To The Point

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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No folks. Hell hasn't frozen over, pigs still don't fly, and no they did not select today as the new end date for the Mayan calendar. It's only a new story from Apollo. Still you should take the time to contemplate the significance of this rare event....

Ok enough thought, time to read some smutty story.

I hope you like it and please feel free to leave some feedback and tell me what you think.

If you're lucky, this kinda thing might happen more than once in a blue moon and you'll be seeing more from me sooner rather than later.

To The Point

By Apollo Wolf

The following is a fictional account of fictional events happening to fictional people. If the fictional circumstances of this story disturb you in any way please accept my fictional apology. If you are not interested in fictional gay situations or do not have a legal right to view such fictional leanings you should look elsewhere for your fictional entertainment.

Calvin rounded the curve in the trail and felt the gravel slide a little beneath his feet. He only slowed his pace for a moment as he allowed himself to adjust to the changing terrain. Fortunately his favorite pair of five toed running shoes was up to the task. He picked up speed again as the bright spring sunshine filtered down through the new growth of leaves on the trees. It was unnaturally warm for the season and Calvin wasn't about to pass up the chance to get outside and get some color on his skin other than the pale white that came with being covered up all winter. He had long since taken off his shirt and tucked it into the back of his nylon running shorts and now enjoyed the warm breezes playing across his bare sweat-soaked chest. Even if he was the type to feel self-conscious about showing off his physique, which he wasn't, it didn't matter since he hadn't seen another person on this trail since he left the parking lot.

Running was a chance for Calvin to decompress from a stressful day at work and something he had been doing since he started participating in cross country way back in junior high. Back then, it was just something he was good at but had no real purpose other than to win. Now it was a great way to keep in shape although it wasn't helping him in his current goal of adding any extra muscle mass. He had always been the skinny guy, seemingly without an ounce of fat on him, but never much muscle to him either. Since he moved to town after college, he had joined a local gym and had a circle of friends he had met there and worked out with but no matter how much weight training he added to his routine he just couldn't seem to add on the muscle.

Today had been a particularly hard day at the office, as the saying goes. He had lost one patient and that was bad enough. But the two he had to put down were even worse. Having to face families as they made this most difficult decision and then having to carry out their wishes was the worst part of being a veterinarian. Calvin tried to let the tension of the day bleed away as he ran along the trail, giving up his worries to the passing scenery and the burning of his muscles. He was so lost in his thoughts as he crossed the trail along the edge of a meadow stream that he didn't notice the large black shape up ahead until he was almost right on top of it. At first he thought it was just a shadow but then he realized it was too dark, almost like a black hole in the middle of a small stand of trees, he couldn't see anything through or past it.

As he got even closer he let himself skid to a halt when he saw it move and finally could make out the outline of what looked like a horse. The large animal's deep black fur coat made it hard to distinguish but now up close he could see a silvery white mane and tail blending in with the bright light on the surrounding leaves. Calvin looked around to see if there was anybody nearby, a rider for this beautiful mount or some other reason to explain why this horse would be out here in the middle of nowhere, but there was nobody in sight. Calvin slowly walked up closer and he could hear the animal's slow heavy breathing and it suddenly started to thrash about in place. That was when Calvin noticed that she seemed to be trapped somehow. Heavy cords of barbed wire seemed to be tangled about its neck and legs. Some of the barbs had clearly pierced its skin, murky streams of blood matting down the already dark glossy coat.

Even if he wasn't trained to help, there was no way Calvin could just turn away from an animal in pain. He pulled the shirt form the waistband of his shorts and ripped it in two before wrapping the cloth around his hands. He walked up slowly to the horse, he didn't want to spook her and make her hurt herself even more.

"Easy there, easy. I'm going to help get you out of this ok," He said soothingly as he stepped in close enough to run his hands along the horse's sides.

The animal looked back over its shoulder at him and seemed to consider this, almost relaxing slightly as it blinked at him with large dark eyes, its ears still perked up and swiveling, alert for more danger.

"Ok there girl, I'm going to get your legs free first." He said squatting down by his front right leg. "Oh, excuse me, boy, take it easy now big guy, I'll have you out in a jiff." Calvin added as he could now see the large set of male equipment between his hindquarters.

Calvin looked back to the front leg and the coil of wire wrapped around its ankle. The wire itself didn't seem that thick or robust but it did have an odd green tint to the metal that almost seemed to glow. Calvin ran his hand down along the horse's strong leg trying to keep him calm, he was concerned about the horse but Calvin didn't fell like being trampled for his troubles either. He gently took hold of the wire and tried to loosen it with what slack was available. Finally he had a loop large enough and he firmly prodded the horse to get him to lift his leg slightly. The large beast complied and Calvin slowly slipped the loop of sharpened wire past the gleaming white fur just above its hoof and off his leg.

"There you go, that wasn't so bad now was it boy?" Calvin asked the horse as he stood back up. "One down right?" he patted his neck. It was almost as if the animal nodded his head in approval. Calvin patted his shoulder and noticed an odd patch of white fur just behind its shoulder. The shape of the patch was rather striking and Calvin thought it almost resembled some sort of long handled axe.

It was on the other front leg that Calvin's grip slipped a touch and accidently cut into the horse's skin. To its credit the animal didn't jump too much but the sudden reflexive jerk did pull the razor wire out of Calvin's grasp only to have it slash his own forearm and leave a deep gash that immediately started to bleed. Calvin bit back a curse and grunted in pain at the burning sensation shooting up his arm. He calmly tore another scrap of cloth off his t-shirt and tied it around his arm before returning to his task of freeing the horse.

His hind legs proved to be no problem and Calvin was able to untangle the wire there without incident, leaving just a few coils somehow wrapped around its neck. Stepping around to the front of the horse he sensed it now trusted him and was waiting patiently to be completely freed. Calvin stepped in close so he could reach around the thick neck, patting him gently as he did so. He found himself staring at the birthmark-like patch on his shoulder again as he carefully lifted the wire, slowly clearing the horse's large ears as he lifted it over his head. Just like that, the horse was free.

Just like that the large animal reacted as well. Suddenly he reared up neighing loudly as he kicked out with his forelegs. Calvin stumbled backwards to trying to get clear as the sudden change in temperament caught him off guard.

"Whoa! Whoa there boy," Calvin shouted trying to calm him. "It's ok; I'm here to help remember. I got you ... oh my god!"

The horse settled back heavily to the ground and Calvin's reassurances died in his throat. There on the horse's forehead above the bridge of its nose was a gleaming silver spire, a horn!

'I'm certain that wasn't there before, hell it shouldn't be there now!' his mind shouted out.

The newly appeared spire was probably about fourteen inches long and about two inches in diameter at its base. It twisted and spiraled up to a sharply pointed tip. The entire thing glistened like a silver dollar and Calvin's mind rebelled against what his eyes were seeing. All his school training told him this animal didn't exist, and here he was standing in front of what could only be described as a unicorn.

He was still coming to grips with what he saw when the horse reared again, this time bucking forward in a surge and catching Calvin across the chest with one heavy hoof that sent him sprawling across the forest floor. He clutched at his chest just trying to breathe as the air had been knocked out of him. He rolled over in the leaves and dirt, getting to his hands and knees, when the unicorn suddenly charged him again. Just like before he didn't have time to react and he found himself screaming out as he felt a sharp stabbing pain shoot through his lower back. He struggled to sit upright but could only look underneath his body and gasped at the sight of the tip of the unicorn's horn protruding from his lower abdomen.

