Make Yourself at Home

Story by Asherkun on SoFurry

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"What a day...I think it's about time I headed out for some fun." the young, blue furred fox said to himself in a state of bordem and stress.

He went into his room and pulled a red hawaiian styled overshirt from the closet and threw it on, followed by a pair of lightly faded blue jeans that hugged his hips snuggly. After inspecting himself in the mirror he started to leave his house, almost forgetting his dog tag necklace-snagging it on the way out. Outside, the sun was slowly starting to go down, signaling all the nightlife creatures to get ready to come out. The fox whistled gently as he strolled down the beach-his backyard- to his favorite bar.

After a few moments of walking through the slight sea breeze and smell of salt, he started to hear the chatter and clanking of glasses he knew and loved. The bar was a little cottage looking building right on the beach named 'The Starfish' (sure, not the most original name, but the place was as good as it gets for a beach bar in terms of music, entertainment, and people). The outside of the bar was painted a soft blue, sporting the name on a huge piece of driftwood from forever ago with starfish stuck in random places. Through the windows he could see the lights and furs dancing, giving themselves away to the music and liqour. A gentle grin strolled across his muzzle as he pushed the door open and looked around at everyone.

"Alright, you know the drill, who's up first?!" He shouted and everyone went silent.

All the eyes in the room quickly darted to the door to find the one and only Sabre, taunting grin placed upon his muzzle, leaning against the door frame staring back at his prey. As he scanned the room one particular furson stood out the most to him. His features took his breathe away and he almost showed it. The young red fox felt someone staring intently at him and looked around nerviously til he saw the blue fox standing in the doorway; a blush started to creep across his muzzle before he quickly turned away and went back to focusing on his 7 and 7. Everyone else in the room was eagar to go, however. Well, those that weren't new to the scene.

"No challengers? No one?" Sabre teased his silent audience.

"What's going on...?" He heard a crimson spotted hyena whisper to a colleauge a few tables away from the door.

In seconds he strolled over to the gentlemen, both male and in their young 20's, with a fire in his eyes.

"Fresh meat I see, Gordon?" His eyes pointed at the Lion sitting next to the hyena.

"Yup, he's here on vacation with his fam.. Go easy on him Sabre." the lion chuckled.

"Yeah, I'll get right on that...if he decides to get up," Sabre said absentmindedly, his green eyes trailing across the room back to his mystery fox for a few seconds. "Alright gang, up they go. I don't have all night!" He said while wrapping a fist gently on his friends table.

Everyone in the room stood up, some in anticipation and exitment, others in a state of confusion. That just made it all that much better for Sabre. He loved new comers, they always gave him the most praise. Not that he had an ego, but he knew what he was good at-and what would that be? Dancing. In just a moment all the tables were pushed up against the wall, most everyone still standing save the few older gents who fancied a pint rather than a dance competition. Sabre glanced at the German Shepherd behind the bar, signaling to turn something good on.

"C'mon now, don't be shy. It's all in good fun." his cunning smile spreading across his muzzle for the umpteenth time. "I don't bite...hard." He winked at the clueless hyena.

As the music turned on, a light dubstep mix, and the lights got turned off everyone formed a circle around Sabre. Finally, a female vixen with blue and red lines traveling throughout her fur stepped through the crowd and across from Sabre, a smug smirk distinctly visable, hands on her hips.

"Show me what you got hotstuff." She said before swaying her hips to the beat and advancing even further.

"Sure thing, doll" Sabre replied, putting as much emphasise on the remark as she did.

"What are you waiting for?" she raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Ladies first, of coruse" he bowed.

With that, the night began. A few songs later and he found himself face to face with the hyena. The female was good, but this guy definitely knew how to dance. Sabre and him squared off for quite a bit, everyone around them cheering drunkly and merrily, liquor splashing everywhere as always. Minutes turned into what seemed like hours and before he knew what happened he was completely spent and needed something thirst quenching. After he humbly declined the next eager participants wager, a bear with a nasty habit of trying to show off, Sabre sat down for a few minutes to clear his head and let things die down. Once again, Sabre couldn't help but feeling like he was being watched. He glanced to his sides and saw that on his left sat the fox from earlier. Did he move...? I could've sworn he was over there earlier....I wonder what side he plays on, hehe.

He quickly shook the thought out of his head and stood to head to the bar counter for some shots. Everyone around him was still stuck together in groups talking about the dancing, life, beer, sex, the works. It was like trying to get through a crowd of 200 rather than 135 (which was how full the bar is most nights). Squeezing himself between Gordon and a Ferret by the name of Luka, he ordered himself two double shots of Jegar. Both of which were gone by the time Sirus, the Shepherd, set them down.

"I'll have two more my sexy Shep" he teased at his long time friend.

