CBA: The virus hits home

Story by Serpent_Lord on SoFurry

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#1 of CBA: The start

Okay, sorry for the double posts. I must be a noob but I could not find a single way to re-organize my submissions or folders, so here we are putting them all back together.

*you know the rules. This story was vaguely inspired by a TF pic from spiritraptor, and a deep love for Von Krieger's stuff as well as Flexible survival. So is it 100% original? No, but I thought I'd make my own little universe to begin making some good old fashioned TF*

Charles Jacobson was one of the main researchers at the CBA, one of the main government founded companies seeking a cure to the strange dieses that had spread around the globe. It was rather small and contained at the moment, but cases of it spreading had been reported. People were carefully managed and obtained by certain means, in a heavy attempt to keep it all under control. Very few knew about the goals of the corporation, or the whereabouts of the people they captured.

Charles had been working late in his makeshift lab in the basement, trying to get in a few extra hours of research on a batch of samples he had haphazardly decided to take home. He felt that he was up for a promotion and if he could just make a breakthrough... A sudden hiss erupted from beneath his desk, spraying liquid coolant against his shoe. Looking down he sighed, his mini-fridge had busted it's compressor. It was a simple fix, but it was late and would have to wait till tomorrow. He opened the door and brought a batch of the samples up, safely stuffing them behind some old milk and leftovers. He'd have to pick up a new minifridge tomorrow, as he made his way to bed.

Cracking his eyes open he gave a small groan. He'd forgotten to set his alarm clock, blinking at a steady 07:45. Great, just the way to start the day. Showing up to work late. He scrambled to get his clothes on, shaving and brushing his teeth as fast he could before stumbling out the door.

It was the Friday before a bank holiday, and Daniel had been planning on going out with his friends to a concert outside of town for the four days, it had been cancelled so he returned home. The family had been planning on taking a small vacation, but his father's work had called him back in to work over the holidays. He had been planning on the concert, his Mother went off to spend time with his aunt and cousin, and his sister was staying out with friends all weekend meaning the house was completely deserted. Kicking off his shoes he made his way to the kitchen, stomach grumbling. A lazy day sounded nice, maybe just kicking back eating some cereal and staring at the tube all day. As he reached into the fridge to pull the milk out, he saw a small tray of small glasses with twist on tops. They were brightly colored and ranged from blue to pink.

Curiously he picked one up, unscrewing the top and took a quick sniff. It was rather bland, only a light tinge of scent reached his nostrils as he tried to decipher what it was. Maybe it was some kind of shooter kit that his dad had bought for the weekend, though it looked more like a party mixture than a stay at home drink. Either way, he gently sipped on it in an attempt to discover what the mixture was. It tasted acrid, but smooth. Enough to swallow without coughing, but as the small gulp slid down his through, it began to feel almost velvety and pleasant. "heh, what's dad doing with these fruity drinks." he said with a chuckle. Though it was tempting to get a bit toasty, it was too early and he was pretty sure his dad would notice if a shooter went missing.

And so, it was back to the original plan. Kick back, watch some television, and have a lazy day. He spent a few hours idly surfing the channels but nothing was appealing. Damn daytime television. Booting up the old computer was a good way to pass the time. Rising from his seat he went to put his dishes away, opening the refrigerator to put the milk away, when he looked at the pink drink again. Remembering the strange sensation of the drink in his throat made his mouth feel a bit dry, and he idly licked his lips. Maybe just another taste... even if it was rather nasty at first, it had really felt good coating his tongue and throat. He unscrewed the top and let out a small gasp as a sudden heavy scent flooded his nose. "Whoa.." her said, blinking his eyes. It hadn't smelt like anything an hour ago, and now it was was earthy, velvety, sweet, all sorts of smells he could hardly place his finger on. He had to have another sip. He took a heavy swig of the stuff and put it back quickly, licking the remainder from his lips. The taste made him rock back slightly, holding onto the refrigerator door as he smiled to himself. "Whoa, that's good.." He bit his lip, thinking about more but decided he was already pushing the limits of what his father might notice.

