A Saved Vacation

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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Gage and all secondary characters belong to me, and Aspen belongs to avatar?user=70666&character=0&clevel=2 Galen

If you aren't 18, don't have the stomach for M/M sex, or have an issue with how I dealt with the weather and injury in this story, I'm sorry :(

That being said, this is a quite a long story. 45 pages on Word, to be exact. But I hope you stick through this story and enjoy it for all its worth. Feedback of the constuctive type is always appreciated! Thanks for reading (and yes, I'm aware that it isn't seasonally appropriate)!


The wind bit at my face as I stared down the slope. I shifted my skis some, testing the weight of the snow before glancing at my target which was a small wooden two-seater chairlift about 400 yards away. I had no issue with the distance, but the steepness of the slope was intimidating. It wasn't straight down, but even if I stopped on my skis, I'd still slide down a bit meaning that I couldn't screw this up. I'm not a terrible skier mind you, but I didn't like the idea of falling and potentially injuring myself, especially on my first day of vacation.

I took a deep breath, and pushed forward with my poles. I crossed over the edge of the hill, speed picking up rapidly as I traveled down the slope. I made a few turns to control my speed, but even then, I was going pretty fast. Not enough to lose control, but enough that if I hit a patch of ice the wrong way, I'd be tumbling down the rest of the hill on my ass. It was certainly a precarious balance that most skiers take for granted, but I guess that's why this slope was a black diamond despite the lack of moguls.

The wind bit me through the small openings of fabric on my face; even with a hat, gator, and turtle neck, I couldn't get everywhere covered, but I couldn't fix that now for obvious reasons. Fortunately, the ski lift was rapidly approaching, and I could take some time to adjust my clothing there.

The hill finally bottomed out, and I slid in line for the lift. The lone ski attendant, who was a rather short wolf, stopped scraping the path leading to the seating area and glanced over at me before situating himself along the inner side of the chairlift ready to assist me if need be.

"How are you doing?" he asked politely in a sort of surfer-punk accent. I've found that the skiers/snowboarders and surfers of the world belong in the same adrenaline category, and it wouldn't surprise me if the guy was a normal beach goer in the offseason.

"Doing all right, snow is great," I smiled as I waited for a few chairs to pass.

"Yeah, we're supposed to get a blizzard in the next few hours, so be careful," he warned. "Don't know exactly when we will get it, but it shouldn't be before we close."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Alright, kindly ski out to here please, and look over your shoulder to grab to center bar," he instructed. Even though getting onto a lift is pretty simple, and I knew exactly how to do so, some people just don't get it, and I'm sure he said that out of routine rather than thinking that I actually need instruction. Just as the chair was about to come up behind me to take me up the mountain, I heard a swish of snow, and suddenly someone was sitting on the lift next to me.

"Dammit, Aspen!" the wolf cried, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry!" The surprise passenger apologized as we took off. I glanced to my right, giving him a slightly annoyed look; that was a dangerous maneuver to pull and-

-Well, I guess he's with ski patrol, he's allowed to do such things.

My passenger was an arctic cougar with a pretty solid build. He and I were practically the same size, though he looked slightly more toned than I was. I had the fortune of seeing his muscular body despite the weather; his thick pelt kept him warm so he only wore a red ski patrol vest with a large white cross in the center of it and some black ski shorts. His thick legs hung over the edge of the seat, dangling with his heavy set of thin black skis. In one paw he carried his poles, and the other gripped the center pole. Beyond the amber shaded ski goggles, he wore nothing on his face.

"Sorry about that," he apologized to me.

"It's fine, I just figured your were in a rush to go save someone's life," I shrugged, lifting my legs and stashing my poles under them so they wouldn't fall. This also allowed me to fix my goggles and gator.

"Whew, damn! Pity there's going to be a blizzard today; heard it's going to be bad. The snow is fantastic right now," the cougar next to me commented.

"Yeah? How much snow is it supposed to bring?" I asked, leaning back in the suspended chair.

"Probably a good two feet or so. It'll be nice if it blows over quickly, but mountain weather is always unpredictable..." the cougar explained as he stared off into the blue sky. It was completely clear right now, but he did have a point.

"Name's Aspen by the way. I'm head of ski patrol for the mountain. I would offer a paw, but this tends to not be the best place to do so," he laughed.

"My name's Gage. Do you live up here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got a place right off of the mountain here. I'd show you if you'd like, but I don't think you'd have the time to get over there," he smiled. "You don't seem like you're from around here, though you're a decent skier," he commented.

"I'm from the southern U.S., but I have been skiing at least once a week a year since I was three."

"I grew up in Canada and skied everywhere, so there's that," he shrugged.

"Well, we don't get a lot of snow where I live, so I have to make due. I can get down the mountain without killing myself, so there's that," I shrugged as well. I will never claim to be great at skiing; it is just a hobby for me. But this guy does seem like he's been places.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"26, give or take a year."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you 26 or not?" he looked at with a confused expression.

"Well that depends on how I feel," I smirked. I was 26, but I never felt that old. Aspen rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm only a year older than you, if you are 26. Oh-that's gotta hurt!" he suddenly pointed down and to the right. A cloud of snow had suddenly appeared. When it settled, a snowboarder was stilling cross-legged on the snow, looking slightly dazed.

"You alright?" the cougar yelled. The snowboarder looked up and gave a shaky thumbs up.

"Ah, bruised ego, perhaps one of the more dangerous of injuries. Poor guy caught an edge and didn't recover. Oh well, he's moving, so I'm not concerned." The cougar sat back.

I removed my goggles wiped them down with a cloth as they were fogging just slightly as we headed up the mountain. A brush of cold wind blew across my face, making me wince slightly.

"Ah...there it is. The storm is approaching quickly. My recommendation for you is to make one final run, and then head to the front. The blizzard will be here sooner than we know it. I'd hate to see that pretty face in the newspaper obituary," he laughed.

"Pretty face...?" I asked, raising my eyebrow before putting my goggles back on.

"Hey, there' nothing wrong with commenting on someone's looks; I'm sure the girls flock to you like ducks to bread," he shrugged.

"Well, that's an interesting way to put it; but no, they don't. Or at least, I don't notice," I smirked.

"Oh. Well then, surely some guys do," he laughed. I didn't respond, but he was correct in that regard. I gave the cougar another look over; he certainly was my type, but I wasn't sure about where his interest lie on the spectrum of sexuality. Plus, he was working, so I couldn't hit on him freely.

"Aspen, we got a potential injury near your location, could you check it out?" a voice on a radio crackled. Aspen reached behind him and pulled a small walkie-talkie out and pushed the button.

"Where at?"

"Top of Bull Run towards the left side. How fast can you get there?"

"Gimme two minutes," he said before placing the radio behind him. "Well damn, it was nice chatting with you, but this is my stop."

"But we haven't made it to the station yet," I commented, noting that we were still about 20 feet above the ground.

"And? See you around," and with a push, he jumped. I turned around in my seat and watched him spin, land, and take off in the direction of the injured skier.

What a showoff.

The rest of the trip up was uneventful. The chair clacked into the station, and I set off, thinking about where I should go next. Clouds started to appear in the sky, so I decided to take the showoff's advice and do one final run before heading to the front.

I skied towards the back side. The farthest lift lead straight from bottom to top and also had a mid-way point, just in case I decided not to reach the bottom. It began moderately enough, but it was getting to the bottom that would be an issue since they were all black and expert slopes. But, I'm on vacation, so the fun of getting to the bottom was worth the risk.

I picked up my pace, dashing along the wide slope that ran from the middle of the mountain to the far lift. I noted that the number of people on the slopes had dropped, but that just meant I could ski faster without having to worry about others suddenly turning into me. Before I knew it, the slope itself had lost most of its definition due to lack of sunlight. I stopped for a moment at the top of a small hill, glancing up at the sky. Grey clouds suddenly rolled in, blocking out the sun. The wind was picking up, and suddenly, this one last run seemed like a bad idea. It had gotten a little bit colder, but if I hurried, I could make it to the bottom before it got too bad.

Snow softly fell around me as I skied on. I hadn't seen anybody on the slope and that concerned me slightly. It was also getting hard to hear; snow is very loud, I've found. My visibility was steadily decreasing as it picked up. The temperature plummeted the closer I got to the ski lift. The dark skies, increasing snowfall, and wind didn't help my visibility, but I knew where I was going. Just a few more bends and I'd make it to the lift where someone could possibly radio for someone to pick me up or something.

Finally, the slope opened up to the lift. I could barely see it off in the distance, but something was off about it. I didn't worry about it too much, but the closer and closer I got to the station, I realized that it wasn't moving. I saw chairs dangling and swaying from the wind, but the actual lift was not moving, making me slightly concerned. The snow had become sluggish as it poured down, making it tougher and tougher to ski on. But even with the added resistance, I found myself at the station, hoping at least someone would be around.

Naturally there wasn't, which I should have expected. They probably shut down this side without telling me, so that'd explain the fact that no one was back here. I took off my skis and tried the door to the station. I was in luck in that they left it unlocked. Now I just needed to find a radio...

My boot clanged around the room, hitting the stool and some of the cabinets as I searched. I didn't know where one would be, but if I had a guess, in the table would be the most logical place. I opened drawers hastily as the snow pounded onto the building, threatening to swallow it whole.

I opened the last one and was in luck. There was also a note attached to it, giving all of the local frequencies and who used them. Scanning the list, I found the ski patrol. I dialed it into the radio and pushed the button.

"Hello?" I called, waiting for a response with abated breath. I waited for about thirty seconds before trying again.

"Hello, this is a trapped skier on the Legends Lift, Mid-Loading station. Does anybody copy?"

Still no response.

"Shit!" I slammed the radio on the table. I was fucked...The only way down was through an expert slope, and in this condition, I was surely not going to make it easily.

I heard static on the radio. I quickly picked it up, and pressed the button.

"Hello! My name is Gage, and I'm stuck on the Mid-Loading station of the Legends Lift. Does any body copy?" I yelled, hoping for a response. I heard a crackle of static, but no definite answer. Fuck...

I had to make a choice now, and moving seemed a lot more logical than sitting here in this frigid room.

"I'm headed down to the base through Blackburn Bash. If you can read this, send someone there. Again, I'm moving to the base station of Legends Lift." I pocketed the radio, and headed out.

I shivered as I stepped out into the snow. It had dropped about fifteen degrees or so, and the wind had picked up as well. My skis were completely covered with snow, and I had to dig them out a bit before putting them on. They clicked into place, and I looked over the edge of the hill. All I had to do was go slow. Blackburn Bash wasn't terribly steep, but it was covered with thick moguls, making it a very difficult run. I gulped and slid down, trying to follow the ski lift as best as I could. I didn't even try to ski really. I slid with my skis parallel to each other, slowly inching down the slope, trying not to fall over. Every so often, I'd have to push myself forward on a mogul, and turn around, just to keep moving. Something told me that I should take of my skis and slide down, but that thought was overridden by irrational thinking, so I kept pressing on.

The wind picked up again, making the wind chill factor plummet. I couldn't see more than ten feet in front of me, and the snow was making it very difficult to move easily. My legs were burning as I reached the halfway point. I stopped for a second trying to see how far I really had, but it was futile. Fuck, I told myself. You just had to get one more run in, and now you're stuck on the mountain with a blizzard...

"Shit!" I yelled as my foot suddenly slid out from under me. I tried to regain my balance, but I ended up toppling over, twisting over my skis as they got caught in the snow. One of them detached itself from my boot as I slid down the hill face down. I tumbled again, the world spinning around me. I tried to spread my arms out and keep my face up, but the added steepness made it very difficult for me to stop. My ski turned sideways, and my descent down the hill slowed.

I came to a stop, head facing down the mountain on my back. I was missing a ski and both my poles, and I'm sure I just broke the radio, judging by the crackle I heard from it.

"Fucking hell!" I hissed, trying to move my right leg. It wasn't broken, but something was sprained and it would make getting down the hill even more difficult.


I laid my head down in defeat. So, this was it. The death of an executive man-whore was not a glorious one, but rather, one from a stupid decision. Snow covered my jacket as it piled on, making my body even colder. My sock was wet, and my foot was slowly going numb. Frostbite would be settling in, and I could do nothing but wait for it to take over my body.

"Hey!" I heard a voice cry out. I lifted my head uphill, ears perked. Was that...?

"Hey!" the familiar sounding voice cried again, seemingly getting closer.

"Down here!" I yelled, lifting my leg up as it was the most visible part of my body, hoping that whoever was yelling could hear and see me.

"Where at!" He called again.

"Left side, near some trees!" I yelled, voice going slightly hoarse from the position I was in.

"Shit!" I heard him call out. I heard snow falling above me, and soon, I heard the familiar swish of skis. I looked to my side and found a very familiar cougar standing next to me with my other ski in paw.

"Aspen!" I cried out, thankful to see his face.

"You're the guy from the lift! What are you doing all the way back here?" He asked, planting his poles in the snow.

"Well, you said that there could be time to make another run..." I grunted, trying not to let the pain overwhelm me.

"Fuck, I meant to head towards the front...Shit. If I wasn't headed home man...Well, let's get you up. Can you stand?" he asked, reaching down for me.

