Zalia's Present

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Zalia's Present

Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

February, 2009

All Rights Reserved

Zalia lay sprawled, naked as the day she had been foaled, on her queen sized bed. Early morning sunlight splashed over her black and white striped body, alternating her shadow into black and white stripes against the far wall. Her bedroom, was one of any normal teenage girl a small desk near the window on which sat her laptop, surrounded by dozens of plush toys of various species, and pictures of horses and statuettes on every available free space. She whiffled quietly through her nostrils, then her dark eyelids fluttered and she rubbed a hoof-like hand over her snout, brushing away a fly that had lit on her velvety furred nose, the fly, seemingly indignant, buzzed off, finding something more interesting to do.

Blinking owlishly in the early morning light, Zalia yawned, then stretched languidly, her striped fur rippling. Scratching at her side with her hoof-lets on the end of her fingers, she blinked again, then rolled over and placed her small, delicate hooves against the carpeted floor of her bedroom. When Zalia rose to her five feet, two inch tall frame, she stretched again, this time placing her arms above her head and feeling her joints crackle, her tubular ears swishing too and fro as she sighed in pleasure. Her hoof-like hands were dexterous, like most of the anthropomorphic equine-type species, but at times, she wished for more human-like hands like her Raccoon-like friend Sally.

Still Zalia thought to herself, as she playfully stroked her ample breasts, flicking a hoof-let over her nipples until both swelled and peeked like a pair of shy twins, through the black, gossamer like fur, and she sighed in pleasure. - I make do, with what the God's gave me...


Bounding into the bathroom she busied herself with all the necessities one of her kind had to go through, and she took her time in the shower, even though her mind lay on today for it was her birthday and she would be sixteen years old.


For a Zebra-morph like Zalia, human-like society made no real distinctions between her kind and the other anthropomorphic animals but like all things some animosity still remained. Staring into the mirror, Zalia reached over her shoulder, then tugged a thick brush through her long, flowing mane, then blinked her widely spaced, dark, soulful eyes and smiled to herself. Many a male, both anthropomorphic and human had claimed their love for this young zebra-morph, but as yet, she had been very shy and coy only last week, kissing a human boy for the first time, and letting him place his hands on her warm, soft breasts through her blouse. He had been gentle, trusting and if her sense of smell was anything to go by quite frightened and heavily aroused. However, he had taken no for an answer, and had to settle for the kissing and gentle stroking of Zalia's breasts. Zalia tickled her nipples again, then as they swelled once more, she shivered and gasped, feeling her knees tremble and a warmth beginning to spread from her groin all through her body.

She had been unmated but the thoughts of that special day, when she lay with her husband often made the young Zebra weak at the knees and more than a little wet between the thighs. She had often taken great pleasure in using one paw to stimulate herself but she remained a virgin and would remain so, until she herself felt ready.

Amongst her friends, who loved Zalia dearly, she was the butt of their jokes, as more than one of them had indeed had multiple lovers, and they delighted in telling the young Zebra all sorts of things some Zalia knew were imagination running riot but others...well even Zalia felt the rush of endorphins and that growing ache in her groin. Slipping into an emerald green ankle length skirt,and a light blue blouse, Zalia brushed her mane again, until she was satisfied she was presentable.

Leaving her bathroom, her hooves clip-clopped across the carpet, in muffled strikes, before she opened the door and went downstairs. The moment she appeared in the kitchen, her father and mother both zebra-morphs themselves, embraced their daughter and began to sing happy birthday to her. Zalia squealed in embarrassment, the pale skin in her inner ears turning a brilliant red, as she blushed deeply. Zalia loved her parents with all her heart and being an only child they had much love to give their daughter.

Carefully disengaging her parents, Zalia flushed and sat down at the table, where her mother placed a large plate of fresh waffles, drizzled liberally with iron bark honey, and on the side, two large scoops of peppermint ice-cream Zalia whuffled through her nostrils, her eyes growing wide, as she looked at her favorite desert, then hurriedly hugged her mother.

"I'll be as big as a house, if I eat all these - " Zalia giggled nervously, inhaling the sweet smell of the waffles and honey.

"Pah," Snorted her father, as he smiled at her, then playfully ruffled her ears.

"Dad!" Zalia squeaked, then giggled again. "Stop that I'm not a little foal anymore!"

"Indeed you're not, but your not old enough to leave my home yet missy," He playfully teased her.

