Session No. 12

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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#12 of Sessions

Disclaimers: Gage belongs to me, Fen belongs to avatar?user=66939&character=0&clevel=2 Fenny Moonfang

Please do not read if you're under 18, or have a stron dislike for M/M types of things.

As usual, feedback of the constructive sort is welcome! Thank you for reading!

I've had a strong dislike for public transportation for some time now. I mean, I know it's useful and all of that, but I can't help but feel claustrophobic sitting in a large tin on wheels that is filled with people to the brim. Most were standing in the aisles of the subway train as it was rush hour, hanging on and trying not to end up in someone's lap when the train sped up or took a turn.

It had been a long day at work. Marking parts for modern music that divides the strings into 24 separate voices is never easy, and if someone doesn't turn in the marking they want, I have to guess. Since I'm not a string player, that can be messy sometimes. My car was also having mechanical issues, so that's why I was riding on this mobile death trap. Fortunately I was early enough to snag a seat, but unfortunately due to time, that meant that some doe was standing above me, her large purse hitting me in the shoulder with every turn. The tiger next to me smelled terribly as if he didn't shower and smoked three packs of cigarettes per hour, so I was kind of fucked for the time being.

Luckily, the guy left at the next stop with about half of my carriage, leaving me some room to breathe. The lady in front of me sat down on the other side and pulled out her phone, idly texting away as she stared at the glowing screen in her palm. Another stop went by, and the doe and some others left, leaving me alone with one other passenger. The short arctic wolf had just got on at the previous stop, and it looked like this was his first time on the subway. His fur was pure white, which made his red t-shirt and black shorts stand out even more. Judging by his swimmer's build, he was probably in his early twenties, though he still looked about eighteen or so due to his height. He looked kind of nervous as he walked down the carriage towards me as the doors shut.

"Woah!" he cried as the train started to move. He stumbled and lost his balance, careening towards me as he desperately tried to regain his balance.

Naturally, he ended up in my lap.

Naturally, he stuck his arms out to break his fall.

Naturally, his paw went right to my crotch, where it lingered on my sheath and balls.

There was an awkward moment between us, mostly for him. I could see him blush once he realized where his paw was. His blue eyes widened as he gasped and looked up. I was expressionless; I didn't mind and I knew it wasn't intentional in addition to the face that I had nothing to be embarrassed about. He gasped again when he saw my face.

"You!" he cried, paw still on my crotch.

"Yes?" I replied nonchalantly. I actually didn't know they guy, so I don't know how he could have recognized me.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh..." he exasperatedly chattered, still not telling me why he was excited to see me.

"...Can I help you with something?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Geez, I never thought I'd see you again!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm sorry, but where have you seen me before...?"

"Pandora! You were that stripper guy in The Box!" he exclaimed, paws shaking in excitement.

Oh God.

Someone actually recognized me from there? Fuck, and that was some time ago...

"I'm not..."

"I went on opening night, and after I saw you, I went back the next day and the next, trying to see you again, you were so hot and sexy-" I held up my paw to stop the chatterbox of a wolf right there before he got any further.

"I'm not a stripper," I laughed after he stopped talking.

"..You're not?" he asked, partially embarrassed that he was wrong in his assumption.

"God, no. That was purely an accident, and was not part of my plan that night," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. As awesome as it was, it also wasn't something I was planning on repeating.

"Oh, was pretty hot," He mumbled, avoiding eye contact. It was kind of cute how shy he was, and his obvious attraction to me was flattering as well.

"Well, I think it's kind of funny that you'd want to see me again," I smiled warmly. "I'd hate to disappoint my fans."

"Well, I'm not-uh, well-" he stammered, blushing even more.

"Well, now that you've seen me again, what do you want to do?" I asked, leaning back in the seat, trying to open my up my body as much as I could. I kind of knew that he wanted me to treat him the same way I did Chris back at the club, but I'd rather hear him tell me that than assume. He eyed me and I knew he wanted me, but he wasn't going to admit it freely.