"No...I think I sprained something," I grimaced, pointing to my right leg.

"Shit...well, that complicates things. Here, I'll spin you around gently..." He grabbed my right leg and arm and gently turned me so that I was facing downhill.

"Alright, I'm going to bend down, and you grab hold. Don't worry, I'm not going to fall. The base is out, but I live close by; that's the best option we have right now. Ready?" he asked. I nodded and he squat down, impressively keeping his balance. I grabbed onto his shoulders, and wrapped my legs around his waist, piggy-back style. He surprisingly didn't lose his balance as he hoisted me along the slope, headed across the slope rather than down. He got to the other side before going through some trees, where the snow wasn't nearly as packed. The powder was so high here that it grazed along my feet, but Aspen skied through it like it was nothing, even with me attached. Surprisingly, we quickly made our way onto another path, one that I was not familiar with. It was a much gentler slope, but it was obviously not nearly as skied as much as the trail we were just on.

"Just a little bit further...damn, you got lucky you found a radio; I would have skied past you..."

So someone did answer...I didn't respond to conserve energy. My face was going numb from the wind, and I had no idea how Aspen could stand it. I hugged his warm back , trying to keep warm.

"Here we are!" Aspen announced, skiing around one final bend. A moderately sized chalet came into view. There were three different levels, mostly due to the fact that it was built on the side of the mountain. The snow covered most of the eaves and was slowly inching up the large glass windows as it fell. Aspen skied onto an area that had railings, which I assumed was a porch of some kind though the pounding snow had already covered it.

"Which leg hurts again?" Aspen asked, crouching down some to let me down. He unbuckled our skis and slapped them together, and then grabbing both sets with one paw.

"The right leg-augh..." I hissed as I tried to put some weight on it. Again, it wasn't broken, but something was definitely sprained or twisted. It would be hard to tell with the clunky boots on, but I had to get out of the blizzard first.

"Come on," Aspen wrapped an arm around me, supporting the right side of my body as he opened the door. The heat of the chalet was very welcoming as I entered. The wooden door shut behind us, blocking the wind. I didn't realize how loud it was until I got inside. Suddenly everything was quiet with the exception of the sounds of heavy snow hitting the door. Aspen helped me onto a bench, and set our skis in a closet behind me. He returned and began to unbuckle my boots and remove my soaked socks. My toes wiggled and instantly felt better from the heat and the removal of the wet clothing. My legs still throbbed lightly, but as long as I didn't put any weight on it, I should be ok.

"Where does it hurt?" he asked, sitting down on the bench, gently pulling my right leg up.

"Right where you paw is," I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Well, there isn't any bruising, so it could just be a mild sprain if anything...we will need to ice and compress it though. Plus with this weather, you're not going anywhere. Not that I mean that in a menacing tone," he laughed a little at that comment.

"Fuck...What a great way to start my vacation," I grimaced as his paw felt around the base of the ankle. I twitched from the pain as he felt around the joint, checking for other damages.

"Well, the good news is that nothing is torn, so as long as you don't walk on it too much and take it easy, you should be fine. I have some crutches upstairs, but we have to get you up there...I do have a bedroom on the first floor, so you won't have to worry about anything beyond that. We are in a weird situation for warming you up and reducing swelling. Frostbite is worse than a sprain, so I think we will sit you by the fireplace before we put ice on it."

"Yeah, a fire sounds great..." I let out a small laugh. Now that the cougar was devoid of gear on his face, I saw that I was at least lucky enough to be saved by a good looking guy. He had faint blue markings instead of the typical tan ones, but that certainly didn't take away from his appeal. He was certainly built, that's for sure.

"Alright, but we do have to get up these stairs first. Come on, I'll help you up."

He grabbed ahold of my right paw and brought it over his back. He walked me over to the stairs and we slowly headed up, one stair at a time. He'd step up first, and took most of my weight as I stepped up with my left foot acting as a variation on a three-legged race. What should have taken ten seconds to climb took about five minutes, and completely exhausted me. Fortunately, the warmth of the chalet kept me going. At the end of the stairs was a short hallway with two doors. The door on the left led to the garage, which was easily seen due to a small window right next to the woodened door. Aspen opened up the door on the right, and we hobbled through.

"Welcome home, I guess," Aspen gave a small shrug as we walked into the large living room and kitchen area.

Well, it wasn't incredibly large, but it was certainly a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be. The kitchen was situated in the back, and it was a modest little room with all of the essentials present. A small dining area was next with a table that easily sat four. This led to the actual living room, which opened up to both floors of the chalet. Three large windows ran from floor to ceiling, and showed what was going on outside. The kitchen windows were covered in snow, and these windows were slowly becoming covered as well as the storm raged on.

Various browns and greens decorated the place; brown was a dominant color due to the wood, but green couches sat in front of a large fireplace that occupied a good chunk of the wall. A door led into another room, and another set of stairs led to the second story. A smaller room was to our left, which led into a study of some sort. All in all, it was a cozy place, and I'm sure if the weather wasn't shitty, it would have a fantastic view.

"You'll be in the bedroom through there," Aspen gestured through the door. "A bathroom is attached to it, and you're free to whatever is in the fridge, of course. I also have a hot tub downstairs that we may use for soaking purposes. Balancing heat and reducing swelling will help you get to a speedy recovery," he explained as he walked me to a couch in front of the fireplace. I sat down on the soft cushion, and Aspen grabbed an ottoman and gently propped my feet on top of it, allowing my legs to rest.

"I'll get the fire started," he said as he handed me a red blanket.

"It'll get wet," I commented.

"Well, I guess you'd better strip then," he shrugged, turning around and placing a few logs into the fireplace. Though I personally wouldn't hesitate to strip for him in a different situation, I decided to at least get out of my ski bib. I unzipped the zipper at the front, revealing the medium blue turtleneck sweater I was wearing. I quickly wormed out of it, letting it slide onto the floor.

"Hey, I wasn't serious-oh," Aspen blushed as he heard the bib fall on the ground and turned around. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he almost sounded disappointed, but I wasn't willing to risk his hospitality just yet. I sighed and leaned back, covering myself up with the blanket. My body certainly felt better, especially now that we had a decent fire going.

"You need anything?" Aspen asked after dusting off his paws on his own ski patrol vest.

"A glass of water would be nice. Skip the ice," I requested. Hydration was still important.

"Coming right up," Aspen said as he walked towards the kitchen. I examined the fireplace a bit, noting the odd stone pattern that ran across it. Unlike standard brickwork, the large stone plates almost seemed to travel in a diagonal pattern, headed up straight towards the ceiling. A large mantle sat above the grate with various pictures of several skiing competitions. Aspen had gotten first or second place it seemed in all of them, but the one in the middle caught my attention. I gasped when I finally realized where the competition was from.

"Fuck, you're an Olympian?" I asked in disbelief as he returned with the water.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I got gold and silver in downhill and mogul skiing in '06. I would have medaled in Alpine, but I get a hip injury due to bad snow. I don't compete anymore; there was no point for me after competing in the Olympics, but obviously, I still ski. I used to be an instructor here, back when I was still relatively 'famous', but since then, my name has been forgotten over time and people didn't request my instruction anymore. But, I'm alright with that. I actually got little satisfaction from being only known for being good; people didn't care about me, they just cared about being with me due to my accomplishments, and you wouldn't believe how many people didn't want to ever learn how to ski well. They just wanted to hit on an Olympian. But enough of that," he said as he let out a long sigh. I couldn't tell if he was bitter, depressed, or happy about (or perhaps some combination of the three), but I decided to not press it. However, the idea of him being an Olympian certainly added to his appeal, and it was understandable why people would hit on him. It made me wonder if it was just to girls.

"I'm going to go change real quick, be back in a moment. Yell if you need anything else."

And with that, the cougar bounded up the stairs two at a time and entered a room to his right, the door shutting behind him.

I couldn't help think about what he looked like naked. He was attractive with just features alone, but his compact body certainly added the extra punch that made me drool over him (though I was pretty good at controlling that). All I just needed to know how hung he was...

"Dammit..." I whispered, frustrated at myself for getting an erection so easily. Well, I was under a blanket, so he wouldn't see anything. I couldn't help but think if he did swing in my direction a little. If not...well, it was going to be a long couple of days.

I heard footpads coming down the stairs and found that Aspen had changed into more comfortable clothes. He was wearing a tight white shirt that showed off the curve or his pecs and the outline of his abs in addition to a loose pair of gym shorts that gave a small outline to his sizeable bulge. He was looking better and better the less he wore....I shook my head.

"You okay?" he asked as he hit the landing of the stairs, setting a pair of crutches on the wall.

"Nah, just a bit tired. Crashing does take a lot out of you..." I laughed a bit.

"Well, I usually make dinner at around seven, so you got couple of hours. If you want to take a nap in the bedroom, that's fine. The fireplaces are connected, so you'll still be warm," he smiled.

"I might do that," I returned the smile.

"Well, here. They aren't the most comfortable things in the world, but just in case I'm not around when you need me, you'll have 'em," he said as he handed me the crutches. I slowly got up and got situated before hobbling over to the bedroom door. I looked around the room as I opened it up. A bed rested against the wall in between a dresser and a bookshelf. A large snow covered window sat at the other end of the room; only about a foot of space remained at the top where some of the darkening sky could be seen. The fireplace was also roaring in this room; there was no back as I could see, so I could easily peer into the living room between the flames. A thin curtain of chainmail was holstered at one side; I guess I could have some privacy if I wanted.

A door to my left led to the bathroom. It was quite large for a guest bathroom. Two closets flanked the doorway, and each one of them would easily hold the contents of my closet at home. The bathroom itself was lightly colored with blues and whites; the tiles were an equal mix of the two colors. The sink and some cabinets lined the far wall, where a large mirror sat in place, making the room seem larger than it was. The toilet sat in its own closet to my right, and a walk-in shower, similar to the one I had at home was on my left. A large blue rug sat in the middle of the room, giving some warmth to it from a fabric standpoint.

I hobbled over to the bed and set the crutches on the floor before hopping onto the bed. It wasn't the most luxurious bed in existence, but it wasn't the crappiest one either. I pulled the top layer of covers back and crawled under them, lightly draping them on top of me. The wind was still howling, but the crackle of the fire counteracted it and made it less intimidating.

I let out a large sigh. This was definitely one of the worst vacations I've ever had. But all things considered, I was alive and now warm, and my caretaker didn't seem like a serial killer and decently attractive. I stretched and situated myself before slowly falling asleep, tuning out the howling winds.



Various slaps filled my ears. I felt him at my entrance, repeatedly entering and exiting. I was panting, looking into the muscled cougar's eyes as his body slammed against mine. I was sweating, and my heart was beating, pounding at my rib cage. His mouth was agape as his hips rolled into my own, thrusting his endowment deep inside. He leaned down next to my ear.

"Dinner is going to get cold," he hazily whispered.

...Dinner was going to get cold? Well, that's an odd thing to say during sex-

I opened my eyes. There was a loud knock at my door, making me more alert even with the post-nap grogginess.

"I'm up..." I groaned, removing the sheets and planting my feet on the floor. I rubbed my face trying to get the sleepiness out of my eyes...I was much more tired than I thought. My back was stiff, and I had a dull headache...but my ankle wasn't throbbing, though it still hurt putting weight on it. I grabbed the crutches and situated myself on them and hobbled out into the living room area.

"You look a little better," Aspen commented as he set my plate down on the wooden table. "Chicken and fruits to help with your recovery. I'm not the greatest cook, but you certainly won't starve while you're here," he smiled as I sat down. The food certainly did look delicious, but my appetite wasn't there.

"Don't give me that look, you need to eat," Aspen said, pointing a fork with a piece of chicken on it. "You may not be hungry, but this will definitely help. Trust me," he said, eating the bite of chicken.

I looked at the dishes of food in front of me. I sighed, knowing he was right, and placed a large breast onto my plate. I would eat the fruits last; I hated mixing my food. I slowly cut up the chicken, finding it pleasantly tender. I hesitantly took a bite and found that it was actually very good. The spices mixed well, the meat certainly had quality to it, and it was cooked thoroughly; it was certainly better than anything I could have cooked. Before I knew it, my plate was devoid of chicken.

"Help yourself to more chicken, but don't forget to eat your fruits; they'll help with blood flow and all of that stuff," Aspen smiled, looking at my empty plate. "After this, we need to get you a massage and possibly a good soak; I'd imagine that you'd be pretty sore after the crash."

I nodded and helped myself to another delicious breast. I ate my fruits after I finished them like a good little boy, and I slowly got up from my seat.

"Here, drink this. It'll help with the massage and recovery. It's a little on the rank side, but you'll live," Aspen said as he handed me a cup filled with a suspicious white liquid. It didn't have much of a smell, but I almost spat it out the second it touched my lips. It was stupidly bitter, almost tasting of vinegar and buttermilk for some reason.

"I told you..." Aspen grinned as I hacked away.

"What the fuck is this shit?" I snarled in disgust.

