Sara's New Groove Ch1. New And Improved

Story by Deca4531 on SoFurry

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#1 of Sara's New Groove

A young boy sells his soul to get the girl, too bad his buyer has other plans, bloody, painful plans.

Authors Note: This story is extremely graphic and should not be read by lose under the legal age to do so, or those with weak stomachs. I would like to give special thanks toSerban for helping me to edit and polish the final drafts.

A ripping sound vibrated through the air, like wet fabric being shredded wildly from the seams. A piercing scream followed. Sara's loins tingled and her breath shuddered out in a quiet quiver. She sat contentedly on her perch, overlooking the enclosure wall, and watched the scene unfold below her.

The wild gorilla grasped a piece of fur on the dog woman's scruff, while his other arm held her tight around the waist. He forced her down on his engorged shaft once more. A smile crept eerily onto Sara's face as she watched another gorilla wake from his slumber and lope over to join in on the savagery. Sara knew instantly that this was the alpha. The alpha gorilla, shiny with his silver back growled and easily slapped away the first gorilla, as simply as a man would swat away a fly. The first gorilla, smaller than his partner, was ripped out of the dog woman, leaving a trail of bloody fluid dripping from her.

A guttural growl sliced the air from the alpha. The message was clear, this female was his now. The alpha paced around the dog woman, inspecting her damage, poking his fingers into every orifice. The dog woman quivered and shook. Closing her eyes and hoping his inspection would prove she wasn't worthy of the alpha's attention.

With a jerk of his monstrous hand the alpha grabbed the back of the dog woman's head, forcing her down on his own erect cock. Simultaneously he used his other hand to force her jaw open. Two massive fingers flattened her ears and controlled her neck. Sara's keen ears could hear the crackling of tendons being forced to their limit.

The alpha began to fuck her with the same savage enthusiasm as his companion, ripping out tuffs of her fur and delivering powerful squeezes to her jaw if he even thought that he felt the scrape of her teeth. High from her vantage point atop the enclosure wall, Sara could hear bones beginning to strain and then break as the Doberman's muzzle was crushed against the ape's groin, making her resemble more of a pug than a Doberman.

Meanwhile, the companion gorilla, who had been watching the alpha, all the while masturbating with his huge black hand, began to grow restless. The gorillas shared a series of growls and then, the smaller gorilla approached and quickly forced his way back into the Doberman, this time choosing her anus. The smaller ape was so eager to be back inside the Doberman that his first thrust threatened to turn two holes into one. He quickly resumed his grip on her scruff, now matted with fresh blood. Yanking her back and forth, slowing only when growls from the alpha warned him not to interrupt, or he would be dismissed again.

Gurgling muffled cries told Sara that the Doberman's tight throat was no match for the alpha's fully erect shaft, she watched as the bulge in the canine's neck became impossibly large, swelling as the alpha prepared to drown the Doberman in his cum. The alpha's hot semen bubbled up from the raw, bloody pulp that had once been the Doberman's petite black nose, and thick streams poured around his shaft and over her lips. She grimaced, and tried to squirm away as the semen stung the wounds on her face and throat, earning her a bite from the alpha that removed her left ear.

The sound of ripping flesh tore through Sara's mind as she watched the smaller gorilla holding the Doberman's scruff give a powerful yank. One fluid motion tore off the Doberman's scruff, along with most of the flesh on her back. The smaller gorilla didn't hesitate; he shoved the flesh into his waiting maw. The taste of fresh meat engorged the smaller ape's cock, forcing his already swollen genitals to the point of bursting. From her high vantage, Sara tilted her head with amusement so that she could see the outline of ape's shaft pushing outward against the Doberman's stomach. With every thrust she could imagine the straining of the paper thin membrane that separated the Doberman's anus from her bloody swollen cunt. As soon as the gorilla finished swallowing the meat he had ripped off of the Doberman's back he howled in malicious delight and began to cum. Finally tearing the skin separating the Doberman's anus from her cunt, he filled the newly made cavity with hot spunk.