He headed up to his room, booting up his laptop as he idly licked on his lips, the taste still lingering in his throat. He was feeling good, really good. He traced his hand down his stomach just a bit, gripping at his groin. It looked like it was time for a bit of porn. He was always cautious about this, especially since he had been walked on before. He never knew when a family member would make an unexpected visit, so he kept his door open to hear the garage, and left the volume on as little as possible. "It has been awhile" he thought as he pawed at himself slowly, gripping his firming shaft. Man, he was horny! He kicked his pants part way down his legs and pulled his shirt up just a bit, stroking on his member. He clicked through a few tabs, trying to find something he would enjoy. The first was a woman on her back being taken by a man, grunting and moaning on the bed in the thorough of passion. He leaned back just a bit and rubbed at himself, subconsciously licking over his lips again. He was starting to feel really, really good. His stomach was tensing slightly as his toes curled with a heavy panting.

He couldn't remember ever feeling this aroused from porn like this. His cock was ever so sensitive, and every time he watched the man plow into her, his stomach gave a pleasurable twitch. His mind started to feel a bit foggy as he let the lust settle over him. He was loving it, never having felt this kind of desire before. As he watched, another man stepped up to the woman and shoved his member into her throat, making his cock spasm as he let out a heavy moan. His mouth was watering, staring at the sight. His lips parted slightly as he played with them, biting on them and licking over them, having to wipe up a bit of drool that slipped down the edge of his mouth. That cock in her mouth looked.. so amazing.. the shaft was beautiful. Hard and veined, the way the head looked soft enough to play with against her lips while the rest of the shaft was throbbing and hard. He squirmed hard in his chair, rubbing his rear against the leather seat as his hand pumped over his shaft. His eyes wandered back to the girls sex, being taken by an equally impressive cock. Another moan slipped through his lips. "Yeah, fuck her.. fuck her.." He started saying, the raunchiness of his own voice seeming to get him going even more. "I bet she's the perfect breeder, look at those hips... Cum in her breeder body.." He kept murmuring to himself, loosing himself in a mixture of fantasy and porn.

And as he asked, they did. The men let out groans, the woman writhed on the bed, and Daniel shot his load all over his chest, soaking his shirt as he slumped forward, drooling on himself as he tried to swallow. His mouth seemed to just be dripping with saliva, making him shake his head and wondered how long it had been since he even closed his mouth during the video. A sense of clarity started to come back to him, especially when a cheesy ad popped up at the end of the video. He shook his head to clear it, closing the window before going to the bathroom to clean up. He stretched a bit, his muscles feeling sore and tired as he gave himself a grin in the mirror. He'd not had an orgasm that good in a long time. He gave a small laugh as he looked down at himself. His poor little cock had shrunken down to half it's size, looking exhausted. "Guess it was a bit too much eh?" He wiped himself down and crawled back to his bed for little catnap.

Daniel awoke, sweating profusely. He felt over himself and gave a small groan. He had no idea why he was sweating too much, maybe he should not have gotten under the covers. He roamed his hand down his stomach, moaning to himself as he felt that burning desire return. He smiled lazily, content to sit back and stroke his cock in bed. He turned his head to check the time, but it was still late noon, barely an hour had passed, yet his body was aching for that sweet release all over again. His eyes closed as he kicked off his pants, rubbing down between his legs as he began to fondle his member once again. His mind drifted back to the porn he had been watching, that girl being ravished by two men. Gods she was such a slut, just meant to be a dirty cum hungry breeder. His back arched as his fantasy took hold. He imagined her in heat, needing to be taken, so fertile and ready. His mind went back to the cocks pounding her as he panted hotly. His fingers came up to his mouth, picturing the vivid contours of the cock in his mind as he slipped two fingers into his lips. He practically came right there, biting on his fingers for just a second. He pushed them past his lips, the feeling of sliding against them almost too much for him to handle. He licked over his own fingers, finding how long and dexterous they were as he pumped his hand into his mouth. His other hand cupped his balls, fingers trailing down as long nails scraped just below his sack, making him squirm in delight. "Oohh.. Yes.." He moaned as his fingers caressed his smooth sensitive skin.

