A New Dawn - Chapter 19 (The Clothes Make the Dragon)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#22 of Malakye's Story - Part 2 (A New Dawn)

Okay then guys, this is the last chapter for a while, but I should be posting new chapters by the years end if not sooner. So you won't have too long to wait. But in the mean time I have a number of picture commissions I'll be posting periodically to keep you guys entertained. I'm also posting this chapter a day early as a kind of apology, and I hope the smutty goodness makes up for it.

A New Dawn is the sequel to my story 'A Place to Belong'. I hope you enjoy this part as much as the last (if not even more! :-)) and those of you who are late to the party, I recommend that you read the first part. Or don't, it's up to you.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol * depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

This time round I do not have a proof reader so please let me know via note if there are any glaring (or small) mistakes so that I can fix them. And as always, constructive cristisim is welcome!*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"Well that was fun." Laguna giggled, a little tipsy from the ale he had been drinking. "I hope we can do this again sometime."


"But there is something I'd like to do before the evenings up."

"Oh and what's that?" I asked, taking a mouthful of ale.

"I'd really like to suck you off!" He whispered.

I coughed, nearly choking on my ale, my drink dripping off my muzzle. I looked at him, he had an unmistakeable lustful glint in his eye, I knew he was being serious. I had to admit that I was more shocked than anything else, but I felt a familiar tingle from my nether regions at the prospect.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"N-no... I... just a little surprised really." I admitted.

I had suspected that he might of liked me in that way, but I hadn't expected him to say it outright like that. I guess the ale was affecting him a little more than I suspected. Would it be wrong to take advantage of the situation? Was I becoming a bit of a free spirit with who I had sex with? Since coming to Zangar less than a week ago, I had slept with Cody, Michael, Jason and Xavier. Should I draw a line in the ground and say enough was enough?

But I doubt that Laguna would understand the reason for the rejection, and that it might shatter what ever friendship we currently shared. It was possible that he wanted more out of this than just sex. Arrrgh! Why couldn't life just be simple and straightforward!?


"Tell me!" He said in a hushed voice.


"Tell me you want it! Tell me what to do! You have the power!" He was acting desperate, almost begging while begin surprisingly assertive.

"Tell you...?"

That's when I realised what he wanted. He wanted me to use my authority to take advantage of him. He wanted me to order him to have sex with me. I had little doubt he would do it. God I was getting hard now! I imagined what I could get him to do... god I was so perverted I was scaring myself. Just a few months ago I barely thought about sex, never expecting to ever have sex with anyone. Now I starting to feel like a slut. But even though part of me wanted to say no, and I was ready to refuse just moments ago, suddenly I felt like I had to. That if I didn't I would hurt Laguna, hurt him so badly that it would break our friendship.

"Come on!" I growled in a hushed voice.

Grabbing Laguna by the wrist I began dragging him to the closest place I thought we could get some privacy, the abandoned mines. He giggled excitedly as I lead him there. I really hoped I was doing the right thing, for both our sakes.*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************




I was cautious as I approached the entrance to the mines, I lit a torch and stepped in with Laguna in tow after checking to make sure no one was watching us, I didn't like the idea of someone knowing what we going in here to do. I led us as deep into the mines as I could, the mines were filled with lots of hidden corners, it would be easy to get lost in here and easy to find some privacy. I was listening out for sounds of others, I didn't want to walk in on anyone. After a while I felt we were deep enough in that we wouldn't be disturbed.

I placed the torch against the wall so it filled the area with light. I looked at Laguna, he had the biggest smile plastered across him muzzle. But he wanted to use that muzzle for more than smiling and I was going to let him put it to good use, but first I was going to have a little fun.

"Strip!" I commanded.

Laguna eagerly complied and made a show out of the whole thing. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, staring at me the whole time, his whole body weaving to some imaginary tune running through his head. He tossed the shirt at me, I caught it and took a whiff, it smelt just like him; of course it did. His scent reminded me of the farm, the subtle hint of smoke from the urns that kept the livestock warm, the smell of fresh mud and crisp morning air.

I took the time to admire his body, it wasn't the first time I'd seen it but it was the first time I'd stopped to admire it. He was younger than me and his physic was still developing, but there was nice bit of definition in his muscles; it was nice to look at.

He opened the buckle on his pants, and let them slowly slide down to his knees. I could his underwear now, the dark fabric badly tented as his arousal tried to escape its tight confines. He kicked his pants away and was about to pull down his underwear when I stopped him. He looked confused but I didn't care. I liked the way his underwear bulged from his arousal. He looked sexy in them, his bulge making my loins throb as I stared at it, yes I was beginning to appreciate underwear now, but I wasn't appreciating the tightness strangling my own growing arousal..

"Come and remove my clothes." I commanded him again.

He smiled and closed the distance between us. His paws immediately going for the buckle of my pants. He had the buckle open in seconds and dragged my pants down around my knees. He nuzzled my bulge, inhaling deeply. By Shal'Naresh, he looked adorable, his eyes gazing up at me with that lustful passion was enough to make my heart skip a beat. I nodded, giving him permission to continue, he freed my erection from its confines and wasted no time in wrapping his muzzle around it.

