Perit High: Chapter 4 - Lié (pt. 2)

Story by strawby on SoFurry

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#5 of Perit High

Editing was a nightmare, but I am slowly improving. Please enjoy this installment and let me know if you're enjoying the series so far. Sorry my schedule was a little delayed, I've been having trouble organising myself. fingers crossed next chapter only takes me 5-ish days to write :3

And hooray! I actually referred to a dick!


Chapter 4 - Liè (pt. 2)

Jesse was folding a shirt onto his bed and stacking up his clothes for the day in a neat pile that helped him visualise how that looked on him. He wanted to look good for today, he wanted to impress Tyler every way he could. He had selected a pair of tight jeans that he knew would show off his lower half and an even tighter plain black tee shirt. He smiled to himself and padded over to his bathroom, completely nude and feeling confident about today's prospects. He turned the shower on to hot and stepped in. The steamy hot water immediately soaked through to his skin, instantly relieving every tense or sore muscle. He picked up a fur brush and loaded it with shampoo, and then proceeded to scrub and brush his whole body - paying close attention to the areas he wanted to appear thoroughly pristine.

The brush, followed by his free paw, smoothed over his chiselled abs and down a leg. Jesse thought excitedly about how he would greet the husky in their english class that morning.

Should I go with a casual "Hey!" or maybe something a little more sexy? "Don't you look delicious today?" No, that's too obvious...

Jesse knew Tyler would look delicious no matter what he wore or how he groomed his fur. That husky embodied perfection as far as Jesse was concerned. He let his mind wander to the physical perfection he saw in Tyler. That slim, tight body was so ... arousing. Jesse adjusted his stance under the hot water to allow his growing erection more freedom. He thought about that way the husky's flat stomach and tight waist seemed to transition flawlessly to his hips, which were gorgeously proportioned beneath his pants to give Jesse naughty ideas about what Tyler's body looked like under his clothes. The husky's butt was slim but definitely not flat, giving the impression of two perfectly soft cushions for that tail to rest upon.

Jesse noticed the rumbling in his chest and opened his eyes to look down at his loins, not far from being fully engorged - his pinkish-red member waggling eagerly with every twitch of his hips. That husky had such a profound effect physically and mentally on Jesse: the feline was standing in his shower, arms above his head, and leaning into the wall while watching his own cock twitch and swell at the thought of seeing more of Tyler's - preferably bare - body.

Jesse was unsure if he should paw off right now - he didn't really have time unless he skipped breakfast or maybe took a shortcut to school...

Fuck it.

He firmly gripped his generously-proportioned feline prick midshaft and slowly pulled his paw back to the base; his ruby erection pulsed in his paw and heightened his awareness of how much he needed some kind of release. Although he was watching his own paw glide up and down his wet throbbing cock, he was picturing a black and white paw belonging to a certain husky sliding expertly over the organ.

Tyler's paw was going for all of the super-sensitive points and perfectly timing his squeezes and tugs to bring Jesse closer and closer to climax. Amidst his lustful imaginations, Jesse thought

How about a blowjob?

Jesse blinked and Tyler was bobbing his head back and forth over his full and heavy boner, sloppy wet smacking sounds issuing from his muzzle as he slammed his head into Jesse's groin, nose pressed tightly into his crotch and tongue lapping back and forth over the underside of Jesse's hot prick, now dribbling precum at an impressive rate onto the shower floor.

Jesse could see the vestigial nubs inherited from his feline ancestry flaring around the head of his cock, showing just how close he was to release. He was electrified: thinking of Tyler's sexual touch had brought him to the edge much faster than he had anticipated and he could barely hold back the flood of pleasure building up behind his cock.

His imaginary version of Tyler pulled his muzzle off Jesse's dick and looked up at him with those brilliant blue eyes - glazed over with lust. "Jesse, give it to me. I want that spunk on me. In me. Pretty please?"

"Ah! Oh fuck!" Jesse stifled a primal bellow, managing to force the sound into a quiter growl that was luckily not quite loud enough to penetrate the walls of his bathroom. Tyler had pushed the last button Jesse needed to send him over the edge, and Jesse was instantly ablaze with erotic pleasure, giving up on holding anything back.

Jesse's eyes squeezed shut as his furry balls, firmly tucked up under his cock, began to empty their load into his large member - the swollen erection forcing that hot pearly white liquid out in short bursts. His load shot from his hard dick in thick globs, each burst splattering onto the shower wall as heavy ropes of cum continued to burst from the tip of his twitching and jerking cock.

His wet tail was flicking side to side in time with each spasm of his dick, every other muscle in his body at full flex: his rock-hard six pack forcing him to curl into the orgasm and pecs rippling with every tug as he continued to milk the cum from his hard-on. He was struggling to stand as his knees buckled under the intense flexes and spasms centred around his groin.

As the last few dribbles of cum ran out and down his erection, Jesse managed to inhale for the first time in what felt like ages - his eyes opened and he looked at the ivory mess he had shot all over his shower wall.

Wow. That was pretty fucking intense.

He directed the shower head to the wall, rinsing his spunk off the wall and down the drain. He then rinsed his body entirely, making sure no cum remained in his fur and stepped out of the shower. The lack of hot water passing over his body quickly made him cold enough to start shivering, which he just as quickly remedied with a towel.

Jesse knew he had to get ready faster than usual, despite his pawing off taking less time than he thought - he had twenty minutes to get to his first class. At least that was an improvement on his first day. He smiled to himself, thinking about how much he'd love to wake up with Tyler of a morning - His beautiful white fur glowing in the morning sunlight and his rich black fur accentuating every curve and edge of his body...

We definitely don't have time to beat it twice! Focus on getting ready, you lust-stricken twit!

Jesse dried his fur as fast as he could; using a large furdryer mounted to the wall after his towel was completely used. The hot air from the furdryer gave him immediate relief from the chill he had felt stepping out of the shower.

With his fur looking pristine and his clothes hugging his body, he checked himself out in the mirror - eyeing his perky butt that was tightly held by his jeans. He pulled a 'not bad' face and left his room to enjoy a quick breakfast.

Zane was munching on some freshly cooked eggs on toast when Jesse reached the top of the stairs, their parents must have already left since their keys were gone from their usual places on the bench and there were several bowls and plates in the sink. Jesse grabbed a banana and started peeling it. "So what are you doing today?" He asked his older brother.

"I've got a lecture at two o'clock and..." Zane paused, racking his brain for what else he had to do. "and a meeting with some of the dudes from my study group. I don't know why I bother going. It's always the same thing. You?"