He kept rubbing his skin just below his sack, loving the feel of his skin. He felt it shift ever so slightly, the warm wetness leaking down his fingers. His whole body was on fire, he could feel his stomach spasming as his toes pointed down, flexing hard enough to almost give him cramps in his calves. He moaned against his fingers as he suckled on his long smooth fingers, loving the feeling of his tongue curling around them one at a time as his sharp nails scratched against the top of his tongue. Without any hesitation he shoved his fingers into his body. His eyes shot open, gods he was tight! He could feel his finger inside of him, squirming as his muscles pulled on his invading digit. Yes.. he couldn't wait for those cocks, he'd be such a perfect breeder!

His body suddenly curled to the side, making him cry out in sudden bliss as white hot lighting shot through him, leaving stars in his eyes as he panted heavily, smooth saliva trickling down the side of his mouth. He began to sit up slowly as his senses came back to him. His mind started to panic, pulling up his hand. Something.. was not right.

His hand! It was scaled! Tipped with sharp black claws, his fingers longer and lither than before. He looked at his other hand looking the same. Red scales covered the back of his hands, the insides a pale yellow, smooth yet firm and each digit sporting a wicked black claw. He shot up from his bed, rushing to the bathroom as he looked over his body, shuddering as he stumbled back into the wall. He looked down, his whole chest covered in the same light yellow as the underside of his hands. His nipples had turned dark brown and spread out large areola over his chest and his cock.. It was gone.. that slit, that hole, and he had just touched himself there!

He dashed out of the restroom, stuck in a panic. He had to get help, he had caught the virus! The one on the news, causing strange mutations in people.. oh no, they'd quarantine him, take him away from his family. He had to call his dad, his dad would know what to do. He stumbled to the phone, his widening hips pushing his thighs together as his slick juices smeared against his groin, every step making his slick scales rub together. He picked up the phone, only to drop it suddenly as he grabbed his face, giving out a pained yowl as his face restructured, as though it was getting pulled and contorted. His eyes blinked rapidly, tears forming in the sides as he bared his teeth at the unexpected sensations, hearing the cracks of his jaw extending, and his teeth growing in numbers and size, filling his mouth with many razor sharp fangs. His lips plumped up as he pushed his forehead into the ground, curled in an arched ball on the ground. He felt as if his lower back was pinching itself, pulling his sides in, squeezing out those muscles right over his spine. His ass swelled out as a large meaty tail began to pull from behind him. It thrashed behind him as his feet crackled and pulled up, heavy talon like claws erupting from his toes.

He panted heavily against the ground, sweat covering his shiny scales as he groaned, holding his stomach. He was exhausted.. He had to call his dad. His dad was.. a male. His eyes lidded at the thought as he gave a low murr, pressing his chest down into the ground as he spread his legs a bit, showing off his thick hips and thighs, raising his tail to expose his dripping puffy sex and tight hole. He wiggled his hips backwards, finding the leg of the table as he rubbed his body against the smooth circular pole, dragging his pussy lips up and down the wooden leg. He bit down on his puffy lips with his new sharp teeth, rubbing his chest into the ground as he felt his chest expanding, slowly filling out. He felt his scales go taut around his flesh, his brown nubs pressing out firmly as he continued to swell. It was no longer his chest on the ground as he raised his ass in the air, but his tits. His full breasts mashing against each other and ground, dragging his nipples across the cool linoleum. He gave a sudden screech as the stimulation from rubbing his rear back against the leg of the table consumed him, forcing a thick gush of sex down his thighs. His tail slowly drooped down, no longer having the strength to hold it up as he collapsed, breasts supporting his body as he laid in a crumpled heap on the floor.


Charles returned home late that night, groggy from a long day at work. Perhaps tonight was not going to be the night to run further tests. He could barely think anymore as it was. Maybe just a beer and sleep. As he pulled into his driveway, he saw his son's car. "Hm, I guess his plans fell through." He gave an small shrug. It was better than being alone the whole holiday weekend, maybe they'd grill some food and catch up, watch an action movie or two with the wife gone.