Sara kicked her feet in the air idly as she lay comfortably on her belly, looking down on the habitat from the warm concrete of the walkway. She could feel something warm and moist creeping up her belly and knew that she had no doubt soaked the front of her dress. Underwear having never been something she cared to bother with. She slipped her arm under her body and between her legs, hiking up her dress so she could run her fingers through the wet folds of her pussy.

Sara watched in sadistic amusement while Molly's broken body was pounced on by another horny gorilla, one obviously lower on the food chain. The smallest of the males had been watching timidly from behind a tree in the enclosure. The smaller male now dared to join his companions.

With a few shared grunts, the new male proceeded to roll Molly onto her ruined back with the help of the other apes, and then wildly searched for a hole to satiate his own appetite. Simultaneously Sara slipped her fingers into her pussy. Her face pressed gently against the warm cement, Sara lazily held one eye open while she timed her fingers with the ape's thrusts.

The lust frenzied creature, shoved in beside the second ape, not caring if he had to share a hole. The second ape, having already filled the Doberman with spunk pulled out of what was left of her cunt and sat back, huffing on the grass, letting the new male have his turn. The new male leaned down and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. Had it not been for the rivets of blood pouring down her chest, one might think he was trying to suckle from her. After a few moments the ape reared back, taking her breast with him and wolfing it down.

Lifting her ass in the air, Sara moaned loudly, cumming for a fourth time. Her fingers darted in and out, up and down over her drenched, swollen cunny. She watched as Molly's body was forcibly bent nearly in half as the powerful humping continued, until there was a kind of popping noise followed by a loud crunch. A gush of sticky hot fluid followed the sound and dripped down to add to the growing pool between Sara's legs.

The apes stopped their mating suddenly and began to bark and road at each other. The alpha fucking Molly's throat kept grabbing at the woman's remaining breast, and a fight began to break out over who got access to the Doberman's chest.

With a thought Sara willed the alpha to pull its dick free of Molly's windpipe. "Can't go suffocating on me yet Molly." She purred.

The other two apes challenged the alpha by trying to slap his hands off the remainder of the Doberman's chest. The alpha roared and thrust deeper into Molly, daring the other gorillas to challenge him again; A warning that if he wasn't busy, the other apes would already be dead.

The argument soon resolved itself as the alpha simply grabbed the supple mound of flesh and peeled it off her chest in one smooth motion, bringing it to his mouth and taking a bite like it was a freshly picked apple. Blood frothed from Molly's face as she tried to cry out in agony, but was quickly silenced as a dozen glistening inches of dick flesh filled her hole again. It wasn't much longer before two more hot loads filled the broken cum dumpster and she found herself discarded roughly to the ground. Molly's breath came in haggard gasps, every orifice dripped with a pinkish fluid, cum and blood intermingled in seemingly even amounts.

Despite having finished with the broken Doberman none of the apes wanted to relinquish their new toy. The smaller pair grabbed her under the arms and began to drag her away, but then the alpha seized her hips and tried to take her for himself. A short tugging match ensued, roars echoing from both sides. The tug of war ended in a tie as Molly's muscles finally rent under the strain. There was a gush of blood. Entrails poured onto the ground and the smaller pair of apes fell backwards with Molly's upper torso, while her hips and legs were dragged away triumphantly by the alpha.

"Strike three, she's out." Sara announced as she got to her feet, her thighs and forearms glistening with cum. "Time to go collect another soul".

Sara had lost count of how many souls she had won for her master, but no amount would ever satiate the master, not that it mattered to her. She was often glad she didn't have a soul of her own. Instead she possessed only simple and unwavering purpose, instilled in her by the master.

"More souls will be on their way soon, my master". She whispered with a wicked grin.

"Cooked in sin and seasoned with agony".


Searing pain shot through Sara's entire body. She dropped to her knees, clutching her head as streams of blood began to trickle down from her ears and nose. "Yes Master!" She screamed, doubling over until her face hit the ground. "Yes, yes, the boy, I understand!" her master's voice faded from her mind, and she was finally able to draw in a breath. She got shakily to her feet, wiping bloody tears from her cheeks. She had never been sent after someone specific before, well, aside from the man she had loved. A wicked grin began to take over her features; maybe this one will even be a challenge...