"It's a specialized formula for speeding up recovery. It's a protein shake, but it was produced by a pharmaceutical company rather than a generic brand, so it'll work; it just doesn't have of the aesthetic taste behind it," he explained, trying not to laugh at my reaction.

I grimaced as I held the cup my face once more. I held my nose with one paw, and slowly tilted the cup towards my mouth. I suppressed the gag I felt as it touched my tongue, making myself swallow the noxious liquid in one gulp.

"Fuck..." I mumbled, setting the empty cup on the table.

"Yeah, you have to drink that twice a day. Again, it's probably some of the best shit for you, despite the taste," Aspen explained, folding his arms. "But come on, we have a massage to do. Down the stairs we go..."

Going downstairs was far easier than going up. Granted, I still needed Aspen's support (we ended up keeping the crutches upstairs as I wouldn't need them much), but it took way less time this round. I supported myself on the wall as Aspen held a door open for me at the bottom of the stairs, and I hobbled through.

"Oh, wow..." I gasped as I stepped through the doorway. A large circular in-ground hot tub sat in center of the room. Steam was rising from the water, giving a good idea of how warm it was. The rest of the room was pretty spacious; a large storage space lined the back wall, and in the far corner was some gym equipment.

"The chalet sits on a natural hot spring, which almost completely naturally warms the place...we are in a rather fortunate location," Aspen smiled proudly as I looked around. "But first, a massage."

Aspen guided me to the far corner, away from the humid heat of the hot tub. He sat me down on a bench, and then propped me long ways so I could lay down. He set a towel down so I could rest my head on it before getting to work, rolling up the hems of my long underwear so he could get to my ankle and surrounding areas. He gently gripped my right foot and bent my knee so that the foot laid flat on the bench. His thumbs gently rubbed along the shin, before working down to either side of the joint. I hissed as his left thumb hit the spot that was super sore. He stopped for a moment and let me calm down for a second before continuing.

"Fuck..." I groaned as he kept rubbing over it.

"Well, that's what happens when you hurt something-it hurts. The good news is that it only seems lightly stretched; you should be good in a day or two after we left you rest and relax-"

"FUCK!" I yelled as he dug in a little deeper.

"-and through some mobility exercises, we can restore functionality."

I really wasn't paying attention to what he was saying due to the fire of pain shooting through my foot right now.

"Let's see, these ligaments connect through this muscle here and..." Aspen went on talking to himself while ignoring my whines and groans from pain. I tried to keep my foot steady for him, but it was much easier said than done, especially when he practically jabbed his thumb into the side of the ankle.

"Alright, lift up the leg for me, and we will set it to the side here, so I can roll it and make sure you still have mobility. It will hurt, but only from general inflammation and whatnot," Aspen instructed. I followed his order, and let my ankle dangle off the side of the bench. I had worked up a small sweat from the exertion, and my heart was beating against my rib cage. Hopefully this would be the last thing before the soak.

Aspen gently gripped my ankle in his paw. Slowly, he moved it up and down through its full range of vertical motion. There was only slight pain there, but it was hard to tell if it was from the injury itself or through the discomfort of his massage. He returned my foot to a neutral position, and slowly rotated it inwards. I gritted my teeth as the pain increased, but nothing was restricted. He rotated the opposite way with the same burst of pain, but again, I had full range of motion. He gingerly began to rotate it in circles, taking care to go slowly. The small pit of fire in my ankle returned, but I was relieved that I was at least able to move it.

"Alright, you should be good in a couple of days once the inflammation dies down. Now, a soak in the tub."

"Wait," I said, finally realizing something.

"What is it?" Aspen asked as he stood up.

"I don't have any more clothes with me."

"Well, I guess you'll have to go naked," Aspen shrugged a slight grin on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"Surely you have some spare clothes?" I asked. Not that I minded going naked, but it was certainly not something I wanted to do right now.

"Fine..." Aspen headed for the large cabinet against the wall. After digging around for a second, he threw me a blue speedo. I stared at it. It was kind of...small, and I didn't expect Aspen to have such revealing clothing.

"I'll give you a shirt, shorts, and undies whenever we head back upstairs," he grinned mischievously. I rolled my eyes again. "Don't worry, I won't watch since that'd be unprofessional..." he turned around, giving me a little bit of privacy.

I stripped myself of my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor. My still felt sore from the fall, and it would be nice to relax a bit in the hot water, but as I held up the speedo, I realized that I wouldn't exactly be hiding much. I slipped the speedo on, feeling the tightness in my crotch as it held on to my genitals. Again, it may have been covered, but it left very little to the imagination.

"Alright," I sighed. Aspen turned around and gently walked me to the hot tub. He didn't mention anything about me being mostly naked, but I knew his eyes were surveying my body. Not maliciously or in a 'I'm-going-to-rape-you-with-my-eyes' kind of way, but he was definitely checking me out.

I let out a good sigh as the warm water surrounded my body. I almost seemed to float as the soothing heat and warmth surrounded me, relaxing my bruised and battered muscles.

"Enjoying yourself?" Aspen asked as he sat down on the tiled floor.

"A little; it's certainly not the way I had planned my vacation on going, but I'll live. Aren't you going to get in?" I asked.

"Not right now. I took a shower while you napped, so most of my kinks from today's work have already been dealt with."

"Fair enough."

I closed my eyes and just let my body sit for now. I wondered what kinks he had going about his body. I mean, he easily carried my while skiing, and I'm not light by any means, so his body must have through a lot training wise.

"So what do you do, Gage?" Aspen asked, breaking my train of thought.

"Well, I work for the local symphony in my area as their librarian."

"Hah! I never would have pictured you as a music nerd," Aspen chuckled. "How long have you been involved in music?"

"Since I was a kid; I took piano lessons and all of that fun stuff. I turned out to be pretty good, but I really liked writing music more, so that's why I majored in music composition."

"So why aren't you a composer?" Aspen asked, leaning back on his elbows.

"Well, they don't make steady money. I do commissions from time to time, but I'm not exactly the most well-known name in the music world, so I got a job working as a librarian."

"What do they do?"

"Basically, we control the sheet music for the orchestra. We organize scores and parts, make sure that all parts are there, there aren't errors on the parts, mark string part for bowing, manage the renting of scores and performance license, and basically control how much our copier gets used."

"Damn, sounds like a lot of stuff to keep up with."

"It isn't that difficult," I shrugged.

"How did your family react to you becoming a musician?" Aspen asked.

I hesitated.

"They...they were ok with it. They weren't all gung-ho from the start, but they don't bother me about it."

I hated talking about family, I'll be honest. It left a bitter feeling in my chest, almost like heart burn.

"Tell me about your family. Got any siblings?" Aspen asked innocently.

"Can we talk about something else?" I asked, almost pleadingly. Aspen looked into my eyes and shrugged.

"Got any girlfriends?" he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

"Hah!" I snorted. "I haven't dated in...almost eight years now." I said, counting my fingers.

"Really? A good looking stud like you hasn't dated in eight years? There's gotta be a reason why," Aspen laughed.

"Just haven't found the right guy," I shrugged, and immediately realized my admission. I looked over hesitantly as Aspen to see if he caught it, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Well, that would a pity for that person..."

"What about you?" I asked, leaning over the edge of the hot tub on my elbows.

"Eh, dated a few times, but nothing serious. It was hard to keep up with relationships while training for the Olympics, and plus everybody fucked each other silly during the Olympics anyways, so I didn't want to cheat on my significant other."

"They let you have sex with each other?"

"Dude, we were a bunch of athletes in our prime with hormones racing in our system. Hell yeah, most of us fucked anything that moved," he laughed.

"Sounds like me..." I mumbled, realizing I said that almost a little too loud.

"Oh, so you have had sex," Aspen grinned. "How many?"

"Oh geez..." I tried to calculate the exact number, but I gave up after a while. "Let's just say that I usually average sex about once every week or so for the past five years," I grinned.

"Oh, so you've been around, you man-whore," Aspen winked.

"I prefer the phrase, 'Executive Man-Whore', thank you very much," I gave a mockingly pompous retort.

"And why is that?" Aspen smiled, his tail swishing along the tile.

"Well, I don't push myself onto people. I don't come across as needy, and I don't need it. Plus, I'm pretty good with what I've got, so I figured I should spread the joy you know?" I grinned, my own tail imitating Aspen's.

"Well, that is a rather fancy way of saying you like having sex. I'm not that active, but I know how to use my stuff too," Aspen said as he groped his bulge. I stared for a bit, probably for a second too long before shaking my head slightly.

"Well I guess that makes us both lucky." We laughed and the conversation halted slightly.

"You never told me about your family," I said, breaking the silence.

"Well, both my parents were supportive of my skiing talents from an early age. We had a dog sled team in the Yukon Territories, so it was natural that I ski and sled everywhere I went. We moved to Oregon when I was a teenager, and moved between there and Washington, living on the Cascades and stuff. Moved down here after the Olympic Games; they paid me to basically show off as a star instructor, but soon no one knew my name anymore, so I became head of ski patrol, and they let me live on the mountain. In all honesty, life is good. I'm still skilled, but I'm not harassed by annoying fans anymore."

"Well, that's a lot more exciting than my life is," I laughed. Sometimes I longed for a life like that...but I'd probably end up disliking. I definitely preferred to work behind the scenes rather than stand in the limelight.

"I'm sure it's more exciting than most, unless they have an Olympics for symphony librarians," Aspen laughed. "Alright, times almost up, here let me help you out..."

"Thanks," I huffed as he helped me up. I had almost forgotten I was wearing a speedo, and due to the hot water, my bulge was clearly on display, but I didn't care. I had nothing to worry about in regards to size, but I do tend to be modest about my endowments.

The trip up the stairs was easier than it was early in the day, but it still took some time to make it to the top. I grabbed the crutches and headed for the bathroom to shower while Aspen got a spare set of clothes. The shower's hot water was also fueled by heat from the hot spring, so it was basically like soaking in the hot tub again, but this time I could wash myself without Aspen watching (not that I wouldn't mind putting on a show for such a sexy guy).

After my brief shower, I found two sets of folded clothes on my bed. I pulled out the underwear of one stack, which was a black and white striped pair of boxer briefs. I personally wouldn't wear it, but I didn't have much of a choice right now. I pulled them on, and they were pretty comfortable; they even conformed around my endowment rather nicely, which was a pleasant surprise. I pulled on the khaki shorts and the white t-shirt, and headed out to the living area on the crutches.

"Hot chocolate?" Aspen offered as I sat on the couch, propping my ankle on the table in front of the crackling fire.

"Thanks," I said as I took the rather warm mug. It wasn't hot, but was still pleasantly warm.

"I also got you this for your ankle," Aspen said, placing an ice bag on top of the joint. It made me shiver as it settled on my foot, an odd juxtaposition of being warm on the sole of my foot and frozen on the top. But it certainly numbed some of the pain that still tingled along the joint. As long as I didn't move it too much, it was alright. I sipped the hot chocolate as we both gazed into the fire, sitting in silence, letting the cracks from the burning wood fill in the silence.

"Sorry about earlier," Aspen suddenly apologized.

"Huh? What for?" I asked, glancing at him.

"I brought up a sensitive subject, sorry about that."

"You didn't know, so you can't be blamed. I didn't think anything of it; I'm just glad you didn't press it."

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk about it with..."

"I appreciate it, but I've dealt with most of it. It's just...I don't know. I'm not ready to talk to you about it-no offense, of course."

"None taken," Aspen shrugged, still sipping his hot chocolate.

"And...I guess I never did really thank you for saving me." I gave a small smile as I looked down at my slowly cooling cup.

"It's no problem. Well, my back might be a bit sore, but again, I got to meet an interesting guy in the process," he laughed.

"Says the Olympic medalist who skidded into the ski lift, and jumped off of it. Speaking of which, why were you on the backside? Shouldn't you have been on the front side of the mountain?" I asked.

"Well, it's routine that we check the back areas for stranded skiers and whatnot, so I and a small team headed that way. We all took different trails, and mine just happened to be the same one you were on," Aspen explained.

"I guess it's lucky we had radios."

"It's also lucky that I live over here anyways," Aspen smiled at me, leaning back in the couch.

"It does seem like a rather fortunate series of events despite the shitty start to my vacation. But it is what it is, and all can do is hope that this feels better by tomorrow or so," I said as I patted my right leg.

"You won't be much better tomorrow, but you should be good on Wednesday, assuming you don't fall down the stairs or something."

"I'll try to avoid that," I laughed.

I sighed after a second, slowly sinking into the comfortable couch as the heat of the room slowly took over my senses. I glanced out the window for a moment, noting at how much snow had fallen outside. The wind had calmed down some, but even then, conditions were still fucking terrible. But I was safe and warm, so I didn't worry about it too much.

"Geez, I'm tired," Aspen yawned loudly and stretched, the hem of his shirt coming up a little to reveal his lowers abs slightly. "Well, I'll have to check in at the resort tomorrow, so I should head off to bed soon."

"You're not planning on skiing in that shit are you?"

"Oh, hell no. I've got a snow mobile in the garage. I may like to show off, but even this weather is a bit much for me," Aspen laughed. "But I should be back in time to make breakfast or something for you. In the meantime, I'm going to get to bed. Have a good night; don't be afraid to bother me for something if you need it."

