In your place

Story by Keygon_Streamwalker on SoFurry

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Hey everyone, just a little something I wrote for a really good friend of mine BuckD from FA. 2 sleepless nights later (And a lot of rewriting.) And I produced this.

Hope you all enjoy!

A yawn escaped came from an otter as he sat on a plush throne. He rubbed the aggravation and weariness from his eyes before looking over yet another loud mouth nobleman. He sighed before holding up a hand, "Enough. I've heard enough of this farce."

The nobleman, a middle aged pig looked shocked as his face grew red with indignation, "My... My king?"

The king's head tilted left then right before staring back down at the swine, "You're telling me that one of my servants stole your coin bag when you came to the royal ball last week? As much as I would like to listen to you droll on and on about this nonsense, I'll have my head knight Rorick look into it."

"B...But my liege! This is-"

Before the nobleman could continue the otter stood and slammed his fist on his throne, "I've heard enough of the swill you're spewing! You will leave my court or I will have my guards drag you out!"

The swine shook before bowing and turning, "You're grace..."

Wen the swine left and the otter sat down again, sighing with agitation. The doors opened again and the king groaned softly, "You're highness, head knight Rorick has the floor."

The otter's ears perked and he straightened up looking down at his head knight. Rorick Lanaster was a fairly well built hyena, standing with a proud 6'5 stature. His brown eyes shined with pride as he stood with a crest of the kingdom on his armor. He walked towards the king before kneeling in front of him, "King Streamwalker, I heard some interesting quips from a nobleman outside and believe my name was placed in it somewhere."

"Guards, leave us." The king spoke sternly, watching his men salute before leaving the throne room. When the two of them were left King Streamwalker stood glaring at the hyena, "Flashy entrance for you as always Rorick. Must you always be this way."

They knight grinned, standing up and looking towards the otter, "Apologies my king."

"Enough with this kingly stuff Rorick! While we're alone you know to call me Keygon. We've known each other for far to long to treat me like I'm above you." The otter looked down embarrassed. Rorick looked towards his lifelong friend and smiled. Keygon Streamwalker certainly had an air of honor surrounding him. Barely an inch taller then the hyena, the otter stood at 6'7 with lean stature. His piercing hazel shined with a face of kindness and understanding, yet authority and wisdom. Rorick smiled bashfully looking towards the ground, "Apologies... Keygon."

With the air cleared Keygon smiled softly down to the hyena, "I do not plan on sending you to investigate my servants for Lord Lardass. I assume you have something else on your mind if you came to me at this time."

"I can't just come visit a childhood friend?" Rorick said, as a firm scowl came to his lips. The otter gave a bemused look down towards him before the hyena continued, "Astute as always my friend. We've been having some problems with one of the new... servants."

The otter sighed, hand raised to the bridge of his nose, "And why hasn't anyone brought the upstart to me?"

The knight's face grimaced, "We tied him and placed him in a cell. I was going to ask you come with me to sentence a punishment."

"What has the servant done?" The king spoke with an exhausted voice. He sat down on the throne again, rubbing his temples with frustration, 'this day is just not going my way.'

"Stolen food from the kitchens. Destruction of some of your property, and..." Rodrick hesitated and Keygon's eyebrow perked up, "Using your bed... as a place for pleasure..."

A loud aggravated groan came from the king as his hand slid across his face. Food and property was one thing, but if his husband were to find another mans... excitement in their chambers he wouldn't hear the end of it. Sure King Streamwalker had pleasure servants when his "queen" was away for family or visiting the kingdom to listen to the people's insight, but he used another room for said activities, not their own bed chambers. The king was young, still viral enough to go through a whole night of pleasure and ask for more in the morning. Keygon looked down towards Rodrick with a puzzled look, "and how did you find all of this out?"

The hyena let out a soft chuckle and a bashful grin, "The poor sod decided to fall asleep after he had fun pleasuring himself. Gave himself away when guard began to smell the scent. Don't worry, I've already sent some servants to clean the place up and light some candles to get rid of the smells."

Keygon shook his head in amusement, "Thank you. I don't want another ear full from Alexander. Which servant did this?"