His maw was hot and wet, his tongue soft and talented, this was obviously not his first time with his muzzle wrapped around a cock. He wasn't quite as talented as Cody, and he seemed to be struggling a little with it's size, but he was making for it with his enthusiasm. I leant back against the wall and just enjoyed the moment, forgetting all of my worries.

It was strange, but since finding not only a few close friends, but living here with my father I was more stressed out than I ever was living with the wolves. Life was complicated, relationships, even friendships were complicated. Back when it was just me and I knew that everyone hated me, life was simpler.

But despite that I would never choose to go back. For all the stress and hardships that I felt having those bonds was worth all of it. I just needed moments like this, simple, straightforward moments of closeness and pleasure to cope with it all. In the back of my mind I knew that the relationship between Laguna and myself would likely become more complicated, but I didn't mind. I would never let my worries of the future ruin the moment we were sharing.

Despite Laguna submitting totally to me, I felt a little guilty about being the only one getting pleasured. There was no reason why we couldn't both get the benefits. I pulled him off my cock, an act that was more difficult than I expected. He wasn't wanting to let go of it. He stared up at me and pouted, it was cute.

"Lay down!" I ordered.

I think he knew what I had planned, his face lit up with a beaming grin and he quickly lay down on his back. I quickly kicked off my pants and underwear which were still wrapped round my knees, before I positioned myself over him, my knees were on either side of his head. Before I got the chance to move further I felt his tongue lap at the under side of my balls. A shudder of pleasure coursed through my body and I couldn't stop a throaty groan escaping my maw.

I regained my composure and looked down at his throbbing dick. I bent over so I was face to face with it, his attention also moving to my cock as he took me into his maw once again. He was smaller than me, a good few inches smaller, but bigger than Cody. His cock was similar to mine, no knot and more rounded at the head. A small bead of pre glistened in the torch light, I lapped it up with my tongue. It tasted delicious. A lingering saltiness with a unique taste that belonged to Laguna.

I took him in completely in my maw and tried to remember all the pointers Cody had given me. From the noises he was making I would have to say I was doing a damn fine job if it too! He came before me, I loved watching the muscles in his thighs tense when he came, how his legs kicked out of reflex. I managed to gulp down most of his cum, catching the rest of it as I took the time to lick his cock clean. He brought me to climax shortly after, once he learned how sensitive my knot was, he had massaged me to climax.

Afterwards I rolled off him onto the ground to catch my breath. He slithered up and gave me a peck on the cheek and I wrapped an arm around him. Why was I so hesitant about coming here with him? This just felt so right. We had connected on level that we hadn't before. Seeing his smile made me smile. I think he had wanted this for quite a while now that I thought about it. All those subtle comments and the way he always stood so close to me suddenly made sense.

We lay there for a while, enjoying the after glow and the closeness. Eventually we began to redress, it was getting late and as much as I would have enjoyed just laying here I figured it was probably best if we both headed home. It had been a fun day, and a tiring one as well. After we both got dressed and headed back to the entrance of the mines. We said out goodbyes and surprisingly Laguna gave me a peck on the cheek before running off down the tunnel towards the farm.

I moved to extinguish the torch when I heard a cry emanate from the mines. It made me freeze in my tracks. I tried to dismiss it as a simple cry of pleasure, considering what went on in there it would hardly be surprising. Another cry, it didn't sound like one of pleasure. I didn't want to get involved, but if someone was in trouble I had to do something. I had been raped before and I knew what it felt like. I couldn't just walk away and forget about it if there was the slightest chance that someone was in trouble.

I took a deep breath, strong in my resolve to get to the bottom of this. I stepped back into the dim darkness of the mines, my torch pushing back the shadows. I heard a noise coming from the cave to my right, the opposite direction that I had gone with Laguna. I still couldn't tell if it was cry of distress or one of passion. But I still couldn't walk away from this!

I sighed and turned into the cave, I was nervous, if someone was attacking a female I'd have to intervene, if they were a bender I could be in some real trouble. I had just begun my training and could barely defend myself, I shook my head and mentally slapped myself for sounding so weak! I had grown up with the constant threat of being attacks at any moment, I wasn't a snivelling cub!

I rounded a corner and could see some light coming from further down the tunnel, focused now I made my way silently to the entrance and peered round the corner. Two dragon males, both of them heavily built with large muscles, their discarded spears on the floor near by told me they were both warriors; seasoned warriors from the look of them.

They had a female between them, one fucking her up the ass and the other her pussy. Her head was laid back on the shoulder of the one doing her from behind, her tongue flopping out of her maw and her expression one of obvious pleasure, she cried out again when the male behind her thrust particularly deeply, her cry matching the sound of the one I had heard. She wasn't in trouble after all.

I was frozen in place as I watched them piston their cocks in and out of her, the one in front of her groping at her sizeable breasts, her loin cloth hanging from round her ankle as she was suspended in the air between the two males. I felt myself get hard, I turned away and shut my eyes, but the smell of their musk had now reached me; and the noises! The sloppy, squishy noises as their cocks ravaged her, her pleasured moans and squeaks, along with her scent which I was suddenly aware of just made me more aroused.

I had to get out of here! With out caring if they heard me I ran for the exit, dropping the torch on the ground on my way out of the mines and headed back towards the market. I stopped running when I could hear the music that was emanating from the market. It sounded like the party was still in full swing. I was tired and didn't feel like joining so I headed home.