Zrask Chapter 3

Story by Sypha on SoFurry

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#3 of Zrask - The Forgotten

That evening Talaron and Seraisa carved the kaza and shared it with the rest of the village, and after eating they retreated to her hut--though now it could be considered their hut. He slept in her arms through the night, listening to the insects, frogs and flames. He was slowly growing attached to the village. Each day after he would rise to the sound of Seraisa purring, and the smell of something cooking. And in essence it became like a long welcomed vacation. He shared his life with Seraisa, and picked up much of what she told him about herself. He found that she was twenty-five years of age by Zrask standards, two years under him. Though he did grow to enjoy his life there he felt something in him dying. It was his traveler's spirit, the same thing that drove him to take to the swamp route, and the same thing that led him across the great land from Murthan to Raglash. He displaced his longing to travel again when Seraisa was near, but when she was out in the swamp away from the village he felt the urge to wander like he had for most his life. It was time to make a decision that would change his life with Seraisa, and his own mentality.

"Seraisa," said Talaron two weeks later, "Listen to me."

She nodded and regarded him with the same caring eyes that she always had for him. Talaron smiled at her slightly and sighed; Seraisa tilted her head to the side and asked, "What isss wrong?"

He threw a small branch into the fire pit, "I feel that I have not become what I am suppose to be. I feel that I am in a box and can't go anywhere."

He sighed again and he took her hand. He looking into her eyes and said, "I want to be with you Seraisa, and by now I know that you feel the same, but I can't live like this anymore. I have to get out and do something. My whole life I spent traveling and now that I'm strapped to this village and this swamp I feel completely drained of who I am."

Seraisa looked down, "What you want me do?"

Talaron looked at her tail curled up around his waist, its tip quivering to show him her sudden unhappiness. He clenched his teeth and said with a bit of an edge, "Seraisa, I don't need you to do anything."

She looked up at him with her eyebrow raised...he never used that tone of voice before in her presence. She looked into his eyes, "Talaron, you are ssspeaking ssstrangely. I want to help you, what isss wrong? You hurt?"

Talaron shook his head, "Seraisa, have you not been listening to me? I just told you what is wrong; perhaps you aren't smart enough to figure it out."

She looked up suddenly and she quickly withdrew her tail from around him. She looked like she was just stabbed in the heart. This was the first time he insulted her and it hurt. She felt a sudden surge of regret and sorrow building inside. Talaron looked up and saw her hurt face and instantly wanted to take back what he said to her. Tears formed in her eyes, "Talaron, you isss mean! Why you talk to me thisss way?"

Talaron raised his hand and tried to cover up what he said, but she quickly rose to her feet and darted out the doorway. Talaron felt his heart throb in his chest as if he just lost a vital part of his body--or maybe his soul. He punched the ground hard, the pain only making him hate himself more. He shouldn't have gotten so annoyed with her. He rose to his feet and quickly ran out of the hut, traveling up the path to where he knew he'd find her. Though, as he parted the bushes to look out into the swamp proper he didn't see her anywhere. He called her name out loudly over the sound of the frogs but she did not reply--he had done it now, he hurt the person he had tried hard not to.

He ran down to the edge of the turf and looked out across the swamp, but he couldn't see any further than he could throw a stone. He cursed the fog and cursed himself. He felt his eyes watering and knew that he had to find her and apologize, but he knew that it would be hard to convince her he was there to make amends. He found the large strangled tree covered in vines--a place they used to sit under and talk. She wasn't there. He walked over to a large gnarled log that they often times sat on, and slowly sat down. He rested his face in his hands and breathed in deeply.

Talaron felt a lone tear streak down his face, he had lost her and he didn't know what to do. Everything had been working out splendidly between them for the past two weeks. They had become more then just friends. He actually felt that he loved her, but now that was gone. He remembered days before when they had really started to become closer after a comical accident in the village. Seraisa had fallen over and when he went to help her he found himself in an awkward position behind her and several Zrask saw them in their strange stance, some smirking. He became immediately embarrassed, but Seraisa played along with it and acted like they were truly as open as it seemed. Talaron smiled despite himself and had to wipe a tear from his eye. He heard a soft sound from behind that sounded like someone crying. He turned his head to the side, and saw a gray shape looming closer to him. He turned quickly and Seraisa stopped in her tracks. She looked down at him and in her hands she held his clothes. They were cleaned and neatly folded.

Talaron looked up to her sorrowful face, "Oh Seraisa, I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please come sit down, I need to talk to you."