"Alright, good night. Thanks once again for your hospitality."

"It's not a problem. I'm sure you'd do the same for someone in need," Aspen smiled as he headed up the stairs.

I certainly was in need of him in my bed, that's for sure.

Vivid dreams filled my sleep. Even with all of the energy in my mind (most of it sexual in nature), I slept pretty damn well. I rubbed my eyes as I woke up; the sky was still very dark outside with the blizzard raging on, so time was difficult to tell. I found my pillow halfway across the room, though I honestly don't know how it got there. I could still smell the remnants of the fire from the fireplace, mixed in with...hamburgers?

"Fuck..." I groaned as I rubbed my back. It was still pretty stiff, but it was bound to be due to the fall. I could still move, so it wasn't all bad. Maybe Aspen could give me a massage there as well...

I gently set both feet on the floor. My right ankle was still in pain, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it was yesterday. Bracing myself on the bed, I tried to stand on it and walk. As long as I stood, it didn't hurt, but every time I tried to step, it would send a nasty shock of pain through my leg. Crutches it was....

"Finally up, eh?" Aspen grinned as I hobbled through the doorway. "You've been asleep for a good twelve hours, welcome to lunch time. How're you feeling?"

"Back is stiff, but my ankle is doing a lot better. Can't walk, but I can stand on it, so there's progress. Don't have a headache, surprisingly."

"That's the shake, man. Full of nutrients and it's really good for hydration. A massage should help with the back; it should be fine by tomorrow," Aspen smiled. "Speaking of the shake..."

"Oh god..." I groaned as he pointed to a cup on the coffee table.

"Drink up," he grinned, handing the cup to me.

I grimaced as I looked at it. Again, it had no smell attached to it, but my stomach immediately jumped as I remembered the awful flavor.

But if it helps...

I painfully swallowed the vile fluid. It almost burned as it traveled down my throat and into my stomach, where it settled like an odd weight, waiting to be digested.

"Blech..." I stuck my tongue out in disgust. Aspen continued to grin as I swallowed again, the after tasting burning in my esophagus. "How's the weather?" I asked after I regained my composure some.

"Terrible. About two feet fell yesterday, and another three is expected today. But with luck, it should slow down a bit tomorrow and dissipate by Thursday. Though conditions will still be crappy as it isn't compact snow, we should be open on Friday leaving you one day of skiing," Aspen sighed as he sat back in the sofa.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Two skiers got caught in the storm, and we had to send them to the hospital. They were in critical condition, so I'm kind of worried about them. Hypothermia and frostbite aren't pretty, so I can't say they'll leave the hospital well..." he trailed off for a moment. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him; I'm sure as a member of ski patrol, he cared deeply for the patrons of the resort and to have two of them caught in the storm must have put a damper on his mood.

"Oh shit, the burgers!" Aspen jumped up and dashed over to the stove, where a pan with a light layer of smoke hovered over the contents sat. He immediately flipped them and caught his breath.

"Well, at least it's not completely burnt," he shrugged. "Hope you don't mind one side a little more done than the other."

My stomach growled loudly in response.

"I'll eat anything."

Despite the slight imperfection on one side, the burgers were pretty good. We didn't chat much as we ate; I'm sure Aspen was still thinking about the skiers, and I really didn't have anything to say to cheer him up about it.

"Alright, time for another massage," Aspen said as we finished our meal.

I tried not to lean on Aspen as much as we descended downstairs, but I still couldn't move comfortably, so I ended up leaning on him anyways. But at least movement had become easier, so I was feeling pretty optimistic about my chances of a decent recovery by tomorrow.

"Sit," Aspen commanded, gesturing towards the bench. "First we will get to your ankle, and then I'll work your back some, and then we will head back upstairs."

"No soak?" I asked as he bent my leg so my foot was flat on the bench like it was yesterday.

"After dinner," he answered while placing his paws onto my foot, gently rubbing around the joint. "It feels a lot better; your inflammation has gone down, so any residual pain you feel would probably just be from soreness. A sprain is a sprain, but yours was fairly mild, even if you couldn't walk on it."

"Ow..."I hissed as his thumbs applied force right on the joint, causing my legs to instinctively tighten.

"Relax..." he whispered as he worked.

The massage went by much quicker this time, mostly because it didn't hurt nearly as much as it did yesterday. I was still thankful that it was over, mostly because I was secretly looking forward to the back massage. I flipped over when he asked me to, and I let my arms fall off the sides of the bench, the edge of my knuckles grazing the tile as he stood up.

"I'm going to pop your back real quick. I need you to take slow breaths, ok?" Aspen instructed me. I inhaled and exhaled slowly, and he gently placed his paws on my back. His paws followed the flow of my breathing, not applying any pressure until he knew I was relaxed enough to push down, making that satisfying crunch that indicated the stress release of my spine-

A sickening crunch filled the room as Aspen pushed down on the curve of my spine as I exhaled.

"Ughhnnn..." I groaned.

"One more," Aspen said as he moved his paws up a little further up my spine. I forced myself to relax and resumed my slow breathing. I couldn't help but feel a little on edge as his warm paws sat on my back, waiting for me to truly relax and-

"Fuck...." I groaned again as Aspen pushed against my spine, my back crunching in the progress. It was a satisfying sound as the numerous vertebrae popped, releasing the built up tension from the last 24 hours or so. I slumped over the bench as Aspen gently prodded my back feeling where most of the tension in my back was.

"Lats and upper back are fine, let me check the lower back..." his paws moved south, getting closer and closer to my ass. He prodded either side of my spine and I winced in slight pain.

"There we go," Aspen confirmed as his thumbs ran over my spinal erectors before they mashed into the muscles.

"Fuck..." I groaned, feeling the muscles being forced against the bone. Aspen's strong thumbs continued to rub vigorously, slowly loosening up the tense muscles. He slowly worked his way down, right until he was practically on my tailbone. I felt his thumbs on the edge of my crack, and I could help but tilt my hips.

"Oops," he gasped as a thumb ran into my crack, barely grazing the edge of my balls as he hit the bench. "Didn't mean to do that," he apologized.

"It was my fault; I wasn't relaxed," I laughed, trying to play the whole thing off. Yes, I wanted to him to touch my ass. Yes, I wanted him to fondle my balls and caress my sheath that was becoming nice and plump as his strong paws went back to work...

"You doing alright?" Aspen asked. I shook my head, blushing only so slightly.

"I'm fine. Massages aren't the most comfortable thing in the world for me," I grunted as his thumbs jabbed once more along the muscle tissue.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. When I damaged my hip, I had to go through more intensive rehabilitation, but I never looked forward to the massages. Relaxing while someone is jamming pointy thumbs into your muscles, it hurts like a bitch, especially is the tissue is already damaged. But it certainly feels good to have been massaged," Aspen shrugged, resuming his work on my lower back and moving towards the edges of my body. I flinched every so often, but it was more to me being slightly ticklish than actual discomfort.

"Alright, that should do it," Aspen announced ten minutes later after getting the rest of my back. I sat myself up and twisted my upper body, feeling the tense muscle now move with much more ease.

"Feel any better?" Aspen asked, folding his arms with a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah, I mean, it's tender, but better than it was when I woke up." Aspen smiled, and we headed back upstairs.

The rest of the day went by rather slowly. There's not much to do during a blizzard except wait, I've found; Aspen was checking the radio every thirty minutes and getting hourly updates on the weather. The two skiers that ended up in the hospital were expected to make a full recovery as neither of them had frostbite severe enough for amputations, which lifted Aspen's mood some.

A total of five feet of snow had fallen and another two was expected through the evening, and the storm was expected to dissipate overnight. Aspen said he'd make another trip in the morning to the resort to check on things.

I was tired of lounging around, so I did a small workout in the afternoon, doing mostly upper body workouts using the equipment from Aspen's gym. After struggling to get up the stairs myself, I took a nap and found myself waking up just in time for dinner.

"Steak and potatoes tonight; a true American meal," Aspen said as he put a plate in front of me.

"I see. Got anything to drink?" I asked.

"Beyond water? Well, I do have a nice handle of vodka that I've been saving for a decent occasion. We aren't driving anywhere, so if you want to finish it off with me, I won't mind," he chuckled to himself as he opened his freezer pulling out the glass bottle. "Straight from Iceland too; they know how to make decent vodka. It's filtered through volcanic rock, but I don't care about that," he said as he poured me a shot.

I stared at the clear liquid. There was no smell, which is usually a good thing. I swallowed it, letting the slight acidic liquid flow down my throat and settle into my stomach.

"There's no aftertaste."

"I know. That's what makes it dangerous," Aspen grinned, handing me another shot.

We ate and drank, and I was happily buzzed by the end of the meal. I shuffled in a slight stupor over to the couch, and flopped down. Aspen sat down a seat over from me on the arm rest and set the half empty handle of vodka down as well. He was buzzed as well, but not nearly as much as I was since he had to at least be somewhat intact tomorrow morning. The room as slowly spinning, and the warm fire kept me comfortable as I settled a bit into the couch.

"Yeah, this shit will help you relax some," Aspen smiled as I leaned against the headrest, propping my feet up on the coffee table.

"Well, that's good. Fuck...Well, for a miserable vacation, I could be doing a lot worse," I sighed.

"Yeah, you could be out there still and not in here by the warm fire, slowly getting drunk from vodka," Aspen shrugged.

"True. You have been a decent host," I smiled.

"Oh, just decent?" he asked in mock-surprise. "I didn't have to pick you up, you know..."

"But you did, and I'm thankful, really. Even with all of the hell you put me through, like the shake, and the stairs, and the massages..."

"But you got better. You almost walked to the couch."

"That's because the alcohol has numbed my pain," I laughed. Aspen joined in and took another shot. I took another one as well, as we both sat in front of the crackling fire basking in each other's company.

Speaking of pain, I couldn't help but think about my family. I began to wonder how they'd react if I had died on the mountain. I wonder, even with all of the shit they put me through-

"Hey, you doing alright?" Aspen asked, breaking my train of thought.

"Huh? Oh, nothing, it's just-"

"Look, Gage. I'm not going to force it, but you look like you have something you need to get off of your chest. You can talk to me about anything. I'm not going to judge you or throw you out or something unless murder is involved," Aspen put his paw on my shoulder, giving it a tender rub.

We sat in silence as I continued to mull over my thoughts. It ate me up slowly as we sat there, continually taking shots. I probably had about eight so far, a guarantee that I'd at least have a headache tomorrow morning. I stared longingly in the fire.

"I...I wonder what my parents are doing right now," I wondered aloud. I wasn't intending on doing this, but if Aspen was willing to listen, then it was far better to let it out that keep it inside.

"What makes you say that?" Aspen asked, listening intently.

"I just wonder what they're doing at home, while I'm up here with an injured ankle."

"And why would you wonder about that?"

"Well, we aren't exactly on good terms with each other. We had a bit of a...falling out of sorts," I explained, the familiar taste of bile running through my mouth.

"Damn, I'm sorry to hear that," Aspen comforted me. "If there was something I could do to help..."

"Unless you can persuade my parents to allowing their gay son back in their lives..." I gave a sad laugh, and took another shot. I'm no alcoholic, but I was glad it was here.

"Why would they do that? Was it because they were...religious or something?" Aspen asked with concern.

"Hardly. Both of them were irreligious as far as I knew."

"Then why...?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask them?" I shot angrily at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be an ass about it," I quickly apologized.

"I didn't take offense at it. But seriously, irreligious parents kicking out their gay son? That's unexpected."

"Well, it was probably a cultural thing. Both of them were old when they had me; Dad was closing in on 50, and mom wasn't too far behind. Post World War children were supposedly brought up in a very conservative fashion, but I don't know. I didn't exactly get the chance to ask them why."

The bitter taste of bile filled my mouth once more. My stomach was churning slightly as the thought of that day when I came out to them when I was sixteen.

"My dad gave me thirty minutes to pack anything I wanted. He was at least nice enough to give me $500 dollars to live on. I didn't see my mother after the conversation at dinner. I figured she was up in her room, crying her eyes out or something," I continued.

"How did you live? I mean, I can't even imagine the pain from that..."

"Fortunately, I had a pair of aunts that took care of me. Both of them lived next to each other, and after the rest of my family found out about my disownment, they sent me money to help pay for college and stuff. At least they had the heart to care," I bit my thumb, remembering the night I knocked on my aunt's door with the two suitcases of books and clothes I managed to salvage from my parents. Needless to say it was a long night; I didn't cry about it as it hadn't settled in at that point, but a lot of nights of crying myself to sleep followed.

"Did you have any brothers or sisters?" Aspen asked.

"No, I was an only child. The good news is that both my parents supported me going into music; they just didn't approve of the fact that my dick gets hard while looking at men rather than women." I slouched forward, playing with the shot glass idly in my paw.

"Did you ever hear from them after that?" Aspen asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"They'd sent a Christmas card every year until I graduated college, so at least they still knew I existed," I shrugged. "It was still difficult to receive it though. Anything I sent them, they either ignored, or it was sent back to me. I didn't find out until my junior year of college they had moved to a different town. My aunts thought I knew, so that's why they never mentioned it."

