Blood of the Werewolf Chapter 1

Story by FraddasD on SoFurry

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They say even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night may become a wolf, when the wolfs bane blooms and the moon shines bright. To the person who said that quote I'd like to give them a big fat thanks. Where I live Werewolves aren't that uncommon, In fact some are able to transform without the full moon. And I dare say some actually are Vegetarians, but the others, like the one that killed my brother, are cold blooded who only crave flesh and meat.

This is where I come in, names Jack and I'm not a Werewolf I'm actually a fox. Strange as that seems it gets weirder from here. The town I live in is called Weretown, it's named that because 89% of the population are called were critters, the other 11 % are either Fur or human. It sounds very off kilter I know, but the Balance was never this terrible.

Once the werewolves showed up there was no trouble then within a year, there would be over a dozen deaths and another dozen cases when human and Fur were subdued to the curse of the Werewolf. Humans became Werewolves, fur's became were creatures. Thankfully most of those who where contaminated where able to adapt and make changes that would not endanger anyone. Unfortunately those who didn't ended up taking a turn for the worse, they kill, steal, and worst of all have no memory of who they killed so there's really no evidence to have them convicted. Which leads to heartbreak and emptiness.

Sadly I'm one of those guy who lost his family because of those who thought themselves the greatest creation since the 12 gauge shotgun, and claim they have no memory of what they did, or what they where doing. All I have at my disposal is a 9 mm Beretta with 10 silver bullets that my father gave me before he was murdered. My mom was killed a week later. And the hard part was I had to watch the after scene with my paw over my brothers sobbing eyes. A year later the shifters (those who don't need the full moon to transform) got him on the way home. It was then I decided to take some action. And deal with these low lives my self.

Chapter 1

I was walking down the street, flowing up on a possible lead. Ever since my parents murder, I've been on a private single mission to find who the Werewolves are or where who killed my mom and dad. Most my lead so far are pointing in a weird direction, one says something they swear is the truth, and the other just says nah he/she wouldn't hurt a fly. It's either a wild goose chase or a well place coincidence, either way I didn't know who or what to belive. But I always keep my nose pointing straight, hopes in the right place, and a finger on the safety of the pistol.

The person who tiped me was a friend who had kept his ears open in the right places even at the right times. The place he mentioned was the Moon Shaft Tavern. A brothle among other things. The furr he needed to see was one of the boys who worked there who goes by the name of Tyler. A Lion who seems to know more than most think. I followed the Directions to get there. Now getting in is the next magical trick.

If I recall correctly, in order to eneter I had to knock once on every seconed brick on the tenth row until I reached the door, Thankfully it was an easy chore, next step I have to knock 3 seprate times on the big oak door and wait thirty seconds. Then knock again I looked and looked down and saw a piece of paper and a pen I have to write my name species, age, and pref, and then slid it under the door. As I stood up the door opened and standing there was a beautiful looking male tiger that looked and smelled like he just finished with a costumer.

"Welcome Jack to the Moon Shaft Tavern! Ahem, my name is Roy my job is to get you what you want. But first follow me to the counter" he said guiding me to the counter with an arm around my shoulder. Roy then usherd me in to a stool that felt rather comfortable and Roy rushed be hind the counter and handed me a Yellow card, which was a good sign for me so far.

"Now, I warn you hun, this is a big secrete you cannot share with anyone, unless you realy trust with your very life it's self. By writing your name on this card you agree to keep the identy of this place in non existence except to yourself and other card holders. Do you under stand so far?" he asked, I looked at the card and nodded

"Very good, now this card is also special because with it you come in with out knocking on the bricks outside and all you have to do is knock once and slide the card under to get in. if you lose the card by accident or design come back with five dollars a note explaining what happened and I'll replace it. Do you accept these terms?" he asked giving me a serious look

"yes I understand fully" I said looking Roy directly in the eyes

"All right then, so what's your pleasure tonight suger?" Roy said with a pleasant smile.

"Well first I'm looking for someone specific, a lion by the name of Tyler" I said with a smile.

"Ah, yes and if you don't mind my asking what information are you planning on getting?" Roy asked. I stared at him with a blank look and said.

"What makes you think I want any information?" Roy leand in close, even thought no one else was there and whispered

"Because most people who come in wanting any typ of information usualy ask for, and I quote a lion by the name of Tyler. He knows most thing even the police in this this town know nothing about" hearing his tone, I decided to explain a bit about his situation.

