One Another

Story by Trexlis the Drox on SoFurry

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I got tied of this being on my desktop. XP

Yorries sitting on a cool summer night on his front porch with his hot Coco, waiting to finish his Coco as he heads off to bed. "Ahhh, Why do I have to be the one to goto New York". Soon, he walking into the house, puts his cup in the sink, making sure his Bags are near the front door as he heads off to bed. Tossing and turning as he drifts off to sleep of the sound of Jets taking off.

The next morning, holding his Bags, entering into the bridge one after another as the people walk down inside the plane. Trailing to his seat number noticing that he gets the wing side of the plane. "Great, not only I have to ride this thing but I get to see nothing out of this stupid window". Soon closing the window doors shut, putting his stuff in the selfs up over his seat. When he finally gets all comfy over his seat, after the annoying noise of what sounds to be a group of Fur's Crying.

He slowly closes his eyes as he notices a shadow right over him as he opens his eyes. A very large Tiger standing right next to the empty seat as he puts away his bags right above me, his head popping right under the shelves as he closes up the cabin. I slowly shift my legs a bit over so I don't take to much of his space as he pulls out his phone. I knew who he was and love his youtube videos. Trenaga cute ears and nose flick around as he giggles and reads his comments as I stare out the window. Slowly the plane getting on to the Freeway as the jets start to Rawrrr and the plane speeding at fast motions of speed as we lift off.

Slowly pulling out my phone as the home screen lights up with a soft glow, trying to check the time before catching Trenaga attention. The main screen of a picture drawn of him as I slowly hide my phone away in my pocket. Trenaga giving a soft laugh "Haha, I can see that someones a fan of me". He slowly sticks out his hand as I shake his warm, fuzzy, tiger paw as I open my mouth, "A-ahhh" I smile at him as I laugh and close my eyes rubbing behind my head.(Great job Yorries,now he's gonna think I'm crazy).

After already been landed from the long flight, I start to grab my baggage, also going over to rent my car as well. I notice Trenaga waiting at the taxi lane and decide to offer him a drive. "Hey Trenaga, you need a ride." Yorries said as Trenaga came up to me. "If you don't mind, I would very appreciate it." Yorries giving a cheerful smile "It would be my Pleasure" Both entering the car as they drive off, Yorries being very quite as Trenaga looking down at his phone before it goes black. "Ahh, darn it hey." Trenaga turning his head over to me. "Hey Yorries, mind if I barrow your phone." Nodding his head as I answer back. "Yea just its in my pocket." Yorries focusing on road as Trenaga sticks his hands in