SNG Ch3. A Long, Hard Lesson

Story by Deca4531 on SoFurry

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#3 of Sara's New Groove

Class is in session, and Sara has quite the curriculum planned for these young minds.

Authors Note: This story is extremely graphic and should not be read by lose under the legal age to do so, or those with weak stomachs. I would like to give special thanks toSerban for helping me to edit and polish the final drafts.

Tommy awoke in a fit of coughs and gags, his arms and legs flailing wildly. He crashed to the floor in a fury of tangled sheets and panicked screams. "Not like this, please not like this." When he found that he could not only talk but breathe he began to calm down. He hurriedly pulled himself free of the blankets and inspected his privates. He breathed a sigh of relief as his groping fingers felt first one and then the other testicle. His fur was covered in cold sweat - the nightmare had been so incredibly vivid. After getting to his feet he decided a shower would be best, something to relax him after such a scare.

He had almost made the door when a sudden burning pain erupted in his chest. Crimson light burst from his chest and lit the dark room. At first Tommy thought his fur was on fire and slapped at his chest franticly. It lasted only moments and was gone almost as soon as it came. When tommy got to his feet again he clicked on the light to see what was wrong. To his amazement the fur on his chest had changed color, leaving a patch of black fur around his right nipple in the shape of a six.

Just as Tommy was beginning to grow concerned about the mysterious marking there was a single sharp knock at his door. Without waiting for a reply his sister strode boldly in.

"Mom says to get out of, oh God!" She exclaimed, "Put some clothes on, you pervert!"

Tommy hurriedly clutched the covers of his bed and attempted to cover himself. "Would you get out already!" He yelled, hurling a pillow at his fleeing sibling.

He could hear her snickering from the hall. "Now I know why you don't have a girlfriend."

Glaring at the empty doorway, Tommy retrieved the pillow and set about getting ready for school, the "dream" and the mark slipping, with help, from his memories grip, like fine sand.


The bells rang out just as Tommy made it into the school. He hurried to his locker, tipping textbooks and notes into his pack randomly. As he slammed the door shut again he let out a yelp of surprise. Crystal stood at his side, temporarily hidden by the locker door.

Tommy put a paw over his racing heart. "Gods you scared the life out of me." he panted.

"Oh, um, sorry. I was just wondering if you wanted to walk to class with me?" She said, looking at her feet.

"You're not still mad about yesterday?"

"No," She said, shaking her head. "I... I always knew you could do amazing things if you just believed in yourself like... Like I do." She shuffled her feet nervously "Its only natural, I guess, that other girls might find that attractive. I didn't have any right to be mad at you."

Tommy felt himself blush. "Um, Thank you." He managed. He gave her a pat on the back as he hefted his pack "Come on, we don't wanna' be late." As they walked, Tommy had the growing suspicion that something was bothering Crystal, and with the grace and subtlety of a true friend asked; "Hey is there something wrong or something? You're acting weird."

Crystal rolled her eyes and sighed. "That girl I saw you with before, the white feline?" Tommy nodded slowly, not liking where this might be going. "Well it's just... I think she might be dangerous."

Tommy's throat bobbed as he gulped. "What her? She's harmless I'm sure." he lied.

Crystal stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "You're hiding something Tommy Amaker, what is it?" She said, jabbing a finger into his chest. "I have known you my whole life and I know a lie from you when I hear one. You think she is dangerous too." Tommy had never seen that hard look on his friend's face before and it gave him pause. "A lot of strange things have been happening since she showed up, people have been acting weird," Her eyes narrowed as she stared him down. "And you know why, don't you?" She finished, slowly.

He tried a few attempts at a lie but each fail under her wilting glare. At last he sighed and hung his head. "She, um, says she can give people what they have always desired. Some kind of magic, like granting wishes. I didn't believe it at first but then she did something and the whole world went black and it was like being sucked into hell for a minute. Then it was gone and she was still there, holding a contract and..."