"Well, I uh...c-can I feel your arm?" he asked timidly. I gave him a slight grin and rolled up my sleeve. He watched intently as I brought my arm up and flexed for him. The muscle swelled and his eyes widened. He hesitant reached for it, almost as if he expected me to take it away or something. His paw gently grasped the bicep and squeezed. He let out his held breath, and I noticed a growing bulge in his shorts.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked with a grin.

"Oh, I'm sorry-I, I-"

"Shh, it's okay. I know you want to touch me elsewhere," I winked. "Though, your paw was there for a quite a bit when you landed on me."

"Oh, geez, I'm sorry about that!" He blushed again.

"Oh, it's not a problem now,' I winked again, shifting my hips a bit to show of my own prominent bulge.

"I mean, you've already seen me naked, and I wouldn't mind putting on a private show of sorts," I grinned. The wolf shuddered at the thought.

"But, I-" he stammered again.

"What's the matter?" I asked, resting back in the seat again.

"Gah, this makes me sound like a slut," he confessed, looking down at the floor.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting something."

"I just like big guys, you know?" he blushed even more.

"Look, that's fine. Wanting one guy doesn't make you a slut."

The train slowed to a stop, and the arctic wolf stumbled again.

"My stop is here. If you want, you can follow me. If not, well..." I shrugged. I didn't know what would happen beyond him probably not seeing me again, but I left that implication of an option to him. He let out a strangled cry of sorts, and followed me out the door.

"So what's your name?" I asked as he walked beside me.

"Fen," he answered, trying to keep pace with my longer strides.

"Mine's Gage. I don't live to far from here, but this will give me time for you to tell me what you want," I grinned, looking at the bashful wolf.

"I'm not sure what I want..." he mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, we can figure it out as we go. As long as I'm not hurting you (or vice-versa) and it's sanitary, I'm usually good for most things," I laughed. "Are you a virgin?" I asked out of curiosity.

"What? No! I mean, I've played around a few times with a friend or two, but..." he blushed, becoming incredibly flustered.

"But you've never been with some as big as me?" I grinned even more, watching him squirm a bit. I didn't have any malicious intent behind my teasing. He was a good guy, and it only made me like him more that he was so shy about this kind of stuff. In all honestly, I didn't plan on him taking me unless he really wanted to since eleven inches is quite a moderately large size.

We continued to converse as we walked towards my apartment, mostly talking about him in regards to hobbies, school, family, and all that jazz to keep him relaxed. When he asked me the same questions, I kept is simple and slightly vague just so it would be less about me and more about him. He seemed to be getting more comfortable around me; I know that sometimes large people can be intimidating, but his bubbly personality was showing through as we conversed.

"Well, here we are," I announced as my apartment complex came into view. He immediately stopped talking, looking somewhat apprehensive. I think he finally realized that we were actually going to go through with this.

"If you want to back out, now's the time to do so." I felt like at least giving him a chance to back out was fair. "I won't be offended or anything."

He hesitated. I could see the thoughts racing through his mind. His shyness was keeping his desires at bay, both of them fighting for either a chance of a lifetime or keeping in his shell.

"No, I'm going through with this," he stated, keeping his ground. I couldn't help but smile at his determination. We walked up the steps and I opened the door.

"Wow...nice place!" he commented, looking around the relatively sparse beige room.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I smiled, taking off my shoes. He did the same and looked around the room for a moment.

"Who is this?" he asked, looking at the large portrait that hung at one end of the room.

"That is Leonard Bernstein. He was a famous composer, conductor, educator, and liaison for all of the arts. He wrote a lot of symphonic literature and more popular types of music. Ever hear of West Side Story?" I explained to him.

"Oh yeah! I watched that movie not too long ago," he excitedly stated.

"Well, it's not a movie. It's a musical, but there have been several adaptations of it over the years. It's certainly quite popular," I smiled. Bernstein was an idol of mine in regards to composition and being a musician in general. I certainly would have loved to work with him.

"But enough of that. Bedroom is upstairs," I pointed to the door at the top of the stairwell. He gulped from anticipation, and I led him up the stairs. I opened the door and he gasped again.