"Others say his name Buck. Just... Buck, and he comes from the southern isles." Rorick explained with a simple grin. Keygon nodded knowingly. A dragon whom he heard was captured by some guards for harassing the towns people. His husband told him that he was made into a servant for the lawns, but the otter never caught a glimpse of him. Keygon stood and walked towards the hyena, "Well lets decide his punishment. I need to get back to attending the nobles before the day ends."

Rorick followed behind the king as they left the throne room. His eyes watching his friend's hands as he waved other guards off, sending them to other assignments. As they continued through the castle they passed the barracks, making the hyena let out a soft chuckle. Enticed by the sound, the otter looked over, "What seems to be so humorous?"

"I just seem to recall a certain young prince travelling down here to enjoy some time with a young recruit." A glint of mischief in the knights eyes. The king also let out a soft chuckle as they descended towards the dungeons, "Alas the time had to pass didn't it? God's it must have been what... 7? 8 years ago?"

They slowed as they remembered their past experiences together. The men met at a young age when they first squires for knights. In the beginning it was a rough friendship, starting out as more of a rivalry. As they grew they began betting each other on who would be victorious on sword combat, or riding tests. After so many bets of humility and shaming oneself in front of the other squires, both men agreed for the next bet that the loser coincides to the whims of the winner. After a long and grueling match, Keygon came out on top, however later in the night Rorick came to be the true top.

The men stopped in front of a large oak door with 2 guards standing next to it. The hyena pulled the lock away and walked into the cell with the otter following behind. The sight in front of them made the king snort with laughter. A disgruntled dragon stood with his hands locked above his head and muzzle wrapped around his mouth. He looked young, around the same age as Keygon and Rorick, but loomed over them at 8' feet. His scales shined with a dark onyx and a tuft of red head fur with red horns could also be seen. The otter smiled wider when he realized the young dragon had no clothes on from his escapades he had done earlier, "You mean to tell me that this brute was the one who defiled my bedchambers?"

The dragon in question struggled against his binds, grunting towards the two men standing in front of him. Rorick happily nodded, his eyes still holding a hint of mischievousness in them, "Why yes my king. This is the brute."

The king walked up to the bound man and gave him another once over before looking at him with a serious face, "Pleasuring ones self in the royal bedchamber is a serious offense my friend. That would be grounds of a public neutering in certain kingdoms."

The dragon continued to struggle, grunting louder towards the king before a resounding slap was heard. The otters hand hovered next to the prisoners face, "I'm going to let my knight release that muzzle of yours. I want a full explanation on why you thought it was a smart idea to pleasure yourself in my bedchamber. Nothing else, do you understand me?"

The prisoner glared, but nodded towards the king. Keygon hitched his head towards the dragon and the hyena walked over releasing the muzzle from Buck's snout. The dragon huffed a few times before starting, "Well your royal superiorness. After finishing off a quick meal, I saw a fine young lad and couldn't seem to get rid of a rather long problem without others noticing. I walked into the closest room there was to give myself a quick rub, and found myself too dazed to leave."

"And you think that is a good enough excuse to defile my bedchamber?" The otter asked, shocked that the dragon was so blunt with his answer. Buck gave slight smirk, "Well of course I do! What have you ever done on my behalf!? Your guards saying I harass bystanders when I simple ask for a quick romp in a bed. All was tryin' to do was get myself off before I continued shoppin' and a hand can only go so far!"

Keygon looked towards Rorick, ears red from embarrassment as the dragon spoke so boldly. The hyena had a small scowl in his face as he looked at the dragon, "Watch your tongue! You dare speak to your king like he was some commoner!?"

"King of what exactly? If I wasn't bound I would show 'im and you who was superior in this room!" Buck spook confidently. The hyena's scowl went to pure rage, however Keygon rose his hand towards his friend, "And yet here you are bound in front of me and my loyal knight, waiting for me to decide your punishment."

Rorick walked over to a table in the room and picked up a whip looking towards the otter, "I can think of a just punishment right here sir."

The king's face lit up with an idea. He walked over and placed his hands on the hyenas arm, "Now now Rorick, I think that I have a... better idea on how we can punish this impudent upstart. One that can let both of us relieve some unnecessary tension."