When Tommy looked up at Crystal he expected to see her looking at him like a crazy person, but instead her look was more one of fear and concern. "Tommy, what... What did you do?" she asked, her voice shaking.

With a shrug Tommy looked away. "I... made a deal to win over Jennifer." He blushed slightly as the memory of him "signing" the contract came back to him.

When Tommy didn't seem about to continue Crystal grabbed him by his shirt and hauled him closer. "In exchange for what?" she shouted with a hint of panic creeping into her voice.

"My, um, soul." He stammered. "Which is stupid," He added quickly, "Because I don't even believe in..." He trailed off as he looked into Crystal's tear filled eyes. He reached out to put a comforting hand on her arm but she jerked away, turning to run off down the hall. Tommy called after her and made to follow, but just then the bells rang and the halls were flooded with students, obscuring Crystal from him.

Not knowing what else to do Tommy proceeded to his next class. When he entered his teacher called him over to her desk. "I have been informed that you have been assigned to a Special Ed class for the next couple periods. You're to report to room 245." Still a bit bewildered Tommy nodded woodenly and shuffled off to the new class.


Tommy stood by one of the tables and wondered what this class could possibly be about. The classroom was mostly empty except for four large tables in the corners of the room and the teacher's desk up front. From the looks of the other people in the class no one else knew what was going on either.

"Were you guys pulled out of your normal class for this too?" Tommy asked.

There was a murmuring of agreement and more shared looks of confusion. Most of the people here didn't know each other and were mostly unknown by the school in general. Tommy couldn't spot a single person from a sport team, or cheerleader, or just generally popular person. It was as if someone had rounded up every invisible person in school for this class.

Just then the door to the classroom opened up and a slim white feline strolled in. She was dressed in a tight fitting red dress more suited to a fancy dinner than a classroom. She looked right at Tommy and winked as she made her way to the teacher's desk at the head of the class. Instead of sitting behind it she instead sat on it, not even making an effort to cross her legs. Despite his apprehensions Tommy, being the adolescent boy he was, was unable to help sneaking a peek under her dress. He didn't know why he was surprised not to find any panties.

"Good morning students. You have all been selected for this class because it has been discovered that you have been overlooked in certain areas of your education." She paused and took in the confused looks of the assembled class, her gaze pausing on Tommy and a knowing grin spreading on her face. "You are woefully ignorant of a very critical piece of education for people your age," She turned and slid the free floating chalkboard from one side to the other, revealing drawings and diagrams on the board behind it. "Sex!" The board was covered in colorful depictions of penises and vaginas in the typical transparent design so one could see all the workings.

The assembled student groaned, but Tommy just gulped. "Now, now students." The teacher said. "This lesson will be much more fun than your normal Sex Ed. And you can all call me Miss Sara." She stated with a grin.

She then walked into the crowd of students and handed out black sashes. Upon returning to her desk she smiled and said; "The first rule to proper sexual education is you must be comfortable with your bodies." Tommy chuckled, he had hear that plenty of times in other Sex Ed classes, but what came next made him choke on his mirth. "So to start we must all strip naked." The students began to protest, but their arguments seemed to die away as Sara reached back and unzipped her dress, letting it fall off her to reveal her nude body underneath. She sat up on the desk behind her, her legs spread so everyone could see her privates. "No need to be shy," She said in what could almost be called a sultry voice. "No one here will judge you, and everything that happens stays in this room. That is Rule One."

To Tommy's amazement the students, after a time, began to slowly remove their clothing, most turning their backs to each other. Sara just sat there and let the tension in the room simmer, most of the student wouldn't take their eyes off the floor and kept their hand over their crotches or across their breasts.

"We will start by with the basic rules to proper sex. You, Kimberly right?" Sara asked, pointing to a female rabbit. The girl nodded and Sara motioned for her to come over to her, patting the open space on the desk between her legs. The girl hesitantly made her way over and sat down between Sara's legs as instructed, her knees held tight together as she continued to cover herself. "The next rule is you must make your partner feel relaxed, you'll never get anywhere if they're all clenched up on you."

