Unholy Smoke

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#51 of The Moonrise Chronicles


landed on the ground not far away. She was as torn as the hand in her jaws;

should she eat it to keep it and the ring away from the cardinal? It was an

interesting choice, one she didn't think she would be making right now. She had

noted that the master had seen her recover from the second dagger wound. The

pain from both wounds was greater than any she had ever experienced in her

life. It was like salt and turpentine had been on those blades, but her tasting

of the first one had shown there to be nothing.

                The second

blade she had removed and impaled it into the ground for lack of a better

hiding place. The wounds were healing over, yet, despite having both Edward's

and her ring back from the twins, the wounds were being real bitches about closing

up. If the sword in Edward's chest was anything like those daggers, then he might

wish to remain dead. The pain was nearly unbearable.

                But the

pain of those wounds was nothing compared to the thought of losing him. Even if

she died, she was determined to take the cardinal down with her. And that was

when she saw the chance. She could always take him down one piece at a time if

she was quick about it. It happened to be dumb luck that his dominant hand also

had his ring on. So now she was collapsed on the ground with the taste of his blood

on her tongue and the sounds of his screams in her ears. There was no better

music to be had at this moment.


enough time, a werewolf could replace even a missing limb, but it was not like

healing a cut or a stab. And with his ring now gone the length of time it would

take would be problematical. His screams subsided as he fought to regain control

of his mind and of the present situation. He had assumed the girl was down for

the count. He had no idea that she had regained the rings when he wasn't


                He was

holding his good paw over the stump. "You little witch! If I could go back in

time I would search for and destroy your predecessors one by one!"


luck on that, Captain Hook!" Maggie was holding his hand, sans the ring, and

making the lewdest gestures with it.


me back my hand!" His demand came out as a screech. Worse, he was losing

control over his form. He began bulking out, filling the armor completely. And

that's when the screaming really began.


his ring, he was no longer protected from the effects of the silver alloy

armor. On the inside, his skin was protected by a layer of cloth, but as he

began to burst his seams, his skin came in contact with the metal. Little puffs

of smoke began rising where these contacts were made. Now, instead of

protecting him, it was a death trap.

                He had

little choice but to break his way out of it now. It was a difficult task, made

even more tedious with only one hand. Maggie took to harassing him during this

critical time, but he managed to extricate himself. He was covered in burns,

and they weren't healing very rapidly.

                At this

point, as the cardinal gathered himself up to attack, two forms came from his

rear. He didn't hear them coming because they had leaped from the top of the

wall. Both hit him hard, driving him to the ground.  They wisely bounded off into the night.


had moved to where she had stuck the dagger in the ground. She also snagged

Leonardo's ring where it lay, and slipped it up with the rest of them. She did

so with a grim smile. Put the rings where they won't easily get lost or

removed! She now had four rings inside her, and she knew for certain that the

master had been lying. The fact that he had borrowed theirs earlier was

evidence enough. She could feel the difference the extras made. She paused to

wonder at how much power the entire original meteorite might have held!

                She was

tempted to try putting on the armor, but decided against it. It had done little

good for the cardinal. But then, she was getting the idea that he rarely used

his feral form. He had been correct in his assessment that he spent too much

time lounging in luxury. Porking little boys' bottoms might be entertaining,

but it didn't keep one's senses sharp and alert.


felt more than powerful enough to take him down now, but she was in no hurry.

He had to pay, and pay dearly, for running her father and lover through the

heart. All Edward had wanted was to be able to live out a life in peace. She

had disrupted it so much, but she had found that in the end he didn't mind. But

each day had taken him farther and farther away from his old life. She had

liked the new him, but now her desires had cost him his life. She was hoping

that the master knew something that he wasn't telling her right now. She was

going to be patient just long enough to kill this bastard, and then the old man

had better spill his guts, or she would do it for him.


sent out a bone chilling howl that brought back the twins. Leonardo had so far stayed

out of this fight. He didn't like fighting, despite the work he had down during

his heydays in Italy and France. Weapons were always in demand, regardless of

the time period. While he didn't make them per se, he did invent a number of

devices that had no other purpose but to kill people.


made Maggie pause and stare at him a moment. What did he know about this armor?

And these weapons? It was apparent that he recognized them from his past. She

was going to be questioning him in no uncertain terms went his was over.

                There was,

however, something more important at hand. She smiled.  At hand.

She took the hand, rubbed it across her crotch in full view of the cardinal and

then hurled it out into the river. His stump had quit bleeding, but was still

fleshy and raw. He didn't miss the impudence in her actions, but was now more

alert to treachery. He had been long surrounded by flunkies. Being surrounded

by enemies was forcing his feral side out. Ring or no ring, armor or no armor,

a pissed off werewolf was something to contend with.


size wasn't as great as Edward's, and his stump was a hindrance, but he was

still pretty dangerous. He had lost everything he had worked for, and he had

lost it to a girl. She would pay with her life. And if he had to kill the old

man, then so be it. But he would either leave here with his rings, or he wouldn't

leave at all. With that last thought his mind was overwhelmed by the bestial

side of his persona. And the beast felt pain and betrayal. He slipped into moderate


                Maggie saw

it coming almost too late. His eyes turned red with a blazing radiance, and his

teeth grew longer and sharper. His speed became blinding. He naturally went for

the weakest one first, and that was Leonardo. Maggie clamped onto the cardinal's

tail and bit hard. It was sufficient to turn his ire back onto her. And that

was just what she wanted. This fight was personal.


coward, her decision to run was more to save the lives of all the fools still

hanging about, watching this action like it was some movie being filmed for

future release. She figured a bit of their incoherent actions were alcohol

related, but a good part of it had to be stupidity. Thus, she ran into the

grounds of the chateau, going just fast enough that he couldn't catch her. Once

they were inside, she knew she had to keep him here until she finished him off.