Stepping into his house he was instantly hit with a heavy wave of.. something. He wrinkled his nose. It was musky, rough, but enticing. He rolled his eyes. It was sex. His son must have brought a girl home while he was gone. Stepping into the kitchen made his eyes boggle. Two chairs were knocked over, the table was all scratched up and the phone was discarded on the floor. It was soaking wet as well, and absolutely reeked. "Daniel, get your ass down here this instant!" Bringing a girl home was one thing, and only needed a stern talk about safe sex... but this, this was something completely different.

He heard the door slam upstairs, but his son did not come down. Angrily he ran up the stairs, glaring at the wet spots all over the carpet as he knocked on his sons door. "Daniel, open the door this instant!"

"No!" was all he heard back, a distinctly feminine voice shouted.

"Wh.. what, who's in there. Why are you in my house, did Daniel bring you home? Where is he?" Charles said a bit softer. He did not like a stranger in his house, especially if his son had ran off to do something. But he knew he couldn't be too angry at a girl... but he did need her out of his house.

"Well, I need you decent and out of my house this instant." He said, to which is only reply was "No!"

"Look here young lady!" Charles said, his voice rising.

"Dad... Dad stop! It's me!" She said through the door, sobbing against the other side of the door.

"I caught the virus dad, the one on the television... I'm so sorry I don't know what to do!"

The virus... Charles suddenly felt a sinking sensation in his stomach. A virus.. the ones he had brought home? Oh no, he was responsible for this.

"Ahem. Well.. I'm sure you're okay son.. just, just come on out and let me see you. It will be okay, we're working on an antidote for it, you know I've been working really hard on that project."

A small quarrel broke between the two, the Father insisting to see his son and the female voice behind the door screeching that she'd never come out of her room.

Charles gave a low sigh and went to his room, grabbing the master key. "Daniel, I'm coming in."

"Dad no!" The voice shouted as he unlocked the door, stepping in. Before him was a large pile of blankets, nothing more than a red snout sticking out from a little hidey hole. "Go away." it said to him. He couldn't help but stare at it with rapt attention. The way it moved as it talked, it was unlike anything he had seen, it was alien, but perfectly normal.

"ah.. Come on son.. I've ah, been vaccinated, it's okay. Let me take a look at you."

The vaccine was true, but it was experimental. He did have faith in his company though, and was sure that he would not catch any airborne pathogens. He grabbed the blankets and pulled them away, causing the large lizardgirl to scoot back on the bed, attempting vainly to cover her large assets. She glared at him as he blinked at her. Her body was massively proportioned.. Matronly. Her hips flared out massively, thinning a bit at her waist though it held a small bit of pudge on it, giving her a full healthy look. Her breasts pressed against her arm, showing the underside of her large nipples. He wouldn't be surprised if she was lactating. Then it hit him, lifting the covers had been a bad idea. a thick sheet of musk enveloped him. He inhaled sharply, feeling it fill his lungs. He gazed at her body, deep instinctual cogs in his brain ticking, ticking before turning into overdrive. He shook his head a bit and inhaled. This was his son, his son... his mind was already conflicting itself. It was like staring at a nude model and trying not to think anything lewd... but this musk was making it harder and harder, and it felt so damn good to breathe it into his lungs.

They stared at each other for a long time, Daniels tongue slowly flicking through the air. She could smell her father as well. He was getting aroused... he.. she was making him aroused! It sent an electric thrill through her as her eyes lidded just a bit. She shuffled forward, nearly on auto pilot. She scooted to the edge of the bed and let her feet touch the ground, slowly stroking over her massive tail as she brought it into her lap. "Um... well here I am.." she said, straightening her back just a bit to show off her assets. Gods she was wet.. wet from.. flirting with her father! She bit on her lip and blushed a bit, trying to wrestle with her own desires, despite the strangeness of well, everything.

Charles sputtered slightly, his pants tenting hard, his cock throbbing and constricted in his clothes. " did this happen so fast? It should take.. weeks, at least.." He said, stunned.