The otter held his hands up, focusing them towards the dragon, and began concentrating. The chain started to shake and soon snapped, separating and elongating towards the ground in opposite directions. As Buck's body started to spread out, he struggled and grunting harder against the binds. Before long his body laid flat on the ground, arms and legs outstretched in different directions. Keygon huffed softly after his work was complete, looking at the dragon with glint of lustful mischief, "Such a cocky one you are... Buck was it? Yet here you are, in a perfect vantage to please two viral and important people in this kingdom. What do you have to say to that?"

The dragon snarled and struggled in vain, raising his arms slightly only for the chains to snap them back to the ground. The otter walked up to the bound prisoners face and held his snout towards him, "Your punishment will be quite simple my upstart. You're going to please both me and Rorick here until you've learned the error of your ways, and if you decide to harm either of us in any way... Well I could always use a broken doll as a good pleasure servant."

Again Buck snarled at him, glowering with indignity. Rorick slowly walked up, grinning lustfully at his king. The hyena bent down rubbing the dragons ass, all while still smiling up to Keygon, "I don't think I have a problem with this punishment. It's been far too long since we've had any real fun together."

"Just be sure that you don't damage him Rorick. I plan on making him atone for what he has done, and having a broken slave is hardly something I can use." The otter gave a soft smirk towards his friend. The knight gave a soft chuckle and placed a finger on the bound mans ring, pushing softly, "I don't think he's done this before my lord. Should be a very nice experience for us."

The dragon fidgeted under the pressure on his tail hole, "Y...You arrogant assholes! You think someone like me would ever show submission to smaller people such as yourselves!?"

A loud smack erupted from the room, along with an equally loud yelp, as Rorick slapped Bucks ass. The hyena's armor was becoming a little too constricting for him and he soon stood, taking his chest plate off, "I don't think you really have a choice in the matter here, my little captive. You see, his royal highness has declared your punishment and I'm not one for going against his word."

Keygon walked around towards his friend took the breastplate from his hands, placing it on the ground. A very obvious bulge coming from the otters trousers. Rorick soon slid the king out of his robes, admiring the body of his friend. Gods blessed the otter with such a nice body, only making Rorick's problem in his armor more relevant. The king chuckled, placing a finger on the hyena's leg armor. The armor began melting and reforming next to the breastplate on the ground, giving the knight some much needed relief. The hyena's cock pointed towards the otter shining softly from the amount of pre that had collected over it. Keygon placed a hand over it, stroking it slowly, earning him a soft moan, "Gods granted you a nice package here. What was it... 9? 10? Mmm... But the thickness you have was to die for when we were youth."

The knight shuddered from the touch and he moved his head towards the otters throat, nibbling on it when it came into contact with his mouth. The king let out a gasp, making the hyena move closer, wrapping his hands around the otter. Rorick lifted his king and walked him over to the table, pushing things out of the way before placing Keygon on it. The hyena continued his nibbling, rubbing his hands over the otter's body, while Keygon continued to play with his pulsing cock. Rorick stopped and looked down at his kings trousers, placing his hands at the top of them, noticing a rather large bulge. He pulled at them, while Keygon lifted himself, sliding them off. The hyena smiled at the otter who's ears reddened from embarrassment, "Seems like someone is a bit excited from all of this- mmpf!"

The otter didn't let him as he pulled his friend's head to him, placing their lips together. Passion spilled from them as their tongues started fighting for dominance. Their hands placed on each others shafts, tugging lightly and groaning into each others mouths. They separated, panting softly, only to hear a moan come from the prisoner. They looked over to the dragon who was also panting, and grinding his hips into the ground, "Y...You assholes done teasing me like that! How is a man supposed to enjoy this when he is bound like this!?"

They both smiled evilly and continued their little private session, earning a strong groan from the prisoner. Keygon looked over towards him with a smirk, "What do you expect from us then? You need to learn how to submit to people who are above you before you can even think about doing something like this with us."

A whimper came again as the otter started playing with the hyenas neck. The dragons hips ground into the floor harder before he let out a snarl. He turned his head away from them, "F...Fine I submit."

