Ups and Downs: Chapter One: A New Day

Story by redconundrum on SoFurry

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It's the start of a new semester for a feline named Matt, and he's coming into it with somewhat worse for wear inside. But he's living in a new place, with a rather openly horny cougar and lion couple, and his first day of classes may not be as dull and lonely as he thought. There's the matter of a peculiar ring that shows up after a hit and run by an arctic fox. But that's the last thing on Matt's mind after the handsome wolf who checked him over takes an interest in him.

May not keep the current title, but here's what I've been fiddling with since last month about this time, heh. Here's to the start of a new story, and hopefully a new chapter in my life and that of anyone else who's had a bad time lately. ^^

Mature for opening sex scene and some far from innocent thoughts about paws.

The first day of a new semester.

I opened my eyes that cool, early September morning to find myself right where I expected to be at 6:59 am; sleeping on my side, a spot of oddly saccharine smelling drool on the bottom right corner of my pillow and my clock facing the opposite way on the dresser. I yawned and reached over to switch off the 7 am alarm without looking. Getting up and stretching, I padded to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and immediately cursed my mom's side of my family for having virtually untamable manes, then lifted my tail and cursed both sides for the big, fluffy, spotted and striped mess it is.

I'm not exactly your typical big cat, you see. I'm part lion and part cheetah. Impossible, you say? Unfortunately not. No one's quite sure how my parents did it, but I exist.

Anyways, my gaze turned from my tail tuft and my mane, to my gut. Yes, I was chubby. Not massively so, but I definitely wasn't in particularly good shape. I sighed and got to work on cleaning up my appearance for a long day of classes. Ten minutes later I was back in my room, pulling on some clothes quick, then grabbing my already prepped backpack and heading to the kitchen. As expected, Kevin was bustling about, naked, but wearing a chef's apron as he made bacon, eggs and pancakes. I smiled as I considered how unusual the sight would have been only two weeks ago.

He and Alex owned the large, three bedroom, two full bath house where I was staying this year. It was cheaper than student housing, and much more comfortable. They shared the master bedroom just down the hall from me, and we used the third bedroom as a sort of miscellaneous storage and office room, complete with a guest bed that happened to be Kevin's old bed. He and Alex had gotten together not long after they got this house together as friends, and decided they'd put one of the spare rooms up for rent. I was the first prospective tenant they liked, so I got the room.

It had been...much more interesting than I'd expected, living with them, but after two weeks, it was already getting hard not to think of them as a second set of parents. Neither really fit the traditional roles of mother or father, but in the morning it wasn't hard to see the short, lithe cougar bustling about the kitchen as my second mother, making sure me and Alex got a good breakfast in before she'd let us walk out the door.

"Good morning, dear," the cougar greeted me cheerfully as I sat down on a stool before the large counter that separated the kitchen and the living room. He surprised me with an already-prepared plate that he carried over and set down in front of me with a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning, Kevin." I smiled back as he pulled open a drawer on the other side of the counter, pulled out a fork, and slide it across to me. "You really don't have to do this every..."

"Oh, I don't mind, really. And I won't do it every morning, just the important ones, and whenever I haven't been up too late with work," he replied, cutting me off and smiling even brighter than before. "Besides, I've been doing it for Alex and myself for quite a while. It takes hardly any extra time to make breakfast for a third. Anyways, did you sleep well?"

I smiled and relented, glad I'd at least made the effort to refuse this hospitality, even if I was quickly getting used to enjoying it. "Yes, and you?"

I took my first bite of the pancakes as I waited for him to reply, and purred as I savored everything about the best pancakes I'd ever had. Kevin was great at cooking, and a breakfast like this was just the start of what he could do. I went through my plate pretty fast, as usual, but as I glanced at my watch it was clear I had plenty of time to catch the shuttle bus to campus. Then I heard a door open and shut behind me, and a familiar thudding as heavy paws struck the wood floor of the hall behind me.

A big lion yawned widely as he padded down the hallway and into the kitchen. And once again, I could see why Kevin loved to call him "daddy." Alex was 6 foot 6, easily having half a foot on me, and a full foot on Kevin in height, and he was as built as he'd probably been at the peak of his fitness while playing football in college. He was at least wearing some boxers this morning, but it was clear he had morning wood, as the fabric strained to contain his loins.