Calvin felt the animal pull back away, extracting its horn from him with excruciating pain. He felt like he was going to black out from the intensity of the sensation. He could feel his shorts growing hot as they soaked up the blood that was now pouring from him, both front and rear. His hands shook as he unwound the remains of his shirt that he had wrapped around them before pressing the cloth against the wound, again screaming out in pain. He panted and heaved for breath, feeling the urge to vomit. Belatedly he glanced around to see if the creature was going to charge again to finish him off, only to find it gone. It had disappeared completely. He looked across the meadow and didn't see a thing, nor was anything visible when he peered into the shadowy blackness of the woods.

The disappearance of the unicorn was the least of his worries right now though. Survival took precedence. Somehow he had to get back to his car where he could call for help from his cell phone. He kept his hands pressed to his back and stomach as he got to his feet, fighting back against a sudden lightheadedness. Calvin slowly staggered back the way he had come along the trail, blood now seeping through the soaked fabric of his shirt and through his fingers. As much as he liked the solitude of this park he had never hoped so hard for a crowd of joggers in all his life. Several times he felt sure he wasn't going to make it as his limbs started to feel a little numb and cold but he wasn't about to give up. Almost his entire left leg was painted red with blood and sweat as he staggered off the trail at last and found his car was still the only one in the parking lot, laughing giddily at the sight of the Mustang.

He dug his spare key out of the pocket of his shorts and unlocked his car but even as he reached in for his phone in the center counsel he felt the blackness that had been edging his vision start to grow. With his heart racing he felt clammy and feverish at the same time and he could no longer fight back the pain. Passing out lying across the driver's seat, strange visions floated before his eyes. A flash of black fur and silvery mane outside the passenger window opposite him, the odd sensation of being lifted into the car and the hazy image of an ax shaped tattoo floated before his fluttering eyelids.


Calvin slowly came to, golden-pink late evening sunshine streaming through his windshield warming his bare chest. It was odd. The first thing he noticed was that he was sitting upright behind the wheel in the driver's seat. It took him several seconds longer to remember where he was and realize that he wasn't in any pain. He tried to bring his hands to his face but smacked them on the steering wheel instead. This brief flash of pain helped to clear the cobwebs from his brain as more memories rushed in. Quickly he looked down and was shocked by the sight of his blood soaked leg and crimson stained shorts. The one thing he didn't see was a wound.

He rubbed his fingers over the spot on his abdomen where he remembered seeing the unicorn's horn poking through him and there wasn't even a bump. He leaned forward in his seat but couldn't see over his shoulder clearly enough but after a brief exploration with his hands he could detect only a small welt on his back. It was so damn peculiar. It wasn't like he could have imagined what had happened, there was too much evidence to the contrary, the blood, the torn remnants of his shirt, even the piece he used to bandage the cut on his arm. Calvin removed the cloth around his forearm and was surprised again but this time he found the damage was still visible. The gash he had sliced open with the razor wire was still there, though this had actually scabbed over.

His mouth felt parched and he reached over for a bottle of water he had left on the passenger seat. Taking a swig he glanced back around the parking lot and saw he was still the only car there. Could somebody have come by and helped him into his car and left without doing anything else to aid him. That possibility didn't seem that likely to him, but then again what was realistic when you had been gored by a unicorn? In the end there was nothing more to do about but start the car and head for home.

Back at his house Calvin got showered up and cleaned off the dried blood on his hands and leg. Even as he rinsed under the warm water he still ran his hands over the spots where he had been run through. He was able to check himself in the mirror afterwards and see that in fact there was no wound on his back though there was a faint outline of a circular scar that was light shade of blue rather than the red he would have expected. Perhaps it was only a bruise. Maybe the blood had all come from the cut on his arm and when the horse knocked him back he landed on some rocks and hit his head. Calvin decided he would have to watch himself for any other signs of a concussion. Like if he hallucinated about more unicorns, he laughed to himself. Drifting off to sleep that night he had almost convinced himself he had imagined the whole thing.


Waking up the next morning he was half way through his usual routine of getting ready for work before he even remembered the strange events of the previous day. With the added benefit of a few hours of sleep the possibility that he had been stabbed by a unicorn seemed even more like a dream. He found he still had the bruise near the small of his back and the scab covering the cut on his arm had grown even darker tinged with a small bit of green but other than that there were no lingering effects from whatever had happened. He continued to dress and while adjusting his tie in the mirror he decided that he definitely needed to get a haircut that afternoon as he was getting rather shaggy.

Despite the odd start, his day couldn't have gone any better. His secretary, Joyce, and his assistant Tina had gotten the animal clinic open before he had arrived and his appointments had all been laid out before him. Even with a few of his more temperamental patients on the slate all of the animals were exceptionally well behaved for him today. One cat in particular, Saber, which Calvin was convinced was short for Saber tooth Tiger, didn't even hiss at him when he had to give it his shots. It was almost as if all of the animals were just more docile around him than usual today, and whatever the reason he certainly wasn't going to argue.

With everything going so smoothly he was actually able to close up on time for once and made it to the barber shop for a trim. With his blond locks cut back to a more professional style he made his way over to the gym to meet up with his best friend for a workout.

"Hey Jake, how's it going?" Calvin asked after finding his buddy already warming up on one of the elliptical machines.

"Hey Cal, you, know same old Wednesday bull shit. Whoa man! What'd you do to your arm? You weren't trying out more alligator dentistry were you?"

"What happened to your face, trying your own plastic surgery again?"

"Ha ha, ok seriously, what did you do?"

"Nothing just got cut on some wire yesterday." Calvin said shrugging off the comment.

"Well I would keep an eye on it if I were you. It looks like it might be infected."

"Jake, I think I know what an infection looks like. Besides it feels fine. It's probably just some dirt or something that clotted with the blood, don't worry about it okay." Calvin tried to respond nonchalantly but even he was slightly concerned about the odd appearance of the wound.

"No prob man. Hey are you still going to join Amy and me for dinner on Friday, it's a special night. Six month anniversary since you introduced us."

"You know I'm really happy you two are hitting it off so well but I don't want to intrude. I always feel like the third wheel when I tag along with you guys," Calvin shook his head as he upped the speed on his machine.

"Maybe we like having a third wheel," Jake added while matching Calvin's speed setting.

"Jake that is just weird, Amy is like my sister and when you say things like that it really creeps me out."

"Oh come on, it's no more than you do to me every time you go into detail about your nightlife."

Calvin nudged the resistance on the elliptical higher, still trying to get his pulse up, "What nightlife?"

"Ok so we just need to find you a date for Friday night," Jake responded with a note of triumph in his voice as he started to pant.

"I'll find my own dates thank you very much."

Their conversation wavered back and forth as they finished their warm ups and moved to the weight machines for the start of their real workout. Jake was nearly out of breath when they stepped off the cardio equipment but Calvin had hardly broken a sweat. Paying it no mind, Calvin focused on the rest of their workout. He really wanted to work his leg muscles pretty heavy so they decided to save those for last and hit shoulders and arms first. The entire time Jake would just not let up though and kept insisting they had to find someone for Calvin.