"The usual. Classes, lunch, more classes. I'm mentoring a new guy in my class." Jesse said rather flatly, trying to hide his excitement.

"Oh I thought you were looking more groomed than usual." Zane teased, sniffing the air around Jesse. "Is that your nice eau de parfum?"

"Maybe." Jesse reluctantly admitted.

"Trying to impress someone, are we? Is this the boy you were looking dreamy about last night?" Zane asked, clearly not wanting to let up on the teasing.

"Maybe." Jesse repeated. "He's gorgeous though! Please don't freak him out if I bring him home?" the younger brother finally gave in and let his simultaneous excitement and anxiety show on his face.

"What, you're bringing him home tonight? You're a bit smooth, aren't you?" Zane taunted further.

"No! Maybe. I don't know. It depends on how we go today. If I do though, you aren't going to do your usual showing off are you?" Jesse asked, wanting to avoid any display of weirdness from his brother.

"I'll try to contain my behaviour." Zane said with a wink and a sly smile. Jesse was apprehensive of that look but had no time to press the issue. He consumed what remained of the banana and left in his car, and with ten minutes left he knew he could make it in time if he took a couple of short cuts.

Jesse was blazing along a scenic back road lined with poplar trees just beginning to yellow their leaves in preparation for Autumn, the windows were down and he was savouring the feeling of wind in his face.

Bzzt Bzzt.

_ Cause I want it all - I can't get enough. Yeah I want it all - I can't get enough._

Jesse rolled up the windows and answered the call, again on speaker and without taking his eyes off the road.


"Jesse!" it was Noah, the bull sounded relaxed and completely renewed for another day "You've got six minutes. Are you almost here?"

"Yeah, I'm about a kilometre out so I should be there any second. Are you already there?"


"Is um... Tyler there?"


"Is he listening to you talk on the phone?"


"O-okay. Don't go telling him embarrassing stories about me, okay?" Jesse said nervously, as he knew Noah had more than a fair share of those.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"Alright I'll see you guys soon." Jesse hung up and accelerated, hoping there were no speed cameras on this road.


Noah looked at his watch and sighed. It was ten minutes to class and neither Jesse or Tyler were there yet. He mentally made the note to call Jesse in a few minutes if he didn't arrive soon. That leopard was always running just a little late. He glanced up from his watch and caught sight of Tyler weaving his way through the corridor packed with furs - heading to the door Noah was waiting beside.

"Tyler!" Noah called out. The husky did a nervous scan around him for who said his name, and needed Noah to wave his hands to him to get his attention.

"Hi Noah!" Tyler greeted, remembering the bull he had briefly sat beside the previous day. The two were standing patiently outside the English classroom, not quite sure where to start the conversation.

"So how are you finding your timetable? Paced well enough?" the bull started, at a loss for any better icebreaker.

"Yeah, it's not too cramped which is nice. Which classes are you with me?" Tyler showed the bull his timetable, pointing out the exact class names.

"Well there's english... obviously." Noah read. "We've got... History - oh you're gonna just love Miss Bell and her use of the word juxtaposition - and sports, hey cool! I'm a rugby player as you may have guessed from my size. I was a Prop last year for the Ensfield team but I'm not sure what's gonna happen this year, what with the split and all." Noah was slightly worried about that, but didn't let anything show on his face.

"I've done a bit of track and field but I enjoy swimming." Tyler commented, wanting to put information out there about himself to his new friend. "Was Ensfield very competitive with Rugby?"

"League, yes." Noah responded "Our school has this huge rivalry with Colborough and it's usually ours and their teams that end up in the finals of the state highschool league." Noah was happy to intimate this knowledge about the school's history to Tyler, but decided to change pace to something he wanted to talk about more than rugby. "Listen, I've known Jesse a long time. Since we were in primary school. I know he may seem a little... headstrong at times but his heart is in the right place. I also know him well enough to know when he likes someone. He really likes you, so please - if you're not interested: be gentle about it. He's had a hard time with Alan and well... you saw how that played out." Noah spoke softly but emoted with every word - Tyler knew they must be very close for Noah to give him 'the warning speech'.

"I... Um." Tyler wasn't sure how confidential Noah would be with this information but he continued anyway. "I like him too. If he'll have me, I'd love to make him as happy as I can."

Wow, that was a load off my chest.

Noah smiled "I think you guys are really gonna hit it off." He looked to his watch again, wondering where that Leopard was - he had six minutes till class! Noah pulled out his phone "I'm just gonna give him a call to make sure he's gonna be here before class starts." he reassured Tyler - not wanting to make the husky think he was gossiping about his feelings already. "I should tell you about the time he arrived last year to class without a shirt - he had to keep his jacket zipped up all day in a huge heatwave and it was hilarious." Noah chuckled, reminiscing. He pressed the phone to his ear and waited for an answer.

"Hey" Jesse answered, sounding relaxed.

Good, he's in a good mood today.

"Jesse! You've got six minutes. Are you almost here?" he asked, watching Tyler's expression contort in anxiety at having his feelings exposed like that.

"Yep. Yep. Yep." Noah's smile grew on his face to a grin, revealing surprisingly white and even teeth considering his sporting experience. Watching Tyler as Jesse demonstrated his own nervousness was golden. "Wouldn't dream of it." Noah responded, the grin barely containing his amusement. He put his phone away and said to the husky "Heads up - he's gonna make his move today. That cat is way too easy to predict. So let's see what embarrassing stories I can tell you..."


Jesse strode through the 'english/history' corridor and entered his classroom at exactly the right time - everyone was still trying to find a seat and fortunately Noah and Tyler had saved him one between them. He sat between his friends, eager to get this day started.

Tyler was looking ... delicious. Just as Jesse knew he would. He was sporting a very similar look to Jesse; wearing a stretchy green v-neck shirt and some three-quarter length cargo pants that revealed the intermittent grey patches on his legs. Jesse was ever more intrigued to see more of Tyler's siberian fur colours and was making a conscious effort to not embarrass himself by staring too obviously.

"Hey, eyes up here mister."

Too late.

Jesse blinked and looked sheepishly into Tyler's eyes. "Heh... so how are you this morning? You look good."

"Oh." Tyler blushed - Jesse would never get tired of making him do that. "Yeah I'm good... great, even. I woke up with the bigge-" he stopped before he could make a fool of himself. "Uh, anyway. How are you?"

"Good, good." Jesse replied, an awkward tension rising between them. The two were simply sitting next to each other, but it was the half-smiles they were giving each other that made themselves uneasy.

"If you two are just gonna talk for this whole class, at least do it over text or something. the tension is killing me." Noah interrupted their exchange, giving the pair a condescending look.