Sara began to stroke the girl's arms gently, easing them down to her sides to expose her full breasts. She moved onto the girl's sides, sliding her paws up from the hip to the girl's pits. Bit by bit the girl relaxed, leaning back against Sara's warm body and letter her head rest back on Sara's shoulder. Moving her hands inward Sara rubbed over the girl's soft belly, letting her fingers gently brush the underside of the girl's breasts. On each pass Sara brought her hands a little higher, until she was eventually openly fondling the girl.

The rabbit girl gave a soft moan, which made the dicks of every male in the room twitch. Most of them were so shocked and engrossed in what was happening they didn't even think to cover themselves. Many of the guys sported massive erections and were flushed and chewing their lip. A musky smell was beginning to fill the air, by more than just the males.

Keeping one hand on the girl's tit Sara used her other hand to stroke the girls thigh, letting her fingertips trail along the tender inside of her leg and trace the crease where leg met hip. After a little while of this Sara was able to ease her legs apart and show the class her subtle pink slit.

"Rule three," Sara announced, "Once you have her relaxed you have to get her in the mood." Grabbing ahold of the bunny's stiff nipple with her thumb and finger she began to slowly roll and squeeze it. With her other hand she cupped her supple pubic mount, stroking it teasingly with her fingertips. Almost instantly the girl began to pant and moan softly, gripping Sara's thighs in her hands.

Using her ring and index finger she gently spread open the girls pussy lips. With her middle finger she stroked her sensitive lips, pausing on each up stroke to give the clit a little press. Looking over the mesmerized students Sara could tell they were almost ready.

Pausing, Sara pointed to one of the male students "You, come here and kneel down in front of her." The male lynx, Mark, pointed dumbly to himself, unsure what to do. Nervously, and after several nudges from the other boys, he made his was over and got down like he was told, his face only inches from the girl's sex. Reaching out Sara grabbed a fist full of his head fur and pressed his face into the juicy cunt, making the girl cry out in surprise then moan in pleasure. "Now lick." She instructed.

The boy went at it eagerly as Sara slipped out from behind the girl and eased her onto her back. "Now does anyone know the name of what he is doing?" Sara asked.

"Eating out?" Offered Tommy.

"Fa... Fellatio" Said another hesitant voice from the crowd.

"Cunnilingus!" Shouted a fox girl who was bouncing on her heels in excitement.

"Very good, though most people just say "Head" these days. It's a very useful technique when getting ready to fuck a particularly tight bitch, to get her nice and wet first" Sara said before turning back to the boy face deep in snatch.

She whispered something in his ear and he pulled back, asking if she was sure. Sara nodded and the boy climbed up on the table with the girl, helping her to lay long ways on the table and turning her onto her side so whole class could see the front of her body. He straddled her bottom leg and propped the other one on his shoulder. He looked back at Sara to make sure he was doing it right, and she nodded her approval.

"Next comes penetration." Sara said. "No pun intended," She added with a snicker, "And in this case we deal with how to lose your virginity."

The students began murmuring again, though not an eye left the couple on the table. The girl in question started to get nervous. "W-What? I don't think... I mean, I wanted to w-w-wait until m-m-marriage."

Leaning in Sara patted the girl's cheek. "Marriage is over rated Hun, learn to live in the moment." With that Sara gave a nod to the boy, who began to press the head of his cock into her slit. Turning back to the class Sara said "Now remember to go slow so she can adjust, and when you feel resistance that's just their hymen - go ahead to keep pushing. She may experience a moment of pain but that's fine, just keep feeding it in until you're balls deep." Sara paused as the bunny yelped, a small trickle of blood flowing from around the boy's cock and down her thigh.

The students watched, transfixed. The room was beginning to reek of must and sex. Many of the males were leaking pre onto the floor and there wasn't a dry pussy in the house to speak of. Many of the students had gone back to covering themselves, but it was fairly obvious this was just an excuse to touch themselves.

