Veyyr - A Wife's Duty

Story by Vaahn on SoFurry

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#7 of The Icaran Chronicles

It was a day that Veyyr Cae Imyyl had put out of her mind until now. She had known it would happen, she'd known the moment the marriage was arranged, but it had always been a distant concern. Now, as the hot, pulsing urgency of mating season took hold of her, she knew the day was coming. It was time for her to bear a child.

It was not the physical act that concerned her. She had coupled with Tern several times both to satisfy her Urge and for the sake of pleasure, so she was no stranger to the act of mating. Nor was Vaahn an unappealing mate physically, and his pedigree was beyond dispute, but even so Veyyr felt unease at the idea of going through with the act. It was the fact she had no say in the matter that bothered her most. She was the daughter of the Tzajiian High Praetor; he was the founder of a bloodline. It was essential that their respective lines be continued. Knowing that gave her no comfort. Outside, the Revelry began. It was a far more sedate affair than she was used to. The Kyyreni holiday had to adapt to Icaran sensibilities, and so those who surrendered to their carnal instincts had to do so within private residences and designated bars. Although she had never partaken in the street party, she had watched from afar as the crowds debased themselves on the streets, indulging in drunken hedonism, uncaring of who might be around them, or watching from the balconies far above. The fact that outside the world carried on as normal made it all somewhat unreal. Veyyr stood by the window. Her right hand traced the streets of Tzajii, a city on a world so very, very far away. Her left hand clenched and unclenched in time to the hot, lustful pulses that began between her legs and burned up through her body. She shifted uncomfortably as her dampened underwear clung to her inner thighs. She bit back a curse and shook off the sudden urge to masturbate. That was the curse of the Urge; it robbed people of their self control.

When Vaahn entered her chambers, Veyyr smiled as though she were glad to see him. He smiled back, warmly, and let his eyes wander up and down her body. Veyyr, for now, retained her modesty with a tri-weave dress of amber and teal. Vaahn wore his usual rugged, hard-wearing attire. He looked more like a soldier than a king. "I know this isn't exactly how you wanted this," Vaahn said as he followed Veyyr over to the queen-sized bed. From behind a false smile she replied, "I have been taught about my duties since the crib. My lineage is as close to royalty as Tzajii has known for centuries, and you are the founder of a new bloodline, not to mention the inheritor of T'rol. I knew I would marry a man like you, and that I would bear children to carry on the legacies of that marriage." A gentle hand caressed her bare shoulder. "You are beautiful," Vaahn said. "And you are far more handsome than many of the suitors whom I was forced to meet as a child. I remember the last was a bloated wretch, so ugly he must have been cross-bred with a Bayyl. He had a concubine slave with him, a young woman, painfully beautiful. Her life must have been a living hell." Vaahn chuckled, briefly. "Does it help to talk of other men who have sought your affection?" "They sought my breeding, and my body," Veyyr corrected, looking directly into Vaahn's eyes. "Only one man can lay claim to my heart." "We can stop this if you want to," Vaahn said after a moment's pause. Veyyr shook her head. By now, even her loose clothes felt restrictive. Her underwear was wet with pent up lust. It had been manageable before, but Vaahn's scent was too much for her. "No... not now. I need this." Once more she met his eyes, "I want this."

She took Vaahn by the shirt and dragged him onto the bed. They tore at each other's clothes with feral hunger, groping, stroking, nipping and licking at every patch of bare fur that they uncovered. Vaahn's hand found a knee and stroked upward, ruffling Veyyr's silken fur with his nails until he found her pulsing folds. The normally tight passage was loose and slick with her lust, and took Vaahn's digits easily. The two Kyyreni grappled on the silken sheets. Vaahn's member twiched and throbbed as his sheath pulled back against his body and began to constrict, helping his knot swell and grow. The rolling scuffle put him on top of Veyyr, and she pined hungrily as she felt Vaahn's cock press against her lower lips. The first thrust brought Vaahn inside of her; Veyyr's labia parted, warm and wet and welcoming, and with almost no effort he entered up to his knot. A third push met with a little resistance, and both of them growled in the difficult mix of pleasure and pain that coupling brought. And then he was inside of her, hips pressed together. The tip of his cock pressed against the base of her womb, and Veyyr howled with primal lust. Her whole body clenched; her vaginal muscles clenched and squeezed hard against Vaahn's knot. Her orgasmic moans were quickly joined by Vaahn's own climax, and the two humped and thrusted through the extacy of the moment. As the initial euphoria faded, a fresh wave of pleasure took hold. Every movement, great or small sent surges of pleasure through Vaahn's knot, enouraging him to thrust and hump faster and harder into his mate. Each time the thrusting caused Vaahn to strike Veyyr's womb another electric surge flooded through her body.

It took an hour for the rutting to cease. They lay together, exhausted, fur matted with sweat and fluids, and basked in the afterglow of their spent heat. They lay unmoving for a long time, drifting in an out of sleep as the warm air seeped out of the room and their passions ebbed slowly away. "You should go," Veyyr sighed eventually. She was upon her back with arms framing her head. Vaahn pushed himself up onto his elbow and gave a breathless chuckle. "Is it Tern's turn now?" His wife blinked lazily and ran a finger under his chin. "I am glad we had this night together, but I am afraid that I will awaken tomorrow and remember that I do not love you." "Does that mean you love me tonight?" Vaahn asked. No answer was forthcoming, and the silence bled away his playful tenderness. "If you do not want me here then I will leave." He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on his clothes, ignoring how they clung to his body and made him long to bathe. He felt soft hands grip his tail and gently smooth down the short, course fur along its length. "Someday I might love you," Veyyr said. "but not now. Not tonight." "Take all the time you need," Vaahn answered. Alone again, Veyyr rose from her bed and walked to the window. The madness of lust had passed now, and she couldn't help but feel soiled and used. She placed a hand upon her stomach and her mind turned to the new life forming within. "This is not the life I imagined for you," she said, "but I think it will be a good life."

With that parting thought, Veyyr drew the curtains shut, turned off the lights, and found the cleanest part of the bed to rest in.