"Come on Cal, stop being such a baby. Just go out with him once."

"No Jake you're not setting me up with anybody! Unless... you can set me up with somebody like him."

Just then Calvin had spotted a guy enter the gym and head straight for the free weights. The guy was absolutely breathtaking. He was probably about Calvin's height but with a much more muscular build, and one that he was showing off to perfection beneath the red spandex mock turtle neck he wore and the skin tight pair of black running tights. His ample black hair was styled into unruly spikes, while his smooth chiseled face had an attractive glow to it despite the harsh fluorescent lights of the gym.

"Oh come on you don't even know if he's gay." Jake grunted as he placed the dumbbells they had been using back on the rack.

"He has to be. Not even god could be so cruel as to show me somebody as hot as that and make him straight. Who is he; I don't think I've seen him before?" Calvin said as he led Jake over to the next exercise.

"I'm pretty sure he has to be new, I think I saw him getting a tour of the club the other day with Frank. Hey! Pay attention Cal, you're gonna hurt yourself with that much weight!"


Calvin was so focused on the new guy and watching his every move that as they walked up to the squat rack he didn't take all the weights off the barbell from the previous user who must have been a power lifter as it was loaded up with nearly three hundred pounds. The funny thing was that Calvin had just lifted it clean off the ground like it was nothing. He barely felt the weight. He quickly set it back down and looked up at Jake's shocked and puzzled expression.

"How the hell did you do that?"

"I'm not sure." Calvin said honestly. He stepped away scratching his head while Jake stepped up to the bar and found he could barely budge it.

"What is this, some sort of trick?" Jake asked when he finished straining to lift the load.

"I told you I don't know. Come on let's try another machine."

The moved over to the smith machine which was already set up for a hack squat. The both of them loaded the bar up with weight; Jake struggled with each large plate he stacked on while Calvin was able to carry them like they were made of Styrofoam. Once again Calvin was able to lift the barbell with ease.

"This is just too weird. Maybe we should take a break." Calvin said setting the weight down with a thud.

"Why? It doesn't even look like you're breaking a sweat." Jake laughed. "We should try some more."

"Come on man I'm serious."

"Oh fine, be a buzz kill. Hey at least you're managing to gain some new admirers." Jake jerked his head towards the free weights where the guy they had spotted earlier was doing shoulder presses with a pair of massive dumbbells.

Calvin looked over and caught the stranger's gaze, even from this distance he could make out the dazzlingly bright blue of his eyes. The guy didn't bother to look away when he was caught staring; he just smiled back and gave a slight nod. Calvin acknowledged him and felt himself blush as he turned back to Jake.

"Told you he had to be gay," Calvin muttered.

"Maybe, he could just be as shocked as I am by how much your skinny butt is lifting. Even if he is into you, are you gonna make the first move and go talk to him?"

"Next time, right now I've got bigger things to figure out than my next date," Calvin added as he unloaded the weights that felt light as a feather from the bar.

"Right, well let me know how that works out for your night life. By the way you might want to get a haircut before we go out this Friday, you're starting to look like an eighties rock star."

"What? I just..." he trailed off as he looked into the mirror and sure enough his hair had grown back even more than before, falling down to his shoulders like a rather unkempt mullet.

"I gotta go, I'll talk to you later ok," Calvin said as he ran a hand through his hair and walked away. On the way out he did his best not to look over at the stranger, though he could feel his eyes following him all the way to the door.


The blaring radio of the alarm clock was not a welcome sound the next morning. Calvin had stayed awake half the night trying to figure out what was happening to him with no success. He didn't so much climb out of bed as slide out before slouching into the bathroom. The bright incandescent light was painfully blinding but when his vision cleared he still wasn't sure he was seeing things right in the mirror. His reflection simply didn't make sense. If anything his blond hair was even longer than the night before but now the rest of his body was different too. All of a sudden he looked completely ripped. His muscles stood out in perfect definition across his chest and shoulders while his eight pack abs formed an impressive v leading down into his boxer shorts. His biceps were enormous and even the veins stood out beneath his taught skin down his forearms. The only thing out of place was the puckered scar that snaked down his one arm. The cut from the other day had almost completely healed over with much of the scabbing now gone, though the wound still had a slightly off color green to it. Otherwise this seemingly minor issue didn't detract from his impressive physique.

Calvin smiled at this new puzzlement but wasn't about to argue with the results. If his hair grew a little fast he could put up with it in return for looking like this. Still he had to try and do something to try and appear normal. First he shaved then took out his own pair of hair clippers and proceeded to buzz cut his scalp down to about a quarter inch of stubble. After a quick jump in the shower he got dressed for work even though his shirt and tie now felt rather tight over his bulked up frame. He was really starting to feel good about things by the time he pulled in to the lot at his clinic but that changed again when he walked in the door and the first words out of his receptionists mouth were, "Dr. Ryder you really should consider getting a haircut soon."

Sighing, Calvin reached up and ran his hand over his head, expecting to feel his fuzzy buzz cut and came across long thick hair again. "Yeah Joyce, I guess I'm just trying for a new look. I suppose I'm still getting used to it."

In the end he had no choice but to grab a rubber band off her desk just so he could pull it back and keep it out if his face in a somewhat neater pony tail. The rest of the day progressed easily, just like the day before the animals under his care all seemed more inclined to cooperate with him than usual. The only major distraction was his reflection. Every time he caught sight of his long hair or the tightness of his shirt beneath his lab coat he would jump lightly, as if it was somebody else looking back at him. He wasn't the only one staring though, both Joyce and Tina seemed to be having a hard time keeping their focus around him and more than one of his customers had been flirting uncontrollably.

With relief the work day finally ended and Calvin could escape to his own concerns by going to the gym. An added bonus was that he wouldn't have to deal with Jake today. Jake usually worked late on Thursdays which allowed Calvin to work on his cardio at his own pace. Though he wasn't shy or self conscious he was never the type to linger in the locker room for all that long before. Today he didn't seem to mind as much though. Stripping down to his briefs he stood in front of his locker for an extended period of time trying to decide what to include in his workout for the day. Ultimately the decision was made for him. He had taken a quick look around the room and managed to catch a glimpse of the same black-haired Adonis he had locked eyes with the day before. This time he was wearing a steel grey surfing rash guard and a tightly packed pair of blue jammer length speedo shorts as he headed out to the pool. With very little hesitation Calvin dropped his underwear and grabbed his own swim trunks out of his locker and pulled them on.

A quick scan around the area showed the pool to be a rather busy place. A number of people were lounging in the whirlpools while a small group of children and their accompanying parents were gathering for a swim lesson in the recreational pool. The lanes of the lap pool were all taken and in most cases shared by multiple swimmers. Calvin didn't have to look too hard to spot his target in the farthest lane, fortunately all by himself. Calvin could only hope this wouldn't end up embarrassing himself too much. He wasn't a proficient swimmer by any means; he mostly just liked to play around in the pool. This guy, however, was cutting through the water like a fish, covering the length of the pool and flipping through his turns like a pro.

