Change Isn't All Bad

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#1 of Victor (Completed)

It was inevitable, my first yiff story.

I'm a dog. Not just some random mutt you can find down at the pound who tries to guilt you into adopting it with its large emotional eyes, but a bipedal dog, a Black Lab at that. I looked at myself in the mirror like I had every single day since I had come home from the hospital. I had the floppy ears, tail that just would not cease to wag, the whole nine yards. It was impossible for me to grasp.

I guess I should start from the beginning. My name is Victor Green, I'm a twenty six year old man, well.... was a twenty six year old man. I work as one of the many button pushers for J&H, although, after some sort of scandal which I didn't care to read about, it's now named Hawthorne Medical, whatever. Let's see if I end up keeping my job, though I did remember being interviewed by another one like me, some big guy who looked like a wolf who said he worked for the company. I'll get to that later.

It started when I was at the museum, looking at bones and old shit. I don't know why I was there, I had the day off and after wandering aimlessly around the city, I found myself inside the museum. I'm not much to really care about people that died a long time ago and the stuff they left behind, but hey, it was a free day. There were several schools that were taking advantage of this as well so, as you can imagine there were lots of little children running around trying to look at everything.

I found myself in a tourist group. I had never gone to a museum before so I fitted right in with the Asians who had to take pictures of everything that moved and the middle aged west coast couples that also had to take pictures of everything. On second thought, I didn't fit in, but I went along anyway. The guide who led our little band of merry and rather ignorant band of misfits was just some old geezer who was probably doing this to make up for his less than substantial retirements checks. He walked us along at a pace that would turn me into one of the artifacts by the time we were finished, but we never got to the end.

Our group had stopped at a picture of a Victorian looking woman with an impressively large head of hair. The guide was droning about her and stuff, but I couldn't hear over the chatter from the others in the group and the teachers who were chasing children around and telling them to stop touching the priceless relics. It was because of this noise that I didn't even notice the subtle change from somewhat controlled chaos to normal frantic mob chaos.

The sound of a small explosion is what got my attention. There was a man in a coat yelling something, I didn't catch what was said, but he did throw a canister that exploded at the peak of its arc. It blew out a cloud of gas that quickly enveloped the room I was in. Of course, people don't like it when you throw stuff at them, especially when it explodes, I'm no exception.

I didn't know what was going on, but I did know that I didn't want to stick around. I pushed myself away from the group that was oddly still taking pictures of the whole ordeal and began to make my way towards the exit. The gas which I had breathed in copious amounts of, was beginning to burn my lungs. I tried to cover my face with the sleeve of my arm, but all that did was make me unable to stop a bruiser of a man from knocking me over as he tried to escape in the opposite direction.

I hit the nice shiny linoleum floor hard. Though, the floor was the least of my worries, I was now getting trampled. Feet, it was all I could see now as more and more people, mostly children thank god, ran me over.

I woke up in the hospital. It was odd, I didn't remember passing out, one second feet, the next white. I had never seen so much white before, the walls were white, the small chairs that hid in the corners of the room were white, the blankets were white and my hands were black. I stared at them for a second. They were black, furry and my fingers were stubby with short pointed claws. Surely they couldn't be mine, but when I tried to close my hand, the paws closed. They were mine alright. I think I was in shock because I was strangely unamused by it all.

A quick check confirmed my suspicions, it wasn't just my paws. I was furry and in every respect a bipedal dog. I had those strangely shaped legs, I think they're called digitigrade, with the raised heel and all and a snout. My nose seemed so far away from my face.

I didn't get to take it all in for long. A doctor let three people in, the wolf I had mentioned and two to others people in suits. They asked me some questions about if I was hearing voices in my head and ran some tests that involved them sticking little devices to my head for several minutes and then they were gone. It was all very sudden, but not as sudden as me getting out of the hospital. I would imagine that there would be tests, but the doctor was very firm about telling me that I was healthy and there was no need for me to stick around when they had sick people to attend to. It was a bit of an outrage, I was a dog, there was definitely something going on.

I had no choice but to go home to a shocked boyfriend. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I lived with my boyfriend, Henry, who was the same age as me and was a mechanical engineer. We had gone to college together, I studied economics and he went the smart way, engineering. We had shared a dorm at the University of New York and soon eventually found ourselves dating. I guess that kind of stuff happens after you live with someone in a rather enclosed space for four years. It took three years of awkwardly glancing at each other before bed each night and even more awkward encounters in the shower, but eventually we did get together, but that's old history.