Zalia picked up a fork, then began delicately breaking off small pieces of the waffles, trying to savor the moment but in the end, with the ice-cream melting and the waffles turning mushy, she gave up her lady-like manners and hurriedly wolfed them down. It took her fifteen minutes, but eventually, she put down her fork and carefully slid the plate away from herself.

"Ooh - " Zalia gasped, then dabbed at her muzzle with a napkin. "No more, please I couldn't eat another bite."

As Zalia's mother chuckled, and took her daughters mostly empty plate, she nodded and went to wash it up.

"Well then - " Her father snorted, sounding all official and rustling his newspaper. "If there's nothing else of importance today I best be getting ready for work."

Zalia stared at him incredulously, her ears flattening and eyes widening, before he glanced at her and burst into laughter unable to maintain his serious demeanor.

"Come on sweety," He whispered, as he set down his paper and pet Zalia's paw gently. "Your mother and I have a surprise for you."

Drying her paws on her apron, Zalia's mother nickered softly in laughter, then followed them out of the kitchen, and down the back stairs.

Zalia followed her parents obediently, as they led her around the side of the house, intentionally stopping to sniff at the roses, and as her father nibbled at one fresh bloom, Zalia's mother slapped his velvety nose tenderly and laughed. He looked indignant and hurt, but the twinkle in his eyes showed he was laughing with her, and Zalia began to fidget helplessly. She knew they had gotten her a present after all a sixteenth birthday for any female was an 'important' date in their lives, as they become a 'woman' in every respect except one. Well, almost Zalia had made her parents proud of her always being a loving, gentle and carefree spirit but also remaining unmated. Zalia well knew her own conception story her mother having told her how it all happened two years ago. How both zebra-morphs had been Zalia's age, young emotionally irresponsible, and one thing had led to another and late one night, on the banks of a gently flowing creek, Zalia's mother had been bred and a few weeks later, found herself with foal.

At first, frightened, confused and not understanding more afraid of what her parents would think Zalia's mother had thought of aborting her unborn foal, but contrary to what she thought, her parents, whilst upset about their daughter asked her a simple question did they love him? Zalia's mother had answered without hesitation more than life itself, and after a conference with Zalia's father's parents, who were, likewise shocked by their young stallion's behavior agreed to help support the two new parents, with raising their offspring.


At last, they led her around the front of the house, then Zalia's paws leapt to her mouth, which dropped open as she seen her 'present'. Standing hitched to the front stair railing, stood a large chestnut horse, whose beautiful brown coat sparkled in the morning sunlight. It raised its proud, noble head, then whinnied loudly, as if saying welcome to its new mistress. Zalia stared, her eyes growing round like dinner-plates, before she burst into tears and buried her muzzle against her mothers shoulder. Blinking, her mother cuddled her daughter, glancing at her husband, who merely shook his head slowly.


Some time later, the overwhelmed Zalia managed to stop her tears, and she kissed both her parents and hugged them, as she borrowed a handerkerchief from her father, to dry her streaming eyes.

"I...I love her - " Zalia wept, overcome with emotion.

"Err - " Her father smirked. " a he."

"He's a stallion sweety your father was adamant, if we get you a horse and we knew for years, you wanted one that it be a stallion. I think its a male-ego thing sweety..." Zalia's mother nickered, then nuzzled her daughter and ruffled her ears.

"Pah don't flatter yourself woman I could outdo that colt over there - " Her father shot back playfully.

Zalia's mother raised an eyebrow, then tapped a hoof gently on the ground, before she gave up and rolled her eyes. "My love, I highly doubt that."

He snorted indignantly, then his false bravado crumbled and he chuckled, before cuddling his daughter tightly and kissing her nose. "His name is Samuel and he's a very gentle stallion that was one of the conditions I insisted on, when I bought him for you. You've had some pony-club training as a younger foal, and so on but I well your mother needed to be assured, that you could handle him. Go on, go make friends with him he doesn't bite...but may nibble, apparently he's got a few 'vices' like that."

Zalia nervously approached Samuel, who merely gazed at her with interest, before he whuffled through his nostrils at her and whinnied again. Hesitantly, Zalia reached out a paw and laid it against his velvety nose, and Samuel nickered at her, then playfully began rubbing his head against her paw.

Standing to one side, Zalia's parents glanced at the daughter bonding with the stallion, then back into each others eyes.