Seraisa looked down at the clothes in her hands, "I bring your clothesss ssso that you can leave. I am sssorry that I keep you here."

Talaron winced, "Seraisa, please sit!"

She looked at the log he sat on and then slowly walked over and sat on it, a space between herself and him. He looked down and said, "I know I said some very mean things Seraisa, but I never meant to harm you. That was my last intention; I am just...just very edgy today. I am sorry that I hurt your feelings, and I am sorry that I said the things I did. If that means nothing to you then I'll go, and hopefully get eaten by a kaza, because I deserve no other death without your forgiveness."

Seraisa looked down at his hands, "What you said to me isss very mean. I know I no know many thingsss about the way you live, but you tell me, and I am learning. I isss sssorry"--she broke off and started to cry slightly, tears rolling down her scaly cheeks.

Talaron sighed and moved closer to her, reaching out his hand to wipe away the tears that were on her face. He gently pulled her to him and said, "Seraisa, I know I'm not even worthy of having you for a friend, but I want you to know this before something happens..."

He paused and took a calming breath, and then he continued, "Seraisa, I feel that you and I belong together. I-I think I have feelings for you, Seraisa."

Seraisa looked up into his eyes trying to see if he spoke the truth and found that he did. She flicked her tongue and slowly squeezed her body up against his. She smiled slightly, "Tallaron, you isss very hard to underssstand. I want usss to be together, but we live ssseperate livesss. You ssshould not ssstay."

Talaron shook his head in disbelief. He took her hand in his and gently stroked it.

"Seraisa," he said in a lowered tone, "I don't want to leave you. Not now, not later. I want to share my life with you, only if you want to share your life with me. I know now that you are the sweetest, and most beautiful woman I've ever met--I just wanted you to know that."

He paused and looked down at her hand, "Just don't push me out of your life."

She purred slightly and replied hastily, and breaking back into her old speaking habits, "Tallaron, love you much. Glad ssshare life with you."

She pulled her tail up around the two of them and pulled him closer to her. Talaron smiled at her as his face neared hers, and slowly he closed the distance between their faces with a passionate kiss. Seraisa responded by gripping his arms tightly with her hands and purring loudly as her back arched slightly. She never had this type of contact with anyone before and it was like electricity. Her tail coiled around them tightly and held them together as the kiss endured. Finally when they broke she loosened her grip on his arms. She straightened out and looked into his eyes, and then she said, "Isss you ready?"

Talaron nodded and replied with a calm voice, "I think so Seraisa...I want to be."

She smiled at him tenderly, "Then let usss go home."

He smiled and then nodded.

"Yes, lets go home," he replied.

Seraisa rose to her feet, helping him to his and they slowly walked back toward the village, arm in arm and tail around waist. Talaron saw the ruddy-scaled Zrask walking up the pathway, heading toward the swamp. She had a smile on her face as she took notice of the two of them, but she continued on her way. Talaron had learned that her name was Raesala, and had since then become good friend with her. He even started to teach her about the world they lived in--everything he told Seraisa. They passed a simple glance at each other as they passed, and Talaron knew that she knew what had happened.

Talaron opened the flap of skin to the hut and let Seraisa enter, and he followed soon after. He led her to the furs and carefully settled her into them and then he went over to the fire and started it up, using the stones to light the fire as Seraisa had taught him. He piled wood onto the fire until it glowed vibrantly and soon it was giving off sufficient warmth. Seraisa reached over to two bowls she had nearby and she filled them with water from a clay pitcher. While Talaron was busy making the fire she slipped away to her chest where she pulled out a few leafy purple plants. She squeezed these plants in the water until the water took on the color of the plants. She stirred it with her fingers and the water started to bubble slightly, almost like an alcoholic beverage.

Talaron turned around and slowly walked back to the furs. He saw the two bowls she held and smiled. She handed him one and said, "Thisss isss for you. Ssssumth petals."

Talaron took the bowl from her hand gently and inhaled the fragrant liquid, unaware that it was just water with a plant's extract. Seraisa slowly tipped the bowl to her lips and sipped in some of the fluid and then she closed her mouth and stared at him longingly. Talaron drank some of the fluid, the semi-sweet and partially sparkling drink flowed down his throat. He smiled and took a seat across from her. Seraisa then placed the bowl to the side and leaned forward toward him. She then said, "Talllarrron, I love you," and she began to purr.