"How did you find out about it?"

"I drove by there one day. I was feeling bold, so I thought I would drive over there and have a little visit. I wasn't sure how it'd go, but it certainly wasn't my parents who answered the door." The shot glass fell on the floor and rolled around, but I didn't bother picking it up.

"Did anyone else know about this?" Aspen asked, fully engaged in my testimony.

"One other guy. He's been one of the few people I could consider as a best friend. I met him my freshmen year in college. He was a senior kinesiology major at the time, but he played in one of the orchestras, so that's how I got to meet him. We started hanging out, and he offered to be my personal trainer after I told him I wanted to start working out though I didn't know how."

"Well, at least you had someone to talk to," Aspen gave a small smile.

"Yeah, Kellen was certainly a good person to meet. Heh, he taught me everything I know about lifting, and...other things," I laughed softly.

"And what other things would that be?" Aspen asked as he leaned back, his smile growing slightly wider.

"Well, he definitely taught me how to properly fuck a guy," I said with a lewd grin, reminiscing about our first night together...though Kellen is a large guy, he's a complete bottom which completely threw me off, but it certainly paid off.

"Did he encourage you to become an 'executive man-whore'?"

"That happened by accident. Kellen was my only partner for a good while. Someone else got in my pants after that, and soon, I had a small queue forming. It was quite an interesting time," I laughed, remembering my first sexual encounters, especially those who didn't expect me to be as large as I was...

I let out a large sigh and sank back into the couch. The room was still spinning, but my heavy buzz was finally lifting. I felt a little better, but again, I hated talking about family.

"Well, sounds like you made the best of it," Aspen said.

"I try. Sometimes things just work out. I'm fortunate that I do have people outside of family that are willing to support me and take of me when I'm down. I guess you're one of them," I smiled, gazing at Aspen. He let out a large smile, and stood up.

"Come here, you need a hug," he said as he outstretched his arms. I stood up slightly, my ankle giving only a small twinge of pain as I embraced his warm body. He patted me twice and then pulled away all too soon for my tastes. Not even the dying fire could replace the warmth of his body as the feeling faded away.

"Alright. Well, thanks for talking. I do have to get to bed soon, but if you're willing to talk some more, be my guest," Aspen shrugged as he headed towards the stairs.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks for listening. I guess...good night?" I didn't really know how to close that heavy conversation. Aspen just smiled at me.

"Night, see you in the morning," he said as he turned around and headed back upstairs. I stumbled into my room, the dying fire casting a dim light on my bed. I flopped down on my back, feeling the mattress shift under my weight. I could still feel Aspen's arms around me, his chest pressing lightly against my own, his warm touch still lingering on my back....

My sheath gave a small throb. I felt my cock slowly harden as I thought about Aspen hugging me more intimately, his paws rubbing along my back as we slowly ground our hips together...

I gently peeled the waistbands of my shorts and underwear away, setting my cock free as it crawled up my abs. It gently throbbed as it reached its peak at eleven inches; a small bead of pre slowly dripped out of the tip and languidly dropped onto my upper abs. I sighed as I thought of Aspen naked, his hard muscular body rubbing against mine. I lightly stroked the base of my cock, letting those lewd thoughts mingle with my own touch. I imagined his own paw grabbing my cock and slowly stroking it, coaxing more pre to leak on my body. Slight shivers pulsed through my body as my paw made my way to the tip, squeezing ever so gently as it neared the end of the shaft. More and more droplets of pre dripped from the tip and I swished my thumb and smeared the viscous liquid around the head.

"Oh, fuck..." I breathed as I gave a slight hump, imagining Aspen grabbing my hips and slowly entering my hole with his large cock. I didn't know how big it was, but that mattered little to me as my imagination filled the gap of knowledge. I imagined it deliciously stretching me as he gently thrust inside, eventually hilting me. I stroked a little harder, imagining him picking up the pace. I let out a hearty moan (perhaps a little louder than I should have) as my paw also picked up its pace, following the sexy scene in my mind.

My other reached further down and fondled with my balls, picking up the heavy orbs and letting them fall down in the sac, adding to the mix of pleasure. They gave a light throb as my pleasure spiked. I gave a small hiss which turned into a soft moan as I pressed against my taint while stroking my cock. A decent amount of pre was now leaking onto my chest and abs, making a small pool of the slick fluid. I gently swiped some and slathered my cock, making my paw glide along my shaft. I imagined Aspen's warm mouth gently sucking on it as he penetrated me, an image that made my hips buck. I let out a soft sigh as my paw sped up some more. My hips lightly humped into my paw; I was now plowing Aspen's muscled behind.

"Fuck, Aspen..." I breathed, imagining my shaft plunging into his warm depths. I was getting close now, and it wouldn't be too long before I made a mess of myself. I felt a ball of energy deep within my loins swell as I neared orgasm. Aspen's hips were colliding with my own as he hit his climax. I saw several shots of cum fly out from under him. I gripped my cock harder, just one more good stroke and-

"Fuck...." I hissed, as a large shot of cum launched itself from my tip, splattering on my chest and shoulder. More shots of the thick white fluid landed on my chest as my inner groin muscles contracted sending a wonderful wave of pleasure and bliss through my body. I hissed again as I gently pulsed my paw around my cock, prolonging the erotic sensations. Three more shots of cum lanced out and landed on my body before the remainder of my cum dribbled out and pooled and my groin before dripping down onto the sheets.

"Well, that's going to be fun to explain," I laughed for a second, before regaining my composure. I reached to my side and grabbed my used towel from yesterday that had continently been discarded. I wiped myself and the furniture down, cleaning up as best as I could. After I was finished, I tossed the towel aside, and pulled the sheets over my body, instantly falling asleep the second my head hit the pillow.


"Fucking hell..." I groaned as I sat at the table.

"That's what you get for drinking so much," Aspen smirked as we ate lunch.

"Fucking hangovers...I usually hold my alcohol better than this," I mumbled, slowly eating the chicken in front of me.

"Well, we are at a higher altitude, and you probably haven't been drinking water, so dehydration will do it," Aspen shrugged, noisily cutting his chicken. Fortunately, it wasn't a terrible hangover, but everything was still swimming around in my head making it hard to hear clearly. I grumbled a bit more as I ate. Aspen handed another glass of the putrid shake and I drank it quickly, trying to get as little of the fluid on my tongue as possible.

"How's your ankle? I see you don't need the crutches anymore," Aspen noted, looking down at my feet.

"I can kind of hobble around. It's a little stiff, but it's fantastic compared to yesterday. Back is doing alright as well," I said as I rotated my back, feeling everything move nicely.

"Well that's great! You'll have to soak a bit after dinner," Aspen smiled as he stood up, picking up our plates. I watched his muscle butt flex and relax as he walked over to the sink. I imagined those muscular hips pounding his cock into my ass, just as they did in my fantasies...

"Is there something wrong?" Aspen asked. I shook my head after realizing I was staring.

"N-no, nothing wrong. At least, not yet," I smiled stupidly, trying to play off the whole thing. Aspen shrugged and sat down on the couch after poking the fire.

"How's the storm rolling through?" I asked after a good few minutes of silence.

"For the most part, it's died down surprisingly fast. We were expecting at least another foot or two today, but we might get even less than that. The wind has died down a lot, so it's not terribly cold outside. Well, compared to what it was, at least. Speaking of which, I do have to ride into the resort to pick up some supplies. I'll be out for an hour or two," Aspen said as he twirled to poker.

"Alrighty then," I shrugged. Aspen grabbed his ski patrol vest and headed out the door. I heard the snow mobile engine start and leave the garage, the engine sounds suddenly muffling due to the snow. I sighed once the only noise I heard was the fire crackle.

I really had nothing to do as I waited for Aspen to return. I sat in my bed for a bit, but I was too awake to nap. Sitting in front of the fire was nice, but it only held my attention for so long. I was getting restless, and now that I had mostly full mobility on my foot, I was ready to use it. I glanced upstairs. Beyond the study, I hadn't seen Aspen's room yet. Part of me said that it wasn't respectful to view the most private areas of someone's house, but another part of me said that he wouldn't know. Plus, it's not like I was going to blackmail him or something if I did find something questionable.

Before I knew it, I was already headed upstairs. I don't know why I felt so nervous. 'Maybe it's because you're intruding on someone's privacy,' my conscious told me. But my curiosity brought me to his door. I turned the knob, and it slowly opened.

I really don't know what I was expecting. It was a pretty plain room, and I guess I was slightly let down by that. I stepped on to the wood flooring, and glanced around. The fire place from the first floor connected to one in here, and two leather chairs faced the fire place. A large bed sat on the edge of the room underneath two large windows. The grey sky still loomed into the room, illuminating only about half of it. The other half was lit by the dim fire. A doorway at the far end led to a balcony, which was completely covered in snow.

Beyond the bed and chairs, there wasn't much furniture wise. A dresser sat on the wall closest to the master bathroom. On it was another set of pictures from the Olympics and an alarm clock. A smaller table sat in the corner next to the bed and a rather plain lamp sat on top of it. As I sat there and observed the room, I got wind of Aspen's scent, which was nice and masculine without being overbearing. It was certainly a pleasant smell.

I walked out of the room, closed the door, and headed across the hall. I curiously opened the door and found a study. Even though there was a small window looking into the room from the living room area, I couldn't see much beyond the ceiling fan and light. I was actually kind of surprised to see numerous shelves lining the walls, all filled with books. Most of them seemed to be textbooks of various sorts dealing with anatomy and physiology, but the rest seemed to be a hodgepodge of various subjects from nutrition to history. A full encyclopedia set sat at the base of one shelving unit and looked like it hadn't been touched in a good long while. A desk with a computer on it sat in the center of the room on top of a rectangular rug or various green and blue designs.

I sat down in front his computer. It was already booted up, though the monitor was turned off. I pressed the power switch, and I was viewing his desktop a few moments later. Beyond your standard icons that came with every single desktop, nothing stood out. A few icons for video games were present and there were some folders that were for the resort judging by the names, but there was nothing that caught my attention-

-Wait a moment, what's this? I moved the courser over a folder in the far right corner, far away from everything else. The label was 'Pics', but there were no thumbnails on the folder, and it certainly wasn't the standard 'My Pics' folder that came with the desktop...

Naturally, I double clicked it.

"Oh my-" I gasped out loud before grinning at what I had found. Aspen was certainly a naughty guy, judging on the size of his porn collection. But the best part for me was that they were all men.

The fact the Aspen was gay made my heart skip a beat as I browsed around the porn folder. Various hung muscular men of multiple species (though predominantly big cats) littered the folder, most of them striking revealing poses, flexing, or a combination of the two. After taking a small sample of the pictures, I found that most were playing with their sheaths by sticking their fingers inside and lightly stretching the protective skin. One particular muscular lion was playing around with his foreskin, which was slightly unusual, but hot nonetheless. Aspen had pretty good tastes for men, I found. Each one was certainly handsome and definitely above average in endowment, but not extremely large.

My cock grew deliciously hard in my shorts as I browsed his gallery. It throbbed gently at one particular photo of two large tigers in a 69 position, lightly lapping at each other's tips; both of them had strands of pre along their faces. The one on the bottom was gently rubbing the other's large balls, eyes closed in pleasure as they seemed to just roll around in between his fingers. The next photo was a very tall wolf straddling a smaller fox. The wolf's erect cock laid flat along the fox's chest, almost poking the guy in the chin. It was a very dominating pose, and it certainly caught my attention.

I idly stroked myself as I continued to browse taking a moment or two to enjoy some of the images before moving on to the next photo. It certainly a good collection and it poked at all of my favorite things from large muscle bound titans to smaller guy with large dicks. Some had spectacular cumshots, some were leaking thick pre, and some-

A sudden whirr caught my attention. I froze and listened, hoping it was just the refrigerator or something. The whirring continued and I jumped, instantly x-ing out of the folder and turning off the monitor once I realized what it was.

Aspen was home.

"Fuck!" I hissed as I hobbled out of the room and down the stairs, trying not to trip. I heard the garage door open and I hopped down the last few steps. I jumped and twisted, landing on my back on the edge of the couch right as the door to the living room area opened. I let out a large sigh of relief, though my heart was still pounding in my chest.

"Hey, I'm home!" Aspen announced as soon as he saw me.

"H-Hey!" I said shakily. Aspen walked into the kitchen without suspecting anything and set his bag of goodies on the counter.

"I figured we'd make an easy dinner tonight. Nothing special, though still healthy," Aspen explained as he began to pull out various ingredients.

"What are you going to make?" I asked, peering over the couch.

"Pizza!" he announced as he held a large circular crust above his head. "I figured we could have an 'off day' of sorts, so cheese and pepperoni it is, unless you want something else."

"Nah, that sounds good," I smiled and flopped back on the couch as he began to make the pizza.

An hour later Aspen took the pizza out of the oven. The smell of toasted bread and firewood filled the chalet, making it cozier than normal. Aspen and I sat on the couch, steadily munching away on our three slices each. We made very little conversation as we ate. I was still thinking about Aspen's porn collection, but was also trying not to get an erection while I was in front of him. I mean, I now knew he liked men, but I didn't know if he had the hots for me yet so I decided that it wasn't quite worth the risk.