"A stallion, my love?" Whispered Zalia's mother. "Surely, you know how precocious they can be, I I just don't want to see our filly hurt. He's a large stallion, and if he got frightened or angry he could do some real damage - "

He smiled at her, then playfully wrapped his paws around his wife, and rubbed his groin against her skirt suggestively, before nuzzling her shoulder. "Oh, I know alright but this stallion is a true gentle giant, he's so tender and I saw the owners small children, happily crawling all over and under Samuel, as he just stood there, as calm as you like. Truly, for a stallion, he's remarkable well adjusted and calm."

His wife slipped his grasp, then she blushed and stroked her husbands velvety black nose, making his eyes cross and ear tips touch. "Not now my love later tonight go on, get to work I'm sure these two have some bonding to do."

He snorted in disappointment, then winked at her and kissed her cheek, before he waved to Zalia, who absently waved back, then left for work.


Zalia untied the reigns from the railing, then began walking, with Samuel happily following in her wake. When she stopped, he stopped, then would whicker at her, and playfully nudge her shoulder, as if telling her to move along. Content there was no risk, Zalia's mother shook her head slowly, then returned inside, leaving Zalia and her new pet to bond.


Zalia took the time, to lead him into the stable, where she showed him the water trough, and his feed trough. Samuel seemed to look at where Zalia tapped her paws, and he blinked, then whuffled at her, as if to say he'd understood. Leading him over to the rail, Zalia shivered, then stroked the stallion's forehead, her hoof-lets lightly scratching the white blaze on his forehead, and she giggled as his eyes crossed over and he shivered in obvious pleasure at her gentle stroking.

"Alright boy now, stand easy - " Zalia breathed, her body shivering, as she climbed carefully up onto the rails.

Samuel looked around his shoulder at her, then merely grunted in acquiescence, as if to say, he'd happily stand easy all day, if she asked him. As Zalia grabbed his mane, he trembled and twitched, then looked back at her as she threw a striped leg over him and settled onto his back. He moved his weight from one hoof to the other, until he felt comfortable, then looked back at her again, as if to ask if she was comfortable as well. Zalia sat easily enough, her white and black striped legs resting against Samuel's sides, her hooves barely touching his sides, as she wriggled forwards a little then leaned forwards to stroke his neck affectionately. He whuffled through his nostrils at her, then bit down on the bit between his teeth, waiting patiently for his new mistress to give the command.

With a gentle tap of her hooves to his sides, Zalia clucked at him, and Samuel obediently began to walk forwards, carefully navigating the narrow gate of the stall and yard enclosure, before coming to a stop just outside. He glanced back at her, and Zalia shivered, already feeling her thighs beginning to ache from the unaccustomed position, then she leaned forwards and nickered at him playfully. He blinked his large, dark eyes, then whickered back, as if understanding her and Zalia crouched lower over his shoulder, before she tapped his sides again. With a lingering glance at his new mistress, Samuel turned his head back around, then laid his ears flat and took off like a furred rocket. Zalia squealed in pleasure, feeling the wind streaking through her fur, as she leaned over her powerful steeds neck and encouraged him to go faster and faster. Samuel eagerly obliged, his long legs stretching out as he broke into a canter, his breathing in and out flexing Zalia's legs like a bellows, as she loosened the reigns and grabbed a double-pawful of his mane and just let him have his head.

Like a furred blur, Samuel happily galloped along the rolling hillsides, with Zalia easily riding on his back, the two of them moving as one so smooth was his strides. Finally, he began to slow and sweat soaked his chest, sides and flanks, and he huffed, then turned himself towards the nearby creek bank where his nose smelt the cool, clear water that flowed through their property. Weaving his way through the hanging branches of the weeping willows, Samuel come to a halt on a nice, soft, mossy bank, then looked at his mistress. Zalia gazed at him with eyes filled with love, devotion and affection and as she moved, Samuel grunted, feeling a strange warm and slightly damp, patch just behind his shoulders, where Zalia sat. She stroked his neck, then grabbing a pawful of his mane, slowly threw her furred leg over his rump and slid down off his back. Samuel nickered at her, then nuzzled her playfully his nostrils flaring as he inhaled her scent.

Zalia blushed, then walked around to his front, then laid both paws along his cheeks, before gently pulling his head down and touching noses with him. He blinked at her, then happily breathed out through his nostrils, and she responded in kind knowing that 'sharing breath' as it were was one way horses made friends. He blinked again, then as Zalia watched, his long, rough tongue licked her nose and he whiffled at her, and Zalia was sure, she saw a smile touching his black lips. She unclasped the bridle, then lifted it over his ears, and he bowed his head, letting her slide the metal bit from his mouth. Shaking his head, he whinnied in pleasure, then licked at her again, before moving aside and turning about, bending his head and neck to sniff at the water.

