
Story by Unorthodox Romeo on SoFurry

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#1 of Whatever the Day Brings

WARNING: This story contains explicit scenes between two anthropomorphic teen males. If that's not your thing, or if you're not of legal age to view such material, please don't read it.

Any relation to any copyrighted characters or any other characters anyone else has ever written is completely coincidental and not plagiarism, I promise.

Here goes:



He plopped down on the edge of his bed, mouth gaping. The panther locking his bedroom door turned his head around, gave him a little wink, lifted his tail, and wiggled his butt along to the beat of the music softly pulsing two floors below. Ty really had to hand it to himself. This was his best idea ever. Officially. Yeah, Jason had taken care of most of the planning, picking out the booze, getting the word around about the party, but it had been Ty's idea to take advantage of his parents' prolonged absence in the first place. And he had made sure that Myles was invited, which was paying off more and more as the seconds ticked passed.

Myles strutted over to Ty and sat down next to him on the bed. He chuckled a bit as he ran his paw down Ty's shirt, letting his claws glide just gently enough through the ripples to send a shiver of anticipation through Ty's entire body.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Think of all the wasted nights you've spent up here, cold and lonely without my arms wrapped around you."

That was the corniest line Ty had ever heard, but he absolutely loved it. Yeah, he thought. Why didn't I say anything earlier?

"I guess I was just waiting for the right moment..." he said with a grin.

Myles chuckled again, a low, rich, subtle laugh. "Well, I'd say you picked the right one." He slid his hand up to cup Ty's cheek as he pulled him in for a kiss. Ty could have melted right there. He pressed passionately into Myles as their tongues danced and battled for territory in the other's mouth. After a short while, Myles pulled back and smirked deviously. "I guess that just means we'll have to make up for lost time."

And with that he swiftly whipped Ty's shirt off and dove in for another kiss, letting his hand roam freely between Ty's thighs.

Regaining a bit of his senses, Ty decided to take a more active role in the frivolities. He tugged on Myles's belt and pulled his fly open to reveal a bright red thong, which stood out like a candle in the darkest night next to his smoky black fur. "Planning ahead, I see?"

"Well, not planning... more like hoping..." said Myles as he began to nibble on Ty's ear.

"Mmm... you slick little bastard!" Ty giggled as he wrestled Myles down onto the bed. After pinning his arms and gazing into his eyes for a quick moment, Ty kissed him deeply again. His mouth was heaven. Ty felt warm and wet and just... happy... He couldn't explain it. It just felt...right. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this..." he whispered.

"I think I might. I've caught you eyeing my rump in the halls more than a few times."

Ty blushed underneath his chocolate fur. "You did?"

"Yeah, I thought it was cute. And I have to admit... I put on quite a show for you in the locker room that time we were alone in the showers. I was a little disappointed you didn't reciprocate."

"Well, I was a little nervous," Ty responded coyly.

"Well, you have no reason to be. You are the cutest little otter in school."

Ty grinned from ear to ear. No one had ever called him cute before. Well... no one had called him cute like that before. His mother didn't count.

Myles lifted his eyebrows and Ty caught the spark in his eye. Following his gut, he slithered down the bed a little ways and tugged Myles's pants the rest of the way down. His cock was absolutely beautiful. Everything he had imagined and more. Myles's musk suddenly kissed Ty's nostrils, and Ty inhaled deeply, loving the sweet, sweaty smell he had only dreamed about before. God, Myles was perfect. His chiseled six-pack jutted out through his pristine fur and tight tank top, his pecks rippled every time he moved, and he had never seen arms like Myles's. Ty actually found himself drooling a bit. He was about to lower his muzzle down for a taste of the glistening pre rolling down the smooth, soft underside of Myles's dick when a paw caught his chin.

"As much as I would love the attention, newcomers should always get to go first. Just so you don't go rushing in blindly," said Myles with a wink. Ty gushed inside. He had expected everything to be rushed, harsh, and unpleasant, through and through. But here he was being treated like a king. Could this night get any better?

Myles sat up and rustled the golden fur on Ty's chest as he pushed him down on his back. "You just relax and enjoy. I'll show you a few of the finer points of this art, then you can try your hand at it later, if you feel up to it, ok?"

Ty just nodded eagerly and relaxed, ready for his first lesson. Myles kept the one paw sweeping over Ty's torso, fingering his nipples whenever he crossed them, while he hooked his free thumb under the denim blocking him from his prize. He had waited for this just as long as Ty had, and his excitement shined through his bright blue eyes. As he slowly unzipped the fly, Myles licked his lips. So many ways to please his virgin lover, where to begin...