"But what about protection, aren't you supposed to tell us to always use condoms and stuff?" asked a young Roo boy Tommy knew to be Adam.

Sara smiled and stepped up to the boy, placing a finger on the head of the marsupial's throbbing cock and giving it a little flick, making the boy gasp and go weak in the knees. "We will go over proper and improper mating practices latter. Now why don't you demonstrate our next lesson?" Sara led him and another girl named Tammy to an open table, asking them to demonstrate the previous lessons. His technique wasn't quite as effective in relaxing her but with the heavy arousal in the room it didn't take too long for nervous ferret girl to settle into it.

Before the boy could commence eating her out Sara stopped him, turning the girl over and positioning her on all fours. "Instead of eating out her cunt, I want you to use her tail hole instead." The boy cringed, but that didn't stop Sara from quickly forcing his face into the girl's pink pucker. With an simple mental command Sara kept the Roo at his task.

"It... it feel strange Miss Sara, do I have to do this?" The girl asked.

Sara just chuckled, ignoring her protests as she eased the girl down so her cheek rested on the table and her weight was supported on her chest. Taking the girls hands she brought them under her body to her dripping sex. Sara started her stroking her pussy, watching the concern and resistance melt from the ferrets face.

"Our next lesson is 'Anal' and it's a personal favorite of mine." Reaching between the boy's legs she began to idly stroke his shaft. "The thing to remember here, is to go slow. If you try to just stab your cock inside you'll probably tear her ass and sprain your cock to boot. Better to eat her ass out a bit first to loosen her up, it also helps to lube her up a little. Alternatively," She grabbed the boy's head again and pulled him away. With a loud hacking noise she spat out a thick wad of saliva onto the girl's tail hole. "You can just do that." She finished before whispering something into the boy's ear.

The boy climbed up on the table, turning the girl so her ass faced the class. He stood on the balls of his feet so he wouldn't obstruct the class's view and brought the head of his cock to her ass cheeks, giving her a few test grinds before attempting to push inside. The students were enraptured as they watched Adam's penis bend with the strain and Tammy's pucker slowly dilated. As soon as he forced her anal ring to open the girl began to groan, clenching her teeth and balling her fists. She held her breath as she tried to force her body to relax, the rest of the class holding their breath with her without even realizing it. With a moan of satisfaction Adam's head popped inside the hot confines. True to the lesson he went slow, easing inch after inch inside her ass. He couldn't help but hiss as the intense heat and pressure of her insides encompassed his shaft. With another moan of delight he hilted insider her, his balls resting comfortably on her hot cunny. Tammy let out a great sigh of relief as well, which was echoed by the other students in the room.

"Good job." Sara declared "Now once you are all the way in its best to wait a minute, give her time to adjust and relax so you don't Pink sock her."

"Pink sock?" Tommy regretted it as soon as he said it.

Sara picked up a discarded sock from the floor. "Imagine this sock is Miss Tammy's tail hole and anal canal." Sara pushed her hand into the sock as far as it would go. "If she is too tense and clenches up." She pulled her hand out, the tight fabric clinging to her arm and turning inside out as she withdrew.

Tammy whimpered, having taken advantage of her flexible spine to bend around so she could watch the demonstration. She looked up at Adam, who seemed equally concerned. Suddenly a thought popped into her head, one so strong she acted on it without thinking. Bending around she placed her hands on Adam's cheeks and kissed him. It was a position few mammals could pull off but Tammy managed it well.

It took a few seconds but Adam slowly relaxed into the kiss and even returned it in kind. He had never kissed a girl before, but he figured it was much less awkward with his penis already buried in her ass. He felt her lips part and her tongue lightly brush his lips. Cautiously he extended his own tongue and lightly brushed hers. When she didn't back away he began caressing her tongue with his own, tasting her, drawing her closer. Letting go of her hips he reached up and caressed her cheek and stroked her hair. He quickly noticed her relax, her ass lightening its grip on him. With delicate care he began to pull out, the sudden contrast of cool air making him shiver. He stopped when he felt the tip of his cock tug on her sphincter. A light nod from Tammy told him all was well and he began to push back in and then out again with no troubles.