And he effectively shattered my illusion of a pleasant breakfast with my second set of parents as he strode up behind Kevin, who was bustling at the stove. A smirk on his face warned me of what was coming as his underwear dropped, revealing rather large, pink member that was covered with a condom that seemed barely able to contain it, and glistening with what I was pretty sure was lube as he pressed himself against Kevin's back and slid his arms around his considerably smaller mate. The cougar murred softly and giggled as the lion nipped his ear. "I wish you'd stay in bed a little longer, kitty. Then Matt wouldn't have to watch me take care of this..."

He moved his hips back and crouched a little; lining up his big, thick cock with Kevin's rear. The cougar braced himself against the counter as his mate almost casually thrust his cock part way into him, making the smaller feline gasp loudly as his toes curled. "B-but Matt has to be out of here a little early today. First day of classes, you know. And I didn't want him to leave without a *mmph* proper breakfast."

Alex glanced over at me, no doubt seeing me blush furiously as I struggled to focus on finishing my plate quickly instead of watching them. It was as unreal to me as it would to anyone for the two of them to be so casual about what they did in my presence, but I was never one to object to what people did in front of me, unless it involved me directly. My openness and unwillingness to cause a scene or get in the way was part of why I got the room. Alex and Kevin were definitely into each other, and they didn't want whoever they shared the house with to get in the way of their fun.

"Good morning, man. Mind getting a cup for my naughty little kitty? I think he'd rather not have a mess to clean up while I hurry off to work soon here." He snickered as I carried my empty plate around to the sink, the sounds of Kevin moaning and him getting on with what he came into the kitchen to do coming from behind me as I rinsed it off, then grabbed a large plastic cup from one of the cupboards for Kevin. I looked away as I walked over to them, setting it down on the counter by the stove; right in front of Kevin. Then I turned to get out of the kitchen, grab my bag from next to the stool where I ate breakfast, and get out of there.

However, Alex had slightly different plans, as he put one of his big hand paws on my crotch before I could walk past, and I felt a cougar paw grope my rear a second or two later. "Mmm...thank you, boy. Wish you had time to watch and take care of this hard on..." He squeezed my member, visible as a good sized bulge in my khaki shorts, with his paw and chuckled as I gasped softly; frozen where I was since he'd reached his paw out, "...and show me what's in your pants finally. But we can work on encouraging you to enjoy clothing being optional around here later."

Kevin giggled and Alex chuckled heartily and gave me another good squeeze before letting go, the cougar paw that had been feeling up my rear giving me a good smack; eliciting a loud "Yip!" from me as I rushed forward to grab my bag and get out of there quickly, still blushing furiously and sporting a hard on as I walked to my car. Fortunately, I was driving myself to campus today; giving me until I got out of the car there to compose myself and adjust my shorts to better hide my slowly receding arousal.

After my morning at the house, classes were very uneventful. My schedule was a bit of a mix, so hopefully the workload wouldn't prove too big this semester. But either way, I didn't have much to do, since the first day of many classes only includes about half of a lecture, with the first half of class being covering the syllabus and curriculum and a few other things required by the university. I'd forgotten to bring a lunch, but since I'd had a good breakfast it wasn't much of a problem. I just took a walk during the gap in my schedule when I'd usually eat.

It was nice enough out, the leaves just starting to change color, the sky pleasantly cloudy, with a cool breeze keeping the temperature below 65 degrees Fahrenheit. I loved it; my ideal day to be outside. I wandered campus for a while, following a roughly circular route that should keep me close to where my next class was, and kept to myself. People occasionally balked at my appearance, but as usual no one approached, as I approached no one in turn.

I didn't really mind; I'd never had that many friends. Never walked to class with anyone, and never walked away from class with others unless we were going to work on a group project. Earlier this summer it might have gotten tempting to look for someone to start a conversation with, but not lately. Not for the past month or so. I sighed and looked around, forcing myself to keep a blank face as my thoughts drifted where I'd rather they didn't. Fortunately or not, it turned out a stranger was all too eager to distract me.

As I passed one corner of the main science building, hugging the side of the broad sidewalk away from the building for no particular reason, someone with startlingly white fur sprinted around the side of it. I barely had time to register him in my peripherals, notice that he was looking behind himself instead of watching where he was going as I turned my chest towards him with my head for a better look, and widen my eyes in surprise; before he slammed into me.

It took a few seconds to register what happened after that. I smelled grass, even felt it tickle the side of my nose. Another moment or two and I was sure I was lying on my upper back and partially on my side, my torso clearly still twisted from when I started to swivel before the sprinting stranger collided with me, and there was something fairly heavy on top of me. I noted that while I was breathing fast and my heart was racing...I didn't feel any sharp pains or unusual sensations anywhere.