"Psh, don't mind grumble-bull there - he's just unhappy his boyfriend isn't in this class." Jesse cooed, more tauntingly to Noah than informatively to Tyler. Noah gave the feline a gentle shove, not wanting to draw attention to the trio from the teacher, who was busy explaining something while writing on the board.

"So," Jesse continued "I was wondering if you'd like to, maybe, practice more duet pieces? I really enjoyed our performance yesterday."

"Yeah, yeah! I loved it; I had such fun doing that with you." Tyler responded, his eagerness showing in his expression and voice. Tyler wasn't quite sure how, but Jesse seemed to make him a better singer and performer. His presence drew out this whole other facet to Tyler's ability, and the husky was completely addicted to that feeling, let alone simply being around the leopard.

"Heh, cool. The music department is pretty much always open for practicing outside class." Jesse encouraged the eagerness, feeling extremely flattered that Tyler was so eager to repeat that intimate yet public exchange they both felt the previous day. His heart swelled at the thought of pouring his soul into a song meant just for Tyler.

Their conversation continued at length in low tones, going unnoticed from the teacher for the two hours of their class - all the while Noah half-listening, half actively ignoring their banter. Noah was joyed when the class ended and they could leave that stuffy room. He was glad his friends were obviously having a great time together; especially glad to see Jesse so happy since his breakup with Alan had left him so emotionally drained and generally despondent. He would rather their playful chat wasn't so in-his-face and ridiculously cute, but he made the sacrifice happily.

The trio walked slowly out of the languages and literacy building, engaged in discussion about the weekend.

"I'm happy to pick you up on the way to Jesse's house." Noah told Tyler. "There should be space in my car and we'll all probably want to crash there after the number of drinks we'll have."

Tyler wasn't sure if he should be nervous or excited about the prospect of going to a party and drinking; even less sure about if he would be able to contain his drunken self around Jesse. He wasn't even going to think about what 'crashing there' could possibly lead to. He figured these guys would look after him: he trusted them despite the short time they had known each other. "That'd be great, thanks. Do I need to bring anything?" He asked.

Jesse fielded that question. "Nope, we've got it all covered. Just bring your sexy self and we shall have us an awesome party!" causing Tyler to turn slightly pink. "Okay. Lovely."

"Speaking of bringing yourself -" Jesse said as they reached a fork in the path that led to either the cafeteria or the fine arts building. "Shall we give that private duet a go?"

Noah took his implicit cue to signal his departure toward the cafeteria and the rest of their friends. "I'll see you guys later, then. Have fun!" he said, then shot Jesse an accusatory glare "But not too much fun." he winked and left the husky and leopard standing at the fork.

Tyler turned to Jesse and nodded his agreement "Let's go, I'm not hungry anyway." While this may not have been a whole-truth, Tyler had too many butterflies in his stomach about being properly alone with Jesse to think about eating. The two furs made their way toward the music department, happily exchanging stories about school life and musical tastes.

Their conversation was nowhere near its conclusion by the time they reached the massive glass building but Jesse stopped them before they entered. "Uh, actually Tyler... I didn't really want to sing with you today." he said, trying to choose his words carefully to not offend the husky.

"Oh?" Tyler was confused and slightly saddened.

"I needed a good excuse to not join the others for lunch today, because..." Jesse hesitated, uncertain of how the conversation would play out from this point. "... Because, I wanted to take you up on that offer of a drink at your place. If you're still offering." he added, felling extremely exposed with his intentions.

The shorter husky looked to Jesse for a moment, the request still processing in his mind. He opened his muzzle and Jesse braced for the worst.

"Oh god, yes." Tyler said, who then grabbed Jesse's arm and began leading him past their original destination and off to the student accomodation building - conveniently only a few hundred metres further for them. Jesse was almost shocked by Tyler's forwardness, but the joy he was experiencing easily overpowered that surprise.

The leopard wasn't entirely sure what was happening was real: he had the most beautiful fur in creation leading him - eagerly - back to his apartment. To make sure that he wasn't dreaming, Jesse decided to make sure this is what Tyler wanted and wasn't just being polite.

"Uh, are you sure you're happy to have me over? We can always hang out another time, I don't wanna imp-"

"Jesse. Jesse. Jesse." Tyler even loved saying that name. "Let's have lunch at my place." Tyler used a reassuring and soft voice, easing Jesse's worries. The leopard physically relaxed and let the smaller husky lead him to the apartment building.

The receptionist on duty was a kangaroo in her mid-twenties, eyeing the two young males suspiciously as they traipsed through the foyer: she knew when she took the job that she would see a lot of boys going back to apartments together but she thought today was very soon to see the first pair doing so.

Wow, the third day of classes. That must be a record.

She resumed her sudoku, paying no further attention to the young males entering the elevator.

"So..." Tyler broke the silence; he couldn't bear that awkward tension anymore. "I, um... I've got a salad in the fridge, maybe some leftover pizza. I wasn't really planning on coming back here for lunch." He felt a little sheepish at not having an adequate amount of food in his apartment and hoped Jesse wasn't terribly hungry.

"Oh that's fine; I'm not too fussed having just a nibble for lunch." Jesse said, trying to reassure Tyler - all the while trying his best to stay calm and not pop a boner right there in the elevator.

The husky was having an equally hard time not paying attention to Jesse's scent, which was once again slightly spicier than usual. It felt ... nice breathing in that musk. Comforting. Alluring.

Mind out of the gutter, Tyler! We're going to at least try to make a coffee before we say something stupid.

Tyler snapped his thoughts back to the present moment as the elevator reached the fifth floor; an unobtrusive Ding announced the doors opening to let the males out. Tyler took a left once out of the elevator and paced toward his apartment door, paw trembling enough to feel but not enough for Jesse - who was walking beside him - to notice.

The pair stopped at a door marked '515' and Tyler nervously passed his access card over the sensor lock. Jesse shoved his paws into his jean pockets, or at least as much as he could given how tight they were. He wasn't sure what was about to happen, and surprisingly that unknowing excited him.

"This is it - It's pretty nice for a one bedroom apartment; I don't think I could ask for more." Tyler explained as he waved a paw around the room, indicating the furnishings and space of the apartment. The first thing Jesse noticed was how tidy everything was: all the textbooks were placed neatly on a shelf and the three-seater couch had a small pillow in each corner - no blankets or strewn clothes anywhere. It appeared Tyler was extremely good at maintaining a neat home. There weren't even any open books or magazines on the coffee table.

"Wow, it's so tidy!" Jesse exclaimed, thinking about how messy his room looked by comparison.