With a light pat on Adam's rump Sara singled him to pick up the pace, and soon he was pounding away at the girl's tail hole. Her grunts and groans soon mixing with moans of pleasure and eventually she had to break off the kiss so she could brace herself against the desk.

Turning back to the class Sara selected another boy and two more girls. "And what are your names?" She asked.

"Matt." Said the male steer.

"C-C-Cindy." Quivered the mouse as she clapped her paws over her rump and eyed Matt's considerable package.

"Samantha." Said the knowledgeable fox girl, looking positively eager to start.

"Ok, this lesson is about oral, namely knowing how to suck a cock." Sara said as she placed her hands on the two girl's shoulders and eased them to their knees as Matt leaned back against his own table. "The first thing to know is it's not all about popping his dick in your mouth like it's a straw and you're trying to drink the cum out of it. You need to know how to work the balls and shaft as well as the head."

After the two girls had their instruction they went to work, Cindy started by tentatively licking the steer's thick shaft. She cringed at first from the salty taste, not to mention the overpowering smell of arousal. His dick pulsed as her hot tongue pressed to it, making Cindy jump. When she was confident she hadn't done anything wrong she continued, taking longer and longer lick as she became more confident.

With the passion only a fox could muster Samantha began to suckle his hefty nuts. The taste of sweat held no reservations for her as she drew the delicate orb onto her maw and assaulted it with her nimble tongue. She could feel him churning in her mouth, his blood rushing about his privates with the building need to cum.

Once they got going both girls soon relaxed into the rhythm and began working his cock with gusto, taking turns licking his shaft, suckling his head and working his balls. Even the meek Cindy was slurping and sucking like a practiced whore.

Sara could see the tag team effort bringing the young steer quickly to his peak. "Next, in the event your male doesn't look like he will last long," She said quickly, "Simply grasp him tightly right at the base of his pecker, not only will this keep him from ejaculating but also traps blood and increases sensitivity to near painful proportions." Sara took Samantha's hand and placed it on the base of his shaft and squeezed. Matt groaned loudly and gave a short hiss but quickly went back to moaning as they resumed their work.

Tommy was the only one left now. "What the heck is all this?" He asked Sara as she came to stand next to him.

"It's quite simple," She said smoothly, "I'm teaching a whole new generation of whores, sluts and deviants the proper way to sin." She placed a hand on his back and lead him to the last open table, sitting him down in front of her like she had the first girl. "Just look at it Tommy, it only took minimal manipulation to turn a room full of bashful teens into carnal sex addicts." Reaching down between Tommy's legs she gently grasped his cock and lazily stroked him, moving just fast enough to inflame his loins without getting him off. Her other hand she traced the mark over his nipple, memories of a matching one adorning her own breast once. "So have you considered your next wish?"

"Huh, what?" Tommy licked his lips, trying to think through the haze of arousal. "Oh, right, my wish. I, um, I was thinking of being a star; doing something so impressive that Brandon looks like a nothing and Jennifer will see me as the coolest kid in the school."

"As you wish, but for now just relax and absorb your 'lessons', you never know what might come in handy with Jennifer." Sara said, with a light kiss to the top of his head.

Almost an hour passed as Tommy watched the fornication and Sara teased him. His lap was utterly drenched in pre and his balls ached so bad he thought they might rupture, but still it felt too good to make her stop. The others seemed equally unable to stop themselves. Sara was silent the whole time, seeming oddly content as she played with him. Looking back once he saw her smiling, not the coy smile he normally saw, nor the mischievous grin of a sexual deviant, but a happy one, like she was lost in some loving memory.