As soon as I walked into the apartment we shared, he came running out of his room in nothing but his boxers. He had his arms out, ready to hug the boyfriend who had mysteriously disappeared for three days, but stopped short at the sight of me. I stood in the doorway in the ill-fitting clothes that I had left in and he stood behind the small coffee table we had bought to hold the large amounts of junk food we ate whenever there was a football game.

"Who are you?" He demanded, scanning me up and down as he tried to make sense of the scene he was looking at. I was just glad that he didn't immediately attack me. What would you do if a giant walking dog just waltzed into your house?

"It's... It's me, Victor." I pleaded with him. Luckily one thing that didn't change was my voice. I had a soft voice that Henry had always adored. When he heard me, his face just melted and he collapsed onto the floor, balling his eyes out. I stood there, unsure of what to do.

"You... you're gone for three days and come back like this." It took a step towards him, but he scooted back away from me. "No." He shouted. "I... I need." He stopped and got up before simply leaving the small living room and fleeing to our room. The door slammed, leaving me all alone.

That was a while ago. Now I was here looking in the mirror thinking about if this would work. Henry hadn't kicked me out of the bed which was a good sign, but he didn't exactly talk to me anymore. Each morning, he would get up before me and go to work. He wouldn't come home until late, he spent the day away, he avoided coming home. I think he was scared, I barely saw him any more now that I couldn't tell. When he did come home, it was just to sleep.

We used to hold each other at night, him in my arms as I listened to his slow steady breaths, but now I just laid with my back to him, listening to what sounded like sobs each night. I needed to confront him. He would be home soon. I wanted to have the old relationship we used to have back, we couldn't keep living like this.

I waited for him on the couch. It was a three seat couch, it was just long enough for us to lay on and watch football or just cuddle. Now the middle seat was some kind of barrier, always empty whenever we both sat down. No more of that.

The door opened up and I wasted no time.

Henry came in, closed the door and when he turned around, I grabbed him by the arms and kissed him. I put all of my passion into the kiss and although he resisted at first, he let me finish.

I pulled back and looked at him in the eyes. "Please." I begged him.

"Vic..." He whispered, voice quavering as he took a slow unsteady breath in. "I don't know anymore." He slowly pushed me away, not forceful, but just so he could walk by and take a seat on the couch. I followed him and sat right next to him.

"Please." I repeated and reached out to take his hand into my paw. He let me and I brought it into my lap. "Just tell me why this is happening."

He rubbed the black rough pads of my paws with his thumbs, drawing little circles. "It's a lot to take in..." His gaze wandered around at the base of his feet, avoiding eye contact with me. "I mean, you're a dog." He tried not to say it in a way that was hurtful, but I knew what he meant. He had it in his mind that I wasn't the same as before.

"It's still me Victor." I insisted on that fact. "Nothing needs to change between us." I truly believed that, although I shared the same kinds of worries he had, I didn't want our relationship to suffer because of it. I had invested too much into what we had to simply let it go because of some freak incident.

"How can I know?" He asked and finally looked at me.

"Let me prove it." I let go of his hand with a paw and slowly moved it up his arm until it was resting under his chin. I gave one last gaze into his blue eyes and leaned forward for another kiss. This time he leaned in as well, willing to give me the chance that I needed.

Our lips met and at first, it was just that, simple contact. Not satisfied with it, I pressed into his lips more and they parted. His tongue slipped into my mouth, slowly going farther and unhindered. I let my own tongue travel into his mouth and explore the familiar cave. I knew dogs had long tongues, but this was ridiculous. Henry sputtered as my tongue reached the back of his mouth and pulled back in a coughing fit.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "It's... It's the tongue... It's..." He stopped me with a finger to my lips.

"No." He said between coughs. "Don't apologize." He smiled at me and took my hands. "Why don't you prove you're you in another way?" The smile turned slightly devious as his hand slid down to my crotch of my jeans where he took a handful.

I jumped a bit at the sensation. "Uh, what do you mean?" I knew fully what he meant, but the stupid question still escaped me. He didn't answer with words, but with another squeeze that got me squirming in my seat. There was a sex life before, albeit not a very active one. Between work and long days, there wasn't time to fool around, but I suppose I did have the entire evening.

He slowly pushed me back with his free hand until I was laying down on my back with him atop of me, his other hand still had a firm hold of me.

I began to undo the buttons of my shirt and he helped. Once I got my shirt off, I began to undo his tie and then his own shirt. "I am slightly curious to see what's down there." He bit the corner of his lip, his gaze drifting ever so southward. "The news doesn't explain every part of the change."