"Sure thing," the 25 year old tan and black furred Shepherd laughed. "Those were some pretty good moves out there. Someone seemed to be keeping a pretty keen eye on you the whole time." Sirus nudged Sabre gently and looked behind him in the direction of the cute red fox he had found himself staring at earlier that evening.

"Maybe he just thinks I'm good at what I do." Sabre shrugged and down the two new shots without missing a beat. "And now...a double of Blue Tarantula and I think I'll be good for the night." Sabre hiccuped lightly and chuckled.

"Sure you wanna make it a double?" Sirus sniggered at his intoxicated companion.

Sabre didn't even bother responding, as he felt someone get unbelieveable close to him. It took him a few seconds to realize that where the Ferret had been, his stalker now sat, exceedingly closer than neccassary. Oh yeah...he plays my kinda ball. Looking from Sirus to the kid he got a nod in response and the mouthed words 'I think you two would be adorable' before he walked to the other end of the bar to take care of a dragon. Trying his best not to look too drunken and/or foolish he stood up and stretched, turning to face away from the other fox. He started heading for the door slowly, waving goodbye to everyone and shouting it out to those he knew. When Sabre got to the door he turned around sharply and sure enough, he was right behind him. So close Sabre's elbow was almost poking his chest. Sabre blinked a few times and tried to avoid looking at his face, into the chocolate eyes he got lost in earlier, choosing to instead check out the rest of him for the first time that evening. The orange fox was dressed in a black, long-sleeved dress shirt with a pair of gray cargo pants.

After a few more moments of looking the fox over he stared back up at him, seeing that he was blushing.

"Hey there young foxie, have you lost your way home?"Sabre asked.

"It's don't normally do this but I'd-" Rez's sentence got cut short by a very smitten Sabre.

"Let me help you." He said through a smile.

He pulled gently on Rez's arm and the two ventured out into the night, walking slowly on the sand and talking.

"So...Rez, wazzit? How old are you?" Sabre asked as they let the sand sift through their footpaws and the moonlite glow down on them.

"I'm 16..." he said quietly, blushing as deep as he had been when they left the bar, though Sabre couldn't tell in the dark. "You?"

"I'm 19. What do you like to do for fun cutey?" Sabre said intentionlly, knowing it'd make him blush.

"Well...I'm a landscape and nature photographer, I love to cuddle with friends and take strolls down the beach or in the woods to sift things through my brain." Sabre's house was getting closer, the outline visible thanks to the moonlight.

"Really? That's really impressive and I'm sure if you keep at it, it'll take you places." Sabre complimented. "I, too, like cuddling. As well as a good walk from time to time."

"That's good...and thanks for the compliment." he turned and smiled at Sabre, who returned the gesture. "What about you?"

"I have an uncanny knack for kicking butt at video games, I love to draw to pass the time and relax, and I like to go out and shoot from time to time." Sabre scritched behind his ear as he finished and put his hands behind his head.

"Like...guns?" Rez cocked his head to the side, unsure what he meant.

"No, like...people," he chuckled. "yes guns, silly."

"Oh, heh...that all sounds really cool. I don't really draw, and I've never shot off a gun before. Although video games I've had lots of practice with."

"Oh really now?" Sabre raised an eyebrow. "I'll have to play you some day," he said before quickly adding "if you like, that is."

"Yeah, that'd be fun!" Rez chirped, seeming less nervous now.

They walked and talked a little more before they reached Sabre's front door. He put the key in the lock and before turning it, turned to face his fellow fox.

"Something wrong...?" Rez asked after a few seconds of letting Sabre stare at him.

"Forgive me if I'm out of line, but..all night I couldn't keep my eyes off you. Everytime I tried to glance at you I couldn't just turn awa-" Rez cut him off by kissing him on the lips and slipping his tongue in a bit before slowly retracting it.

Sabre's eyes grew wide in sudden awe, and they stayed like that for a while letting it sink in. They both knew they liked each other and that there was something there, but Sabre couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. He pulled back and stared hard at Rez.

"I'm sorry..for um, earlier...I realize that I just kind of whisked you away back there, heh," he laughed nervously. "without really giving you a chance to object a-"

"If I didn't wanna come with you, I wouldn't have walked all the way here with you and gotten to know you." Rez laughed and kissed Sabre again, this time more passionately.

Sabre closed his eyes and started to kiss back, bringing his paws up and around the waist of his soon-to-be lover. He slipped his tongue into the younger foxes maw and licked around, tongue wrestling with him. Slowly he pushed Rez against the side of the house, trying not to break the kiss. Rez gave a small sqeak of surprise when hands started to roam up his tummy to his chest; Sabre just couldn't get enough. He longed to touch every part of the gorgeous fox in front of him and please him as best he could.

