with wide, ecstatic eyes as he felt the grip of vagina on his shaft for the first time. He was only half the length in and knew then that this was his night.... and hers, together.

His thrusts were gentle at first, but the sheer erotic sensation and excitement, had him ready to explode after just a few movements.

She felt his balls slapping against her. She raised her legs and crossed them fully over his back to feel more. She wanted more of the sensations she only heard about. It was equal pain and pleasure, but she wanted it. Especially from someone she cared for, not some stranger in a bar or classmate she'll never see again. Someone who she always knows that will always be there for her, even when they had long since moved on.

She felt her brother pump quicker as she felt an orgasmic pleasure building like she never had before. Panting, moaning and gritting her teeth, her pelvis thrust in unison against his. She felt his body tighten and penis swell as a warmth filled her inside, triggering the most intense orgasm of her life.

Bodies pressed close, feeling each other's heartbeat, hearing the other's breath. It was beyond 'fireworks', they felt as if one being that moment. They held each other until sleep took them.


They packed up the camp site. "Make it look like ya never been here." Rick instructed them. "Respect for nature and the next folk that come."

As the last of the items were loaded onto the motor home, Rick and Ethan grabbed the bags of rubbish and took them over to the park bin.

They walked slow on the way back. "So, did ya enjoy yourselves?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, I think we did." Ethan smiled. "There's a lot more to life and ourselves than we knew about a few days ago."