Watching him, Zalia shivered and felt the same ache in her groin, as she had felt earlier that morning and with a quick glance left and right, she sat down on the grass, then lifted her skirt up her knees, and let her left paw rub the fur between her thighs. As one finger slowly parted the dark folds, Zalia gasped and moaned in pleasure her groin already feeling damp and it didn't take long, for the young filly to bring herself to orgasm, just by teasing her folds with her fingers. Samuel heard Zalia's high pitched whinny of pleasure, and he snorted, head snapping up and muzzle dripping water, as he looked around in alarm. Zalia sprawled onto her back, shivering and moaning in delight, before Samuel returned to her and nuzzled her cheek with his wet nose.

Without thinking, Zalia caressed his nose with her left paw the same one she had just used to pleasure herself, and the effect on the stallion was quite pronounced. He inhaled that scent, then shivered and nickered at her nudging her paw and then licking at it. As he tasted her scents in this way, he whuffled and his long tongue began eagerly licking over and around each finger, as he shuddered and Zalia happened to glance between the stallion's front legs to see his impressive penis half-erect and hanging from its sheath.

This in turn, heightened her own arousal to which the stallion eagerly responded, his erection growing more and more pronounced as he nibbled her fingers with teeth Zalia knew could crush them to paste but they barely rubbed against her fingers. He whinnied again, much louder, and Zalia giggled and stroked his nose, trying to quieten him. Samuel shuddered at her touch, smelling the heightened arousal of the zebra-morph in front of him, yet confused and uncomprehending. His nose and tongue told him, this was a filly, not quite in 'season' but close, and receptive yet he could see with his own eyes, she wasn't a filly at all at least, not one that walked on four legs, and even now, would have squealed and kicked at him, before moving away.

Zalia shivered, looking at the black member that even now, still swelled between Samuel's hind legs and she closed her eyes and giggled nervously, letting her mind wander and imagine what it'd be like, to hold that large penis in her paws. Zalia squealed as her eyes snapped open, and she found Samuel standing closer, lipping playfully at her blouse. Knowing they were alone, and as her parents property was quite isolated, Zalia whickered nervously, before she reached up and began slowly unbuttoning her blouse. As Samuel lipped at it, she giggled and gently pushed his head away, then twitched her shoulders and let the blouse slide down her arms. Samuel felt confused, his mistress obviously receptive, but her pushing away of his nose and head sent conflicting thoughts to him.

His previous mistress had regularly taken the willing young stallion into his stall, and here, over the three years since his second foaling day she had taught him many, many things. At first, his eagerness and forcefulness had resulted in not-so-gentle slaps to his nose, and harsh words, which confused him, but his human mistress had been kind enough to him, and over time, had taught Samuel to be more careful with her. Now, this enigmatic young human/filly was sending the same conflicting images to his mind. He concentrated hard, blocking out his instinctive urges to lunge and start thrusting knowing his pleasures might come if he waited for his new mistress, whose scents of arousal were strong, but the scents of fear and confusion were equally strong. He decided to wait, as frustrating at it was, but he knew this strange filly was not his former mistress, who had taken three years to teach this stallion, just how, they could both share pleasures of an intimate way.

Zalia rose, then bent over and slipped off her ankle-length skirt, carefully picking it up and laying it over a nearby branch, then stretched languidly, her paws up over her head, as she twisted her hips and flexed from side to side as naked as the day she'd been foaled. Samuel watched with interest, his ears pricked forwards, as Zalia blinked, then giggled as Samuel gently nuzzled her shoulder. When she didn't slap his nose, or yell at him, he felt a little emboldened, and his long, rough tongue licked her left arm, from wrist to shoulder.

"Samuel - " Zalia giggled, then gently rubbed his nose. "Whats gotten into you you're all tense and worked more ways than one!"

He blinked, then nuzzled her again, before turning about and looking at the water, then back at her. Zalia seemed to understand what he wanted, and she waded out into the water with him, until it reached up to her knees. Samuel whickered softly, then licked her muzzle and his half-erect penis slapped against the water, making his shiver. Zalia looked at him in confusion, then began cupping water and throwing it over his back and sides, watching as his involuntarily twitched as the cool water hit his hot body. His frustration and confusion growing, he nuzzled her, then gently nudged her paws along his shoulder, until they were about a third the way along his side, and he couldn't reach them anymore. Zalia shivered, then realization slowly came to her, as Samuel carefully stepped forwards, then sideways, into her his half-erect penis almost touching her wet paws.

