Session No. 11

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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#11 of Sessions

Disclaimers: If you aren't 18 and if you don't like M/M sex, don't tell me.

Yerkelayh belongs to :iconYerkelayh:, and Gage and secondary characters belong to me.

Sessions are still closed at the moment.

I appreciate any constructive feedback you have! Thanks for reading!


"Fucking give me your money now!" The large wolf yelled at me.

I was cornered. Why did I decide to take the back roads home? I just wanted a quick snack, and the shortcut I decided to take was turning out to be a terrible idea. Before I knew it, three large wolves cornered me, and I had nowhere to go.

"I don't have my wallet on me!" I lied, trying to diffuse the situation. I actually didn't know what to do from a conversational standpoint in situations like this. I was trained do deal with this if they do attack me, not how to prevent them from doing so.

Naturally, I wasn't going to give him my wallet. I'm too stubborn and possibly stupid to do so; I don't like giving people immediate satisfaction when wanting something of mine. Plus, chances are that they would still try to beat the crap out of me even if I did give them my wallet (which had a grand total of ten dollars in it), so I might as well bother them a bit.

"You fucking piece of shit!" The leader swore and threw a punch at me. It was rather slow, so dodging it wasn't an issue. The issue was that I was surrounded by hard brick, and I could only go backwards for so long. Some loose bricks were strewn about the alcove, so I had to be careful about not tripping over those as well.

Here's to hoping that twelve years of Tae Kwon Do and being a third degree black belt was worth something.

The other two wolves were standing back, letting their leader deal with me. If I got too close to them, they'd probably grab me or something, so that was inadvisable. I watched the leader's feet shuffle towards me. I adopted a loose fighting stance of sort, paws curled into fists and protecting my face and ribs. I relaxed my legs, allowing me for more fluid movement. The wolf scowled at me before throwing another punch. I stepped back as I dodged, and he threw another one. They were still slow, but due to my adrenaline running, I was too tense to properly react.

"Fucking pussy!" He spat at me, growling in an intimidating manner. The other two wolves were still at their posts, but I was quickly running out of room.

He lunged at me again. I spun and dashed to the center of the alcove, glad that he was still slow.

"Running around like a scaredy-cat, huh?" he snarled.

Oh please. I rolled my eyes, my body relaxing somewhat as I slowly got used to the guys lackluster attempts to grab me. His footwork gave everything away, and all I had to do was watch that as he bounded towards me. It was rather simple, really, and it certainly-

"Fuck!" I yelled as I tripped over a loose brick and landed on my back. I was suddenly picked up and thrown against the wall, my back stinging with slight pain.

"You fucking cunt! Give me your wallet now!" He yelled at my face. The other two wolves, sensing victory, slowly lumber over to us. I raised my paws up in defeat. The leader took one, and pinned and arm behind my back as my face hit the wall. I grunted as he started to rummage through some of my pockets. I turned my head to see where he was. I found my target and-

"Fuck!" he yelled as I struck him in the temple with my elbow. "Why you little bitch!"

He ran towards me again. I dodged, and as he turned around, I threw a left roundhouse kick towards his stomach. Surprisingly he dodged, but he certain wasn't expecting me to follow up on that. I turned my left foot towards me as it landed and pivoted, executing a spin kick to the right side of his face as he tried to gain a little ground. A loud thwack rang through the alcove as my shoe made heavy contact with his head. His arms fell to his side as he slumped to the ground, a sure sign of a concussion. I was actually a little surprised that he was taken down so easily, I mean-


Pain rang through my head as a very solid and heavy object collided with the right side of my head. I landed on my left hips and turned to look at my new attacker. The smaller of the two remaining wolves held a brick in his paw, grinned widely as he walked towards me. I was a little dazed and my ears were ringing. My hips protested as I tried to get up, but I forced it to cooperate, as this was no time to-

"Hey, what's going on?" A voice boomed, temporarily distracting all three of us.