I finally opened my eyes, and I could see people stopping to see what happened, looking my way as I heard whatever was on top of me groan. I put my paws on it as I shifted my gaze to it. As I guessed, it was the person with the white fur, and he was lying on top of my legs and most of my chest. I assumed he was an arctic fox, noting the shape of his muzzle and the tail sprawled out away from our bodies. I continued feebly to try and move him for a moment or two, then more effectively as my senses finished recovering.

He groaned again...even louder than the first time, and a small group of people hastened approach from various sides. They looked like they were all fellow students, and I looked down at the fox again as he started to writhe on top of me. I stopped trying to move him, realizing finally that he might be hurt, "Are you alright?"

He groaned yet again in reply, and I looked around at the other students standing over us, pleading silently for a little help. Fortunately, a rather tall, fit grey wolf pushed past a couple other students and crouched beside us; looking both of us over with obvious concern in his expression, "Are both of you okay? That looked pretty nasty..."

"I think I am," I replied, "but I'm not sure about him..." I looked down at the fox, who writhed and groaned a little more, then looked me right in the eyes as I finally noticed that one of his paws had been rubbing my rear for an unknown amount of time.

The groaning stopped as he gave me an unexpected squeeze there and grinned as my fur rose in surprise on my tail and back, "Nah, I'm fine." With that, he put his hands on the grass to either side of me and did the same with his legs, standing up quickly as I stared at him in what must have been an amusingly confused look, "Thanks for providing a comfortable landing spot though."

I grumbled and stood up, glaring at him, before something in the distance quickly caught my eye; another person peeking out from behind the building. I couldn't register anything but a dark grey hoodie before they slipped behind the back side of the science building.

A moment later, a white furred hand paw with black pads came out of nowhere and bumped my nose with its palm. I hissed reflexively and backed away, my attention instantly back to the troublesome fox.

"Well, are you okay?" He'd repeated what he must have said while I was distracted, and I quickly replied; eager not to seem weird, "Yes, I think." No one else seemed to have noticed the figure, though a couple glanced at where I'd been staring for a few moments; seeing nothing but an empty sidewalk.

The wolf nodded, looking us both over. "Neither of you seemed to have any trouble getting up. Though you did look a little hazy just now," he noted as he eyed me.

I felt embarrassment heat my cheeks and muzzle a little as I replied, "I'm fine, just thought I saw something for a sec."

The wolf didn't look convinced, "Well, I'd like you both to stick around me for an hour or two to be safe..."

Before he could explain, the fox cut him off with a careless giggle, "Oh, I'm fine, and I've got something to attend to anyways." Then he turned and looked me squarely in the eyes, a huge grin on his face as his tail twitched, "I'm sure I'll run into you again soon though." With that, he sprinted off, nearly bowling a couple students over on his way.

The wolf growled at the arctic fox's back, leaving me wondering if the fox rubbed him the wrong way...or if he was used to his peers taking his advice seriously. Either way, after a few moments he turned back to me, the anger quickly put away as concern reemerged on his face, "Well, will you at least stick around for a bit? If you have a concussion or something, it could be a while before the effects show up. It'd be best if you stuck with someone who knows what to look for."

I nodded, "Sure, I've still got a little while until my next class anyways."

The wolf smiled, and I couldn't seem to help but smile back as he offered his right hand paw. "I'm Ryan."

I took his paw and shook it firmly, "Matt."

The small crowd gathered around us was already starting to disperse as someone from the faculty finally approached, "And what's going on here?" I didn't have to look behind me to guess that he might either be or once have been a coach, because he was clearly used to talking in a loud voice that demanded attention in a certain way and hinted at middle age.

The wolf looked up, and waved at whoever it was as I turned to look at them myself. "It's nothing, I think, Coach Harrison. My bud here was a victim of a hit and run by some crazy fox."

I saw a somewhat heavy middle-aged raccoon looking me over as I finished turning around and felt Ryan's paw pat and then gently grip my shoulder. "Any injuries?" the coach asked, looking mildly concerned.

"Probably a little bruising, but nothing seems broken. He's gonna come with me for a while just in case." My tail flicked against Ryan's side behind me as I found myself fighting down a surge of embarrassment at drawing so much attention from various people I normally wouldn't have in such a short span of time.

The coach nodded as he looked past me to the wolf, "Good job, Ryan," then he looked directly at me again. "Don't worry, son. Ryan knows what he's doing. You both have a good day now," with that, he turned and went on his way, raccoon tail bobbing behind him as his back receded.