"Ha-ha, thanks. I try." Tyler laughed. "What can I get you?" the husky asked, implying a drink or food to consume. Tyler's mind, however, was wallowing in the thought of Jesse taking him right there. His paws on Tyler's rear, grinding into him...

Tyler blushed and looked to the floor, not wanting Jesse to see his embarrassment and waited for Jesse's reply. He cursed his choice of wardrobe as he felt blood begin to flow to his dick.

Shit... Um... Quick, go to the kitchen!

Tyler turned and began walking to the kitchen, not sure if Jesse would follow him. He hoped the leopard would stay in the lounge room, but realised his body language was inviting the feline to follow him.

Jesse followed the shorter husky into the kitchen somewhat involuntarily: mesmerised by the swishing of Tyler's tail as he walked. "Uh," Jesse realised he hadn't answered Tyler's question "I'll just have a coffee and whatever you're having, if it's no trouble."

"Milk and sugar?" Tyler asked as he reached the safety behind the bench - his lazy erection obscured from view.

"Yeah and two, please." Jesse replied. He thought he would only be in the way if he stayed in the kitchen so he let Tyler prepare the drinks and food unobstructed, and sat down on the couch in clear view of the husky.

Tyler made the coffees and reheated last night's pizza, then brought the lot out to the lounge room and sat on the other side of the couch, sitting sideways so he could face the leopard with his coffee in his paws. He sat upright and with an open and engaged posture, wanting to communicate his enthusiasm to know Jesse better.

"Mmm, good coffee." Jesse murmured over the aromatic beverage, not sure how to start a good conversation. They had already talked at length about music, should he ask more about Tyler's sport activities?

Maybe you should go for something off-beat, like 'what's your star sign?'... Actually no, that's a terrible idea...

"It's not bad for a pre-ground blend. What sports do you do? Noah mentioned you're in the same gym class as us." Tyler asked, looking honestly curious.

"Oh, I mostly do a bunch of individual sports these days... Archery, Boxing, whatever else I feel like. I used to play a few team sports like soccer and rugby, but I only do those now when I have to. I guess I was just never a really good team player." Jesse replied. He looked pensive for a moment, considering if it was appropriate for him to just cut to the chase with Tyler so soon.

"Awesome! I'm a swimmer and I've tried track sports. I guess I'll be doing a lot of that kind of stuff this year." Tyler continued the discussion, but was wondering why Jesse was looking so lost in thought. He paused, and then inquired "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just..." Jesse said, trying to think of an excuse. "Hey are you, like, um..." the leopard was having difficulty broaching the topic of love.

Tyler, already thinking the same thing, instinctively shuffled closer to the leopard. He moved onto the middle section of the couch before looking Jesse straight in the eye. Those jade green eyes revealed how vulnerable the leopard really was at that moment - Tyler could have fallen in love with that innocent curious expression alone.

"Jesse, I want to ... May I ..." Tyler started, then realised asking would kill the feeling.

Just do it.

Tyler leaned in to Jesse, making it very obvious what was about to happen. Jesse was stunned at the husky's behaviour, now really having a hard time not believing this was a dream. "Tyler..."

The way the leopard said his name was hypnotic, magnetic. Tyler was now no longer capable of stopping what he had started "Jesse..."

Hearing his name in that breathy tone from this amazing, captivating male stripped Jesse of any inhibition he may have held before. He leaned in and brought his lips mere centimetres from Tyler's. Both had their eyes closed and were breathing into each other, feeling the other's hot breath heavy with desire. Jesse made the move to bridge that final gap between their bodies and pressed his lips gently into Tyler's. There was a feeling, more than just desire or lust, in that moment when their lips met. It was a pulse, a collective jolt - as though that connection of their bodies sparked a kind of electricity inside them.

Tyler whimpered at how amazingly soft and gentle Jesse's kiss was - he was being devoured by Jesse's intimate and loving invasion of his personal space. That whimper elicited a muffled moan from Jesse, who was almost overwhelmed by the sweet taste of the husky. Jesse parted his lips and let his tongue find Tyler's - the two exchanging wet, slippery tickles and flicks. The action in their mouths was absolute ecstacy for both Tyler and Jesse.

They continued to explore each other's mouths with their tongues, then Jesse took the kiss further and began leaning Tyler back down on the couch; the husky's head landing on a pillow. Tyler locked his legs around Jesse's waist; his arms already busy hugging Jesse's neck. Jesse took that signal and started grinding his hips into Tyler's rear, his exceptionally hard cock pressing tightly through their pants and into Tyler's butt.

Tyler was wildly turned on by this big, powerful male being so gentle and loving to him. Jesse's grinding served to drive Tyler wild with every push and rub against his taint. He wanted this sexy beast to take him, completely.

The husky briefly broke the kiss to moan into the leopard's ear "Oh Jes..." encouraging harder and wilder grinding into his butt from the powerful leopard. Jesse was indeed feeling wild and primal as he nibbled Tyler's neck, letting the husky whisper encouragement to him. Tyler was driving him to show more and more how much he wanted the husky with his sweet nothings. Jesse looked into Tyler's eyes and saw something new. He couldn't quite describe what it was - the husky's ultramarine gaze was softened and even gentler than usual but there was a fire behind those eyes.

Neither male could hold back the second kiss, their lips meeting yet again: this time rougher, wilder, more desperate. Their teeth knocked a few times in their enthusiasm for joining their bodies. Jesse needed to use the energy he could feel Tyler giving him, so he withdrew his paws from the sides of the husky's face and ran them down his chest and abs.

God, those are so tight and flat.

His goldenrod paws came to rest at the husky's hips. He then had a devilish thought that Tyler would surely love. He slid his paws under the huskly's hips and locked them together behind Tyler's lower back. Using his enormous strength, Jesse lifted the canine up into the air, legs still firmly wrapped around Jesse's waist. A low growl rumbled from deep in Jesse's chest and he strode over to the wall dividing the bedroom from the lounge room. He pushed the smaller husky firmly but gently into the wall and continued to grind and thrust at Tyler's tailhole.

Tyler was in heaven. The leopard had picked him up to dry hump him against a wall and it was pushing buttons Tyler didn't even know he had. He was whining and whimpering for Jesse's lovemaking, which served to make Jesse's muscles tense and his thrusting and grinding harder. Tyler's hard-on was trapped under his pants, straining against the fabric but nowhere near as much as Jesse's - Tyler could feel how big, hard, and close to ripping his jeans that erection was through his own pants. He wanted to free that boner and bask in its beauty, but that was impossible from this position.