Now, I've seen my fair share of big guys in my life. Hell, I've probably had sex with half of them. But the guy at the corner of the alcove was fucking _huge._Easily eight feet tall and packed with solid muscle, the orca was indeed an intimidating presence. His white sleeveless shirt stretched imposingly tight over his massive pecs, showing off most of the smaller details of the muscles even in the dim light. There was a clear outline of his impressive eight pack; it even stretched so much the center groove was easy to spot. Impressively thick muscular arms folded at his chest, and a green and yellow arm band rested at the spot where the shoulder and bicep met. If it were any farther down, it'd probably snap.

His waist was impressively trim for his size as the shirt gently covered the waistline of the khaki cargo shorts he was wearing. A very sizable bulge sat at his groin, lightly shading the area in between his massive thighs. Calves flared from behind his legs impressively thick, leading down to his very large bare feet.

"Back the fuck up, man, this shit is none of your business!" The bigger of the two wolves snarled. Even with his height of 6'8'', he looked tiny compared to the monolithic orca. The orca looked at me. I tried not to look too pathetic as I sat on the ground, bruised and battered. He glanced over at the unconscious wolf on the ground and then back at me.

"So three against one, and he still managed to take one of you down?" the orca asked rhetorically.

"This ain't none of your business, asshole!" the smaller wolf cried. I rolled my eyes. Even I'm not stupid enough to fight this guy, even if I had a buddy or two.

"Yeah, I'll just back away; you really scare me..." the orca put up his hands sarcastically.

"You motherfucker!" the larger wolf yelled, pulled out a large knife, and charged at the orca.

It happened in a flash. I heard a crack as the wolf charged forward, and then suddenly yelp in pain as his body flew backwards and landed on the ground. I've seen speed and I've seen power, but to see a large mound of muscle move as fast as that orca did was probably the most impressive thing I've seen all day. The wolf probably didn't know what hit him. The orca's large foot still hung in the air, and the wolf cried out in pain, clutching his ribs. A sidekick with that amount force was bound to break something.

The smaller wolf, surprised and probably horrified by the sudden take down of his accomplice, made a strangling noise and bolted. He didn't even make five steps before the orca's hand met the base of his skull. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"You alright?" the orca asked as he walked over to me. I was still momentarily stunned by the display, but I shook my head. It probably wasn't the best thing to do considering my head suddenly exploded with pain.

"Yeah, for the most part," I hissed, clutching the side of my head. It throbbed for a moment, but it wasn't making me dizzy. He offered a hand, and I took it. I dusted myself off once I was up.

"You take care of that guy?" the orca pointed at the wolf I took down.

"Yeah, spin kick to the head. Pretty sure he has a concussion. Then one of them got me with a brick."

"I see. Well, I'll call the cops real quick and an ambulance or two; that guy's going to be in a lot of pain for a while," the orca said as he pointed over his shoulder at the big wolf still writhing on the ground.

Twenty minutes later, they were taken away. Two ambulances were required for my attackers, which was slightly satisfying. The third one was carted away in a cop car after they showed up. I explained what had happened, and some more stuff happened. I wasn't paying much attention, honestly. Soon they were all gone, and all that was left was me and the monolithic orca.

"You still doing alright?" he asked with a look of concern in his green eyes.

"Yeah, just a bad headache. It's gotten better though. I'm Gage, by the way," I introduced myself.

"Yerkelayh," he grunted.

"What?" I said instinctively, not meaning to be rude. He smiled.

"It doesn't quite roll of the tongue for some, but that's fine though. I live nearby. You want to sit for a second? I got some advil," he offered.

"I don't want to bother you too much, thanks though," I politely declined, glancing down at the ground. I couldn't help but get a peek at his groin, the bulge was tantalizing as it was, and the fact that it sat right at my naval height made it that much more prominent.

"Too bad; you're hurt and I can't just let you go all the way back home," he grunted and soon I found myself being picked up and laying on my stomach over his massive shoulder.

"Hey!" I cried, arms and legs dangling as he held me by the waist.

"Hey is for horses," he sniggered and he carried me off to an unknown location. I was surprisingly at ease with the situation, mostly because I knew he wasn't planning on hurting me, or so my gut told me.