Bells rang, doors opened, and students flooded the halls of Garland High school like salmon in a stream. The place was awash with the sounds of friends chatting, lockers slamming and the normal hustle and bustle of school life.

Tommy Amaker was one of the last to leave his class, just like he was last in most things in his life. The young Red Fox slunk his way through the waves of bodies until he found his locker. Opening it, he looked at the pictures he had taped to the inside of the door. One was of his parents, another of his two best friends Duke and Crystal. The other ten or twelve were of the same person, a voluptuous Timber Wolf with bluish fur named Jennifer Willmain, the girl of his dreams.

"Flunk another math quiz Tommy Boy?" asked a voice from behind.

Tommy sighed and smiled, turning to his friend, Duke "Well if what they say about averages is true, then I must be about to pass one soon, right?" he chuckled, trying not to sound too depressed.

"Heh, I don't think it works that way Tom." Crystal quipped as she appeared beside him, beaming her best smile at him.

Duke and Crystal had been his friends since he was a pup. Duke was a chubby Badger who was a year his senior. Duke always said he was going to be big one day, like movie star big or war hero big. From the way he was going though, Tommy was guessing he would end up more Shamoo big.

Crystal was a Fennec Fox and a head shorter than him; however her large ears easily compensated for her vertical deficiency. Surprisingly Crystal was near the exact opposite of Duke. While Duke wanted to go out and see the world all Crystal had ever done was cling to him like a lost puppy. Not that he minded, Crystal was great company and they shared almost all the same interests so it was easy to have fun with her around. How many times he had wished he could have had Crystal for a sister instead of the airhead he got stuck with.

"Come on, Tommy Boy, or we'll be late for class." Said Duke as he patted Tommy's shoulder reassuringly.

The three of them walked side by side down the hall, Tommy often thought of them as the three amigos or the three musketeers. They weaved their way through the throng of people and turned the last corner before their classroom.

Tommy froze dead in his tracks, and his two friends gave exasperated sighs. Further down the hall students parted to make way for the approaching figure. With thick steel blue locks dripping down her back, her tight uniform accentuating every curve, Jennifer was definitely a sight to behold. She radiated confidence and superiority as she walked, and as her fellow cheerleaders fanned out behind her like a great spearhead of pom-poms that no one would dare get in their way.

Taking a deep breath to study his nerves, and cursing himself on how much he shuddered, Tommy stepped away from his friends and, without taking his eyes off of the approaching squad, told them "Today's the day guys, I'm going to do it, I'm going to ask Jennifer to go to the prom with me."

Duke and Crystal exchanged worried look.

"Hey I don't think that's such a good idea man," said Duke as he put a hand on Tommy shoulder and tried to turn him around.

"Besides you know she has probably already agreed to go with Brandon."

"Besides," Crystal said as she unconsciously folded her arms over her small chest. "I don't see what's so special about her, other than being a huge pain in the ass." Being somewhat under developed Crystal had received no end of jeers from the prettier girls and held no love for Jennifer or her cohorts.

Tommy gave a dreamy sigh, eyes glazing as he gazed at the alluring lupine. "Grace, beauty, determination, velvety fur and hair like silk." Tommy shook himself out of his daydream and focused again on his mission. Before his friends could do any more to try and stop them he strode boldly up to the approaching throng of girls.

They paused briefly as Tommy stepped up "H-Hi J-J-Jennifer, I was, um, wondering if you, um, would... you know, like to, um, go to the, uh-"

Jennifer shot a quick look to one of her teammates who stepped between her and the stammering Tommy. The group began to walk away again and Tommy went to try to call after her, but the newcomer blocked her from view.

"Listen kid," said Rachel, the teams co-captain. "Your little crush is cute and all, but you're neither a car wash nor a bake sale so don't be expecting any charity from us." The Panda's voice was as sweet as honey, which tended to distract people from the patronizing way she addressed them. "Now why don't you run along and play with flat chest and tubby over there," She gave a condescending look towards Duke and Crystal "I'm sure they are more your league."