Talaron smiled and wrapped his arms around her as he kissed her deeply. Her tail writhed around for a moment and then it swung up encircling them both. Talaron gently rubbed his hands up and down her back, feeling her smooth scales under his fingertips. She hissed slightly and arched her back as Talaron stroked her intimately. He broke their kiss and said, "Seraisa, you are so beautiful."

Seraisa purred and gently stroked his cheek with her hand, "Thank you."

She lifted the bowl to her lips and took a sip of the purplish fluid, and then she carefully placed it on the ground nearby. Talaron placed his forehead against hers and Seraisa slowly closed the distance between their mouths. She planted her lips on his and slowly allowed the fluid to run into his mouth. Talaron kissed her deeply, exploring her mouth with his tongue, swirling the purple water around in their mouths. He then slowly swallowed the fluid, and Seraisa gulped the liquid in her mouth. Seraisa purred and pulled him forward so that they fell back onto the furs, his body laying on her as they embrace. She purred loudly and grasped Talaron's hands in hers, and then kissed him again. Talaron slowly moved his hands up her thighs sending tingling sensations up her spine that budded out into her body and made her shudder. She raised her knees and clasped them around his body.

Talaron pulled away his skin wrap and leaned over her body, kissing her deeply. She licked his neck tenderly, tasting the small amount of sweat on his skin. Seraisa took a hold of one of his hands and slowly moved it over to her inner thigh, where he gently stroked up and down. She hissed in pleasure as his hands worked on her thighs, and she could feel heat rising from inside her body. She let out a moan coupled by hissing as Talaron stroked his hands over a sensitive region. Sensing the pleasure it brought her, Talaron continued to stroke his hands across her thighs. A distinct smell began to permeate the area, a slightly musky yet spicy scent.

Seraisa reached her hands down and stroked his back. Talaron smiled and felt further up her thighs, touching her abdominal scales gently. He smiled as he noticed her slit, starting to become moist from the stimulation he gave her. He gently rubbed his finger around her slit, making her hiss loudly and shudder in response. He slowly inserted a finger into her steamy depths and she flexed her thighs around him. Talaron smiled and pulled back slightly, and then he repositioned his head down to her slit. He inhaled her spicy scent and then gently placed his tongue on her hot skin. Seraisa clamped her thighs around his head as the sensation drove her senses wild. She involuntarily bucked her hips up against his face as he played his tongue over her clit. He dug his tongue deeper into her, tasting her sweet fluids and her vaginal muscles pulled at his tongue. He pulled back and smiled at her, she was in bliss. She purred out, "Love," but a moment of intense pleasure rapidly spreads across her body and she arched her back involuntarily.

Talaron smiled, "How do you like that?"

She hissed out a breath, "I love it, ssso nice"--and then she moaned, caught in the moment of pleasure.

Seraisa pulled him up and hissed softly in his ear, "Take me love."

Talaron kissed her passionately and settled his body in between her legs. Seraisa felt his hard member against her stomach and she felt his hands rubbing her sides. She pulled up and felt his member touch her slit. Talaron held his member and guided it into her slit, instantly groaning from intense pleasure as she lunged down onto him. Her muscles pulled at him and coaxed him onward. He pushed himself deep into her, feeling her hot insides around him and he gasped in ecstasy. Seraisa clenched her muscles around him as his member penetrated her deeply and she let out a long low hiss. Talaron smiled and leaned down, kissing her again as he began to thrust in and out of her.

Her juices were flowing and he could smell the sweet spicy scent heavy in the air. It was driving his lust for her, and he thrust into her deeply. Seraisa arched her back as he continued to thrust repeatedly into her body, and she moaned loudly. She scraped her claws down his back, small streaks forming on his skin. The pain added to the lust he had for her, and he pulled back...almost all the way, and then he thrust deep into her. Talaron knew that others outside could hear them, but he didn't care...he just wanted to have her. He gripped her waist in his hands and he passionately kissed her on the lips, and continued thrusting into her.

She bucked her hips up against him, taking him as deep as he could go, feeling the hot friction from his strokes. Then she felt her whole body seize up and her vaginal muscles begin to contract as she experienced her first orgasm. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her mouth lolled open as the pleasure took her over the edge into bliss. Her vision hazed over, and all she could feel is the intense pleasure from their mating.

Talaron pushed in against her contractions, and soon felt his own climax coming on. He thrust in and out of her deeply, the need to release himself strong, until his seed burst from him and into her. She hissed louder and clamped her muscles down around him, keeping him inside her as his seed coated her insides. Talaron looked up with glazed eyes and breathing heavily, Seraisa's head rolled from one side to the other. She couldn't see through the haze of her bliss but she felt his hands on her and his member inside her, and she moaned. She slowly gyrated her hips against his, coaxing more seed into her body.