"You I mean I've know - " Zalia breathed, her eyes widening and ears flattening, as she glanced nervously at him.

Samuel whickered softly, then nodded his head and nuzzled her affectionately, before watching his new mistress with interest. Zalia reached under Samuel's belly carefully, making him twitch and squirm, before her furred fingers lightly touched his penis. He instantly came to full erection and his penis slapped hard against his stomach, as he arched his back downwards and grunted in surprise and pleasure. Zalia snatched her paws back in fright, but Samuel nuzzled her again, soon soothing her fears. He blinked and whickered at her, then moved sideways a little further, pressing his penis against her trembling paws again. Carefully, Zalia cupped Samuel's penis in one paw, her body shivering with fright, and he nodded at her and closed his eyes, his body trembling, but trying his best to remain calm for his new mistress.

Not sure what he wanted, Zalia carefully ran her paw up and down Samuel's length, and he grunted and huffed, every so often, giving her a gentle nuzzle of encouragement. Zalia soon figured out what her new friend wanted from her and she leaned over and carefully stroked with both paws, dipping them into the water to lubricate them as best she could, as she began to gently masturbate the stallion. After twenty minutes, Samuel grunted and rocked with each caress, doing his best to help his mistress, but the scent of her fear and his own nervousness, held him from orgasm. Finally, her paws wet to the elbows, and her back aching, Zalia stopped her stroking and lightly stroked Samuel's belly.

"I...did you like that?" She whispered, ears flat and eyes wide.

He whiffled and nuzzled her tenderly, then licked her nose. If there was any doubt, it was quickly squashed as he gently nuzzled her again, then Zalia cuddled him, pulling his long head down between her furred breasts. Samuel whuffled again, his hot breath rippling the fur, ans Zalia giggled, before she glanced around and shyly rubbed one breast against Samuel's nostrils. He snorted softly, then glanced at her, if he were asking her permission, and Zalia nervously nodded and cupped her right breast, pressing it to his lips. She expected a nip at least, but to her surprise and delight, Samuel's lips parted and he ran his long, wet tongue over her breast, then the nipple itself, which instantly hardened and Samuel's nostrils flared as he smelt the young human/equines arousal grow tenfold.

Although he was five years old, and no longer a young colt suckling his mothers teats, Samuel never forgot what it was like, and he carefully pressed his lips to his mistresses firm breast and began trying to suckle from her. Zalia moaned and shivered, then yelped as his suckle grew stronger, and she flinched involuntarily. Confused and bewildered, Samuel stopped and pulled his head away, thinking her cry was one of pain, but Zalia stroked his blaze and comforted him, before gently tickling his nose.

"Gentle very, gentle - " She whispered at him, then presented her saliva soaked breast to him again.

Samuel didn't understand a world of what she said, but her gestures and rubbing, gave him the comfort he sought, and he once again began trying to suckle her breast his tongue pressed under the nipple, and rubbing against it, as his throat muscles squeezed, trying to draw milk from this strange mare's udder. When it became apparent, she wouldn't give milk, Samuel snorted softly against her breasts, then he just licked and nuzzled, giving the odd suckle, as his nose inhaled the sweet, musky scent of his mistress growing more and more receptive. After a while, he nuzzled her and lay down, and looked up at her, then at his belly, then back at her. Zalia lay down beside him, folding her furred legs beside her, and he tenderly laid his own in as tight as he could, in a way, trying to cuddle her against his warm belly and sides. Zalia reached back, and Samuel obediently lifted his hind leg a bit, allowing her to rest her paw against his still-half-erect penis.

He nickered and trembled, as she lightly stroked it, but he kept his arousal well under control despite the ache in his scrotum, that cried out desperately for relief. Samuel, in the short time that he and his new mistress had been together, had bonded close to her and he wanted nothing more, than to take her as his 'mare', and breed her slowly, tenderly and lovingly, for hours, as he had with his former mistress. Yet he could smell this strange filly's arousal and also, he was concerned for her as she was a lot more slender of frame than his former mistress and Samuel didn't know, how he could mate this new mistress without hurting her, in turn, having her slap his nose until it hurt and then really getting angry with him.