Or he finished off her. Either end seemed acceptable.


turned and flew over his head, landing on his back long enough to sink her

claws into him. She was then off like a flash as he screamed and clawed where

she had been. She had wisely kept her smaller form. It was quick and agile, and

while lacking the killing power his had available, she was protected somewhat by

the rings. And she still had the dagger. But to use it, she would either have

to give up her fastest form or try to impale him with it in her mouth, where

the weapon was precariously perched at the moment. That was not a likely



espied the twins slinking into the compound, and she gave a thankful nod. Her adversary

hardly noticed. His attention was focused on her. But she wasn't so stupid as to

assume his senses were dull. She hoped the siblings were wise enough to wait

until he was completely distracted before attacking.


was a little hasty, rushing in from the side. The cardinal saw him coming and

stopped him in his tracks with his stump. With his good paw he flung the boy

several hundred yards through the air, where he landed somewhere over the wall

and back in the parking lot. There was a crunch and then the car alarms went

off again. The sound echoed around the compound, and it was soon mixed with

police sirens.

                Now it

was down to the girls. Corrine was rather infatuated with Edward, but his death

didn't have the impact it did on Maggie. Still, she didn't like this fellow. He

smelled of dank rooms and his persona dripped with evil. She shuddered, working

up the courage to attack. With her brother gone, so was half of her courage. They

had always worked as a team.


something Maggie had told her came into her head. She knew how her brother

reacted to things, and it was probably the same for this guy, but she tried it

anyway. She ran towards him, making sure he could see her, and pivoting on her

front legs, swung her ass around. Tail held high, she sprayed him with urine

and ran back into the shadows.

                It didn't

work as planned, but it did blind him temporarily and enraged him even further.

Maggie grinned evilly at his present predicament. Then she dashed forward and

clamped her teeth on his testicles. They came off easier than his hand had. Her

nose got an overload of testosterone as her eardrums ruptured under the

pressure of his roar.


barely heard the gunshots as the local police stormed into the compound and

began firing indiscriminately. They had no idea what they were shooting at, and

since the compound wasn't lit by any more the moon and star light, it made for

instant chaos. Maggie spit the hairy werewolf scrotum onto the ground and made

another feint to attack.

                She had

to focus with her eyes and her nose now. Her ears were still ringing like a

church bell. But the cardinal was apparently getting hit with bullets as some

sharpshooter found a target. He missed Corinne coming in from above again, and

she clipped off an ear before retreating into the shadows.


bullets suddenly fell silent. Maggie looked towards the gate and saw a lone

figure standing there. She tried to focus on who it was, but had to dodge a

blow from her adversary. Blood was dripping everywhere; from between his legs,

from his scalp, and even from his stump which kept getting broken open. He was

a horrific sight to behold.


came in, at the last moment losing her nerve and running back off again. But it

was enough of a distraction that Maggie was able to get in another blow, this

time hamstringing his left leg. He went down and she pounced on him like a buzz

saw. He was no simple adversary though, and he got in two severe bites that

took her out of the game for a few moments. In this case, on both sides, time

was of the essence. Whoever could heal faster would end up being the winner.

That meant Maggie had the advantage.

                She sat

and licked her wounds, keeping her eyes on the other. She could sense Corinne

in the distance, and she could hear someone coming up from behind her. But

since whoever they were made little difference to her, she didn't bother to

look. She had her sights set on killing this guy here and now.

                As the

flow of blood was staunched, she gathered herself up for another attack. The rings

seemed to be handling his latest attack better than the injuries from the

daggers. There had to be something about those weapons that made them effective

against the kind. She was going to have to get that information out of the

master, assuming she survived the night.

                She secretly

wished that the cardinal would grow a new set of balls, so that she could rip

them off again. But she knew better. His body was healing the important,

necessary things first.  His testicles weren't

necessary to maintaining his life right now. She wondered if she could gouge

his eyes out. His damaged ear had been more disfiguring than disabling, but the

dripping blood did seem to be hampering his vision.

                She tore

up the sod as she launched her next attack, landing squarely on his face. But

he saw her coming and opened his jaws as she landed. He bit down hard, sinking

in his teeth and cracking her ribs. One lung was punctured and blood spilled

around his jaw line as one of her arteries was ruptured.

                In the

next instant he let go with a bellow. Maggie had no idea what had happened, and

was only able to watch limply from the ground. Leonardo was standing over the

cardinal. He had brought the breastplate to the armor with him, and had smashed

it down on the cardinal's chest with as much force as he could muster. She

could see the cloth wrapped around his hands as he pressed it down. Smoke began


                Then Emile

came out of nowhere, carrying a huge boulder. He slammed it down on top of the

armor before taking a few swipes at the evil werewolf's head. Then Corrine came

out and they each took an arm, pinning him down as the silver burned its way

through his chest.  The smell was

terrible. So were his struggles. His feet came up and raked deep gashes in the

master, who refused to let go of the armor. Maggie dragged herself over to the

fallen dagger, and with what little strength she had left, imbedded deep in his

skull. His struggles stopped. The smoke continued to roil out.

                Maggie lost

consciousness and remembered no more.