I stopped flailing and let myself rest. I watched as his muscular glutes shifted under the shorts as he walked. I also mapped his impressively wide back a bit, watching where the various muscles connected and twitched as they accommodated to my seemingly light body. It was slightly arousing, but with my slight headache, it was hard to concentrate on that.

"Welcome to my home," Yerkelayh announced.

"I wish I could see it," I mumbled, still hanging over his shoulder.

"Oh, the outside isn't important. It's what's inside that counts, right?" he smiled, or at least I thought he did. I heard the door open and a light flicker on. He gently set me down before turning around and closing the door.

I turned around and glanced at the apartment. It was very humble in size and space, almost too small for the massive orca who had to duck to get into the front door. It was a studio apartment, and beyond the small living room and kitchen areas was a rather large bed perfectly fit for the hulking beast.

"Have a seat, I'll find the Aspirin," Yerkelayh said as he walked towards a separate room which I assumed was the bathroom. After a few seconds, he came out carrying a small bottle and a small glass of water. He handed both to me, and I unscrewed the cap. I took three pills and quickly swallowed them, feeling the pills settle down into my stomach. I drank the rest of the water as I was slightly dehydrated, and set the glass down once it was finished.

"Well, not many people can say they've had the night you've had," he chirped, giving me a warm smile.

"I don't think many people want to," I gave a small laugh. "I guess twelve years of Tae Kwon Do at least amounted to something."

"Oh? What rank are you?" the orca asked, put his head in his palm.

"Third degree black belt. I got it about two years ago. I'm a bit out of practice," I shurgged.

"Hey, you landed a spin kick that knocked someone out. That's damn good," he smiled.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I train in Muay Thai," he gestured towards the green and yellow band on his upper right arm. "It's done me quite well."

"I can tell. You're fucking huge, man," I complimented him, giving him a slight look over. There was just so much to see, and I really wanted to see him without his shirt.

"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself. How's your head?" he asked.

"It's alright. I'll have a huge headache in the morning, but I'll live," I shrugged.

"Let me see..." the orca stood up and walked over to me. Before I could really stop him, he rubbed his thumb next to my injury.

"Yeah, it looks like it'll bruise, but it's nothing that a good kiss from an orca won't fix."

Suddenly, there was a pair of large lips on the side of my head. I heard the smooch, and he moved his head away and gently caressed the wound. I accidently let out a purr as he did so; his touch was so gentle and the kiss was so's a pity it couldn't be somewhere else.

"Oh, kitty likes?" he grinned, looking at me in the eye.

"One could say that," I smiled, freely feeling up his massive forearm, slowly working towards the massive bicep.

"Hmmm, I bet there are lots of things the kitty would like to do," Yerkelayh moved his hips a bit, showing off his impressive bulge that was at eye level.

"And what do you think I would like to do?"

Yerkelayh said nothing. Instead, he stepped back a bit and gently ran his hands under his shirt. I held my breath and my heart started to beat quickly in anticipation as he slowly took off his tight shirt.

I'm a size queen at heart. I really do enjoy large males, especially if they are larger than I am. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy most men, but the big ones truly arouse me to no end. Yerkelayh was massive. Muscles filled my vision as the shirt slowly revealed what lie underneath, and it took my breath away as his torso was displayed to me.

I don't even know where to begin with this guy. Pecs, abs, obliques, arms, shoulders, serratus anterior...I could focus on just one without me looking at the next large muscle. All were incredibly developed and infused with a vascular network that made every muscle seem that much more powerful. His black and white skin stretched tightly over the muscles, showing the various connective tissues at his joints.

"You can touch," Yerkelayh gently whispered, sensing some hesitation.

"...I just don't even know where to start," I stated, still trying to look at every inch of muscle that was in front of me.

"Well, you did seem rather fond of my arms, so why don't you continue there?" He requested gently. There wasn't any force in his voice. He wanted this just as much as I did, and that definitely sent blood flowing to my groin.