"Well the only information I want is anything on three separate deaths but I concider them murders" I explained in a calm voice

"If you don't mind suger, what would Tyler know about three deaths?" he asked trying not to be rude

"The three who where killed where my parents and my brother. The police say it was a Werewolf or a shifter (a were who transforms without the full moon)" I explained

"Ah, and if you don't mind me asking if you find out who did them what will you do?" he asked eyeing me weirdly

"Personally I want to make them suffer, but I think If I gather the right evidence I could get them thrown in jail for quite a while" I said with a hint of pride in his voice

"I see, I hope you get the information you want, in the mean time, I think Tyler might be ready let me check" Roy said walking around the desk and to the back to one of the rooms. He came back a sec later and said "room 11 and first times free"

I said thanks and walked to the back. From where I stood, I spotted room 11 and took a deep breath and slowly walked passed 10 of the doors, up to the door with a the number 11 in gold on it. I reached out and opened it, and imeadeatly the smell of big cat hit me in the face but, even though I was nearly knocked on his tail by the attractive scent I proceeded in and found a gorguse male lion in a pare of comando boxers and a smile painted on his face

"ooo a fox, how cute!" Suprisingly his voice wasn't deep like other lions are. " so what survice can I do for you cutey"

"Before We get in the bed I have a few questions to ask" I said calmly

"Ah, ok. in that case what questions can I help you answer" Tyler said Tickleing crotch area

"I need any information you might have on a Werewolf, Werewolves, or shifters that might have commited any murder in the past year" I explained giggling as he tickled my area.

"Who where the murder Victims?" Tyler asked with a in a different tone

"My dad Jerimy Wattson, my mom Tiff Wattson, and my little brother Kyle Wattson" I listed in order of there deaths

"Alright my deal with that is It takes less then 2 weeks to dig up info for someone, but once I do I send a messenger along to fetch the person or furr and I give them the information and a little extra" tyler explained buissness like

"Sounds fair enough but in the mean time lets have a little fun" I said grinning and srtiping off his shirts.

"You read my mind foxy" Tyler said in his sexy tone.

"I don't know how much I feel up..." tyler put a single finger to my muzzle and said "don't worry; I know how to treat my less inspired coustomers"

"Actually can I come back tomorrow, I'm not realy inspired today and I'd like to go longer then fifteen minuets." I said putting my shirt back on,and feeling like I was letting down a friend.

"As long as you promiss then I'll be here" Tyler said with a trace of dissappointment as I walked to the door. Then I turned with a smile and said "I prommis on my own fox hood I‘ll be back tomorrow!" Tyler looked at him with a smile and waved him goodbye. As I walked back down the hall I spotted Roy coming out of one of the rooms an he saw me to

"Tyler not up to your speed?" roy asked inquisitively

"Nah, I just wanted the information, but I promised him I'd come back tomorrow when I feel more lively" I explained, as roy came over and put an arm around his neck. And said

"No worries cutey you come back when ever you want. Just remember not to lose that card I gave you" Roy reminded me as we made our way to the front. Once there I noiced a human there. I stared at him and saw he was reading the news paper I don't know why but I felt I've seen him before. Broke from Roy and decided to walk to see what he was doing. I took a seat next to him and said "hi"

"Can you belive this?" he said in angry tone shaking the paper.

"Uh..what happened?" I asked my ears folding my ears back.

"Sorry mate, It's just the public is giving us shiftes a bad name! I'm a shifter but I'm not one of those criminals"he said obviously bitter

"I know what you mean dude, I'm sorry about that" I said putting a paw on his back

"Thanks fox, names Redge." he said extend ing a hand.

"Nice to meet you, names Jack" I said my ears coming back up and accepting his hand shake.

"So what brings you here Jack besides getting layed?"Redge asked I looked at him and told him what I was trying to do when I finished he said "My advice is be careful on your mission and make sure you have proper Protect..."

"I have it under control" I said showing my berreta in my trench coat pocket.

"Berreta right ?" he asked.

"Yup, only one that can fire silver bullets" I replied.

"have you ever used it?" he asked

"No, I'd prefer it that way to unless I have no choice"

"Ah, ok. by the way if it helps any there this guy know named Tim. He's a Raccoon, but he know most of the Major crime lords in this town I could put a word in if you want."

" I actualy got done talking to a guy for information, If I can't get much from him I'll look tim up" I said Reasonably

"Sounds Fair enough, I'll look you up later If your not too busy fox because If looks like I have a rendezvous." he said looking at a guy who I could tell was also a shifter but I kept quite about it.

"Alright have fun" I waved at him while he and the other guy disappeared to the back. When he was out of sight I made my way to the door and waved good bye to Roy.

" See you tomorrow Roy" I said

"See you later foxy boy" He said waving at me as I walked back into the alley way.