Calvin stood at the lip of the pool watching the stranger coming toward him mesmerized by his fluid movements. He thought he could spot a flash of recognition and a nod of approval as the swimmer hit the wall and turned to start his next lap, though it was possible he just imagined it. He jumped in the water letting the difference in air and water temperature shock him slightly back to some sort of concentration. He waited until the other was nearly at the wall on the far side before he pushed of and did his best to look like he knew what he was doing. His own motions were nowhere near as smooth as the stranger's but for the first lap or so he held his own and he managed to match the pace being set, passing his target in roughly the center of the pool. Before long he started to slow however and was being overtaken on nearly every lap. He had to stop and take a break every couple of lengths and he did his best to stay out of the way, hoping against hope that he wasn't just pissing him off.

Blessedly after about forty-five minutes they came to a stop on opposite ends of the pool. Calvin had probably only done one lap for every three the other swimmer had done. The stranger had jumped out of the water and now sat on the edge of the pool, shaking out his deep black hair, his hard body glistening beneath the skintight spandex swimwear. Calvin sucked it up and gave every last bit of effort he could to come up with a passable swimming stroke for the final half lap. He finally tapped the wall right between the other's half submerged legs and had to peel his own longer hair out of his face only to find himself looking directly into the other's crotch. As tantalizing as the prospect of being in this position was, Calvin quickly backed away and forced his gaze upwards to the other's face.

"Sorry about that, I didn't realize you'd still be here by the time I managed to make it across the pool." Calvin said feeling his entire body flush red despite the cool temperature of the water.

"No problem, man," he said with deep smooth voice. "I was actually waiting for you to finish."

"Really? Look I'm sorry if I got in your way it's just that all the other lanes had at least two swimmers already." Calvin sputtered apologetically.

"Relax. No need to apologize. You didn't bother me at all. I just wanted to say hi is all. I've seen you around here a bit and I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Blake by the way." He said with a gorgeous grin.

Despite his semi-submerged state, Calvin suddenly felt like a fish out of water. He wasn't that accustomed to having cute guys go out of their way to meet him, well outside of the clubs anyway. "Ummm, Calvin. My friends just call me Cal though."

"Well Cal, it's nice to finally meet you," Blake said standing up and offering a hand to help Cal out of the water.

Calvin took Blake by the wrist while his own forearm was similarly grasped and Blake pulled him up out of the pool with ease. Just that simple touch sent a bit of a thrill through Calvin and he found himself standing in front of the other man holding on to his arm for a few seconds longer than he needed to just to prolong the contact. It wasn't until he looked down away from Blake's beaming smile that he noticed a shocking similarity between their joined arms. On his own forearm the jagged greenish scar stood out plainly from just below his elbow to where it disappeared beneath Blake's hand while Blake had a similar scar that encircled his wrist two or three times and matched it in color.

"See ya round then," and with a wink Blake turned and walked away.

Calvin could only stand there with the questions he was dying to ask still stuck in his throat. He was in his car on the way home and he still couldn't decide if he was more upset with himself for not asking about the scar or not asking Blake out for a date.


The next day it was definitely about the date. He was pretty sure he had dreamt about the guy as he had woken up with some serious morning wood and it just didn't want to go away all day. It was made all the worse by the constant text reminders from Jake about the double date that night despite Cal's lack of a partner. At least by this point Calvin had given up on trying to shorten his hair so he saved some time getting to work that morning. That and one of the benefits of running his own clinic was that he got to set his own hours and as such they always closed up early on Fridays.

The gym that afternoon was something of a fiasco though. First, Jake kept pestering him about what type of steroids he was taking since there was no way he could have had such a rapid change to his musculature. Secondly, Calvin was completely distracted since he was constantly on the lookout for Blake. His last mistake was that he told Jake what it was that was distracting him.

"Oh so you finally made a move did you?" Jake laughed as he reset the lat machine.

"No I didn't make a move. We just said hello is all."

"Yeah but he said it first. So what were you waiting for?"

"I don't know ok, I didn't know what to do."

"Oh come on Cal! I'm straight and even I would ask a guy that hot, who went out of his way to say hi to me, for his number."

"Would you just drop it already, it's no big deal."

"Clearly it is a big deal. You're getting a hard-on just thinking about him." Jake snickered.

"Oh shit," Calvin let the weight stack slam down only drawing more attention to himself when he least wanted it. Sure enough his cock had displayed a mind of its own as was producing an alarming mound in his shorts. He dropped his hands in a feeble attempt to cover himself but touch his crotch only made matters worse.

"You know maybe we should call it quits. I need to get cleaned up for Amy and you need to cool off."

"Yeah maybe that would be best," Calvin said trying to keep a towel in front of himself.

"Right. Domingo's at 7:30 then. See you later." Jake added punching Calvin in the shoulder before walking away.

Perhaps it was for the best that he didn't run into Blake today. Even though he desperately wanted to Calvin wasn't sure he could handle it at the moment. He certainly couldn't bring himself to shower at the gym and even while getting ready for dinner at home his erection just wouldn't go away. Leaving for the restaurant, the clear moonless night sky sparked above him and for some reason made him feel very relaxed.

It was when he was inside at the restaurant that he felt tense and uncomfortable. It really didn't have anything to do with playing third wheel to Jake and Amy; he usually enjoyed their company and liked hanging out with them. It also didn't have anything to do with Jake ribbing him about being dateless again or not making a move on the new guy at the gym. Only part way through the appetizer though Calvin decided that a lot of his tension centered on his groin after all, in fact he found he was getting hard again and couldn't stop himself. It was all he could do just to ignore it but halfway through dinner it just became too much. His clothes felt too tight and his entire body seemed to itch and then there was the non-stop pulsing of his cock.

"Look guys, as much as I appreciate all this I really think I should be going." Calvin said feeling another odd twinge centered on his groin.

"Cal come on, you can't just retreat back home at the first sign of adversity. Look around there are plenty of other guys here!" Jake goaded him.

"It's not that, I just don't feel right tonight okay."

"Now that you mention it you do look a little pale." Amy added.

Jake snorted, "Great now he's faking illness to get away."

"Trust me I've been feeling nauseated enough just watching you two play kissy face all night. But I'm telling you, I really feel like I need to go home and lie down." Calvin commented as he got up from the table trying to hide his aroused state.

"Sure, give me a call if you want to do anything this weekend ok bud." Jake said while Cal gave Amy a kiss on the cheek goodbye.

He carefully maneuvered his way between the crowded tables, doing his best to conceal his tented slacks. Outside in the gathering dusk, the tightness in Calvin's chest seemed to intensify. He felt feverish as a cold sweat broke out across his forehead and his arms and legs felt tingly. Finding his car he fished in his pocket for the keys and dropped them before fumbling with them as he tried to pick them up with hands that had suddenly gone a little numb. Calvin winced at the sound of the grinding gears in his poor mustang as his hand kept coming to rest on his swollen crotch rather than the shifter. He tried to concentrate on the road as he drove, forcing himself to ignore the strange sensations that kept coursing though his body. A bright pair of headlights in the rearview mirror made him glance up and he nearly swerved off the road when he caught a glimpse of his own reflection. He face was definitely swollen especially around his mouth and nose. He reached up and ran a finger around the edge of his ear which looked bigger and pointier than it should. He slammed his foot down on the accelerator and let his tires screech on the asphalt as he raced home, taking his chances with the traffic laws in his haste.