I stood up and slowly walked over to him, almost in a daze. I gently gripped his right bicep, and was amazed by the lack of resistance even while it wasn't flexed. The bulbous mound of muscle was wonderfully warm, and it only got hotter as Yerkelayh flexed the muscle. The fibers bunched up and the vein that ran across the top popped from under his skin as it reached its impressive peak. Measurements couldn't accurately describe how large his arms were. My paws could only cover about one side of the muscle, and I'd have to wrap both of my arms to fully grasp it.

I lightly traced the large vein that ran across the top of the bicep. The massive orca chirped contently, still holding his pose. The thick vein ran from his upper chest and into his forearms where several more veins branched off and wrapped around the muscle. He brought his arm lower, and I stuck out my tongue and lapped along the vein. He chirped some more, and gently rubbed my head with his other arm. His skin was incredibly smooth, and had a slightly earthy taste. The smell was subtly masculine but not overbearing which left me wanting more.

My right paw made its way to his massive left pec. My fingers dipped and out of the various fibers as they mapped the massive muscle from the outside to the jagged canyon in the middle. I nuzzled the side of the bicep and the orca flexed his pecs slowly. I watched and felt it slowly roll, the muscles bunching up towards the middle as it became engorged with blood. I gently kissed the outside of pec, near his thick serratus anterior, and gently rubbed the pec as he chirped above me.

He wrapped his arm around my torso, bringing me closer to his warm body. My right paw gently ran down his front, feeling each one of the large bumps under his skin before it met the waistband of his shorts. I gently grazed over the bulge, feeling the impressive heat of the organ that lie within. It throbbed gently as blood started to flow, slowly expanding the bulge. My cock was painfully hard in my pants, and a nice wet spot was forming on the outside. Yerkelayh stopped me before I got too far into his crotch, much to my disappointment. I looked at him questioningly.

"You still have clothes on," he gave a soft chuckle. "I'm not going any further until you do," he winked, gently rubbing my chest before slowly reaching down and cupping the hem of my shirt. I lifted my arms and he pulled upwards, carefully removing my shirt from my body.

"Damn, you're looking good," he whistled, gently running his large hand along my bare chest and abs. I let out a content purr as he gently kneaded my chest.

"Such a strong kitty, nice and buff...But I wonder what you're really packing?" Yerkelayh grinned, gently cupping my crotch. I purred again, and gripped his muscular forearms.

"Let's do this together," I smiled seductively, slowly rolling my hips as his hands moved on the waistline of my pants. We both nodded, and soon both articles of clothing were on the floor along with our undergarments, revealing ourselves to each other.

"Holy...." I gasped.

My cock throbbed as I glanced down. His own shaft was just as long as my own, still soft. It pulsed lightly as it swelled, veins starting to rise above the surface as blood engorged the tissue. It slowly lumbered upwards and continued to stretch and swell. I couldn't resist touching it. It was so damn thick and warm, and still lengthening. It reached the top row of his abs, the thickness spreading my paw wide.

"Fucking hell..." I moaned as the erection process finished.

"Eighteen inches long," Yerelayh told me. Eighteen....fuck, my ass was going to be sore tomorrow....

"How thick?" I asked in a lustful daze.

"It's over ten, I can tell you that."

"Fuck...." I could believe the dimensions of the massive dick in front of me. I mean, it wasn't the largest I have ever taken, but it was pretty damn close. The size queen in me was more than happy.

"Heh, you're not so bad yourself," the massive orca complimented me, lightly running his thumb across my leaking tip. "Tastes good, too," he commented with a slurp of his thumb.

Without any further words, Yerkelayh slowly pushed me onto the bed, face up. He crawled over me and planted a large kiss on my lips. My cock throbbed and bounced against his, the heat of the massive pole sending shivers down my spine. His hips lightly ground into mine, forcing our cocks to rub together as we kissed.

A small bead of pre leaked out from my tip and slowly dropped onto my upper abs as the orca rolled his massive hips into mine. His massive body completely engulfed mine, completely submerging me in his shadow. My paws roamed his ripped obliques, trying to feel every hard inch of muscle that I could. The orca chirped above me as a spurt of pre lanced from his cock and struck me in the neck. I let out a small gasp as he leaned down and lapped it up. His smooth tongue danced across my fur and skin as it moved further south, making its way across my chest and sternum.