Both Rorick and Keygon looked over towards the bound dragon. The otter hopped off the table and walked over to Buck and he lifted his head with his hand, "Repeat what you just said."

The prisoner snarled to him, but looked into his eyes, "I submit dammit!"

"That's not what I'm looking for. I submit... what?" Keygon grinned making the dragon's face burn with embarrassment. Every fiber in his being screamed to hurt the otter in front of him, but his lust was clouding his mind, "I... I submit to you sir..."

The otter's grin widened and he placed his cock in front of the dragons mouth, "Start by pleasing your king with that impudent mouth you have."

Buck eyes widened at the length in front of him. The musk coming from it made his mouth water and he slowly put the tip in his mouth. The king smiled down as his prisoner began to suck on his length, sliding more of it in his maw. He placed a hand on the dragon's horns, directing him down even farther down the shaft. A gasp came from Rorick as he watched the spectacle in front of him, his hand stroking himself. Keygon looked to the hyena and and nodded towards his trousers, "I have a vial of oil in there. Grab it and get to work on his ass."

The knight rushed around, grabbing the vial and moving quickly towards the dragons ass. He knelt down and started lathering his dripping cock and fingers. The dragons tail protected very little of his exposed rump and Rorick simply held it away, placing a slick finger at the ring. Slowly pushing, the prisoner's body shook with pain, only to have his ass be slapped again, "Enough of this nonsense whelp! Remember that you're submitting to your new master and his friend here."

Keygon smiled up to the hyena, "Oh no. He's gonna be under your care too Rorick. Maybe after a bit more... persuasion, I can let him walk the halls of the castle without a binding collar."

The knight's face held a look of shock. His king was granting him access to this servant after this punishment? He beamed brightly, continuing his fingering of the dragons ass. Pleased with his work after one finger, the hyena pulled it out and placed the tip of his cock next to the dragons ring. Buck's maw stopped sucking as Rorick began pushing in, making the dragon whine and struggle again. The king pulled his cock out and lifted the prisoners head, showing kindness in his eyes, "Don't tense like that, it will only make this even harder on you."

The dragon's eyes looked into the hazel eyes of the king and his body immediately felt of rush of calmness. Keygon continued to talk words of encouragement to the prisoner, who continued staring, unblinking. After a while a rush of pleasure hit the dragon and he groaned softly. The otter looked to Rorick and smirked triumphantly, "Thanks to those words my king, I was able to hilt myself into with no problem. What do you think of your first dick in your ass prisoner?"

Another soft hump made Buck groan louder, making both the otter and hyena snicker softly. Keygon led the dragons head down to his shaft again, making the dragon work with gusto on it. The knight began his thrusts slowly making the prisoner start loud slurps on the kings shaft. Groans from both Keygon and Rorick were heard as they were pleasured from bound man. As choked grunt came as a hard thrust made him take too much of the otters cock. The king chuckled softly and pulled himself out letting the prisoner take in a breath of air before pushing him back down.

As the time passed and pleasure continued to build Keygon pulled himself out again. He gave a look to Rorick who nodded in silent agreement. The chains came to life again and hefted the dragon off the ground. Buck dangled in front of them, his own cock throbbing and slicked with pre. Both the otter and hyena stood, getting close to the hanging prisoner. The king lifted the bound mans legs and wrapped them around his own body. The knight placed his hand around both his and his kings shaft, placing them together under the dragons well used hole. The chains slacked, lowering Buck onto the tips of the men. They stopped when they both entered, making the bound man whimper, "W...Why did you stop?"

"In order for us to continue, I want to hear you say that you will fully listen to both of our orders. No matter what the situation is." The king spoke sternly. The otters hand moved up and wrapped itself around the dragons member, making him gasp out. Buck groaned out and looked at Keygon square in the face, "I.... I will fully listen to both of your orders."

Nothing happened and Keygon looked at him expectantly, making the dragon whine loudly, "I will fully listen both of your orders sir!"

The chains slacked and he slowly descended on their cocks, making him moan louder. The hyenas and otters face held a look of pure pleasure as the dragon finally hilted on both of them. Rorick slowly started to thrust into the dragon, working his already abused hole to accommodate them, while Keygon started stroking Bucks shaft. The dragon began moaning even louder, making the men work with more fervor. The otter held his place, letting the thrusts and grinds of his friend pleasure him while he was inside the dragons ass, moaning quietly.