"Well damn, that was actually pretty good, if I must say so myself," Aspen smiled and leaned back, patting his stomach. I nodded in agreement and set my own plate down. "How's your back doing?"

"It's still a little stiff, but nothing a good soak probably couldn't fix," I said after wiping my mouth of crumbs.

"Well that's manageable. You want to head down now?" Aspen asked.

"Well, let me get changed first," I smiled.

"Of course," Aspen returned the smile. I couldn't but feel as though he was looking at my ass as I hobbled into my room to change, not that I was bothered by it. I stripped myself of my clothing and put on the blue speedo Aspen gave me. My sheath was still swollen from thinking about the sexy men in Aspen's porn folder, but I don't think he'd mind that. Aspen was waiting for me in the basement. He was laying down on the tile, his upper body propped on his elbows. I took a brief glance at his crotch, hoping that my previous night's fantasies held true. But there was a lot of fabric in the way, so it would be hard to tell. I, on the other hand, was basically naked for him to see. Again, I don't think he minded that, and I frankly didn't care at this point.

"Oohh, that feels good," I groaned as I sat in the soothing water. It was slightly warmer than normal, but certainly not unbearable.

"I bet it does," Aspen smiled.

"Why don't you get in?" I asked in both an honest question and with the ulterior motive of seeing more of his bare body. He shrugged.

"I've had no need," he replied honestly.

"Fair enough," I said, and sunk slightly lower into the water.

"Say, you've got a decent body. I know you work out, but have you played any sports?" Aspen asked after a good bit of silence.

"I took martial arts when I was kid," I responded.

"Which one? You look like a MMA type of guy," Aspen tilted his head slightly, resting it on his shoulder.

"Nah, I took Tae Kwon Do. I wouldn't participate in MMA even if I was good at it."

"Why is that?"

"There's a certain attitude that the sport radiates, and it's almost sickeningly haughty. I'm not saying it's bad, but I needed something that focused on more traditional aspects rather than just fighting. I know it's kind of an ignorant reason for some, but that's how I feel about it."

"Makes sense," Aspen shrugged again. "How far did you get in Tae Kwon Do?"

"I got my third degree black belt about two years ago when I turned 24."

"Oh, wow. That means you could probably kick my ass right now," Aspen laughed.

"That would be an arrogant assumption for me to make; I don't know if you know how to fight, and unless you aggressively threaten me, I'm not going to beat you up for no reason. Though I could get some nice headshots in, even without really training for the past two years," I explained.

"You ever get into a fight?" I knew that question would come sooner or later.

"Well, I did get into a small scuffle a few months ago, but nothing serious."

"Oh? Do tell."

"Well, I was walking around town; sometimes I do that if I'm up at night and really bored. But anyways, I was wondering around, and three thugs tried to mug me."

"Holy shit, man."

"Yeah. I got lucky though. Well, kind of. I managed to knock one out with a spin kick to the head, but another one hit me in the head with a brick as soon as I turned around."

"Then how was it nothing serious?" Aspen asked in disbelief.

"Well, someone just happened to walk by and help me. Unfortunately for them, the guy was an 8 foot tall, 400-some-odd pound orca that was pretty damn good at Muay Thai. He got the other two pretty quickly. We called the cops, and...that was that." Well, it was a LOT more than that...my sheath swelled at the memory of what happened afterwards. Not only was he good at fighting, but he was also good in bed, too. But Aspen didn't need to know about that.

"Well, at least you're alright. I hope the injury wasn't too bad," Aspen said with slight concern on his face.

"It was just slightly scraped and bruised, surprisingly. The guy I kicked in the head got a concussion, and one of the other guys had a broken rib or...three. The other one was knocked out too, but no injury; just a good hit to the base of the skull."

"Again, you're damn lucky. I couldn't imagine what to do in that situation," Aspen shrugged.

"Well, my spin kick wasn't pretty. It certainly looked better a couple of years ago. I was actually surprised that that was the first thing that came to mind," I laughed.

"Wait, that was the only thing you did to the guy?" Aspen cocked his eyebrow.

"Well, no. He grabbed me after asking for my wallet. I broke the grip and dodged a punch and threw a roundhouse kick. It didn't hit, but my body kept going. He didn't expect the second kick, and frankly, neither did I, really. I think that's why the other guy was able to hit me with the brick. But, life's good," I recollected that fight as I put my arms behind my head.

"That's still impressive."

"Not as impressive as you winning a fucking gold medal at the Olympics," I laughed.

"Well, I trained a lot for that. But I imagine you did the same, so there's that. I became temporarily famous, and you get to live another day."

"True. Alright, time to get out. My ankle is still a little stiff; you mind helping me out?" I asked.

"Sure, give me your paw," Aspen stood up and took my paw in his own, and gently pulled as I stepped out of the water.

"Thanks-oh!" I gasped as Aspen's lips suddenly locked onto mine. His tongue gently prodded at my mouth as I finally realized what was happening, and I allowed him entry, moaning into the exact action I've wanted to do to him since I've stayed here.

"Well, this isn't exactly what I planned to have happen, but I'll take it," Aspen said as we stopped to breath for a moment.

"And how long have you planned this?" I asked, gazing into his deep green eyes.

"When I saw you flying down the slopes. I just had to catch you on the chair lift," Aspen admitted as he nosed me.

"So you wanted the blizzard to roll in and me to sprain my ankle?" I asked, knowing full well that he didn't.

"Well that was the part that didn't go according to plan. But who cares," Aspen shrugged and his lips met mine once more, pulling me into another passionate kiss.

His rough tongue sensually danced with mine, exploring the various contours of the roof of my mouth before intertwining with mine once more. His paws pulled me in close and gently rubbed along my back. I gave a slight moan as his wandering paws worked their way underneath the waistband of the speedo and gently cupped my ass.

"I can't wait to fuck this," Aspen growled as he freely groped me, pushing my groin into his.

"I can't wait to take this," I grinned, gently fondling his crotch through his shorts. There was definitely something sizeable in there, and I couldn't wait to let it out.

"Well, I do have a bedroom. Think you can walk two flights of stairs?" Aspen asked as he nuzzled my cheek, giving it another light kiss.

"My ankle will be fine as long as we aren't fucking on a treadmill," I rolled my eyes and gave him a lustful grin. "All you need to do is lead the way."

"Gladly," Aspen grinned, taking my paw and walking me out of the room.

"So, just out of curiosity, how'd you know I'd react this way?" I asked as we crossed the living room to the stairs leading up to his room.

"Well, you weren't exactly subtle about your feelings towards me," Aspen grinned.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You were pretty loud last night. I heard some noises and I thought you hurt yourself. Turns out something else was going on," Aspen snickered as we reached the door.

"Oops," I shrugged.

"Well, here we are. I guess the strip show will be a little one-sided," He laughed, groping my slightly swollen package. "Not that I don't mind; I've waited a good while to touch your body freely..." He purred as his paws moved up and cupped the bottom of my pecs; his thumb lightly grazing over my nipple.

As he touched me, I grabbed his hips, feeling the muscles of his outer hips flex as his legs moved slightly closer to me. I moved my paws up underneath the hem of his shirt, and slowly pulled the fabric upwards. Aspen raised his arms up, and soon the t-shirt was discarded on the floor.

"Oh, wow..." I breathed, gazing upon his bare torso. Not only was he muscular, but he was pretty ripped as well. From his shorts, a sculpted set of eight abdominal muscles showed under his skin, flanked by a thin set of obliques which were deliciously contoured with crisscrossing fibers of muscles. Above his abs was a thick set of pectoral muscles. They almost seemed to flare outwards, seemingly lapping over his shoulders. Nearly every single grouping of the muscle fibers in his chest were visible, giving the sternal and outer edges of the muscles a serrated look. Several thin veins danced along the edges as well, further texturing the muscles. Similarly, three thicker veins ran from the center of his abs through the waistband of his shorts, leading to his groin.

His shoulders capped his arms, though they weren't massive. Even then, they were still cut and defined, showing off all of the muscle fibers that made the deltoid group. The fibers curved down and also seemed to intertwine with his upper bicep, which was cleanly cleaved in the center. A thick vein ran down the bicep and into the elbow, where it branched off into several other blood vessels before wrapping around the forearm.

"I see years of training have treated you well," I smiled, rubbing my paw along his upper abs, feeling them twitch as he breathed. He purred contently as I moved lower, slowly making my way to the waistband of his shorts. He leaned in and tenderly kissed me again as I fumbled around with the clasp. I felt the button fall through and I felt around for the zipper as our tongues embraced with each other. I slowly unzipped his shorts and they fell to the floor, revealing a nice pair of black boxer briefs with a rather prominent bulge.

"It looks like you lived up to my fantasies," I breathed and looked down, eyeing the swelling bulge.

"Glad you thought of me that way," Aspen smirked as he freely groped his bulge.

"I'm glad that you're a big guy too," he murred as he slowly pulled the elastic waistband of the speedo down my thighs, allowing for my cock to free itself. He gently grasped it and began to lightly stroke the middle of the shaft. It quickly became fully engorged with blood, finally reaching its full length at eleven inches. It bobbed freely as he let go and moved towards my large balls, letting them roll around in his palm. A small bead of pre formed at the tip, and Aspen rubbed his thumb across my slit and licked it.

"You're also a tasty kitty, too," he purred.

"'Kitty'...?" I raised my eyebrow at the pet name. Aspen ignored me as kissed me again, this time leading me towards to the bed. With a gentle push, I fell onto the bed. Aspen crawled over me, and settled his groin on top of mine, and then resumed the kiss. His hips mashed against mine, and I could feel his hard shaft rub against mine. The fabric was smooth, so sliding and grinding was almost frictionless as we frotted. I reached behind him and slipped my paws into his boxer briefs, grabbing his toned ass and gently pushing against my hips. He let out a small gasp as I worked the globes in circles, creating mock thrust sensations against my own hips.

"Mmm, someone's a little horny tonight," he smirked as he pulled out of the kiss.

"How could I not be with you in bed? I'm all worked up, and you're not even completely undressed," I grinned, pulling the fabric over his rump, exposing it to the air. He lifted his hips up, and allowed me to take off the garment completely. As it passed over his groin, I felt his large thick cock flop onto my own throbbing shaft followed by his large balls. His shaft was incredibly hard and warm, and easily matched my length. He pressed his groin against mine, sensually rubbing our shafts together.

I grinned as his shaft slid against mine. Small drops of pre formed at the tip of his cock and they slowly smeared onto mine, steadily lubricating our shafts as he pumped his hips. We purred as our balls rolled together, sending sparks of pleasure through both of our bodies. I reached up and rubbed his thick pecs, feeling the muscle flex and relax under my touch.

"God, you're hot," Aspen breathed as he looked into my eyes, his hips still grinding into my own.

"Yeah? What do you like?" I grinned, rubbing his arms.

"Well, you've got a nice body...a nice personality....and then there's this." I moaned as he grasped both of our shafts, forcing them together as he thrust a little harder, building some delicious friction.

"But, I'm sure the best part would be your tight ass around my dick," he winked. He stopped thrusting and pulled his hips back, letting the thick shaft smear his pre all long my sheath and balls. I pulled my knees to my chest, exposing the target he sought. He gently pressed his head against my hole, slathering his thick pre along my entrance.

"Ready?" He grunted, gently pressing the thick barbed head against my anus.

"Go for it," I purred, relaxing my legs in anticipation for penetration. Aspen grunted and slowly pushed in, easily spreading my hole wide.

"Uhnn..." I grunted as it slid inside. It was slightly thicker than I anticipated, but nothing I couldn't handle. He slowly thrust inside, lighting all of the nerves in my tract as it traveled deeper and deeper. The barbs tickled my prostate as it brushed past, making my cock throb a bit and some more pre leaked onto my abs.

With a final grunt, all eleven inches were hilted inside and throbbing deep within me. His large balls rested on the base of my tail, pulsing lightly with sexual energy. Aspen slowly pulled out halfway and then pushed back in, rubbing the barbs all along my passageway as his thick cock spread me deliciously.

"You're wonderfully tight...I thought you'd be loose in all honestly," Aspen purred as he built up a steady pace. I let out a moan in response and clenched my hole, making the big cat above me gasp in pleasure. His thrusts were becoming more fluid from his slick pre. I reached up and rubbed his chest. He puffed it out for me, the muscles swelling under my touch.

His balls were starting to slap against mine as his pace increased once more. Aspen made small grunts as his hips worked, jamming his large shaft deep inside of me. My own cock throbbed and pulsed on my chest. My pre was flowing freely now, pooling in the grooves of my upper abs. It began to sensually slide a little bit along my own chest as the force of Aspen's thrusts increased. My feet locked behind him, not only adding a new angle of penetration, but allowing me to add a little more oomph to his thrusts.

"Fuck, I'm close..." Aspen moaned, slamming particularly hard into my ass. My cock lurched, releasing a nice spurt of pre along my left pec. He gritted his teeth and used short powerful thrusts. I grabbed my cock and began to stroke furiously, eager to catch up to him. I pumped my hips as he pounded into me, loud slaps filling the room.