Standing motionless in the hall, Tommy could do nothing but stare as Rachel rejoined the group and his beloved Jennifer walked away. He wished so badly that he could crawl into some dark hole; it felt to him that every student in the hallway was silently laughing at him. Each breath he took burned in his lungs and seemed to come quicker and quicker. Tears were rapidly welling up in his eyes.

A friendly hand patted Tommy's on the shoulder as another gently held his hand. "Man, I'm really sorry about that Tommy boy." Duke tried to reconcile.

"Yeah," said Crystal giving his hand a little squeeze "But she is not right for you anyway. And you know if you still want to go to the prom... Well I would, um... I would be happy to-"

Tommy suddenly shook free of his friends grip and bolted off down the hallway. Duke and Crystal quickly lost sight of him in the throng of students. He knew his friends were only trying to cheer him up, but in his state of utter misery he hadn't heard a word they said. All he could think about was being alone; he needed to clear his head. And though he wouldn't admit it, he needed to find some place where no one would see him cry.


Huffing and puffing, Tommy finished his fifth lap around the running track. He paused for a moment to catch his breath, taking the time to look around and make sure no one had showed up yet. The field was almost always empty at this time of day, everyone would be in the cafeteria for lunch, and running always helped him to relax and calm down.

He stepped over to the bleachers, a stack of steel and aluminum that was set several feet higher than the level of the track, to give spectators a better view, and snatched up his water bottle. He rested his back against the small wall and took a swig as he looked out on the football field, enjoying the last few rays of sun on his fur as it began to set.

"Well, that was pretty pathetic." called a voice from the stands.

Tommy jumped in surprise and nearly dropped his water bottle. Turning around he looked up to see a feline with snow colored fur sitting on a bench midway up the bleachers, smirking down at him. She was very attractive, and the simple black running shorts and tank-top served to draw even more attention to her mature figure. He thought at first that she might be a teacher of some sort, though he had never seen her around before. For a brief moment he played with the idea she was the physiology teacher, pointing at sex organs drawn on the black board and looking back at the class with that coy smirk. Almost as soon as he had the thought her smirk grew into a grin, almost as if she had seen what he was thinking. Panicked, he snuck a peak down at himself to make sure he hadn't popped a boner.

Looking back up he was startled to find the woman was now only a few feet from him, leaning over the guard rail. It had only taken him a fraction of a second to look down and back up, yet she had cleared twenty feet of loud, banging, creaking bleachers without a peep. His first attempt to say something to her failed, his eyes were trapped by the sight of her heaving cleavage. From the way she bent at the waist over the rail the low cut tank-top offered him an almost lewd view of her breasts.

"You must really like that girl to have failed so hard at a simple question." The woman said, grinning down at him.

"I, um..." Tommy quickly formed a lie in his head "Yeah, I have been in love with her since the fifth grade, but she has never noticed me." his mouth hung open in shock as the last word left his mouth. Where had his lie gone? He hadn't even realized what he was saying until it was too late. His face turned a deep crimson that even his orange fur couldn't hide and despite his strong desire to flee he found himself too captivated by this woman to move.

With a soft laugh the woman reached out and patted him on the head. "Well that's pretty obvious, a pathetic runt like you could never warrant the attention of a bombshell like that," Tommy's ears began to droop with shame "Not without a little help that is." She finished.

At her offer of help he felt a sudden thrill run through him."H-Help, help how? Like coaching me or maybe telling me some secret about girls?" Or maybe giving me some practice at first and second base, he thought to himself. Why was she grinning like that again?

"No," She purred, "I can offer you something even better!" She looked from side to side, as if checking if anyone was around, despite the fact they were and had been completely alone. She motioned with her hand for him to follow and proceeded to walk around the side of the bleachers and then under them.

"What if I could offer you anything you wanted," She said over her shoulder, as the shadows of the bleachers closed over them. "Anything at all: Popularity, adoration, good looks? Three unlimited wishes and all for measly price of something you never even noticed you had and would never miss.

Though skeptical, Tommy decided to play along. "So what, you're a genie or leprechaun, or something?" He began to chuckle, but the mirth quickly died away as he looked into the cat's eyes, which were darkening into an inky black pools.

"Or something. People call me Sara."