Sweat began to build on all of them and Rorick's thrust became more erratic, "Da...Dammit.... My king I.... I can't hold for much longer."

"Let yourself go Rorick. This servant needs to know where he belongs." The king's spoke, his own legs buckling as his own limit was being reached. The hyena placed his hand on Keygon's arm and slowed his thrusts, shooting his load into the dragon. At the queue, the otter started his own thrusts, digging his cock into the dragons ass. A few minutes of fast thrusts soon had the otter panting and also releasing his own load in to the prisoner. Both the king and knight panted as they slowly pulled themselves out of Buck, moving away. The dragon let out a snarl as he thrust his hips towards them, "W...Wait! You can't do that and not get me off! Please I'm too close!"

Keygon looked over at the bound man and gave and evil grin, "What do you mean? Your punishment was to used by us. You getting off was never part of the deal."

Buck looked as if he had been struck in the face and he whimpered, thrusting even harder towards them, "P....please don't do this... I need to cum!"

The otter walked back over, motioning hyena to get behind the dragon again. He looked as the bound mans chest heaved up and down from exhaustion. Rorick placed the tip of his cock next to the dragons abused ring, waiting for orders. Keygon shifted his eyes up to Bucks eyes, "Then I guess you're going to have to tell us how much you want it. Tell me why your king and master should even think to let you cum."

The dragons teeth clenched. He looked at the man embarrassed before blurting, "Please! Masters! I need your cocks.... your permissions to cum. Let... Let me cum!"

The otter shook his head, "You still don't know your place. How do I know that you'll truly be honest with the promises after I let you release?"

"I.... This... This dragon knows his place! It's meant to be serving you my king, and my... my master. Making sure their needs are met before my own." Buck whine out, eyes closed with embarrassment. Keygon tilted his head towards the bound man, boredom clearly on his face. The dragon's breath hitched and whined again. Rorick's eyes met with the otters and they both nodded. In a swift thrust, the hyena had hilted himself in the bound prisoner, grinding himself inside. The king placed his hands around the dragons shaft and stroked furiously, "Tell me now prisoner! Thank us and tell me how much you enjoy our cocks in you!"

Buck let out a surprised yelp, feeling the pleasure build on him, making him pant faster, "Y.... Yes master! This obedient little dragon is grateful of his masters cocks! H-He very much enjoys them in him, and p...pleasuring them!"

"Cum now prisoner! You've proven your obedience well enough." Keygon spoke sternly, sending chills down the dragons spine. His own cock erupted, sending waves of cum on himself and the kings hands. A high moan came from Buck, as his orgasm slowly ended. Rorick pulled himself out and walked back to his armor. The otter held his hands up to the dragons mouth, "Clean my hands."

The dragon started sucking on the kings fingers, sucking off all the excess cum he had on them. When he finished, the chain placed him on the floor, and the bindings released him. The prisoner watched as both the king and the knight helped each other get dressed, before turning and looking at him. Keygon walked forward and stood in front of the dragon, "Your punishment is over. However I will keep you as a pleasure servant for both me and my knight Rorick here. When you are called, you will come and listen to whatever order we give you. This being said, we will not ask of anything too degrading or embarrassing for you, and if anyone else orders you for your service then come tell one of us. Do you understand?"

Buck looked to the floor, before placing himself in a kneeling position, "Yes my king... I understand."

"Good. Rorick, escort him to his new chambers and make sure he gets himself cleaned up." The king turned and began walking towards the cell door. Rorick looked over, "Of course your majesty, but what about you?"

Keygon turned back around and gave a small grin, "After the fun I just had? I think I can go back to listening to the nobles for a while. Take care of him Rorick, I want him again later tonight."

The hyena saluted towards the otter as he left, before turning to the dragon, "Let's get you clean up whelp. You heard the king. He wants you right and proper when he sees you tonight and I want to make sure I get you again before the night ends."

Buck only smiled and nodded. After the fun he had just had, he could defiantly agree to the fun that was coming his way in the future.