Russian Affair Ch.3 (Part Two) - Love and New Life II

Story by gangstaguru on SoFurry

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#4 of Russian Affair

Part 2 of the final chapter of Russian Affair.

I enjoyed doing the artwork for this chapter.

Artwork © gangstaguru

Story © Johnxgin3 (Once again, check out his stories. They're pretty good)


Igor took a dip in the river along with his crush Miki, who had chosen to join him in washing themselves of the dirt they had accumulated over the past couple days. The male watched as she dived under the water and twirled around in a few circles before coming up for air. She had a look of pure contentment on her face as she looked at him. Igor smiled back at her as she started swimming,

"Enjoying yourself, Miki? You seem to be having fun. It seems like you enjoy mother loved to swim." he said as she swum up to his side, rather gracefully for a German shepherd his size, barely making a noise.

He was rather large and was the biggest of his litter. She nodded and twirled around gracefully, a big smile on her face.

The two swam back to the shore and shook themselves of the excess water, taking a few minutes until they were able to dry off themselves with the breeze that was flitting about.

While Igor was trying to get some water out of his ears, he failed to notice the odd look on Miki's face, one that he hadn't seen. She moved closer to him and whispered in his ear, making him jump an inch. He took about half a minute to regain his balance and catch his breath.

He hated it when other dogs did that to him, it took him forever to dry off and it usually led to Igor kicking the dog's ass into next week.

She giggled as he glared at her, but he wasn't able to stay mad at his crush for long; he knew she was just teasing him and he even laughed a little bit. He was beginning to fall for her just a bit harder. She was unlike any female he had courted before and he wasn't sure how to think about Miki.

True, he did like her, but he wanted to be more than just friends with Miki, yet he didn't know if she had mentally and emotionally recovered from her rape a day ago. To Igor, Miki seemed fine.

He would tell her how he felt about her tonight.

A short while later, the two decided to rest under a tree for a while, away from any prying eyes. Not a few minutes later, Miki had somehow maneuvered herself into Igor's paws and rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling his soft fur.

"Your heartbeat's quite loud, Igor. Like lightning during a thunderstorm or a car's engine." she said with a blissful smile, breathing in his scent, which smelled like blood and meat mixed with the scent of the river. "My heartbeat's not as loud as yours. I can barely hear mine at all."

"Well, I am a large dog, after all. So it makes sense my heartbeat would be loud and sound like that." he said in response, chuckling for a few seconds as he closed his eyes for a brief moment. She smiled back, staring him in the face. Both sighed in blissful happiness as they stared at each other.

"I wonder what other parts of you are large...let's see..." she said, moving her paw down to his groin, prompting Igor to cough and blush furiously. Miki waited for his coughing fit to die down before she continued her light touching, feeling more like torture to him than getting splashed with water or being startled by someone else.

"Hmmmm. Nice size. I like my males big and thick. You must eat very healthy meat to have gotten this big down there."

"Um, Miki? Are you sure about this? We barely know each other! These...are you sure about doing this? There's no going back after this. We'll be friends AND mates." exclaimed Igor in surprise as Miki moved down to lick at his cock, shuddering after she flicked her tongue across his balls. He momentarily forgot how to speak as her mouth slowly descended lower and lower until he felt the back of her throat touch his cock.

She lifted her mouth off for just a second, "You seem to want this. Why would your body react like this if you weren't in the mood? If you don't want this, I'll stop, okay?" she said as she moved her hips over his manhood. Igor panted, wanting to fuck her but also not wanting to ruin their friendship at the same time.

"You sure about this? Absolutely sure about this?" he asked. He didn't want to hurt her or force her to have sex like Victor had done. "...I want to do this with you..."

Miki nodded and she lowered herself fully, right down to Igor's balls. Both grunted at the contact. She shook lightly before she paused to catch her breath, which was coming out quickly. Miki shifted a bit before she slowly started to roll her hips, causing Igor to moan softly as his crush turned lover began to pleasure him.

"Feel good? I know I do." she said in between breaths and moans that were barely suppressed by her eagerness. Igor only moaned in response as she continued to grind and move her hips in figure eights for a while before Igor stopped her from moving. She looked down on him in confusion until he repositioned the two of them so he was on top, looking down at her surprised face.

He started to move, grunted as he started his slow pace. He let out a few moans as he dug his claws into her hips. Miki let out moans of approval as he continued fucking her.

"Only took you a few minutes, dear. You're taking a while to go full-throttle, huh?" she teased as she let her head fall onto the dirt beneath her and Igor.

He smirked down at her; he liked being dominated and all, but he loved being on top. He didn't limit himself to females; he had sex with males too. Being bisexual had its great benefits.

"I like taking my time." he said, slowing down his thrust to lick her muzzle and neck for a few minutes. He eventually started rolling his hips to make Miki feel really good.

He was rewarded with her moans becoming louder than before, eventually began to scream in ecstasy until she clenched around him and came hard, screaming his name as loud as she could.

He followed right after her orgasm, grunting as he came inside her, hanging his head in a post-orgasmic bliss, unable to think or speak clearly for a while.