Tommy knew the sun had not quite set yet but somehow the area became significantly darker. It seemed even darker as a red mist, like a bloody fog, suddenly swirled into the area around them. Tommy could feel his heart in this throat as his eyes darted about; always seeming to just miss that might have been figures moving about on the edge of the darkness. "H-H-Holy shit!" He stammered. "This is for real isn't it?"

"Think about it Tommy," Sara purred as her eye bore into his, threatening to suck him to the endless void within. "You could have anything you wanted, anyone you wanted. Say the word and you could be anything you want to be; her friend, her lover, or anyone else's lover if that's what you want. A pathetic wimp like you will never be noticed by her, but a star would. A hero would. A millionaire would."

Tommy took a couple steps back until he bumped into the steel support frame.

"Ok, ok," He cried as he felt something slimy gripped his ankle. "Just make all this go away!" And just like that, as if none of it had ever been, the sun shone again just past the shade of the stands and a fresh breeze brought a cool wind to his sweaty fur. He looked down to find Sara's eyes, again a soft blue, gazing almost innocently back up at him.

After the shock of it wore off he began to seriously consider her offer. She was right after all, he was a hopeless nobody. "But... Are souls like, you know, important? Like, don't I need it to live?"

"Are they important?" Sara asked innocently. "And I can guarantee you that you don't need one to live, after all I don't have one. I traded mine a long time ago when someone offered me the same deal I'm offering you." Tommy thought about this for a moment.

"Well, if they're not important than why do you want it?"

"Everything is valuable to someone, this just happens to be the currency I traded in." Sara laughed, before grinning at him again, and Tommy was beginning to find that look a little unsettling. "Besides, what has your soul done for you lately? You're obviously not very happy with it, so how could you be any worse off without it? And you get three whole chances at whatever you desire. If you ask me, you're not going to find a better deal than that."

He couldn't help but fidget nervously, the more he looked at her the more unsettled he became. But he had to admit that she had a point. He was nothing, a nobody, and he was pretty sure that was never going to change unless he took some drastic measures to change it.

"Would... Would you take my soul immediately?"

"Of course not; your soul is yours to keep until the day you die - at which time it reverts to me. Until then you're free to live a long and full life." She took a step closer, her body pressing lightly against his. "And from that looks of that girl, it would be a very pleasurable one at that."

"What do I have to do?" Tommy asked, gulping loudly. He nervously watched Sara reach into her cleavage and withdraw a long parchment scroll from seemingly nowhere. She let one end fall to the ground and unroll, revealing yard after yard of unreadably small text. By the time he found the end of it, some twenty feet from where it started, he was beginning to rethink the whole thing. "I... I don't know about this. I mean I might need my soul one day."

Tommy gave a sharp intake of breath as he felt Sara press herself against his back, her hands resting on his shoulders and sliding down his arms to cover his own hands. He was amazed at how warm she felt, and he could feel every single inch of her. As his thoughts strayed to the feeling of her breasts pressing into his back, he worried again that he might pop a boner.

"Relax," She whispered into his ear, pressing her cheek to his, "I promise to make whatever you wish for a truly unforgettable experience." Her hands ran back up his arms and then down his sides, her fingertips trailed over his exposed skin and sent shivers of pleasure down his spine.

He was only vaguely aware that he was panting, and now no longer cared that his sheath had stiffened and the pink tip was poking out against his jeans.

"Do I... Do I have to sign it in blood or something?" Smiling mischievously Sara took the scroll from his unresisting hands and tossed it aside.

"While blood would be fittingly dramatic, we have adopted a new and improved means of sealing deals." Sara snapped her fingers and there was a metallic ring as the buckle of Tommy's belt burst open and his pants slid to the ground.

Dropping to her knees, Sara softly cupped the boy's package through his briefs; she could feel his member twitch and pulsate almost immediately. Tommy just stood paralyzed, watching helplessly as she slid his drawers down around his ankles. The shock and thrill had him growing harder every second, and the contrast of the cool breeze and her hot breath so close to him made him shiver and moan. He watched as she leaned forward and kissed the top of his sheath, her tongue sliding into and around the hot flesh. Slowly the pink tip of his cock slid further from its protective home and straight between her lips, where it was welcomed fervently by her hot tongue.