"Jes, can we-" Tyler started after breaking the kiss, but was interrupted by a noise he didn't immediately recognise.

Bzzt Bzzt

Cause I want it all - I can't get enough. Yeah, I want it all - I can't get enough.

"Ah fuck, who would cock-block me like this?" Jesse angrily exhaled, clearly not wanting to answer it over continuing to make out with Tyler.

"You should probably get it." the husky said, not wanting to get Jesse in trouble with anyone.

"Humph. Alright." Jesse conceded "But you're staying right there." he added with a smile, not moving his groin from Tyler's rear. With the leopard's paws attempting to extract his phone from his jeans, Tyler was supported in that position only by Jesse's hips and his own legs clamped around the feline's waist. Tyler giggled and said "Deal. I don't think I could escape even if I wanted to."

With the phone free, Jesse could identify the cock-blocker. Noah's caller ID filled the screen.

That cow.

Jesse tapped the green icon and pressed the phone to his ear. "Yeah?" he answered shortly.

The bull better have a good excuse for interrupting this.

"Well hello to you too! Did I interrupt anything?" Gary's voice sounded through the speaker.

"Gary, why are you calling on Noah's phone?" Jesse was more surprised than annoyed.

"Battery's almost dead. I just wanted you and Tyler if he's there - HELLO TYLER -" Gary shouted through the phone, causing Jesse to reflexively move the phone away from his head. Tyler heard the greeting and giggled. "HELLO GARY!" he responded in kind, eliciting a squeal on the other end of the line.

"Are you guys fucking?" Gary inquired, his typical abrupt nature shining through.

"What did you want us to know?" Jesse said, avoiding the question and staying on point.

"I bet you are, aren't you? You two are so cute!" Gary teased briefly pausing before getting to the point "I just wanted you two to know that we've sorted out the help that Alan needs and there's no need to worry about that."

"Alright. Anything else?" Jesse rushed the cheetah.

"Gee, you're in a hurry. Is my voice making you lose the hard-on?" the cheetah teased

"Goodbye Gary." Jesse laughed, knowing all he would get from the cheetah now was sass.

"See ya, cuties! Be safe - remember to wear a-" Gary was cut off mid-sentence by Jesse pressing the red 'end call' icon.

"Okay so the guys probably all know now." Jesse said, shoving the phone back into his pocket and taking hold of Tyler again.

"I don't mind as long as you tell me one thing." Tyler said, riding Jesse's embrace back to the couch, where the leopard sat back down and let the husky straddle his lap. "I want to know right now how you feel about me."

The leopard looked into the husky's eyes, still finding that mysterious fire behind the blue gaze. "I... I think I love you." Jesse said softly, finally admitting how he felt. It felt great to get that off his chest. "You're absolutely amazing and I honestly can't picture a future without you. You're perfect."

That admission had Tyler close to tears. "Oh Jes, I think I love you too! You are the perfect one, and I want to be your boyfriend... if you'll have Me." the husky added meekly.

"Of course I want you to be my boyfriend, Ty!" the leopard gushed. "I promise to be the best boyfriend ever!" he proclaimed, triumphant in the affirmation of their love. The display made Tyler laugh "Then get that maw over here, lover-kitty!" he toyed with the bigger feline before bringing his muzzle down to lock lips with the leopard again.


Noah shuffled with the crowd through the cafeteria doors, looking around for his friends. He spied the Drake brothers huddled over something at a table. Will and Gary were already at the table too: talking and pointing at whatever the otters were smothering.

The bull made his way through the throng: a facile task for someone of his size. He sat next to his mate and circled a thick arm around the cheetah. "What's up, boys?" He greeted. Will gave him a "Hey" and Gary gave him an affectionate nuzzle in reply, but the twins were too engrossed in something they were reading on a tablet to notice Noah's arrival.

"Yeah and that's-"

"Totes fine, but we should-"

"At least make a note about it. What about?"


"Seriously though?"

"Yeah, that'd just be..."

"Right, yeah that makes sense."

Noah grinned at the twins speaking in their own dysfunctional shorthand with such gusto. He gave Gary a soft peck on the forehead and asked "What are they looking at?"

The little feline ran a paw across Noah's huge chest and explained "We're looking at support groups and stuff like that for Alan. That boy needs help to get his shit together and it's our responsibility as his besties to help him find the right kind of help he needs."

Noah cocked an eyebrow, surprised how organised their group was with the research. He scrutinised the tablet screen beneath Harry and Ben, picking out pieces of information about some group... it was too difficult to read text that small upside down. "Well I should've expected us to be doing this today. Jesse and Tyler are "practicing a duet" right now, so they won't be coming." Noah mentioned, performing the obligatory quotation gesture to indicate his disbelief of that story.

"Oh," Gary sounded surprised but curious about Noah's tone. "Know something we don't, hun?"

"Oh yeah. They'll be swerving it any second now. I doubt they even made it to the music department." Noah said, trying to contain his amusement.

Will had even more difficulty keeping silent, snickering "I reckon they made it ten paces after ya left them, then jumped each other and found a thicket to hide in. But seriously, they'd make a pretty cute couple. Did ya see the way they were looking at each other, Harry?" the stallion directed to the otter opposite him, flicking a rolled up piece of paper at Harry to capture his attention.

"Hmm? Oh yeah - such chemistry. Very intense. Many looks." Harry said mockingly. "Can we talk about this though?" he spun the tablet aroound for the others to read

Perit High list of local approved counselors:

_ Shane Hale (MSc Psychology)_

_ Eva McSalish (MSc Psychology)_

_ Jane White (PhD Psychology & Psychiatry, M.D.)_

_ Please see Dr Malowell for advice on choosing a counselor or psychologist. Dr Malowell has extensive experience and many contacts in the field of psychology._

Noah read the list and cocked his eyebrow again "So what, you're thinking definitely professional help, then? Do we talk to Alan about this today or should we wait for tomorrow?"

Gary responded first "I think it's probably worth going for professional help, then if they reccommend a therapy group at least he'd be sure it's the right thing to do. He's probably going to resist this idea initially so we need to be convincing to him." The cheetah had a point - Alan would immediately deny there was anything wrong. They needed to make him see that he needed help.

Will spoke up, ingoring his instinct to stay silent "I know I'm the new guy here, but should we be picking out counselors already when we haven't even talked to him about this yet? I mean, I get it - we gotta be organised but maybe we should let him decide who he wants to see?" Another strong point, Noah thought. Alan would more likely see a counselor he himself chose. The conversation went back and forth for a while longer until they all agreed they would need to talk to Alan the next day.