"Wow, very nice color," he commented, glancing at the mix of burgundy and mahogany, and the touches of dark gold splashed around the room. I gently wrapped my arms around his small frame, embracing him and purring deeply in his ear. He gasped again, body tensing slightly. He grabbed onto my arm and slowly melted in my embrace. I leaned down and nuzzled his neck. He shuddered and tilted his head, giving me more room.

Despite the apprehension, he was enjoying himself judging by the bulge at the front of his shorts and his flickering tail that wagged between my legs. I purred continuously as I nuzzled the smaller male's neck, trying to get him to relax slightly. He let out a deep breath and my paws roamed his body underneath his shirt. His body felt surprisingly firm yet supple; he had muscle tone despite his slim build. I reached up and lightly pinched a nipple, making him gasp. He sunk into my body some more, and I slowly removed the shirt, revealing his toned body.

I gently kissed the back of his neck and slowly worked my way down. My paws roamed his body again, mapping out the toned muscles. Once I ended up in a kneeling position, I stopped kissing his spine, but I gently fondled with his package. It was fairly average in size, but that mattered little to me right now. I gently spun him around, and nuzzled the hardened package, making him groan. Looking up at him with lustful eyes, I dipped my tongue in his naval, making him squirm a bit before standing up.

I rest my arms on his shoulders, letting him feel the wait of them before gently walking him towards the bed. He yelped in surprise when he stumbled and flopped onto the bed. Embarrassed, he situated himself.

"Now what-"

I cut him off by placing a finger on his lips before stepping back. He gazed at me almost questioningly, but I held his attention as I slowly lifted up my own shirt. He held his breath as I revealed my much more muscular torso to him, even as I casually discarded my shirt onto the floor.

"I take it you like?" I grinned, knowing full well that he did. He didn't have to say anything; his expression of wonder, amazement, and arousal told me everything I needed to know.

"What would you like me to do?" I asked, letting him talk control of the situation.

"C-Could you flex your arms for me again?" he asked, blushing.

"Of course," I grinned, bringing my right arm up. He watched intently as I flexed, letting out a soft moan as it reached its peak. A thick vein rose to the surface of my skin, accompanied by several thinner ones. I rotated my wrist some to let the defined muscle move a little for him. I fully extended my arm and flexed my tricep for him, making the horseshoe shaped trio of muscle harden under my skin. His captivated expression didn't change, and it only encouraged me to go on with the show.

"Anything else you'd like to see?" I cordially asked after relaxing my arms and folding them across my bare chest.

"Uhm...could you roll your chest?" he asked, still flushed in the face.

I smiled and brought my arms forward. I flexed my pecs slowly, letting the muscle slowly roll upwards until it was fully engorged with blood. They stood proudly away from my chest, creating a slight shadow on my abs from the light overhead. He let out a slight moan and I relaxed my chest.

"Anything else?" I asked, stepping closer to him.

He looked at me silently with hesitation and uncertainty, but I knew what he wanted to do. I took his paw and gently placed it on my chest and purred. His fingers lightly gripped my right pec, feeling the malleable flesh slowly harden as I flexed it. He watches as his fingers spread apart, spread by the muscle I had worked so hard to develop of the past five years. Fen let out a quiet but heated moan, and I watched as the tent in his shorts throb. I slowly brought his paw downwards, letting him feel the groove of my defined abs. His fingers tried to span across the width of the two columns, but it was to no avail. I kept bring the paw further south until it rested on my bulge. He let out another moan as he felt how large it really was, especially when I was already semi-erect. I ground it in gently, encasing his fingers around my balls, letting him feel the weight of them. He let out a heated moan, and the tent in his shorts throbbed again. I brought his paw up and manipulated his fingers so that he was unfastening my shorts. Fen took the hint after a moment, and soon my shorts where on the floor.

"So warm..." he breathed, cupping my bulge through my underwear. He gently gripped behind my swollen glans, making me purr in pleasure.

"Would you like to see it?" I asked seductively, pulling the waistband of my underwear away from my waist.

He nodded.

"Well, you have to take off your shorts, too. I'm not going to be the only one naked," I winked.

He grumbled something nervously.

"What?" I asked, not sure what he was saying.