His thoughts on his new mistress, Samuel didn't feel his growing erection, until Zalia gasped and felt Samuel's powerful penis probing against her buttocks. With a flush of embarrassment, she looked up into his sad, mournful eyes, and if it was possible for a horse to show remorse, shame and guilt, he would have won an award. Still, it was, Samuel wasn't as large as Zalia had imagined having seen her share of documentaries and horses, both on television, and at various farms and she felt her own needs suddenly grow pressing, the warmth between her thighs growing and growing.

Never in her wildest thoughts, had she ever considered what thoughts come to her right now and even the thought of a human male making love to her make her shudder and tremble. Sensing his mistresses discomfort, Samuel nuzzled and licked her muzzle and whickered at her, trying to soothe his mistresses distress.

"Samuel I...I know what what you want, but I - " Zalia whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

He nuzzled her, then twitched and his penis rubbed against her rump again, before he sighed in an almost human-like way and licked her muzzle tenderly.

"I mean I've never you know..." Zalia wept, as she caressed his velvety nose. "I've never mated before...let alone...with someone, like you."

He nuzzled her again and again, and his penis rubbed itself against her rump, before he gasped and a spurt of fluid spattered over her rump and the base of her tail. She gasped, as the hot, sticky fluid matted the striped fur, and if it was possible for him to once again show embarrassment, he did his best, by squeezing his eyes closed, then flattening his ears. Zalia laid her paw back long her stallion's shivering penis, then lightly caressed it. He whinnied at her, and it bucked in her paw, rubbing its flaring head against her rump and tail.

" know - " Zalia began, then bit her tongue and squeezed closed her eyes in shame, as she shivered and lightly caressed his penis.

He seemed to frown at her, then flicked his ears and nuzzled, as if to say he understood then he unfolded his legs from around her, before rolling over and standing up. Zalia stared up at him, as he stood with his penis half-erect, dribbling a clear, sticky fluid from its tip, and he whickered at her, then playfully nipped at her shoulder, encouraging her to stand up. Nervously, Zalia stood, then as Samuel moved in closer, he nuzzled her breasts and shoulder, before looking around and nudging her towards a sturdy tree, that leaned out over the water. Confused, Zalia walked over to it, then Samuel nuzzled and whiffled at her, nudging her back against the tree. When she pressed her back to it, he shook his head and nipped her lightly, before she understood and turned about. Using gentle nibbles and nudges, he made her move her legs back and apart, which the frightened young filly did. Her breasts pressed against the bark, her head hanging to one side of the tree, Zalia wrapped her arms and paws tightly around the trunk, then she gasped as Samuel playfully nibbled her rump, making Zalia wriggle down a little further, until she straddled a low slung branch and to her surprise, she found her hooves resting comfortably on the ground, and she could easily lay herself along the branch. Samuel nuzzled her tail, rump and legs, before he nipped her rump in a more meaningful and slightly painful way, making Zalia wriggle back further until her belly was pressed firmly against the branch.

Samuel wasted no time, watching his new mistress try to get herself comfortable, before he nipped her thighs, and Zalia gasped, parting them. He whuffled at her soothingly, before he lowered his nostrils to her tail, then gently snorted, rippling the fur of her rump and inner-thighs with his hot, moist breath. Zalia gasped and her tail instinctively rose, before Samuel nickered at her and his tongue licked her tail underside sliding around her tightly puckered anus and probing her warm, moist pubic thatch.

"Oh Samuel!" Zalia squealed, her tail rising higher, the brush at the end frizzling.

He sniffed, licked and nuzzled, before he carefully began nibbling up his new mistresses rump, and lower back straddling her with his powerful forelegs. As he moved up her trembling back, nickering encouragingly at her and licking her, she squirmed and began to cry softly, frighted but also aroused by the stallions gentle affections.

"Please if mate me please be careful!" Zalia wept unashamedly, a part of her wanting her stallion inside her young, virginal body, but another part ashamed and scared.

Samuel nickered again, then he edged even more cautiously, before he grunted and his erection slapped against her thighs. He closed his eyes and shivered, then his eyelids snapped open like window-shades, as he felt Zalia reach back with one paw, and grasp the underside of his penis. She squeezed it tightly, and he groaned, another spurt of pre-ejaculatory fluid spattering her thighs and rump, as she held him.