Ben looked around then blinked "Where's Jesse and Tyler?" The group laughed loudly at the remark, smaking their paws on their heads. "Ya don't listen much when reading something, do ya?" Will retorted between guffaws. The atmosphere lightened enough for Gary to chime in "Actually I might call them in a minute, see if Noah's hunch is true."

The cheetah patted his pockets for his phone, locating it in a rear pocket. He produced the phone and swore, reading the phone's screen.

"Shit, I forgot to charge it last night - I probably wouldn't last a call. Noah, honey, can I borrow yours?" the bull didn't verbally rtespond but instead simply produced his own phone and placed it in his lover's open paw. Noah knew better than to complain about Gary's problem being his own fault.

The cheetah dialled Jesse and waited for a response.

"Yeah?" Jesse answered, sounding extremely frustrated.

"Well hello to you too!" Gary responded in an overly cheery voice, compensating for Jesse's lack of an enthusiastic greeting. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"Gary why are you calling on Noah's phone?" Jesse asked in another flat tone, obviously in no mood for small talk. Like that would stop the cheetah.

"Battery's almost dead. I just wanted you and Tyler if he's there... HELLO TYLER!" he yelled into the reciever, getting a chuckle from the others. A slightly distant voice shouted back "HELLO GARY!"

Gary couldn't help but let out a little squeal, they totally were doing it! "Are you guys fucking?" he asked, getting another laugh from the others who were now listening intently to the conversation.

"What did you want us to know?" Gary grinned at Jesse's dodging of the direct question.

Totes fucking.

"You are, aren't you? You two are so cute!" The thought of someone else getting lucky today made his mind briefly wander to Noah's naked form - a tower of ebony furred muscle and brawn. He made the mental note to ask Noah to fuck him senseless tonight - He loved it when Noah got rough with that huge fat bull cock...pinning him down and slamming that fleshy pole all the way into him...

What were we saying? Oh yeah...

"I just wanted you two to know that we've sorted out the help that Alan needs and there's no need to worry about that." he explained.

"Alright. Anything else?"

"Gee, you're in a hurry. Is my voice making you lose the hard-on?" Gary teased, more the benefit of his audience than Jesse.

"Goodbye Gary." Jesse was exceptionally short with him.

Definitely, definitely fucking.

"See ya, cuties! Be safe - remember to wear a condom!" He teased again, but Jesse hung up before he could finish the sentence. He giggled with the rest of his friends, fully knowing he would cop an earful later.

The conversation moved from topic to topic over the course of their lunch hour. All too soon, the hour was up and the gang had to split up to go to their respective classes.


Tyler was beyond bored with his drama class, despite being constantly entertained by Gary, Ben, and Harry - their antics were enough to partially distract his thoughts from the lunch hour. He and Jesse didn't have sex but they shared lots of cuddling, kissing, and clothes-on grinding. He had arrived to drama inflated like a balloon with dreamy thoughts of Jesse and the fact he now had a boyfriend. He'd wait a few days before going about saying that to everyone, but he was for now absorbed in that heartwarming fact - not to even mention his boyfriend was SMOKING HOT.

Tyler felt a buzz in his pocket and disengaged from the dialogue the guys were animatedly reciting. He didn't know why they hadn't questioned him thoroughly about his lunch hour, but he was glad of the fact either way. He fished his phone out of his pocket and read the text.

Hey cutie, would you like to have dinner at my house? I know it's a bit fast, but I'd like you to meet my family, they're very cool. Plus, I want my brother to hear you sing! - Jesse

He put the phone back in his pocket and thought about his response carefully. Did he want to 'meet the parents' so soon? Would this pace burn them both out too fast? He certainly didn't want to have just a quick fling with Jesse.

So I'll say no but thanks?

On the other paw, he was eager to meet the guitarist he would be performing with sometime soon. Jesse's parents would be as nice as any other, he guessed. It would be interesting to meet the two furs that are capable of producing such a magnificent son.

It's just dinner with his family, anyway. What's the worst that could happen?

Tyler's mind was made up, and he pulled out his phone again to respond.

_ Hey yourself, sexy kitty. I'd love to meet your family - pick me up after classes? I don't know how I'll wait another 90 minutes! - Tyler_

He replaced the phone and rejoined the dialogue. Gary kept looking at him with a strange expression - it was a permanent, reserved half-smile that would have honestly creeped Tyler out if he didn't know Gary was so nice. The cheetah was clearly not hiding his appoval of Tyler's activities in the lunch hour. Tyler didn't know how much Gary could guess and how much he knew, but Tyler assumed the little feline was no fool and was assuming that Jesse and Tyler had made out all hour, which wasn't that far from the truth.

The following hour and a half passed at an agonising pace for Tyler, every second of it spent reliving Jesse's scent and touch. Every other second he spent worrying about the coming night. Firstly, he needed to change into something nice that didn't smell of Jesse's musk.

When the class ended, he blurted at the others "Okay, see you guys later. Gotta go!" and left the theatre hall as fast as could be passed off as walking. When he made it outside, he bolted off to his apartment to change his clothes. Smelling himself, he made the mental note to put some deodorant or cologne on himself to mask the other scents.

He picked another buttoned shirt - this one of a black satin fabric. It felt expensive and lush over his fur. To match, he chose slim black pleated trousers that appeared equally slick. He completed the look with a pair of white suspenders slung loosely over his shoulders. He didn't bother with the habitual twirl in front of the mirror, having worn this outfit before and knowing exactly how dapper he looked.

Once completely dressed, perfumed, and ready to leave he paced out of the apartment with a nervous excitement he was almost used to by now, given the last few days' events. He strutted out of the apartment building and spied Jesse waiting next to his car.

"Woah, am I underdressed or something?" Jesse said in awe of Tyler's outfit. The shirt and pants were in fact tailored to Tyler's measurements and accentuated his flat stomach and tight waist. Jesse showed his appreciation of the sight by giving Tyler a big hug, hiding a not-so-innocent pinch on Tyler's butt. The husky yelped and blushed "Shall we go, Jes? I'm a little nervous."

"Aww, there's nothing to be nervous about, little woof." Jesse reassured his partner "You're gonna love my family. They're great! I told them I'm bringing someone home for dinner so they'll be keeping their weirdness to a minimum." he added with a cute smile and a wink. The pair entered Jesse's car and left campus in a blur of glossy red and black.

The drive to Jesse's house was anything but quiet as Jesse recalled stories of their friends' misadventures the previous years to Tyler, mostly to set the husky at ease. Tyler laughed at some of the stories and really appreciated Jesse's effort.

"You know, Jesse..." Tyler said, a thoughtful look coming over his face "I don't know your full name."