He stopped licking once he reached my cockhead, much to my disappointment. He quickly maneuvered his body so that we were in a 69 position, and my disappointment was quickly replaced by pleasure as his thick tongue began to lap at my balls. His cock throbbed above me, and his balls hung freely right behind my head. I pulled the shaft closer to me with both paws. I made a long stroke along the underside with my tongue as I held it in place with both paws. Yerkelayh chirped above me and continued to lap at my balls. He slowly moved down across my taint, and soon he reached my hole.

I let out a gasp as the thick appendage slathered saliva across my hole. The appendage was so large and warm that my body instantly relaxed under his ministrations. It prodded at my entrance while I lapped along the turgid shaft in front of me. Eventually, the smooth tongue entered. I let out a large moan as my hole was slowly spread. It dipped inside at a steady pace, making sure to adequately stretch me in preparation for his massive member.

We made a series of harmonious moans and chirps as we worked on each other's erogenous areas. I gently traced the thick veins along his shaft, and he continued to work my hole, thoroughly lubricating and stretching my hole. I rubbed his abs with one paw, feeling each cobblestone of muscle twitch as he breathed and stabilized his body over mine. My finger lightly followed one of the three thick veins that ran from his lower abs and into his groin, making him shiver lightly. A large drop of pre splashed onto my cock. I gently wiped it with my finger and tasted it. It was a bit spicy, strangely akin to sushi of some sort. Not that the flavor was over bearing, but it certainly had a hint of something extra.

With a final grunt, Yerkelayh's tongue left my hole leaving me with a lingering feeling of emptiness. The air of the room cooled my slickened hole as he moved from above me and repositioned himself so that he was facing me once more. He gently lifted my legs above me, and slowly positioned his cock at my entrance. It was an impressively arousing sight to see his monster of a dick jutting from his groin leading to my body. I felt the thick blunt tip at my hole, teasing my body. My cock twitched in anticipation of the thick member spearing me wide, and a large dollop of pre dripped out of my cock slit and I braced myself and nodded.

The blunt tip forced itself against my hole. I relaxed as best as I could and felt it slip in. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as it forced its way through, sliding deeper and deeper inside of me. The cock rapidly expanded as inch after inch entered me. Yerkelayh was taking care to be gentle with his motions, however. My hole continued to stretch, almost becoming slightly unbearable. He stopped for a moment and pulled out, letting my hole relax some as the large head remained inside.

He rubbed my stomach as he pushed in again. I still wasn't ready to completely take him, but it was certainly easier for him to penetrate me. About a third of his cock was inside of me, and I was already stretched pretty far. His caressing hand helped comfort me as he continued to push inside. I grunted as he stopped at nine inches. I had reached the thickest part of his cock, but that didn't help the fact that my hole was starting to ache. I was elated that it was still holding up, though; it'd be problematic if it didn't.

The massive orca lightly pumped his hips in circles, pleasure sparking from the nerves deep within me. A light sheen of sweat covered my body from the erotic discomfort of having something thicker than a soda bottle lodged in my ass. I felt his heartbeat deep inside of me as his cock throbbed and my own was leaking profusely onto my stomach from the overload of sensations.

He pulled out a third time and slowly thrust inside once more. Now that my passage had adjusted somewhat to his thick shaft, the length was the only thing left to worry about. I panted as my hole was slowly filled again, right up to the nine inch mark. He kept pushing deeper and deeper, my passage stretching deliciously. My cock lurched, spraying a nice shot of pre across my stomach. His hands quickly rubbed it in, gently massaging my chest. My vision was blurring slightly as more and more of his pole delved inside, and soon, I felt his hips meet mine.

I came once I realized I had all eighteen inches inside of me. Cum spewed rapidly from my cock as it twitched about, spraying both of our bodies as my brain went into sensational overload. Yerkelayh smiled above me, happy with his work as I writhed on his shaft.