His car had barely come to a stop in his driveway when he bolted inside his house and straight to the bedroom mirror. He was startled by his own appearance. His face was severely swollen with his mouth pushing outward and his nose flattening out. His skin was pale, almost as white as his dress shirt. Calvin leaned in real close and could see that the pale color wasn't actually his skin; instead a fine layer of fuzzy hair had grown in completely covering the surface of his face. His blond hair had lengthened again and he could feel it bunching up on his neck beneath the collar of his shirt. His ears were easily three inches tall and it looked like they were still growing.

"Oh god. What the hell is this?" He moaned as his entire body started to shake.

He felt an itchy crawl, spread across his skin and he was certain he was growing more hair. His clothing started to feel tight and Calvin realized he was getting bigger. In the midst of all of this an intense wave of pleasure unexpectedly flared outward from his groin. His cock had surged again thrusting out beneath his slacks to an almost painful degree. He grunted again as he uncontrollably pushed his hips forward, humping into the air while his cock pulsed with tremendous need for release. He was so caught off guard by the sudden action of his dick that he failed to notice a similar throbbing coming from the seat of his pants.

Threads ripped and buttons popped as Calvin's body kept growing, tearing through his clothes. He groped helplessly at his crotch as his infinitely hard prick strained beneath the fabric. It didn't take long before it could no longer be contained. The seams ripped loudly, almost as loud as Calvin's groans, as his pants tore front and back. From the front spilled a prick much too large to belong to Calvin, falling almost down to his knees this thick python had become pale to the point of being white and the head had flattened and flared out into an inhuman shape. From his rear, a cascade of golden blond hair had erupted through the seat of his pants, pushing outward and falling back to the floor to form a flowing tail.

As fascinated as he was by the sudden appearance of a tail and the shocking alterations to his cock, Calvin wasn't able to focus on it for very long before his head started to pound and throb. It wasn't so much pain as it was just pressure, pushing out on all sides of his skull but most of all through his forehead. He scrunched his eyes together and grimaced as a knot formed in the center of his forehead and gradually swelled outward. He blinked back tears in his watering eyes and before long he didn't need to look in the mirror to see it grow, he could simply look up and see his skin push outward. Just as suddenly as it had started the skin spilt apart, punctured by a slightly metallic looking growth that continued to extend further and further out. In moment a large golden spire jutted proudly upward from his head.

Calvin stood there in dumbfounded shock as his body continued to change, the rest of his clothes ripping away as his muscles and bones creaked and groaned with their growth. His attention though was inexorably and uncontrollable drawn back to his hard throbbing cock. A white furred sheath had formed around its base by now and his balls had grown by several orders of magnitude. His hands felt numb and stiff as he grabbed his straining shaft, shuddering with the ultimate realization that this gargantuan cock was indeed his. He throttled his member slowly, stroking up and down its ponderous length as the velvety skin grew slick with an endless stream of pre bubbling forth from the tip. The need to come was overwhelming but his hands were becoming increasingly difficult to control as he rubbed his dick. He looked down and noticed his nails looked thick and black, and growing longer as his fingers fattened. Seconds passed and Calvin found he was no longer able to hold on to his equipment, he could only stare as his fingers melded and his nails grew together forming a heavy set of hooves.

With his amazement and frustration growing, Calvin could only cradle his large cock with his forearms trying desperately for some sort of release. Soon even that was no longer an option when his hips snapped forward and realigned themselves. He was forced down onto all fours, his feet long since having ripped through his shoes to become hooves in their own right. His body grew larger into more equine proportions, filling out with bone, sinew, and muscle. His neck ached as it realigned itself and a snort and whiney escaped his lips while his throat and tongue changed inside a much larger muzzle that now dominated his face.

Then, as quickly as it all started, the changes finished and Calvin was left standing on all fours in his bedroom, his long face staring into the mirror at the reflection of a horse, or rather a unicorn, with the golden horn atop his head. His coat of white fur gleamed brightly, accented by the rich golden yellow mane and tail and glossy black hooves. These changes left him utterly confused and completely in need with his equine cock hanging heavily from between his rear set of legs.

While his bedroom may have been large by human standards it was certainly no place for a unicorn. He stumbled and tripped over furniture as he tried out the use of his altered legs, accidentally kicking out and putting a large hole in the closet door. Doing the only thing he could think of he jumped slightly, managing to straddle the end of his bed as his horse-like body thrust forward, rubbing his hard cock over the soft fleece blanket. Calvin humped against the bed wildly for several minutes, smashing it against the wall with his powerful strokes, before felt his nuts contract and unload into his cock. One load was not enough to supply this length of hose though and his balls coursed again and again until a thick stream of spunk was rocketing through his shaft and spraying across his sheets. With a neigh of triumph Calvin gloried in the intensity of this all consuming release.


Before he even opened his eyes Calvin first took a deep breath and noticed the heady musk that surrounded him, the air positively reeked of spunk and wet fur. That was his first indication that what he had experienced couldn't have just been a dream. He forced his eyes open and looked around at the disastrous state of his bedroom in the bright morning light and confirmed that something bizarre had taken place. He was naked and curled up on the floor, but at least he was human. The mattress had been knocked askew on the bed while the headboard had nearly been pushed through the wall. The nightstands were overturned, with one of them crushing his alarm clock. His dresser was tipped to the side against the wall and his clothes from last night were reduced to shreds. Then there was the drippy white remnant of a copious amount of come. The bed was positively soaked in it and there were streams and splatters on nearly every wall.

"Oh fuck. What the hell is happening to me," he wondered aloud.

He staggered to the bathroom and looked over his body in the mirror. Thankfully he could find no trace of the beast he had become the night before, only the long blond hair on his head remained. Calvin ran his hands over his forehead and found no evidence that a golden spike had forced its way through his skin, nor was there any indication he had ever possessed a tail. Even though he found himself getting hard at the thought of the impressive nature of the equine phallus he had acquired, his human prick was quite normal in appearance.

From the other room his phone started ringing and he had to tear himself away from the mirror to go and answer it. It took him an extra minute to find the handset under a pile of damp spunk soaked bed sheets.


"Cal, hey man I was starting to worry. You were supposed to meet me a half an hour ago for our workout. After the way you left last night I was starting to worry about you. You feeling ok?" Jake rattled off in rapid succession.

"What, oh damn. Right. Sorry Jake, just overslept is all. Yeah I'm fine, I guess. Give me just a few minutes and I'll see you there.

He realized he probably should have told Jake that he still wasn't feeling well and stayed at home and cleaned this mess up a bit. Then again the strong musky smells that surrounded him only brought memories flooding back in and started his cock throbbing again. It was probably best if he got out of there and let his head clear a bit.

The gym wasn't that big of a help clearing his mind though since the first person he spotted when he walked in was Blake working out on the lat machine. God did this guy ever wear anything that wasn't skin tight Cal thought to himself. This time Blake was wearing a simple pair of grey compression shorts and a black lycra short sleeve shirt that clung to him like it was painted on. And wouldn't you know it, in what was too obvious a move to be a coincident he found Jake working out on the pec fly equipment right across from him. Jake just gave him an innocent wink and a smile as Calvin walked up but started off by making a not so innocent comment.

"Hey Cal, man you shouldn't have left so soon last night, there were some really hot guys that came in a little later. I'm sure we could have hooked you up with one of them for a date," Jake said just loud enough to carry.