"I...I want you my stallion," Zalia wept, the tears flowing freely, as she glanced over her shoulder at him. "Yet I'm afraid I'm unbred a filly still and're a ...a stallion, a horse we shouldn't...I know I shouldn't...mate with you but - "

He flicked his ears forwards towards her, then nuzzled her shoulder and squirmed lightly rubbing his aching erection between her tight fingers, coating them in his fluids. As he tried to move forwards, Zalia loosened her grasp a little, then he shivered as she helped guide him between her thighs and the branch the tip of his penis just starting to part her dark folds. He groaned and looked down at her, stepping from one hoof to the other, realizing just how tight this strange, striped filly was. His eyes squeezed shut, and he trembled again, before he began to ever-so-gently, press his hind hips forwards feeling Zalia's body reluctantly give to him.

"Oh...oh god..." Zalia wept. "Please Samuel hurts!"

Samuel squeezed his eyes closed, trying to block out the painful cries that hurt his ears, as he grunted and moved forwards a tiny bit then felt Zalia's tight folds grow even tighter around him and he shuddered. Having mated real fillies, when they were old enough, Samuel knew the first mating was painful for the filly, yet as she tightened around his aching penis, he knew that breaking her, and making hr truly a mare, had to be done quickly. He gave a short, sharp nip to her shoulder, trying to distract her, as he lunged forwards and Zalia threw back her head and screamed in pain, as Samuel took her maidenhood in one thrust. He immediately pulled back, and began licking and nibbling Zalia's back and shoulders, as she cried and clutched the log on which she lay , feeling Samuel's penis just inside her body. He whickered at her, then eased himself forwards slightly, sliding a little easier into her, as Zalia grunted and bit her tongue, to stop herself from crying out.

As gentle as Samuel was, on this, their first mating, Zalia felt like he would surely do some terrible damage to her. Each gentle movement, made her cry out in pain, and he seemed to sense it. He nickered sadly at her, then stepped backwards, dismounting from her. Zalia gasped at the sudden dismount, then she felt warm blood dribbling down her thighs, and she grasped the log, biting down harder on her tongue. Her mother had explained, when a male first made love to her that it would hurt beyond anything Zalia had ever experienced but the pain would soon ease into pleasure if her partner was gentle and took his time.

Zalia wept in pain, shame and guilt, knowing she had been saving herself for her husband never in her life had she dreamed of mating a stallion not even one as obviously kind, and gentle, as what Samuel was. He looked at his crying and distressed mistress, her scent arousing, yet also confusing at the same time. Not understanding if he had done something wrong, he came up to her and licked at her salty cheeks, as if begging her to forgive him. For some time, Zalia cried like she had never cried before, and Samuel did his best to soothe his obviously distressed mate. Eventually, she cried herself out, and looked up into his dark, soulful eyes, and with a shaking paw, she stroked his muzzle, rubbing the sides with her semi-opposable thumb. He nibbled at her softly, before nuzzling her and she nodded at him, noticing his still half-erect penis trembling beneath his belly and she knew she could not bear to break his heart.

She would mate her stallion and forge a bond stronger than they already shared even though she knew little about the consequences.

"Samuel I...I'm sorry my beloved horse - " Zalia sniffled, as she wiped a paw across her watering eyes. "I I led you too you know...try and mate with me..."

Samuel's ears flicked forwards, and he merely blinked at her, not comprehending a word, but drawing comfort from her gentle stroking of his cheek. Zalia twisted herself onto her back, then she lay sprawled there, and shuddered. She gently pulled his head down towards her groin, and Samuel blinked, then snorted and shook his head. Zalia stroked his cheek again, then nodded and gently pulled him forwards. Reluctantly, the stallion obediently stepped forwards, then as Zalia spread apart her striped legs legs which were damp with blood and some of her stallions pre-ejaculatory fluids he cocked his head to the side and whinnied softly at her as if asking if she was sure she wanted to do this.

Samuel knew what to do his former mistress often mated him in this position, with her laying on a hay bale covered with a thick blanket, and he knew that the mounting was much easier and betides he could nuzzle his mistresses breasts and face, as he mounted her but he was still uncertain, knowing this young filly had never been fully mated, so it'd take every ounce of his self-control, to restrain his instincts. He carefully straddled Zalia, then she grasped his slippery shaft in her left paw, and guided its semi-erect head up against her pubic mound. Samuel shuddered, then with a gentle thrust, he slid himself partially inside her, his muscles tensing as he felt the tight vaginal walls squeeze down, and Samuel had to fight the instinct to come to full arousal and lunge.

"Oh...oh god..." Zalia cried, fresh tears spattering the corner of her eyes, as she felt the semi-erect penis of the stallion once again pushing its way into her body.