Talaron gasped and fell forward over her body, skin glistening with sweat, worn from the exertion. Seraisa kissed him tenderly and stroked his hair. She pushed her hips against his a few more times and then slowed to a stop. She smiled happily at him and purred, "I love you Tallarrron."

He gently stroked her arms and sides and said, "How was that, my mate?"

She smiled at him and nodded, and then she pushed her tail up against his back, forcing him down onto her. She wrapped her arms around him and rested his head against her chest. Talaron smiled and listened to her purring, and they held each other closely. Seraisa gently rubbed his shoulder with one hand while she caressed his cheek with her other. Slowly they drifted off into a blissful sleep, having exhausted each other with their lovemaking. The flames wavered and swayed, like little images of the two lovers that earlier shared each other's bodies. And as the flames died down, the sound of Seraisa's purring remained the only sound to be heard.

In the morning Talaron woke to Seraisa's light purring, and her gentle strokes of his hair. He looked into her eyes and gave her another kiss. She purred louder and wrapped her arms around him, her tail uncoiling and flicking briefly. Talaron rolled over onto her and kissed her deeply, stroking her arms. Seraisa probed his mouth with her tongue, exploring his teeth and playing with his tongue. Talaron playfully ran his tongue over hers and he felt his body becoming stimulated again. Seraisa pushed him over playfully, and sat atop him, straddling him. She smiled mischievously at him as she gently kneaded her hands across his chest. Talaron smiled at her and he rubbed his hands over her hips, and her thighs. She looked down at his body, taking note of his member starting to grow stiff again. She smiled and eased her hips over his, grinding her slit across his member. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation as her scales rubbed against his manhood. It felt extremely exotic and his member became fully erect.

Seraisa felt his member, now hardened by the stimulation she provided and she hissed slightly. She leaned forward and took his face in her hands, pulling herself down by her hands to give him a deep lustful kiss. Meanwhile she eased her slit directly over his member and slowly it sank into her flesh. Talaron felt the heat from her body completely surround him and he let out a gasp. Seraisa purred louder, but kept their kiss locked. She slowly pushed back onto him, sliding his member deep into her body. Talaron's muscles tensed as she stopped, his member trapped inside her. She flicked her tail in the air wildly and then pulled her hips up away from him, her muscles pulling at his member as she pulled away. He groaned and clasped her hips in his hands. He thrust up against her as she let herself down onto him again. She moaned slightly, accompanied by a hiss as his penis glided past her clit. She ground hard onto him, roughly brushing her clit over his member again and again. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation, and Talaron moaned slightly as she sped up her pace. She rocked her hips, pulling away and driving onto him, pulling them both closer to climax. Seraisa smiled, lost to the feeling of his member deep inside her, thrusting deep into her. Talaron could feel a certain vertigo as his climax neared ever closer. He thrust up against her hard and rapidly, the need for release strong in his body. Seraisa bucked her hips against him as her climax hit; her juices flowed down around his member, and leaked out to coat his pubic hairs. The air was heavy with her scent.

She heaved down against him, causing another orgasm to strike and she moaned loudly, hissing and bucking against him wildly. Talaron grunted slightly as he too climaxed, shooting his essence into her body again. She rocked against him for a few more minutes and then she leaned over and passionately kissed him. Talaron stroked her arms as they kissed, and he gently thrust into her, his orgasm subsiding. He could feel her muscles contracting around his member, pulling his seed deeper into her body. As his member started to soften she pulled back letting his penis slide out of her. She quickly moved down so that her head was near his genitals. She flicked her tongue across the head of his penis tasting their fluids together. Talaron couldn't help himself and he moaned slightly. Seraisa looked up and smiled at him. She proceeded to clean his member with her tongue, and he could feel his penis stiffening again.

She smiled delicately as she finished cleaning him off and then she crawled up next to him. Talaron wrapped his arm around her and kissed her, tasting their fluids in her mouth. She snaked her tongue into his mouth again, this time lashing it across the top of his mouth, and his teeth. When they broke their kiss Talaron said, "I am so lucky to have you Seraisa. You are so sweet."

She smiled at him and licked the tip of his nose. He chuckled and he caressed her face. They lay next to one another, feeling each other's bodies and feeling the love they shared. Talaron's stomach churned, but he didn't want to eat, he just wanted to stay next to his love...his mate.