Jesse was surprised at this, he felt sure he had properly introduced himself the previous day. The Jarvis residence came into view as he rounded the last bend in the road.

"Oh, really? Well it's Jesse Jarvis." he said nonchalantly, still surprised Tyler needed to ask the question at this point.

Tyler's eyes narrowed at the familiar name...

_ "... I wish ours were as polite and well-mannered as you, Tyler. "_

_ "I'll have to introduce you to my brother. His baritone..."_

_ " brother and I started a band with a friend of his..."_

Oh shit! Jarvis! He is... Jesse Jarvis!

Jesse became confused by Tyler's immediate change in expression. The husky had been cheerful the entire way from campus but all of a sudden he was transformed into a nervous and scared pup. Jesse reached over and placed a paw on Tyler's shoulder once he parked outside his family's house.

"Ty, are you okay?" Jesse asked, seriously concerned something was wrong. Jesse began to worry that Tyler had changed his mind about dinner and was not proud to be with Jesse. He felt a familiar icy feeling start to spread over his chest.

Oh god, please. Not now. He needs me. Tyler needs me.

The need to help his boyfriend overrode his own anxiety and as quickly as it had encroached on his heart, the cold feeling receded for now. Jesse thanked his luck and placed a paw on his husky's cheek.

"Tyler, talk to me." He said more forcefully.

That snapped Tyler out of his trance, and the husky looked into the leopard's caring and worried eyes. His own gaze was perfectly communicating his own worry and fear of losing everything he had worked for.

What if they tell us to not see each other because I'm on their scholarship? What if they take it away because I'm dating their son?

Tyler hugged Jesse. It wasn't a giving kind of hug, Jesse could tell. This was the kind of hug you take because you're afraid. All he could do was hug the canine back and try his best to comfort him.

Tyler felt his mate's warmth weaving through his body. It was surprisingly effective at alleviating his terror. Before he knew it, Tyler was breathing normally and his heart was no longer pounding in his throat. He backed out of the hug and looked Jesse in the eye. "Okay I'm good, I just had a moment. Let's go. I'm fine now." Tyler sounded vague and distant as he said it.

Jesse didn't know if he should call bullshit or let Tyler wrestle with whatever that was. He opted for the latter and stepped out of the car, his boyfriend soon following. They paced together to the front door of the leopard's house, Jesse gently guiding Tyler with an arm circled around the husky's shoulders. They reached the front door and Jesse produced a set of keys, inserting one into the door lock. Tyler shivered but steeled himself, putting a mask of cheeriness over his features.

He's gonna be so confused. I should've told him in the car.

Jesse called out "Hey, I'm home!" as they walked in, expecting his family to be waiting at the door. There was no welcome brigade but a feminine voice called back "Hi honey, we're in the living room!" the two walked down the corridor and into a large and welcoming room dominated by a gigantic TV. Tyler couldn't even guess the size of the screen. On the screen was an episode of some TV series - Jesse guessed it was something Zane had put on and his parents had just started watching.

Tyler recognised Thomas, Anne, and Zane Jarvis all looking extremely relaxed in individual recliners. They all turned to see who Jesse had brought home. Tyler had expected surprise on everyone's faces and he was not disappointed.

Anne and Thomas both stared wide-eyed and mouths agape. Zane had perhaps the funniest expression Tyler could imagine on his face - a combination of shock, genuine happiness, and confusion. The pale leopard's features were shifting between emulating those emotions, which made him look seriously broken. "Tyler! You... Jesse, how...? I didn't even...What?" Zane was dumbfounded. He stood up in surprise, a reflexive action that complemented his facial expression. Anne and Thomas regained their composures rapidly "Hello Tyler!" the two older furs greeted the husky, who was failing miserably at controlling a grin "Hi Anne, Thomas, Zane."

It was Jesse's turn to look shocked. He turned to Tyler with his mouth agape, mimicking his parents' initial expression. Tyler thought it was adorable and would have kissed him right there but didn't want to appear too aggressively passionate in front of Jesse's parents. "Wait, wait, wait." Jesse stammered, trying to regain control of the situation and figure out what was going on here. "How do you know my family already? You're new, you've just moved here. You... What?"

Tyler was deciding how to best respond when Jesse's mother saved him the awkwardness "Jesse, honey, Tyler is going to Perit because of our scholarship. We met on the first day of term." Anne explained in a gentle voice. Zane piped up "That's why I was waiting at your car that day. You must have missed us by minutes."

Thomas' laughter boomed throughout the room, turning into a cackle and fizzling out until he could comment "Jesse I knew you were fast but, wow. I'm impressed." He chuckeld with Anne; both of them finding the situation extremely funny. Tyler was heartened to see Jesse's parents acting so jovial and casual about the situation. They might not actually care, then.

Jesse didn't agree in the slightest. "But... We're dating... I wanted to introduce..." Tyler had to giggle at Jesse's dejected expression.

"Son, it's fine. We don't care who you date-" Thomas started but was interrupted by Anne "We do care, but honestly if you think we'd try to break you two up because Tyler's on our scholarship-" Thomas butted back in to finish "Just have fun, boys. It's fine with us."

Tyler was struggling to contain his happiness and gratitude toward the leopards who once again had made exactly what he wanted possible. Thankfully, the focus was no longer on him as Zane opened his maw to try verbally making sense of the situation.

"So... you met, well, in music class obviously... and now you're together? Must have been an amazing two days." he half-joked - expressing his astonishment. "So have you guys heard each other sing?"

"Actually that was how we met." Jesse explained. "Someone left a recording of him singing on the mix deck and Harry found it, played it, and everything just kinda..." he trailed off, looking at Tyler "...took off from there." he finished, giving the husky a knowing look and controlling the urge to wink at him.

Zane fidgeted uncomfortably, linking his paws together "Ah, yeah... that may have been my bad. Sorry Tyler. I've never used that equipment before."

"That's okay, Zane." Tyler reassured the leopard "Without you doing that, we wouldn't be here right now." Tyler was honestly glad the leopard had forgotten to erase the recording - otherwise it may have been months before he sang with Jesse.

There was a suspended silence - no-one knew exactly what to say to carry the conversation on to a different topic. Eventually, Zane broke the silence with "You guys wanna play some games?" His expression changed to a playful childish smile. "Dinner will still be a couple of hours away so we may as well kill the time with something fun."

Jesse looked to his parents, who were beaming at their son and his new boyfriend. He gave them a questioning look which they responded to with nods and widening smiles. The boys went downstairs to the 'basement', chatting and laughing.

When the younger furs left the room Anne and Thomas dropped the smiles and looked to each other.