"Fuck..." I breathed as I hit orgasm. Several spurts of cum shot out of my dick, arching over my face and landing on the mattress. Some of the shots that had less velocity landed on my face and chest before the rest of my cumshot dribbled over my abs.

"Uhhnnnn..." Aspen moaned as his cock swelled slightly and unleased its contents. A steady thick stream of cum spewed inside of me like a fire hose. I'm not kidding; unlike most cumshots which usually happen in spurts, Aspen's was a long uninterrupted stream of fluid. It lasted for about six seconds, filling my innards with warm sticky fluid. Aspen let out a large breath as his orgasm subsided, and pulled out slowly.

"Well, that was fun," Aspen commented as he lightly groped my balls. "I see we're both still pretty hard; we might have to fix that," he winked.

"And what would you recommend?" I grinned, propping myself up on my elbows.

"Turn over. Time for a good pounding, kitty," He grinned. I ignored the pet name again, knowing that he wasn't belittling me with it. I don't care for pet names, but I wasn't in the mood to tell him otherwise.

I turned over and presented my backside to him once more. He grabbed my hips, quickly aligned his dick, and pushed it. I let out a moan as he thrust his whole cock entered, barging right past my prostate. He allowed no time for recovery as his balls slapped against mine, and immediately pulled out just to slam back in. It was certainly rougher, but that certainly didn't take away from the pleasure by any means. My cock throbbed and twitched as he plowed my ass. I pushed back against him once I found his rhythm, making us both moan as his cock reached just a little deeper inside of me.

I gripped the sheets as he pistoned in and out of my hole. Loud slaps of our hips drowned out the outside wind. Sweat was forming on my body, and I'm sure his body was reacting the same way to the heated experience. Aspen lowered his body and wrapped his arm possessively around my chest bring me closer to him as well. From here, he was able to get a little bit more leverage and resumed the now furious pace.

"Ughnn...fucking hell," I grit my teeth. It was beginning to burn slightly, even with his virility and the residual cum that was inside of my hole. His other paw snaked down and gripped my shaft. My tongue lolled out as the pleasure doubled from his added ministrations. His chest rubbed against my back as his breathing intensified. I turned my head and latched onto his lips. He breathed heavily through his nose as my tongue barged past his lips. He was busy concentrating on his hips and paws, so I did all of the oral work. I lightly sucked on his tongue and danced with it, anything to help him along his way to climax. He breathing was becoming ragged now, and I could tell that he was on the edge. I squeezed my hole as tight as I could and with a final thrust and hiss, he came a second time.

The steady stream of cum splashed around the many twists and turns of my insides once more, lighting up nerves deep inside. Aspen lightly bit down on my shoulder as his burst of a climax tapered after about four seconds or so. He slumped against me and released his bite once his cock calmed down from his explosive climax.

"Geez, Gage...That was good," He grinned, nipping lightly at my ear. "But, I see I wasn't able to get you off as well," he commented as he gave my cock a light stroke.

"Don't worry about that too much; I'm sure I'll cum many more times tonight," I grinned as his cock slowly withdrew from my ass.

"Well, it'll be a bit before I can go again. Till then, you're free to do as you please," Aspen said as he laid down on the bed on his back.

"Oh, good. Well, since you've been touching me all week, I guess it's only appropriate for me to do the same," I smiled and motioned for him to turn over. Aspen rolled over and crossed his arms under his head as I crawled on top of him. Once I was situated sitting on his rump, I placed my paws on his upper back and began to rub.

He purred as I firmly rubbed his muscles. Despite their size, they were amazingly supple and malleable. I felt no irregularities as I massaged his traps. The large spade shaped muscle was incredibly developed, though not obscenely large. The muscle seemed to curve over his shoulder and make his way to a central point in the middle of his back. I gently rubbed along the outline of the muscle, slowly working towards where the muscle attached to the spine. Once I reached that spot, I worked my back up the other side and slowly worked towards the center.

"You're a surprisingly good at massages," Aspen purred.

"I learned a lot from my personal trainer," I smiled, thinking about all of those massages I got from Kellen.

"So he didn't only teach you how to treat your body, but he also told you how to use it too," Aspen commented with a slight innuendo.

"You could say that," I commented as I finished up working on his traps. I moved further down his back, hitting the lats. I gently rubbed the outside of the muscle, reaching around the somewhat prominent curve that led from his arm to his obliques. He grunted as I hit the sensitive area on the underside of the muscle near the ribs, and I relaxed my touch and rubbed in small circles. He stopped his grunting and I moved further south once more, feeling the contoured muscles of his obliques.

As I reached the edge of his muscular hips, I placed my paws in the center of his back and gently rubbed the fascia tissue that spanned his lower back. I could feel it crinkle only slightly under my touch and I gently rubbed though slightly rough areas trying to smooth them out. I massaged lower and lower, finally getting to his sacrum, right above his tailbone. Though my dick had softened through the course of the massage, it slowly began to plump up at the thought of being so close to his large glutes built and toned from years of training.

A sudden thought entered my mind. He allowed me to do as I pleased, so even though he did seem fairly dominant, I figured he wouldn't mind what I had planned. I slowly moved off of his ass and gave my hardening cock a quick stroke, trying to get it as erect as possible before he asked what was going on. I gently moved his tail, and let my cock flop onto his crack with a heavy thwack.

"Oh?" Aspen made a small gasp and it quickly turned into a teased moan as I began to hotdog his crack. I purred as my cock ran between those muscled mounds. There wasn't any lubricant, but the friction from the fur was a delightful sensation indeed. It also tickled my balls as they ran along his rump, furthering our mutual teasing.

My pre was beginning to flow now, and it was making a small mess on his backside as I continued to wedge my cock in between his cheeks. Aspen purred with delight beneath me and raised his hips some in order for to get closer to his hole. I was also getting to the point where the teasing was almost becoming unbearable. I grabbed his hips and picked them up, and gently prodded his hole, smearing the slick pre along his entrance. He gave me a nod, and I gently pushed in.

He was pretty tight, I'll say that. I wasn't worried that I'd hurt him, but it was definitely tighter than I had anticipated. My pre helped some as I pushed forward, but there was no way I going to get all of me inside in one thrust. Aspen grunted as I got about six inches or so inside. He didn't seem like he was in pain, but I stilled myself for a moment for adjustment purposes before pulling out slightly.

"Fuck, you're large," Aspen grunted.

"Yeah, and you're tight," I hissed through gritted teeth, feeling his tract quiver around my cock. After it settled some, I pushed forward again, this time forcing in about nine inches or so before hitting a patch of resistance. I let Aspen rest for a second before repeating the process of pulling out and reentering his warm tight passageway.

I saw sparks as I closed my eyes when I finally felt his ass make contact with my groin. His hole deliciously constricted around my cock as I waited for him to adjust, and it took all the will power I had to not just fuck him as hard as I could. Aspen let out a small grunt before pushing his hips back slightly. I moaned as I sunk just a little bit more inside.

I pulled out about halfway and slowly sank in his depths once more, making him shudder underneath me. I rubbed his sides as I let him adjust once more, trying to get him to relax as much as possible. He pushed back again when he was ready, and I pulled halfway out once more, and slowly thrust into him. I didn't give him much of a chance to adjust as I built a slow but steady pace.

Aspen's breathing finally calmed after a few minutes of the painfully slow fuck, and I could feel his insides give a little more and more as I delved inside of him. He was starting to purr contently now as I picked up the pace a bit. I was starting to sweat again from the exertion of going so slow, and the added pace released some of the previous pent up pressure my balls were feeling. He was still fairly tight, but as least I was able to actually move without fear of hurting him too much.

"Ughnn..." Aspen groaned as he pushed back as I thrust in side of him. I let out a guttural growl, and gave him a particularly hard thrust. He gasped, and pushed back against me ever harder. I suddenly jumped the tempo and the force, making him grip the sheets as I plowed into him. Loud slaps from our colliding bodies filled the room once more. My large pendulous balls struck his with every thrust, adding to the delightful sensations of my cock being constricted by his hole.

"More," Aspen moaned, his head slumping as I pounded into to him. I grunted as I pulled out and slammed my entire length into him.

"God DAMN!" he yelled, mostly in pleasure. I growled as I jackhammered his ass, relishing the still tight passageway. I felt my balls pulse as my orgasm approached. The increased amount of pre was making my thrusts incredibly sloppy and incredibly blissful at the same time. I grit my teeth, trying hold on as long as I could, but the tightness was too much.

"Fuck!" I roared as my cock exploded in his ass. Numerous spurts of cum launched deep within him, splashing around the various turns and curves as I continued pumping my cock in his hole. My balls lurched, and I felt the final spurts of cum sputter out of my dick. I slumped over his back and wrapped my arms around his torso. He gave me a tender kiss on the cheek before lightly manipulating my body off of his and onto the mattress.

"Did I mention that you're huge?" Aspen grinned.

"You're just as large, if not thicker," I smiled, giving his still hard cock a stroke.

"That doesn't change the fact that you're still a big kitty," he smirked as he rubbed my chest.

"Well thanks for the compliment. I would say I made it myself, but I didn't have much of a say in that. Not that I'm complaining," I grinned again, still idly stroking his cock.

"I'm not either," Aspen grinned, pulling me in for another light kiss. "But, you've left me hard and ready to go again," he gestured towards his throbbing dick. A copious amount of pre was leaking down his veiny shaft, slowly dripping onto my paw. I bent down and lapped at the source of the pre. Aspen's body shuddered underneath me, and I felt his strong paw rub through the top of my head. It gently pushed me down, and I had no choice but to swallow the thick cock.

My tongue swirled around the underside of his shaft as the barbed head passed along the roof of my mouth. I purred and his hips bucked, forcing the shaft to go deeper into mouth. The head hit the back of my throat, and Aspen gasped at the contact. I brought a paw up to his balls and gently caressed them, rolling the swollen orbs in my palm.

I began to bob up and down, and I gently stroked the remained of the shaft I couldn't get to. Aspen rubbed my head, encouraging me to take more and more of his length. I purred some more and he shivered again and took a sharp inhale. He slowly let out the breath through his nostrils, and I could tell I was driving him up the wall.

"Ughn...your mouth is too fucking good..." Aspen hissed as I continued my blow job. His hips bucked, and I allowed him to lightly face fuck me as he neared orgasm. His breathing became ragged and his cock pulsed as we went forward. I popped my mouth off of his dick and lapped at the sensitive underside; I didn't want to miss the spectacular cumshot. I feverishly stroked his dick, getting as many strokes as I could-

Aspen let out a heated moan as a geyser of cum spewed out of the tip, launching straight up and arching back onto the mattress. It was still a steady uninterrupted stream of cum, all of it was consistent in thickness until the very end. Aspen flopped back onto the mattress as it waned after a good six seconds. Cum was still leaking from the tip, and his shaft was still rock hard and throbbing.

"Someone needs another go?" I cooed, straddling his waist once more. He looked at me with his face still in a blissful haze of lust, and gave me a nod of agreement. I shifted my hips up and aimed his dick at my entrance. With a deep inhale, I impaled myself on that throbbing shaft all the way to the hilt.

Aspen let out a strangled moan as I rested on top of his hips. His cock pulsed madly within me, the barbs scraping along my inner walls. He grabbed my hips as I set up, and forcefully slammed them down on my hips. I threw my head back as large cracks of pleasure flooded my systems. My hips immediate set a fast pace as I rode him, and his hips tried to meet mine each time. Our rhythm was slightly off, but every time we collided at a unison moment was a massive smack of bliss, highlighting the certain moments of the intense fuck.

I braced myself forward, leaning on Aspen's thick chest. It rose and fell with each great breath that he took. His abs flexed as he moved his hips, those erotic bricks of muscle twitching at every movement. My own dick throbbed above him, twitching and releasing a nice dribble of pre every time he rammed against my prostate.

Despite me technically being on top, Aspen took control of the frenzied pace. His cock jackhammered into my hole, pre splattering deep inside of me and making the thrusts slippery. My tongue lolled out of my mouth as I gazed upon his face which was contorted in a combination of lust and ecstasy. His eyelids flickered as he pistoned his large cock deep inside of me. I saw his abs clench several times, and I leaned down to kiss him fully on the lips to bring us both over the edge.

He screamed inside of my mouth as he achieved orgasm. I felt the familiar stream of cum quickly fill up my insides, leaving no spot untouched. The building heat and throbbing dick deep within me triggered my third and final orgasm of the night. Large spurts of the thick white fluid splattered between our bodies as we passionately kissed. I gently pumped my hips along his cock, prolonging the mutual pleasure we were both experiencing. Aspen's tapered off first, though it was still an impressive load. Three more shots of cum blasted out of my cock before the rest sputtered out, coating both of our bellies in white.

I slumped onto his body, both of us breathing rather heavily from the exertion. I felt the gentle swell of Aspen's large chest as he tried to stabilize his breathing and I ran a paw over his abs as the flexed and relaxed under his fur. I purred contently, nuzzling his chest as his paw gently rubbed my head. I gave the softening cock a teasing stroke, forcing the residual cum that didn't quite make it out of his cum covered shaft. He gasped, and it turned into a relaxed purr as I reached the tip, and it noisily flopped onto his abs as I released it.

