What I wish

Story by little wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of what i wish

What I wish

Hi my name is Scott

I sat in English staring out the window dreaming to be someone or something different. I am your average teenager in an average school getting average marks. So as you can imagine I want to be different from the average student. I dream of becoming a hybrid human. Features of human kind and features of animals. I wish to become a cheetah. This is incidentally my favourite animal.

Whether my friends will accept me, or for that matter will my school, I don't know.

As I walked home after school I felt a worm force spreading through my body when I daydreamed about what I wanted to become. When I reached home I slung my bag down on the floor just in side my room and collapsed on my bed and closed my eyes. The weekend at last. My parents where out of town for the weekend so I had run of the house.

I decided to go strait to bed. As it was a rainy Friday afternoon so there was nothing else to do.

During the night I had dreams about my friend and me. Never have I had a dream like this before but I couldn't deny the fact I had always liked him more than a friend but it was never this strong before. Through the night I was uncomfortable and wrestles as the warmth spread through m body. The worm force started to change things. My body was growing fur all over; my mouth was growing into a muzzle and my nose changed as well. I could smell a whole range of new smells and for a mater of fact I cloud taste and heir more as well but at this point I was still asleep dreaming about me and my sexy friend. My hands chanced slightly but stayed mostly the same. On my feet I grew pads where the bottom of my foot was. My cock drew up to my stomach and a hairy sheath grew over it. As well as a host of other futures changed like my looks, I became more hansom or so I thought whether my friend thinks so is another matter.

When I woke I stretched my muscles witch had grown and become a lot more pronounced. I had a six-pack, big chest muscles and spots all over. I found my new image very appealing to the eye. I got dressed and went down stirs. When I had plucked up curage I rang my friend to tell him what had happened, he laughed and said I will be right over. Was dressed in just a t-shirt and shorts because it was a nice worm day. I had a quick breakfast and went to play video games until that hunk of a boy came to my door. He was about five and a half feet with light brown hair and he had the most gorgeous hazel eyes you had ever seen. He was a slim muscle bound teenager with a voice that could make you melt.

Soon there was a knock at the door witch made me hump off my seat and a anxious voice came from the door "are you home"

I opened the door to find my friend but it appears the changes also happened to him. Now he was even sexier. He looked like he had become a snow leopard. He was black and white all over he had a bushy tail where mine had less hair. He looked excited to be with another fur but I probably did to. He came in and sat down on the couch beside me and started talking about how he had vivid dreams about a cheetah. I said "that is me I guess" he continued and it became more erotic and sexual like my dream was. As he read out his dream I got a bulge in my shorts but I quickly hid it with a big cushion from the sofa. He looked at me and with a slight look of frustration, fear and lust in his eyes and said "I am gay and I love you, I don't mind if you don't feel the same but I needed to get it off my chest and I knew now that we have changed It would be the best time to say it. I hope this doesn't' effect our friendship" I looked at him with shock and asked "how long have you felt this"

"Two or three years"

I looked into his eyes and said "well that makes two of us then"

I smiled when I saw the puzzled look on his face and said you want to stay tonight, my parents are out of town until Monday and we have a long weekend. He looked at me with a smile. "Lets get some fresh air"

He said and gestured to the door. We went to the park to see if anyone else had become a fur like us. Sa we suspected the park was deserted when we got there but when people saw that we had changed more and more people came to speak to us. Some of the questions we got asked we where able to answer but some we couldn't. We where asked if we felt uncomfortable during the night and we answered the questions as best we could. At 12 o'clock we decided to go back to my house for lunch. After lunch we sat down to watch TV but there was only news on, at closer inspection the newsreader had turned into a lemur and the story was called a change for us all. We watched in amazement, as it seems the whole world had experienced the same change as we had. I sat there for a while thinking before I noticed that zac my friend had started to paw off as he sat on my right. He had his arm running through my hair and he was purring loudly. "What the hell are you doing" "oh sorry I was um how do you say pawing off"

"Here let me" I got down onto mu knees and licked the tip of his enlarging cock head and extracted a moan and some small sprits of pre. He grabbed my hair and ran his fingers through. Soon he gave into instincts and started thrusting his cock into my muzzle, I felt him start to tense and his cock twitched I felt my throat get lined with sticky worm liquid. He collapsed back into the sofa and let out a pleasure filled moan.

"That was great" he said when he got his breath back. Now are you ready to do something different. He said as he lent over to his bag and pulled out a jar of lubricant. He said lets go into your bedroom with a seductive look on his face. I followed him and tackled him onto the bed and kissed him hard on the muzzle and he pushed me off. As he started to get undressed I watched and got quite aroused by his well-toned body and well proportioned cock.

Just to make for suspense