"You too, coach," Ryan called after him as I wondered when he'd take his paw off my shoulder. It had started kneading and rubbing over it idly as the coach turned away, but after a few seconds it finally moved as I started to turn towards him, only to nearly bump into the wolf as he kneeled while I turned.

"What-" I began, only for him to cut me off.

"Sorry, saw something I think you dropped..." he grabbed something shiny out from among the thick tufts of grass and opened his paw as he stood up to reveal a gold ring with a red stone set in it. Otherwise, it looked fairly plain, save for what looked like scripting on the outside and inside of the band.

He offered it to me, and I took it to get a closer look, turning it over in my fingers, "I don't remember having a ring like this..." The markings seemed to be in another language, and looked almost like hieroglyphs, but then the inside of the band gave off an unexpectedly bright reflection from the sun as I tilted the ring to focus on it. I blinked, then got back to rotating it around slowly between my fingers after the reflection went away, and found my full name inscribed on the inside of it.

Ryan took it back for a second and noted the name too, "Well, is 'Matthew Sheppard' your full name?"

"Yes..." Not wanting to seem weird, and since Ryan tilted his head like he was wondering if I really did have a concussion or something, I took it as I felt embarrassment heat my muzzle again. "I must have gotten it a while ago and left it in one of my book bag's side pockets and forgot about it. Thanks for finding it." I slipped it into my pocket, making a mental note to figure out why my name was on a ring I didn't remember owning later.

Ryan grinned, not looking quite convinced by my lie, "No problem. How about you return the favor by sticking around me for the rest of the afternoon?"

I grinned back, finding his good humor infectious, "Sure, but I do have one more class."

He shrugged casually as he adjusted the straps of his backpack, "Well, I'll walk with ya to it, then. Where is it?"

I started off across the mall with him even as he asked that, "Neff Hall, second level."

He nodded, "Well, meet me by the old oak tree in front of the building when you're done."

I nodded back and smiled as we continued walking, "Sure."

A few minutes later we entered the fairly old hall and were going up the unbelievably creaky wooden main staircase to the second level. There were other staircases in the building, but taking this one was always interesting for me, because it was so old and ever so slightly crooked in different ways on every step, making it a little more of an adventure to climb than a perfectly set stone staircase.

Anyways, in short order we traversed the noisy wooden hallway to my classroom, and to my pleasant surprise there was still a free seat by an open window that looked out on the main mall, the oak tree where I'd meet Ryan after class most likely nearby it, judging from the position of the classroom in the building.

I paused to the side of the doorway and turned to him, "I should go ahead in; I'll see you afterwards, man."

He grinned and nodded as I turned and started walking in, only to get a light slap on rear to urge me on my way, "Count on it, dude."

Flustered and having drawn a few glances and looks from those already seated and ready for class from my parting conversation with Ryan, I hurried in, wondering if anyone had seen that. I sat down and got settled, surveying the main mall through the window as I waited for class to begin.

The oak tree turned out to be a few yards in front of me, relatively; the broad trunk supporting a large canopy of branches full of green leaves that looked to reach the level of the third floor windows at its peak. The old tree was also clearly encroaching on the broad sidewalk separating it from the lush grass of the mall, as if it were eager to bury at least a small part of that lush expanse of grass in its leaves when fall arrived.

The professor walked in as I continued to look out the window, spotting Ryan walking out to it, then leaning casually against it; scanning the windows of the second floor near me. He quickly spotted me, and grinned and waved; making me grin back, though I suppressed the urge to wave back as the professor started addressing the class, "Welcome to CS..."

Class dragged on as each one had this morning, the usual first day humdrum feeling like it was stretching on forever as I kept stealing looks out the window. It hadn't taken long for Ryan to find something to do besides wait, as he joined a game of ultimate frisbee that started up near the oak tree. He played well, though that didn't surprise me, given his physique. He occasionally glanced up at my window, forcing me to look away quickly if I'd been looking at him at the same time; hoping he hadn't caught me watching. But it was what he did after a few plays that nearly got me in trouble.

He took his shirt off and tossed it over next to the oak tree before resuming play, giving anyone who cared to look a good view of his powerful back, chest, and arms; the muscles incredibly well defined beneath his fur and skin, rippling as he ran, jumped, threw, even just stood, idly flexing as he waited for play to resume. I'd seen powerfully built guys before, but something was different about looking at him. I didn't have to use my imagination to change anything about just big he was in comparison to me to feel the beginnings of arousal while watching him play.