"I don't know.. I was just sleeping and when I woke up... I was like this.." She said, arching her back and spreading her legs for emphasis. Her thighs were soaked, her pussy was practically dripping and her small clit stood proudly atop her swollen folds, forming a heavy mound between her legs. She gave a small whine, pushing out her lower lip as she looked sadly up at her father. "I look like a slut.." She murmured.

Charles felt his cock throb at the lewdness of her words. He felt dizzy, the scent was getting stronger, it felt humid in the room, like he was sweating, his clothes starting to feel tacky against his body. His hand unconsciously reached towards the front of his pants, trying to adjust himself. Her hand moved down between her legs as she spread them a bit, slowly rubbing her middle finger in a small circle around her clit. She gave a small gasp, staring at him as her nipples hardened, squeezing her arms closer to her body to accentuate her bust.

It was a loosing battle in Daniel's mind. He was revolted.. but too horny to care. He was going to make his dad fuck him, breed him. Oh yes, that felt so right. It's what his body was made for, breeding. Her stomach was burning, it needed to have cum in it. She needed to be taken, to be bred. So much cum, she needed cum in her mouth, her pussy, her ass, she wanted to be dripping, pregnant, full of eggs and spreading the virus. She quivered as she slowly raised her legs, grabbing her kneecaps as she spread her legs wider, giving her father a full view of her soaking sex as it dripped down into the mattress. "I think.. I think I'm a breeder... Daddy..." She cooed softly, her eyes clouded and lost with lust.

Charles felt his mind snap, somewhere. She was right.. she had to be bread, it all made sense.. she was in heat, the smell. A lopsided smile spread across his face, controlled by his lusts as he slipped his pants off and stepped closer. Daniel wriggled with anticipation, her breathing hot and heavy as her father just inhaled more of the musk. His cock was practically purple it was so engorged with blood as he grabbed her shoulders and pinned her down. She gave out a low moan as he mashed his lips against her. He didn't expect a muzzle like this to have such luscious pillows, but gave no heed to it as he suckled on them, tasting her sweet saliva. He rubbed against her, sweat soaking his shirt as their bodies rubbed against eachother, her nipples rubbing at him through the cotton shirt. The stimulation made her murr in delight, arching her back as her legs wrapped around his hips.

The shuffled and gasped as he felt the length of his cock rubbing down her pussy, the soaked flesh practically gushing at the slightest touch. He pushed into her body easily, the lubrication feeling like silk against his cock. He realized how small his cock felt in her wide open sex, as though she had been gaping herself all night long. He didn't care though, he was too lost in the sensations to care.

Daniel groaned and thrashed as she felt her dad pumping into her, loving the feel of his cock's veins pushing into her. She could feel every little ridge and fold, every vein and throb as she clenched down with her pussy, only forcing more of her juice against his testes. She forced her long tongue into his mouth, sliding it down his throat. He moaned at the exotic sensation and continued to buck against her , their hips slapping together almost painfully. His hands were mauling at her tits as he pinched a nipple hard, making her scream. She yanked his body in with her feet locked around him, rubbing her soaking hips against his as a searing orgasm shot through her body, making her hiss loudly.

Charles groaned in response, feeling his whole body tense his balls constricted, shooting one of the largest loads of his life into his son's..daughter's pussy. Pulse after pulse shoved more of his seed inside her, determined to flood her sex. He gasped slowly, coming down from his temporary high as he looked back down at Daniel, a sudden look of dread in his eyes.

Daniel looked away, whispering. "Get out of my room dad.."

Charles stumbled back as the painful clarity came over him, realizing what he had just done. "I.. I'll find a cure.." He mumbled, closing the door. He stood outside, opening his mouth and wanting to apologize, but just left to his room in shame, face burning red.

Daniel wanted to be mad... almost. A grin spread across her face as she reached a hand down, dipping into her soaked sex. She twirled her long fingers inside of her, swirling in the cum inside of her before bringing some out, coating her fingers. She pushed it into her mouth, sucking on the sweet delicious fluids. She should be mad. But she wasn't in the slightest.

Charles sat in the bathroom, head lowered in shame. He tried to clear his head, to think of anything... but all he could do was play with the pussyjuice on his cock, and suck on it slowly as his cock began to harden once again.

To be continued!