"I'm...I'm not as big as you," he mumbled shyly, looking at the floor.

"So? You have a dick that needs attention. I don't care how large it is. I mean, I am a size queen, but I'm fine with average dicks, too," I smiled, gently caressing his bulge.

He blushed again.

"Do you still want this?" I asked gently, but firmly. "I'm not going to continue if you're not."

Fen looked at the paw on his bulge and then at my own bulge, both of which were throbbing with need.

"Yes." He said firmly, still gazing at my bulge. I grinned at his response and gently pulled the elastic waistband away from his hips, and gently pulled them off.

A modest six and a half inch long cock popped free, pointing straight towards the ceiling as it was released. A bead of pre was already forming at the tip, and I gently swished my index finger over it making him moan from the simple action. I gave it a quick tasted and purred.

"Very delicious. Obviously, you eat your fruits and veggies," I grinned after suckling on my finger. "My turn."

He watched attentively as I slowly teased him by drawing the waistband of my own underwear away from my body. I gently rolled my hips, slowly lowering my underwear more and more. When half of my cock was revealed, I let the garment fall to the floor, revealing my large shaft to him.

"Oh fuck," he moaned, a spurt of pre shooting out of his cock and landing on his chest. That certainly boosted my ego. "H-How big is it?"

"Eleven inches long and six in circumference," I grinned, giving my cock a squeeze. "Best part? You're free to do as you please with it."

He shuddered as be brought a hesitant paw to it and gently squeezed the hard shaft. I felt his small warm paws warp around it, fingers only barely touching each other. He moaned again and began to lightly stroke spreading some of the pre around. I purred and gently thrust my hips into his paw. I gently fondled my balls, and watched his cock throb from arousal. If I didn't know any better, I would think he was about ready to blow, but it would certainly be way too soon for that. He kept stroking and I kept teasing my balls making pre continuously leak. I walked closer towards him, both of us still attending to my shaft. He immediately got the hint, and apprehensively brought it to his face.

"I don't expect you to take the whole thing, obviously," I smiled, rubbing his shoulders. He nodded and stuck his tongue out, giving the tip an experimental lick. I purred to encourage him, still fondling my balls. He licked it again with more zeal, lapping up more of my copious pre. His cock lurched again, sending another stream of clear pre across his chest. I watched as a tennis ball sized knot formed as he continued lapping at my cock, clearly aroused by what he was allowed to do to someone who he somewhat lusted after. I gently ground my hips in circles, allowing my head to slip past his lips. He moaned again, his tongue running along the underside of my cock sending delightful bits of pleasure through my body.

"I see your previous experience has helped you," I smiled, still gently humping his maw. He was only able to take the first three or four inches, but it was still enough to be pleasing. Pre lewdly dripped from my tip, only to be quickly lapped up by his tongue. I saw one of his paws gently grasp his throbbing cock, stroking it to relieve some pressure. I rubbed his head again, picking up my pace only slightly. He was able quickly adjust, taking about five inches now. I could tell he was straining though; the combination of my girth and his close proximity to orgasm was making it difficult to divert his attention.

So naturally, I took control.

I pulled out of his mouth, leaving him groaning with disappointment. Bending down and moving his paw away from his cock, I gently lapped at his tip. As with most canines, he was leaking a crap ton of pre which made his shaft completely slick. I gently squeezed the base of his cock, just barely teasing the underside of his knot. Fen gasped, and I was rewarded with a spurt of pre. I engulfed his cock all the way to right above the knot, breathing heavily through my nostrils and teasing the sensitive bulb of swollen flesh.

"Ughnn..." Fen twitched, hips bucking against my face. I gently held his hips down and continued sucking. My rough tongue danced along the underside, just teasing his knot. He whined, releasing another shot of pre into my mouth. I slurped it down and resumed, this time going all the way to the knot. Naturally, I couldn't take it unless I dislocated my jaw, but I made up for it by firmly grasping it with my paw.

Results were instantaneous.

"Fuck!" He moaned, cock lurching in my awaiting maw as cum shot to the back of my throat. Only about four shots fired before it began to wane, but even then he had very impressive velocity. His body shook and his cock throbbed, a sure sign of his intense orgasm.