I nodded and began to wiggle my way out of my pants. As did that, he ran his fingers through my chest fur slowly. "It's so soft." He used both hands to playfully... pet me? I suppose that's the proper terminology. It felt surprisingly good, like getting at an itch that had been bothering you for hours.

"You have no idea how much shampoo I go through each day." I joked, though I'm sure his eyes would bulge if he saw the bill. I slid my pants off and threw them over the edge of the couch where they landed somewhere in the kitchen. Not wanting to leave him behind, I worked on the button of his workpants. The feeling of a bulge under the fabric did not escape my attention as I unzipped his pants and slowly slid them down to the point where he kicked them off along with his shoes and socks.

We stayed that way in our boxers, looking at each other. He didn't have a single hair on his chest, he had always like things to be smooth, but by the way he was looking at me, he didn't mind a bit of the furry stuff. I reached up and took his face in my paws to bring it down for another kiss. He obliged very willingly.

This kiss wasn't as neat and tidy as the previous one. We went at it, tongues going at each other like fencers as they danced about, first in my mouth and then in his. Our hands slowly went from each other's faces to our backs until they grabbed onto the bands of the boxers where they tugged. I got him out of the last vestiges of his clothes first, his member sprung up in a salute as he backed off so he could get me out of my own boxers.

I arched my back with him sitting up on my legs and let him gracefully slide the thing of clothing off of me where I could kick it off. My own dick was still hidden in the furry sheath that had come with my new animal feral package.

Henry looked down half confused.

"What did you expect?" I asked as I took a hold of his hips.

"I don't know a penis, not some cloak to hide it from me."

"Well." I massaged his thighs slowly and he began to leak, the viscous liquid dripping onto my balls. "Think of it as a present. You need to unwrap it first." He raised and eye brow and I just laughed.

"A present? Hmm." He reached down hesitantly and I watched attentively. He grabbed a hold of the 'present' and I gasped at the feeling of euphoria that traveled though my body. I don't know how I wasn't fully erect, but I remained hidden. I gripped him thighs tightly as he continued to simply fondle me.

"You're so handsy." I complained, wanting to just get a good wank off now. If I wasn't horny before, I was now.

"I have an idea." He blushed and rested his hands so they sat lightly on top of my furry orbs which now that I thought of it, were larger than when I was just a human. Each one could easily fit in the palm of Henry's hand.

"What kind of idea?" The look of his face could easily have belonged to a kid who just got caught stealing from the cookie jar. He was positively glowing red as he tried to explain.

"Well, I read that..." He stopped and tilted his head slightly upwards as he thought of how to explain what was going on, his face continuing to turn all kinds of shades of red. "You trust me right?" He asked, abandoning his attempt to explain whatever train of thought that was chugging along through his mind.

"Of course." I answered honestly and brought one paw up to my chest. "I trust you."

"Good." He repositioned himself so that he was now sitting atop of my chest with his back to me. I couldn't see what he was doing, but the good feelings I was getting wasn't going to get me to complain. "Now this might feel a bit strange." He warned and before I could ask why, I felt it.

He had slipped his dick into my sheath! "Oh god." I nearly yelled, but caught myself so that it came out as a grunt. In one push, he had slipped his entire dick into my sheath where it was now firmly pushed up against my own.

Wordlessly, he began to pump in and out methodically. I grasped at the edges of the couch, digging my claws into it, as each push and pull sent waves of pleasure up my spine. I felt as his pre mixed with mine to make the inside of my sheath perfectly slick and lubed for this truly amazing act.

The pressure was starting to build up as my now invaded manhood tried to escape the confines of its shared prison. Henry only quickened his pace, eager to finish before he was forced to exit to let my own dick get out. His hips bucked fast across my chest, mangling the fur, but I didn't care, I wanted him to go faster. He huffed as each hump became more erratic as his body tensed up. He was getting close to orgasm.

He let out a series of moans as his bucks slowed down to a series of violent and sharp thrusts that coincided with each shot of jizz that was now coating the inside of my sheath and my cock. The warmth of his seed seeped around me, enveloping my member. After several seconds, he slid free, his cock being chased out by mine and he laid back onto me gasping.

"That." He brought up a hand and tapped on my nose. His head was resting next to mine and I held onto his midsection. "That's how it's done." I couldn't see between my legs with Henry atop of me, but I knew that I was free and that Henry's more than outstanding performance had let the beast out of the cage.

"It's my turn now." I lightly growled into his ear. I was now fully lubed and already in the perfect position to make my own move. I put my paws under his hips and slowly lifted him up until I was positioned right at his enterance.

"Ravage me." He commanded.

I eagerly obliged.