Calvin just gave him a drop dead stare before glancing over at Blake who didn't look like he was listening. Their workout went along like this for a while, Jake making not so innocent remarks whenever Blake was in earshot and Cal doing his best to ignore him. The best way to shut him up was to put some of the heaviest stacks of weights into play and watch Jake struggle to even make them budge while Calvin powered through them with ease. Before long Jake looked thoroughly discouraged and decided to call it quits.

"Hey Cal sorry I can't stick around longer but I've got to meet Amy and her parents for lunch. I'll call you later ok."

"Sure Jake, no problem."

"Oh and Cal, I didn't want to say anything earlier but you should really hit the showers," Jake said in a whisper. "You stink dude. You smell like a barn or something."

Cal tried to hide his shame as he realized he was surrounded by a strong aroma of his own musk. He hadn't even realized he had such a powerful scent but the intensity of the workout must have brought it out even more. At least Jake had enough sense to keep that quiet and didn't let his voice carry and Cal couldn't help but shoot a glance across the room to the inclined chest press where Blake was at the moment. Jake followed his gaze though and gave him a pat on the shoulder and a wink before he headed out.

Suddenly very self-conscious about his smell Calvin tried to rush through the rest of his workout and keep his distance from Blake at the same time. He didn't feel fatigued at all but eventually he grew tired of trying to outdo the max capacity of the equipment and made his own move to the showers which he found blessedly empty. For the moment.

He had barely managed to strip down and begin to soap up under the warmth of the shower spray when Blake sauntered into the showers with nothing but a relatively small towel about his hips. _Well at least he was no longer in spandex,_Calvin mused. Calvin felt his heart racing as he tried to keep himself from staring as his crush hung his towel on the wall revealing everything that Calvin had ever hoped to see. He reached over to the wall and adjusted his own shower to the cold side if only to shock himself out of his stupor and to make a desperate attempt to keep his own cock from getting any harder than it already was. There was no mistaking the signals though when Blake took the shower directly across from Cal despite the entire room full of open spaces and Calvin had to do his best to keep himself from just lunging at the object of his lust.

It was difficult to hold his resolve though when he kept stealing glances and Blake was clearly willing to show him everything he wanted to see. Taking his time to rinse down and let the steam rise around him. Blake was as well hung as he was well muscled, his thick piece gently swaying as he washed and steadily rising to a semi-erect state. After a few minutes, or possibly a few days as far as Calvin knew, Blake shut of the shower and grabbed his towel and placed it loosely around his hips. He walked the entire length of the shower room right back to Calvin before he stopped and beamed a gorgeous smile at him.

"I thought I'd follow up my workout with a trip to the sauna. You look like you could relax a little, too. Care to join me?"

Without waiting for an answer he turned and walked to the doorway at the far end of the locker room. That was when Calvin finally noticed it. As Blake turned and walked away Calvin spotted something on the stud's back, right by his left shoulder blade. It was a patch of lighter skin that stood out against the rest of his tanned physique, a birthmark perhaps, that just happened to be in the shape of a long handled ax that looked all too familiar to Calvin. Hastily rinsing of Calvin felt his mind buzzing with questions. He realized this was actually the first time he had seen Blake with his shirt off, even when swimming the other day he was wearing that rash guard. Even without all the obvious signals he was getting from Blake there was no way he wasn't going to follow him now.

Stepping into the hot humid air of the sauna Calvin let his eyes adjust to the dimmer light where he found Blake sitting on a low bench on the far side of the small room. He was just leaning back his eyes closed as he breathed in the steamy air. Slowly opening his deep blue eyes he focused them on Calvin.

"Pretty wild night last night?"

"Oh you mean what my friend was talking about? He was just kidding around, I didn't really..."

Blake just smiled and put his hand up to interrupt, "No not that. I was talking about what happened after you got home. I know the first time can be a little intense."

Calvin felt his stomach drop; "The first time doing what?" he tried to ask coolly.

"The first time changing into a unicorn. I know after my first time I had to replace my entire living room set and get a new TV.

"So that was you, that mark on your back, you're a... a..."

"Were-unicorn. Yeah, that was me. I didn't want to say anything until I could be sure everything had worked and you had made the transformation." Blake said with a smile and a shrug of his massive shoulders.

Calvin shook his head in confusion, just trying to make sense of it all, "No it's not possible. Unicorns aren't real."

"Maybe unicorns don't exist but I assure you, were-unicorns are very real. After all you are one, now."

Calvin still wasn't sure if this was all some kind of joke, "But why?"

"You saved my life the other day, if you hadn't come along and got me free I'm sure I'd be dead by now. I couldn't think of a better way to repay you," Blake offered.

"Maybe you should just start from the beginning because I'm not sure I'm following you at all," Calvin said as he sat down on a bench opposite from Blake.

"That was a trap you found me in the other day. When I moved here I thought I had lost any of the mages that had been following me. I guess I was wrong. You see mages, or wizards, they hunt unicorns. They believe they can use the horn to perform powerful magic. Well in part they are right, our horns do hold our magic and if they're removed, we die. I wouldn't have been able to shift or anything to get out of that snare you found me in and if the mage had found me there he would have killed me no question."

"So you repaid me by goring me?" Calvin asked still not fully buying what he was hearing.

"Well yes. There wasn't time to explain it. Were-unicorns are either born that way like I was or they are changed into one. See, saving a life creates a powerful magic in and of itself. Magic that strong is one of the few things that can help create a new were-unicorn but it doesn't last long. Unicorns don't kill with their horns. Almost any wound from a unicorn horn will heal almost immediately. In fact my granddad was able to save a lot of lives as a medic during World War two that way. He had to be careful when and how to do it but he could place his horn into almost any wound and it would heal good as new. By striking you with my horn and using the right spell I could change you if the magic was strong enough. Even if the spell had failed you would have healed completely." Blake explained evenly.

"I'm still not sure how this was a good way to repay me for saving your life. I mean if I'll be forced to change like that all the time! I had a hard-on all day and then I nearly destroyed my bedroom while painting it with several gallons of come!" Not to mention a pretty impressive boner right now, he didn't add.

"Well the increased libido and stamina are one of the traits of a were-unicorn, which can take some getting used to." Blake said with a smirk

"Really? And all unicorns are like that?"

Blake held up a finger to stop Calvin, "Yes, so you don't need to say it."

"Say what? That unicorns are just very horny horses?" Calvin said, unable to stop himself.

"Yeah that, I mean it's true but it just sounds so damn stupid when you say it like that," Blake said while giving his crotch a gentle squeeze and adjusting the thick mound that was steadily growing beneath his towel. "Besides, there are other benefits. For example, you'll heal much faster from almost any injury. Also, were-unicorns don't change until they reach adulthood but once they do their growth rate slows down considerably so you'll probably live twice as long. I noticed your workout earlier so I know you've seen the strength benefits."

"Yeah I did notice some changes there," Calvin laughed as he traced a hand down his newly chiseled chest wiping away a path of sweat on his skin. "So when I got you untangled from that trap the other day you just decided to do what you wanted with me? Like I was unspoiled or something as they say in all those old medieval unicorn legends?"