Ty hadn't realized how much pressure had build up in his groin until it was released and his own boner stood at a rigid attention. Myles chuckled again. "Looks like you don't mind the free lessons."

"Not at all! I'll be a quick learner with you- oh, god!" Ty gasped as Myles grasped his cock and slowly began stroking it tenderly. He took advantage of Ty's open mouth to lunge into another deep, loving kiss. Ty moaned into it and pressed back with a new fiery fervor. Every single nerve in his body was surging with the electricity of Myles's touch.

Myles wrapped his tail around Ty's leg as he broke the kiss once more and slowly lowered his mouth to Ty's groin, staring into his eyes all the while. But rather than going straight for the prize, Myles nuzzled Ty's balls first. He buried his nose into the furry sack and tongued the underside of his balls, eliciting a desperate howl from Ty. Myles chuckled again. "Patience is a virtue, baby. It'll be worth the wait, I promise."

But Ty had been patient for so long. For years he had gone along with the crowd, kept his head down, flew under the radar. He had hidden his true feelings since the beginning of puberty, and it was such a relief and joy to finally completely embrace the one thing he had sacrificed so long ago. He didn't care anymore what anyone thought, all that mattered was this moment. All that mattered was that he liked Myles, and Myles liked him right back, and they could be totally honest with one another for at least these few minutes.

"Alright, baby. I'll stop teasing." Myles said as he lifted his head again, poised with his mouth inches away from Ty's throbbing cock. Ty was panting, pleading with Myles internally to take his virginity, his pain, his lie away. Myles was only too happy to comply.

"It's a beautiful day here in Baltimore, with the temperature sitting at a balmy 83 today and a bright, sunny day all day long! Stick around for some more-" Ty slammed his paw down on the clock and rubbed his eyes, propping himself up on one elbow. He spotted the impressively large tent in the covers and flopped back down onto his pillow.

Holy shit... What a dream...

The otter rolled over to his side and tried to picture Myles sleeping next to him. He tried to recall his smell, the taste of his mouth, how his fur felt bristling against his own... but the longer Ty stayed awake, the farther away the memory of his dream faded.

His phone buzzed and he picked it up, annoyed that his fantasy was being interrupted.

Fuck, perfect timing... it was Jessie.

"Hey, babe, what's up?" he said in a hushed voice as he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up.

"Just calling to make sure you're awake!"

He chuckled. "How thoughtful of you..."

"Well you know you can't be late again. One more time and you get-"

"Saturday school, I know, I know..." He finished.

"That's right. And I'm not sure I could take that. What would I do without you on the weekends, huh?"

"I dunno, homework, maybe?"

"My senior year? Please..."

Ty smiled. "Well, look, I appreciate the thought, but I gotta go, or this call is gonna be a waste."

"Alright. I'll see you at school. Oh! And don't forget about Friday."

"What's Friday?"

"We're taking my sister to her gymnastics competition?"

"Oh, yeah... How could I forget?" He said dryly.

"Do you not wanna come? I could just leave you here you know..."

"No, no, I want to come. I'll be there, don't worry."

A vindictive giggle came from the other end of the line. "No you don't, but I love you for trying."

Ty's voice caught in his throat. There it was. "Uh... heh, yeah..." What was the problem? All he had to do was say it back. It didn't have to mean anything. She probably didn't even realize she said it. "I'll see you in a bit."

"Mmk, see ya!"

Ty hung up the phone and just stood in his room for a minute, letting the breeze from the open window rustle his fur. How could he get himself this far into a relationship then try to back out of it? He had known for a long time that he wasn't serious about this whole thing, but had he really gotten that deep into it without realizing it?

Well, like it or not, he was with Jessie. He had to deal with it one way or the other.

I can't just leave her out in the cold for no good reason. I guess until I have a real reason to tell her the truth I'll just go along with this. I mean, how hard could it be just to say three words?

He moved over to the mirror to practice. All he had to do was say it. Just say it. "Jessica, I love you..."

It sounded weak and halfhearted, but it was a start. Ty felt a little more confident and comfortable.

He went over to the laundry bin and found a towel that didn't smell too bad. But on his way to the bathroom he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror again, and what little confidence he had built up was shattered. He was still completely erect from the night before. Maybe he couldn't do this after all. He sighed and shook his head as he hauled himself over to the shower. It was going to be a rough morning.


So, this is my first story...ever... so let me know what you think! I'm planning on making this a full series with all the twists, turns, and drama of a soap opera (Except hopefully better quality) and plenty more yiffing. Please feel free to leave any and all feedback. Tell me if it's good, bad, awful, or even if I have no business ever writing a story again. I'm also open to suggestions for new material if you feel like leaving it, but I can't promise that I'll take all of the suggestions. Hope you enjoyed it!