Tommy panted and moaned as his pecker slid fully free and was devoured by the energetic feline. Her paws worked him in conjunction with her lips, one stroking his slick shaft while the other cupped his fuzzy sack and rolled his balls back and forth between her fingers. He felt like he should do something, contribute somehow, but his mind was too lost in the fog of new and overwhelming sensations.

"Virgins are always such fun to play with." Sara purred as she pulled his cock from her maw. She slowly ran her tongue from the base of his sheath to the tip, licking up the drops of pre that pearled up constantly. His cock began to twitch and spasm in her grasp, but with a simple thought she kept his orgasm at bay, letting it build. She moved lower, drawing one testicle into her mouth and sucking it gently as she purred, letting the vibrations course through his flesh. More and more pre poured from his tip and flowed down his shaft and balls where it met Sara's muzzle and split into two streams down either side of her nose.

Descending even further Sara ran her wet tongue over his gooch and down to his tail hole. Tommy cried out in pleasure as she pressed her tongue against the tight pucker and moved it in little circles, using a free had to pump his shaft in long, lazy strokes. She could feel his balls pulsing on the bridge of her nose in time with his rapid heartbeats. Copious amounts of pre cum flowed down his shaft to pool on her head between her ears before finally running down her neck and back.

She pulled away, but kept one paw on his shaft. She looked up at him, her face covered in lines of his cum, her fur glistening, matted with it.

"It can be like this all the time. All you need do is pledge your soul to me, freely, and sign the contract."

Tommy could hardly speak between the gasps and pants, masturbation was nothing compared to this and how he had kept from cumming this long was beyond him. He knew somehow that what she said was true; he could even see the words floating into his mind. He need but say them and even greater pleasure could be his.

"I offer my soul, freely and willingly unto you." There was a sudden rush, like a great tension snapping, followed but the most intense orgasm of his life. He felt it jolt throughout his entire body, every muscle clenching, every nerve a live wire. Light and stars exploded in his mind, and the rushing of his own blood to his ears felt like bombs going off. The first gush of seed fired straight out and hit the ground where the contract lay discarded, the thick wad splattering the blank line at the bottom of the parchment and vanishing into the paper almost instantly.

The next shot Sara attempted to intercepted, trying to catch it in her mouth but only succeeding in painting her face in the thick, white spunk. Tommy felt his cock pulse again, but this time Sara was lips locked around his head and the massive load was able to fill her mouth. He could hear her moaning as her cheeks bulged to contain it, swallowing quickly to make room for the next delicious explosion.

It was impossible to tell how long the orgasm lasted, but as the crashing waves finally receded Tommy found himself finally able to slump down to the ground and rest. Through his tired eyes he could see Sara still kneeling in front of him. Cum had run out of the corners of her mouth and her neck and breast were caked in the stuff. She looked as though she had just bathed in his seed, and from the way she gathered the leftovers off her fur and licked her paws clean, she couldn't have been happier.

"There is nothing quite like the first true climax of an innocent." She said as she stood, brushing the last remains of him off her fur. "So do you know what it is you want to ask for first?" She smiled as she watched Tommy lay there, still huffing and puffing. "Well why don't you think it over and come find me in the morning. Don't worry - I won't be hard to find." She took a step over to him and knelt down, placing a deep and passionate kiss on his lips. She smiled inwardly as he winced slightly, the taste of his own seed filling his mouth.

When he felt her break the kiss he opened his eyes and began to say something, but she wasn't there. With some effort he managed to sit up and looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. In fact he could find no evidence she had ever been there, the contract was gone as were the stains he had made on the ground. Even his pants were where they should be, all buckled up and everything.

He struggled slowly to his feet and walked unsteadily back towards the school, but didn't make it very far before he bumped into Crystal. Collided would be a better word, and in his exhausted state she bulled him right over, falling on top of him and nearly knocking the wind out of him.

"Oh gosh," Crystal exclaimed, "I didn't see you coming. What in the world were you doing behind the bleachers?"

When Crystal stood she offered him her hand and he was grateful for it. He wasn't sure if he would have been able to get up again without the help.