Kimberly from the first lesson had cum so many times by now that the table under her was completely covered in her juices, which caused a wet slapping sound each time Mark thrust into her. He was also soaked by this point, his thighs completely drenched and his balls dripping with her nectar

Over in Anal education, Adam had discovered that Tammy was a squirter. He had her held against his chest as she fingered her cunt and tweaked her nipples in time with his steady thrusts. Every so often Tammy would cry out and Adam would see how far he could get her to squirt.

Lastly in Blowjobs 101 Cindy and Samantha had discovered how to bring Matt just to his peak before backing off and building him back up. He was leaking copious amounts of pre and both girls' faces to smeared in the clear, sticky fluid.

Sara, lost in some thought, let her hold over the students slip and their own body's need for release took over. "Miss...Miss Sara," called Mark, "I'm about to... to cum, do I let it out inside?"

There was a weak mumble from under him "No, not... I'll... Pregnant...Marriage..." The voice trailed off into more screams and moans as mark's swelling cock triggered more orgasms.

"What kind of question is that?" Sara laughed as she suddenly snapped back to reality. "That is a beautiful, intelligent and respectable young woman you have your dick in right now." She paused, a grin spreading across her face. "Stupid, of course you cum inside her. That's where cum goes isn't it?"

Mark and Kimberly both cried out at the same time as hot spunk passed from one person into another. The hot seed exploded insider her like geyser and as it began filling her womb her body hungrily clamped down on Mark's cock, her vaginal muscles working him for every last drop. They both collapsed onto the drenched table, panting and gasping for breath as they lay in the pool of mixed sex juices. They had a look of both confusion and wonder on their face, as if neither one knew what to do anymore.

Adam had moved off the table and was holding Tammy under the knees as he fucked her from behind, giving the whole class a very clear view of her pussy as it spasmed with each thrust Adam made into her guts. "Here it comes!" Adam growled as he released his seed into her virgin ass.

"Don't look, please don't look!" Tammy screamed, as she came herself, spraying her honey across the room like a tiny fire hose. Once spent, they both crumpled to the floor, Tammy having to slowly un-impale herself from Adam's engorged cock. Once she was free she curled up with the exhausted Roo, resting her head on her chest.

Sara came up behind Cindy and Samantha as they continued their torture of the poor steer. His balls were heavily inflated and his cock was so full of blood it had turned from pink to red to purple. She sat the two girls back on their heels and pressed their cheeks together.

"Eyes closed, mouths open, tongues out." She told them, and they both eagerly complied. She looked up at Matt, winked, and then gave the head of his dick a little flick.

Matt's eyes rolled back in his head as his dick exploded into a torrent of jizz. The first powerful blast hit Cindy right in the mouth, who did as she was told and held it open even as it flowed out off her tongue. The next couple spurts covered her and Samantha's face and breasts in a thick glaze of spunk. Samantha felt a hand on the back of her head but didn't resist as her open maw was forced onto the still erupting falus. She sucked and swallowed, choking only once and causing cum to squirt out her nose, but was able to drink up the last of his salty seed.

"Very good!" Sara announced to the class. "Now, I hope everyone still has the black sashes I handed out earlier. I want you all to tie them over your eyes." Sara waited for everyone to comply, though Tommy somehow knew it didn't apply to him. "Good, now I want everyone to pick a random station and remove the blindfolds and begin practicing with your new partners."

Tommy's mouth hung open. "There's no way, look at them most can hardly stand let alone go through that again." Sara looked down at him and smiled, motioning for him to look again at his fellow students. To his amazement he saw the men growing hard once more, their balls seeming to fill before his eyes. Even the girls seemed to go from exhausted to energetic in an instant.

"You're welcome to stay if you like," Sara offered, "They still have a couple more hours of lessons before they can go, but I believe you have a game to catch."

Tommy looked at her with a mix of wonder and fear, wondering just what kind of creature she really was. But then her words sank in and he remembered he had to be there for the game if he wanted to see Brandon humiliated and show Jennifer just how amazing he could be.