"Well, fuck me sideways..." Aspen exhaustedly grinned, stretching lightly as I held onto his torso.

"I can do that," I returned the grin, resting my head on his heaving chest.

"Hah! I'm sure you'd love that. Maybe some other time though; I'm spent. Job well done," he smiled, giving me a light kiss on my head. I gently rubbed the other pec I wasn't resting on, noting the dropping heart rate as he laid back and situated a pillow behind his head. He purred contently, stroking my neck and back as we both slowly dozed off. He let out a yawn and gently wrapped his arms around me. I nuzzled his rising chest once more, finding a more comfortable position, and gently closed my eyes, content with where I was. Before I knew it, his warm body had lulled me to sleep, sending me on a journey of pleasant dreams.


"Geez, it's fucking freezing!" I shivered as Aspen opened the garage door, a rush of cold air quickly filling in the small room.

"Well, yeah it is. A blizzard just blew through, and temperatures are going to stay low until the cloud cover blows through. Come on, don't be such a kitten," Aspen grinned at me in his shorts and ski patrol vest.

"I still don't understand how you can just wear shorts in this weather..." I grumbled, pulling my black scarf over my gator. Aspen started the engine of the snowmobile, and soon we were off to the resort.

"Well, spend your early life in Northern Canada and this will be normal. I mean, yeah it's a little cold, but it's only about 5 degrees right now. I'm used to below zero temperatures, so this is really nothing," he yelled over the roar of the engine as me drove out of the garage.

It was hard to talk over the loud engine, so I just held on to Aspen's midsection and enjoyed the freshly covered scenery. It was kind of a strange sight to see the entire mountain devoid of vacationers. Several of the ski lift maintenance workers and members of ski patrol were on the base, inspecting the mountain for various hazards before opening once more later in the week. I'd be gone by the time they opened tomorrow, but that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy the last day in town with Aspen. My plane flight was delayed till tomorrow morning due to potentially dangerous weather, but that didn't affect my work plans. The resort offered a free extra night, but I knew that Aspen would rather me stay with him another night, not that I minded.

We blazed down a green trail, and I enjoyed the serene silence of settling snow. A total of twelve feet had fallen, so even on this relatively flat terrain, we were still blasting through powder leaving a jagged trail behind us as we traversed the mountain. Eventually we made it to the large hill that occupied the front of the mountain the led to the main lifts and main shops of the resorts. Some of the vacationers tried to make the best of their ruined vacation by playing out in the snow filled base. I found that they did have one lift operating for the bunny hills and inner tubes, but to keep skiers from skiing off and getting hurt, they had to shut down the rest of the mountain. We gently rode up to the main area and parked the snow mobile.

"Have you eaten there before?" Aspen motioned towards a restaurant in the far end of the row of buildings.

"The Ore House? No, I don't believe I have. Are we going to eat there?" I asked, trying to keep up through the freshly shoveled snow.

"Hell yeah we are! Best steak house in town. Plus, I get 75% off as an employee, so that's always a plus."

We reached the building. It was cozily warm inside, and the smell of cooked and seasoned meats. We were quickly seated as we were one of the few patrons in the building. We ordered our food and waited; I got the prime rib and Aspen got a sirloin cut with cognac sauce. It was quite a delicious meal, and certainly lived up to Aspen's claim. We didn't chat much during our delectable meal, mostly due to the fact that we were stuffing our faces full of food.

After the meal, Aspen showed me around the resort for a little bit. Though I was quite familiar with the layout of itself, he actually let me go into the employee areas such as his office in the ski patrol building. It wasn't much of an office since he worked on the mountain all day, but he said that it was still enough of a space to allow him to do what needed to be done. He checked in with several members of his team, making sure that safety measures were still being enforced and all of that jazz.

We made our way past the administration and marketing offices, where I was given a free season pass for next season at Aspen's request. I was pretty humbled by his actions; I didn't think it was necessary to do that, but Aspen insisted. I was still stunned by his generosity as he bought all of my souvenirs at his discounted price, even if I insisted that I spend the money I intended to spend. I was amazed by his generosity, and I was in a slight glow as we sped back to his chalet.

I was still in a generous daze of being spoiled as we entered his chalet later that evening. The sky was still grey, but the cloud cover was dissipating as time went on making it seem lighter and lighter until the shadow of the mountain looked over the chalet. I was still flabbergasted even as we ate our light dinner. Aspen didn't say a word to me in regards to that; I think he knew how shocked I was.

"Well, that was a busy day!" Aspen said as he rocked back in his chair, rubbing his stomach.

"Yeah, it was," I mumbled as I sipped my water. The effect of Aspen's generousness had worn off slightly, but I was still amazed.

"You want to soak in the tub one last time before you're off to wherever?" Aspen asked nonchalantly, still teetering on the hind two legs of the chair.

"Only if you join me this time," I grinned. This might be the last time I see him, so I might as well make the best of it.

"I guess I will. I haven't soaked in a while," he returned the grin. We stood up and headed downstairs. It was amazing to think that a couple days ago I couldn't down or up these steps, and now after Aspen's treatment it was like nothing happened in regards to my ankle. It was just slightly stiff like I slept on it funny, but otherwise it didn't bother me.

Aspen held the door to the basement open for me and gently closed it after I stepped inside. Before I could turn around, he gently wrapped his strong arms around me, tantalizingly grinding his hips against my ass. He slowly stripped me of my shirt, and wrapped his arms around me again, feeling my now bare torso. I turned my head and kissed him on the lips as one of his paw gently cupped my crotch.

"I didn't bring the speedo," I breathed as I pulled away from him.

"Do you really think you'll need that?" Aspen rolled his eyes, giving my crotch a firm squeeze. He released me from his warm embrace and quickly stripped himself out of his clothing. Before I had a chance to get out of my shorts, Aspen tugged them along with my underwear down, revealing my half-hard erection.

"Heh, someone's already excited," Aspen grinned, giving my cock a good squeeze. I gently tugged his balls, making him take a sharp breath.

"Yeah, and someone's pretty damn horny to me," I returned the grin, watching as his erection continued to harden and finally reach its familiar peak.

Aspen gently took my paw and led me to the hot tub. He stepped in first, and gently helped me down onto the ledge. He suddenly took me in his arms and kissed me passionately again, his arms rubbing along my back. I felt his erection rub against my abs as our tongues danced with each other, pre already leaking from the tip. He gently set me down onto the ledge, and hoisted my legs on top of his shoulders. Our mouths were still clasped together as he gently prodded my entrance and pushed in.

My moan was muffled by his invading tongue as inch after inch sunk deep inside of me. The hot water kept me buoyant enough that he didn't need to fully support me as he delved deeper inside. His balls tenderly struck mine as he completely hilted me, sending a spark of electricity through my body. He finally released me from the kiss and gently pulled out, making me shiver with pleasure as the turgid flesh reversed its motions through my hole.

Aspen gently pushed his cock back in. The slow thrust made it seem like his cock was longer than it actually was, and I purred as the barbed head grazed up against my prostate. A nice spurt of pre lanced out of my tip and splashed into the soothing water. We moaned in unison as Aspen's groin made contact with my backside. He gyrated his hips making his shaft scrape along my insides as it bounced around. His pre slathered around, making the motions slick and fluid. I rest my head back on the ledge as Aspen teased me. His hard body pressed up against mine and even through the water I could the feel solid definition of his abdominal muscles. I ran my paw along his sides as he gently pumped into me, agitating the water only enough to create small waves.

Keeping the gyrating pattern going, Aspen pulled out and reentered using long fluid strokes. It was incredibly sensual, sending soothing waves of bliss throughout my body. The motions made my cock bounce in the water, bobbing as he penetrated me again and again.

I gently gripped my shaft and began to stroke, hoping that I wasn't too far behind Aspen as he picked up the past. He was still making long circular thrusts, but they were shorter and carried more friction as he gently fucked me. I wrapped my arms around and embraced him, gently hoisting my legs onto his rump, which wasn't an unfamiliar position for us. The water certainly added a new element of relaxation and pleasure as it swirled around my cock and balls, the current fondling them as a paw would.

"Do you have to leave?" Aspen asked with pleading eyes even though his cock was still plowing into my hole.

"I don't think work would appreciate my absence, and especially if I told them that I was just going to live with a fuck...ing sexy cougar and have him breed me all day," I reasoned. I honestly wouldn't have minded another day, but sadly, reality was that I had to leave the Cougar here.

"Well, I wouldn't breed you all the time...I'd let you top sometimes," he grinned.

"Oh, really now?" I said through gritted teeth as he gave me a hard thrust.

"Like this!" he exclaimed and suddenly removed his cock from my ass. Before I could question what was going on, he quickly straddled my waist and lodged my cock in his own ass.

"Fuck-" I croaked, taken completely by surprise at the abrupt sensation of his tight hole engulfing my cock. I threw my head back as his ass slapped against my thighs. His faced contorted into a painful bliss as my hips bucked and met his. My cock gave a mighty flex, and he let out a loud moan. A squirt of pre splashed onto my chest and quickly dripped down between my pecs. His cock was throbbing madly as he rocked on my hips. Veins stood proudly above the skin, evidence of his arousal level. My fingers gently ghosted along the tip, making him hiss as I lightly teased him. After a few moments, my paw was covered in his slippery pre. I gently began to stroke him-rather, I held an open paw, and his now-slickened cock glided through it, making us both moan from the pleasurable stimulation we were giving to each other's dicks. Aspen's breathed was becoming staggered and out of rhythm as he continued moving in circles. His cock lurched several times in my paw, as mine did in his ass. I leaned forward and lightly suckled on the tip.


The results were instantaneous. A blast of cum splattered against my lips. I left my mouth open so that I collect his wonderfully delectable cum, but I wouldn't suffocate from the over flow. Most of made it into my mouth, and the rest cascaded down my chin and into the hot tub. It was thick and slightly salty, but had an odd minty flavor to it as well. Aspen panted as his orgasm ceased, bracing himself against the rim of the tub. I bucked my hips a few more times, trying to get the needed friction for me to reach my own climax.

Aspen's lips met mine as I jumped over the edge of bliss. I moaned into mouth as jets of cum splattered along his insides. My cock gave a mighty heave, spewing more of the viscous fluid deep inside of his bowels. Aspens cock, even while softening, pulsed lightly as I filled him.

My eyesight was filled with spots as my climax ended. Aspen was still panting on top of me, his hard body flexing and relaxing with each shallow breath he took. His cum covered cock dragged along my abs as it retreated back into his sheath. My own popped out of his hole as it softened as well, and it was instantly surrounded by the heat of the tub.

"Is there any way I could convince you to stay?" Aspen breathed.

"You know full well I wish I could...Trust me, you're more fun to do than work is," I smiled, gently rubbing the cheeks of his toned ass.

"Heh, same goes for you," Aspen returned the smile. He gently embraced me and we sat for a bit longer in the tub, still basking in the afterglow of our time together.


"Why is your flight so early?" Aspen asked as we waited in the airport terminal.

"I didn't ask for 6 o'clock in the morning, mind you," I grumbled, not happy with the time either. At least Aspen was here to see me off.

We made idle chatter as we waited for me to board the plane. I wasn't really a morning cat, and Aspen at least respected that aspect.

"So, will you be here next year?" Aspen asked, trying to keep me from dozing off.

"Hell yeah, I will! I got a free pass, the slopes I went down were great, and there's a sexy cougar that's head of ski patrol that would probably give me free housing if I asked really nicely," I gave him a wink.

"Hell yeah I would!" He winked.

"Gate C is now boarding. Gate C is now boarding. Departure is in twenty minutes," an announcement over the intercom interrupted our conversation.

Thinking quickly, I rummaged through my carryon bag. I quickly found what I was looking for, and handed it to Aspen.

"What's this?" he asked, holding up my business card.

"Oh, just some way to keep in contact with me. I'm sure the mountain has great reception when there isn't a blizzard, so you can call me, text me, send me naked pictures...you know, stuff like that."

Aspen beamed and gave me a large hug.

"Damn Gage, that means a lot!"

"Gate C departing in fifteen minutes," the intercom reported overhead.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now," Aspen smiled, though I could tell that he wasn't completely happy with the situation.

"It was nice to meet you...among other things. Thanks for your hospitality," I grinned, picking up my bags.

"See you next year!" Aspen waved at me as I entered the hallway for boarding.

Fifteen minutes later, I was on the runway, and two hours after that, I landed on another runway three states away. I thought a lot about Aspen during the flight, and it prompted some awkward seating positions as I tried to conceal my erection from the other passengers. I picked up my luggage after we landed, and soon found my car in the parking lot. As soon as the car door shut, I felt a buzz in my pocket. Glancing at my phone, I found I had gotten a text from an unknown number. I opened it, and soon I was greeted with a picture of a leaking cock belonging to a very familiar cougar.

"Hope you landed safely!" a message underneath said.

"I just did. I'm glad to see you're thinking about me ;)" I sent, and quickly saved his contact information.

Here's to hoping to he saves my vacation next year.