"I, um, was just cooling off in the shade after a few laps."

"Yeah, I figured I might find you out here. Listen..." She fumbled for words, and had Tommy been paying attention he might have noticed the slight blush in her cheeks. "I'm sorry about what happened back there, you really didn't deserve that kind of treatment. And if you're still -" Tommy waved a hand dismissively.

"Don't worry, I'm over it now. As a matter of fact I think it might have been a good experience after all." He draped an arm over her shoulder and led her back towards the school.

It took several tries before Crystal could think clearly enough to come up with something to say.

"Did you, um, notice that woman that was over here?" She saw Tommy's face take on an odd look and he shook his head. "Well she was pretty strange, I can't quite explain it but the way she looked at me when she walked past and smiled really creeped me out."

"I'm sure she's just some substitute," Tommy said quickly, "We'll probably never even see her again." He gave Crystal a friendly squeeze and changed the subject, switching to a more jovial tone. "So, um, you didn't happen to save any lunch for me did you?"

Crystal rolled her eyes in exasperation, but it was in contrast to the smile on her face. "Yeah, I think I have a few leftovers." She said, trying to sound nonchalant. In truth she had a full plate for him waiting in her locker - but she wasn't about to admit that.

As the two pre-teens disappeared inside the school Sara finally let out a sigh. Something was definitely strange about that boy. He had been easy enough to manipulate, like most males were, but in doing so Sara found she felt very strange. She had sealed hundreds of deals like that and yet she had found herself enjoying this one far more than any other. What was even stranger was she felt almost bad about it once she was done. True this boy was probably only 12 or 13 and so was the youngest she had even contracted with, but there was no reason that should bother her.

With a shrug she dismissed the troubling thoughts and instead focused of what she really enjoyed. There was a whole school just ripe for corrupting and she had many promising kids to look into. Her mind flowed out amongst the students, probing their greatest desires and deepest fears, but all the while she watched the peculiar from the corner of her mind's eyes.


The sun was well over the horizon by the time Tommy got home, not that anyone really would have noticed. Both of his parents were doctors and worked very long hours at the hospital, leaving his older sister to watch over him - and that was assuming you could pry the phone away from her head.

He had wracked his brain over how to go about getting Jennifer to fall in love with him. He had never given it much though since everything he could do was pathetic at best and sad at worst, but now he had so many options he didn't know where to start. As he crested to top of the stairs he could hear his sister blabbing away to her friends. He stood in the open doorway of his sister's room and knocked on the frame, eliciting only a glare and a shooing motion. He stood there waiting, knowing that eventually...

"What!" she yelled, while only moving the phone's receiver away from her face.

"I need advice on how to get a girl's attention." He said in as casual a tone as he could.

"You're joking, right?" she scoffed. "Like a girl with a pulse would give you the time of day, dweeb."

Tommy knew she wouldn't give him a straight answer, so he decided the best thing to do was making it about her. "Oh yeah? Well let's say you were trying to get Brandon Racher to go out with you, how would you do it." Tommy knew she had been after Brandon since he became quarterback last year but had so far failed to elicit his attention.

"Easy," She smirked, "I would just get the whole team to want me first, then go out with his Center Lineman. Once you're forbidden fruit they practically trip over themselves to have you." Her mirth faded, no doubt with the realization that she wasn't about to attract the water boy let alone the whole team. "Like any girl would want a worthless little runt like you anyway, let alone enough to make someone jealous." She yelled at him "Now get out of my room!"

Tommy ducked around the corner just as whatever his sister threw at him hit the wall. It was an interesting idea - making Jennifer so jealous that she just has to have him, but how? Well since she was the cheer captain why not make the other cheerleaders want him, seemed simple enough. Content he'd came up with enough of a plan, Tommy tiredly got ready for bed.

As he laid his head down on his pillow he thought back on Sara and how warm her mouth was, how soft her paws were, how she made his heart race and is blood boil. In his mind he replaced the image of Sara with that of Jennifer, imagining what dirty things Wolfess would say to him in her angelic voice. Reaching over to his night stand he plucked a couple tissues from the box and clicked out the light, letting his mind wonder away with his current train of thought.