"Oh, fuck...." I groaned as my body calmed down from its euphoric high.

"I can do that," Yerkelayh grinned, giving me a small push with his hips, making me grunt. My brain was still trying to process the sensations, but now was the best time for him to get moving.

I took a large breath and exhaled. I nodded and he gripped my hips while slowly pulling his massive cock out of my ass. I felt every single bump, nook, and vein pass right by my prostate, sending splashes of pleasure throughout my body. My cock was still hard and throbbing, and some fresh pre was already leaking.

Though it wasn't effortless, the orca's thick shaft slowly entered me once more. I purred at the feeling of being filled again. It took a bit for his hips to meet mine, but it was well worth the wait. Once he hilted, he pulled out, leaving me no time to adjust. I grunted through the delirious bliss, feeling the thick crown of his head slowly make its way to my entrance before pushing back inside.

Yerkelayh established a gentle pace. My passageway was now slick with the accumulation of his juices, making it easier for him to move inside. It was still erotically uncomfortable, but blissfully enjoyable at the same time. He chirped when his heavy balls collided against my backside with each thrust. I watched as his abs flexed as they aided his thick muscular hips in driving his shaft inside of me. The deliciously large muscles twitched under his skin, and I couldn't help but bend forward and touch them. He let out a moan as my body shifted around him, and I felt a squirt of pre splash inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his hips as best as I could. I felt his arms wrap around me and soon, I was up against his muscled chest. I held on to his body as his hips started to move from his kneeling position.

My cock rubbed against his abs as he bumped up the pace. My hole burned with pleasure from the increased force and tempo, and all I could do was hang on and take it. His arms held me close to his hard body as he thrust inside. His chirps were mixing in with my moans as my cock grazed along his abs, smearing pre along the center of his body.

"Fuck, I'm're so damn tight..." he grunted above me, his deep voice resonating through his chest.

"Ughhnnn..." I grunted as he slammed his cock inside of me. My hips bucked of their own accord as the thick tube of flesh barged past the sensitive areas of his insides. My head was clouded and dizzy as he pounded into me, racing towards his own orgasm.

"Fuck!" we both cried as we simultaneously reached our climaxes. I felt multiple blasts of warm cum splash around deep within me. At the same time, several shots of my own cum splattered between our bodies, most of it ricocheting off the orca's massive pec shelf. The orca's cock was still pumping cum inside of me as I slumped against his body. There was a slight bloating sensation from the backup of cum as it sloshed around my innards.

"Geez...." He breathed as his impressive orgasm finished. He let me rest for a bit against his chest as our bodies slowly winded down from the sexual high.

"You think you could go for another round?" he asked, gently rubbing my back. I gave a grunt, and buried my head in between his pecs and ground my cock against his abs. He gave a small chuckle and kissed me on the forehead.

"I'll take that as a yes," he chirped.

"Just don't cum in me, I might burst," I grumbled as he sat me down on the bed.

"I won't," he promised as he nuzzled my head. "You mind turning around?" he asked.

"You mind pulling out?"

"But your ass is so warm..." he sighed. I rolled my eyes, and slowly maneuvered myself that I basically rotated myself on my paws and knees with his cock still lodged within me. It wasn't the easiest maneuver, but I made it work. Once I was situated, he gripped my hips and ground into me before pulling the lengthy cock out.

The pressure from the buildup of cum was temporarily alleviated, though the thickness of his cock prevented any from escaping. Once the head remained, he quickly thrust in, compressing the cum that had generously filled me. I grunted as I felt the thick long member invade me once more. My knuckles popped as I gripped the bed sheets tightly as he graciously plowed into me, building an intense pace.

Grunts, chirps, moans, and slaps filled the studio apartment. His groin forcefully met my ass with each thrust which made his hefty balls hit mine with a rather strong velocity. My vision was blurring from the slight delirium of being pounded, but I was in such a lust induced haze that it didn't concern me. I was getting fucked by the beast above me, and that's all that mattered.