"Oh don't go believing any of that affinity for virgins crap that's in the legends. That's just a bit of revisionist history on the part of the authors protecting the reputation of the one's they are writing about. Most of the other unicorns I know have no more preference for virgins than any other human."

"So how do you go about keeping something like this quiet? I mean if there are were-unicorns out there with this kind of, ummm... drive, how can it be a secret?"

"Well for my part I'm pretty careful and while I may like getting my fair share of cock and then some," Blake said with a nod at Cal's tented towel, "I have a bit more control over my desires and my changes."

"You can really have that much control over it?"

"Absolutely, you just have to keep you emotions in check and maintain focus. Oh trust me there are plenty of other kinds of weres out there that are much more volatile than we are and they can control it just fine too. Werewolves for example, they're nowhere near as blood thirsty as they are made out to be, don't get me wrong they do tend to be a bit hot tempered though."

"Other kinds?" Calvin said in disbelief.

"Sure, were-cats for example. I know a few tigers that really know how to have a good time," Blake said with a wink. "One of my best friends is a seal. Hell, I even ran into a were-giraffe once."

"So why couldn't I control it last night?" Calvin asked, still struggling to keep up with all the new revelations.

"It was a new moon, you can learn better control but at some point during the new moon you have to change."

"New moon? I always thought it was a full moon that would do that sort of thing."

"That's for wolves. We happen to be more effected by the moon than our canine cousins. Unicorns are forced to shift twice a month, at the new moon we take out equine forms and at the full moon we're closer to our human nature so that side comes out more."

"What do you mean? You can take different forms?"

"Yes we can take different forms, anytime we want. We just have less control over the change during the lunar max and minimum. Like this."

Blake lifted his right leg and set it in Calvin's lap. Cal grunted in surprise when he realized that the heavy weight resting there was not a foot, but rather a hoof. Blake laughed as he set the hoof back on the wood paneled floor with a clomp before standing up. Calvin watched as Blake's left foot began to swell up, his toes clenching as the nails grew dark and started to merge together forming a new solid hoof. In a matter of seconds Blake's complete set of hooves where clicking across the solid floor. With a mingled look of concentration and ecstasy, his face started to distort. His chin jutted out as his mouth pushed outward, his smile becoming composed of blocky teeth. Blake's nostrils flared as they became wider set and his nose fattened out, the bridge of his nose extending further and further out to form a large muzzle.

Intensely black fur just like Calvin remembered from the woods started to fill in across his features while his hair shifted to a startlingly silvery white mane. His ears stretched and grew in size, shifting position towards the top of his head. Calvin knew to expect it but he was still surprised when the middle of Blake's forehead started to swell and push outward. Slowly at first but with increasing speed, a twisting spire of nearly glowing silver grew into place atop his equine head.

Calvin felt his jaw drop to the floor and that was before Blake let the towel around his own waist drop away. His already impressive cock was steadily rising as it became hard, arching upward with a subtle curve along its length. As if the steam in the room wasn't enough, Calvin could swear it was feeling even hotter in the small enclosed space. Blake's strong animal musk was filling the heavy air and Calvin felt himself starting to hunger for that impressive cock as it began to thicken and grow. The creamy white skin was rapidly replaced by glistening black with splotches of grey as the mushroom head became wider and flatter. A thick ring of flesh grew in halfway down the shaft while a thick sheath formed around the base of his shaft. His balls steadily inflated to the size of softballs and the rest of his physique seemed to inflate just as much.

With an unbelievable swoon, Calvin felt himself grow dizzy looking up at the massive equine figure that towered over him. Equal parts horse and man, his muscled body radiated power almost as much as his enormous cock radiated lust. The black fur that coated his body seemed to accent his form perfectly and made every line, every cut of definition pop out from his shoulder to his shins.

"See. Humanoid form." Blake said, his voice now even deeper. He let his hands run slowly down his massive pecs to his rippling abs.

"You mean I can do that?" Calvin stuttered.

"Any time you want. You can also change like this, too." He said with a neighing laugh and a wink after he squeezed his heavy shaft.

Cal laughed at the double entendre and felt his cock spasm at each intonation it implied. "Why don't you show me how then?"

"It'd be my pleasure. Stand up."

Calvin easily did as he was told and got to his feet, shedding the towel that was no longer hiding anything and tossing it aside. Even though he had never been harder in all his life, his human cock was so small compared to Blake's equine glory. Cal wanted very badly to just grab that enormous unicorn dick and jam his own cock right down his cum slit, maybe some other time though. Blake has other ideas though as he carefully maneuvered around behind Calvin, his massive bulk still incredibly graceful in the confined space inside the Blake reached out and enveloped Calvin in his massive arms, the soft bristle of his fur teasing across Calvin's bare skin. The weight of his horse-like cock lay across his back, pulsing steadily in time with the unicorn's powerful heart, Cal's own pulse picking up with each throbbing beat.

Blake leaned over to reach down to Calvin's neck with his extended muzzle, brushing his snout and lips along the smaller man's neck and ears. Even in the humid air of the sauna the hot rush of his breath across his skin gave Calvin goose bumps.

"It's all about concentration and focus," Blake whispered in Calvin's ear, nibbling on it slightly. "Concentrate on what you want to become. Focus on your desire to make it happen, your desire to feel the changes in your body."

"Concentration might be difficult at the moment," Calvin all but moaned as he was mostly concentrating on not blowing his load right that second.

"Trust me, I know. But use that to your advantage, let it motivate you to make the transformation." Blake cooed back thrusting his hard cock along Calvin's back smearing his leaking fluids in the trails of sweat that were running down his skin. "You saw what you became last night right? Just picture that form mixing with your body as it is now, combining the best parts of both into one."

Calvin didn't think it was even possible to get more tuned on than he already was but his prick suddenly became harder and his balls ached for release. He tried to focus on Blake's words and not the touch of his powerful body against his, his thoughts spinning back to the previous night and the feelings he experienced with that change. He pictured the reflection of his white unicorn body and the power it represented as well as the lust he felt and the rush of release he experienced with massive set of equine equipment he gained. He let those thoughts mix with how he saw himself now and with the vision of Blake's awesome body, how badly he wanted to be like him.

He knew at once it was working. He could feel a tingle start in his ears even as Blake continued to nibble on them with his large lips. Calvin sensed they were getting bigger, the tips of his ears slowly expanding and shifting upward as if they themselves were getting turned on and becoming hard. The sensation was quite remarkable and made all the more so when it started at the other extreme of his body as well. His toes went numb and yet his feet felt more sensitive at the same time. Sweat ran down his calves and he could feel each bead of perspiration roll across the tops of his feet before disappearing between his growing toes. It was as if his feet were melting into the cedar planks beneath his soles but instead his toes became even more solid as they merged together and darkened in the shape of a large hoof.

Calvin rose up slightly as his stance shifted and the change in his feet continued up to his ankles, bright white fur spread across the exposed skin on his feet and an identical crawling sensation built up across the backs of his hands and started to spread up his arms. Glorying in the sensation of the change Calvin never lost touch with the great beast behind him that continued to stroke and caress his body through the change, coaxing the alterations onwards and guiding his body into its new form. Blake's touch was both needful and gentle at the same time and the persistent thrust of his rock hard shaft against Calvin's back served as a constant reminder of what lay at the end of this road.