My gaze shifted down to his somewhat worn trainers. I suspected he wore those to work out, and I tried to imagine just how musky his large foot paws must get while working out. I envisioned him giving his usual grin, me lying on the floor as he pulled a bare paw out of his shoe, the toes wiggling playfully as the musk hit me quickly. The moistened, furred toes with their black, leathery pads hove into view as the scent intensified with proximity, his toes still wiggling as the ball pad of his paw slid into view...the damp fur covering most of his sole coming right behind it, with the heel pad nestled into far side of the broad paw. I murred softly in my seat, fidgeting as my own imaginings fueled my arousal, driving my member to strain against the confines of my boxers and khaki shorts.

I forgot how long I'd been watching him out there, but the professor hadn't failed to notice, "Something interesting going on outside?" My head snapped away from the window to find him right next to me, his lapine eyes narrowing a little and his tall ears twitching as I jumped in my seat, startled out of my daydreams in an instant. It took me a second to find my voice as I scrambled inside to come up with something to say, my heartbeat doing its best to try and give away how terrified I was that someone might have noticed what I was looking at and what was hiding beneath my desk.

"Oh!? Umm...not really, just noticed two squirrels chasing each other all over the oak tree," I pointed toward the tree below us as I tried my best to sound convincing, struggling to keep my breathing at a regular pace as the hair on my tail and back refused to settle down.

The professor arched an eyebrow, looking a little doubtful, "Well, try to remember that it's illegal to hunt the squirrels on campus; before you spend any more time stalking them when you should be paying attention to my lecture."

Embarrassment made me cheeks and muzzle feel as if they must be practically glowing red as the professor grinned and moved back to the front of the classroom, the eyes of most of the class fortunately following him as I stared down at my desk, holding in a sigh of relief. I risked one last look out the find Ryan staring at me, nearly making me jump again. I managed to contain my reaction this time though, save for my mane poofing up a bit, and Ryan grinned before he turned back to the game.

In short order, class was finally over and I hurried out of the classroom, without pausing to check if Ryan was still around outside. A couple minutes later, I was in the crowd departing through the central entrance to the building, almost stopping in the doorway as I saw no sign of Ryan. Looking around anxiously, I pressed on, slipping out of the crowd and off the sidewalk as it passed the tree on its way to join with the sidewalk ringing the mall.

Still seeing no sign of him, I turned toward where he'd been playing ultimate frisbee, seeing that the game had clearly ended and all participants dispersed before my class got out. The sinking feeling I'd gotten in the doorway was starting to build momentum as I scanned the crowd and the mall, hoping I'd just missed him on my first, then second visual search.

A couple minutes later, I'd just about given up hope that he hadn't ditched me when I was suddenly grabbed from behind; large, strong, grey-furred arms sliding around me and pulling me back against a warm chest. I yowled initially, my fur raising as I tensed in the grip of whoever grabbed me, but then I felt the back of my head get nuzzled hard as I heard a chuckle that sounded rather familiar.

"There you are, bud. Couldn't see you from the other side of tree and the crowd." I realized instantly that it was Ryan, and relaxed somewhat. Over all the noise of people moving about, I never noticed him sneaking up behind me, and he wasn't quite done with me yet.

"You're awfully tense, man. You need to relax a little more..." One of his arms moved away from my middle, sliding down and over so the paw attached to it could rub over my shirt-covered belly. The way he did it, I couldn't help but purr, and it didn't take long for me to start enjoying the warm chest behind me, rubbing back against it a little as my muzzle reddened slightly.

"Hehe...there we go. was class?" he said it rather softly, almost whispering it in my sharp, feline ear as the rubbing continued, my tail starting to sway back and forth against our legs.

"Oh? It was alright, just pretty boring because of the usual first day stuff," I replied casually, avoiding mentioning the mild classroom incident I'd caused, or that I'd spent most of class watching him play out here.

"Well, I hope I kept it entertaining for ya," he replied playfully as I blushed furiously, ears lowering as a snicker came out of his muzzle right behind my left ear.

"S-sorry..." I shivered a little as I started to apologize, but he quickly cut me off.

"For what? I'm used to getting looks, man. It's good to know working out is still paying off so well," he chuckled as he released me, allowing me to turn around as his arms returned to his sides, a playful grin plastered on his muzzle as he saw the redness on my own.