Before they knew it they were on the soft tan beach, still making out and trying to remove their shirts. Rez finally pulled away, panting heavily, his eyes half closed and glazed over. Sabre, who too was panting, once again could not take his eyes off the boy in front of him. He helped him take off his shirt and gently ran his paws over each nipple, earning a soft moan in response. Sabre quickly yanked his shirt off and unbottoned his pants before he went back to exploring his partners body.

"Ahh..." Rez moaned when Sabre's paw started to rub his groin through his pants.

Sabre smirked and unbottoned the younger foxes pants slowly, teasingly. He pulled them down and off, kissing down Rezs' chest to his foxhood along the way. Rez couldn't help but grasp Sabre's headfur and give a surprising yelp as Sabre engulfed him to the knot, licking around the preing head and down the shaft.

"Oh god...Sabre..." he cried out as he felt himself start to get close after only just a few moments.

The older of the two pulled back and hurridly tossed his pants away before lapping at Rezs' stiff cock. Rez gingerly pushed Sabre on his back, letting his hands now roam freely over every part of him. He played with his nipples, gently pinching and licking at them. For a moment he looked up into Sabre's Jade eyes before kissing him feverishly and sitting on top of him. Sabre moaned into his mouth and tugged at Rezs' cock, pre dripping down his paw into the sand. They did this for several minutes before Rez pulled away and started to grind against Sabre's well endowed erection.

"I want you in me...I want you to cum in me. I want you to make me yours." Rez asked, his eyes full of hope.

"Heh," Sabre chuckled at how adorable Rez was and how even more turned on he got by that statement. "are you sure?"

Sabre stared intently at Rez as he gave it a quick second guess.

"I'm sure. There's just something about just makes me feel-"

"Complete?" Sabre cut him off before grinding up against Rezs' tailhole.

Rez nodded and they kissed again. Sabre broke it breifly to stick is finger in Rezs' mouth.

"Suck." he commanded.

Rez obliged and made it an erotic show. When Sabre felt that his finger was well lubed, he pulled it out and immediatly went back to kissing Rez. He worked his paw under the orange furred foxes rump and circled his hole with his finger earning a hearty moan in return. Slowly, he popped it in and worked it around, and began stretching his tight foxhole.

"Ready?" He asked one more time to be sure-after all he didn't want him to have any regrets.

Rez only nodded in response, not able to form words. Sabre positioned himself at Rezs' entrance and began to push in slowly, his pre acting as lube. The two of them let out low moans of extacy as he went in to his knot. He waited a few moments before thrusting, allowing his new mate to adjust to his thickness and length.

"Ever had a cock this big in you before?" he asked, his voice full of lust and longing.

"No..." Rez looked down. "Youremyfirst." he replied in a hurried whisper.

"What was that, kit?" he thought he heard him say he was his first, but he wasn't sure.

"You're my first..."

Sabre sat up a little and wrapped his arms tightly around Rez. He knew then, how much Rez really liked him. Rez nuzzled the nook of Sabre's neck and hugged back.

"You can move now." he pecked his lover on the lips.

Sabre didn't miss a beat and started to pull out slowly before pushing back up into him. He did this a few more times until Rez pushed him back into the sand and started riding up and down on his cock. A paw found itself attatched to Rez' throbbing erection and began pawing away at it. Niether could tell who came first or cared much; lost in a sea of extacy as they climaxed simutaneously. Sabre deep inside of Rez, and Rez all over Sabre's face and chest. The two stayed still for some time, letting themselves come down and catch their breathes.

Sabre opened his eyes and looked up at his beautiful fox and smiled. Rez returned the smile before slowly standing and pulling away from Sabre's slowly decending cock. Cum dripped out and they both moaned one final time as Sabre popped out of him. The de-virginized fox laid next to his mate and snuggled up to him, lapping the cum off his chest before resting his head on it as they stared out into the vast cerulean waters. Sabre snaked his arm around Rez and held him as close as he could.

"That was so amazing." Rez said, finally breaking the silence.

" really was." Sabre replied, kissing the top of his mates head. "You're so amazing. I can't believe I found someone like you."

"I know what you mean." Rez nuzzled into his chestfur.

"I think this'll work're a real sweetheart." Sabre said before yawning and closing his eyes, leaning his head onto his mates.

"Me too, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with or anywhere else I'd rather be..." Rez responded.

He too, yawned and closed his eyes, both of them quickly drifted off into wonderful dreams about the other. They woke up some time later to the light from the sun rising and beaming down on them. After laying there, letting what had happened and what they were to each other now sink in, they got up, brushed themselves off, and walked into Sabre's house. Ready and excited to start their lives together as one.