The other were-unicorn's breath roared like a waterfall in Calvin's new larger ears and the smell of their combined animal musk in the steamy air made his nose twitch. That twitching seemed to get stronger as suddenly his face started to contort and Calvin focused on the expanding muzzle that grew out from his head. His mouth stretched and yawned as he worked his larger tongue around thicker lips and wider teeth. The hair on his head became more intensely golden as it fell down between his shoulder blades in a luxurious mane. His neck quickly bulked up to support the weight of his horse-like head even as Blake caressed his expanded jawline and Calvin Twisted slightly to kiss Blake deeply, their muzzles meeting in an electric arc of pleasure that coursed between the two of them. His gleaming coat of white fur spread across the rest of his body sweeping over muscles that grew more massive by the second, the rest of his legs changed and lengthened as the fur spread up along them, and before long the entire process of the change was focused around his groin.

Blake chose this moment to step back slightly but just far enough back to shift his cock downward and thrusting forward again pushed it between Calvin's legs leaving him astride the massive member. Calvin whinnied and moaned as he felt the heat of Blake's dick sliding across the underside of his ass and his balls warmed with the slick coat of pre fluids that lubricated that slick smooth length as it slid beneath them. Calvin grasped the offered flesh with his two larger hands and slowly throttled it as he rode atop it, his own painfully hard and pitifully small cock screaming for release. His own hips bucked forward matching Blake's steady rocking and they were soon pulsing and grinding as one. With each backward movement Calvin could feel his ass burning with both Blake's heat and the expanding knot of his tail that steadily grew outward from his tail bone. Each forward thrust brought forth new pleasure as his own human prick gradually grew longer and thicker, the skin becoming pale and smooth as the head flattened out. His medial ring grew in and bumped and jarred across Blake's as their cocks slid against one another. Finally the white fur coursed over his expanding nuts and wrapped the base of his cock in a warm flexible sheath.

Calvin thought he was finished but he forgot once crucial element of becoming a were-unicorn. His forehead began to throb as flesh and bone came together to start his golden horn. Some part of him expected it to hurt but instead it was perhaps the most pleasurable sensation he had ever experienced as the spike lengthened and grew outward from his skull. In all it was the culmination of feeling his body become this nearly perfect being and the ever present touch of Blake's powerful body against his own that caused him to lose control. His equine equipment quivered to the point of actually vibrating from the strain of holding back and the strong touch of Blake's hands atop his own as they stroked their pair of shafts prompted what was NOW the most pleasurable experience of his life. The orgasm seemed to emanate from every cell in his body at one, firing from the top of his head to the tips of his fingers and toes and shooting at light speed towards his cock. His balls contracted and sent great torrents of come shooting down his shaft and with a blast that rattled the wood paneled walls of the sauna Calvin blew load after load of thick white jizz in arcing jets across the small room.

The sensation of this moment was so intense it took several seconds for Calvin to remember to breathe again. His entire body shook with the force of his eruption and it was very beneficial to have Blake there to help hold him up. Remarkably through all of this Blake had yet to come and Calvin felt very hungry. He looked down at the pair of dicks in his groin, his own still leaking large amounts of spent seed, and Blake's nestled beneath it still rock hard and now covered in a liberal application of Calvin's juices and he felt a growing desire. A desire he had formed when he first saw Blake in the gym and one that only grew more intense when he saw him change into a magnificent stallion of a unicorn.

Slowly stepping forward, Calvin shuddered and his cock spurted further as Blake's hard piece slipped beneath him. He felt it give one last jab at his ass as he stepped clear and he once again thought to himself, maybe later. Instead he turned to face Blake and he starred into his beautiful face framed by the silver mane and bright spike on his forehead. He received a slight nod of approval and the slightest of impatient snorts from the larger specimen and there was little doubt that Blake wanted this next part as badly as Calvin wanted to offer it. Blake slowly sat back against one of the benches, leaving his massive set of balls free to hand over the edge and his legs spread wide to give Calvin the best access. Cal moved in nice and close before dropping to his knees in front of the other unicorn, letting his massive black cock pulse and throb directly in front of his nose. He drank in the rich heady scent with his new wider nostrils and could almost taste it already, the delicate mixture of Blake's masculinity and the sticky wet remains of his own spent orgasm that still coated his shaft.

Calvin wasted little time in appreciating the beauty of the hard cock the hung before him. Instead he went right to work licking down every inch of it, his long thick tongue slapping against the shaft roughly and causing Blake to whimper in lustful need. He slowly and deliberately cleaned off his wide flat head even as it continued to us pre which he lapped up greedily. He drug his tongue down along the glossy length cleaning it of any trace of his salty sperm pausing only to nibble at Blake's medial ring en route to sucking both of his massive churning balls into wide mouth. Calvin teased him with this for several minutes, working his nuts around with his tongue while he let his hands roam up and down the rest of his cock and across the rich black fur that covered his well-muscled legs, abs, pecs and anything else within reach. Blake soon stamped a heavy hoof impatiently on the floor with a loud crack and Calvin knew it would be cruel to hold back any longer. He sat back and stretched his mouth wider than he thought possible and slowly worked his way down on Blake's manhood. Even with his lengthened muzzle and longer neck Cal wasn't able to take in even half of what Blake had to offer and he had to content himself to suck and pull on the end while working the rest of the shaft with his hands. In all it didn't take much longer and Cal firmly cupped Blake's sac in one hand and held onto to his sheath with the other as he started to fire.

Calvin was aware of the expression of drinking from a fire hose and this had to be approximately what that act would be like. Blake neighed loudly as he came, his nuts swelling in the grip of Cal's hand as he sent forth jet after jet of rich frothy cream from his cock. Calvin struggled with the pressure as it shot down his throat fast than he could swallow eventually having to pull away and receiving several large blasts directly to the face and chest as he tried to get clear. He sputtered and coughed as he continued to try and drink in as much of the thick, salty, musky spunk as he possibly could. When Blake's release finally subsided, Calvin and the rest of the sauna were liberally coated in what had to amount to quarts of Blake's and his own seed.

"Ok, you're right, we're just a bunch of horny horses," Blake laughed as he sat back to catch his breath.

Calvin joined him up on one of the benches, gratefully accepting the use of the towel that Blake was handing him. His mind continue to whirl just trying to catch up with events as he brushed down his own new fur, still coming to grips with the changes he felt in his own body. He gazed across at Blake and though about how lucky he was to even be in the presence of such a specimen but to know that he now was one as well.

"So what do we do now?" Calvin wondered aloud.

"Well, I don't know about you but I could use another shower and then I was thinking of an early dinner. Of course you might be full." Blake laughed deeply, his cock surging slightly as it continued to pulse and bob in front of him.

"Full is an understatement," Calvin laughed back, "but I was thinking about the bigger picture. What else do you have to show me about being a new were-unicorn?"

"What else do you want to know," Blake said coyly leaning in towards Calvin with a gleam in his eye.

Calvin felt himself swoon again trying to decide which he though was more attractive, Blake as he sat before him now or as the hot guy he had been checking out in the gym for the past few days. As it was he decided it would probably take some further research to figure that out. He leaned forward and felt their horns cross, gold over silver, as their muzzles nearly met. "I want you to tell me everything. Like how good of a time are you talking about with those were-cats for example?"