It was a rough fuck. Yerkelayh picked up the pace again, and the rhythmical pounding I was receiving was slowly deteriorating into something more primal. There was a strange juxtaposition of numbness mixed with the immense pleasure and euphoria I was feeling. My hole was being pounded so hard that I couldn't feel it. I mean, I could feel the mighty cock piston inside of me, agitating the buildup of cum and pre that had been deposited there, but there was no more discomfort; just the blissful sensation of being rammed over and over again. Yerkelayh flattened his body against mine. Hard sweaty muscles were felt along my back, and I couldn't help but cum right then and there.

I let out a muffled roar of sorts as I ejaculated all over the mattress. With Yerkelayh's additional force from his thrusts, some shots were able to cross the entire length of the mattress, splashing against the base of the headboard. The world spun around me as my body twitched from the undeniably raw burst of pleasure I was experiencing. I was left breathing rather heavily with Yerkelayh's cock still pounding deep within me. I felt it swell deep within me, and I braced myself for his cock's exit. As he promised, he pulled the entire length out and let the heavy weight of it flop on my back. It twitched once, twice, and then it burst.

It was an arousing sensation of feeling the warm fluid blast pump through the underside of his cock and watch the cum fly across the room and splatter on the headboard. I felt his balls pulling upward on the base of my tail, pulsing lightly as they helped eject the cum from his body. I could feel his ragged breath on my neck, staggering with each shot he made. Though he didn't fire as many shots as I did, the size of ropes greatly surpassed mine with ease. Most of the headboard was painted with the white fluid, and some of the remaining shots splatted on the mattress before his orgasm waned. The orca collapsed to the side of me which was good; I don't think I could have supported his weight if he fell on top of me.

"You feel any better yet?" he smiled exhaustedly.

"Ask me in the morning..." I grunted, rubbing my ass. I knew that was going to be sore, but my head wasn't hurting anymore. It may have been due to the rush of endorphins, but I wasn't complaining.

"Fair enough. Time for bed, hmm?" he turned his body and laid on his side. I gave him a tired smile and curled up next to him and drifted off to sleep.

Waking up was a bitch. My ass was sore, and my head had bruised, so it was very tender. I didn't have much of a headache, but still; I was a miserable panther. Taking a warm shower helped, but the wound still hurt as I gently washed it. Yerekelayh wanted to shower with me, but it would be too tight of a fit as he could barely fit himself. I rested on the couch as he showered, contemplating how I was going to explain this injury without making everyone worry.

"You still doing alright?" the massive orca asked as he stepped out of the bathroom wearing another sleepless shirt and cargo shorts.

"Head is still tender, and my ass aches, but nothing terribly painful. It could have been worse," I shrugged.

"True, you could have been beaten to a pulp without the sex," he chuckled as he sat at the foot of the couch. It creaked under his weight as he sat towards my feet. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks though, I appreciate it. My ass does too," I laughed, resting my feet on top of his massive thighs.

"Anytime, anytime," he smiled and patted my leg.

"Speaking of which," I said, pulling out my wallet. I pulled out my business card, and handed it to him.

"What's this?" he asked, taking a glance at the relatively small card in his hands.

"My contact information in case you want to hang out or something."

His eyebrow raised at the mention of something, getting the implications of what I meant. He smiled again and pocketed the card.

"You might get a call sooner than you think," he chuckled. "I have a friend coming in town, and I think you should meet him."

"Well, the more the merrier," I sighed, slowly standing up. "Unfortunately, I've gotta go. There's a big concert tonight, and I can't be late for work."

"Glad to have you over," the orca said, giving me a courteous nod. "It was nice meeting you, and I hope life has good things in store for you," he smiled warmly. I bid my own farewell and stepped out of his apartment.

It was kind of strange to think that about 12 hours ago, I was being mugged. It almost seemed surreal, but the bruise and slight throbbing in my head reminded me that it actually did happen. The dull ache deep inside of my ass also told me how real last night was.

I grinned to myself. My cock was swelling a bit at the thought of his massive cock.

So he was going to have a friend in town...Hopefully, he was just as large, if not larger.