He panted a bit after he was done, quickly calming down from his orgasmic high. His pupils were slightly dilated, and he was having a hard time focusing, even after I let his cock flop out of my mouth.

"Enjoy yourself?" I smiled, licking my lips. He panted, eyes slightly crossed from the orgasm. I mean, it wasn't that impressive of a round, but I guess he cums hard regardless of what happens.

"Now, we have a couple of options. I still have to get off at some point, and you probably have another round or two left, so you can either take me, or I can take you." Fen finally focused, contemplating what to do. However, I already had an idea in mind, taking note of his still rock hard erection.

Thinking for myself (which is kind of selfish), I gently pushed his torso down on the mattress. He lifted his head, mouth open to ask a question, but I silenced him by straddling his waist. In a predatory style, I still loomed over his torso, letting him get a full view of my hard body. I grinned as he shivered, whether from fear or arousal (or some combination of the two), I don't know. The only that that mattered was that I was in control.

I leaned in and pinned him down, situating my hips right above his groin. Still grinnin, I took careful aim and sat down, only allowing the leaking tip inside. Fen gasped, his hips bucking trying to get more inside. Bracing myself on one arm, I pushed down on his hips, making him relax. He whined, and I smiled.

"Let me work," I winked, gently kissing him on the nose. I shifted my weight back and pushed my upper body up, giving him a nice view of my chest and upper abs.

"You're free to touch though," I encouraged him, still teasing his tip. He hesitantly brought a paw up and rubbed my chest, feeling the way it moved as I slowly breathed in and out. I sank a little bit further down on his shaft, letting him know what the parameters for this round were. The other paw gently cupped my chest in the same manner, squeezing the malleable muscle. I slowly flexed my pecs and sunk about two-thirds down his cock, making him moan in pleasure.

"So warm..." he breathed.

"Are you referring to my chest or my ass?" I chuckled, flexing both my chest and hole.

"Ugnn...both," he moaned heatedly. I purred contently.

"You're free to touch where ever you like," I said, moving my hips in a small circle. He hissed, and touched my arm. Due to my position, they were relatively flexed for him, enabling him to at least feel them stabilize themselves under my upper body weight.

I sat down on his hips. He yelped, and instantly ground his groin against my backside. His paws squeezed my arms, and I fully flexed them, both of us watching as his vice grip slowly spread apart. He was awestruck.

"You've never taken somebody?" I asked, almost innocently.

"N-no," he confessed, face still contorted with partial bliss. He was so cute and innocent...

"You're certainly the biggest guy I've been with," he said as well, once he regained his composure some.

"Well, there's a moderate amount of guys like me. I'd like to brag, but there are lots bigger than me, so I won't. I'm actually relatively small compared to some," I smiled, letting him process that information for a bit. "But you're with me tonight, and I'll make sure you have a good time."

And with that, I began to move.

With a partial grunt and a moan from Fen, I rose my hips up until only the leaking tip remained and then slowly worked my way down, making him shudder all the way. It was fun watching him squirm; the poor guy probably had never even dreamed of being treated this way. At least, not so soon.

I tried to go as slow as I could. Not necessarily for me, but just to watch his face contort and to hears his moans as I rode his cock at an agonizing pace was certainly a small boost to my ego. My cock was dripping above him, pre landing on his lower chest. I wasn't sure yet if I'd take him; I didn't want to hurt him, and due to our difference in size, there was going to be a lot more preparation involved. I wasn't entirely sure how his endurance and stamina would be after this round as well, so I was definitely leaning towards not penetrating him.

He was quite a leaker. I could actually feel his pre shoot into my hole and splash around before it slowly pooled at my entrance bit. Granted it wasn't a flood, but it was still a healthy amount. I picked up the pace once I think I had tortured him enough. Though he stopped touching me, I didn't mind. He was having fun and I was too, though not in the way I usually have fun. I've probably said this before, but I am a size queen. But even then, smaller guys deserve to have a good sexual experience from big guys, too. It'd be a shame to deny them that experience due to my preferences in men.