Samuel whinnied piteously, his scrotum aching bitterly for release, and every nerve in his body screaming for him to come to full erection and thrust but he battled his emotions, doing his best to try and please his new mistress and make her first mating as gentle, and pleasurable as he could, as he knew if he managed to do such then there was a chance, she would mate with him again and again. Easing another few inches inside her, Samuel was far from full penetration, yet each careful movement made Zalia cry out in pain for even at half-erection, this stallion was quite long, and thick and Zalia's now defiled vaginal walls squeezed tight because of her fear and pain, giving Samuel incredible pleasure but making his efforts at self control all the harder. He snorted and slid himself back, then carefully pushed forwards again before Zalia reached up and cupped his chin and began fearfully stroking his chin with her shaking paw.

Lowering his head, Samuel licked Zalia's still wet breasts, and began lightly suckling them remembering how his mistress found this pleasurable, whilst his penis slowly began to harden within her. Pain and pleasure, indivisible, began to fill Zalia, as the young Zebra-morph felt Samuel's erection growing and pushing deeper but his hot breath and warm tongue against her breast quickly overcome the pain as her stallion grunted and edged a little further up her body.

For forty-five minutes, they mated Samuel slowly coming for full erection within his young mare's increasingly willing body, his tongue and lips soon lathering both her breasts in hot, sticky saliva, and Zalia grabbed his ears in her paws, and Samuel grunted in pain, and bucked against her eliciting a sharp cry from Zalia. He rolled his eyes up to look at her, and she shivered and moaned softly then soothingly began to rub and massage his ears. Samuel had never had a mistress do this for him, and as his penis began to flare and more pre-ejaculatory fluids spurted into his strange mare, Samuel flinched and continued to slurp and suckle her breasts. He knew how sensitive his ears were, but he came to realize, as he tried a tentative buck against his new mistress if he hurt her, then she would squeeze his ears, digging her hoof-lets in, which in turn, made him more sensitive to her pain. He pulled back as far as he could, whilst she ran his ears between her clenched furred fingers, before he slid back in feeling her muscles relaxing as his penis began to throb and tremble.

Zalia in turn, felt the pain easing, with each slow, sensual movement of her stallion lover and she gasped, as her body began to sweat and then she wrapped her paws around Samuel's sweating neck, and she arched her hips against his before she grunted and buckled like a wild mare an orgasm striking with such intensity and power beyond anything Zalia had brought herself to in the past. Samuel whickered in fear, feeling his mistress pull tight against him, then as he felt her vaginal muscles begin squeezing and rippling, he grunted and held his own orgasm back until his exhausted mate collapsed onto the log, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

Samuel before he dismounted carefully, then backed away and turned to one side before he began slapping his wet, sticky penis against his own belly and with a hoarse, rasping squeal he began to ejaculate in strong, powerful spurts. His semen spattered his belly and forelegs, then splashed over the ground, as he ejaculated more and more, his tail flagging up and down in time with each belly-slap, until he finally felt the pressure ease and he let his tail droop down. He flinched as he felt Zalia lightly stroke his side, then he looked at his new mate, who wrapped her arms around his neck and began kissing his neck, cuddling him tight.

"Samuel I...what we did was wrong...yet were - " Zalia croaked, then buried her head against his neck. "You love I...would you, I mean...could we again...sometime..."

He flicked his ears, not understanding her, but her scent one of a freshly mated, and quite aroused, mare, made her intent clear. He whuffled through his nostrils, then nibbled her shoulder, before moving slowly towards the creek his penis slapping slowly from side to side, still dribbling a little bit, and Zalia followed him. Here, he stood up to his mid-chest in the water, and watched as Zalia began rubbing her groin and body, then dipped herself down in the water and up again, wetting her fur from throat to hooves, as she tried to wash off the horse sweat and from her groin, the sticky pre-ejaculatory fluids. When she was satisfied, she turned her attentions to Samuel, and began washing him clean. He whinnied when her paws lightly caressed his still half-erect penis, and she giggled weakly, giving it a gentle stroking, before she scrubbed his belly with her paws and did her best to wash him clean.

He patiently stood, feeling frustrated that he couldn't ejaculate within this strange mare, who was now, he was certain, his mate but like his former mistress he knew it would take time to build the bond of love and trust and for his new mare to get used to him mating with her. Content, he nickered at her and nibbled her shoulder, knowing she would surely come to love him, as much as he already did her and their matings would always remain secret and if he had his way he would bring her here, to make her his mare again and again, so long as she was willing, and by the cuddles and kisses she smothered him with, Samuel felt that wouldn't be a problem for either of them, in the times to come.