What Goes around Comes around. part 1

Story by Runakei on SoFurry

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Due to limited time for posting stories at this moment, I have to post part 6 in two segments. Key words say no-yiff, but that's only for part 1.

  • * * Three years. Three long and painful years I had to endure. Of course, noone suspected me of doing anything at that apartment, Everyone just thought I was just going over there to visit Sally, which was the cover story. She didn't live with her aunt, she just visited every few days. So the lie was sufficient to answer any question that might have been asked about where I disappeared to every day. Truth is, every day I kept my end of the deal. I went over to Natalie and Racheal's apartment to clean it. Every day they purposely messed up the place to give me more work to do. I didn't mind the extra work, it was just what they made me wear while I did it. I was given a maid's uniform that I had to put on before I started work. Embarrasing, yes. And if that wasn't bad enough, if I did one little thing wrong, such as missing a tiny bit of dust or if I didn't shake my tail a certain way, (stupid little things like that), I was tied down and a belt was brought down upon my ass. Most days I couldn't sit down for a while after I left the apartment. All in all, those three years were some of the worst in my life, and I had thought that I would be forced to live like that forever. When I turned eighteen, I was told to move in with Racheal and Natalie, which I did. I was rewarded with a kick to the balls and then a day of rough sex. By rough I mean physical, as in, more torture for me while the girls had fun. But even though I was turned into a servant and slowly became a near lifeless shell of a person, I never forgot what was done to me when I was sixteen. To this day I get thrown into an unbelievable rage at the mere thought of being tortured and raped. Most days the only thing that prevented me from killing myself was the thought of what I would do if I ever got a chance for revenge. That day came sooner than I could have thought. One day, not long after my nineteenth birthday, Racheal came home in tears. She burst through the living room door and ran straight to her room, tracking in mud on the carpet I had just spent the last hour cleaning. Sighing, I got up from the couch against the wall and walked over to the closet to get the carpet cleaner, paying the audible sobs no heed. I didn't much care about what could have caused her so much distress, I learned long ago that curiosity was a painful experience. Racheal didn't leave her room for several hours, which I thought was a bit wierd. Normally she would have come out by then to insult my work and get me ready to be punished. I leaned back against the couch and stared at the clock across the room. It was 6:30 p.m. Nataile was going to be home soon. I stood up and crossed the small living room to the kitchen. I prepared dinner and put it in the oven, then sat back down in the living room. We were going to have chicken pot pie, a favorite of Natalie's. I had hoped that if I caught her in a good mood I might be able to ask for some new clothes, for the ones I had were getting way too small. Minutes passed by, and I had been growing bored. Racheal and Natalie didn't have a t.v., or much of anything for that matter. Their living room was almost empty, except for the couch against a wall, and a bookshelf in the corner, complete with books I was told I wasn't to read. So I got to sit there and be bored. I glanced at the clock again and saw that it was 6:45. Time was starting to pass quickly. Getting up from the couch, I walked back to the kitchen and checked the pies. "Racheal! Dinner is almost ready!" I called out. No answer. I was starting to think something had gone wrong today, for the usual pattern of day to day events wasn't being followed. Racheal was supposed to be out and about by now, doing some exercises in the living room or going out for a jog; and Natalie was supposed to be home by now, inspecting the cleaning job I had done. I walked down the spotless hallway connected to the living room and over to Racheal's room. I couldn't hear her inside, so I thought she might have been asleep. "Racheal," I called again, knocking on her door, "It's about time to eat, we're having pot pie for dinner." I had just finished speaking when I heard a new wailing come from inside. Whatever was bothering Racheal had been doing a hell of a job. Making my way back over to the kitchen, I pulled the pies out of the oven and set them on top of it so they could cool. Quickly setting up the kitchen table, I glanced at the clock again. It was almost 7. I heard Racheal's bedroom door open up and turned to see a miserable looking wolfess walk over to the couch, dragging her feet across the carpet as she went. Ok, I thought, now I know something must be up. Where's Natalie?" I asked, making my way over to the couch, "She was supposed to be home by now. Is she going to be late?" "No..... no" Racheal sounded like her spirit was broken, like something had happened to her to make all the joy in her life disappear, and then it hit me. "Racheal, did you and Natalie-" "Yes," Racheal whispered, "Yes we did." "Why? You two had been getting along perfectly. Natalie is the last person I'd expect to walk out on you." "I don't know. She just called me earlier and told me she was done, and she wasn't coming home." Racheal closed her eyes and lay down. I moved over to her and put my hand on her back, she obviously needed someone to comfort her. I just couldnt' believe that Natalie had broken up with Racheal, they had been together so long. They seemed to have brought each other so much joy. Weither it was playing a game, gossiping to each other about people they had met that day, torturing me... I stopped rubbing Racheal's back. I had completely forgot that part. I looked down at Racheal. She look pitiful. I was shocked at myself for feeling sorry for her, after all that she had done. But she had just had her heart broken, which put me in an awkward position. I didn't know weither to hate her or feel sorry for her. Part of my mind realized that Racheal was in a position that I could take advantage of and finally get revenge. But a different part of my mind was morally against that, considering what had just happened. Plans of revenge that I had formed in my mind so long ago suddenly resurfaced, forcing me to make a decision. I could either sit here and comfort Racheal, a woman that had played a key part in my kidnapping and then decent into servanthood, a woman who had taken great pleasure in causing me pain, a woman that dared ask for understanding when she needed it, but didn't seem to give a damn about me anytime else. Or I could finally get my revenge on her. I gulped, this was a hard choice to make. Racheal looked up at me, nothing but affection in her eyes, as though she was appreciating what I was doing for her. She was really trying to make me feel sorry for her. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. I lay down next to her on the couch and hugged her, feeling pissed at myself for not being able to go through with it. I had blown my one chance for revenge. The phone started to ring. Racheal got up and hurried over to it. "Hello? Natalie!?! What do you mean, getting your stuff? You aren't really... you can't... it is too my business... Natalie? Natalie!" Racheal threw the phone down and started to cry again. Any feelings of hatred I had for her quickly disappeared. "What happened?" I asked "Natalie said she's coming over to pack her things and leave. I can't believe that she's doing this!" "It's not your fault, don't worry." I said. For some reason I couldn't bear the sight of Racheal being this miserable. "It's her fault for deciding to leave. Besides, think of all the times you and her fought." A new plan was starting to form in my mind. I was going to try to turn Racheal against Natalie. My revenge might just happen yet. I had long ago found out that it was Natalie that first suggested teaching me a lesson. Racheal had apparantly been trying to please her by kidnapping me. Natalie had quickly guessed what happened when I wasn't at my apartment that night and came to find us, not to rescue me but to punish Racheal for leaving without saying a word. Natalie was a cruel bitch, and I could probably blame some of Racheal's cruelty on her. Only some of it, the rest I was pretty sure was just natural. "Yeah, but I had forgiven her for the fights-" "Natalie would sometimes hit you when she was mad!" "Yes, but-" "But nothing! You should be glad that bitch is leaving! Not sad and mopey." "Spencer! How dare you talk about Natalie like that! You better apologize right now or else!" "Why should I apologize, I have just as much if not more reason to be mad at her than you do. Instead of being mad at me, you should be mad at her. She decided to leave you for no reason, to end your relationship just because she felt like it. If I were you, I would be looking for revenge." "What do you mean?" Racheal no longer sounded upset. She had her infamous curious tone of voice, which meant I was starting to get through to her. "Well, here's what we can do..."