"Ugnn, fuck," Fen moaned, tongue lolling out as I picked up the pace again. His paws ghosted along my thighs, feeling the large muscles flex and relax with every pump I made. He eventually made his way to my hips, grabbing on to them for support. My cock thwacked against his body at some point as I bounced along, making his gasp from the impact. I brought my arms behind my head and crunched my abs, trying to at least give him some more visual stimulation. He approved, judging by the moan he gave me.

"You can move too, you know," I winked, gyrating my hips in a circle. He brought his hips up with surprising vigor, slapping against my ass.

"Oh! Someone does have some zeal after all," I grinned, feeling his cock wedge deeper inside of me. It was irregular at first, but he sound found a rhythm all his own. It was actually becoming very pleasure able for me as well, as Fen's cock finally hit my prostate with every thrust. More of my pre was leaking now, dripping all over his chest.

"I'm...close," he breathed as his knot formed again. I ground my hips against the swelling flesh, making him whimper again. His paws gripped my thighs hard, telling me how much he wanted this, though I wasn't going to give it to him that easily. I bounced a few more times just to agitate him before slamming my hips, tying us together.

He wailed as his cock twitched inside of me. It was a beautiful sight, watching the smaller wolf beneath me undergo his second orgasm, body flailing and yet still pined to the mattress under my weight. I felt several shots of cum spray deep within me, though not nearly as much as last time. It still had the same velocity and intensity, fortunately.

Fen's body was still twitching in some areas, but for the most part, he had calmed down. He was still panting slightly, but he was regaining some focus, especially towards the large cock that was right above his body, still leaking pre.

"Now, do you want to take me, or..."I gave him the option. If he didn't, I had an idea that would still help me get off, but I still wanted it to be his choice.

"Yes," He said with surprising confidence.

"You sure?"


I smiled.

"I'll be as gentle as I can," I promised, slowly moving off of him and in between his legs. With a slight grunt, I lifted his legs up, presenting his hole to me. I quickly coated two of my fingers with saliva and gently pushed both in. He was very resistant, and I had to be sure I was extra thorough in stretching him. His grunts of discomfort were slowly turning into moans of pleasure as I wiggled them around some. I inserted a third finger, making him grunt again, but soon all of my efforts were beginning to bear their fruit. He moaned again, showing that he was at stretched as he could be from my fingers. I pulled my fingers out, and he let out a large sigh.

"My cock is thicker than that, but at least you're warmed up a bit," I grunted, smearing some of my pre on his hole with the tip of my cock. "You ready?"

Fen hesitated for a moment. I could see him contemplate whether to go through with this or not, but since he was already stretched out, he might as well go through with this. But that was his choice and I'd certainly honor his decision.

"Yes," he said firmly, but I could tell that he was still apprehensive. Keeping that in mind, I slowly pushed forward, inserting the tip of my cock.

"Ugnnnh..." he groaned, instantly tensing up at the intrusion. I held myself there, waiting for him to adjust. It was almost painful for me to do so, as he was so deliciously tight. However, I grit my teeth and waited for the okay to continue. After a good minute or two, Fen nodded, and I pushed forward again.

I ignored half of his grunts. If I stopped for every single centimeter that slid into him, he'd be here till 3 A.M., and I certainly didn't have the patience to perform such an excruciating task. I stopped at about five inches, and let him adjust some more. My pre was certainly making it easier to slide in, but I didn't want to hurt him due to his still tight passage,

Another minute or two passed, and I pressed forward, watching his face and body language for any sort of pain. I got till about eight inches when he gasped, and I immediately pulled out slowly, thinking I had hurt him somehow.

"No, no...I'm fine. You just hit a really sensitive spot," he breathed, anticipating my question. I smiled. I had probably already passed over his prostate, but I think I was venturing into uncharted territory. I lined up my tip and pushed in again. It was a little easier this time thrusting inside, and soon, I reached that sensitive spot once more. I held myself there for a moment before pushing forward. He let out a moan as two more inches were inserted, sliding right past that newly discovered sweet spot. I pulled out just a bit, and slowly inserted the last inch.