"Is it a problem?"

"It shouldn't be but if it is, we'll handle it. Jesse seems very happy with Tyler. Lord knows that husky is a talented boy. He's a born winner: a good choice either way."

"Yeah, Jesse doesn't need that drama. He probably has teenager things to worry about."

"Remember when we were that age?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. I wasn't one tenth as handsome as our sons and I had that horrible lisp."

"Hah, you were a cutie anyway. Still are."

"Thanks, love. Rock, paper, scissors for making dinner?"

"Why not? I'm feeling lucky."


Tyler had picked a racing game, much to Zane's disgust. "Ugh, you're practically dead to me now - Jesse always wins those games." Tyler giggled and shrugged "Maybe we'll just have to gang up on him, then!" Zane's eyes lit up at the chance for revenge "Right now you qualify as the best guy Jesse's ever brought home." The husky smiled, but inwardly asked the natural question that followed that statement.

How many other guys had Jesse brought home? Does he get around that much?

"Hey!" Jesse interjected "Stop plotting my doom and get racing!" He convinced his brother and mate to finally stop conspiring against him and they played the game for what felt like a few minutes. When Jesse looked at his watch, he realised they had been playing for several hours. He had deliberately thrown a few races to let Tyler beat him - for which he was rewarded with a front-row seat to Tyler's 'victory dance'. Zane was getting along amazingly well with Tyler, Jesse thought. He supposed that since they had been introduced before today, they were comfortable with each other's presence.

Jesse was about to swap the game over for something different when Zane spoke up "You still haven't intoduced me to this bass player of yours. I want to do some jamming soon."

"Do you mean Will?" Tyler asked.

"Is that his name? Jesse didn't even tell me that... oh maybe he did, I can't remember. Jesse! Introduction!" Zane demanded of his brother.

Jesse inserted a new game into the console and sat back down on the bean bag he was using as a lounging chair. "The weekend's only two days away and I told you he's coming to the party. Just be patient!" he implored his older brother, who seemed reluctant to wait that long. "What have you been doing lately anyway?" He asked.

"Oh, this and that. I'm thinking of tutoring at Perit since I have a fair amount of spare time." Zane replied, idly toying with his controller.

"Cool! That'd be a good thing to do, and you'd be able to have lunch with us some days!" Jesse said brightly. Tyler nodded and looked to Zane, who was visibly glad his deision was so vehemently approved by the other two.

They continued to play several games until Jesse and Zane's father shouted through the door at the top of the stairs "Dinner's ready!" at which point the boys all left the basement and hurried up to the dining room to smell something exotic and delicious.

"Dinner tonight is salmon marinated in a Spanish herb sauce, lightly fried with wine and a few secret ingredients." Thomas proudly announced when everyone was seated. Tyler felt obligated to compliment the attractive-smelling and pretty dish "This looks delicious, mister Jarvis!"

"Ah, Tyler - what did we say the other day? It's Tom because we are equals in conversation." Thomas reminded the husky. Tyler's ears flicked and he apologised "Sorry Tom, but this looks really good."

"Thanks! Could you pass the salt?" Thomas asked with a sweet smile.

"Tom, could I have that after you?" Zane mocked his father, who raised an eyebrow and retorted "It's still 'Dad' for you, smarty-pants. Unless you prefer 'Da-Da'." he said, mimicking a baby's speech.

Jesse snorted into his food, trying to stifle a giggle. He immediately felt everyone's gaze snap to him. "... Sorry." he said, forking his salad self-consciously. Anne asked Tyler "How are you finding your classes so far, Tyler? Enjoyable?" between forkfuls of salmon.

"They're great, thanks. I'll admit I'm surprised at how hard the teachers work to make sure everyone understands their subject." Tyler replied, being honest without revealing his preoccupation during today's classes.

"That's great. Well they're certainly paid enough to be completely motivated." Anne responded, thinking of the steep tuition fees that would have prevented this brilliant and talented husky from attending this school without their help.

The family ate their meals with the occasional piece of conversation maintaining the genial atmosphere. Tyler loved the dynamic of this family unit - everyone was adult enough to have nice conversation and they were so ... what was the word? Contented? Tyler could see this entire family was very well adjusted, and he also found Anne & Tom's casual acceptance of Jesse's sexual orientation. He couldn't figure out if Zane was straight or not, he hadn't mentioned ex-partners and was very sarcastic when it came to topics surrounding love and sex. It wasn't really Tyler's business anyway. If he really wanted to know, he could ask Jesse later.

The sound of cutlery scraping plates signified the meal was finished and Tyler felt a subconscious wave of relief. He had had the 'dinner with the parents' and everything had gone amazingly well. He took Jesse's paw in his own and leant over to whisper in his lover's ear. "You were right, your family is wonderful."

Jesse smiled and squeezed Tyler's paw. They stood with Jesse's family and helped clear the table. It took only a few minutes to reach the point of the evening where Tyler had to say his goodbyes to Jesse's family.

"Thank you for the amazing dinner and it was lovely seeing you again!" he said to the leopards.

"I'm sure we'll see a lot more of you in the future." Anne replied with a genuine smile. Jesse and Tyler left and got back in his car. "So was it actually okay? They weren't too weird, were they?" Jesse asked, seemingly concerned about the impression his family made on his boyfriend.

"Relax, Jesse, they were wonderful. You have a great family and you should be proud to be their son and brother." Tyler reassured the concerned leopard.

The ride home was brief enough for Tyler, and far too quick for Jesse's liking. He pulled up outside the apartment building and put an arm around Tyler's shoulders. "Have a good night, sweetie. I'll see you tomorrow." He gave the husky a kiss on the cheek, then paused, looking into Tyler's eyes and knowing he could do better. He leaned in a bit more to make the exchange more intimate, and then brushed his lips against Tyler's. The canine responded by initiating the kiss, leaning into Jesse and pressing into those soft, gentle lips. Every time they kissed it was a new experience for both. The unexplainable magic behind their kisses made every moment feel like an eternity in the other's embrace.

They parted after a long minute of kissing, and Tyler verbally responded at last. "Goodnight, my wonderful leopard. Thank you for the best day of my life."

And with that he left the car and went straight to his apartment to do another 'victory dance'. Jesse could have done the same if he weren't belted into his seat. He would have to wait until he got home to channel his feelings into dance and tears of joy.


Next time:

Perit High: Chapter 5 - Party

It's the weekend and Jesse is set to host a party. Will and Zane finally meet and find they have a lot in common. Tyler is nervous about spending the night at Jesse's, and his new friends try to make him relax and enjoy the party.