I couldn't help but avert my eyes downward, realizing he was still shirtless, and quickly looking to the side as my thoughts from earlier surfaced, "Alright..."

"Hmm..." his right hand came up and cupped the base of my muzzle from underneath, gently forcing me to face him again, "...what were you thinking while you watched me play earlier?"

I tensed visibly, tail flitting nervously as I looked anywhere but his eyes, my whole face and neck feeling like it was burning. He waited patiently for a response, a neutral look on his face, teeth bared ever so slightly as he watched me closely.

In that long pause, I couldn't help but properly notice his musk now. It was somewhat strong after all his exertion while I was in class; sweat and his natural lupine musk, mixed with what must be his body spray. I couldn't help wonder what it would be like to get a closer whiff, let the scent of him fill my nostrils overwhelm even the hints of anything else around us. I would have shook my head quickly if I could, physically denying myself these thoughts, but with his paw still in place they were free to flow on. My paws twitched at my sides, longing to touch his bare chest, feel the slightly damp fur under their pads, slide into it to find those muscles and trace them.

All my thoughts from earlier came back, and new thoughts blended with them. My shorts felt pretty tight before I actually noticed my renewed arousal. My eyes drifted downward instinctively to confirm it, and of course his followed. He gave nothing away as he no doubt saw it, but my own eyes widened as I realized his jeans didn't look particularly loose in the crotch either right now. I looked back up to see him smirking at me.

"Perhaps you'll tell me later," he chuckled and let go of my muzzle, sliding his arm behind my back and steering me to walk with him as started moving.

"Umm...sure," I managed quietly, looking away as my whole face refused to stop burning. It took a few steps before my brain started to kick in properly again, "So, where are going?"

"Well, you're done with classes and I don't have anywhere to be myself for a while. you stay on campus?"

Curious as to why he asked, I turned my head to look at him, and unexpectedly bumped muzzles with him as I found he'd turned to study me. The fire that had just started fading from beneath the skin of my muzzle returned in full force as I quickly looked the other way, "Actually, I've got a place off-campus."

"Really? Cool. Single bedroom apartment?"

"No, I share a three bedroom house with two other guys."

"Nice. Bet you have a lot of fun there," he grinned, no doubt assuming that I took advantage of having a fairly ideal location to host parties, or that my housemates at least did.

"Actually, they're both a few years older than me, and they're a couple. It's not bad, but it can be a bit lonely and...awkward, being there sometimes," I looked at the ground ahead of us as I reflected on my time in the house with Alex and Kevin, "but overall it is pretty nice, and not exactly boring."

John nodded as I looked back at him, "Heh, I imagine so. I'm staying in a frat house again this year. Seemed like the best option, but I'm considering looking for my own place. It's not that I don't enjoy being under the same roof as some of my best buds, but I definitely wouldn't mind having somewhere a little more private to go, sometimes."

I nodded, and then tilted my head a little, wondering why John would say that, but I didn't offer any comments; allowing things to lapse into silence.

But as the silence stretched on, I felt compelled to give some sort of reply, "Well, if you wanted to come over and hang out sometime, I don't think Alex and Kevin would mind if you crashed in the guest room for a night. Not like anyone else is using it." I looked over at him as I finished saying that, anxiously trying to guess what he was thinking.

He quickly grinned and nodded again as looked back at me, "Sure, man."

I responded with a taught smile, trying not to show that I was relieved, though my worrying soon found a new tack: how things would go if he saw the way Alex and Kevin often acted. I sighed inwardly as I decided I should warn him, "Well, if you do, I hope you don't mind if Alex and Kevin get a little frisky in front of you, if they're around. They kinda picked me as their housemate mostly because I don't often make a fuss openly about what goes on in my presence.

He chuckled and grinned wider, "Hey, you should see what goes on in a frat house sometimes. I'm sure I'll be fine. Hell, if what they're up to is pretty hot I might even watch and jerk off to it." He laughed at his own, obviously joking comment and I couldn't help but smile more genuinely inside and out as we continued to walk aimlessly across campus. I noted that we were passing the library, and realized that we were heading south on the sidewalk bordering the main mall, Neff Hall a ways behind us and getting further away as we kept going toward the mall's southwestern corner.

"So...where are we going again?" I felt bad for pushing the subject, but I wasn't used to wandering aimlessly like this. Well, outside of my mind.

John just grinned and slid his arm around me and squeezed, giving me a sideways hug. "How about you leave that up to me and just enjoy the walk?"

I blushed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, then wondered why I did as I nodded and replied, "Heh, alright."