I let out a grunt as my groin met his hips. Fen was panting, and I could feel his heartbeat around my cock, pulsing as he made his final adjustments. I rubbed his toned abdomen as he groaned in discomfort. He seemed to relax some, but I'd still have to go slowly. I gently pulled out until the barbed tip of my dick remained and pushed back in.

Fen's groans were slowly turning into moans as I began my slow and steady pace. I was only using about half of my dick, but it still provided enough stimulation for both of us to enjoy. Fen's cock was hardening again, and I was already decently close from the ride I took. This round probably wouldn't last too long, but as long as both of us were satisfied, didn't mind.

I slowly picked up the pace of my thrusts. Fen was certainly more loose than he was ten minutes ago, but the delicious friction his tight hole produced around my cock was evidence that I still couldn't go full out on him-not that I had planned on it. The relaxing rhythm still sparked pleasure through my body. His passage, though tight, was very warm, making me purr with each thrust.

"More," Fen heatedly moaned, surprising me a bit.

"You sure?" I asked, continuing my languid pace. He nodded and I gripped his hips, gently picking up the face. Now the friction was feeling really good, and Fen's moans were telling me that he was enjoying the ride as well. I felt his heartbeat pick up and his cock throbbed with almost every thrust telling me that he was approaching climax faster than I had anticipated. I wasn't too far off myself, but if I didn't time it right...

Ah, what the hell.

I picked up the pace again. Fen grunted from the extra force, but judging by his still throbbing cock, he was still enjoying himself. Dull heavy slaps filled the room, accompanied by our own moans. I could feel my balls slowly pull themselves up, read to unleash their contents.

"Fuck, I'm close," I groaned through gritted teeth, still thrusting away. Fen just let out another moan as our hip and groin collided again. His breathing picked up as his knot began to swell. I reached down and gently touched his throbbing dick, feeling it throb between my fingers. I gave it a gentle stroke and-

"Fuck!" he hissed, reaching his third climax. Three shots of cum launched straight into the air about eye height for me before cascading down on his abdomen. His hole tightened and quivered around my aching shaft, and I too could no longer hold one. With one final thrust, I let out a fierce growl of sorts, releasing inside of him. Fen let out a whimper as several ropes of my cum splashed around his insides.

Once finished, I slowly pulled out and flopped down next to the wolf.

"You enjoy yourself?" I asked.

"Ughhnnn...." He moaned, rubbing his belly.

"That good, huh?" I laughed, patting him on the shoulder.

"I don't think I'll be able to walk for a few days..."

"You'll be fine. Take a hot bath when you get home and you should be good," I shrugged.

"Then you can tell all of your friends how you got be ridden by but also fucked by that stud you saw at Pandora. That'll make them jealous," I grinned. Fen said nothing.

"Hey, you alright? Fen? Oh," I said glancing over at him. The poor guy was sound asleep. I chuckled softly to myself. Well, now is a good time for a shower....

Thirty minutes later, I stepped out of the shower to find that Fen was finally awake and fully dressed as well.

"Well, that was fast," I smiled, holding my towel at my waist.

"I was only out for a few minutes. I washed myself in the kitchen a bit; I hope you don't mind," he blushed.

"Nah, you're fine. Now, do you need me to walk you home or something? I would drive, but my car is in the shop."

"I only live three blocks from here. I can take care of myself," he blushed slightly. I smiled at him again.

"Before you go, take this," I said, handing him one my cards. "You're a cute guy, and I'd hate to lose the opportunity to meet up again." He blushed even harder.

"No, not just for sex. We can hang out too," I rolled my eyes. I may be an executive man-whore, but that doesn't mean I only think about getting into someone's pants when I'm with them. Fen took the card and pocketed it before giving me a fierce hug around the waist.

"I really did enjoy myself. I hope I wasn't too terrible for you."

"Oh please. I've had worse from more experienced," I smiled.

After bidding me farewell, my apartment was empty once more. He certainly had a bit of energy about him that made him very cute while in bed, and though I couldn't see him sleeping with everyone in a two block radius like I happen to do, I hoped he had pulled something from this experience as well. If not, at least I was able to provide him with a wonderful evening.